A D V I S O R Y ... D e c e m be r 2 2, ...


Geothermal Plant Operators


D e c e m be r 2 2, 2 0 10 . Si er ra 2 0 1 . 4 :3 0 p . m. - 6 : 00 p. m .

Participants Attending: Tom Buchanan, Olin Whitescarver, Steve Hirsh, Wendy (UNR),

Donald Allen, Jim Nichols (Chairman)


Jim Nichols opened the meeting with a discussion of the statement of work from the Department of Energy for the proposed Geothermal Plant Operators Program. Jim handed out to all the participants the Statement of Project

Objectives and folder with curriculum agenda.


Jim began discussing the “tasks” of the objective statement sheet. a.

Task-1 Identify curriculum needs to include real world preparation for an occupation b.

Using the “best practices curriculum technique” to create a curriculum for the GPOP. c.

Identify the needs of occupation d.

Identify and develop Subject Matter Experts (SME) e.

Jim discussed there is not a mandatory for certification or license for the Plant Operator f.

Establish a list of tools &equipment such as: software programs, languages, mechanical and electrical tools.


Task-2 Labor market assessment that will match training with local labor needs. a.

Define target population b.

Determine current potential employers c.

Involve the GEA & GRC and the Nevada Geothermal Council d.

Jim discussed that this has the potential to become broader than just Nevada, there as well is a demand for internationally e.

Steve mentioned that we need to get reliable data and information from firms when doing assessments


Wendy discussed with the committee about involving a member of DOE namely Angela Crooks from the Workforce

Development in Washington D.C., Angela Crooks is a permanent employee and Wendy will be sending Jim an email with Angela’s contact information.


Task-3 Develop courses with emphasis on high quality course design, efficient courses and practical courses to be implemented. a.

Team based approach b.

SME’s teamed up with Instructional System Designers (ISD’s)

Page 1 of 3; Geothermal Plant Operators Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.

Created: 7/11/2014; Rev: 8/12/2014

Geothermal P lant Operators Ad viso ry Board Meetin g Min utes


Explore what would be the best delivery method for courses d.

Establish the pre-requisites e.

Jim discussed the field and laboratory experience for the student


Task-4 Develop alliances and advisory committee a.

Program Support b.

Source of faculty c.

Source of SME’s d.

Internships e.

Get donations for equipment and supplies f.

Provide info on technology and skills test g.

External assessors of the program


Task-5 Partners for articulation agreements a.

Technical High Schools b.

Community Colleges c.

Four-Year degree granting institutions


Task-6 Project Management and Reporting


The committee discussed the curriculum for the GPOP. The committee wants to concentrate on the COA (Certificate of Achievement). This gives the ability to get the student out into the workforce earlier than an Associate of

Applied Science graduate..


Discussion on the Master Course Outline a.

Objectives and Outcomes b.

Syllabus required to get the classes started


Jim discussed the submission dates for the committees of curriculum and the AAC (Academic Affairs Committee of

NSHE) meetings as well. a.

Curriculum Committee meets on Fridays. b.

Curriculum must be submitted the Friday before the actual meeting of the Curriculum Committee. (see calendar) c.

Once curriculum is submitted to committee and if approved then the approved materials will then get submitted to the AAC for final approval and at that point if approved then curriculum can then become established into the institution.

Page 2 of 3; Geothermal Plant Operators Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.

Rev.: 8/12/2014

Geothermal P lant Operators Ad viso ry Board Meetin g Min utes


The committee discussed the SME’s and wanted to have volunteers the volunteers were all the participants in attendance of this committee. Steve mentioned that he would have to get back to Jim to confirm that he will be able to be an SME for the project. Jim suggested that there be one lead to fill out the course materials for the committee and the AAC.


Subject Matter Experts “Roles and Responsibilities” a.

SME come up with straw man document b.

Use this as a template and committee will go from there c.

Interview with Jim Nichols and Norma Velasquez-Bryant


Committee agreed upon that the first submission for the SME’s materials would be preferably by end of March

2011 but no later than April 08, 2011. SMEs for the courses are listed below

Fluids/Piping/Valves/Pumps—Tom Buchanan

Geothermal Plants/Turbines/Generators—Tom Buchanan

Fundamentals of Process Controls—Steve Hirsch

Environmental Regs—Wendy Calvin


In late October four visitors from the African Rift Geothermal area were in Reno for 10 days. They were quite interested in a curriculum based on the one proposed at TMCC with certain modifications as shown below. Online courses (which will need funding for) After doing the online courses they would need visas to come over to America to finish rest of schooling


Steve wanted to pursue aggressively the international scope of the program. Jim had discussed that pursuing internationally could be possible after we have reached out to Americans to get involved. Jim’s discussion further explained that the grants we have would be to reach out to the American students and then of course to the international population. All were in agreement at that point.

Page 3 of 3; Geothermal Plant Operators Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.

Rev.: 8/12/2014
