I N S T I T U T I O... N o t i c e o f ...

Office of the President
N o t i c e o f P u b l i c Me e t i n g
Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC)
Institutional Advisory Council
7000 Dandini Boulevard, Red Mountain Building, Room 255/256
Reno, Nevada 89512-3999
Friday, November 6, 2015, 9 a.m.
Collie Hutter, Chair
Michone Ascuaga, Vice-Chair
Chris Bender, Council Member
Marissa Brown, Council Member
Traci Davis, Council Member
Micheal Hernandez, Council Member
Mike Kazmierski, Council Member
Knute Knudson, Council Member
Nancy McCormick, Council Member
John Thurman, Council Member
Bradley Woodring, Council Member
Dee Dee Segal, Ex Officio
John Adlish, Ex Officio
Spencer Schultz, Ex Officio
Henry Sosnowski, Ex Officio
Members of the public may attend the meeting and provide testimony or public comment.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 11/2/2015; Rev: 11/3/2015
Institutional Advisory Council Agenda
Call to Order of the Truckee Meadows Community College Institutional Advisory Council
Roll Call
Information Only
Public Comment (see notation regarding public comment)
Information Only
Approval of Minutes (Aug. 14, 2015 and Sept. 30, 2015)
Information Only
Presentation and Possible Action to Approve of New Regional Smarter Regions
Economic Development Brand Vision Statement
(presented by Nevada System of Higher Education Regent Jason Geddes, PhD.;
District 11, Pershing and Washoe Counties, Member of NSHE Board of Regents
Community College Committee and Tina Iftiger, VP of Economic Development for
the Reno‐Tahoe Airport Authority)
President's Update:
Capital Improvements; Large Lecture/Performing Arts Space, Parking &
Next Biennium, 2017-2018, Budget Meeting with Nevada System of Higher
Police Consolidation; Draft Inter-Institutional Agreement
IAC Council Member Activity Updates:
NSHE Committee on Community Colleges September 2, 2015 – Michone
Board of Regents September Meeting September 10, 2015 – Collie Hutter;
Special Meeting of the IAC, September 30, 2015 with Chancellor and
Chairman of the Board of Regents Regarding Upcoming Presidential
Transition – Michone Ascuaga, Chris Bender, Marissa Brown, Mike
Kazmierski, Nancy McCormick, John Thurman, Bradley Woodring;
Meeting with Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Accreditation Site Visit Team October 14, 2015 – Knute Knudson
IAC Member Liaison Activity Updates:
For Possible Action
Information Only
Information Only
Information Only
Reports on Actions Council Members Have Taken to Promote TMCC
Programs and Priorities ot the following groups, but not Limited to: Area
Employers, School Boards, Elected Officials, Other Committees, and/or
Discussion and Possible Action on Establishing a Focus on the IAC as Liaisons
Between TMCC and Area Employers, this Item will Include, but is not Limited to:
Presentaiton by TMCC Staff on Existing Efforts to Promote TMCC Students
and Graduates to Local Business for Employment;
Discussion Regarding IAC Member Engagement wiht Local Employers;
Discussion regarding Development of Marketing Materials to Support IAC
Member Liasisons with Area Employers
And any Discussion or Action not Mentioned Above Related to Development
of IAC Members as Liaisons on Behalf of TMCC to the Business Community.
Public Comment (see notation regarding public comment)
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
For Possible Action
Information Only
For Possible Action
Rev.: 11/3/2015
Institutional Advisory Council Agenda
This notice and agenda has been posted at or before 5 p.m. on November 2, 2015, three business days before the
meeting, in accordance with NRS 241.020, at the meeting location and at the following public locations:
TMCC’s IAC website (www.tmcc.edu/committees/institutional-advisory-council/)
The Nevada Public Notice website pursuant to NRS 232.2175 (http://notice.nv.gov/)
Meeting location: Truckee Meadows Community College, 7000 Dandini Blvd, SIER 108, Reno, NV 89512
Health Science Center at Redfield, 18600 Wedge Parkway, Bldg. B, Reno, NV 89511
Meadowood Center, 5270 Neil Road, Reno, NV 89502
IGT Applied Technology Center, 475 Edison Way, Reno, NV 89502
Nell J. Redfield Foundation Performing Arts Center, 505 Keystone Avenue, Reno, NV 89503
Nevada System of Higher Education Reno Office, 2601 Enterprise Road, Reno, NV 89512
Important Information about the Agenda and Public Meeting
Note: Above is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the
agenda may be taken out of order and presented, two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration, and an
agenda item may be removed from the agenda or discussion relating to an item on the agenda may be delayed at any
Some agenda items are noted as having accompanying reference material. Reference material may be accessed on the
electronic version of the agenda by clicking the reference link associated with a particular item. The agenda and associated
reference material may also be accessed on the Internet by Truckee Meadows Community College’s Institutional Advisory
Council’s Web page at: www.tmcc.edu/committees/institutional-advisory-council/. Hard copies of the supporting
documents are available upon request by calling the TMCC's Office of the President at 775-673-7025.
Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically disabled person attending the meeting. Please call
the TMCC Disability Resource Center 775-673-7277 in advance so that arrangements may be made.
Public Comments: Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised
under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be
limited to two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record
and to spell their last name. The Council Chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item
when that agenda item is being considered.
In accordance with Attorney General File No. 00-047 (April 27, 2001), as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting
law Manual, the Council Chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or
within the authority of, the TMCC Institutional Advisory Council, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by
being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering
with the rights of other speakers.
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Rev.: 11/3/2015
Office of the President, Institutional Advisory Council
Institutional Advisory Council Meeting
Friday, August 14, 2015
RDMT 256
Call to Order of the Truckee Meadow s Community College Institutional
Advisor y Council Meeting 9:00 a.m.
1. Roll Call
Present: Councilmembers: Chairman Collie Hutter, Vice-Chairman Michonne
Ascuaga, Mike Kazmierski, Nancy McCormick, John Thurman, Bradley Woodring.
Ex Officio Members: Dr. John Adlish-Faculty Senate Chairman, Dee Dee SegalClassified
Representative, Spencer Schultz-Student Government Association President.
Staff: Dr. María C. Sheehan-President, Dr. Kyle Dalpe-Associate Dean/Chief of Staff,
Dr. Barbara Buchanan-Vice President Academic Affairs, Estela Gutierrez-Vice
President Student Services, Dr. Rachel Solemsaas-Vice President of Finance &
Administration, John Albrecht, General Counsel, Dean, Dean Marie Murgolo-Poore,
Dean Jim New, Dean Lance Bowen, Elena Bubnova, Institutional Research, Lisa
Farmer, IAC Liaison/Executive Assistant to the President.
Absent: Councilmembers: Chris Bender, Marissa Brown, Traci Davis, Knute
Knudson, Michael Hernandez.
2. Public Comment
Chairman Hutter called for public comment. There was none, public comment was
3. Approval of Minutes – Ma y 29, 2015
AS PRESENTED. Councilmember Ascuaga seconded the motion. The motion was
APPROVED by a of vote 6-0-5 Absent: Bender, Brown, Davis, Hernandez,
Kazmierski. ITEM 7 was heard next.
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Revised: 11/2/2015
4. President’s Update
President Sheehan acknowledged Nevada System of Higher Education Board of
Regents, Regent Kevin Melcher (in the audience) saying Regent Melcher is an
instrumental advocate for community colleges on the Board of Regents.
A) Marketing Outreach Update
B) Student Services Outreach Update
C) Burning Glass/College Collaborative Update
D) America’s College Promise Memo
E) Police Consolidation Memo
President Sheehan relayed that memos were provided with the agenda packet
materials related to the information requested at the May meeting. Dr. Sheehan
informed the IAC that police consolidation between TMCC and the University of
Nevada would be on the next Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of
Regents (BOR) agenda. There were a number of issues to be addressed before the
implementation of a consolidated police service. The University would be responsible
for police services at TMCC, the transition would occur on January 1st if approved
by the Board of Regents. Chairman Hutter noted there was some public comment
on this item.
Dr. John Gwaltney, former TMCC President, said in 1986 when became President of
TMCC there was a working relationship between UNR and TMCC however he didn’t
know it because it was two and a half months before he saw a police officer. He
suggested that the proposed consolidation was a terrible mistake for the students
at TMCC. With increased concerns regarding shootings on campuses and at public
institutions, Dr. Gwaltney was saddened to see this movement by UNR to consume
the TMCC police department. He asked the IAC to take action to request that the
Board of Regents not take action on the proposed consolidation.
5. Presenta tion – Northw est Commission on Colleges and Universities
Accreditation Review Cycle for Truckee Meadow s Community College
Dr. Melissa Deadmond, Associate Dean of Assessment and Planning, gave a
presentation (Attachment 1) outlining the accreditation process. TMCC was on the
cusp of having their 7 year review, which included a site visit. The self study would
be submitted by September 1st. The site visit is scheduled for October 14-16, during
the visit, an accreditation team consisting of six to eight individuals would conduct
interviews with various representative groups and meet with individuals from the
college. The team will have read the self study report and will be checking to see
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Created: 11/2/2015
if TMCC is meeting standards aligned with our core themes. As of the last review,
there were no outstanding recommendations or concerns. Dr. Deadmond said that
looking to the future, there will be a transition of TMCC to a bachelor’s granting
institution with the addition of BAS degrees.
President Sheehan explained she was formerly a Board Member of the Northwest
Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). This was a very rigorous
process. Dr. Sheehan thanked everyone on committee for all their hard work. After
the visit, TMCC will have review with NWCCU Board. The Board will issue any
findings, which will be reported to the Board of Regents.
6. Presentation –Remediation Strategies/Partnerships and TMCC
School Technical Pathw a ys w ith Washoe County School District
Dr. Barbara Buchanan, Vice President of Academic Affairs, introduced English
Department Chair Natalie Russell and Damien Ennis, Chair of Math Department.
Professor Russell gave a presentation (Attachment 2) related to the following topics:
1) How TMCC is looking to align with Board of Regents policy, 2)National trends and
best practices in Math and English disciplines, 3) Math and English department
strategies, and 4) Technical Pathways.
In order to better align with BOR policy, TMCC was looking for students to continue
core subject enrollment from one semester to the next, trying to avoid any breaks
between remedial or developmental courses and college level courses. TMCC is
following national trends and best practices in a number of ways including creation
of hybrid courses, offering students an opportunity to participate in accelerated
courses, creating contextualized courses with embedded content. TMCC is also
implementing shorter paths, with a reduced the number of levels. Shorter courses
that run seven weeks instead of the traditional 16 weeks, have also increased. TMCC
is aligning with high schools for GPA and testing and coordinating areas such as
writing to develop skills of high school students. Alternate college placement
pathways are in place, allowing students with 3.0 GPAs to be placed in gateway
courses. Dr. Deadmond outlined the benefits of acceleration: cost savings, more
completion, faster graduation.
Mrs. Gretchen Sawyer, Executive Director of the TMCC Foundation and Institutional
Advancement, gave a presentation on the collaborative project with Washoe County
School District’s (WCSD) technical pathways option for high school students, an
expansion of TMCC High School. In August 2016, 50 11th graders will participate in
the new technical pathways program, eventually the program will grow to 114
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Created: 11/2/2015
students. It was developed to address workforce needs in the community. Mrs.
Sawyer listed the programs. Students will graduate with a diploma and a certificate
allowing them to immediately be employed if they choose not to continue in higher
There is dedicated space at the Applied Technology Center at the Edison site for the
program. WCSD will be providing an administrator and a faculty member. WCSD will
be responsible for tuition at a reduced rate along with lab and technology fees. TMCC
is agreeing to renovate and offer a reduced tuition rate. The total renovation cost is
approximately $4.3M. Mrs. Sawyer was happy to report that TMCC has a donor that
is willing to fund the entire project.
Chairman Hutter was thrilled to hear about such an amazing program. She thanked
WCSD for their support. Council Member Davis thanked everyone that helped to get
it going, it has taken a number of years. Discussion followed regarding how the
program would be presented to high school students.
Council Member Ascuaga asked how TMCC would be measuring the outcomes of the
efforts outlined by Professor Russell. Ms. Russell replied that TMCC was tracking the
progress on multiple fronts, retention, persistence from course to course and
success in the gateway courses.
More discussion followed on gateway courses and efforts to embed English and Math
into the curriculum for technical programs, assisting those students are looking for
certificates, not necessarily degrees.
7. Presentation –TMCC Budget
Including But Not Limited To:
Review :
A) Capital Funds/Projects;
B) Foundation Efforts;
C) Grant Funding
Dr. Rachel Solemsaas, Vice President of Finance and Administration, gave a briefing
on TMCC’s funding situation, leveraging community support (Attachment 3).
In the presentation was a comparison of state funding between community colleges.
Funding has been reduced especially for community colleges in the north, this
requires institutions to be more dependent on student fees. How students are paying
tuition was next. TMCC has approximately $33M in unmet need. 68% of Financial
Aid goes to need based students.
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Created: 11/2/2015
Dr. Solemsaas reviewed ways in which TMCC has been very entrepreneurial,
showing growth in grants and contracts.
Mrs. Gretchen Sawyer, Executive Director of TMCC Foundation and Institutional
Advancement, gave an overview of what the Foundation is and their current efforts.
Over the last few years, $2M in cash was been donated, this year expecting $4.9M.
In FY2012 TMCC received $2M in grants, in FY15 $9M was awarded.
A $25M campaign was successful under the leadership of Dr. Sheehan and former
Foundation Executive Director Paula Lee Hobson. That campaign funded capital
projects, programming, scholarships, and technical needs.
Recent gifts include
$4.3M for the Applied Technology Center. The Foundation was now focusing on a
performing arts center. The lease on the current facility expires in a year, and is in
desperate need of repair. TMCC was looking to move the performing arts back to
the Dandini campus in a space dedicated to student space and the arts. One of the
Foundation’s needs is for private donations for scholarships, this year the Foundation
received 1,300 scholarship applications but was only able to fund 267. The
Foundation will be attempting to increase corporate partnerships this year. Additions
to personnel and some restructuring in the Foundation office will help to them to
focus efforts.
Chairman Hutter expressed her excitement to see all these great things are
happening. She would like to coordinate efforts so the IAC would work in conjunction
with the college to help meet these needs.
Council Member Thurman asked about the goal to increase corporate support. What
is TMCC receiving now and how much does the college expect to grow support? Mrs.
Sawyer replied not much was being received now. The Foundation was developing
a campaign with several recognition levels.
Dr. Solemsaas resumed her presentation reviewing capital projects: including the
Health Science and Applied Technology Centers. Dr. Solemsaas outlined sources of
capital funding. Early in the year staff engaged the campus community to identify
their priorities, parking and transit needs rose to the forefront. Additional parking
was needed not necessarily to grow, but sustain existing parking. Currently TMCC
was working on a temporary parking fix, with the loss of overflow parking at DRI
until new facility can be constructed.
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There were concerns with transit service. At this time there is only one bus that
comes to TMCC from the east side, there is no bus route from Parr Blvd. To address
this gap, staff have discussed shuttle service to get students from Parr Blvd to
campus. Administrative staff was looking to add student fee, $1 per credit to help
offset costs associated with the design and construction of additional parking. This
had been presented to the Student Government Association and had garnered
support for all with the exception of students taking all their courses online. Dr.
Sheehan added that this item would go in front of the Board of Regents in December.
It will need to approved in order to TMCC to assess the fee.
Dr. Solemsaas then discussed the need for space for the arts and student life. There
was some initial work being done to make the current plaza more usable for student
learning. TMCC has a large area now designated as the Student Center, however it
is often being used for many other programs. Space is needed for student clubs,
study groups and general place for students to meet. TMCC also needed a large
gathering space for special events like the annual black tie fundraiser. Dr. Solemsaas
explained possible funding for new center projected to cost $8-$11.5M. TMCC would
be looking the New Market Tax Credit program, which was a way for the Federal
government to invest in distressed areas, which includes the location of the Dandini
campus. A consultant has been hired to look at feasibility for the new capital project.
A recess was called at 10:19am. The meeting reconvened at 10:35am.
8. Presentation –Economic Planners Indicators Committee (E PIC) Report by
Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN)
Council Member Kazmierski (President/CEO, Economic Development Authority of
Western Nevada) gave a presentation (Attachment 4) on the newly released
Economic Planners Indicators Committee (EPIC) report. Unprecedented growth is
expected in the next few years, it’s so big and so dramatic that it’s hard for everyone
to understand. This will affect everyone, this institution the most, Council Member
Kazmierki’s opinon.
He reviewed important statistics related to the predicted growth. One measure was
prospect visits per month. 70% of businesses that come to the area will commit to
move to the region. EDAWN has put significant resources into making those visits
happen. Further indicators were discussed including how many projects EDAWN had
assisted and the number of primary and secondary/ancillary jobs associated with
the development of those business. There was a changing focus of Nevada’s
economy. Gaming and entertainment is only 8%, Nevada is becoming an advanced
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Created: 11/2/2015
manufacturing hub, with companies moving to the area not just from California. The
message was getting out throughout the country/world.
The current prospects top list, included the creation of 6,392 jobs with many smaller
businesses on the radar. EDAWN was seeing opportunities with unprecedented
demand and was excited to see the number of corporate headquarters increasing
within the region. Council Member Kazmierski added that retention just as important
as attraction. 83% of existing businesses are growing, these are the secondary jobs
growing by single digits.
Council Member Kazmierski saw a need for community college space in the
revitalized downtown area, an area seeing millennial and entrepreneurial growth
projected to be 4.5% in coming years. The EPIC was designed as a report about
how to address this growth. Five year projections included an increase of 52,400
jobs, with related population growth of 64,000.
Chairman Hutter said those prospects were defined as manufacturing, are not just
machinists. These companies need accountants, QA/QC, HVAC, there is a broad
spectrum of jobs. Discussion followed regarding what TMCC would need to address
the projected growth and how a culture shift was needed to interest people in the
new definition of manufacturing.
9. ACTION ITEM: Discussion and Possible Action to Develop an Action Plan
that Addresses, but is not Limited to the Follow ing:
A) Strategies to Buil d Aw areness and Support of TMCC Programs and
Students in the Community;
B) Recommendations for Strategies and/or Programs TMCC Might Consider
to Better Serve the Community;
C) Proposed Actions Council Members can Take to Support TMCC.
D) Any Areas of an Action Plan that do not Clearl y and Completel y Fit w ithin
the Above Categories Ma y be Suggested and Included on the Agendas of
Future Meetings for Addition into the Action Plan.
Chairman Hutter wanted to make sure this Council not only learns a lot, but does
something to effect change and fulfill the charge of the IAC from NSHE. She thanked
everyone for providing their comments for this agenda item. Discussion was opened
to how the Council feels they should move forward keeping in mind that it was not
expected that everyone at the table would be doing all the work themselves.
Council Member Thurman stated lack of corporate participation at TMCC was
concerning. Although Reno is not a community of corporate headquarters, those
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Created: 11/2/2015
commitments from corporate partners are critical. He would like to see more
movement toward corporate involvement. He also encouraged informational
campaigns like the “TMCC You Complete Me” campaign from a few years ago.
Chairman Hutter agreed that encouragement was needed for relations with
corporations both financially and for use of TMCC for training. Council Member
Thurman added corporate donations were important, but partnerships should also
include training and internships. If you can bring the resources to the businesses,
they are more likely to participate.
Council Member Brown noted internship opportunities are of huge value,
corporations may not realize it is out there. There are opportunities to grow future
employees, she had seen it first hand with Nevada Hospital Association. Internships
aren’t on the forefront, but really it’s free help that helps the person develop more
knowledge about the job.
Council Member Ascuaga suggested development of how we market to high school
students and their parents what’s available. There are standard things currently
being done, but there is a need to be creative to communicate to that population.
The reality is that that there is a large population suited to community colleges.
Most people do not realize that there are schools with 54% of the population that
are minority, more than half are living in poverty. The community has a different
demographic than it had 20 years ago. Council Member Ascuaga also thought the
college was out of sight, physically. It was a hidden gem, that needed more
attention. That could be achieved by getting into the community. Marketing and
messaging is critical. The college should use affordability as key component and
equate education with getting a job.
Council Member Kazmierski noted the model was broken and needed to be
revamped. Students going through tech programs get to a certain point, are offered
a job and then dump the program to make significantly more money. There needs
to be incentive to complete.
Dr. Adlish agreed and added that TMCC needs to pursue more BAS degrees. Great
progress had been made in regards to retention and persistence rates, but more
work was needed. He agreed a culture shift was needed both internally as well
Professor Henry Sosnowski agreed with the need for improved marketing. Some
amazing changes had happened in the last few years, as a part of that change there
now was a need to market to the corporations EDAWN is talking to and their
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Created: 11/2/2015
potential students. TMCC needs to make a name as a way for businesses to improve
themselves, not just a feeder school for the university.
Ms. Stephanie Prevost, Student Government Association representative, said the
difference in affordability is something people are becoming more and more aware
of. She felt the opportunity for students to complete pre-requisites at a much less
expensive rate was being better utilized. TMCC has the market on return students.
However the college needed the support of the community, and the support of the
Council to communicate how to meet the needs of the students.
Chairman Hutter was seeing all the suggestions coalescing into two groups. There
was a need to get out there and start talking to the people that run companies in
this area. Another driver was the need to get students to the institution to get the
training to meet the demand. How does the Council support the college and
community to make these happen? Chairman Hutter suggested the formation of two
or three committees to work specifically on meeting these goals. Communication
would be a focus of one group in order to create a very clear picture of what TMCC
offers. The other focus could be on how TMCC works with WCSD encourage students
to get into programs, selling TMCC to students.
Council Member Brown said there were programs like Operation Healthcare Bound
which focused on healthcare opportunities. Many businesses are invited to show the
many different identities offering jobs in the field. She felt there was a gap between
what students choosing areas of student and knowing what types of jobs are
available, how many positions are available, and what the anticipated salaries are
in those areas. Chairman Hutter thought TMCC coordinating these types of events
was a great idea. Dr. Sheehan thought it would be a great way to utilize Burning
Glass to help set up events in the different disciplines. President Sheehan agreed
that looking into two groups to look at relationships with all corporations, and
promote the college within the WCSD would beneficial.
Dr. Adlish said marketing comes up a lot as a means to relay information. He was
curious as to how to get more money into marketing efforts, as more was needed.
Dr. Sheehan said a marketing report could be provided with information about what
is spent right now, what is the best return on investment, etc. Marketing and
Communications has done a needs analysis to look at how to best spend the
available funds. Discussion followed regarding marketing and the desired audience.
Kate Kirkpatrick, Director of Marketing and Communications, explained their current
strategy was to focus on current students first, then prospective high school
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Created: 11/2/2015
students, then their parents, followed by non-traditional students and then direct
marketing to Hispanic populations. More discussion followed on the current
marketing strategies.
Council Member Ascuaga thought there was a lot the Council could be doing that
didn’t take money. She was in favor of the idea of opening the campus to essentially
trade shows. But added there was a need to take those resources to the high
schools, and other captive audiences. There are opportunities for collaboration and
leveraging resources the college already has. Dr. Sheehan explained there are some
relationships with schools like Galena, staff could provide information. Chairman
Hutter would like to have a group that could specifically focus on those types of
meetings. One or two people could write up a program and learn the specifics to
augment existing resources in an effort to help put the college’s programs out there.
NSHE Regent Kevin Melcher offered comments. He thanked the IAC for inviting him
to attend and relayed that what he has seen from TMCC’s IAC is phenomenal. He
congratulated Chairman for doing a great job. Regent Melcher previously sat as the
Chairman of the GBC advisory board and was impressed on the level of involvement
of TMCC’s Council. A lot of information had been discussed and presented to the
college and President Sheehan.
Regent Melcher reminded the Council that these boards were established to make
community colleges more important to the work of the Board of Regents. The work
done at these meetings, makes the work done at the subcommittee more effective.
Regent Melcher heard two items that need to be repeated. There was obvious
concern about police services, this an area that may warrant more discussion. He
had concerns about the consolidation, himself. It’s not a done deal and will be on
the agenda for September and December. It would be very advantageous to have
as a discussion before the December meeting and possibly make a recommendation
to the Community College subcommittee. The other item was related to funding
formula. He understood there are concerns, but this is more of a revenue problem.
The colleges should try not to pit themselves against the others as everyone was
taking a hit. Regent Melcher was hoping 2017 would be the year of higher education.
There is a year to get the agenda out, emphasizing the need for more funding
particularly in light of the growth projections. This interim time was a great
opportunity to voice suggestions on how to fix funding to better fit everyone.
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Lastly Regent Melcher said he was interested to see how TMCC and the other
community colleges would help their communities address concerns with workforce,
not only for new jobs, but for existing businesses that lose people to new industry.
Chairman Hutter asked the Council if they were comfortable at looking at the
feasibility of making committees to do some investigative work to see how the
Council can move forward. Council Member Kazmierski suggested every Council
Member come back with two suggestions they can do to help market the college as
each one of the Members has a different sphere. It could be as easy as forwarding
President Sheehan’s updates or having a lunch. This would force the Council to be
part of that “free” marketing.
Chairman Hutter asked if there were additional items for the next agenda. Mr.
Thomas Dobbert, Director of Information Technology at TMCC, referenced the memo
provided by Mr. Frank Woodbeck, Executive Director of the Nevada College
Collaborative, which stated there would be a reassessment of the implementation
of shared services for Information Technology. Mr. Dobbert asked if some
clarification could be provided on that effort.
President Sheehan during the meeting heard requests for the following:
Police Consolidation Update
Parking and Transit Update (would like Council input on)
Marketing Presentation
Art Center/Student Life Space –information only
EPIC Report Follow Up–TMCC capacity, what is being provided
Consideration of New Council Members
Shared Services (as a whole) Update
6. Public Comment
Dee Dee Segal, Classified Council President, suggested looking at a new marketing
strategy that would start younger than 16 years of age, something that would allow
WCSD students to grow up on TMCC logo and name.
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Created: 11/2/2015
Dr. Adlish relayed that he was receiving inquires as to why the TMCC police
department was being eliminated. He wanted to clarify it was a consolidation. Dr.
Sheehan interjected that the proposal would eliminate TMCC police services as the
campus knows it, putting it under a consolidated University police force.
7. Adjourn
Councilmember A MOVED TO ADJOURN. Councilmember McCormick seconded the
motion was APPROVED by unanimous vote 8-0-0. The meeting adjourned at 12:05
Approved by the Truckee Meadows Community College Institutional Advisory
Committee on _________________ by a vote of:
AYES: ____
NAYS: ____
ABSENT: ____
Signed: ___________________________
Collie Hutter, Chair
Attest: ____________________________
Page 12 of 12; 2015-05-29IACMinutes
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 11/2/2015
Office of the President, Institutional Advisory Council
Institutional Advisory Council Meeting
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
8:45am to 9:30am
RDMT 256
Call to Order of the Truckee Meadow s Community College Institutional
Advisor y Council Meeting
1. Roll Call
Present: Councilmembers: Vice-Chairman Michonne Ascuaga, Chris Bender, Marissa
Brown, Mike Kazmierski, Nancy McCormick, John Thurman, Bradley Woodring.
Ex Officio Members: Dr. John Adlish—Faculty Senate President, Dee Dee SegalClassified
Representative, Spencer Schultz-Student Government Association President.
Staff: John Albrecht, General Counsel, Lisa Farmer, IAC Liaison, Executive Assistant
to the President.
Absent: Councilmembers: Chairman Collie Hutter, Traci Davis, Knute Knudson,
Michael Hernandez
2. FOR DISCUSSION ONLY: Meeting and discussion w ith the Nevada System
of Higher Education Chancellor D aniel Klaich and Board of Regents Chair
Rick Trachok regarding the selection of a new President for Truckee
Meadow s Community College. (This may include but is not limited to:
whether a search process will occur, what steps may or should be
included in that search process, and the characteristics and
qualifications of a new President for Truckee Meadows Community
Vice-Chairman Ascuaga opened the floor to Nevada System of Higher Education
(NSHE) Board of Regents Chairman Richard Trachock.
Chairman Trachok introduced himself, Regent Jason Geddes, and Chancellor Daniel
Klaich. With the retirement announcement of TMCC President, Dr. María Sheehan,
the Board of Regents was looking the college community to provide input regarding
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Created: 10/29/2015
finding a replacement. It was Chairman Trachok’s goal to have someone in place by
July 1, 2016. The Board of Regents would consider two options:
1) Appoint an Acting President to fill in for the retiring President until a search could
be conducted and a replacement found. The Acting President could be an internal
or external party, but would not be eligible to apply for the permanent position.
2) Name an Interim President to serve as President for the next 1 to 3 years, on
what would be a trial period. This would mostly likely be a qualified candidate
from within the TMCC organization.
Chairman Trachok was holding these forums with all the representative groups to
help him prepare his recommendation to Chancellor Klaich. Does the campus want
a national search? Or are there internal candidates the college feels could be the
next president?
Kristen McNeill, Washoe County School District, Deputy Superintendent,
joined the meeting at 9:00am as a proxy for Superintendent Traci Davis.
Regent Geddes polled everyone in the room, to see how many preferred that a
national search be conducted, meaning an Acting President would be appointed. A
large majority of audience and IAC Council Members indicated, by show of hands,
they would be their preference. Dr. John Adlish added that the survey done by the
Faculty Senate overwhelmingly favored of a national search. Vice Chairman Ascuaga
agreed;by performing a national search NSHE would be able to find the best
candidates for the position, whether they be internal or from outside the college.
Chancellor Klaich said it appeared that a search was being requested, if that was
what was decided, who should step in as the Acting President? If Council Members
were not comfortable giving specific names, what qualities should the Acting
President have? (It was announced that waivers were being collected from possible
candidates.) Chairman Trachok added that a strong leader would need to be in place
recommendations of individuals for Acting President. Vice Chairman Ascuaga said
with the limited exposure the Institutional Advisory Council has had, she felt Dr.
Sheehan had a strong team of individuals that could step in, specifically Dr. Kyle
Dalpe and Estela Gutierrez. Deputy Superintendent McNeill supported those
Dr. Adlish said he was interested in the acting position and that the Vice Presidents
were interested in the permanent position. Other names he had heard as being
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Created: 10/29/2015
interested in the acting position were: Pat Miltenberger and Dr. John Gwaltney
(former TMCC President). Henry Sosnowski said he would strongly support Dr.
Adlish. Mr. Sosnowski also endorsed Dr. Dalpe.
Council Member McCormick said Vice President Gutierrez has a good reputation in
the community. During her time with EDAWN and the IAC, Council Member
McCormick has had numerous interactions with Dr. Dalpe and has found him to be
detail oriented and thought he would be a good choice to help with the budget.
Council Member McCormick added that Dr. Sheehan seemed to have full confidence
in Dr. Dalpe as he often represents the college when the President is not available.
Council Member Kazmierski echoed the sentiment that a national search was
essential as the college was about to face unusual stresses from workforce growth.
His suggestion would be to stay with an internal candidate for the acting position.
Dr. Dalpe is often the face of the college when EDAWN is out talking to companies,
it would be beneficial to maintain continuity to keep the college on the same
Council Member Woodring agreed with the recommendations for Vice President
Gutierrez and Dr. Dalpe. Both individuals have the ability to fill the acting position.
Vice President Gutierrez has the community face, while Dr. Dalpe has full knowledge
of the inner-workings of the college. Council Member Woodring agreed that position
should be filled by an internal candidate to keep TMCC moving forward and not lose
Chairman Trachok thanked the IAC members for their input, saying that the
institutional advisory councils will play a pivotal role in providing guidance from
various community sectors to the college and from the college to the Nevada System
of Higher Education. He asked the Council what areas or programs could use more
attention from the new president.
Council Member Chris Bender responded that TMCC needed a greater push to be
involved and have better participation in the business communities within Reno and
Sparks, i.e. the Chamber of Commerce. It was Council Member Bender’s opinion
that TMCC is not seen as a valid educational institution in the business community.
It has the image as a remedial school, although it’s definitely not. Improving that
awareness about programs, like logistics, is one of the reasons he agreed to be on
this Council.
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Created: 10/29/2015
Council Member John Thurman said his recommendation would be for Dr. Dalpe.
Going forward, from the Nevadaworks prespective, the college is viewed as a partner
in the development of the community workforce. A strong leader is needed with
exceptional team building skills as the person cannot do it all themselves.
Council Member McCormick observed that although Dean New is doing a great job
of meeting the needs of companies like Tesla and Switch, he needs additional help
and resources to address the ongoing needs of existing and new buisnesses.
Council Member Kazmierski added that the community college needs to be the
college for the areas’ businesses. The majority of business in the region is advanced
manufacturing, heavily technology focused, along with logistics and distribution.
Every company in those sectors is looking for the college to help solve their issues
with workforce. Internships, apprenticeships, and programs that embed the college
in business is what is needed.
Discussion followed about how there was a need for the college to get out in the
business world, updating and growing to meet the needs of the business community.
Vice-Chairman Ascuaga said Dr. Sheehan has started on the path of working more
closely with the Washoe County School District Superintendent and K-12 to establish
clear pathways. She felt it was crucial to introduce these pathways and career
choices earlier.
Chairman Trachok again thanked the IAC for holding this meeting and providing
input. He encouraged future communications to ensure the guidance role that NSHE
envisions with the IAC becomes a reality.
Chancellor Klaich welcomed any additional comments addressed to him or Chairman
3. Public Comment
Vice-Chairman Ascuaga called for public comment. There was none, public comment
was closed.
4. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 10/29/2015
Approved by the Truckee Meadows Community College Institutional Advisory
Committee on _________________ by a vote of:
AYES: ____
NAYS: ____
ABSENT: ____
Signed: ___________________________
Collie Hutter, Chair
Attest: ____________________________
Page 5 of 5; 2015-09-30IACMinutes
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 10/29/2015
Item 4-A
IAC 11/6/2015
building a
Smarter Region
November 6, 2015
IBM’s Smarter Cities Challenge – Economic Development
•GOED requested City of Reno application
•Competitive international grant (100 cities worldwide over 3 years)
•IBM deployed 5 experts (>$400,000 consultancy value)
•IBM experts spent 3 weeks in region
•IBM experts interviewed 54 agencies/110 regional stakeholders
•IBM presented “roadmap” for regional success
Regional Achievement
Recommendation #1 – Change the Mindset
Created Smarter Region Governance Model - Framework Regional, Unified
Economic Development Strategy
Gained regional approval on April 24, 2014
Smarter City
Smarter Region
Regional Achievements
#2 - Be One Strong Voice
EDAWN approved as the regional face and unified voice for economic
development to the outside world
#3 - Harness the Data
TMRPA collaborating with DRI, UNR, and local agencies to develop data
projects to create a regional system to support economic development
Current Regional Focus
#4 – Brand the Vision, not the Slogan
Created a collaborative, regional stakeholder survey process to identify a
shared regional vision for economic development.
Economic development knows no political boundaries.
The Region is generally defined as EDAWN’s boundaries and the Smarter
Region Governance Model agencies.
Regional Economic Development Brand Vision
“We are pioneers, innovators and risk-takers. We embrace those
with the determination to get business done today while setting
their sights on the possibilities of a bold, new tomorrow.”
Brand Vision Statement – Regional Adoption
Brand Vision Champions
Reno – David Bobzien
Sparks – Ed Larson
Washoe County – Bob Lucey
WCSD – Veronica Frenkel
NSHE – Jason Geddes
Nov – Concurrent meeting
Oct – Advisory board meeting
Oct – Advisory board meeting
Nov – Advisory board meeting
Dec – Regular board meeting
Brand Vision Statement – Implementation
What is required to achieve the brand vision to enhance economic
development progress?
A. Hard & Soft infrastructure/assets, e.g. fiber, transportation,
regulations, workforce
B. Communications Plan, both external and internal, e.g. Joint PSA,
RGJ Editorial Board, PIOs
C. Funding
Item 5-A
Investing in Student Success
An Update on Capital Projects
November 6, 2015
Improving Parking and Transit Capacity at TMCC Executive Summary: TMCC seeks your guidance and support in improving parking and transit capacity at the Dandini campus. Since 2014, the campus has engaged students, faculty and staff to develop a plan that will replace the unpaved overflow parking capacity located at the Desert Research Institute (DRI) Research Park and to expand transit services north of the campus. The plan that is supported by the campus community includes the development of a North parking lot estimated at $2.4 million. The plan also includes the continuation of the discounted transit fares and a new shuttle transit service for students at an annual operating costs estimated at $100K. The plan proposes to seek approval for the use of the capital improvement fee account balance for construction of the North parking lot, and use of the General Improvement fee account for the transit shuttle service as a pilot program. The TMCC bus discount program will continue to be funded by the SGA fee account for another year. Overview: On June 5, 2014, the Board of Regents approved the TMCC 2014 Facility Master Plan (FMP). The plan provided guidance in meeting the parking capacity for TMCC. TMCC currently uses an unpaved overflow lot south of Raggio Parkway. This lot has 377 spaces, and is located on the property owned by the DRI. Should DRI wish to develop this land, the FMP recommended TMCC expand parking capacity on the north side of the campus. Similarly, a number of TMCC students rely on the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) of Washoe County bus services to reach the campus sites. The bus services to the Dandini campus is served by only one route to the South. Transit service to the North of the campus has been discontinued. TMCC has confirmed that RTC operational and strategic plans do not include re‐establishing this service route in the foreseeable future. A process engaging the diverse constituents of the College ranked parking and transit as one of its campus priorities. In response, a parking and transit taskforce was convened in Fall of 2014, represented by students, faculty and staff. The taskforce was charged with guiding the development of the parking and transit plan for the TMCC Dandini campus; specifically to 1) address parking capacity needs both in the short term and long term, and 2) address the transit service gap. The taskforce recommendations include strategies to expand class scheduling for off peak hours, development of the north lot parking and establishing a TMCC run shuttle service. The taskforce reviewed several financing options for parking, and after considering the viability and economics of administering a parking enforcement system, recommended financing using the capital improvement fee account balance and explore a parking and transit fee from students. While 71 % of students who responded to an SGA transit survey either strongly support or support a new fee, it was determined, after careful review and in light of other capital priorities, to use the General Improvement fee account for the shuttle service pilot. Thereafter, students will evaluate and bring a proposal for continuation of these services with an appropriate and sustainable funding source that may include a fee. TMCC plans to seek board approval at the December 2015 board meeting for the construction of the north parking lot for $2.4 million, using the Capital Improvement fee account. TMCC Capital Planning
Approved 2014
June 2014
Commenced IGT
Phase 1
Redfield HSC
Fall 2014 –
Summer 2015
Engage Campus
Set Priorities
Jan – Feb 2015
Commenced IGT
Phase 2
Fall 2015 –
Summer 2016
Parking/Transit &
Arts and Student
Life Space
2014 Facility Master Plan Priorities At A Glance
Classroom and Labs
MDWS Classroom Expansion Two new classrooms, part time faculty offices, library relocation, student spaces
Classroom and Labs
IGT Applied Technology Center at Edison Phase 1 Classroom and lab expansion at Edison IGT Bldg., exterior storage and lobby with bathrooms remodel
Classroom and Labs
Redfield Health Science Centers
New Building: Two new classrooms, a nursing lab, four simulation rooms, two debrief rooms, lab storage, conference space and faculty offices. Remodel Existing Building: Expand and modernize the nursing library, expand the existing nursing lab, move Radiotechnology program, add seven group study rooms, add a nursing computer lab and create a self service food preparation area
Classroom and Labs
RDMT 4th Floor Classroom Expansion
Classrooms and Science Labs expansion, offices
Classroom and Labs
IGT Applied Technology Center at Edison Phase 2 classroom and student services space remodel, High School classrooms for Technical pathways, speciality instructional lab upgrades (Welding, UAV, Advance Manufacturing)
Parking and Transit Services New North Parking Lots ‐ 371 stalls (March 2015, Wood Rodgers estimate)
Arts Center
Performance Center
Black Box theater 250 seats, scene shop, storages, classrooms
Student Life (RDMT Renovation)
Indoor/Outdoor Student Life Enhancements
Student Offices/Club spaces, indoor study and event spaces, micro parks outdoors, vista pavilion enhancements.
Status Expected Timeline
$ 40,000 Local Capital Improvement Fee, Completed
Workforce self support revenues Mar 2014 to Sept 2014
Construction In Progress
$ 6,242,647 Federal EDA, Local Capital Improvement Fee, Misc Nov 2014 to Sept 2015
revenues (rental), HSECC, Perkins or Tech for FFE
Construction In Progress
$ 10,701,859 2014 SeriesA Certificats of Participation, Foundation Jul 2104 to Aug 2015
Pledges and Local Capital Improvement Fee
$ 150,000 Local Capital Improvement Fee
$ 4,376,080 Federal EDA, Foundation Pledges, Local Capital Improvement Fee
$ 2,200,000 Miscellaneous local revenues, Student special parking and transit fees (new)
$ 11,417,370 New Market Tax Financing, Certificate of Participations, Foundation Pledges, Local Capital Improvement Fee
$ 5,769,660 Student special capital fees (new), Miscellaneous local revenues
Constuction In Progress
Mar 2015 to Sept 2015
In Development
Sept 2015 to Sept 2016
In Development
Mar 2016 to Sept 2016
In Development
Mar 2016 to Jun 2017
In Development
Mar 2016 to Jun 2017
Investing in Student Success
Focused on:
• Applied Technology Center at Edison
$12 million
• Pennington Health Science Center at
Redfield $10 million
Need for New Performing Arts Space
• New facility will free up space in Student
Center for students
• Large Lecture/Arts Center has been on
approved facilities master plan for years
– Scheduling at prime times per student demand,
about 800 students needs not met
• Performing Arts program to grow and flourish
– Safety issues at existing location
– Outgrown current space
WCSD Collaboration
• WCSD Performing Arts Signature Academy
– Damonte High School
– Meeting on October 21, 2015 with Curriculum Asst.
Principal, Darvel Bell & Ron Hern, Performing Arts
• State of Nevada Support
– Dale Erquiaga, Chief Strategy Officer
• Conversations with Traci Davis, Dr. Marc Johnson,
and Scott Bailey regarding Pathways
Performing Arts Pathways
Item 5-B
October 29, 2015
Institutional Advisory Council
Dr. María C. Sheehan
Item 5-B on Agenda for November 6 IAC Meeting: Next Biennium, 20172018 Budget Meeting with Nevada System of Higher Education
Truckee Meadows Community College will be meeting with Nevada System of Higher
Education (NSHE) Chancellor Dan Klaich and members of his Cabinet on Friday,
November 6, 2015 to discuss priorities for the upcoming biennium.
Areas TMCC is asking for NSHE support include:
Formula Funding Adjustment
o Additional weights within the funding formula to recognize higher
faculty costs, lower student to faculty ratio requirements, and high
infrastructure/equipment costs for CTE and STEM programs
o Partial reimbursement for enrollments for partial student attendance.
This is currently not recognized in the formula
Support for TMCC Budget Priorities
o Use of tuition rate increase of 4% to build gateway courses rapidly
o Part-time faculty parity
Legislative Advocacy for TMCC
o Expanded Opportunity Grants or College Promise Scholarships for
community college students
o Faculty and staff compensation
o Workforce development funds set aside funding for rapid response to
workforce needs.
Item 5-C
Employer Solutions - Career Center - Truckee Meadows Community College
10/29/15, 6:34 PM
Item 8-A
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Business owners and leaders: TMCC can assist you with current and future
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workforce. Services available include:
Candidate Recruitment through TMCC’s online job board, CareerLink
Internships, Job Fairs and other recruitment opportunities.
Staff development.
On campus meeting rooms.
Expert speakers for a team event.
Planning wellness activities.
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Career Center Events and Job Fairs
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View Job Postings  (/career-center/for-students/student-job-board/#jobs)
New PSYC Club Expands
Membership (/news/new-psyc-clubexpands-membership.php)
Student Psychology Club invites
campus to movie event on Nov. 30:
“Stanford Prison Experiment".
Students Win Reno D.I.C.E.
Competition (/news/students-winreno-dice-competition.php)
A team of TMCC architecture majors
win the regional Design is Innovation,
Creativity & Energy contest.
Reno Justice Coalition Meeting
Thursday, October 29
RDMT 213, Dandini Campus
Monsters Panel and Book Drive
Event (/calendar/?
Thursday, October 29
SIER 108, Dandini Campus
View your grades and financial aid
award status online through
MyTMCC. (http://my.tmcc.edu/)
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NACElink Extended Job Search. Powered by DirectEmployers Association
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(http://www.nacelink.com/nl_about.php) , the Extended Job Search offers
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The Extended Job Search is an invaluable tool that aggregates job postings
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Need some help writing the perfect resume? Unsure how to find common
ground in the interview? Not confident in your lunch interview etiquette?
Fortunately, your Career Center offers a variety of workshops throughout the
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Simply login to view and RSVP for upcoming workshops!
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Postal / Zip Code
Your Need: *
New PSYC Club Expands
Membership (/news/new-psyc-clubexpands-membership.php)
Student Psychology Club invites
campus to movie event on Nov. 30:
“Stanford Prison Experiment".
Students Win Reno D.I.C.E.
Competition (/news/students-winreno-dice-competition.php)
A team of TMCC architecture majors
win the regional Design is Innovation,
Creativity & Energy contest.
Employer Services
Student/Graduate Recruitment
Reno Justice Coalition Meeting
Thursday, October 29
RDMT 213, Dandini Campus
Monsters Panel and Book Drive
Event (/calendar/?
Thursday, October 29
SIER 108, Dandini Campus
TMCC provides choices: 161 degrees,
certificates and skills certificates in 56
varied programs along with
convenience, flexible schedules and
Looking for full or part time employees? Need a student intern?
TMCC may have the talent pool to fill your recruitment needs.
Employers can post their job orders directly to TMCC’s job board
(/career-center/for-employers/career-center-services-foremployers/) or speak to a staff member who welcomes the
opportunity to talk with you about your job openings. TMCC
holds multiple employment events every year ranging from Job
Fairs to informal networking events to allow students to
showcase their talents to employers. Let us know if you would
like to be involved in these events.
Staff Development and Training
TMCC can answer workforce training, safety/regulatory compliance, coaching, assessment, and consulting needs
and assist your employees attain educational goals with academic guidance. Train your team or one employee. Let
TMCC help you evaluate a process or system. Specialists are available to train your employees and consult with your
team on any shift, on any day at your business, off-site venue or at TMCC. Let us be your virtual training, human
resources, and safety departments.
Skills Testing
Assess your candidates or employees’ job specific skills, mechanical aptitude as well as reading and mathematical
abilities. The Skills Testing Center (/wdce/testing-center/) has hundreds of nationally recognized assessments across
all industries including manufacturing, call center, clerical, healthcare, financial, and legal. Some assessments are
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Employer Solutions - Career Center - Truckee Meadows Community College
10/29/15, 6:34 PM
available in Spanish.
Expert Speakers
Whether you need an authority in health care, marketing trends or industrial safety, TMCC has the right person for
your interview or presentation in about 78 topics such as Cyber Security, Stress, Wellness, Genetics, Terrorism,
Politics, and Nevada History.
Meeting Rooms
Rooms for workshops, seminars, conferences, and video conferencing are available for use at TMCC locations.
Rooms range in size for groups of ten to over 200, with open space accommodating larger gatherings. AV
technicians, special event setup and police/security are offered on an hourly-fee basis. Proof of liability insurance
may be required.
Information For
Online Resources
Helpful Links
Featured Sites
Current Students (/students/current/)
MyTMCC (http://my.tmcc.edu/)
Future Students (/students/future/)
Email Login (/email/)
Class Schedule
Apply for Admission
Faculty and Staff (/facstaff/)
Online Student Support (/studentsupport/)
College Safety
College Catalog (/catalog/)
En Español (/aor/en-espanol/)
Elizabeth Sturm Library (/library/)
Frequently Asked Questions (/faq/)
Parents and Families (/parents/)
Faculty Web Pages
Employer Solutions (/career-center/for- (http://classes.tmcc.edu/)
Live Support
Alumni and Friends (/alumni/)
Give to TMCC (/foundation/)
Job Opportunities (/hr/employment/)
WebCollege Login
Community Education (/wdce/)
Steps to Enroll
Truckee Meadows Community College | 7000 Dandini Boulevard, Reno, NV 89512 | 775-673-7111
Website Feedback (/web/downloads/website-feedback-survey/) | Report Errors (/web/downloads/problem/) | Privacy (/disclaimer/) |
Title IX (/diversity/titleix/) | Employment at TMCC (/hr/employment/) | Doing Business with Us (/auxiliary-services/policies-and-procedures/vendor/) |
Contact Us (/about/contact-tmcc/information-request/)
TMCC is an EEO/AA (http://eeo.tmcc.edu) institution.
Copyright © (http://cms.tmcc.edu/terminalfour/SiteManager?ctfn=publish&fnno=31&sid=6536&chid=17&lang=en&ede=true) 2015 TMCC. All rights reserved.
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November 2, 2015
IAC Members
From: Collie Hutter, Chairman IAC
Agenda Item 8b. – Supporting materials
Discussion and Possible Action on Establishing a Focus on the IAC as Liaisons between
TMCC and Area Employers.
8 b. Discussion Regarding IAC Member Engagement with Local Employers
The following suggested plan to be discussed, improved, modified, changed, and/or
An IAC member program for engagement with local employers;
1. Each Council member to identify 5 business connections that they will
personally work with to sell what TMC has to offer, to find out what that
business needs and wants from TMCC and their impression of TMCC (bring
list to February 5, 2016 Meeting)
2. Each Council member to identify groups or lists or networks or
communication opportunities that can be used as we move forward in
prompting what TMCC has to offer (bring list to February 5, 2016 Meeting)
3. Identify industry sectors to which we do not have a represented contact on
the IAC and suggest ways to connect.