vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF NOTATION xvi LIST OF ACRONYMS xix LIST OF APPENDIXES xxii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 5 1.3 Research Purpose 7 1.4 Research Objectives 7 1.5 Research Scopes 8 1.6 Overview of Research Methodology 12 1.7 The Benefit of this Study 13 1.8 Related Works 15 viii 1.9 2 Standard Revision of Submarine Pipeline 15 1.8.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics Solutions 17 1.8.3 Enhancement of Structural Stability 18 1.8.4 19 Spatial Decision Support System Summary 21 SUBMARINE PIPELINE ROUTING DESIGN 22 2.1 Introduction 22 2.2 Submarine Pipeline Routing Evaluation 23 2.3 Hydrodynamic Forces 27 2.4 Vortex-Induced Oscillations 31 2.5 Pipeline-Soil Stability Analysis 33 2.5.1 Settlement and Flotation 33 2.5.2 Soil Strength Deterioration 34 2.5.3 Effect of Large Soil Movements 35 2.6 Effect of Seabed Irregularities 37 2.7 Scour and Erosion 41 2.8 GIS for Pipeline Routing Evaluation 44 2.8.1 Discrete Cost Map (DCM) 46 2.8.2 Accumulated Cost Map (ACM) 47 2.8.3 Optimal Route (OR) 48 2.8.4 Optimal Corridor (OC) 49 Summary 50 2.9 3 1.8.1 SUBMARINE PIPELINE INSPECTION TECHNOLOGY 51 3.1 Introduction 51 3.2 The Need of Pipeline Inspection Survey 52 3.3 Internal Pipeline Inspection (IPI) 55 3.4 External Pipeline Inspection (EPI) 58 3.4.1 Multibeam Technology 58 3.4.2 Side Scan Sonar (SSS) 63 ix 3.4.3 Pipeline Protection Methods 68 2.10 GIS in Pipeline Inspection 70 2.10.1 IPI with GIS 70 2.10.2 EPI with GIS 73 Summary 74 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 76 4.1 Introduction 76 4.2 Phase I – Preliminary Works 77 4.3 Phase II – System Design 78 4.3.1 Conceptual Design 80 4.3.2 Logical Design 83 4.3.3 Physical Design 84 4.4 5 65 2.9 2.11 4 Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Phase III – System Development 86 4.4.1 Format Conversion 87 4.4.2 Map Digitizing & Editing 88 4.4.3 Geodatabase Development 92 4.4.4 Programming 93 4.4.5 System Customization 94 4.5 Phase IV – System Evaluation 95 4.6 Phase V – Research Documentation 95 4.7 Summary 96 RESULT AND ANALYSIS 97 5.1 Introduction 97 5.2 GIS in Submarine Pipeline Routing 98 5.2.1 LCP Selection 99 DCM Analysis 100 ACM Analysis 107 Shortest Path Analysis 114 5.2.2 Hydrodynamic Analysis 117 x 6 5.2.3 LCP Finalization 123 5.2.4 Subsurface Modelling 132 5.3 GIS in Submarine Pipeline Inspection 134 5.4 Summary 140 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 141 6.1 Conclusion 141 6.2 Recommendations 143 BIBLIOGRAPHY 148 APPENDIX 161 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Hardware and software 8 1.2 Available datasets 10 2.1 Types of submarine pipelines 23 2.2 Constraints involved in pipeline design 24 2.3 Special considerations for pipeline installation in unstable areas 25 2.4 Linear (Airy) wave characteristics 30 3.1 Major needs of submarine pipeline inspection 53 3.2 Pipeline inspection and monitoring methods 55 3.3 Technologies used in intelligent PIGs 57 3.4 Protection method of submarine pipeline 68 4.1 Spatial E-R model symbology 81 4.2 Basic elements of logical data model 83 4.3 Map georeferencing accuracies 89 4.4 Comparison of spatial interpolation methods 90 5.1 Hazards constraint & its requirements 101 5.2 Discrete cost map classifications – Basic considerations 102 5.3 Discrete cost map classifications – Oceanographic considerations 5.4 103 Discrete cost map classifications – Hydrodynamic considerations 103 5.5 Weighting rate of LCP cost models 109 5.6 Length of LCP 114 5.7 Result of Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) 119 5.8 LCP evaluation – Boundary intersection 125 xii 5.9 LCP evaluation – Profile irregularities 126 5.10 LCP evaluation – Installation depth limits 127 5.11 LCP evaluation – Soil properties 128 5.12 LCP evaluation – Obstruction crossing 129 5.13 LCP evaluation – Coral crossing 129 5.14 LCP evaluation – Pockmark crossing 130 5.15 LCP Finalization 131 5.16 Telemetry contents in VideoDRS 137 5.17 Results of Pipeline Inspection 139 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 TITLE PAGE Submarine pipeline development in Gulf of Mexico (1999-2003) 2 1.2 Petroleum transportation costs 2 1.3 'Bath tub” failure curve and extending pipelines' lives 3 1.4 Study area 9 1.5 Overview of research methodology 12 2.1 Flow diagram of pipeline routing and weight design 26 2.2 Hydrodynamic forces on pipe 27 2.3 Definitions of linear wave parameters 28 2.4 Flow diagram of hydrodynamic forces computation 29 2.5 Vortex-induced oscillations 31 2.6 Flow diagram of vortex-induced oscillations computation 32 2.7 Storm-induced bottom pressures 34 2.8 Flow diagram of maximum dimensionless stress computation 37 2.9 Pipe configurations due to low depression 38 2.10 Stresses due to low depressions 39 2.11 Pipe configuration due to elevated obstructions 40 2.12 Stresses due to elevated obstructions 41 2.13 Modes of grain transport 42 2.14 Current velocity for sediment transport 43 2.15 Concept of LCP analysis 44 2.16 Methodology of LCP analysis 45 2.17 Discrete Cost Map (DCM) 46 xiv 2.18 Accumulated Cost Map (ACM) 47 2.19 Optimal Route (OR) 48 2.20 Optimal Corridor (OC) 49 3.1 Pigs 56 3.2 Multibeam survey for EPI operation 59 3.3 EPI for exposed pipes 60 3.4 EPI of burial pipe 61 3.5 EPI of free-spanning pipe 61 3.6 Pipe DTM generated from echoes measurement 62 3.7 Typical SSS configurations and its result 64 3.8 ROV surveying 65 3.9 Common configuration of a ROV 66 3.10 Video Tracking Systems (VTS) 67 3.11 Some results of the pipeline edge extraction algorithm on different real situations 67 3.12 Protection methods of submarine pipeline 69 3.13 Tracking pig with GIS 71 3.14 IPI application with MapObjects 72 3.17 GIS Applications for EPI 73 3.18 EPI with VideoDRS 74 4.1 Flow diagram of preliminary works 77 4.2 Flow diagram of system design 79 4.3 Conceptual Model 82 4.4 Implementation of physical design 84 4.5 ArcToolbox migration wizards 85 4.6 Flow diagram of system development 86 4.7 Methodology of format conversion 87 4.8 Methodology of map digitizing & editing 88 4.9 Oceanographic maps for January 1960 91 4.10 Methodology of geodatabase development 92 4.11 Programming flow 93 4.12 Flow diagram of system customization 94 5.1 LCP methodology 99 5.2 Procedures of source and cost datasets creation 100 xv 5.3 Methodology of discrete cost map creation 104 5.4 Basic considerations for DCM 105 5.5 Special consideration of reclassifications 106 5.6 Model of straight-line distance 107 5.7 Concept of cost maps accumulation 108 5.8 Accumulated cost maps (Model A – F) 111 5.9 Accumulated cost maps (Model G – L) 112 5.10 Concept of direction raster coding 113 5.11 Least cost path (Model A-F) 115 5.12 Least cost path (Model G - L) 116 5.13 Methodology of hydrodynamic analysis 117 5.14 Interfaces of wave calculator & hydrodynamic calculator 118 5.15 Wave characteristic maps- Part I 120 5.16 Wave characteristic maps- Part II 121 5.17 Hydrodynamic maps 122 5.18 LCP errors 123 5.19 Methodology of LCP evaluation 124 5.20 Methodology of subsurface modelling in RockWorks2004 132 5.21 Map of soil types 133 5.22 Screenshot of VideoRDS 136 5.23 Telemetry Display with VideoDRS 137 5.24 General flow of VideoDRS operation 138 xvi LIST OF NOTATIONS I - Grain size T - Wave characteristics constant value, (2St)/T 4 - Slope of seabed K - Wave profile U - Density of fluid, 2 slug/ft3 for sea water G - Obstruction elevation Us g - Weight density of steel (490/32.2) [ - Water particle displacement (Horizontal) ] - Water particle displacement (Vertical) P - Coefficient of soil friction E - Dimensionless tension Vc - Characteristic stress Vm - Maximum dimensionless stress ax - Water particle accelerations (Horizontal) az - Water particle accelerations (Vertical) AT - Axial tension C - Wave Celerity Cs - Remolded cohesive shear strength CD - Hydrodynamic drag coefficient Cq - Group velocity CL - Hydrodynamic lift coefficient CM - Hydrodynamic inertia or mass coefficient d - Water depth du - horizontal water particle acceleration over pipe D - Pipe outside diameter xvii Di - Pipe internal diameter D/Wt - Pipe-diameter/wall thickness ratio E - Elastic modulus EI - Pipe stiffness fn - Natural frequency of the pipe span fs - Vortex-shedding frequency FD - Combined drag force Fi - Inertia force FL - Combined lift force Fr. - Friction resistance force between the pipe and the seabed g - Constant value of gravity H - Significant wave height Ho - Deepwater wave height L - Wave Length Lc - Characteristic length Lo - Deepwater wave length Ls - Span Length M Combined mass of the pipe and added mass around the pipe per unit length of pipe Ma - Pipe unit mass MD - Displaced mass N - Normal force p - Subsurface pressure Re - Reynolds number S - Strouhal number SG - Specific gravity SG1 - Lower range of pipe specific gravity SG2 - Upper range of pipe specific gravity SGC - Specific gravity (during construction) SGo - Specified gravity (during operation) SGfloat - Specified gravity (to float the pipeline) SGsink - Specified gravity (to sink the pipeline) t - Time (0 second is used for severe oceanographic condition) T - Average wave period xviii u - Water particle velocity (Horizontal) U - Flow velocity in boundary layer Ue - Effective horizontal water-particle velocity over pipe height Uo - Measured/calculated horizontal particle velocity at height yo, v - Kinematics viscosity of the fluid about 1.0x105 ft2/sec for sea water V - Flow velocity w - Water particle velocity (Vertical) W - Submerged weight of the pipe and the weight of the contents Wa - Pipe unit weight in air WT - Pipe wall thickness z - computational oceanographic height xix LIST OF ACRONYMS 2D - Two Dimensional 3D - Three Dimensional ACM - Accumulative Cost Map AIM - Asset Integrity Management ANSI - American National Standard Code API - American Petroleum Institute ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers ASCII - Amsterdam Subversive Center for Information Interchange ASE - Average Standard Error ASME - American Standard for Mechanical Engineering AUV - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle BS - British Standard CAD - Computer-Aided Design CASE - Computer-Aided Software Engineering CWD - Cost-Weighted Distance CEOM - Centro Oceanologico Mediterraneo CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics CIC - Cloud-In-Cell COLOS - Conceptual of Learning Sciences CP - Communication Plan DBF - Dbase File DBMS - Database Management System DCM - Discrete Cost Map DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System DHSS - Dual Head Scanner Sonar DNV - Det Norske Veritas DTM - Digital Terrain Model xx DVS - Digital Video System E-R - Entity-Relationship EPI - External Pipeline Inspection ESDA - Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis ESRI - Environmental Science Research Institute GA - Geostatistical Analyst GB - Gigabyte GEOPIG - Geometry Pig GIS - Geographic Information System GPS - Global Positioning System GUI - Graphic User Interface HCA - High Consequence Area HRTO - Hydrographic Research and Training Office IBP Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo e Gás / Brazilian Petroleum and Gas Institute IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IHOCE - International Hydrographic & Oceanographic Conference & Exhibition ILI - In-Line Inspection IMP - Integrity Management Plan IPI - Internal Pipeline Inspection LCP - Least Cost Path LES - Large Eddy Simulations LOOP - Louisiana Offshore Oil Port LSD - Limit States Design MB - Megabyte MCP - Management of Change Plan MSC - Meteorological Service of Canada OC - Optimal Corridor OCM - Optimal Corridor Map OMAE - Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering OR - Optimal Route OSIF - Offshore Soil Investigation Forum PDF - Portable Document Format xxi PETRONAS - Petroliam National Berhad PKT - Packet format PP - Performance Plan PSI - Pounds per Square Inch PTS - Petronas Technical Standard PTTC - Petroleum Technology Transfer Council PWG - Pipeline Working Group QCP - Quality Control Plan RAM - Random Access Memory RANS - Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes RMS - Root Mean Square ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle SDSS - Spatial Decision Support System SIGSA - Sistemas De Informacion Geographica, S.A. SMYS - Specified Minimum Yield Strength SPIM - Submarine Pipeline Integrity Management SSS - Side Scan Sonar SWL - Still Water Level TIF - Tag Image File TV - Television TXT - Text File Format ULCD - Ultrasonic Crack Detection UML - Unified Modeling Language USBL - Underwater Short Base Line USGS - United State Geological Survey VBA - Visual Basic for Application VHS - Virtual High Storage VTS - Video Tracking System XLS - Microsoft Excel Workbook (Microsoft Excel 2002) xxii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A 3D Maps of Least Cost Path 161 B Stratigraphic Maps