THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MARSHALL STABILITY, FLOW AND RUTTING OF THE NEW MALAYSIAN HOT-MIX ASPHALT MIXTURES MUKHTAR ELSEDDIG ABUKHETTALA A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil - Transportation and Highway) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia NOVEMEBER 2006 iii “To my beloved father and mother, my lovely brother and my dearest sisters. To my brother-in-law (Yousef), for their eternal love, support and encouragement…” iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to express my deep gratitude and most heartfelt thanks to the Almighty "ALLAH" (SWT) for His Blessing, for lightening up my heart with the torch of knowledge and for seeing me throughout my lifetime. With utmost respect and pleasure, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my academic supervisor Dr. Mohd Rosli Bin Hainin, who continuously guided me throughout every step of my thesis work and generously shared his time and knowledge with me. I am greatly indebted to him for his encouragement and incessant help to achieve more than I expected of myself. My gratitude and deep appreciation go to my co-supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Aziz Bin Chik, for having the patience of a saint whilst I was conducting my laboratory work and orienting me in the correct research direction. My special thanks must be extended to technical staff members at the highway & transportation engineering laboratory at UTM for their collaboration. In particular, En. Suhaimi, for his steadfast assistance while carrying out my laboratory work. I would like to express special great words of thanks to my family, who tirelessly encouraged and supported me in countless ways to pursue my Master's Degree. I thank my brother-in-law, Dr.Yousef, for his brotherly love, moral support and incessantly assist with words of assurance throughout my way. Without their sacrifices, understanding and endless care, I would not have had the opportunity to study in Malaysia and I could never have reached where I am today. Last but not least, Million words of thanks for friends of mine who showed their concern and support all the way. vi ABSTRACT Hot-mix asphalt (HMA) has reasonably served well in the past. The high tire pressures and increased wheel loads of traffic moving on roads is primarily considered as the major cause of increasing the premature rutting of asphalt pavement. Therefore, it has become necessary to improve HMA mixtures to withstand the increased stresses. Many road pavement agencies have been using Marshall Mix Design method for designing HMA mixtures and it is believed that fundamental changes must be made in the aggregate components of HMA to reduce rutting to tolerable levels. Properties of Hot-mix asphalt mixtures such as stability, durability, and resistance to permanent deformation (rutting) can be largely affected by aggregate gradation. Hence, gradation is considered as the centerpiece property of aggregate that influences the performance of asphalt pavement. However, other factors such as field compaction efforts and bitumen content have also some effects on pavement performance. In Malaysia, rutting has been a continuous problem and it has become necessary to give more attention to selecting materials that could minimize this problem. Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) has recently set up a new standard for asphalt mixes that could be rut resistant. In This research, an attempt was made to evaluate the relationships between Marshall Stability, flow and rut depth of the New Malaysian Hot-Mix Asphalt mixtures using five different asphalt mixtures, which are ACW10, ACW14, ACB28, SMA14 and SMA20. Stability and flow values of all mixes had been determined at the optimum bitumen content obtained from Marshall Design Method. Rut depth has been evaluated using the Three-Wheel immersion tracking Machine. Results have revealed that there is no good correlation between Stability and flow of the new Malaysian HMA mixtures. It was concluded that Stability, Flow and Stiffness can not be used to predict Rutting potential of the New Malaysia hot-mix asphalt mixtures. vi ABSTRAKT Campuran panas berasfalt (HMA) telah terbukti untuk berfungsi dengan baik. Tekanan tayar yang tinggi dan peningkatan pembebanan lalulintas dikatakan sebagai sebab utama untuk meningkatkan aluran permatang pada turapan berasfalt. Olen itu, ianya menjadi keperluan untuk memperbaik campuran HMA untuk menangung peninkatan tekanan. Banyak agensi jalan yang mengunakan kaedah rekabentuk campuran Marshall dalam mereka bentukkan campuran HMA dan dipercayai perubahan besar mestilah dibuat terhadap komponen agregat HMA untuk mangurangkan aluran ke tahap yang bolah diterima.Siafat-sifat campuran panas berasfalt seperti kestabilan, ketahanlasakan, dan rintangan terhadap ubahbentuk kekal (akuran) bole dipegaruhi oleh gradasi agregat.dengan itu gradasi dipertimbangkan sebagai sifat utama agregat yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan turapan berasfalt. Walau bagaimanapun, faktor-faktor lain seperti usaha permandaptdan kandungan bitumen juga mempunyai kesan terhadap perlaksanaan turapan. Di Malaysia, aluran yang sememangnya telah menjadi masalah harualah diberi perhatian yang lebih dalam pemilihan bahan untuk mengurangkan masalah ini. Baru-baru ini, Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) telah megemukakan piawaian yangbaru untuk campuran-campuran asfalt yang boleh merintangi aluran. Dalam kajian ini, satu percubaan telah dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan diantara kestabilan Marshall, aliran, dan kedalaman aluran campuran berasfalt panas Malaysia yang baru dengan mengunakan lime campuran berasfalt yang berbeza, iaitu ACW10, ACW14, CAW28, SMA14, dan SMA20. nilai-nilai kestabilan dan aliran untuk kesemua campuran telah ditentukan pada kandungan bitumen optimum yang diperoleh daripada kaedah rekabentuk Marshall. Kedalaman aluran telah dinilai dengan menggunakan mesin jejak tiga roda. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa tiada korelasi yang baik diantara kestabilan dan aliran bagio campuran HMA Malaysia yang baru. Boleh disimpulkan bahawa kestabilan, aliran, dan kekukuhan tidak boleh digunakan untuk meramalkan potensi aluran bagi campuran panas berasfalt Malaysia yang baru. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I II TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAKT vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF APPENDIXES xiv INTRODUCTION 1.1 Aggregate Gradation 1 1.2 Permanent Deformation Resistance 2 1.3 1.4 Problem Statement Objective 4 1.5 Scope of the Study 4 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 General Introduction 2.2 Description Of rutting Distress Mechanism 6 7 2.3 Rutting Severity Levels 8 2.4 Rutting Evaluation Tests 2.4.1 Hamburg Wheel Tracking Machine 11 11 2.4.2 Asphalt Pavement Analyzer 14 2.4.3 Three-Wheel Immersion Tracking Machine 16 viii III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 17 3.2 Laboratory Tests Procedure 21 3.3 Aggregate Preparation (Sieve Analysis Of Coarse And Fine Aggregate (ASTM C136-84A 3.4 Determination Of Aggregate Specific Gravity 3.4.1 Determination Of Coarse Aggregate Specific Gravity 3.4.2 Determination Of fine Aggregate Specific Gravity 3.5 23 26 26 27 Marshall Mix Design (ASTM D1559) 29 3.5.1 Mix Design Preparation 30 3.5.2 Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity And Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures 3.5.3 33 Bulk Specific Gravity Of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Saturated 36 Surface-Dry Specimens (ASTM D2726) 3.5.4 Resistance To Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus (ASTM 39 D1559) 3.5.5 Volumetric properties of compacted mixtures 3.6 Evaluating of Rutting Potential Using the ThreeWheel Immersion Tracking Machine 3.6.1 Determination of Number of Roller Passes 3.6.2 Procedure of the Three-Wheel Immersion Tracking tests IV 43 45 46 48 3.7 Specification 49 3.8 Data analysis 49 RESEARCH RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction 51 4.2 Aggregate gradation 51 ix 4.3 4.4 Sieve analysis 57 4.3.1 Dry sieve analysis 57 4.3.2 Washed sieve analysis 57 Bulk specific gravity of aggregate 57 4.4.1 Bulk specific gravity of coarse aggregate 58 4.4.2 Bulk specific gravity of fine aggregate 58 4.4.3 Mineral filler specific gravity 59 4.4.4 Bulk specific gravity of total aggregate ( S.G blend) 4.5 Specific gravity of Bitumen 60 4.6 Maximum specific gravity of paving mixtures 60 4.7 Effective specific gravity of aggregate 61 4.8 Volumetric properties analysis 62 4.8.1 Voids in total mix (VTM) 62 4.8.2 Voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) 63 4.8.3 Voids filled with bitumen (VFB) 64 4.9 The optimum bitumen content 4.10 Marshall Mix Design results of different mixtures at the optimum bitumen content 4.11 Evaluation of Rut depth using the Three-Wheel immersion tracking machine 4.11.1 Determination of number of roller passes 4.11.2 Conduction the Three-Wheel immersion tracking test 4.12 V 59 Discussion CONCLUSION AND ECOMMENDATION 64 65 66 66 68 72 74 REFERENCES 75-77 APPENDIXES A - C 78-107 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Possible rutting causes and probable treatments 9 3.1 Gradation Limit for Asphaltic Concrete (ACW10) 18 3.2 Gradation Limit for Asphaltic Concrete (ACW14) 18 3.3 Gradation Limit for Asphaltic Concrete (ACB28) 19 3.4 Gradation Limit of combined aggregate (SMA14, SMA20) 3.5 Design Bitumen Content 3.6 Test and Analyses Parameter for Asphaltic Concrete (JKR/SPJ/rev2005) 3.7 Minimum sample size requirement for coarse aggregate specific gravity 3.8 Minimum sample size requirement for Theoretical Maximum Density (ASTM D2041) 19 20 20 26 34 3.9 Stability Correlation Ratios 42 3.10 SMA Mix requirements (JKR/SPJ/rev2005) 45 3.11 The suggested form of the obtained results 50 4.1.1 Aggregate gradation for ACW10 52 4.1.2 Aggregate gradation for ACW14 53 4.1.3 Aggregate gradation for ACB28 54 4.1.4 Aggregate gradation for SMA14 55 4.1.5 Aggregate gradation for SMA20 56 4.2 Bulk specific gravity of coarse aggregate for different mixtures 4.3 Bulk specific gravity of fine aggregate for different mixtures 58 59 xi 4.4 Bulk specific gravity of Blend for different mixtures 59 4.5 Theoretical Maximum density of all used mixtures 60 4.6 Theoretical Maximum density at each asphalt Content for each asphaltic mixture 4.7 Effective Specific Gravity of each mixture used in this research 61 62 4.8 Percentage of VTM for different mixtures 62 4.9 Percentage of VMA for different mixtures 63 4.10 Percentage of VFB for different mixtures 4.11 The Optimum Bitumen Content of asphaltic mixes 64 64 4.12 Marshall Mix design results for different mixtures 65 4.13 Results of determining required number of roller passes 4.14 Results of the Three-Wheel immersion tracking machine 4.15 Stability, Flow, Stiffness and Rut depth of various asphaltic mixtures 67 68 69 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Rutting severity levels as classified by JKR 8 2.2 Types of Asphalt pavement rutting Asphalt pavement rutting due to plastic movement of the asphalt mix Under heavy loads. Hamburg Wheel Rut Tester in operation. Asphalt samples submerged in water prepared for the HWRT wet test. Asphalt cylindrical samples after application Of 20,000 Wheel passes (HWRT) Typical Hamburg Wheel Tracker Test Results Testing of cylindrical and beam hot-mix asphalt samples in the APA. Laboratory Test Flow chart Sieves from 75μm to 37.5mm are placed on the mechanical shaker Washing of Aggregate before sieving process 9 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.3 10 12 12 12 13 14 22 24 25 25 3.8 Weighing Aggregate during a Sieve Analysis Aggregates sieved and separated according to particle size Determination of fine aggregate specific gravity The specimens that have been prepared by Marshall Mix Design The ASTM D 2041 test apparatus 3.9 Steps of Bulk Specific Gravity Test 38 3.10 Compression Testing Machine 39 3.11 Speicemen are being immersion in water bath 40 3.12 Lubricating of the guide and its rods prior to testing 40 3.13 Breaking head is placed on a sample 41 3.14 Sample is placed in Marshall stability machine 41 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 25 29 32 33 xiii 3.15 Decanting of the sample into the mould 46 3.16 Sample after compacting ready to be tested 47 3.17 The Three-Wheel immersion Tracking Machine 49 4.1 (a) Gradation limits and mix design curve for ACW10 52 4.1 (b) Gradation limits and mix design curve for ACW14 53 4.1 (c) Gradation limits and mix design curve for ACB28 54 4.1 (d) Gradation limits and mix design curve for SMA14 55 4.1 (e) Gradation limits and mix design curve for SMA20 56 4.2 Number of roller passes versus %VTM 68 4.3 Roller Passes versus Rut Depth results 69 4.4 (a) Stability versus Rut Depth 70 4.4 (b) Flow versus Rut Depth 70 4.4 (c) Flow versus Stability 71 4.4 (d) Stiffness versus Rut Depth 71 xiv LIST OF APPENDIXES APPENDIX A TITLE PAGE 1. Aggregate gradation 79-81 2. Dry & washed-sieve analysis results 82-91 3. Percentage of bitumen contents & Required weight of asphalt for different mixtures 92 B Bulk Specific Gravity of coarse and fine Aggregates 94-98 C Maximum Specific Gravity of Loose Mixtures 99-101 D Marshall Mix Design results 102-107 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Aggregate gradation Aggregate gradation is the distribution of particle sizes expressed as a percentage of the total weight. The gradation as a percent of the total volume is of most importance, but expressing gradation as a percent by weight is much easier and is a standard practice. Gradation is determined by sieve analysis, sieves are stacked from the largest openings on the top to the smallest opening on the bottom, and a pan is placed at the bottom of the stack, by passing the material through a series of sieves and weighing the material retained on each sieve, gradation can be determined. The gradation of an aggregate is normally expressed as total percent passing various sieve sizes [1]. Some properties of Hot-mix asphalt mixture such as stiffness, stability, durability, fatigue resistance and resistance to permanent deformation, can be largely affected by aggregate gradation. Therefore, gradation is considered the most important property of aggregate that influences the performance of asphalt pavements [1]. Stability of HMA is important aspect that affects the performance in the field. It can be increased by increasing the internal friction between aggregates and improving the shear resistance. Increasing of mix stability through increase antiparticle contact and reduce voids in the mineral aggregate may result from gradation 2 that provide a maximum density. However, there must be sufficient air void spaces to permit enough asphalt cement to be incorporated to ensure durability, while still leaving some air space in the mixture to avoid bleeding and rutting [1]. Improper and unsuitable aggregate gradation causes a lot of trouble to the performance of HMA. One of the problems caused by poor aggregates gradation is tender mixes, which rut easily under traffic load and cannot be compacted in the normal manner because of their slow ability to develop sufficient stability to withstand the weight of the compaction equipment [1]. In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of large stone mixes to minimize rutting potential of HMA. Using of large stone mixes increases the volume concentration of the aggregate and contributes to a reduction of both asphalt content and cost of the mix. However, the use of a maximum aggregate size greater than (1inch) often results in a harsh mixes that tend to segregate during construction [1]. In addition, using of the Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) has been widely used in recent years due to it is excellent rutting resistance on high volume roads. The high resistance to rutting is due to high proportion of coarse aggregate in SMA mixtures, which represents about 70-80% of the mix and produces stone-to-stone contact. SMA mixture has an ability to improve stability and increase durability at the same time. The stability in SMA is obtained through internal friction in the selfsupporting stone skeleton. 1.2 Permanent deformation resistance Resistance to permanent deformation is one objective should be kept in mind when designing HMA. The mix should not distort (rut) or displace when subjected to traffic load. The resistance to permanent deformation (rutting) becomes critical during hot weather months when the viscosity of the asphalt binder is low and the traffic load is primary carried by the mineral aggregate structure. Resistance to permanent deformation is controlled by selecting the quality aggregate with proper 3 gradation and selection the asphalt content that is enough but not too much to provide adequate air voids exist in the mix [1]. The mix proportions for a properly compacted asphalt concrete paving mixtures are determined in the laboratory during mix design testing. The ability of a properly proportioned asphalt paving mix to resist potentially damaged effects of the asphalt binder stripping from the aggregate particles is also routinely evaluated in the laboratory. To perform properly in the field, a well-designed asphalt paving mixture must be placed within the proper temperature range and must be adequately compacted. HMA mixtures should be evaluated for the following properties [5]: • Stability: which is the load that a well-compacted paving mixture can accept and withstand before failure. Sufficient mix stability is required to satisfy the demands of traffic without rutting or bleeding problems [5]. • Flow: which is the maximum deformation measured at the instance of failure under the load applied. The ratio of Marshall Stability to flow approximates the mix's load deformation characteristics and therefore indicates the material resistance to permanent deformation [5]. The asphalt concrete mix design process is conducted to determine an aggregate gradation that meets the requirements of the specifications in terms of voids in mineral aggregate(VMA), air voids content (voids in total mix VTM) and density. Any changes that occur in the gradation can alter the properties of the mix. The degree of change in the mix properties is the function of the change in gradation of the aggregate. If that change is significant, the potential for an increase in the permanent deformation of the mix can also be significant [2]. 4 1.3 Problem statement The high increase in number of vehicles and heavy traffic volumes on the roads at an alarming proportion consequently increases the tire pressures and produces heavier axle loads imposed on pavement structure. Hence, there has become a need to enhance asphalt pavement mixtures that may prone to rutting, to withstand the increase of loading, mitigate adverse affects on pavement performance and reduce occurrence of premature rutting. Gradation is a property that needs a careful consideration due to its effect on performance of HMA mixtures. In addition, mix properties, such as air voids, stability and resistance to permanent deformation are strongly affected by the proper gradation of aggregates. 1.4 Objective The objective of study is: • Evaluating the relationships between Marshall Stability, flow and rutting potential of the New Malaysian HMA mixtures. 1.5 Scope of the Study The scope of this study concentrates on preparing asphalt concrete mixes based on the new Malaysian hot-mix design mixtures using Marshall Mix design method. The optimum bitumen content of all mixes will be obtained and the stability and flow values at the obtained OBC will be determined. In addition, rutting potential (rut depth) of different mixtures will be evaluated by means of the ThreeWheel immersion-tracking machine. Asphaltic concrete mixtures that will be used in this research include; Asphalt concrete for wearing coarse (ACW10 and ACW14), Asphalt concrete for binder 5 coarse ACB28, and Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA14 and SMA20) in accordance with the new aggregate gradation proposed by JKR. Samples will be compacted with two different levels of compaction, which are; 75 blows / face for asphaltic concrete for wearing and binder course mixtures and 50 blows / face for Stone Mastic Asphalt mixtures. CHAPTER II LITRATURE REVIEW 2.1 General Introduction Marshall Stability is generally a measure of mass viscosity of the aggregateasphalt cement mixture. It is significantly affected by the angle of internal friction of aggregate and the viscosity of asphalt cement at 60°C (140°F). This stability is defined as the maximum load (that the specimen can withstand) carried by a compacted specimen tested at 60°C (140°F) at a loading rate of 2 inches/minute (50.8mm/minute). The main purpose of Marshall Stability test is to measure the strength of an asphalt mixture that has been compacted to a standard laboratory compactive effort. One of the easiest ways to increase the stability of an aggregate mixture is by changing to higher viscosity grade of asphalt cement [1]. Anything that increases the viscosity of the asphalt cement increases the Marshall stability. The stability of a mixture in the field is affected by some parameters, such as the ambient temperature, aggregate gradation, type of loading, rate of loading, tire contact pressure and numerous mixture properties. The primary use of Marshall Stability is in evaluating the change in stability with increasing asphalt content to aid in selection the optimum asphalt content [1]. The flow is equal to the vertical deformation of the sample (measured from the start of loading to the point at which stability begins to decrease). It is measured 7 at the same time as Marshall Stability. High flow values indicate a plastic mix that will experience deformation under traffic, whereas low flow values indicate a mix with percent of air voids higher than the normal voids and insufficient asphalt [1]. The flow value or flow index is the total vertical deformation of the specimen at the maximum load. Marshall Stiffness which is Marshall Stability divided by flow is a term sometimes used to characterize asphalt mixture. A higher value of stability divided by flow indicates a stiffer mixture and hence, indicates the mixture is likely more resistance to permanent deformation. 2.2 Description of rutting distress mechanism Rutting of asphalt concrete pavement is the permanent deformation of any of the layers in the structural system. It is considered as one of the most common and destructive pavement distresses. There are five areas of distress that affect performance of Hot-Mix asphalt which are: fatigue cracking, rutting, thermal cracking, friction, and moisture susceptibility. All of these distresses can result in loss of performance but rutting is the one distress that is most likely to be a sudden failure as a result of unsatisfactory hot mix asphalt. Other distresses are typically long-term failures that show up after a few years of traffic. The rutting distress is recognized as a surface depression in the wheel path. Ruts are particularly evident after a rain when wheel paths are filled with water. When rutting path filled with water, it can cause vehicle hydroplaning, which is considered hazardous because ruts tend to pull a vehicle towards the rut path as it is steered across the rut path. 8 2.3 Rutting severity levels Rutting severity has been classified according to JKR specification into three different levels, which are low, moderate and high level. The following is a brief explanation of the three different levels respectively. • Low severity level: Where rut depths of less than 12mm (measured under 1.2 m straight edge) [4]. • Moderate severity level: Where rut depths of between 12mm and 25mm (may include slight longitudinal cracks) [4]. • High severity level: Rut depths of greater than 25mm (may include multiple longitudinal or crocodile cracks) [4]. a) Low severity: Rut depth <12mm b) Moderate severity: Rut depth between12 mm to 25 mm c) High severity: Rut depth >25mm Figure 2.1: Rutting severity levels as classified by JKR 9 In addition, JKR has identified some possible causes and probable treatments of rutting .The following table illustrates some of them. Table 2.1: Possible rutting causes and probable treatments No. Possible Causes Probable Treatments 1. Inadequate pavement thickness. Strengthen overlay or reconstruction 2. Inadequate compaction of layers Reconstruction. 3. Unstable bituminous mixes. Use stiffer mix. 4. Overstressed sub grade, which Reconstruction. deforms permanently. 5. Excess bitumen in the mix. Proper selection of asphalt content for the mix for the purpose Asphalt pavement rutting can be caused by insufficient pavement structural support allowing excessive stress to be transferred to the sub grade (structural rutting); however, the most common type of rutting is asphalt ‘stability’ rutting caused by the plastic movement of asphalt mix under heavy, often slow moving loading. The deformation is exaggerated during periods of high ambient temperature. An increase in the stiffness of asphalt concrete mixture at a given temperature causes an increase in the rutting resistance of the pavement. To the extent that asphalt influences mix stiffness, an increase of the viscosity of the asphalt cement at the same temperature can produce a mix with improved rutting resistance. Over densification Plastic flow Figure 2.2: Types of Asphalt pavement rutting (19) 10 Figure 2.3: Asphalt pavement rutting due to plastic movement of the asphalt mix Under heavy loads. (18) Rutting in pavement usually develops gradually with increasing numbers of load applications. It typically appears as longitudinal depressions in the wheel paths sometimes accompanied by small upheavals to the sides. It is generally caused by a combination of densification (decrease in volume and, hence, increase in density) and shear deformation and can occur in any one or more of the HMA layers as well as in the unbound materials underneath the HMA. Eisenmann and Hilmer (6) also found that rutting is mainly caused by deformation flow rather than volume change. Predicting performance of HMA is very difficult due to the complexity of HMA, the complexity of the underlying unbound layers and varying environmental conditions. Presently, there are no specific methods being used nationally to design and control HMA to control rutting. The cost of asphalt pavement rutting repairs can be very high and disruptive on traffic operations. A reliable, accelerated laboratory performance test to evaluate rutting resistance of asphalt mixes is considered necessary. Several laboratory methods are in use for test for rutting characteristics of asphalt concrete mixture. 11 2.4 Rutting Evaluation Tests Test that have the potential for predicting rutting resistance include uniaxial static and repeated load tests, triaxial static and repeated load tests, and simulative tests. The simulative tests primarily include wheel-tracking tests. The Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA), Hamburg Wheel Rut Tester (HWRT) and French Laboratory Rutting Tester (FLRT) are considered to provide reasonable results and good correlation with field performance. These rut testers have been used in Canada and the United States for mix designs, pavement evaluation, assessment of new materials, quality control, and pavement failure investigation [8]. 2.4.1 Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Machine The HWTD, It is used to evaluate rutting and stripping. Tests within the HWTD are conducted on a slab that is 260 mm wide, 320 mm long, and typically 40 mm thick (10.2 in x 12.6 in x 1.6 in). These slabs are normally compacted to 7±1 percent air voids. Testing in the HWTD is conducted under water at temperatures ranging from 25°C to 70°C (77°F to 158°F), with 50°C (122°F) being the most common used temperature. Loading of samples in the HWTD is accomplished by applying a 705-N (158-lb) force onto a 47-mm-wide steel wheel (or 50-mm-wide rubber wheel). The steel wheel is then tracked back and forth over the slab sample. Two samples can be tested simultaneously in one HWRT run. Some researchers in Europe consider that the use of the steel wheel is too severe and may cause excessive damage to asphalt samples. There is more experience with wheel tracking tests than with any other type of test to predict rutting. Other tests have promise but more work is needed to finalize details before they are utilized for mix control (research is underway to do this) [13]. Test samples are loaded for 20,000 passes or until 20 mm of deformation occur. The travel speed of the wheel is approximately 340 mm per second. Colorado 12 DOT recommends maximum allowable rut depth (figure 2.6) of 4.0 mm at 10,000 wheel passes and 10 mm at 20,000 wheel passes while the Texas DOT specification requires that the rut depth be less than 12.0 mm at 20,000 passes [9]. Figure 2.4: Hamburg Wheel Rut Tester in operation. Figure 2.5: Asphalt samples submerged in water prepared for the HWRT wet test. Figure2.6: Asphalt cylindrical samples after Application of 20,000 Wheel passes (HWRT). 13 As shown in Figure 2.7, results obtained from the HWTD consist of rut depth, creep slope, stripping inflection point, and stripping slope. The creep slope is the inverse of the deformation rate within the linear region of the deformation curve after post compaction and prior to stripping (if stripping occurs). The stripping slope is the inverse of the deformation rate within the linear region of the deformation curve, after the onset of stripping. The stripping inflection point is the number of wheel passes corresponding to the intersection of the creep slope and the stripping slope. This value is used to estimate the relative resistance of the HMA sample to moisture induced damage [10]. Figure 2.7: Typical Hamburg Wheel Tracker Test Results (10) Numerous studies have been conducted to compare results of Loaded Wheel Tester (LWT) to the actual field performance. A joint study by the FHWA and Virginia Transportation Research Council evaluated the ability of three LWTs to predict rutting performance. The relationship between LWT and field rutting for all three LWTs was strong. The HWTD had the highest correlation (R²=0.91), followed by the APA (R²=0.90) and FRT (R²=0.83). From that study, it was concluded that results obtained from the wheel tracking devices seem to correlate reasonably well to actual field performance when the in-service loading and environmental conditions of that location are considered [11]. 14 2.4.2 Asphalt Pavement Analyzer The Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA), shown in Figure 8 below, was developed in 1995. The APA has been used to evaluate the rutting, fatigue, and moisture resistance of HMA mixtures. It features controllable wheel load and contact pressure adjustable temperature inside the test chamber. In evaluating rutting potential using the APA, a wheel is loaded onto a pressurized linear hose and tracked back and forth over a testing sample to induce rutting. Most tests are typically carried out to 8,000 cycles (one cycle is defined as the backward and forward movement of the wheel over samples) and samples can be tested while submerged in water. Figure 2.8: Testing of cylindrical and beam hot-mix asphalt samples in the APA. Testing specimens for the APA can be either beam or cylindrical. Beams are most often compacted to 7 % air voids, while cylindrical samples have been fabricated to both 4 % and 7 % air voids. Beams or cylindrical samples are placed in a test chamber. The amount of permanent deformation (rut depth) under repetitive load is monitored by a computer and display in a screen. Test temperatures for the APA have ranged from 40.6°C to 64°C (105°F to 147°F). The most recent work has 15 been conducted at or slightly above expected high pavement temperatures. Wheel load and hose pressure are 445 N and 690 kPa (100 lb and 100 psi), respectively. Rut depth is measured with an electronic dial indicator. Some States in the USA use a maximum deformation of 5.0 mm in the APA as the pass-fail criterion for mixes designed to be used on interstate highways [7]. After the APA came on the market, the Florida Department of Transportation conducted a study using three mixes of known field performance. The three mixes of were tested in the APA. Within this study, beams and cylinders were both tested. Results showed that both sample types ranked the mixes similar to the field performance data. Therefore, the study has concluded that the APA had the capability to rank mixes according to their rutting potential [12]. Aggregate gradation is an important factor that influences the permanent deformation potential of HMA. One common way to characterizing aggregate gradation is by making a gradation plot on a 0.45 power chart, which also contains a maximum density line. It is believed that gradation passing through the restricted zone can have low stability. Experience shows that stiff binder courses with bigger aggregates have less rutting potential compared to relatively more flexible wearing courses with fine aggregate and higher binder content. Statistical analyses of APA rut depth obtained from tested mixes with different aggregate gradation indicates a significant difference between rut depths of mixes gradation passing above, through and below the Superpave restricted zone [14]. A study was conducted to evaluate affects of aggregate gradation on performance of asphalt mixture in university of Kansas in 1999. Two mixes were used in the study, one of coarse gradation and the other of fine gradation. The two mixes were evaluated for air-void, permanent deformation and gradation. Then they were coarsened to simulate the effects of production variability and segregation and test repeated. Coarsening of mixtures led to an increase in VTM, VMA that decreases the stability of mixture. Fine mixture had less rutting (5mm) than the coarse mixture (8.9m) using APA. Results from this study was indicated that fine 16 aggregate was stronger that coarse aggregate as measured by APA to evaluate rutting potential [15]. Another study was carried out to evaluate rutting potential of pavement mixes using 4-in and 6-in samples. From this study, it was concluded that the amount of voids in total mix VTM is likely the most important property of asphalt mixtures that relates to rutting and plastic flow of the asphalt mixtures is likely to begin once the VTM are reduced to approximately 3%. The study draw a conclusion that there is a good possibility that the voids level decreases under compaction to some point at which rutting begins to occur and at which time the voids level begins to increase due to shoving of the mixture. In addition, mixes having flow values above 10 tended to have higher amount of rutting. Coring of 4-in and 6-in samples from the site indicated that most observed rutting occurred in layers, which contained fine aggregate gradation and high asphalt content [16]. 2.4.3 Three-Wheel Immersion Tracking Machine The wheel tracking tests have been largely used for evaluating of rutting behavior. The Transport and Road Research Laboratory of the United Kingdom adopted the Three Wheels Immersion Tracking Machine in 1951. The main purpose of this machine is to evaluate pavement-rutting resistance using moving wheels that simulate the actual moving loads of traffic. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The main aim of this project is to evaluate the relationships between Marshall Stability, flow and rutting potential of the new Malaysian Hot-Mix Asphalt mixtures. Rutting potential will be evaluated using the Three-Wheels immersion Tracking Machine which is available in the highway and transportation laboratory at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Samples will be prepared and tested according to the JKR/SPJ/rev2005 as a guide to attain that the laboratory works and materials fulfill the Malaysian Road works circumstances. Five different asphaltic mixtures will be used throughout the laboratory work namely; Asphalt concrete for wearing course ACW10 and ACW14, Asphalt concrete for binder course ACB28 and Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA14 and SMA20). Tables 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 below show the appropriate envelopes for the new aggregate gradations that have been introduced recently by JKR, which will be used in this project. All samples will be prepared based on Marshall Laboratory compaction method and by using of 100mm mould size. For each laboratory design mix gradation, three specimens will be prepared for each bitumen content within the range given in Table 3.5 below at increments of 0.5 percent in accordance with ASTM D1559 using 75-blows/face compaction standard (heavy traffic) for (ACW10, ACW14, ACB28) mixtures, and 50-blows/face for (SAM14, SMA20) mixtures. 18 Once Specimens have been compacted using Marshall Hammer, they will be tested for stability and flow. Table 3.1: Gradation Limit for Asphaltic Concrete (ACW10) Mix Type Wearing Course B.S Sieve Size,mm % Passing By Weight 28.0 - 20.0 - 14.0 100 10.0 90-100 5.0 58-72 3.35 48-64 1.18 22-40 0.425 12-26 0.150 6-14 0.075 4-8 PAN - Table 3.2: Gradation Limit for Asphaltic Concrete (ACW14) Mix Type Wearing Course B.S Sieve Size,mm % Passing By Weight 28.0 - 20.0 100 14.0 90-100 10.0 76-86 5.0 50-62 3.35 40-54 1.18 18-34 0.425 12-24 0.150 6-14 0.075 4-8 PAN - 19 Table 3.3: Gradation Limit for Asphaltic Concrete (ACB28) Mix Type Binder Course B.S Sieve Size,mm % Passing By Weight 28.0 100 20.0 72-90 14.0 58-76 10.0 48-64 5.0 30-46 3.35 24-40 1.18 14-28 0.425 8-20 0.150 4-10 0.075 3-7 PAN - Table 3.4: Gradation Limit of combined aggregate (SMA14, SMA20) ASTM Sieves Percentage by weight Passing Sieve Sieve Size, mm SMA14 SMA20 19 100 100 12.5 100 85-95 9.5 72-83 65-75 4.75 25-38 20-28 2.36 16-24 16-24 0.600 12-16 12-16 0.300 12-15 12-15 0.075 8-10 8-10 PAN - - After obtaining the optimum bitumen content, two samples will be prepared for verification and identifying stability and flow values using the optimum bitumen content .Thereafter, two beams will also be prepared using the same bitumen content to carry out rutting potential test using the Three-Wheel immersion tracking machine. 20 The design bitumen contents for the design process of all mixtures will be as stated in JKR's specifications that are in the in the appropriate range given in Table 3.5. Table 3.5: Design Bitumen Content ACW10 - Wearing coarse 5.0-7.0% ACW14 - Wearing coarse 4.0-6.0% ACB28 - Binder coarse 3.5-5.5% SMA14, SMA20 – Stone Mastic Asphalt 5.0-7.0% In addition, results obtained from the laboratory work will be compared with JKR/SPJ/rev2005 requirements as given in Table 3.6 below. Table 3.6: Test and Analyses Parameter for Asphaltic Concrete (JKR/SPJ/rev2005) Parameter Wearing Course Stability S >8000N Flow F 2.0-4.0mm Stiffness S/F >2000N/mm Air voids in mix VTM 3.0-5.0% Voids in aggregates filled with bitumen VFB 70-80% Bituminous binder of asphaltic concrete for wearing and binder coarse (ACW10, ACW14 and ACB28) shall be a bitumen of penetration grade 80-100, which conforms to MS 124 .Whereas the bituminous binder to be used with Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA14 and SMA20) shall be of performance grade PG76 or higher in compliance with AASHTO Standard M320-02. 21 3.2 Laboratory Test Procedure The laboratory tests are divided into several stages begin with the aggregates preparation. The gradation of aggregates is used to design the Marshall mixes samples. Firstly, sieve analysis will be carried out to separate aggregate into different sizes. Then specific gravity for coarse and fine aggregate will be determined. Washed-sieve analysis will be done to determine the percentage of dust and silt-clay material in order to check the need for the filler material. Thereafter, Marshall Test is conducted to determine the optimum bitumen content (OBC) for each mix type. The value of the OBC is important for designing the mixes to indicate other mix performance tests. The value of the OBC will be used to prepare two samples and two beams to determine the stability and flow of Marshall Test and to evaluate the rutting potential using the OBC. Figure 3.1 below shows the laboratory test flow. 22 Dry sieve analysis to divide aggregate into different sizes Washed sieve analysis to determine percentage of dust & silt-clay material Aggregate blending to obtain the desired gradation Determination of specific gravity for coarse & fine aggregates Preparing of mixtures (ACW10, ACW14, ACW28, SMA14, SMA20) Obtaining of the Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity Determination of bulk specific gravity of Marshall compacted mixtures Resistance to Plastic Flow of the Marshall compacted Mixtures Volumetric properties analysis Evaluating of rutting depth using the Wheel Track machine. Results and analysis Figure 3.1: Laboratory Test Flow chart 23 3.3 Aggregate preparation (Sieve analysis of Coarse and Fine Aggregate ASTM C136-84A) This method is used to determine the aggregate gradation which is proposed for the project. The results are then used to determine the compliance of the particles size distribution with the applicable specification requirements and to provide necessary data to control the production of various aggregate sizes and mixture containing aggregates. Standard procedure for a dry-sieve analysis is given in ASTM C136 and for a washed-sieve analysis for determine the amount of material passing the No 200 (0.075mm) sieve the procedure is given in ASTM C117.The dry method is faster and is often used to estimate the actual gradation . The materials which will be used for this study such as aggregates must be dried an overnight in an oven for at least one day. This procedure is to ensure the moisture and impurities in aggregate have been removed. Then some portion of aggregate will be taken as a sample to determine the specific gravity. The remaining aggregates will be separated into single sizes using sieving machine. Aggregate retained on each sieve then collected and stored in large containers or bins. The container will be marked with the sieve size to avoid any confusing between the aggregate sizes. A) Scope: The test is performed to determine the particles size distribution of coarse and fine aggregates. B) Apparatuses: i. Balances; ii. Sieves; iii. Mechanical sieve shaker; iv. Oven. 24 C) Procedure: i. Aggregates to be used in the blend must be dried to a constant weight in an oven at a temperature of 110±5°C; ii. Suitable sieve sizes are selected and nested in order of decreasing size of opening from the top to the bottom; iii. Sample is then placed on the top the sieves .Shaking process using Mechanical Sieve Shaker is then started and continued to agitate the stacked sieves for a sufficient period of time (normally for about 3 minutes); iv. Sieving process is continued until there is no residue on an individual sieve will pass the sieve using a continues hand sieving; Figure 3.2: Sieves from 75μm to 37.5mm are placed on the mechanical shaker v. The quantity of the material on a given sieve is limited so that all particles have an opportunity to reach the sieve opening during the sieving operation; 25 Figure 3.3: Washing of Aggregate before sieving process Figure 3.4: Weighing Aggregate during a Sieve Analysis Figure 3.5: Aggregates sieved and separated According to particle size. 26 3.4 Determination of aggregate specific gravity The specific gravity of an aggregate is useful in making weight-volume conversions and in calculating voids content in a compacted HMA samples. Specific gravity for both types of aggregate (coarse and fine) will be determined. 3.4.1 A) B) Determination of coarse aggregate specific gravity Apparatuses: i. Balance, which should be accurate to 0.5g of the sample weight; ii. Sample container; iii. Water tank; iv. 4.75mm sieve size. Procedure: i. Weigh the aggregate and wash it to clean it from the dust; ii. The minimum weight of tested sample should be as shown below: Table 3.7: Minimum sample size requirement for coarse aggregate specific gravity test Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size Weight of sample 12.5 mm 2.0 kg 19.0 mm 3.0 kg 25.0 mm 4.0 kg 37.5 mm 5.0 kg 27 iii. Soak aggregates in water for 24 hours; iv. After 24 hours, aggregates are placed into a basket in water path and its weight is recorded while submerging in water for 3 minutes. This mass is recorded as A; v. Dry the aggregate with a damp towel until it is saturated surface dry and weigh it again. The mass of a saturated dry surface is recorded as B; vi. Dry the sample in an oven for 24 hours at 110±5°C; vii. Cool the sample at a room temperature and weigh it again. This mass will be the mass of oven dry aggregate and is recorded as C; viii. The bulk specific gravity of coarse aggregate can be calculated by using the following equation: Bulk specific gravity = Weight of oven dry aggregates C Weight of SSD in air B – Weight in water A 3.4.2 A) Determination of fine aggregate specific gravity Apparatuses: i. Balance, which should have a capacity of 1 kg and accuracy of 0.1g ; ii. Pycnometer; iii. Mould in the form of a frustum of a cone with the following dimension: 40 ± 3mm inside diameter at the top, 90 ± 3mm inside diameter at the bottom and 75 ± 3mm in height; iv. Tamper weighing 340 ± 15kg and have a flat circular face 25 ± 3mm in diameter. 28 C) Procedure: i. Fine aggregate sample is prepared and 6% water is added to the total weight of the sample. Sample is permitted to stand for about 24 hours before conducting the test; ii. Then, a pycnometer is cleaned and weighed empty; iii. The ¾ filled pycnometer is weighed and its mass is recorded as B; iv. Afterwards, aggregates are mixed with water until aggregates are stuck together. Then cone test is carried out. If about 1/3 of aggregate slumps after 25 light drops of tamper about 10mm above the top surface of fine aggregate in the cone, then the aggregates are saturated dry surface; v. Pour the water away until the pycnometer is left to about ¼ filled; vi. About 500 g fine aggregate is added to the ¼ filled pycnometer This weight is recorded as the weight of saturated surface dry aggregate and it is designated as S; vii. The pycnometer is filled with water until the original level of ¾ of its volume (to the calibration mark) and its weight filled with sample and water is recorded as C; viii. Shake the pycnometer well for nearly 20 minutes to get rid of air in the sample; ix. Dry the sample in an oven until the aggregate achieve a constant weight. Weigh the oven dry aggregate and record it as A; 29 Figure 3.6: Determination of fine aggregate specific gravity. x. The specific gravity of fine aggregate can be determined from the following formula: Bulk specific gravity = A B+S-C where: 3.5 A: weight of oven dry aggregate in air, gm; B: weight of pycnometer filled with water, gm; C: weight of pycnometer with water and aggregate, gm; S: weight of saturated surface dry aggregate, gm. Marshall Mix Design ( ASTM D1559) The main purpose of the design process is to determine the optimum bitumen content (OBC) of each asphaltic mixture. For the laboratory tests, all the mixes will be compacted using two different levels of compaction, which are 75 blows/face for Asphaltic Concrete mixtures and 50 blows/face for Stone Mastic Asphalt mixtures. After obtaining the OBC, two samples from each mixture will be prepared using the obtained OBC and tested for verification to get the realistic volume properties. The aggregates blend that will be used for mixtures preparation must fall within the specification requirements. Properties such as density and bulk specific 30 gravity of aggregate and bitumen used for each mixture must be determined earlier before carrying out Marshall Test. 3.5.1 Mix design preparation A) The apparatuses that will be used for mix design preparation are: B) i. Specimen Mold Assembly; ii. Compaction Hammer; iii. Compaction Pedestal; iv. Specimen Mold Holder; v. Breaking Head vi. Oven; vii. Mixing Apparatus; viii. Thermometer; ix. Mixing Tools. Test specimens are: i. Aggregates mix designation that have been dried at a temperature of 1050C to 1100C; ii. C) Heated asphalt cement. Mixtures Preparation: i. Aggregates are weighed according to the amount of each size fraction that required for each mix design; ii. The pan is heated on a hot plate to a temperature of 280C; 31 iii. Charge the pan with the heated aggregates and dry mix thoroughly; iv. Preheated bituminous materials that required to the mixture are weighted; v. Prevention of losing the mix during the mixing process must be taken with subsequent handling. The temperature shall not to be more than the limits; vi. Afterwards, aggregates and bitumen are rapidly mixed until thoroughly until all aggregate are well-coated; vii. Finally, mixture is removed from the pan and is left a side to be ready for the compaction process. D) Compaction of specimens: The procedure begins with recording the mixture temperature and observing it until it reaches the desirable compaction temperature. The process will follow the procedure listed below: i. The mold assembly and the face of compaction hammer are clean and heated in a boiling water ,a hot plat or an oven at a temperature of 930C to 1500C; ii. Filter paper that is cut into pieces fit the mould’s diameter and placed at the bottom of the mold before placing the mixtures; iii. The mixture that has been prepared is then placed in the mold, and stirred by the spatula or trowel for 15 times around the perimeter and 10 times over the interior; 32 iv. The collar is removed and the surface will be smoothed with the trowel to slightly rounded shape; v. Next, the compaction temperature is recorded once again, vi. The collar then will be assembled to the compaction pedestal in the mold holder; vii. The 75 blows of compaction hammer is applied with a free fall distance of 500mm from the mold base, and the compaction hammer is assured to be perpendicular to the base of the mold assembly; viii. After compaction, the base plate is removed and the same blows are compacted to the bottom of the sample that has been turned around; ix. After that, the collar is lifted from the specimen carefully, x. Next, transfer the specimen to smooth surface at a room temperature for an over-night; xi. Lastly, record the weight and examine the sample. Figure 3.7: The specimens that have been prepared by Marshall Mix Design 33 3.5.2 Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures (ASTM D 2041-91) A) Scope: The method covers the determination of the density and theoretical maximum specific gravity of loose (uncompacted) HMA specimens at 25°C. Test results are used to compute air voids and density in the compacted mix. B) Apparatuses: i. Vacuum container (bowl); ii. Balance; iii. Vacuum pump, capable of evacuating air from the vacuum container to a residual pressure of 30 mm of HG; iv. Manometer or vacuum gauge; v. Thermometer; and vi. Water path. Figure 3.8: The ASTM D 2041 test apparatus 34 C) Procedure: i. Size of the sample shall conform to the requirements shown in table 3.8. Samples larger than the capacity of the container may be tested a portion at a time. Table 3.8: Minimum sample size requirement for Theoretical Maximum Density (ASTM D2041) Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size Minimum Mass of sample 37.50 mm 4000 gm 25.00 mm 2500 gm 19.0 mm 2000 gm 12.50 mm 1500 gm 9.50 mm 1000 gm 4.75 mm 500 gm i. Samples are prepared using the same procedure of preparing Marshall samples but without using any compactive effort; ii. Particles of the paving mixture sample are separated by hand, so fine aggregate particles are not larger than 6.3mm (¼in); iii. Weight of the vacuum container in air is determined before placing sample and recorded as A; iv. Also, vacuum container is weighed in water and recorded as B; v. The sample is cooled to the room temperature, placed into vacuum container, weighed and recorded as C; vi. The net mass of sample is recorded as D; 35 vii. Sufficient water is then added to the sample in the vacuum container and should cover at least 1 inch (2.54 cm) over the sample; viii. Air trapped in the sample is removed by increasing the vacuum gradually until the pressure manometer reads 25mm of HG. This pressure is maintained for 10 minutes; ix. During the vacuum period, the container and sample are agitated continuously by mechanical device; x. After about 10 minutes, the vacuum is gently released. The container and sample are then placed in water and weighed. Their weight is recorded as E; xi. T.M.D values for different samples must be within ± 0.018 of one another; xii. T.M.D value is used to calculate Effective Specific Gravity (S.Geff) of the aggregate. The calculated (S.Geff) value is used to determine T.M.D values at binder contents other than the binder content chosen for mixing T.M.D samples. 1. Calculation: The theoretical maximum specific gravity (Gmm) can be calculated from the flowing equation: Gmm = D / (D+B-E) where: D: Weight of sample in air (gm) and can be calculated as following: D = C-A (Weight of container & sample in air – weight of container in air). 36 B: Weight of the bowl in water, gm and E: Weight of the bowl and sample in water, gm. The effective specific gravity of aggregate blend used can be determined using the following formula: T.M.D = 100 / [(% aggregate / S.G eff) + (% bitumen / S.G bitumen) 3.5.3 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Saturated Surface-Dry Specimens (ASTM D 2726) This test covers the determination of bulk specific gravity of the samples. This method can be only used for a specimen that does not absorb more than 2% of water by volume. Result from the test is used to calculate the density (unit weight) and percentage of air voids of compacted mixes. Water displacement method is used to determine the bulk specific gravity where specimen will be weighed in three conditions (in air, when submerged in water and saturated dry surface condition). A) B) Apparatus that used in this test are listed below: ii. Balance; and iii. Water bath. Procedure: i. First, the specimen is dried to constant mass; ii. Specimen is cooled to a room temperature at 25±50C and the dry mass is recorded as A; iii. Each specimen is immersed in a water path at 250C for 3 to 5 minutes and the immersed mass is then recorded as C; 37 iv. Remove specimen from the water by blotting the surface with a damp towel and determine the surface-dry mass which designated as B; v. The bulk specific gravity can be calculated by using the following equation; Bulk specific gravity = Viii A B-C Bluk specific gravity of Samples at the same binder content must be within an average of ± 0.020 of one another. a) b) The specimen is weight to get the dry air mass. The specimen is immersed to get the mass in water. 38 c) The specimen is wiped with a towel &Weighed to get the surface-dry mass. Figure 3.9: Steps of Bulk Specific Gravity Test 39 3.5.4 Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus (ASTM D1559) The test covers the measurement of resistance to plastic flow of cylindrical specimens [101.6mm (4 in) in diameter and 63.5mm (2.5in) high] of asphalt mixture loaded on the lateral surface by means of Marshall Apparatus. The method is used for mixtures containing asphalt cement, asphalt cutback and aggregate up to 25.4 mm maximum size. The purpose of this test is measuring the strength of a compacted asphaltic mixture to a standard laboratory compactive effort. In addition, the test is used as apart of Marshall Mix design procedure for selecting design bitumen content. Figure 3.10: Compression Testing Machine Marshall testing machine is a compression-testing device, designed to apply loads to test specimens through semi-circular testing heads at a constant strain rate of 58.5mm/min. (2in/min.). The water path in which the sample is immersed for at least 45minutes, should be at least 150 mm (6in) deep and thermostatically controlled at 60°C±1°C (140°F±1.8°F). The temperature was selected since it is approximately the maximum pavement temperature in the summer. Thereby, it provides the weakest condition of HMA mixture. Flow test is carried out simultaneously with stability test. It is executed by holding the flow meter over the testing head and reading the meter at the instance the specimen fails under pressure. 40 The test procedure is listed as below: i. Specimens that have been prepared are immersed in the water bath for 30 to 45 minutes at a maintained temperature of 60 ±10C ; Figure 3.11: Specimens are being immersing in water bath ii. The guide rods and the tests heads are cleaned prior to carrying out the test. Also, the guide rods shall be lubricated so that the upper test slides freely over them; Figure 3.12: Lubricating of the guide and its rods prior to testing iii. The testing-head temperature is recommended to be between 210C to 380C; 41 iv. Specimen then is removed from the water bath and be placed in the lower segment of the breaking head; v. After that, the upper segment of the breaking head is placed on the specimen. The complete assembly is then located in its position on the testing machine; Figure 3.13: Breaking head is placed on a sample vi. The flow meter is placed in position over one of the guide rods; vii. Then, adjust the flow meter to zero while holding the sleeve firmly; Figure 3.14: Sample is placed in Marshall Stability Machine 42 viii. The load is applied to the specimen by means of a constant movement rate of 50.8mm until the maximum load is reached . Notice that reading must be taken before loading the specimen; ix. As the applied load is started to decrease, the dial reading is taken and recorded as the maximum applied load the sample can sustain (the stability force); x. Record the last reading of the flow meter. This value will be taken as the flow value in mm unit; xi. Testing must be completed within 30 seconds of removing sample from the hot water bath; xii. The applied load must be corrected when thickness of specimen is other than (2½ in.) or 63.5mm by using the proper multiplying factor from Table 3.9 below; Table 3.9: Stability Correlation Ratios Volume of specimen Approximate thickness (cm³) of Specimen.(mm) 444 to 456 55.6 1.25 457 to 470 57.2 1.19 471 to 482 58.7 1.14 483 to 495 60.3 1.09 496 to 508 61.9 1.04 509 to 522 63.5 1.00 523 to 535 65.1 0.96 536 to 546 66.7 0.93 547 to 559 68.3 0.89 560 to 573 69.9 0.86 574 to 585 71.4 0.83 586 to 598 73.0 0.81 Correlation Ratio 43 3.5.5 Volumetric properties of compacted mixtures The total volume of small pockets of air between the coated aggregate particles in a compacted paving mixture, expressed as a percentage of the bulk volume of the compacted paving mixture is defined as the total volume of voids in mixture (VTM).Voids in total mix can be calculated using this formula : VTM = [1 - (Gmb / Gmm)] x 100 Or VTM = (VA / VT) x 100 where: VTM : Air voids in a compacted mixture. Gmb : Bulk specific gravity of a compacted mixture. Gmm : Maximum specific gravity (T.M.D). VA : Volume of air voids. VT : Total volume of compacted specimen. The voids in the mineral aggregate VMA are defined as the intergranular void spaces between aggregate particles in a compacted paving mixture that include the air voids and the effective asphalt content (volume of asphalt not absorbed into the aggregates), expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the compacted paving mixture. In other words, VMA is the total volume of voids within the mass of the compacted aggregate. The VMA can be determined by using the following equation: VMA = (100 - Pb) Gmb / S.Geff where: VMA : Voids in mineral aggregate. Pb Percentage of asphalt content by total weight of mixture. : S.Geff : Effective specific gravity of aggregates. Voids filled with asphalt VFA, is defined as the percent of the volume of VMA that is filled with asphalt cement.VFA can be calculated using the following formula: 44 VFA = [(VMA – VTM) / VMA] x 100 where: VFA : Voids filled with asphalt. VMA : Voids in mineral aggregate. VTM : Air voids in a compacted mixture. From density and voids analysis, and results from stability and flow test, results will be plotted as following: i. Bulk density versus asphalt content. ii. Stability versus asphalt content. iii. Flow versus asphalt content. iv. % voids in the total mix VTM versus asphalt content. v. % voids in the aggregate filled with asphalt VFA versus asphalt content. For asphaltic concrete mixtures (ACW10, ACW14, and ACB28), the optimum asphalt content will be determined as described by the National Asphalt Paving Association (NAPA), which is the percentage of asphalt corresponds to 4% air voids from VTM curve. For Stone Mastic Asphalt mixtures (SMA14 and SMA20), the optimum asphalt content shall be determined by averaging four values of the asphalt content determined as follows: i. Peak of curve taken from the stability graph. ii. Flow equals to 3 mm from the flow graph. 45 iii. Peak of curve taken from the bulk specific gravity graph. iv. VTM equals to 3.5% from the VTM graph. The individual tests values (Stability, Flow, VMA and VTM) for stone mastic asphalt mixtures at the mean optimum bitumen content shall be read from the plotted smooth curves and comply with the design parameters given in table 3.10 below. Table 3.10: SMA Mix requirements (JKR/SPJ/rev2005) Parameter 3.6 Wearing Course Stability S min. 6200N Flow F 2.0-4.0mm Air voids in mix VTM 3.0-4.0% Voids in mineral aggregate VMA Min. 17% Evaluation of Rutting Potential using the Three-Wheel immersion Tracking Machine After obtaining the optimum bitumen content, two beams from each mixture type will be prepared and tested to evaluate rutting potential of each specific mixture. Beams are of dimension (407mm × 90 mm × 443 mm) and will be tested using the Three-Wheel immersion Tracking Machine shown in figure 3.17. The main function of this machine is to evaluate the rutting resistance of pavement samples loaded by means of moving wheels that simulate the actual moving loads on the field. 46 3.6.1 Determination of number of roller Passes A simple trial and error method is usually carried out to determine the appropriate number of roller passes for a compaction purpose. The numbers of roller passes have been initially suggested are 20, 30, 40, 80, 100, 150 and 200 passes. The test procedure is listed as below: i. First, aggregates are mixed together according to the gradation for each asphaltic mixture design; ii. The obtained optimum bitumen content from Marshall test is added to each mixture accordingly; iii. After mixing aggregate thoroughly with the optimum bitumen content, it is decanted into the mould and compacted using different numbers of roller passes; Figure 3.15: Decanting of the sample into the mould iv. The initial number of roller passes are suggested to be 20, 30, 40, 80, 100, 150 and 200 respectively; v. After compacting, beams are left to cool at a room temperature; 47 Figure 3.16: Sample after compacting ready to be tested vi. Once beams have been cooled, they are extruded from the mould and Bulk Specific Gravity test of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Saturated Surface-Dry Specimens (ASTM D 2726) is conducted; vii. Voids in total mix is then calculated for all mixtures and plotted against the number of passes; viii. Rolling shall be continued as long as it is necessary to achieve the appropriate requirement stated in JKR aspect; ix. Compaction is carried out in order to achieve particular densities of different mixtures. In this research, for all mixtures, the number of roller passes is selected to be of which produces a percentage of air voids of about 7%. The 7% air voids is considered as the typical in-situ percent of air voids after construction a pavement; x. Voids in total mix is calculated using the following formulas : T.M.D = 100 / [(% aggregate / S.G eff) + (% bitumen / S.G bitumen)] Mass of sample in Air Bulk specific gravity = Mass of SSD sample – Mass in water VTM = [1 - (Gmb / Gmm)] x 100 48 3.6.2 Procedure of the Three-Wheel Immersion Tracking Machine Test Three specimens can be tested simultaneously using three moulds. The moulds are of dimension 407mm × 90 mm × 443 mm. Once samples have been compacted, the Three-wheel immersion-tracking test is carried out. The procedure of conduction the test is as listed below: i. First, the well-compacted samples are placed into the oven for approximately 3-5 hrs at a temperature of 60°C; ii. Temperature of the water path in the wheel-tracking machine is maintained at 60°C; iii. Before conducting the test, samples are placed in the tracking machine and immersed in water path for 30 minutes; iv. The wheel is tracked back and forth with a travel speed about 40 passes/min; v. One cycle is defined as the backward and forward movement of the wheel over samples; vi. Rutting depth is recorded after 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 passes respectively; vii. The reading will be taken at three different placed of each beam to obtain the average rut depth value; 49 Figure 3.17: The Wheels Immersion Tracking Machine 3.7 Specification All samples will be prepared according to the JKR/SPJ/rev2005 as a guideline. The above-mentioned Tables (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5) show the appropriate envelopes of combined aggregates gradation and the range of the design bitumen content that will be used in this study. The optimum bitumen content will be determined based on NAPA method. The obtained results from the analysis process will be compared to the JKR/SPJ/rev2005 requirements specifications of all types of mixtures as given in Tables 3.5 and 3.7. 3.8 Data analysis The outcome results from the laboratory work will be analyzed and presented in such a way that reflects the objective of the research. Results will be recorded and presented as shown in Table 3.11 below. 50 Table 3.11: The suggested form of the obtained results Parameter Mixture Stability (N) Flow (mm) Stiffness Rut depth (N/mm) (mm) ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 SMA14 SMA20 Lastly, results will be presented and plotted on four different graphs, which are flow versus rut depth, stability versus rut depth, flow versus stability and stiffness versus rut depth. This aims to evaluate the relationships between the four main parameters that are related to pavement performance. CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction The analysis process of all data obtained by the laboratory work will be discussed in depth in this chapter. Several tests have been conducted to determine stability, flow and rut depth values of five different HMA mixtures, which are (ACW10, ACW14, ACB28, SMA14 and SMA20). These results were obtained based on the optimum bitumen content that had been determined from Marshall Mix design method. Tests that were carried out include: dry and washed sieve analysis, specific gravity for coarse and fine Aggregate test, Marshall Mix design to obtain the optimum bitumen content, stability and flow test and evaluation of rut depth using the Three-Wheel immersion tracking machine. 4.2 Aggregate gradation Aggregate gradation is considered as the centerpiece component of HMA mixture design. A proper selection of aggregate gradation plays a very significant role in providing a dense, durable and stable mixture and it is affected almost all HMA mixture properties. 52 Aggregate gradation was selected according to JKR/SPJ/2005 by choosing the best curve for each HMA mixture. The best design curves chosen and then plotted on the power of 0.45 graphs. Based on the design curve, the weight of retained aggregate on each sieve was determined. Gradation limits and mix design curve for all five mixtures are shown in figures 4.1(a) to (e). % Passing ACW10 Aggregate Gradation 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Lower Limit Upper Limit Mix Design Curve MDL 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 Sieve Size ^0.45 Figure 4.1 (a) Gradation limits and mix design curve for ACW10 Table 4.1.1: Aggregate gradation for ACW10 Sieve Size mm 14 10 5.0 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.150 0.075 Filler Size^0.45 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 0.426 0.312 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 90 100 58 72 48 64 22 40 12 26 6 14 4 8 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 95 65 56 27 15 10 6 - 0 5 35 44 73 85 90 94 100 0 5 30 9 29 12 5 4 6 ∑=100 % 53 % Passing ACW14 Aggregate Gradation 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Lower Limit Upper Limit Mix Design Curve MDL 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 Sieve Sixe ^0.45 Figure 4.1(b): Gradation limits and mix design curve for ACW14 Table 4.1.2: Aggregate gradation for ACW14 Sieve Size mm 20 14 10 5.0 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.150 0.075 Filler Size^0.45 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 0.426 0.312 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 90 100 76 86 56 62 40 54 18 34 12 24 6 14 4 8 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 93 79 56 47 23 14 10 6 - 0 7 21 44 53 77 86 90 94 100 0 7 14 23 9 24 9 4 4 6 ∑=100 % 54 %Passing ACB28 Aggregate Gradation 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.00 Lower Limit Upper Limit Mix Design MDL 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Sieve Size ^0.45 Figure 4.1(c): Gradation limits and mix design curve for ACB28 Table 4.1.3: Aggregate gradation for ACB28 Sieve Size mm 37.5 28 20 14 10 5.0 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.150 0.075 Filler Size^0.45 5.109 4.479 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 0.426 0.312 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 90 100 90 72 76 58 64 48 46 30 40 24 28 14 20 8 10 4 7 3 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 95 85 70 56 36 28 17 10 5 4 - 15 30 44 64 72 83 90 95 96 100 0 5 10 15 14 20 8 11 7 5 1 4 ∑=100% 55 % Passing SMA14 Aggregate Gradation 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 Lower Limit Upper Limit Mix Design MDL Sieve Size ^0.45 Figure 4.1(d): Gradation limits and mix design curve for SMA14 Table 4.1.4: Aggregate gradation for SMA14 Sieve Size mm 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 0.600 0.300 0.075 filler Size^0.45 4.256 4.479 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 100 100 100 100 72 83 25 38 16 24 12 16 12 15 8 10 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 100 100 77.5 31.5 20 14 13.5 9 - 0 0 0 22.5 68.5 80 86 86.5 91 100 0 0 0 22.5 46 11.5 6 0.5 4.5 9 ∑=100% 56 % Passing SMA20 Aggregate Gradation 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 Lower Limit Upper Limit Mix Design Curve MDL Sieve Size ^0.45 Figure 4.1(e): Gradation limits and mix design curve for SMA20 Table 4.1.5: Aggregate gradation for SMA20 Sieve Size mm 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 0.600 0.300 0.075 PAN Size^0.45 4.256 4.479 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 100 100 85 95 65 75 20 28 16 24 12 16 12 15 8 10 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 100 90 70 24 20 14 13.5 9 - 0 0 10 30 76 80 86 86.5 91 100 0 0 10 20 46 4 6 0.5 4.5 9 ∑=100% 57 4.3 Sieve Analysis 4.3.1 Dry-Sieve Analysis Sieve analysis was conducted as the first step in Marshall Design process to divide aggregates into different sizes and obtain the desired aggregate gradation required for each mixture design. The aggregate gradations for different mixtures were used in this project are shown in appendix A. 4.3.2 Washed-Sieve Analysis Washed-sieve analysis was conducted after all the aggregates samples had been prepared. This test was carried out to get the amount of filler (aggregate with size smaller than 75µm) coated on the courser aggregates to determine the required amount of fillers need to be added for each mixture type. Appendix A shows the wet sieve analysis results of all mixtures. 4.4 Bulk Specific Gravity of Aggregate Bulk specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregates was determined form the laboratory tests. Aggregates used in this research were provided from two different sources (quarries). Aggregates for ACW mixtures were supplied from MRP quarry. Whereas for SMA mixtures, aggregates were supplied from handsun quarry. Based on the aggregate gradation for mixes design, tests were conducted to determine the bulk specific gravity for aggregate from different sources. For ACW mixtures, test was carried out based on ACW10 aggregate gradation. By identifying the percentage of coarse, fine aggregate and mineral filler, the bulk specific gravity of blend aggregate was determined. For SMA mixtures, aggregate gradation for 58 SMA14 was used to determine the specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregates. Steps of calculating the bulk specific gravity are shown in Appendix B 4.4.1 Bulk Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregates Samples were prepared for testing for both sources of aggregate. For asphaltic concrete for wearing and binder coarse, sample of coarse aggregate used to determine its specific gravity has been prepared based the aggregate gradation for ACW10. Aggregate size in the range of 20mm to 5mm was considered as coarse aggregate when preparing sample for specific gravity determination. The obtained results of coarse aggregate specific gravity of different mixtures are clarified in table 4.2 below. Table 4.2: Bulk specific gravity of coarse aggregate for different mixtures Mixture type Coarse Aggregate Specific Gravity (S.Gbulk) 4.4.2 ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 2.586 2.586 2.586 SMA14 SMA20 2.611 2.611 Bulk Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregates Sizes of aggregate that were considered as fines to find its specific gravity were from 3.35mm and below. This also was based the aggregate gradation for asphaltic cement for wearing coarse ACW10 and fro Stone Mastic Asphalt SMA 14. The obtained results of fine aggregate specific gravity of different mixtures are shown in Table 4.3 below. 59 Table 4.3: Bulk specific gravity of fine aggregate for different mixtures Mixture type Fine Aggregate Specific Gravity(S.Gbulk) 4.4.3 ACW10 2.522 ACW14 ACB28 2.522 2.522 SMA14 SMA20 2.707 2.707 Mineral Filler Specific Gravity Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) has been largely used as filler material for Marshall Mix .Therefore; it was used in this research as well. It serves as a pond agent in asphaltic mixtures between aggregate and bitumen. According to previous work has been carried out in Highway & Transportation laboratory at UTM, the specific gravity of the OPC was 2.980. 4.4.4 Bulk Specific Gravity of Total Aggregate ( S.GBlend ) Based on the percentage of Coarse, Fine aggregate and mineral filler of each mixture, the bulk specific gravity of aggregate blend for each mix design was determined. Table 4.4 shows the results were obtained for different mixtures. By identifying the specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregate and the percentage of coarse, fines and mineral filler for each mixture, the bulk specific gravity of total mixture could be determined. Table 4.4: Bulk specific gravity of Blend for different mixtures Mixture type Combined aggregate specific gravity (S.GBlend)bulk ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 SMA14 SMA20 2.551 2.557 2.570 2.641 2.634 The specific gravity of blend has been determined by using the following equation: 60 S.GBlend ( bulk) = 100 (% coarse Agg. / SG coarse) + (% fine Agg. / SG fin e) + (% filler / SG filler) For example, S.GBlend for ACW 10 has been determined as following: S.GBlend (ACW10) 4.5 = 100 (35 / 2.586) + (63 / 2.522) + (2 / 2.98) = 2.551 Specific Gravity of Bitumen Bitumen of 80/100 PEN (penetration) grade was used in this study for asphaltic concrete for wearing and binder coarse mixtures. Whereas for Stone Mastic Asphalt mixture, Bitumen of PG76 performance grade was used. Previous studies that have been conducted in Transportation and Highway laboratory at UTM concluded that specific gravity of bitumen was (1.03) for both types. 4.6 Maximum Specific Gravity of Paving Mixtures Two methods can be used to calculate the maximum specific gravity of loose asphaltic mixture. The laboratory test (Rice Method) was used in this research. By doing so, the theoretical maximum density of loose mixture can be calculated directly. Table 4.5 shows the obtained results from the laboratory test for all mixtures used in this research. Table 4.5: Theoretical Maximum density of all used mixtures Mixture type Maximum specific gravity (Gmm) or T.M.D ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 SMA14 SMA20 2.401 2.411 2.457 2.414 2.416 61 Theoretical maximum densities were used to calculate the effective specific gravity of aggregate. Then, the maximum specific gravity at any asphalt content was determined using this formula: TMD = 100 (% coarse agg. / SGeff. blended) + (% bitumen / SGbitumen) Table 4 .6 shows the maximum specific gravity at each asphalt content for each mixtures used in this research. Table 4.6: Theoretical Maximum density at each asphalt Content for each asphaltic mixture Asphalt 4.7 Maximum Specific Gravity (Gmm) T.M.D Content % ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 SMA14 SMA20 3.50 - - 2.481 - - 4.00 - - 2.463 - - 4.50 - 2.446 - - 5.00 2.435 2.445 2.427 2.428 2.449 2.452 5.50 2.418 2.410 2.411 2.432 2.434 6.00 2.401 2.393 - 2.414 2.416 6.50 2.384 2.376 - 2.397 2.400 7.00 2.367 - - 2.380 2.383 OBC 2.387 2.435 Effective Specific Gravity of Aggregate The effective specific gravity of aggregate was calculated based on the obtained values of the maximum specific gravity of loose mixture. The effective specific gravity of aggregate is used in analyzing of volumetric properties of paving mixtures. The effective densities used for analysis process of each mixture are shown in table 4.7. 62 Table 4.7: Effective Specific Gravity of each mixture used in this research Mixture type ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 SMA14 SMA20 2.624 2.614 2.615 2.641 2.644 Combined aggregate specific gravity (S.G effective blend) 4.8 Volumetric Properties Analysis The volumetric properties which includes voids in total mix (VTM), voids filled with bitumen (VFB) and voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) for all types of mixtures (ACW10, ACW14, ACB28, SMA14 and SMA 20) were calculated based on the effective specific gravity of aggregate. 4.8.1 Voids in total mix (VTM) The voids in total mix were calculated based on the maximum specific gravity of loose mixes (Gmm) and the bulk specific gravity of compacted mixes (Gmb). Results were obtained are shown in Table 4.8. Table 4.8: Percentage of VTM for different mixtures Asphalt VTM (%) Content % ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 SMA14 SMA20 3.50 - - 6.9 - - 4.00 - - 5.3 - - 4.50 - 5.0 - - 5.00 7.7 8.1 5.7 3.5 9.2 7.2 5.50 6.3 5 3.2 8.4 6.1 6.00 5.6 3.9 - 7.0 5.4 6.50 3.3 2.4 - 7.1 4.4 63 4.8.2 7.00 2.8 - - 5.8 4.2 7.10 - - - - 5.7 7.70 - - - 7.1 - 8.20 - - - 6.3 - 9.60 - - - 2.1 - Voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) Table 4.9: Percentage of VMA for different mixtures Asphalt VMA (%) Content % ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 SMA14 SMA20 3.50 - - 14.8 - - 4.00 - - 14.4 - - 4.50 - 15.1 - - 5.00 18.6 17.9 16.8 14.9 20.0 18.0 5.50 18.4 17.2 15.7 20.3 18.0 6.00 18.8 17.3 - 20.1 18.4 6.50 17.9 17.0 - 21.1 18.6 7.00 18.5 - - 21.0 19.4 7.10 - - - - 20.9 7.70 - - - 23.5 - 8.20 - - - 23.7 - 9.60 - - - 23.0 - 64 4.8.3 Voids Filled with Bitumen (VFB) Table 4.10: Percentage of VFB for different mixtures Asphalt 4.9 VFB (%) Content % ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 SMA14 SMA20 3.50 - - 53.2 - - 4.00 - - 62.9 - - 4.50 - 67.2 - - 5.00 58.5 54.9 66.2 76.2 54.0 61.4 5.50 65.9 71.1 79.4 58.6 67.8 6.00 70.2 77.4 - 65.2 72.5 6.50 81.5 86.0 - 66.7 78.0 7.00 84.7 - - 72.4 79.8 7.10 - - - - 74.1 7.70 - - - 69.8 - 8.20 - - - 73.7 - 9.60 - - - 91.0 - The Optimum Bitumen Content There are various methods to obtain the optimum bitumen content of HMA mixtures. The Asphalt Institute Method and National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) method are world well-known methods and have been used widely. In this research, it was proposed to determine the optimum content according to JKR requirements but due to difficulties in meeting the requirement of JKR specification (getting the peak of Stability and Density curves), there has become possible to follow NAPA method as an available proper option. According to this method, the optimum asphalt content is selected in corresponding to 4% VTM. Table 4.11: The Optimum Bitumen Content of asphaltic mixes Mixture type ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 Optimum Bitumen Content, % 6.30 5.80 4.80 SMA14 SMA20 8.70 8.00 65 4.10 Marshall mix design results of different mixtures at the optimum bitumen content After carrying out Marshall Mix design for all 5 mixtures and obtaining the optimum asphalt content for each mixture, verification test was performed by preparing 2 samples from each mix to evaluate volumetric properties, stability and flow values using the OBC. Results are shown in Table 4.12. Table 4.12: Marshall Mix design results for different mixtures Mixture Property VTM, % VMA, % VFB, % Stability, N Mixture Type Test Result Requirement ACW10 4.1 3% - 5% ACW14 3.9 3% - 5% ACB28 4.1 3% - 7% SMA14 4.2 3% - 5% SMA20 4.1 3% - 5% ACW10 18.2 - ACW14 16.9 - ACB28 15 - SMA14 23 Min. 17% SMA20 21.9 Min. 17% ACW10 77.2 70% - 80% ACW14 77.1 70% - 80% ACB28 72.7 65% - 75% SMA14 81.9 - SMA20 81.6 - ACW10 12370 Min. 8000 N ACW14 11970 Min. 8000 N ACB28 7982 Min. 8000 N SMA14 10490 Min. 6200 N SMA20 9530 Min. 6200 N 66 Flow, mm Stiffness, N/mm ACW10 4.03 2 - 4 mm ACW14 3.65 2 - 4 mm ACB28 7.3 2 - 4 mm SMA14 11 2 - 4 mm SMA20 14 2 - 4 mm ACW10 3096.4 Min 2000 N ACW14 3230.1 Min 2000 N ACB28 1099 Min 2000 N SMA14 953.3 - SMA20 680.7 - Results achieved by Marshall Mix design method were acceptable. All values of Optimum bitumen content were complied with the JKR requirements. Except for SMA mixtures, where the obtained OBC values were complied with AASHTO requirements, which specifies that the minimum OBC should be 6%. Verification has approved that all volumetric properties, stability and flow values were complied with the requirements of JKR specification 4.11 Evaluation of Rut Depth using the Three-Wheel immersion Tracking Machine 4.11.1 Determination of Number of Roller Passes Once the optimum bitumen content of all mixtures had been obtained, two beams from each mixture batched, mixed and compacted to be tested in the ThreeWheel tracking machine for rutting evaluation. Identifying the required number of roller passes to achieve the appropriate requirement of the degree of compaction was the most crucial step before carrying out the Three-Wheel immersion-tracking machine. ACW14 mixture was selected to be the representative mixture to identify the required number of roller passes that produces the required percentage of VTM for each mixture after rolling. Based on 67 JKR aspect, the number of roller passes was selected to be which produces VTM of about 7% (the typical in-place air voids after construction and opening the road to traffic). Numbers of Roller passes that were initially used for the trial and error method are 20, 30, 40, 80, 100, 150 and 200 passes receptively. Specific gravity of each beam was determined in order to obtain the percentage of air voids after rolling. By plotting the relationship of number of roller passes versus percentage of air voids, the required number of passes was determined. It was concluded that the number of roller passes required to produce 7% VTM was about 200 roller passes which was selected to be the same number of roller passes for all mixtures. The process of carrying out the trial and error method is shown in Appendix C. Table 4.13: Results of determining required number of roller passes Number of roller passes Bulk Specific Gravity % VTM 20 2.179 9.40 30 2.179 9.38 40 2.183 9.22 80 2.196 8.69 100 2.200 8.51 150 2.218 7.76 200 2.221 7.12 Results from the trial and error method to determine the number of roller passes required to produce the appropriate requirement of compaction density have proven that as number of roller passes is increased, density is increased. On the other hand, as number of roller passes is increased, the percentage of VTM showed the opposite trend and decreased. 68 Number of Roller Passes vs %VTM 9.70 9.60 9.50 9.40 9.30 9.20 9.10 9.00 8.90 VTM % 8.80 8.70 R2 = 0.88 8.60 8.50 8.40 8.30 8.20 8.10 8.00 7.90 7.80 7.70 7.60 7.50 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 Number of Roller Passes Figure 4.2: Number of roller passes versus %VTM 4.11.2 Conducting the Three-Wheel Immersion Tracking Test Once the required number of roller passes had been identified, two beams of each mixture were prepared to carry out the rutting evaluation test. The machine is applicable to test three beams simultaneously. A total number of ten beams were tested. Results were collected up to the maximum allowable number of rolling which is 5000 roller passes. Results were obtained from this test are shown in Table 4.14. Table 4.14: Results of the Three-Wheel immersion-tracking machine Number of Roller Passes Average Rut Depth (mm) ACW10 ACW14 ACB28 SMA14 SMA20 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 7.31 8.89 2.93 6.52 1.99 1000 9.88 10.98 3.59 8.34 2.12 2000 10.59 11.90 4.47 9.23 2.28 5000 15.69 14.81 8.2 14.01 4.06 69 Number of Roller Passes versus Rutting Depth ACW10 25 R2 = 0.990 22.5 ACB28 R2 = 0.988 20 SMA14 R2 = 0.995 17.5 Rutting Depth (mm) SMA20 15 ACW14 12.5 Power (SMA20) 10 R2 = 0.999 Power (ACB28) 7.5 Power (SMA14) 5 R2 = 0.995 Power (ACW10) 2.5 Power (ACW14) 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 Number of Roller Passes Figure 4.3: Roller Passes versus Rut Depth results Finally, stability, flow, stiffness and rut depth values of each mix at the optimum bitumen content were collected and presented as shown in table 4.15. Table 4.15: Stability, Flow, Stiffness and Rut depth of various asphaltic mixtures Mixture Flow Stability Stiffness Rut Depth Type (mm) (N) (N/mm) (mm) ACW10 4.03 12370 3096.4 15.69 ACW14 3.65 11790 3230.1 14.81 ACB28 7.30 7982 1093.4 8.20 SMA14 11.00 10490 953.6 14.01 SMA20 14.00 9530 680.7 4.06 The obtained relationships between the four parameters that are related to pavement performance (Stability, Flow, Stiffness and Rut depth) are drawn on graphs 4.4(a) to (d) as shown below. 70 Stability versus Rutting 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 R u t D e p th (m m ) 13.00 12.00 11.00 2 Series1 Poly. (Series1) R = 0.656 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000 10500 11000 11500 12000 12500 Stability (N) Figure 4.4(a): Stability versus Rut Depth R u t D e p th (m m ) Flow versus Rutting 16.00 15.50 15.00 14.50 14.00 13.50 13.00 12.50 12.00 11.50 11.00 10.50 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 2 Series1 Power (Series1) R = 0.518 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 Flow (mm) Figure 4.4(b): Flow versus Rut Depth 71 Flow versus Stability 12500 12250 12000 11750 11500 11250 11000 S tab ility (N ) 10750 10500 10250 R2 = 0.345 Series1 Power (Series1) 10000 9750 9500 9250 9000 8750 8500 8250 8000 7750 7500 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 Flow (mm) Figure 4.4(c): Flow versus Stability Stiffness versus Rutting 18.5 17.5 16.5 15.5 14.5 13.5 R u t D ep th (m m ) 12.5 2 R = 0.490 11.5 Series1 Expon. (Series1) 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 2.5 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 Stiffness (N/mm) Figure 4.4(d): Stiffness versus Rut Depth 3250 3500 72 4.12 DISCUSSION Results of this research will be discussed in this part and conclusion would be drawn based on it. The conclusion and recommendations will be presented in the next chapter. Results achieved by Marshall Mix design method were acceptable. All values of Optimum bitumen content were complied with the JKR requirements. Except for SMA mixtures, where the obtained OBC values were complied with AASHTO requirements, which specifies that the minimum OBC should be 6%. Verification has approved that all volumetric properties, stability and flow values were complied with the requirements of JKR specification. Results from the trial and error method to determine the number of roller passes required to produce the appropriate requirement of compaction density have proven that as number of roller passes is increased, density is increased. On the other hand, as number of roller passes is increased, the percentage of VTM showed the opposite trend and decreased. It was observed that from the Three-Wheel immersion tracking machine test, the relationships between flow and stability is weak which indicated a poor correlation with R² value of 0.345. Results show that as flow is increased, stability is increased which is not acceptable. As presented in stability versus rut depth graph, the obtained relationship shows a fair correlation with R² of (0.656). The relationship suggests that as stability is increased, rut depth is also increased which is not expected. Particularly, as a material becomes more stable, rutting potential should be decreased. Therefore, it was concluded that stability can not be used to predict rutting potential of the new Malaysian HMA mixtures. By plotting the relationships between flow and rut depth, the trend indicated that while flow value is increased, rut depth shows an opposite intend and decreased 73 which is unexpected. Normally, as flow is increased, rut depth is increased. Although the correlation is fair with R² of 0.518 but this again shows that, flow can not predict rutting potential. An attempt was made to investigate the relationship between stiffness (which is the ratio of stability divided by flow value) and rut depth. The obtained relationship shows a weak (poor) correlation with R² of (0.49) and indicates that stiffness does not have much reliability. Therefore, the trend a show that as stiffness is increased, the rut depth is also increased which is against the understanding of asphalt behavior. It is concluded that stiffness cannot be used as an indicator of rutting potential. Typically, the stiffer the mix, the less the rut depth or in other words, the higher the stiffness, the lower the rut depth which does not exist from th obtained relationship. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMONDATIONS From this study, it can be concluded that there is no correlation between stability, flow and rutting potential .Therefore, stability flow and stiffness cannot be used to predict rutting potential of the new Malaysia HMA mixtures. To improve the findings it might be helpful for future researches to be carried out using a modern Wheel tracking machine (e.g. Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Machine) and make a comparison of the results with the achieved results by the Three-Wheel immersion Tracking Machine used in this research. It should be noted that the results were obtained based on a level of compaction of 75 blows/face for AC mixtures and 50 blows/face for SMA mixtures. 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APPENDIXES 79 APPENDIX A 1) Aggregate gradation Table A1.1: Aggregate gradation for ACW10 Sieve Size mm 14 10 5.0 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.150 0.075 Filler Size^0.45 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 0.426 0.312 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 90 100 58 72 48 64 22 40 12 26 6 14 4 8 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 95 65 56 27 15 10 6 - 0 5 35 44 73 85 90 94 100 0 5 30 9 29 12 5 4 6 ∑=100 % Table A1.2: Aggregate gradation for ACW14 Sieve Size mm 20 14 10 5.0 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.150 0.075 Filler Size^0.45 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 0.426 0.312 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 90 100 76 86 56 62 40 54 18 34 12 24 6 14 4 8 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 93 79 56 47 23 14 10 6 - 0 7 21 44 53 77 86 90 94 100 0 7 14 23 9 24 9 4 4 6 ∑=100 % 80 Table A1.3: Aggregate gradation for ACB28 Sieve Size mm 37.5 28 20 14 10 5.0 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.150 0.075 Filler Size^0.45 5.109 4.479 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 0.426 0.312 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 90 100 90 72 76 58 64 48 46 30 40 24 28 14 20 8 10 4 7 3 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 95 85 70 56 36 28 17 10 5 4 - 15 30 44 64 72 83 90 95 96 100 0 5 10 15 14 20 8 11 7 5 1 4 ∑=100% Table A1.4: Aggregate gradation for SMA14 Sieve Size mm 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 0.600 0.300 0.075 filler Size^0.45 4.256 4.479 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 100 100 100 100 72 83 25 38 16 24 12 16 12 15 8 10 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 100 100 77.5 31.5 20 14 13.5 9 - 0 0 0 22.5 68.5 80 86 86.5 91 100 0 0 0 22.5 46 11.5 6 0.5 4.5 9 ∑=100% 81 Table A1.5: Aggregate gradation for SMA20 Sieve Size mm 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 0.600 0.300 0.075 PAN Size^0.45 4.256 4.479 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 - Specification Limits (%) Lower Upper 100 100 100 100 85 95 65 75 20 28 16 24 12 16 12 15 8 10 - Percent Passing Cumulative retained Percent retained 100 100 90 70 24 20 14 13.5 9 - 0 0 10 30 76 80 86 86.5 91 100 0 0 10 20 46 4 6 0.5 4.5 9 ∑=100% 82 2) Dry & Washed-Sieve Analysis Results A) Dry & Washed-Sieve Analysis Test for ACW10 Dry-Sieve analysis results Table A2.1: Aggregate gradation & required weight of each aggregate size for ACW10 mixture Sieve Size mm 14 10 5.0 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.150 0.075 PAN Size^0.45 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 0.426 0.312 - Percent Passing 100 % 95 % 65 % 56 % 27 % 15 % 10 % 6% - Percent retained 0% 5% 30 % 9% 29 % 12 % 5% 4% 6% ∑ =100 % Weight required (gm) 0 60 360 108 348 144 60 48 72 ∑ = 1200 Cumulative Weight 0 60 420 528 876 1020 1080 1128 1200 Washed-Sieve analysis results Table A2.2: Washed-sieve analysis result Sample No. Weight of sample before washing, A (g) Weight of oven dry sample in air (after washing), B (g) Amount of Dust coated on aggregate = A - B 1 2 1128.0 1128.0 1079.3 1076.0 48.70 52.00 Average = 50.35gm 83 Percentage of required filler material for ACW10 Percentage of dust (Filler) = 6% (2% OPC + 4%filler). 2 % OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) = 0.02×1200 = 24gm. 4 % filler = 0.04×1200 = 48gm. Amount of dust cotaed on the aggregate ≈ 50gm. Since the required dust is almost the same amount of dust coated on the aggregate, only the percentage of OPC (24gm) has been added to total weight of aggregate. Table A2.3: Final Aggregate gradation used to prepare Marshall samples For ACW10 after determining amount of dust content coated oaggregates Sieve Size mm 14 0% Cumulative Weight of agg. 0 10 5% 60 60 60 60 60 60 5.0 30 % 420 360 360 360 360 360 3.35 9% 528 108 108 108 108 108 1.18 29 % 876 348 348 348 348 348 0.425 12 % 1020 144 144 144 144 144 0.150 5% 1080 60 60 60 60 60 0.075 4% 1128 48 48 48 48 48 OPC Added Dust Weight of bitumen Total Weight of sample 2% 1152 24 24 24 24 24 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - 60.63 67.04 73.53 80.08 86.70 - - 1212.63 1219.04 1225.53 1232.08 1232.7 % retained @ 5.0 % @ 5.5 % @ 6.0 % @ 6.5 % @ 7.0 % 0 0 0 0 0 84 B) Dry & Washed-Sieve Analysis Test for ACW14 Dry-Sieve analysis results Table A3.1: Aggregate gradation & required weight of each aggregate size for ACW14 mixture Sieve Size mm 20 14 10 5 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.15 0.075 PAN Size^0.45 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 0.426 0.312 0 Percent Passing 100 % 93 % 79 % 56 % 47 % 23 % 14 % 10 % 6% 0% Percent retained 0% 7% 14 % 23 % 9% 24 % 9% 4% 4% 6% ∑ =100 % Weight required (gm) 0 84 168 276 108 288 108 48 48 72 ∑ = 1200 Cumulative Weight 0 84 252 528 636 924 1032 1080 1128 1200 Washed-Sieve analysis results Table A3.2: Washed-sieve analysis result Sample No. Weight of sample before washing, A (g) Weight of oven dry sample in air(after washing), B (g) Amount of Dust coated on aggregate = A - B 1 2 1128.0 1128.0 1084.3 1086.1 43.70 41.90 Average =42.80gm 85 Percentage of required filler material for ACW14 Percentage of dust (Filler) = 6% (2% OPC + 4%filler). 2 % OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) = 0.02×1200 = 24gm. 4 % filler = 0.04×1200 = 48gm. Amount of dust coated on the aggregate ≈ 42.80gm. Then, 48 - 42.80 = 5.2gm. filler that must be added to the total weight of aggregate. Table A3.3: Final Aggregate gradation used to prepare Marshall samples for ACW14 after determining amount dust content coated an the aggregate Sieve Size mm 14 0% Cumulative Weight of agg. 0 10 5% 60 60 60 60 60 60 5.0 30 % 420 360 360 360 360 360 3.35 9% 528 108 108 108 108 108 1.18 29 % 876 348 348 348 348 348 0.425 12 % 1020 144 144 144 144 144 0.150 5% 1080 60 60 60 60 60 0.075 4% 1128 48 48 48 48 48 OPC Added Dust Weight of bitumen Total Weight of sample 2% 1152 24 24 24 24 24 0.43 % 1157.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 - - 60.63 67.04 73.53 80.08 86.70 - - 1217.83 1224.24 1230.73 1237.28 1243.90 % retained @ 5% @ 5.5 % @ 6% @ 6.5 % @ 7% 0 0 0 0 0 86 C) Dry & Washed-Sieve Analysis Test for ACB28 Dry-Sieve analysis results Table A4.1: Aggregate gradation & required weight of each aggregate size for ACB28 mixture Sieve Size mm 37.5 28 20 14 10 5 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.15 0.075 Pan Size^0.45 5.109 4.479 3.850 3.279 2.818 2.063 1.723 1.077 0.680 0.426 0.312 0 Percent Passing 100 % 95 % 85 % 70 % 56 % 36 % 28 % 17 % 10 % 5% 4% 0% Percent retained 0% 5% 10 % 15 % 14 % 20 % 8% 11 % 7% 5% 1% 4% ∑ =100 % Weight required (gm) 0 60 120 180 168 240 96 132 84 60 12 48 ∑ = 1200 Cumulative Weight 0 60 180 360 528 768 864 996 1080 1140 1152 1200 Washed-Sieve analysis results Table A4.2: Washed-sieve analysis result Sample No. Weight of sample before washing, A (g) Weight of oven dry sample in air(after washing), B (g) Amount of Dust coated on aggregate = A - B 1 2 1152.0 1152.0 1128.0 1131.1 24.00 20.90 Average =22.45gm 87 Percentage of required filler material for ACB28 Percentage of dust (Filler) = 4% (2% OPC + 2%filler). 2 % OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) = 0.02×1200 = 24gm. 2 % filler = 0.02×1200 = 24gm. Amount of dust coated on the aggregate ≈ 22.45gm. Then, 24 - 22.45 = 1.55gm. filler that must be added to the total weight of aggregate. Table A4.3: Final Aggregate gradation used to prepare Marshall samples for ACB28 after determining amount dust content coated an the aggregate Sieve Size mm 37.5 0% Cumulative Weight of agg. 0 28 5% 60 60 60 60 60 60 20 10 % 180 120 120 120 120 120 14 15 % 360 180 180 180 180 180 10 14 % 528 168 168 168 168 168 5.0 20 % 768 240 240 240 240 240 3.35 8% 864 96 96 96 96 96 1.18 11 % 996 132 132 132 132 132 0.425 7% 1080 84 84 84 84 84 0.150 5% 1140 60 60 60 60 60 0.075 1% 1152 12 12 12 12 12 OPC Added Dust Weight of bitumen Total Weight of sample 2% 1176 24 24 24 24 24 0.1291% 1177.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 - - 42.70 49.10 55.50 62.00 68.60 - - 1220.25 1226.65 1233.1 1239.55 1246.15 % retained @ 3.5 % @ 4.0 % @ 4.5 % @ 5.0 % @ 5.5 % 0 0 0 0 0 88 D) Dry & Washed-Sieve Analysis Test for SMA14 Dry-Sieve analysis results Table A5.1: Aggregate gradation & required weight of each aggregate size for SMA14 mixture Sieve Size mm 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 0.6 0.3 0.075 Pan Size^0.45 4.256 3.762 3.116 2.754 2.016 1.472 0.795 0.582 0.312 0 Percent Passing 100 100 % 100 % 77.5 % 31.5 % 20 % 14 % 13.5 % 9% 0% Percent retained 100 0% 0% 22.5 % 46 % 11.5 % 6% 0.5 % 4.5 % 9% ∑ =100 % Weight required (gm) 100 0 0 270 552 138 72 6 54 108 ∑ = 1200 Cumulative Weight 0 0 0 270 822 960 1032 1038 1092 1200 Washed-Sieve analysis results Table A5.2: Washed-sieve analysis result Sample No. Weight of sample before washing, A (g) Weight of oven dry sample in air(after washing), B (g) Amount of Dust coated on aggregate = A - B 1 2 1092 1092 1069.1 1071.5 22.9 20.5 Average = 21.7gm 89 Percentage of required filler material for SMA14 Percentage of dust (Filler) = 9% (Ortdinary Portland Cement). 9 % OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) = 0.09*1200 = 108gm. Amount of dust coated on the aggregate ≈ 21.7gm. Then, 108 - 21.7 = 86.3gm OPC that must be added to the total weight of aggregate. Table A5.3: Final Aggregate gradation used to prepare Marshall samples for SMA14 after determining amount dust content coated an the aggregate Sieve Size mm % retained 25 4.256 Cumulative Weight of agg. 0 19 0% 12.5 @ 5.0 % @ 5.5 % @ 6.0 % @ 6.5 % @ 7.0 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.5 22.5 % 270 270 270 270 270 270 4.75 46 % 822 552 552 552 552 552 2.36 11.5 % 960 138 138 138 138 138 0.6 6% 1032 72 72 72 72 72 0.3 0.5 % 1038 6 6 6 6 6 0.075 OPC Added Dust Weight of bitumen Total Weight of sample 4.5 % 1092 54 54 54 54 54 7.19 % 1178.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - 62.02 68.58 75.21 81.91 88.69 - - 1240.32 1246.88 1253.51 1260.21 1266.99 90 E) Dry & Washed-Sieve Analysis Test for SMA20 Dry-Sieve analysis results Table A6.1: Aggregate gradation & required weight of each aggregate size for SMA20 mixture Sieve Size mm 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 0.6 0.3 0.075 Pan Size^0.45 4.256 3.762 3.116 2.754 2.016 1.472 0.795 0.582 0.312 0 Percent Passing 0 100 % 90% 70 % 24 % 20 % 14 % 13.5 % 9% Percent retained 0 0% 10 % 20 % 46 % 4% 6% 0.5 % 4.5 % 9% ∑ =100 % Weight required (gm) 0 0 120 240 552 48 72 6 54 108 ∑ = 1200 Cumulative Weight 0 0 120 360 912 960 1032 1038 1092 1200 Washed-Sieve analysis results Table A6.2: Washed-sieve analysis result Sample No. Weight of sample before washing, A (g) Weight of oven dry sample in air(after washing), B (g) Amount of Dust coated on aggregate = A - B 1 2 1092 1092 1072 1074.9 20.0 17.1 Average =18.55gm 91 Percentage of required filler material for SMA20 Percentage of dust (Filler) = 9% (Ortdinary Portland Cement). 9 % OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) = 0.09*1200 = 108gm. Amount of dust coated on the aggregate ≈ 18.55gm. Then, 108 - 18.55 = 89.5gm OPC that must be added to the total weight of aggregate. Table A6.3: Final Aggregate gradation used to prepare Marshall samples for SMA20 after determining amount dust content coated an the aggregate Sieve Size mm % retained 19 0% Cumulative Weight of agg. 0 12.5 10 % 9.5 @ 5.0 % @ 5.5 % @ 6.0 % @ 6.5 % @ 7.0 % 0 0 0 0 0 120 120 120 120 120 120 20 % 360 240 240 240 240 240 4.75 46 % 912 552 552 552 552 552 2.36 4% 960 48 48 48 48 48 0.6 6% 1032 72 72 72 72 72 0.3 0.5 % 1038 6 6 6 6 6 0.075 OPC Added Dust Weight of bitumen Total Weight of sample 4.5 % 1092 54 54 54 54 54 7.45 % 1181.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 0% - 0 0 0 0 0 - - 62.18 68.76 75.41 82.14 88.93 - - 1243.68 1250.26 1256.91 1263.64 1270.43 92 3) Percentage of Bitumen Contents and Required weight of Asphalt for different mixtures The following formula is used to calculate the weight of bitumen required at each asphalt content: % Asphalt content = [ W bitumen / (W bitumen + W aggregate)] x 100 For example, at 5% asphalt content for ACW10, the required weight of asphalt is : 5% = [ W bitumen / (W bitumen + 1152)] x 100 → W bitumen =60.63gm. Table A7.1: Weight of bitumen at each bitumen content for ACW10 Bitumen Content 5.0 % 5.5 % 6.0 % 6.5 % 7.0 % Weight aggregate (gm) 1152 1152 1152 1152 1152 Weight of bitumen (gm) 60.63 67.04 73.53 80.08 86.70 Table A7.2: Weight of bitumen at each bitumen content for ACW14 Bitumen Content 4.5 % 5.0 % 5.5 % 6.0 % 6.5 % Weight aggregate (gm) 1157.2 1157.2 1157.2 1157.2 1157.2 Weight of bitumen (gm) 54.52 60.90 67.35 73.86 80.44 Table A7.3: Weight of bitumen at each bitumen content for ACB28 Bitumen Content Weight aggregate (gm) Weight of bitumen (gm) 3.5 % 4.0 % 4.5 % 5.0 % 5.5 % 1177.55 1177.55 1177.55 1177.55 1177.55 42.70 49.06 55.48 61.97 68.53 93 Table A7.4: Weight of bitumen at each bitumen content for SMA14 Bitumen Content 5.0 % Weight aggregate (gm) 1178.3 Weight of bitumen (gm) 62.02 5.5 % 6.0 % 6.5 % 7.0 % 1178.3 1178.3 1178.3 1178.3 68.58 75.21 81.91 88.69 Table A7.5: Weight of bitumen at each bitumen content for SMA20 Bitumen Content 5.0 % 5.5 % 6.0 % 6.5 % 7.0 % Weight aggregate (gm) 1181.5 1181.5 1181.5 1181.5 1181.5 Weight of bitumen (gm) 62.18 68.76 75.41 82.14 88.93 94 APPENDIX B 1) Bulk Specific Gravity of coarse and fine Aggregates A) ACW10 Table B1.1: Bulk Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate Sample Weight Oven-dry aggregate, A (gm) 1 2 3 1045.3 1045.6 1044.50 Weight saturated surface dry aggregate, B (gm) 1056.9 1054.2 1053.70 Weight aggregate in water, C (gm) 650.7 651.7 650.00 Bulk Specific Gravity (S.G)bulk = A/(B-C) 2.573 2.598 2.587 Average(S.G)bulk = 2.586 Bulk SSD Specific Gravity (S.G)ssd = B/(B-C) 2.602 2.619 2.610 Average (S.G)ssd = 2.610 Apparent Specific Gravity (S.G)app = A(A-C) 2.649 2.654 2.648 Average (S.G)app = 2.650 Water absorption (%) = 100(B-A)/A 1.110 0.822 0.881 Average = 0.938 % 95 Table B1.2: Bulk Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate Sample 1 2 3 Pycnometer Weight 280.7 281.4 294.1 Weight of oven dry material, A (gm) 493.3 491.2 493.6 Weight of SSD aggregate , S (gm) 500.2 500.4 501.1 Weight of Pycnometer filled with water, B (gm) 875.5 877.1 878.4 Weight of Pycnometer with specimen and water to the calibration mark, C (gm) 1172.3 1184.7 1189.1 Bulk Specific Gravity (S.G)bulk =A/(B+S-C) 2.425 2.548 2.592 Bulk SSD Specific Gravity (S.G)ssd =S/(B+S-C) 2.459 Apparent Specific Gravity (S.G)app =A/(A+B-C) 2.510 2.675 2.699 Average (S.G)app = 2.628 1.399 1.873 1.519 Average = 1.597 % Water absorption (%) =100(S-A)/A Average(S.G)bulk = 2.522 2.595 2.632 Average (S.G)ssd = 2.562 Specific Gravity of Blend S.G (blend) 100 = (%coarse Agg./SG coarse) + (%fine Agg./SG fin e) + (%filler/SG filler) S.G (blend) 100 = (35 / 2.586) + (63 / 2.522) + (2 / 2.98) = 2.551 96 B) ACW14 Due to using the same source of aggregate for ACW10,ACW14 and ACB28, specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregate have been considered to be the same for the three mixtures which is 2.586 for Coarse aggregate and 2.522 for fine aggregate. Specific Gravity of Blend S.G (blend) = 100 (%coarse Agg./SG coarse) + (%fine Agg./SG fin e) + (%filler/SG filler) S.G (blend) = 100 (44 / 2.586) + (54/ 2.522) + (2 / 2.98) = C) 2.557 ACB28 Due to using the same source of aggregate for ACW10,ACW14 and ACB28, specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregate has been considered the same which are 2.586 for Coarse aggregate and 2.522 for fine aggregate. Specific Gravity of Blend S.G (blend) = 100 (64 / 2.586) + (34/ 2.522) + (2 / 2.98) = 2.570 97 D) SMA14 Table B1.3: Bulk Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate 1 2 Weight Oven-dry aggregate, A (gm) 995.4 995.9 Weight saturated surface dry aggregate, B(gm) 1005.3 1005.0 Weight aggregate in water, C (gm) 623.9 623.8 2.610 2.613 Sample Bulk Specific Gravity (S.G)bulk = A/(B-C) Average(S.G)bulk = 2.611 2.636 Bulk SSD Specific Gravity (S.G)ssd = B/(B-C) Average (S.G)ssd = 2.636 2.679 Apparent Specific Gravity (S.G)app = A/(A -C) 2.676 Average (S.G)app = 2.678 0.995 Water absorption (%) = 100(B-A)/A 2.636 0.914 Average = 0.954 % Table B1.3: Bulk Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate 1 2 Pycnometer Weight 293.3 - Weight of oven dry material, A (gm) 495.2 - Weight of SSD aggregate , S (gm) 500.4 - Weight of Pycnometer filled with water, B (gm) Weight of Pycnometer with specimen and water to the calibration mark, C (gm) 877.2 - 1194.7 - 2.707 - Sample Bulk Specific Gravity (S.G)bulk = A/(B+S-C) Average(S.G)bulk = 2.707 2.736 Bulk SSD Specific Gravity (S.G)ssd = S/(B+S-C) Average (S.G)ssd = 2.736 2.787 Apparent Specific Gravity (S.G)app = A/(A+B-C) - Average (S.G)app = 2.787 1.050 Water absorption (%) = 100(S-A)/A - - Average = 1.050 % 98 Specific Gravity of Blend for SMA14 S.G (blend) 100 = (%coarse Agg./SG coarse) + (%fine Agg./SG fin e) S.G (blend) 100 = (68.5 / 2.611) + (31.5 / 2.707) = E) 2.641 SMA20 S.G (blend) 100 = (%coarse Agg./SG coarse) + (%fine Agg./SG fin e) S.G (blend) 100 = (76 / 2.611) + (24 / 2.707) = 2.634 99 APPENDIX C Maximum Specific Gravity of Loose Mixtures A) ACW10 Table C1.1: Maximum specific gravity of loose ACW10 mixture Sample Asphalt content of the mix, ( % bit ) Specific gravity of Aspahlt, S.G(bit) 1 6.00 1.03 2 6.00 1.03 Weight of Bowl in air, A (g) Weight of Bowl in water, B (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in air, C (g) Weight of sample , D (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in water, E (g) 2210.5 1393.7 3426.0 1215.5 2103.7 2210.8 1393.7 3425.8 1215.0 2101.8 Maximum specific gravity of Mix, Gmm (T.M.D) =D/(D+B-E) 2.405 2.397 Average = 2.401 Effective specific gravity of aggregate, S.G eff =(100-%bit) / {(100/Gmm)-(%bit/S.Gbit)} 2.628 2.619 Average = 2.6236 100 B) ACW14 Table C1.2: Maximum specific gravity of loose ACW14 mixture Sample Asphalt content of the mix, ( % bit ) Specific gravity of Aspahlt, S.G(bit) 1 2 5.50 1.03 5.50 1.03 Weight of Bowl in air, A (g) Weight of Bowl in water, B (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in air, C (g) Weight of sample , D (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in water, E (g) 2210.1 1393.7 3815.3 1605.2 2332.8 2210.3 1393.7 3816.5 1606.2 2333.9 Maximum specific gravity of Mix, Gmm (T.M.D) =D/(D+B-E) 2.410 2.412 Average = 2.411 Effective specific gravity of aggregate, S.G eff =(100-%bit) / {(100/Gmm)-(%bit/S.Gbit)} 2.614 2.616 Average = 2.6148 C) ACB28 Table C1.3: Maximum specific gravity of loose ACB28 mixture Sample Asphalt content of the mix, ( % bit ) Specific gravity of Aspahlt, S.G(bit) 1 4.50 1.03 2 4.50 1.03 Weight of Bowl in air, A (g) Weight of Bowl in water, B (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in air, C (g) Weight of sample , D (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in water, E (g) 2394.7 1393.4 4797.1 2402.4 2812.1 2210.0 1393.0 4729.1 2519.1 2883.6 Maximum specific gravity of Mix, Gmm (T.M.D) =D/(D+B-E) 2.442 2.449 Average = 2.446 Effective specific gravity of aggregate, S.G eff =(100-%bit) / {(100/Gmm)-(%bit/S.Gbit)} 2.611 2.619 Average = 2.615 101 D) SMA14 Table C.4: Maximum specific gravity of loose SMA14 mixture Sample Asphalt content of the mix, ( % bit ) Specific gravity of Aspahlt, S.G(bit) 1 6.00 1.03 2 6.00 1.03 Weight of Bowl in air, A (g) Weight of Bowl in water, B (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in air, C (g) Weight of sample , D (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in water, E (g) 2210.1 1392.8 3728 1517.9 2285.2 2210.1 1392.7 3765 1554.9 2300.2 Maximum specific gravity of Mix, Gmm (T.M.D) =D/(D+B-E) 2.427 2.402 Average = 2.414 Effective specific gravity of aggregate, S.G eff =(100-%bit) / {(100/Gmm)-(%bit/S.Gbit)} 2.657 2.625 Average = 2.641 E) SMA20 Table C.5: Maximum specific gravity of loose SMA20 mixture Sample Asphalt content of the mix, ( % bit ) Specific gravity of Aspahlt, S.G(bit) 1 6.00 1.03 2 6.00 1.03 Weight of Bowl in air, A (g) Weight of Bowl in water, B (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in air, C (g) Weight of sample , D (g) Weight of Bowl & sample in water, E (g) 2210.0 1393.0 4247.0 2037.0 2590.6 2210.1 1392.8 4268.4 2058.3 2595.7 Maximum specific gravity of Mix, Gmm (T.M.D) =D/(D+B-E) 2.427 2.406 Average = 2.416 Effective specific gravity of aggregate, S.G eff =(100-%bit) / {(100/Gmm)-(%bit/S.Gbit)} 2.657 2.631 Average = 2.644 102 APPENDIX D MARSHALL MIX DESIGN RESULTS 1) ACW10 103 2) ACW14 104 3) ACB28 105 4) SMA14 106 5) SMA20 107