The Polar Coronal Holes and the Fast Solar Wind : Some Recent Results S. Patsourakos*, S.-R. Habbalf, J.-C. Vial** and Y. Q. Hu* *Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6NT, UK ^University of Wales, Department of Physics, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SW23,3BZ, UK **Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Universite Paris XI - CNRS, Bat. 121, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, FRANCE * University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, Peoples Republic of China Abstract. We report on recent results on the source regions of the fast solar wind : the Polar Coronal Holes (PCH). They concern a comparison between the effective temperatures for a large set of different ions obtained from observations in the inner corona of PCH and from a fast wind numerical model based on the ion-cyclotron resonant dissipation of high-frequency Alfven waves. We also report on some preliminary results from our modeling concerning the Fe/O ratio in the inner corona in PCH. INTRODUCTION quency. Moreover, this preferential heating and acceleration of low gyrofrequency ions, takes place closer to the Sun owing to the rapid decrease with distance of the magnetic field strength. When the dispersion of Alfven waves by the minor ions is taken into account (e.g., (11) and (12)) preferential heating and acceleration of minor ions is even more enhanced: minor ions act as 'channels' for the wave heating to proceed from one gyrofrequency to a much faster one. One of the most useful spectroscopic observables in the solar corona is the ion effective temperature. It essentially corresponds to a combination of thermal and nonthermal (waves, turbulence) motions along a given line of sight (LOS) in the corona. Since effective temperatures are directly associated to ion temperatures, they provide a powerful means of testing heating mechanisms. For example, in the frame of the models exposed in the previous paragraph, one can expect an ordering of the ion effective temperature with the ion gyrofrequency : the smaller the gyrofrequency the larger the effective temperature. This has been confirmed by (9) who confronted observations of the effective temperatures of Mg X and O VI made by UVCS in the outer corona with model calculations. SUMER observations of a number of different ions in the inner corona (14) have also demonstrated the existence of such a trend even though it is somehow weak. What is clearly needed is to confront effective temperatures of a large number of ions which scan a wide range of gyrofrequencies derived from observations and detailed model predictions. This is the main objective of the present paper. Moreover, we make an initial assessment on the pos- A major breakthrough in our understanding of the fast solar wind resulted and still results from observations made by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Is seems that the fast solar wind emanates from the boundaries of the magnetic network in Polar Coronal Holes (1) and then continues through the interplume regions its journey into the outer corona (2) and (3). Electrons are rather cool in PCH and their temperature barely exceed 1 MK (4). On the other hand protons and minor ions are significantly hotter than electrons with minor ions being preferentially heated and accelerated with respect to protons (5). The above results gave strong hints on the importance of the resonant interaction between ion-cyclotron (ic) waves with solar wind ions, for fast solar wind energetics and dynamics. The potential of the above mechanism for preferential heating and acceleration of the solar wind ions was recognized by a number of authors (e.g., (6), (7) and (8)). The essence of this mechanism is that high frequency ion-cyclotron waves resulting from either a turbulent cascade of low frequency Alfven waves towards high frequencies (e.g., (9)) or from microflaring in the network (10) can dump their energy and momentum into plasma heating and acceleration when their frequency matches the local gyrofrequency of a given ion. Since the power spectrum of such waves is inversely proportional to the frequency of the waves this means that ions with a smaller gyrofrequency will be more strongly heated and accelerated than ions with a larger gyrofre- CP598, Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0042-3/017$ 18.00 299 TABLE 1. Initial conditions at 1 RQ used for constructing the grid of our models described in the text. / m ,rl,a refer to the formulation of flow tube cross-section given in (15). The ion densities are calculated by using the photospheric elemental abundances of (16) and ionization equilibrium calculations of (17). The Alfven waves power spectrum is the same as in (9). electron density electron(=proton, oc-particle, ion) temperature magnetic field strength 2.5 x 108cm~3 8.0x 105 K 8G fm 5 rl 1.31 R0 a 0.51 R0 helium abundance wave amplitude 0.06 30 kms"1 sible impact that the physical mechanisms invoked by the models exposed above may have on elemental abundances in the inner corona of PCH. The present paper is organized as follows. In the second section we outline the numerical model we used while in the third section we give some sample results of the model. In the fourth section we make a comparison between observed effective temperatures and model calculations concerning a number of different ions. The fifth section deals with the Fe/O abundance ratio in the inner corona of PCH as it is derived from the model. In the sixth section we discuss our results and present our conclusions. test-particles in the ambient proton a-particles wind. For more details, the interested reader should reffer to (9) and the references therein. In the present work we constructed a grid of solar wind solutions, employing the same initial conditions and comprising a number of different minor ions. As such we had at hand the radial profiles of the density, velocity and temperature for protons, a-particles and a number of minor ions. In Table 1 we give the initial conditions we used for each run made in the frame of the present work. SAMPLE RESULTS DETAILS OF THE NUMERICAL MODEL The numerical model used here is described in full detail in (9). It simultaneously solves the time-dependent conservation equations for mass, momentum, energy and wave-action for a four-species plasma (protons, electrons, a-particles and one minor ion) in a flow tube with the relevant physical quantities being functions of the radial distance only. The flow tube cross-section is described using the formalism of (15). A Kolmogorov power-spectrum describes the energy transfer from lowfrequency left-hand-polarized Alfven waves to highfrequency ion cyclotron waves, and with the resulting resonant interaction with the solar wind ions (solar wind bulk and minor species) is responsible for coronal heating and the acceleration of the solar wind. The distribution of wave energy to the ions is described by the quasilinear theory of wave-particle interaction and by a coldplasma dispersion relation. Grid points in space are distributed in such a way as to deal with steep gradients. The corresponding numerical code is run for a sufficient time (& 35 days in physical time) inorder to reach a steadystate solution i.e. mass, momentum and energy to attain a constant value and it covers a distance range 1 R© 1.2 AU. Minor ions could approximately be treated as 300 We present in Figures 1 and 2 some sample results from our modelling. In Figure 1 we show a number of properties of the background wind : protons and a-particles start to get appreciably heated from a distance of about 1.3 R0, which corresponds to the distance from which most of the super-radial expansion of the flow tube starts taking place. To note here, that the a-particles to protons temperature ratio, is larger than their mass ratio which results from the inclusion of dispersive Alfven waves. Contrary to protons and a-particles, electrons remain cool since on one hand they receive no direct heating and on the other hand Coulomb collisions are not sufficient enough as to sustain a common temperature between ions and electrons. Finally, after an initial lag a-particles start to flow faster than the protons. In Figure 2 we note that the temperature and velocities of the selected iron ions, which correspond to the dominant ions in the inner corona of coronal holes, are clearly ordered in a decreasing charge state : the smaller the charge state (and thus the gyrofrequency) the more a given ion is heated and accelerated closer to the Sun. Moreover, iron ions are heated and accelerated more and closer to the Sun as compared to the solar wind bulk (protons and a-particles). The iron ions reach their terminal speed at a distance of about 3 R© which is signif- electron density temperatures 10 10 10' 10 w4 1.0 10 1.5 2.0 2,5 distance Rs flow velocities 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 distance R_ 3.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 distance R_ 1000 1.0 FIGURE 1. Radial profiles of (a) the electron density (upper left panel), (b) the electron, proton and a-particles temperatures (upper right panel) and (c) the proton and a-particles flow velocities (lower left panel). Fe ; ion temperatures ,9^ 10 10 Fe X Fe IX 10C 10 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Fe : flow velocities 1000 I 2.0 distance R a FIGURE 2. ions. Calculated radial profiles of (a) the temperature (upper panel) and (b) the flow velocity (lower panel) for several iron icantly smaller than the corresponding distance for protons (w 10R0) and are extremely hot (temperatures of the order of 100 MK at 1.2 R0). The significant difference in velocity between the different ion stages of iron in the inner corona (e.g., a factor w 4 at 1.2 R0 between Fe IX and Fe XII), may have a significant bearing on 301 ionization balance calculations in the solar wind acceleration regions which normally use the assumption of a common flow velocity for all ionization stages of the same element, 1.05 FL 1x10' - 4x10° 1,18 FL 108F 10' 10° q/m FIGURE 3. Model calculated (rhombs) and observed (triangles) effective temperatures for a series of ions as a function of their ^ ratio. They concern distances 1.05 (upper panel) and 1.18 (lower panel) R0. TABLE 3. The same as for Table 1, but now at at a distance 1.18 RQ. ION EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURES ion TABLE 2. Observed versus calculated effective temperatures at a distance of 1.05 R0. The first column gives the used ion, the second column gives its corresponding charge over mass ratio, the third column gives the logarithm (base 10) of the observed Teff, the fourth column the reference from which the T£$ were extracted ; a : (18), p : (14), y : (19) and the fifth column gives the logarithm (base 10) of the calculated Teff. ion m iog(r$) ref log(r-f) MgX OVI Ne VIII NeVII Mg VIII Si VIII Si VII FeXI FeX 0.37 0.31 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.24 0.21 0.17 0.16 6.55 6.45 6.55 6.5 6.55 6.4 6.55 6.65 6.75 a 6.23 6.24 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.31 6.42 6.65 6.8 y P P P P P P P MgX OVI Ne VIII NeVII Mg VIII Si VIII FeXII m iog(r$) ref log(T-f) 0.37 0.31 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.24 0.19 6.64 6.61 6.7 6.7 6.6 6.8 6.8 a 6.61 6.69 6.63 6.73 6.76 7.02 7.59 y P P P P P that minor ion species can be approximately treated as test particles in the background solar wind (maximum variations of 10-15 % were found between solutions employing different ions). Effective temperatures Teff were calculated according to the following relation : (1) where 7} is the ion temperature and < 5o)2 > is the velocity variance of unresolved motions along the LOS. For calculating < 5\)2 > we considered that it is associated (1) to the velocity amplitude of the Alfven waves which propagate along the magnetic field lines and it writes as : From the model results we calculated the effective temperatures for a number of ions and compared them with published observations of effective temperatures in PCH. We note that we checked if the inclusion of a minor species in the calculations, considerably alters the properties of the background proton-a wind, in the same spirit as in (9). We found, as the above authors also did, (2) 302 Iron vs Protons 4.0x10 3,0x10 ^ 2,0X10 LQX1Q 1.0 1.5 2,0 2.5 3,0 2,5 3,0 Oxygen vs Protons 1.0 1,5 2,0 distance FIGURE 4. Radial variation of the the iron (upper panel) and oxygen (lower panel) abundances with respect to the Hydrogen as a function of the distance. where pw is the wave pressure and p the mass density and (2) to solar wind motions along the LOS that produce extra line broadening. For (2) we calculated the rms value of the ion flow velocities distribution along the LOS, by weighting each point taken into account in the calculation by the square of the corresponding electron density. Teff were determined by the observations, by attributing the line width of the observed spectral lines of different ion species to an effective temperature. The results of this comparison are tabulated in Tables 2 and 3 and shown in Figure 3. The calculated Teff tend to decrease with increasing ^ following the lines of the ion-cyclotron resonance mechanism. The plateau towards large ^ can be explained by the existence of heavier ions (Fe, Si) in this range of ^ than in the descending part of the Teff versus ^ curve which tends to compensate the decrease of Tf0n with ^). The observed Teff are less 'well-ordered' with ^ than the calculated but a trend is also evident. What we can conclude is that the calculated and observed Teff are in a good agreement to a factor of maximum 2 in all but one cases. It can also be noted that while at r = 1.18R© we have T$ > Temeff°fd t this trend is reversed for r = 1.05R0. The point of~ ithe 303 maximum disagreement between the observations and the calculations (a factor w 6) corresponds to observations made in the Fe XII line at 1.18 R©. This line is particularly faint in coronal hole regions and observations may have underestimated its true width: the poor photon statistics in the line wings hamper to resolve the full line and thus the corresponding Teff. THE FE/O RATIO IN THE INNER CORONA OF POLAR CORONAL HOLES Inorder to make a case on the possible implications the present model and the ic mechanism in general may have on elemental abundances in the inner corona, we show here some preliminary results on the Fe/O abundance ratio (Figure 4). In-situ observations (20) of this ratio in fast solar wind streams have shown that it takes values comparable to the photospheric ones. We approximated the iron and oxygen total densities by the sum over the densities of their dominant ionization stages (Fe IX, X, XI, XII and O VI, VII, VII correspondingly). It can be seen from Figure 4 that the iron abundance decreases with distance in the range 1.0-1.3 R0 while for oxygen this decrease takes place in the range & 1.5-1.8 RQ. The above behavior is a direct consequence of the different velocity profiles of oxygen and iron : iron is more massive than oxygen and it is therefore more efficiently accelerated closest to the Sun owing to the smallest gyrofrequencies of the iron ions as compared to the oxygen ions. Therefore the iron and oxygen start moving faster than the protons and thus become depleted at different radial distance regimes. From the above it follows that until a distance of w 1.3 R0 the Fe/O decreases a result which may be termed as an 'inverse FlP-effect' for iron and oxygen. We note here, that at larger distances from the Sun both elements retain more or less their abundances at 1 R0. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The rather good agreement between the observed and calculated Teff for a significant number (10) of different ions with ^ ratios from 0.16 to 0.37 provides another strong argument in favor of the importance of the ic mechanism for fast solar wind heating and acceleration. It is remarkable to note how well calculations fit the observations, given a number of simplifications made in the calculations - inclusion of one minor ion at any time and thus neglecting the effect of the other ions on the waves dispersion, use of a cold plasma relation which overestimates the effects of the waves. It could be that the above two effects compensate each other leading to a solution not too far from 'reality'. In any case, the four-fluid model we used seems capable of capturing the essential elements of fast solar wind energetics and dynamics - as it was also shown for the outer corona and 1 AU in (9) regardless its simplifications. 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