3D DSMC Simulation of Rarefied Hypersonic Flow over a Sharp Flat Plate >H __ skHc # H. Yamaguchi , N. Tsuboi , Y. Matsumoto * Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan ** Research Division for Space Transportation, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, 3-1-1, Yoshinodai, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8510, Japan Abstract. The flow over a sharp flat plate with a finite leading edge angle located in a rarefied hypersonic flow has been investigated numerically with the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method using the Dynamic Molecular Collision (DMC) Model based on Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation of nitrogen molecules. The results of the two-dimensional numerical simulations of the zero leading edge angle plate agree fairly well with the experimental results [Lengrand, J.C. et al. (1992)] in the middle cross section of the span direction. Thus to investigate much more precisely about the detailed physical phenomena in the rarefied hypersonic flow over the sharp flat plate, the three-dimensional numerical simulations have been made. At first, to compare with two-dimensional simulation, the effect of the existence of the finite leading edge angle - "the leading edge effect", and the effect of the three-dimensional flow structure due to the side edge of the plate - "the finite span effect" are investigated. From these numerical simulations, the flow field around the plate is shown three-dimensionally, and the effects are evaluated to determine the three-dimensional flow structure over the plate. INTRODUCTION Many researchers have investigated the rarefied hypersonic flows around space vehicles with respect to the nonequilibrium characteristics. The external flow field and the boundary layer growth around a body of given shape have the mutual interaction called viscous interaction. This viscous interaction affects the flight characteristics of the vehicles. Thus it is important to analyse this phenomenon. In rarefied regime, the shock wave and the boundary layer "merge" near a leading edge, and in that region, it becomes difficult to distinguish the shock wave from the boundary layer. This region is called the merged layer. A strong nonequilibrium between translational and internal degrees of freedom of molecules could be observed in this region. However the nonequilibrium in the merged layer has not been discussed in detail. In numerical simulations, the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method [1] is widely used to simulate the rarefied gas flows. The gas-gas interaction model has very important role in this method. To investigate nonequilibrium between the translational and the internal energy of diatomic molecules, the relaxation of the internal degrees of freedom should be simulated in detail. Thus the molecular collisions, which is micro-scale phenomena, and the macro-scale phenomena of the flow field around a body of given shape, should be treated at one time, because micro-scale phenomena affect macro-scale phenomena and vice versa. The analysis should be done over multi scales, micro to macro. Thus the Dynamic Molecular Collision (DMC) model [2] is chosen as the collision model. The DMC model is derived from a lot of Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of diatomic molecule (N2) two-body collisions. It is the statistical model based on micro-scale phenomena for the macro-scale analysing method. The schematic diagram of their relations is shown in Fig.l. To make the analysis easier, a sharp flat plate is chosen as an object. The another reason of deciding an object is that there exists the experimental result [3]. To investigate the merged layer in detail, the numerical simulation is made and compared with the experimental result. There are two elements that could affect the three-dimensional flow structure around the object - the finite leading edge angle and the existence of the side edge of the plate. Thus three-dimensional and two-dimensional numerical simulations have made and compared to investigate these effects - the leading edge effect and the finite span effect. CP585, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 22nd International Symposium, edited by T. J. Bartel and M. A. Gallis © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0025-3/01/$18.00 764 Rarefied Gas Shock wave Nonequilibrium flow Relaxation of molecular collisions Interaction between atomic nucleus and electron V Modelling Probability Translation^/ Rotational energy Collision model FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of the present multi-scale analysis model. FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of the present multi-scale analysis model. NUMERICAL METHOD AND CONDITIONS NUMERICAL METHOD AND CONDITIONS To make numerical simulations, the DSMC method is applied. In the DSMC method, relaxation of diatomic To make numerical simulations, the DSMC method is applied. In the DSMC method, relaxation of diatomic molecules in nonequilibrium flow is the state of art. From the view of the multi scale analysis, the DMC model, molecules in nonequilibrium flow is the state of art. From the view of the multi scale analysis, the DMC model, which is derived from a lot of MD simulations of diatomic molecules (N2) two-body collisions, is chosen as a which is derived from a lot of MD simulations of diatomic molecules (N ) two-body collisions, is chosen as a collision model of diatomic molecules. The collision frequency is calculated2with Null-Collision method [4]. For the collision model of diatomic molecules. The collision frequency is calculated with Null-Collision method [4]. For the gas-surface interaction, the diffuse model is applied as the conclusion of Ref.5. gas-surface interaction, the diffuse model is applied as the conclusion of Ref.5. The flow conditions and the plate sizes are same as those of experiment in Ref.3, and listed in table 1. The The flow conditions and the plate sizes are same as those of experiment in Ref.3, and listed in table1. The coordinate all over over the the plate plate belongs belongstotothe themerged mergedlayer layerregime regimeininthis thiscondition. condition. coordinateisistaken taken as as Fig.l. Fig.1. Almost Almost all The numerical simulation is made with four ways. The numerical simulation is made with four ways. a)a) 2-dimensional edge angle angle (infinitely (infinitely thin thinplate plateapproximation) approximation) 2-dimensional with with zero zero leading leading edge b)b) 2-dimensional with finite leading edge angle 2-dimensional with finite leading edge angle c)c) 3-dimensional edge angle angle (infinitely (infinitely thin thinplate plateapproximation) approximation) 3-dimensional with with zero zero leading leading edge d)d) 3-dimensional leading edge edge angle angle 3-dimensional with with finite finite leading Three-dimensional much memory memory and and time. time.Thus Thusthree-dimensional three-dimensionalcase caseisissimulated simulatedwith with Three-dimensional calculation calculation needs needs too too much parallel computing. parallel computing. Y X Z FIGURE for the the numerical numerical simulation. simulation. FIGURE2. 2. Coordinate Coordinate system for 765 TABLE 1. Flow Conditions and Plate Sizes. TABLE 1. Flow Conditions and Plate Sizes. Properties Properties M∞ TTolK] 0 [K] Pol[Pa] Pa] P 0 TT»[K] [K] ∞ P*[Pa] P ∞ [Pa] TT*[K] w [K] Re (based on 50mm) 50mm) Re (based on Kn (based on 50mm) Kn (based on 50mm) Length of the plate [mm] Length of the plate [mm] Width of the plate [mm] Width of the plate [mm] Thickness of of the the plate plate [mm] [mm] Thickness Leading edge edge angle[deg.] angle[deg.] Leading Moo Ref.[3],[6] Ref.[3],[6] 20.2 20.2 1100 1100 3.5-1055 3.5·10 13.32 13.32 0.06839 0.06839 290 290 566 566 0.047 0.047 100 100 100 100 55 20 20 PARALLEL COMPUTING COMPUTING PARALLEL ItIt takes cost when when three-dimensional three-dimensional simulation simulationisis done. done.Thus Thusparallel parallelcomputing computingisis takes much much time time and and computing computing cost applied DSMC code code isis modified modified with withMPI MPI(Message (MessagePassing PassingInterface) Interface)library. library. applied to to that that case. case. The The three-dimensional three-dimensional DSMC When there is a need to transfer data from one process to another process, the data is restructured as a matrix and When there is a need to transfer data from one process to another process, the data is restructured as a matrix and total transfer data length is shorten. total transfer data length is shorten. The are Hitachi Hitachi SR2201, SR2201, IBM IBM RS/6000 RS/6000 SP-2, SP-2, Visual Visual Technology TechnologyAlpha-21164A Alpha-21164A600MHz. 600MHz. The parallel parallel computers computers are The last computer is not parallel machine, but workstation cluster, which are connected with 100Base-TX Ethernet The last computer is not parallel machine, but workstation cluster, which are connected with 100Base-TX Ethernet network. to calculate calculate speed speed up up is is only only CPU CPU time. time. ItIt does doesno no include includeI/O I/Oprocess. process.Almost Almostallall network. The The computing computing time time to cases, achieved. From From this this result, result, this this DSMC DSMC parallel parallel computing computingcode codeshows showsvery verygood good cases, the the linear linear speed-ups speed-ups are are achieved. performance on the the system system nor nor architectures architectures of of the the machine. machine. performance and and does does not not depend depend on This used for for the the three-dimensional three-dimensional simulation simulationwritten writtenbelow. below. This parallel parallel computation computation is is used 1 I I I I I 111 SR2201 " : SP-2 VT-Alpha ideal a. •o CD 10 8. 03 1 1 2 4 6 8 46 10 number of processors FIGURE 3. 3. Parallel speed-up of FIGURE of the the 3D 3D DSMC DSMC code codeto tothe thenumber numberofofprocessors processorsused usedtotocalculate calculate(log (logscale). scale). 766 RESULTS RESULTS AND AND DISCUSSIONS DISCUSSIONS ToTocompare that the the condition condition of of the the numerical numerical comparethe theexperimental experimental results results and and the the numerical numerical results, results, itit is is better better that simulation is simple. Thus ordinary simulation is made with some approximations. In this case, the hypersonic simulation is simple. Thus ordinary simulation is made with some approximations. In this case, the hypersonic rarefied infinitely thin thin plate platecondition. condition.Now, Now, rarefiedgas gasflows flowsaround aroundthe theflat flatplate platecould could be be simulated simulated with with two-dimensional two-dimensional infinitely from simulation is is checked. checked. fromthe theview viewofofthe themulti multiscale scaleanalysis, analysis,the the validity validity of of numerical numerical simulation Four Fourcases casesare aresimulated simulatedon onthe thesame samecondition condition as asthe the experiment experiment [3] -– a)a) 2-dimensional approximation) 2-dimensionalwith withzero zeroleading leadingedge edge angle angle (infinitely (infinitely thin plate approximation) b)b) 2-dimensional with finite leading edge angle 2-dimensional with finite leading edge angle c)c) 3-dimensional approximation) 3-dimensionalwith withzero zeroleading leadingedge edge angle angle (infinitely (infinitely thin plate approximation) d)d) 3-dimensional 3-dimensionalwith withfinite finiteleading leadingedge edge angle. angle. AtAtfirst, numerical simulation simulation with with finite finite first,the thedensity densitydistributions distributionsofofone onecase case of of the the results results of of three-dimensional three-dimensional numerical leading clear and and the the size size of of the the leadingedge edgeangle angleare areshown shownininFig.4. Fig.4.From Fromthem, them, the the special special density density distributions become clear leading leadingedge edgeeffect effectand andthe thefinite finitespan spaneffect effectmight might be be appears. appears. To and the the finite finite span span effect, effect, the the Todetermine determinethe thesize sizeof of three-dimensional three-dimensional effects effects -– e.g. e.g. the leading edge effect and density left side side four four contours, contours,not not aa densitycontours contoursofofthe theflow flowfield field are are compared compared between between four four cases (Fig.5). From the left large shows different different largedifference difference could could be be seen. seen. But But the the right right side side contours contours of of the cross-sections at XX/LL ==1\.5 .5 shows distribution of the the contour contour map map should shouldbe be distributionaround aroundZ/L wherethe the side sideedge edge of of the the plate plate exists. The difference of Z L==1.0, 1.0 ,where the comparison isis made made atatthe themiddle middle theeffect effectofofboundary boundarycondition condition that that isis applied applied to to the the numerical numerical simulation. The comparison thusititisisnot not affect affect the the conclusion. conclusion. crosssection sectionofofthe thespan span Z/L Z L==0.0, 0.0 ,thus cross 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0,5 0.00 1.0 0.25 0,50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Z<t X/L ML Dens ity distributions FIGURE4.4. Density Density contours contours over over the the flat flat plate plate (upper (upper left: L ==00,, upper FIGURE left: cross cross section section atatZZ/L upper right: right: cross cross section atat X/L lower left: left: cross X L==1.5 1.5 ,, lower L ==00 ,, lower section cross section section at at YY/L lower right: right:special specialdistribution distributionover over the half width of the plate). the half width of the plate). 767 •'$>r 1.0 0.8 ,1 *0 O> ! 0.6 ^IIE^* """~~'"T~Z^^$;i.4:t5. 0.4 ^^lt-.4- -..-....- -^g^.™ ^^5 ^ Jf ' ^^^^^^.feSf 0.2 ^?/ >^i 0.0 _.....^!!....|t 0.0 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 X/L a) 2D 2D infinitely infinitely thin thin plate plate a) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o.o 0.0 1.0 0.5 X/L b) 2D 2D with with leading leadingedge edgeangle angle 20deg. 20deg. b) 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 9 :o^°;ro.7^ .....i......gr:...............l. o.o o.o 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 _rr-rr1.4 0.2 1 2 -:i......-3:^T - q ..':!; 0.9 ..::0 1 ::::t.^Sr::: ^^^ 0.0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 Z/L X/L c) 3D infinitely thin plate c) 3D infinitely thin plate c) 3D infinitely thin plate c) 3D infinitely thin plate 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.1- 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 o.o o.o 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Z/L X/L d) 3D with leading edge angle 20deg. d) 3D with leading edge angle 20deg. d) 3D with leading edge angle 20deg. d) 3D with leading edge angle 20deg. FIGURE 5. 5. Density Density contours contours over over the the flat flat plate plate (from (from top: top: condition condition a), a),b), b),c), c),d); d);left: left: cross crosssection section FIGURE at Z/L = 0, right: cross section at X/L = 1.5 ). at Z L = 0 , right: cross section at X L = 1.5 ). 768 1.0 «lr- 2DleOO~ 2Dle20 0.8 SDIeOO3Dle20 Exp. I 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 P/Pinf --Jr- 2DleOO -A- 2Dle20 34x10" 16 SDIeOO 3Dle20 Exp. 32 14 30 12 28 10 8 Jr- 2DleOO 2Dle20. - SDIeOO 26 3DI020Exp. 22 6 I 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 24 20 2.0 0.0 X/L 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 X/L FIGURE 6. 6. Density Density profiles profiles over over the the plate plateatat XX/L (upper),Pressure Pressureprofiles profilesononthe theplate plateatatZ Z/L=Q FIGURE L ==11.5 .5 (upper), L=0 (lower left), left), Heat Heattransfer transferrate rateprofiles profileson onthe theplate plateatatZZ/L (lowerright). right). (lower L ==0 0(lower (Exp.:[Lengrand, [Lengrand,J.C. J.C.etetal. al.(1992) (1992)[3]]). [3]]). (Exp.: Now quantitative quantitative comparisons comparisonsbetween betweenfour fourcases casesand andexperimental experimentalresults results[3] [3]are aremade madetotodetermine determinethethesize sizeofof L ==1.1.5 5 , ,pressure L == 0 ,0,heat the effects. Density Density profiles profiles over over the theplate plateatat XX/L pressureprofiles profilesononthe theplate plateatatZ Z/L heattransfer transferrate rate L ==00 are profiles on on the the plate plate atat ZZ/L are compared compared ininFig.6. Fig.6.The Thepressure pressuremeans meansthe thenormal normalstress stressFnFndeduced deducedfrom from molecular momentum momentum exchange, exchange, not notthermodynamic thermodynamicpressure pressurep.p.ItItisissame sametreatment treatmentasasRef.3. Ref.3.From Fromthem, them,several several things could be be apparent. apparent. The The density density profiles profiles show show very very good good agreement agreementbetween betweenexperimental experimentalresults resultsand and numerical results. results. The The properties propertieson onthe theplate plateagree agreewell wellnear nearthe theleading leadingedge edgebut butlarge largediscrepancy discrepancycould couldbebeseen seeninin most part of And it it of the the downstream downstreamregion. region.The Theprofile profileofofthe theexperimental experimentalpressure pressureshows showsa trend a trendofofdiscontinuity. discontinuity. And is very rarefied condition condition on on and andnear nearthe theplate. plate.Thus Thusthe theresults resultsofofexperiment experimentand andnumerical numericalsimulation simulationagree agreewell well in reasonable reasonable way way for for this this condition. condition. Comparisons Comparisons should should be be done done between between numerical numericalresults resultsininthe thenext nextstep. step.From Fromthe thefigures, figures,it itisisclear clearthat thatthethe discrepancy between between four four lines linesisis not notsosolarge largeasasthat thatbetween betweenexperimental experimentalresult resultand andnumerical numericalresult. result.But Buttotoseesee much more more closely, closely, itit appears appears that thatfour fourlines linesare areseparated separatedtototwo twosets, sets,continuous continuousand anddotted dottedline, line,not nottriangle triangleand and diamond-shaped markers. markers. ItIt means meansthat thattwo-dimensional two-dimensionaland andthree-dimensional three-dimensionalresults resultsdodonot notshow showany anydiscrepancy discrepancy and zero zero degrees degrees leading leading edge edgeangle angleand andfinite finiteleading leadingedge edgeangle anglesimulation simulationresult resultdifferent differentininthe thecross crosssection sectionofof 769 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.00 0 . 2 5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 FIGURE7.7. Pressure Pressurecontour contour map map on on the the plate (left), Heat transfer FIGURE transfer rate rate contour contour map map on onthe theplate plate(right). (right). thecentre centreofofthe theplate plateinin span span direction. direction. This This means means that that the the leading the leading edge edge effect effect could could be be affect affectthe theflow flowfield. field.But Butinin thiscondition, condition,the the external external flow flow isis rarefied rarefied to to Kn=0.047, Kn=0.047, hypersonic hypersonic to this to M-20.2 M=20.2 and and the the leading leadingedge edgeangle angleisissmall small 20deg. deg.and andthe theaspect aspectratio ratioisis1.7.All All of of them them make make these these effects effects small. asas20 small. Thus Thus itit could could be beconcluded concludedthat thatthe theleading leading edgeeffect effect and and the the finite finite span span effect effect isis negligible negligible in in this this condition. condition. The edge The leading leading edge edge effect effect isis larger largerthan thanthe thefinite finite span effect. But the leading edge effect could be negligible around the angle 20 deg. as Ref.7. In Ref.7, the span effect. But the leading edge effect could be negligible around the angle 20 deg. as Ref.7. In Ref.7, theleading leading edgeangle angleisisset setasas15, 75,30, 30,45, 45,60 60and and80 80deg. deg. ItItisisconcluded concluded there there that that only only the the case case 15 75 deg., edge deg., the the properties properties on on the the plate is not affected. Thus in the middle cross section of the span direction, the flow could be treated with plate is not affected. Thus in the middle cross section of the span direction, the flow could be treated withthe the approximationofofthe thetwo-dimensional two-dimensional flow. flow. approximation But it is clear that without the middle cross section section of of the the span span direction, But it is clear that without the middle cross direction, the the flow flow field field isis different differentfrom fromthe theresult result of two-dimensional simulation. To see these three-dimensional effects, the contour maps of the pressure and heat of two-dimensional simulation. To see these three-dimensional effects, the contour maps of the pressure and heat transfer rate on the plate are shown in fig.7. It is interesting that the region of high value in maps is narrow toward transfer rate on the plate are shown in fig.7. It is interesting that the region of high value in maps is narrow toward the leeward of the plate. It is because the external flow passed the side edge affect the flow over the plate. The Heat the leeward of the plate. It is because the external flow passed the side edge affect the flow over the plate. The Heat transfer rate contour map shows that the heat transfer is much larger around the side edge. In Fig.5 - right side of transfer rate contour map shows that the heat transfer is much larger around the side edge. In Fig.5 – right side of case d) 3D with leading edge angle 20deg. of cross section at X/L = 1.5 , the density around the side edge is higher. case d) 3D with leading edge angle 20deg. of cross section at X L = 1.5 , the density around the side edge is higher. It shows another proof that the flow from the side edge affects the flow field over the plate. It shows another proof thatflow the flow frombecomes the side edge affects field over of thethe plate. The three-dimensional structure apparent withthe theflow investigation three-dimensional numerical The three-dimensional flow structure becomes apparent with the investigation of the three-dimensional numerical simulation. simulation. CONCLUDING REMARKS CONCLUDING REMARKS The rarefied hypersonic flows over a sharp flat plate have been investigated with the 3D DSMC numerical The rarefied hypersonic over around a sharptheflat plate with the From 3D DSMC numerical simulations. From them, the flows flow field plate hashave been been showninvestigated three-dimensionally. the comparison simulations. From them, the flow fieldresult, aroundthethevalidity plate has beennumerical shown three-dimensionally. From though the comparison between numerical and experimental of the simulation is confirmed, there is between numerical and experimental result, the validity numerical simulationtheis leading confirmed, there discrepancy between them. To compare the four cases of of thethe numerical simulations, edgethough effect and theis discrepancy between To compare four cases numerical leading edgeofeffect and the finite span effect arethem. investigated. Thesetheeffects couldofbethenegligible in simulations, the conditionthe here, because rarefaction, finite span effect investigated. These effects couldaspect be negligible in leading the condition here, isbecause of rarefaction, hypersonic flow, are small leading edge angle, and large ratio. The edge effect much lager than the hypersonic edge angle, large aspect ratio. leading edge effect much lagerFrom than the the finite span flow, effect.small The leading approximation of theandtwo-dimensional flowThe could be applied to thisis condition. profiles on effect. the plate from the three-dimensional numerical simulation, the three-dimensional flow structure From over the finite span The approximation of the two-dimensional flow could be applied to this condition. the plate is on affected. Thefrom three-dimensional flow structure over simulation, the plate is analysed. profiles the plate the three-dimensional numerical the three-dimensional flow structure over the plate is affected. The three-dimensional flow structure over the plate is analysed. 770 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would thank Professor J.C. Lengrand (C.N.R.S - France) for his kindly offer of information about his experiments. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 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