TOPICS IN FLUID AND PLASMA TURBULENCE Physics 805 P.W. Terry 3283 Chamberlin Tel: 263-0487 email: Meeting Times: Tues and Thurs 2:30 -3:45 in 2241 Chamberlin. Makeup classes will be held on Fridays. The time will be selected on the first day of classes. Text: No text. Course notes and some written material will be available on the physics library reserves web page for this course. Reading is strongly recommended. Reserve Material: I have requested that the library place the following references on reserve: Tennekes and Lumley, A First Course in Turbulence U. Frisch, Turbulence Requirements: Problem sets will be assigned periodically. The number of problems you work is the number of credits for which you registered. Exams: None Office Hours: Flexible; see me after class to set up a time or just come by my office