Advanced Wall Treatment Method for Turbulent Flow CFD Simulations STAR European Conference Amsterdam, 22-23 March, 2011 Mika Nuutinen Aalto University School of Science and Technology NEAR WALL HEAT AND MOMENTUM TRANSFER Difficult to measure or simulate 18 Enormous gradients (T, U) 14 12 re a listic* profile wa ll function profile 10 u+ Strong variation of (! !, ", #, cp) with T 16 8 la mina r−turbule nt switch point 6 Anisotropic near wall turbulence 4 2 0 20 40 60 80 100 + y or y* 120 140 160 180 200 HEAT (MOMENTUM) TRANSFER IN CFD Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) $ Accurate but too heavy for most engineering simulations Large Eddy Simulation (LES) $ Still too heavy for accurate near wall modeling Reynold Averad Navier-Stokes (RANS) $ Economical but inaccurate with standard methods NEAR WALL RANS MODELING OPTIONS Low-Re/Two-layer models $ require extensively fine mesh High-Re models with wall functions $ huge property variations, e.g. !(T), impair accuracy Advanced wall treatment/turbulence model $ $ Less restrictions, high accuracy!!! ADVANCED WALL TREATMENT/ TURBULENCE MODEL Based on a Low-Re k-εε turbulence model Relevant profiles discretized in wall adjacent cells, integrated numerically Discretization ADAPTIVE to local conditions!!! Accounts for grad(T) induced property variations (ρ ρ, µ, k, cp) ADVANCED WALL TREATMENT/ TURBULENCE MODEL Enhanced accuracy in near wall turbulence source computation with any resolution (utilizing the discrete profiles) Free from the usual High/Low Re model grid spacing requirements VALIDATION AGAINST MEAS. AND DNS-DATA, WALL TEMPERATURE 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 T w /T i Pipe Flow Re=4300 D=27.4mm L=0.96m q=3980W/m^2 y+<1 3 2 1.8 1.6 pre se nt study S he ha ta & McE ligot, me a s. 1.4 B a e , e t a l., D N S 1.2 low−R e k−ε + hybrid wa ll tr. high−R e k−ε + wa ll func. 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x[m] 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 VALIDATION AGAINST MEAS., T(r) CI ENGINE HEAT TRANSFER SIMULATIONS, 3D GRID CI ENGINE HEAT TRANSFER SIMULATIONS, SURFACE TEMP. Advanced T=787K High-Re T=717K Low-Re hybr. T=735K TOTAL PISTON HEAT LOSS Conjugate Heat Transfer Const. Temp. B.C. CONCLUSIONS & FUTURE GOALS Advanced model consistent with measurements and DNS Advanced model adaptive to grid resolution Advanced model successfully implemented on a commercial CFD code (Star-CD) Goals $ Further model development $ Piston temperature measurements Near wall treatment equations 2 ∂u ∂ 2k − µ 2 = µ t − ρε ∂y ∂y ∂2k k µ 2 = 2µ 2 ∂y y C µ3 / 4 k 3 / 2 µ k ~ +2 = ε = ε + ε wall = κy ρ y2 ρC µ k 2 f µ1 ∂u = ρε~ ε~ ∂y f µ1 = (1 − exp(− α µ Re y )) C µ3 / 4 k 3 / 2 2κC µ−3 / 4 1 + Re y κy ε~1 + α ε Re y (µ + µ t ) ∂u = τ w = y =0 2 y+ = ρ w uτ y µw u+ = u uτ µ µ c p + t Pr Prt ∂T = qw ∂y (T − Tw ) y c+ c p,w µ w c = + Tc yc (Tc − Tw ) yc du + = dy + λ + 1 ρ w c p , w uτ (T − Tw ) uτ = τ w / ρ w qw = β + c p,w µ w ∂y T+ = u − uw y c+ τ w = + µw c = uc yc u − uw α +µw c yc 2 (λ + 4λ (κy ) f ) 2 1 + 2 4 Prw Prt dT + = + dy λ2 Prt + λ3 Prw µ + qw µ+ = 2 µt du + = λ4 (κy + ) f µ31/ 2 + µw dy 3/ 2 µ1 Equations cont. 1/ 2 yc* 2 f µ11/,2c yc* + yc = λ1,c + 1/ 2 λ 4,c λ4,c f µ1,cκ ( ) ∂u P wf = µ w µ + + ∂y + (ρε )wf ∂u + + ∂y y uc − uw yc u + c + c 2κ 2 = µ w µ + + µ 1 / 2 C µ 2 y c+ u c − u w + yc uc y + ∂u + = µ w µ c+ + u c ∂y + f µ1 × 2 = χ dissip avg χ dissip ,c (ρε )c χ dissip 2κ 2 = µ w µ + + µ 1 / 2 C µ Pavg ,tot ∂u t = P1 + P2 − µ t ,c r ∂n 2 ∂u ∂u rt = n , ∇u rt = t i n j i ∂n ∂x j uc − u w avg yc Pavg = χ prod χ prod 2 (ρε )avg 2 2 ∂u + f µ1 ∂y + 2 + Pavg 2 THANK YOU! QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS ARE WELLCOME!