vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION OF THE STATUS OF THESIS SUPERVISORS' DECLARATIONS 1 TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiv LIST OF FIGURES xix LIST OF SYMBOLS xxii LIST OF APPENDICES xxiii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and Rationale 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Aim and Objectives 5 1.4 Scope and Limitations of the Research 6 1.5 Brief Research Methodology 7 1.6 Justification of the Research 7 1.7 Significance of the Study 10 1.8 Research Contributions 10 1.9 Organization of the Thesis 10 viii 2 3 DESIGN CHANGES 14 2.1 Introduction 14 2.2 Definitions of Design Changes 14 2.3 Classifications of Design Changes 15 2.4 Sources of Design Changes 17 2.5 Causes of Design Changes 20 2.6 Impact of Design Changes 28 2.6.1 Impact of Design Changes on Cost 31 2.6.2 Impact of Design Changes on Time 34 2.6.3 Impact of Design Changes on Productivity 36 2.7 Development for Improving the Management of Design Changes 41 2.8 Chapter Summary 45 THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSULTING ENGINEERING PRACTICE 48 3.1 Introduction 48 3.2 Definition of the Client 49 3.3 Definition of the Consulting Engineer 49 3.4 Reasons for Consulting Engineering Services 50 3.5 Services Provided by Consulting Engineers 52 3.5.1 Feasibility Study Phase 53 3.5.2 Preliminary Design Phase 53 3.5.3 Detailed Design Phase 54 3.5.4 Tender Stage 54 3.5.5 Supervision Phase 55 3.5.6 Operation Phase 56 3.6 Methods of Charging for Consulting Services 57 3.6.1 Lump Sum Method 58 3.6.2 Salary Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Salary Cost method 59 3.6.3 Cost plus Fixed Amount Method 59 3.6.4 Per Diem Method 60 3.6.5 Percentage of Construction Cost 61 3.6.6 Retainer Method 64 ix 3.7 4 5 Chapter Summary 64 THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN OMAN 66 4.1 Introduction 66 4.2 Oman at a Glance 67 4.3 Brief Highlights on Oman Economy 67 4.4 The Construction Sector in Oman 68 4.5 Consulting Engineering Services in Oman 71 4.6 Typical Scope of Consultant Services in Omani Standards 71 4.7 Fee Assessment of the Design Changes in Omani Standard 75 4.8 Chapter Summary 76 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 78 5.1 Introduction 78 5.2 Literature Review 79 5.3 Interviews with Professionals 80 5.4 Case Studies 81 5.5 Questionnaire Survey 82 5.6 5.5.1 Design of the Questionnaire 83 5.5.2 Pilot Survey 85 5.5.3 Main Survey Questionnaire 85 5.5.4 The Population and the Distribution of the Questionnaire Survey 86 5.5.5 Methods of Analysing the Questionnaire Survey 88 Methodology for Development of an Alternative Method to Assess the Fee of Structural Design Changes 92 5.6.1 Design Parameters and Assumption for the Building Design 95 5.6.2 Details and Classifications of the Selected Buildings 95 5.6.3 Source of the Structural Design of the Buildings 96 5.6.4 General Structural System for the Buildings of this Study 97 x 5.6.5 The Principle of the Adopted Structural Design 5.7 Questionnaire for Validating the Developed Method 5.7.1 6 Design of the Questionnaire 97 99 99 5.8 Development of the Guidelines 100 5.9 The Method of Validating the Developed Guidelines 102 5.9.1 Background of the Delphi Method 102 5.9.2 Selection of the Professionals for the Delphi Questionnaires 104 5.9.3 Identifying the Number of Professionals for the Delphi Method 105 5.9.4 Identifying the Number of Rounds for the Delphi Method 105 5.9.5 Format of the Delphi Rounds for this Research 106 5.10 Chapter Summary 106 DATA COLLECTION 108 6.1 Introduction 108 6.2 Interviews with Professionals 109 6.2.1 Discussions of the Interviews’ Results 109 6.2.2 The Occurrence of Design Changes 109 6.2.3 The Causes and Sources of Design Changes 118 6.2.4 The Impact of Design Changes 119 6.2.5 Existing Methods for Assessing the Fee of Design Changes and their Limitations 119 Case Studies Results 121 6.3.1 Case Study One 121 6.3.2 Case Study Two 123 6.3.3 Case Study Three 125 6.3.4 Causes of Design Changes 126 6.3.5 Sources of Design Changes 128 6.3.6 Impact of Design Changes on Cost 129 6.3.7 Impact of Design Change on Schedule 130 6.3.8 Existing Methods for Assessing the Structural Design Changes 131 Questionnaire Survey Result 132 6.3 6.4 xi 6.4.1 Causes of Design Change Due to Clients 132 6.4.2 Causes of Design Change Due to Consultants 135 6.4.3 Causes of Design Change Due to Contractors 137 6.4.4 Sources of Design Changes 139 6.4.5 141 Impacts of Design Change 6.4.6 Corrective Actions and Preventive Measures to Minimize the Avoidable Design Changes 144 6.4.7 Preferences of Using the Existing Methods for Assessing the Fee of Design Changes 149 6.4.8 Limitations of the Existing Methods 150 Limitations of the Man-Hours Method 151 Limitations of the Percentage of Construction Method 153 Limitations of the Area Unit Rate Method 154 Limitations of the Lump-Sum Method 7 157 6.5 Chapter Summary 158 DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPOSED METHOD TO ASSESS THE FEE OF THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN CHANGES IN RC BUIDLINGS 160 7.1 Introduction 160 7.2 Preliminary Structural Design Phase 161 7.2.1 Locations of the Structural Members 161 7.2.2 Load Calculations 162 7.2.3 Sizing the Structural Members 163 7.2.4 Miscellaneous Structural Elements 166 7.3 Detailed Structural Design Phase 166 7.4 Preliminary Structural Drafting Phase 168 7.5 Detailed Structural Drafting Phase 170 7.6 170 General Approach for Developing the Proposed Method 7.7 Design by Manual Method 7.7.1 Preliminary Design and Drafting for One Floor Buildings 172 172 xii 7.7.2 Detailed Design and Drafting for One Floor Buildings 176 7.7.3 Preliminary Design and Drafting for Two Floors Buildings 181 7.7.4 Detailed Design and Drafting for Two Floors Buildings 185 7.7.5 Preliminary Design and Drafting for Three Floors Buildings 189 7.7.6 Detailed Design and Drafting for Three Floors Buildings 194 7.7.7 Preliminary Design and Drafting for Four Floors Buildings 197 7.7.8 Detailed Design and Drafting for Four Floors Buildings 202 7.7.9 Comparison of the Preliminary Design for the Four Types Buildings 205 7.7.10 Comparison of the Detailed Design for the Four Types Buildings 206 7.7.11 Comparison between the Preliminary and Detailed Design 208 7.8 Design Based on STAAD Pro. Software 210 7.8.1 Preliminary Design and Drafting by STAAD Pro for One Floor Buildings 211 7.8.2 Detailed Design and Drafting by STAAD Pro for One Floor Buildings 216 7.8.3 Preliminary Design and Drafting by STAAD Pro for Two Floors Buildings 220 7.8.4 Detailed Design and Drafting by STAAD Pro for Two Floors Buildings 224 7.9 Suggested Method for Assessing the Fee of the Structural Design Changes 228 7.10 Illustration for Using the Proposed Method 231 7.10.1 Example 1, One Floor Building 231 7.10.2 Example 2, Two Floors Building 234 7.11 The Result of the Validation 238 7.12 Chapter Summary 240 xiii 8 DEVELOPMENT OF THE GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING DESIGN CHANGES 242 8.1 Introduction 242 8.2 Initial List of Guidelines for Improving Consultancy Design Documents 242 8.3 Initial List of Guidelines for Managing the Claims of Design Changes 245 8.4 Validation of the Developed Guidelines 246 8.5 The Delphi Round One Questionnaire 247 8.5.1 The Result of the Delphi Round One Questionnaire 8.6 The Delphi Round Two Questionnaire 8.6.1 The Result of the Delphi Round Two Questionnaire 8.7 The Delphi Round Three Questionnaire 8.7.1 The Result of the Delphi Round Three Questionnaire 9 247 248 248 252 253 8.8 Chapter Summary 254 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 245 9.1 Introduction 255 9.2 Conclusions 256 9.3 Contributions of the Research 263 9.4 Suggestions for Further Research 263 REFERENCES Appendices A - G 265 277 - 353 xiv LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Actual Causes of Changes in the UK 18 2.2 Importance Indexes of Sources of Changes in Saudi Arabia 19 2.3 Sources of Changes, In Botswana, Gabrone 20 2.4 Causes of Changes in Hong Kong Building Projects 24 2.5 Causes of Changes in Botswana 27 2.6 Effects of Changes on Projects 30 2.7 Project Size and Changes Measurer 32 2.8 Causes and Cost of Changes 34 2.9 Quantitative Effect of Disruptions 38 3.1 Converted Building Scale for Structural Works in Buildings Expressed As A % of Building Cost 63 4.1 No. of Building Permits, Estimated Cost and Type of Building 70 4.2 Consulting Firms Grades 72 5.1 Ranking System for the Questionnaire of this Study using Likert (Ordinal) Scale 89 5.2 Basic Buildings Details 96 6.1 Result of the Interviews with Consultants 110 6.2 Result of the Interviews with Contractors 112 6.3 Result of the Interviews with Clients 114 xv 6.4 Result of the Interviews – Comparisons of Respondents 116 6.5 Case Study One - Causes, Sources and Fee of Changes 122 6.6 Case Study Two - Causes, Sources and Fee of Design Changes 124 6.7 Case Study Three - Causes, Sources and Fee of Design Changes 127 6.8 Case Studies - Impact on Cost 130 6.9 Case Studies - Impact on Schedule 131 6.10 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Causes of Design Changes Due to Clients 133 6.11 Test for Agreement on the Ranking for Causes of Design Changes Due to Clients 134 6.12 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Causes of Design Changes Due to Consultants 136 6.13 Test for Agreement on the Ranking for Causes of Design Changes Due to Consultants 137 6.14 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Causes of Design Changes Due to Contractors 139 6.15 Test for Agreement on the Ranking for Causes of Design Changes Due to Contractors 139 6.16 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Sources of Design Changes 140 6.17 Test for Agreement on the Ranking for Sources of Design Changes 141 6.18 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Impacts of Design Changes 142 6.19 Test for Agreement on the Ranking for Impacts of Design Changes 143 6.20 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Corrective Actions and Preventive Measures to Minimize the Avoidable Design Changes 145 xvi 6.21 Test for Agreement on the Ranking for Corrective Actions and/or Preventive Measures to Minimize the Avoidable Design Changes 149 6.22 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Preference of Existing Methods for Assessing the Fee of Design Changes 150 6.23 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Limitation(s) of the Man-Hours Method 151 6.24 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Limitation(s) of the Percentage of Construction Cost Method 153 6.25 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Limitation(s) of the Area Unit Rate Method 155 6.26 Main Scores (MS) and Ranks (R) for Limitation(s) of the Lump-Sum Method 157 7.1 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design (One Floor Buildings) 172 7.2 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Drafting (One Floor Buildings) 173 7.3 Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design and Drafting (One Floor Buildings) 174 7.4 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design (One Floor Buildings) 177 7.5 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Drafting (One Floor Buildings) 178 7.6 Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design and Drafting (One Floor Buildings) 179 7.7 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design (Two Floors Buildings) 182 7.8 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Drafting (Two Floors Buildings) 183 7.9 Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design and Drafting (Two Floors Buildings) 184 7.10 Time, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time For Detailed Structural Design (Two Floors Buildings) 186 xvii 7.11 Time, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Drafting (Two Floors Buildings) 187 7.12 Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design and Drafting (Two Floors Buildings) 188 7.13 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design (Three Floors Buildings) 190 7.14 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Drafting (Three Floors Buildings) 191 7.15 Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design and Drafting (Three Floors Buildings) 192 7.16 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design (Three Floors Buildings) 194 7.17 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Drafting (Three Floors Buildings) 195 7.18 Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design and Drafting (Three Floors Buildings) 196 7.19 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design (Four Floors Buildings) 198 7.20 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Drafting (Four Floors Buildings) 199 7.21 Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design and Drafting (Four Floors Buildings) 200 7.22 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design (Four Floors Buildings) 202 7.23 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Drafting (Four Floors Buildings) 203 7.24 Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design and Drafting (Four Floors Buildings) 204 7.25 Time, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary and Detailed Structural Design and Drafting 208 7.26 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design based on STAAD Pro Design Software (One Floor Buildings) 212 xviii 7.27 Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design and Drafting Based on STAAD Pro Design Software (One Floor Buildings) 213 7.28 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design based on STAAD Pro Design Software (One Floor Buildings) 216 7.29 Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design and Drafting based on STAAD Pro Design Software (One Floor Buildings) 217 7.30 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design based on STAAD Pro Design Software (Two Floors Buildings) 220 7.31 Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design and Drafting based on STAAD Pro Design Software (Two Floors Buildings) 221 7.32 Times, in Minutes, and Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design based on STAAD Pro Design Software (Two Floors Buildings) 224 7.33 Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design and Drafting based on STADD Pro Design Software (Two Floors Buildings) 225 7.34 Percentage of Time for Preliminary Structural Design and Drafting (One Floor to Four Floors Buildings) 229 7.35 Percentage of Time for Detailed Structural Design and Drafting (One Floor to Four Floors Buildings) 230 7.36 Questionnaire Result for the Validation of the POF Method 239 8.1 Delphi Round Two Results: Relative Importance Level of each Guideline for Improving the Consultancy Design Documents 249 8.2 Delphi Round Two Results: Relative Importance Level of each Guideline for the Claims of the Design Changes 251 xix LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Research Methodology Flow Chart 8 2.1 Causes of Changes in Hong Kong 25 2.2 Planned and Actual Loading Curves 36 2.3 Effects of Change within Phase 39 2.4 Construction Change and Construction Productivity 39 2.5 Design Change and Design Productivity 40 3.1 Stages in Projects’ Design Cycle 52 3.2 Median Basic Fees as a Percentage of Net Construction Cost 62 5.1 Type of Organization Represented 87 5.2 Distribution Profiles of Work Experience of the Three Groups of Survey Respondents 88 7.1 Percentages of Time for the One Floor Buildings at Preliminary Design Stage based on Manual Method 176 7.2 Percentages of Time for the One Floor Buildings at Detailed Design Stage based on Manual Method 181 7.3 Percentages of Time for the Two Floors Buildings at Preliminary Design Stage based on Manual Method 185 7.4 Percentages of Time for the Two Floors Buildings at Detailed Design Stage based on Manual Method 189 7.5 Comparison between the Estimated Percentages of Time to Design Main Structural Members for the Three Buildings of Three Floors each at Preliminary Design Stage 193 xx 7.6 Comparison between the Estimated Percentages of Time to Design Main Structural Members for the Three Buildings of Three Floors each at Detailed Design Stage 197 7.7 Comparison between the Estimated Percentages of Time to Design Main Structural Members for the Three Buildings of Four Floors each at Preliminary Design Stage 201 7.8 Comparison between the Estimated Percentages of Time to Design Main Structural Members for the Three Buildings of Four Floors each at Detailed Design Stage 205 7.9 Comparisons between Percentages of Time to Design Main Structural Members for the Four Buildings at Preliminary Design Stage 206 7.10 Comparisons between Percentages of Time to Design Main Structural Members for the Four Buildings at Detailed Design Stage 207 7.11 Comparison between Percentages of Time for Preliminary and Detailed Design Stages 209 7.12 Percentages of Time for the One Floor Buildings at Preliminary Design Stage based on STAAD Pro Design Software 214 7.13 Comparison between Manual Design Vs. STAAD Pro Design Software for One Floor Buildings at Preliminary Design Stage 215 7.14 Percentages of Time for the One Floor Buildings at Detailed Design Stage based on STAAD Pro Design Software 218 7.15 Comparison between Manual Design Vs. STAAD Pro Design Software for the Three Buildings of One Floor each at Detailed Design Stage 219 7.16 Percentages of Time for the Two Floors each at Preliminary Design Stage based on STAAD Pro Design Software 222 7.17 Comparison between Manual Design Vs. STAAD Pro Design Software for the Three Buildings of Two Floors each at Preliminary Design Stage 223 7.18 Percentages of Time for the Two Floors Buildings at Detailed Design Stage based on STAAD Pro Design Software 226 xxi 7.19 Comparison between Manual Design Vs. STAAD Pro Design Software for the Three Buildings of Two Floors each at Detailed Design Stage 227 7.20 Original Plinth (Ground) Beams Plan 232 7.21 Modified Plinth (Ground) Beams Plan 232 7.22 Original Roof Slabs/Beams Plan 233 7.23 Modified Roof Slabs/Beams Plan 233 7.24 Original Ground Floor Roof Slabs/Beams Plan 235 7.25 Modified Ground Floor Roof Slabs/Beams Plan 235 7.26 Original First Floor Roof Slabs/Beams Plan 236 7.27 Modified First Floor Roof Slabs/Beams Plan 236 xxii LIST OF SYMBOLS di - The different between the rank given by one group and the rank given by another group f - frequency of responses to each score for each factor fn - Total number of factors ranked by any two groups for any given category OCC - Original Contract Fee MS - Mean Score N - Number of responses Nf - total number of responses NMM - Number of the Modified structural Members TNM - Total Number of the structural Members S - Score given to each factor as ranked by the respondents xxiii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Extract from Standard Form of Agreement and Conditions for Consultancy Services for Building and Civil Engineering Works (1987) 277 B Questionnaire Survey – Second Stage 284 C Architectural Plans and Elevations 296 D Typical Structural Design and Detail 321 E Questionnaire for Validating the POF Method 330 F Round One Delphi Questionnaire Survey 340 G Round Three Delphi Questionnaire Survey 346