Soil Information Background Info.

Soil Information Background Info.
 pg. 120 - 126 in Dynamic Earth textbook
 OR
 pg 393 - 398 in Earth Science textbook
 Encyclopedia articles in the science room
 Study of Soil Science
 Soil Handbook
Take notes about the following questions:
Using the “Soil Background Notes Sheets” , write your resource information on the
lines provided. And then take notes under the questions.
The questions are:
1. What is soil composed of?
2. Briefly explain how soil is formed.
3. What is a soil profile?
4. What are the characteristics / properties / conditions that would make soil
fertile, useable, and good for growing plants? Think of the physical, chemical,
and biological characteristics of soil. This should be a relatively long list.
Soil Background Notes Sheet
Resource Info
Title of article ____________________________________________________________
Title of book _____________________________________________________________
Author _________________________________________________________________
Pages __________________________________________________________________
Publisher _______________________________________________________________
Take notes on questions:
1. What is soil composed of?
2. How is soil formed?
3. What is a soil profile?
4. What are the characteristics / properties / conditions that would make soil
fertile, useable, and good for growing plants? Think of the physical,
chemical, and biological characteristics of soil. This should be a relatively
long list.