Working Bibliography on Gendered Tensions in the Lives of South... Women (Note: Some citations are in MLA, some in APA. They...

Working Bibliography on Gendered Tensions in the Lives of South Korean
(Note: Some citations are in MLA, some in APA. They will be consistent in any
Chan, Michael, “South Korea to Boost Female Faculty Numbers,” Times Higher
Education, April 19,
Cho, E. (2008). The contested terrain of class and gender: Landscapes of
Korean family politics in globalization. Korean Women’s Studies 24, no. 2: 5–
Jang, Suh Young and Sharan Merriam, “Korean Culture and the Re-entry
Motivations of University-Graduated Women,” Adult Education Quarterly
54, no. 4 (August 2004), 273-290.
Jang, Suh Young and Namhee Kim, “Reclaiming the Self: How Korean
Housewives Make Meaning of Their Experience of Re-entering Higher
Education,” International Journal of Lifelong Education 29, 5 (SeptemberOctober 2010): 533-546
Koh, E.K. (2008). Gender issues and Confucian scriptures: Is Confucianism
incompatible with gender equality in South Korea? Bulletin of School of
Oriental and African Studies 71, no. 2: 345–62.
Lee, Sunghoe. “Gender, Power and Emotion: Towards Holistic Understanding of
Mature Women Students in South Korea. Gender and Education 25(2)
(2013): 170-188.
Park, Juhee and Tim Futing Liao, “The Effect of Multiple Roles of South Korean
Married Women Professors: Role Changes and the Factors Which
Influence Potential Role Gratification and Strain,” Sex Roles 43, no 7/8
(2000): 571-591.
Johnsrud, Linda K. “Korean Academic Women: Multiple Roles, Multiple
Challenges,” Higher Education 30 (2005):17-35.
Ryu, Dae Young, “The Origin and Characteristics of Evangelical Protestantism in
Korea at the Turn of the Twentieth Century,” Church History 77, 2 (June
2008): 371-398.
Mason, K.O., N.O. Tsuya, & M.K. Choe (Eds.). The Changing Family in
Comparative Perspective: Asia and the U.S. Honolulu: The East-West
Center, 1998.
Weidman, John C. and Namgi Park, Higher Education in Korea: Tradition and
Adaptation (New York, NY: Falmer Press), 2000.