i OPTIMIZATION OF RECOMBINANT AMYLASE EXPRESSION USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY (RSM) KAVITHA A/P MUNIANDY A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Biotechnology) Faculty of Biosciences and Bioengineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia DECEMBER 2010 iii Specially dedicated to my beloved parents and brothers iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my highest gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Goh Kian Mau, who willing to be my supervisor and assisted me in various aspects throughout this project. His endless guidance, advices and dedication really gave me valuable knowledge in completing this project. Also, my sincere appreciation to my parents Mr & Mrs Muniandy and other family members for their inadequate love and moral supports towards me throughout my entire project. Their continuous positive encouragements mean a lot to me in completing this study. Apart from that, I would like to thank all the master students and the lab assistant in Special Equipment Laboratory for their willingness to assist me and to share with me their knowledge on this project. Special thanks to Mr. Ummirul Mukminin, Miss Goh Poh Hong and Miss Chai Yen Yen who had guided me continuously until completing this project. Last but not least, my special appreciations to everyone who involve in this study either directly or indirectly. v ABSTRACT The Anoxybaccilus DT3-1 is a newly found bacterium that is able to express amylase. The gene that encodes the amylase was recently cloned and expressed in E. coli system. However, the expression level was far too low to be used. The main objective of this study is to enhance the recombinant amylase expression level using pET-22b vector. Another objective of this study is to determine the end product release by the reaction of this amylase. The media optimization was carried out with five different media i.e. LB, TB, SB, CDM 1 and CDM 2. Medium LB was found to be the best medium to support the cell growth and amylase production (72 U/ml). Relevant factors such as the inducer (IPTG) concentration, yeast extract concentration and induction time (OD600nm) were optimized through two Response Surface Methodology (RSM) methods, which were the Two-level factorial and Central Composite Design (CCD). After the final optimization using CCD, 83 U/ml of amylase activity was obtained with the optimal condition of 0.007 mM IPTG, 0.3% of yeast extract and induction should be done when the cells optical density was at 1.52. Upon achieving the optimal conditions, the end products were determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The amylase was able to degrade various starches like rice, corn, wheat and soluble starch and produced a wide variety of oligosaccharides such as the glucose, maltose and isomers of maltose. vi ABSTRAK Anoxybacillus DT3-1 adalah bakteria yang baru ditemui yang mampu mengekspres amilase. Gen yang mengkod amilase ini telah diklonkan dan diekspres dalam sistem E. coli. Namun, tahap ekspresi terlalu rendah untuk digunakan. Tujuan utama projek ini adalah untuk meningkatkan tahap ekspresi amilase rekombinan menggunakan vektor PET-22b. Selain itu, tujuan lain dalam projek ini adalah untuk menentukan penghasilan produk akhir dari reaksi amilase ini. Optimasi media dilakukan dengan menggunakan lima media yang berbeza iaitu LB, TB, SB, CDM 1 dan CDM 2. Didapati, media LB merupakan media yang terbaik menengah untuk pertumbuhan sel dan pengeluaran amilase (72 U / ml). Faktor lain yang relevan seperti kepekatan induser (IPTG), kepekatan ekstrak ragi dan masa induksi (OD600nm) telah dioptimumkan melalui dua kaedah ‘Response Surface Methodology (RSM)’ iaitu ‘Two-level Factorial’ dan ‘Central Composite Design (CCD)’. Setelah pengoptimuman terakhir menggunakan CCD, 83 U/ml aktiviti amylase dapat diperoleh dengan keadaan optimum IPTG 0.007 mM, 0.3% ekstrak ragi dan induksi harus dilakukan ketika sel ketumpatan optik berada pada 1.52. Setelah mencapai keadaan yang optimum, penghasilan produk akhir ditentukan dengan menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (HPLC). Amilase tersebut mampu mendegradasi pelbagai jenis kanji dari beras, jagung, keladi dan gandum di mana ia dapat menghasilkan pelbagai oligosakarida seperti maltose, glukosa dan isomer maltose yang lain. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiii LIST OF APPENDICES xiv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Objectives 3 viii 1.4 2 Scopes of the research 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Starch 5 2.2 Thermostable Bacteria 7 2.2.1 Thermostable enzyme 8 2.2.2 Applications of Thermophilic 9 Enzymes 2.3 2.4 3 !-amylase ( amylase family and characteristic) 11 2.3.1 12 Reaction Mechanisms of Amylase Design of Experiment 15 2.4.1 Response Surface Methodology (RSM) 16 2.4.2 Central Composite Design (CCD) 17 MATERIALS AND METHODS 19 3.1 Preparation of Bacterial Stock 19 3.2 Bacteria Revival and Culture 21 3.3 General Media Optimization 21 3.3.1 Composition of Each Medium 22 3.3.2 Overnight culture preparation 23 3.3.3 Optimization and Expression of E.coli BL21 24 Carrying Amylase in pET 22-b Vector 3.4 3.5 3.6 Further Optimization of Media 25 3.4.1 Intracellular Enzyme Extraction 25 3.4.2 Enzyme Assay 26 Optimization of Other Factors Using DoE 27 3.5.1 30 Analysis End Product Analysis 31 3.6.1 31 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) ix 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 33 Optimization and Expression of E.coli BL21 Carrying 33 Amylase in pET 22-b Vector 4.2 4.3 4.4 Further Comparison of CDM 2 and LB media 37 4.2.1 Cell Growth Profiles 37 4.2.2 Enzyme Activity 38 Optimization of Relevant Factors Using DoE 44 4.3.1 Adequacy of The Model 49 4.3.2 Optimal Design from Two-level Factorial 52 Expression Optimization Using Central Composite 54 Design (CCD) 4.4.1 Selection and Validation For Significant 54 Effect 4.4.2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 60 4.4.3 Model Validation 63 Normal Probability Plot 63 Residual Versus Predicted Plot 64 Outlier T Plot 65 Box-Cox Plot 66 4.4.4 4.5 5 Optimal Design Based on CCD 67 End Product Analysis 69 4.5.1 69 High Performance Liquid Chromatography CONCLUSION 72 5.1 Conclusion 72 5.2 Future Work 74 REFERENCES 75 APPENDICES 80 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Thermophiles and their common habitat 8 2.2 Applications of the thermophilic enzymes 10 3.1 Experimental factors for Two-level Factorial 28 3.2 Experimental factors and levels for Two-level Factorial 29 3.3 Experiment factors for CCD 29 3.4 Experimental factors and levels for second CCD 30 4.1 Process parameters and their levels for Two-level 45 Factorial 4.2 Experiment factors and responses 46 4.3 Model and coded factors 47 4.4 Comparison between actual values and predicted values 49 4.5 ANOVA analysis for extracellular activity 51 4.6 ANOVA analysis for intracellular activity 51 4.7 Process parameters and their levels for CCD 56 4.8 Experiment factors and responses for amylase activity 58 4.9 ANOVA for amylase activity 60 4.10 Model and coded factor of CCD 62 4.11 Comparison between enzyme at unoptimized 68 condition, Two-level factorial and CCD xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Structures of starch 7 2.2 Different enzymes involve in starch degradation 13 2.3 The double displacement mechanisms 14 3.1 Overview of total work flow 20 4.1 Profiles of microbial growth in five media 35 4.2 Fuwa assay on three final intervals samples in all five 35 media 4.3 Profiles of microbial growth in LB broth and CDM 2 37 for 68 hours at 25˚C 4.4 The extracellular and intracellular amylase activity 39 in LB medium for 68 Hours 4.5 The extracellular and intracellular amylase activity in 41 CDM 2 medium for 68 hours 4.6 The comparison of extracellular amylase activity 43 between LB and CDM 2 media for 68 hours 4.7 The comparison of intracellular amylase activity 43 between LB and CDM 2 media for 68 hours 4.8 Predicted vs. actual data for extracellular activity 47 xii 4.9 Predicted vs. actual data for intracellular activity 48 4.10 Ramp of extracellular amylase 52 4.11 Ramp of intracellular amylase 53 4.12 Half-normal plot of two-level factorial (extracellular 55 activity) 4.13 Response surface of first CCD design 57 4.14 Contour plots and response surfaces for the 59 effect of IPTG concentration 4.15 Predicted versus actual in CCD 62 4.16 Normal plot of residual for amylase production 64 in second CCD 4.17 Residual versus predicted plot for amylase 65 expression 4.18 Plot of Outlier T of amylase production 66 4.19 Box-Cox plot for generated model of amylase 67 expression 4.20 Ramps of various factors in CCD 68 4.21 Chromatogram of separation of standards 69 (oligosaccharides) 4.22 Chromatogram of separation of sugar components for various kind of starch after degraded with recombinant amylase 70 xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ANOVA Analysis of Variance CaCl2 Calcium chloride CCD Central Composite Design CDM 1 Chemically Defined Medium 1 CDM 2 Chemically Defined Mediun 2 DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid DoE Design of Experiment E.coli Escherichia coli HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography LB Broth Luria-bertani broth mL Mililiter NaOH Sodium hydroxide OFAT One Factor At Time PCR Polymerase chain reaction rpm rotary per minute RSM Response Surface Methodology TAE Tris-acecate-EDTA Tris Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane xiv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A1 TITLE Process parameters and responses PAGE 80 (amylase activity) for first CCD A2 ANOVA analysis of first CCD A3 Selected Model Validation Analysis for First CCD 82 A4 Optimal Design Based on First CCD B1 Sugar Separation of Various Kind of Starch After 85 Degraded with Recombinant Amylase 81 84 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Enzymes are biological catalyst that reduces the activation energy of a reaction by providing an alternative pathway for the reaction to occur. These enzymes are the key component in many industries that revolve around biotechnology industries. This is mainly due to the ability of enzymes to convert the substrates to desired product with minimal conditions at relatively lesser time and money (Gupta et al., 2003). Starch degrading enzymes such as amylases have been in high amount for their industrial benefits. Amylases (1, 4-!-D-Glucan glucanohydrolase) are enzymes that hydrolyze starch molecules into smaller compounds such as oligosaccharides and dextrins. Amylases are also able to hydrolyse starch to the very basic sugar component which is glucose. Amylases are one of the most important enzymes in many industries 2 such as food, textiles and paper industries. Recent discoveries also reveal that amylases have potential useful in pharmaceutical industry as well if amylases are prepared with suitable properties (Hmidet et al., 2008). There are many sources of amylase which varied from animal to plant and can be find vastly in microorganisms. Current mode in industries requires the usage of microorganisms as biotechnological sources of industrially relevant enzymes. This is because, microbial enzymes are significantly more economical and environmental friendly compared to chemicals. The major advantages of using microorganisms for the production of amylases is the cost effective bulk production capacity, less time and space required for production and microbes are relatively easy to manipulate to obtain enzymes of desired characteristics (Pandey et al., 2000, Gupta et al., 2003 and Asgher et al., 2007). Due to the increasing demand for amylase enzymes in various industries, there is enormous interest in developing enzymes with novel properties such as raw starch degrading amylases suitable for industrial applications and their cost effective production techniques. This increases the discovery and researches on the exploration of extracellular enzymatic activity in several microorganisms (Gupta et al., 2003). The classical procedure in revelation of novel species that able to produce useful enzyme is the isolation of microbial species. By using this method, it is able to produce novel enzymes from uniquely extreme environments such as extreme temperature or extreme pH environment. This would also able to offer a competitive advantage over the existing products which are more common. Eventually, characterization of these novel extreme environmental enzymes under fermentation conditions to optimize the enzyme production properties plays crucial role in evaluation of their industrial and economic significance (Prakasham et al., 2007). 3 One of these novel discoveries are the founding of newly emerge species of Anoxybaccilus from one of the hot-spring in Malaysia known as the Dusun Tua hotspring. The Anoxybaccilus which are currently named as the Anoxybaccilus DT3-1 are found by the research team of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), where this microorganism is able to produce thermostable amylase enzyme. 1.2 Problem Statement Optimizing the best recombinant amylase production is important as this is a novel enzyme from a newly found thermostable microorganism. Once the highest enzyme expression through optimal condition able to obtain, the industrial value for this enzyme will increased. This ultimately provides an alternative to currently available enzymes with less expenditures and high productivity. 1.3 Objectives 1. To determine the best media for amylase expression. 2. To optimize relevant factors that involve in amylase expression such as absorbance value and induction time through Two-level factorial and Central Composite Design (CCD) 3. End product determination using HPLC 4 1.4 Scopes of the research The scopes of research are as follow: a) General optimization of the best media b) Precise optimization of the best media c) Enzyme assay, protein assay and localization of cell d) Other factors optimization using 2-level factorial e) Further optimization using Central Composite Design (CCD) f) High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Starch Starch-producing crops are economically important in most countries around the world as the large consumption of daily food include starch component. Even though, there are many plants that able to produce starch, only a number of these plants are economically useful. The main crops that consist of high economical value of starch storage include rice, maize, potato and tapioca. Starch is the compound that is synthesized by green plants during photosynthesis. The process of synthesizing starch commonly occurs in plastids of leaves and also in amyloplasts that can be found in seeds and roots. The synthesis in leaves normally take place to fulfill the short term usage while in amyloplast, starch are synthesis to store for longer period of time. In order for longer period of storage, starch in amyloplasts accumulates as water-insoluble granules (Maarel et al., 1994). 6 In green plants, starch is comprised of approximately 25% of amylose and the remaining is amylopectin. Amylose is a linear structure of large amount of glucose molecules that is join by !-1,4-glucosidic linkages. Whereas, amylopectin is compactly branched glucose molecules that attached with linear glucose polymers in branch form through !-1,6-glucosidic bond (Nakamura, 2002). Starch had been used diversely in many industries. However, the main application of starch is in food industry, where it had been used as food thickening such as sauces and puddings. Other uses of starch in food industry include using starch as fat replacer, as glazing agent, stabilizer and also as emulsifier. This is mainly done through chemically or by using enzyme to harvest the starch to produce other derivatives of starch such as fructose or cyclodextrin (Gupta et al., 2003) Besides that, starch is also used as glue in wallpapers, stamps and envelopes. In paper industry, starch is used to make paper stronger. Other then that, starch can also been used as filing agent in pharmaceutical products such as in tablets and to increase the moisture absorption in baby diapers (Maarel et al., 1994). 7 Figure 2.1 Structure of starch showing the linear linkages of amylose and the bridge linkage form to known as amylopectin (http://www.food-info.net/uk/carbs/starch.htm) 2.2 Thermostable bacteria Thermostable bacteria are bacteria that can withstand high temperature. Generally, this type of bacteria can be found naturally in geothermal heated places such as hot springs and deep sea hydrothermal vents. Thermophilic bacteria can only be prokaryotic (Hobel, 2004). There are two groups of thermophiles which are the obligate and facultative thermophiles. Obligate thermophiles or also known as the extreme thermophiles are bacteria and archaea that are able to grow at temperature as high as 110˚C (Huber et al., 2000). 8 There are many sources where thermophilic bacteria can be found. According to Hobel (2004), natural geothermal areas are vastly found around the world, but these locations are primarily associated with tectonically active zones where the movements of the Earth’s surface occur. This makes the geothermal heat sources restricted to few concentrated regions. Terrestrial hot springs are one of the common habitats of thermophilic bacteria. This terrestrial hot springs are classified to the nature of the heat source and pH. Table 2.1 shows few examples of thermophiles and their common habitat. Table 2.1: Thermophiles and their common habitat Microorganisms Sources References Bacillus sp. Sediments of hot spring Badal et al. (1989), Mamo and hot springs and Gessese (1999) Bacillus stearothermophiles Compost Kenji et al. (1989) Bacillus circulans Garbage dump Ashita et al. (2000) Thermus sp. Hot springs Shaw et al. (1995) 2.2.1 Thermostable enzyme Generally, in order to have optimum survival mode, thermophilic bacteria consists of thermophilic enzymes where these enzymes are able to function well at high temperature. Thermophilic enzymes have the ability to maintain their three dimensional structure by tighten their structure folding at higher temperature (Niehaus et al., 1999). 9 In order to make their structure and function optimal at higher temperature, these bacteria have several thermostable enzymes with different mechanisms of enzyme thermostabilization. These mechanisms include increase in number of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic residues and higher mode of stabilization (Saboto et al., 1999). Apart from that, these bacteria also increase unique interactions such as electrostatic, disulphide bridges and hydrophobic interaction to maintain their functions in high temperature (Kumar and Nussinov, 2002). Besides that, the formation of cell membrane which consists of saturated fatty acids also succor in maintaining the optimal shape and function of thermophilic bacteria. This is because fatty acids contribute high hydrophobic environment for the cell and retain the rigidity of the cell to live in high temperature (Herbert and Sharp, 1992). Thermophilic bacteria also are able to withstand high temperature in the cell by having low grade of protoplasmic organization in their cell structure (Gaughran). 2.2.2 Applications of thermophilic Enzyme Thermophilic enzymes have wide applications in various industries. The application of thermophilic enzymes varies from food industries to waste management. However, the first breakthrough of commercially useable thermophilic enzymes was in 1946 where the corn syrup manufacturing was patented by Dale and Langois (Hamid et al., 2003). 10 A prime commercial application of thermophilic enzymes is the use of the enzyme as DNA polymerase in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The most common enzyme used in this process is the Thermus aquaticus which is known as Taq polymerase (Saiki et al., 1998). This enzyme was isolated from a hot spring bacterium and been expressed as recombinant. Apart from that, the other applications of thermophilic enzymes include maximizing the reactions in food and paper industry, toxic waste removal and detergents (Haki and Rakshit, 2003). Other applications of these thermophilic enzymes are summarized in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 : Applications of thermophilic enzymes (Haki and Rakshit, 2003) Enzymes Bioconversion Applications Amylase Starch Baking, brewing, starch hydrolysis, digestion Sugar in milk, saccharifying enzymes and oligosaccharides Pullulanase Starch Production of glucose syrups dextrose syrups Lipase Fat removal, alcholysis Detergent, pharmaceuticals, waste water and aminolysis treatments, oleo-chemical, leather and cosmetics industry Xylanases Craft pulp xylan + Pulp and paper industry including paper lignin Proteases bleaching Protein amino acids Baking, brewing, food processing and leather industry DNA DNA restriction polymerase amplification Cellulase Cellulose and Genetic engineering glucose Cellulose hydrolysis 11 2.3 !-amylase ( amylase family and characteristic) The !-amylase family consists of a large group of starch hydrolases and related enzymes comprising about 20 different enzyme specificities, and is currently known as glycosyl hydrolase family 13. Enzymes in this family are multi-domain proteins that commonly form the barrel shape of (!/")8 (Stefan et al., 1997 and Mc Gregor, 2001). Amylases (1,4-!-D-Glucan glucanohydrolase) are one of the starch degrading enzymes that hydrolyze starch molecules into smaller compounds such as oligosaccharides and dextrins. Amylases are also able to hydrolyze starch to the very basic monomer component which is glucose. The !-amylase family comprises a group of enzymes with a variety of different specificities that all act on one type of substrate being glucose residues linked through an !-1-1, !-1-4, !-1-6, glycosidic bonds. Amylase generally hydrolyzes glycosidic bond in starch molecules converting it to a simple sugar unit. The process of glycosidic hydrolysis that might occur is represented by the hydrolysis of 1,6 glycosidic bond, hydrolysis of 1,4 glycosidic bond, transglycosylation to form to different glycosidic bond (Kuriki, T. and Imanaka, 1999). Amylases are first discovered in 1811 and being researched until today. One of the major research by Ohlsson (1930), the initial proposal classified amylase into !amylase and "-amylase according to the anomeric type of sugar produces by the enzymatic reaction. Apart from that classification, there are two main categories of amylases which are endoamylases and exoamylases. The function of both these categories are different where endoamylases catalyse random hydrolysis in the interior side of starch resulting in linear and branched oligosaccharides in various length whereas exoamylases hydrolyses at the non-reducing end of starch thus produced short end products (Gupta et al., 2003). 12 Even though amylases can be express by many types of bacteria, it is very challenging to obtain a suitable strain that is capable of producing commercially acceptable yields. Choosing the suitable strain is one of the most important factors in amylase production. Each application of amylases requires unique properties with respect to specificity, stability, temperature and pH dependence. Screening of microorganisms with higher amylase activities could therefore, facilitate the discovery of novel amylases suitable to new industrial applications (Pandey et al., 2000 and Asgher et al., 2007). 2.3.1 Reaction mechanism of amylase According to Maarel et al. (2002), there are four groups of starch-converting enzymes: (i) endoamylases; (ii) exoamylases;(iii) debranching enzymes; and (iv) transferases. However, amylase can be both endoamylase and exoamylase. Endoamylases are enzymes that are able to cleave !-1,4-glycosidic bonds that appear in inside an amylose and amylopectin bond. Enzyme that is commonly known as the endoamylase is !-amylase, which can be found both in bacteria and Archae (Pandey, 2000). !-amylase catalyses the degrading of starch that resulted in final products of oligosaccharides in multiple lengths. In the other hand, exoamylases such as "-amylases are enzymes that cleave at external residues of glucose of amylose and amylopectin. This make the end product of exoamylases reaction is oly glucose molecules. Similar to endoamylases, the "-amylase cleaves the polysaccharides at !-1,4-glycosidic bond (Pandey et al., 2000). 13 Figure 2.2 Different enzymes that involve in degradation of starch (Maarel et al., 2002) All enzymes in the amylase super-family have the similar catalytic mechanism, which is derived through the same catalytic residues. The common mechanism known for amylase catalytic activity is double displacement reaction (Maarel et al., 2002). This mechanism involves two catalytic residues in the active site such as a glutamic acid as catalyst and an aspartate as nucleophile. Generally, the double displacement reaction is made up of five continuous steps. First, when a substrate binds to the active site, transfering of proton to the glycosidic bond oxygen will take place. This will be followed by the formation of a covalent intermediate when an oxocarbonium ion-like transition state is formed (Maarel et al., 2002). 14 Then, the protonated glucose molecules leave the active site while a water molecule substitutes the place in the active site. This will attack the covalent bond between the glucose molecule and the nucleophile such as aspartate. This will be followed by again the formation of the oxocarbonium ion-like transition state. Finally, a base catalyst such as glutamate will accept a hydrogen from incoming water molecule. The oxygen molecules from the water molecule will then replaces the oxocarbonium bond and forms a new hydroxyl group at C1 position of the glucose (Maarel et al., 2002). Figure 2.3 The double displacement mechanism and the formation of a covalent intermediate by which retaining glycosylhydrolases act (Maarel et al., 1994) 15 2.4 Design of Experiment (DoE) In order to optimize the design of a new discovery, it is vital to identify which factors that have greatest influences and value where optimal production is. The common approach of designing the optimization is by doing trial-and-error using conventional one factor at a time (OFAT) strategy. Nevertheless, this classic approach is very time consuming and not feasible in large scale of activity. To overcome this, experiments with multiple factors is a better approach that can be used. This multiple factors experiments are commonly known as the factorial design (Mohammadi et al., 2004). All DoE softwares rely on statistical method which is used to probe the outcome of the experiments and also to determine differences in variation each factors contribute. An example of such statistical analysis is the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). In the classical ‘one-factor-at-a-time’ method, one independent variable will be studied while the values of other variables (factors) are kept constant. This is an extremely time consuming and also unreliable method. Apart from that, this method also does not guarantee the determination of optimal conditions since experiments are done on each factor which makes it not possible to identify the correct interactions that occur between the factors (Li et al., 2006). However, in the DoE approach, the use of ANOVA analysis will be able to overcome such weaknesses. In order to avoid these complicities, the statistical method which is known as Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is a better choice. RSM uses quantitative data from conducted experiments to ascertain and concurrently decipher multivariate equations. RSM also can be described as a collection of statistical techniques for designing experiments, model building and analyzing optimum conditions of factors for desirable responses (Li et al., 2006). 16 2.4.1 Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Response surface methodology (RSM) was first described by Box and Wilson (1951). This is an experimental strategy for seeking the optimum condition for a multivariable system. RSM is a concise way of describing and predicting response of a system of variables (Murphy, 1977). Moreover, it defines the effect of the independent variables, alone or in combinations, on the process and generates a mathematical model that accurately describes the overall process. Gohel et al. (2007) described, RSM offers advantages through which one can understand and correlate the effect of the nutrient at varying concentrations and give significant reduction in total number of experiments resulting in saving time, glassware and chemicals. RSM had been successfully employed for the optimizing medium ingredients and operating in many bioprocesses (Lee, 2002). In most RSM related limitations, the form of relationship between the response and the independent variables is unknown. Therefore, the preliminary step in RSM is to find a suitable approximation for the true functional relationship between the response and independent variable. Following this, the RSM can be performed using the fitted surface. A regression design is normally employed to model a response as a mathematical function of a few continuous factors and best model parameter estimates are delivered (Montmogery, 1997). RSM is regularly used to build models for making predictions. Thus, the prediction variance is considerable important in evaluating or comparing between designs and within a design. Two-dimensional contour plots as well as the threedimensional response surface plots of prediction variance provide a good profile of the 17 prediction variance in the total experimental region. Following the software package calculation, the optimization of process parameters can be determined. A successful experimental factorial design and RSM was already applied in various fields and it is well suited with the study of the main and interaction of the factor in bioconversion yield. At a basic biological level, recent studies have indicated the use of RSM for analyzing effects of different factors on proteolytic activity and optimization of zylanase production. This study is an attempt to evaluate the effects of several factors on the production of an industrial amylase (Nawani, 2004). 2.4.2 Central Composite Design (CCD) Central Composite Design (CCD) is one of the approaches that use to build a second-order response surface model. This is due to the ability of CCD that can be run sequentially where the first subset estimates linear and two-factor interaction effect while the second subset estimates curvature effects. This makes that the second subset is not needed if the data from the first subset denote the absence of significant curvature effects (Montgomery, 1997). The CCD model was first described by Box and Wilson in year 1951. Since then, CCD had been the highest frequency usage model and highly recommended under the RSM design. Therefore, the CCD is selected in this study to allow determination of levels of various parameters to be carried out with the interrelation of levels of variance parameters evolved concurrently (Montgomery, 1997). 18 The design of CCD is very efficient due to the dense information provided by the design on effect of experiment variables and total experimental error in a minimum numbers of required laboratory work. CCD is also a robust and flexible design where the availability of few varieties of CCD enables their function under various experimental regions and operability. In general, a CCD design starts with a factorial design with centre points that are augmented with a group of star points and centre points where these points allows the estimation of curvature. Precisely, a CCD model requires five coded levels of each factors which are the plus or minus one (factorial points), plus or minus alpha (axial points) and the all zero level known as centre points. 19 CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Preparation of bacterial stock The desired enzyme which is !-amylase from Anoxybacillus sp. DT3-1 was obtained from another post graduate student. The full length gene which encode the protein has been cloned in expression system E.coli BL21 using pET 22b (Novagen) as the vector (unpublished data). Stock culture was prepared by inoculating a single colony from the given E.coli strain and incubated overnight at 37 ˚C. The following day, 700 #L of the overnight culture was pipetted into a microcentrifuge tube and then added with 300 #L of 80% glycerol. The mixture was vortexed vigorously and stored in -80 °C for long term storage. 20 !"#"$%&'(")*%'+,-(*.%-+#'/0'(")*%1'' 2$"3*4")'(")*%'+,-(*.%-+#'/5'(")*%1'' 678$%3"&&9&%$'%#)'*#8$%3"&&9&%$'3"&&4'+:8%*#*#;' 6#.<("'%3-=*8<')"8"$(*#%-+#'/>9?%1' @?+A&"="&'B%38+$*%&' C8%-4-3%&'%#%&<4*4' D"#8$%&'D+(,+4*8"'E"4*;#'/DDE1' C8%-4-3%&'%#%&<4*4' 6#)',$+)938')"8"$(*#%-+#F'G2HD''' Figure 3.1 Overview of the total work flow 21 3.2 Bacteria revival and culture Amylase in E.coli BL21 was revived from glycerol stock at -80°C. Streaking was done on an agar plate and spread plate technique was used to plate the bacteria. It was then incubated for 24 hours at 37°C and stored at 4°C as stock. Agar plates were then incubated for 24 hours at 37°C and stored at 4°C as stock. 3.3 General Media optimization As shown in Figure 3.1, the main stage in this experiment starts with optimizing the best media for amylase expression. In order to accomplish this, the expression of !amylase in variety of media was done. The selected media were Luria-Bertani Broth (LB), Terrific Broth (TB), Super Broth (SB), Chemically Defined Media 1 (CDM1) which is composed of glucose and Chemically Defined Media 2 (CDM2). The preparation and composition of each medium are shown as the followings. Each medium were added with ampicilin as the antibiotic. Ampicillin (25mg/mL) was prepared by dissolving 1.25g of powdered ampicillin in 50 mL of distilled water. The solution was then filter sterilized using a 0.22 #M syringe filter. 22 3.3.1 Composition of each medium a) Luria-Bertani Broth (LB) To prepare 500ml of this media, 5.0g of tryptone, 2.5g of yeast extract and 5.0g of sodium chloride were added into 500ml of distilled water and stirred until the powder fully dissolved. The solution was autoclaved and kept at 4°C. b) Terrific Broth (TB) To prepare 500ml of this media, 6.0g of tryptone, 12.0g of yeast extract and 2 mL of glycerol were added into 400ml of distilled water and stirred until the powder fully dissolved. The solution was then adjusted to 450mL and autoclaved. Upon autoclaved, the broth was adjusted to 500mL and pH 6.0 by adding filter sterilized 0.17M KH2PO4 and 0.72M K2HPO4. The solution was kept at 4°C for further use. c) Super Broth (SB) To prepare 500ml of this media, 16.0g of tryptone, 10.0g of yeast extract, 2.5g of sodium chloride and 2.5 mL of 1.0M NaOH were added into 500ml of distilled water and stirred until the powder fully dissolved. The solution was autoclaved and kept at 4°C. 23 d) Chemically defined media 1 To prepare 500ml of this media, 10g of peptone, 2.5g of soluble starch, 1.5g of K2HPO4 and 0.5g of MgSO4.7H2O were added into 500ml of distilled water and stirred until the powder fully dissolved. The solution was autoclaved and kept at 4°C (Nikerel et al., 2006) e) Chemically defined media 2 To prepare 500ml of this media, 4.75g of KH2PO4, 1.5g of (NH4)2HPO4 and were added into 400ml of distilled water and stirred until the powder fully dissolved. The solution was then autoclaved. Upon autoclaved, 7.5g of filter sterilized glucose solution and 12.5g of filter sterilized MgSO4.7H2O solution was added. The final volume was then adjusted to 500 mL by adding distilled water. The solution was kept at 4°C for further use (Tabandeh et al., 2008). 3.3.2 Overnight culture preparation A single colony from the stored plate was inoculated and cultured overnight at room temperature with shaking in a flask that contained 100 mL of LB broth and 100mg/ml ampicillin. The next day, 10% of the overnight culture which was 10 mL, was poured into a centrifuge tube and centrifuged at room temperature for 15 minutes at 4000 rpm. 24 After centrifugation, supernatant was discarded and immediately after that, the cell at the bottom of the tube was resuspended in fresh LB broth containing ampicillin. The cell was totally resuspended in the fresh broth by pipetting the solution. This solution was then used as inoculum for the cell growth. The inoculum was mixed into a flask that contained 100 mL of fresh LB broth with ampicillin. The mixture was then left to grow in a shaker with 200 rpm at room temperature until the absorbance reading of OD600nm of the culture reached the value of 1. 3.3.3 Optimization and Expression of E.coli BL21 Carrying Amylase in pET 22Vector Five flasks were prepared with each containing 100 mL of selected five different media of LB broth, SB broth, TB broth, Chemically Defined Media 1 and 2. Upon reaching the absorbance value, OD 600 of 1, 10mL of the culture was transferred into each of the flasks. Then, 1 mL of IPTG (100mM) was added into each flask. The flasks were then incubated at 25˚C with 200 rpm of shaking. The flasks were continued to incubate with shaking for 30 continuous hours. The reading of microbial optical density (measured at 600nm) and 4 mL of culture samples was collected every 2-6 hours for 30 hours. 25 The samples of cultures were harvested at 4000 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant was kept at -20˚C while the cells were kept at 4˚C for further use and analysis. Besides that, the cell growth profile was plotted and the best growth medium was determined. 3.4 Further Optimization of Media A more precise media optimization was done to select the best media for amylase expression between LB broth and CDM 2 which contain glucose. This precise optimization was done by profiling the cell activity and its expression for 68 hours. The overnight culture preparation and IPTG induction was done similarly to the previous general optimization method. At each time interval, optical density was read at absorbance 600nm and cell was centrifuged. The supernatant and cell pellet was stored for further experiments on enzyme assay and protein assay. 3.4.1 Intracellular enzyme extraction Cell wall of the stored pellet was broken in order to extract the intracellular content of the harvested cell at each time intervals. Bacterial cells were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 4000 rpm to obtain the bacterial pellet. 26 After centrifugation, supernatant was frozen for further use. 4 mL of B-PER Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent (Thermo Scientific) were added for every 1 gram of cell pellet. Together with that, 2 #L of lysozyme and 2 #L of DNase were added for every 1 mL of the B-PER Reagent. The suspension was pipetted up and down until it was fully homogeneous. The solution was then left at room temperature for approximately 15 minutes. Then, the solution was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 6500 rpm to separate the soluble proteins from the insoluble proteins. The supernatant was then frozen for further analysis and the pellet which is known as the inclusion body was discarded. 3.4.2 Enzyme assay The analysis of amylase activity using FUWA assay was done according to Goyal et al. (1995) with slight modifications. The iodine reagent for this analysis was prepared by adding 0.2% of Iodine with 2% Potassium Iodide and the mixture was dissolved in distilled water. The reagent mixture was then kept in a Scott bottle that had pre-wrapped using aluminium foil to avoid exposure to light. 250 #L of enzyme was added with 250#L of 0.2% of soluble starch which was dissolved in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH 6.5). The combination of this solution was incubated at 60˚C for 30 minutes. Immediately after incubation, 250 #L of 1M HCL was added to the solution to stop the reaction between the enzyme and substrate. This is followed by the addition of 250 #L of 0.2% Iodine in 2% Pottasium Iodide and also 4mL of distilled water. 27 The changes of colour in the solution were then measured by reading the absorbance through spectrophotometry at 690nm wavelength. Enzyme activity was then calculated according to following equation where blank was unreacted starch where 1 unit of activity was defined as the amount of amylase needed to reduce the colour of starch-iodine compound for 1 %. Activity (units/mL) = OD790 (blank) – OD790 (sample) ____________________________ OD790 (blank) X 100 3.5 Optimization of other factors using Design of Experiment The Design of Experiment (DoE) method is an effective technique to optimize few factors at a same time. The factors that taken into consideration in this project were the optical density absorbance value when IPTG was induced, the percentage of yeast extract used in the LB broth and also the amount of IPTG induced in each flask. Through this method, the optimal conditions able to be obtained by conducting lesser experiments compared to the classical one-factor-at time method. 28 RSM uses an experimental design such as the 2-level factorial and Central composite design (CCD) to fit a model by least square technique. Adequacy of the proposed model is then revealed using the diagnostic checking tests provided by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The factors, the range and the levels of the variables investigated in this project were summarized in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2. These parameters and their range were selected based on various journals and publications. The Design Expert Version 6.0.4 software was used to develop the experimental plan for both TWO-level factorial and CCD. The software was also used to analyze the data collected by performing ANOVA studies. The 2-level factorial was designed with three factors whereas the CCD was designed with two significant factors chose from the 2-level factorial. Table 3.1: Experimental factors for Two-level factorial Factors Low level (-1) High level (+1) A) Absorbance (OD) 0.3 1.5 B) Yeast extract (%) 0.05 0.3 C) IPTG concentration (mM) 0.01 0.1 29 Table 3.2 : Experiment factors and levels for Two-level Factorial Run A(%) B(mM) C(OD) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.05 0.30 0.05 0.30 0.05 0.30 0.05 0.30 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 From Two-level Factorial, the significant factors and their best ranges were chosen to proceed with Central Composite Design (CCD). Optimization using CCD was done twice with different ranges in each factor. In the first CCD, as shown in Table 3.3, the ranges of each factor were set according to the result from Two-level factorial and these ranges were set at –! and +! in the program. While for the second run, also as shown in Table 3.3, the ranges were further narrowed down and set at zero level. Table 3.3 : Experimental factors for CCD Factors 1 2 -! -1 0 +1 +! OD 0.3 0.52 1.05 1.58 1.8 IPTG (mM) 0.005 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.05 OD 1.3 1.37 1.55 1.73 1.8 IPTG (mM) 0.007 0.008 0.011 0.014 0.015 30 Table 3.4 : Experiment factors and levels for second CCD Run IPTG(mM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.008 0.008 0.014 0.014 0.011 0.011 0.007 0.015 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 3.5.1 Absorbance(OD) 1.37 1.73 1.37 1.73 1.30 1.80 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 Activity(U/mL) 52.025 36.759 57.246 43.567 59.222 38.933 41.149 50.160 82.345 82.082 82.411 82.806 82.543 82.148 Analysis Two-level factorial was done with consideration of factors from Tables 3.1 and 3.2. The preparation of overnight culture and method of induction was similar to media optimization method. Cultures were incubated at 25˚C for 50 hours with 200 rpm shaking after induction for harvesting. After 50 hours, cells were harvested and analysis such as enzyme activity and protein analysis were done for both extracellular and intracellular cells as described earlier. 31 Total cell supernatant with highest enzyme activity were frozen in larger amount. This supernatant was used to obtain the concentrated enzyme. To concentrate the enzyme, first the frozen supernatant was thawed. Then, the thawed solution was centrifuged for 30 minutes at 8000 rpm. After centrifuge, the supernatant was transferred into the ‘U-tube Concentrators’ which was purchased commercially by Merck. The Concentrators were centrifuged for 45 minutes with 12 000 rpm to concentrate the enzymes. The concentrated enzyme was kept at 4˚C for short term storage as the concentrated enzyme was further used in High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). 3.6 End Product Determination End product determination was done in order to identify the final sugar compound that was released by the hydrolysis of soluble starch of this amylase. This determination was carried out through High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). 3.6.1 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) HPLC was carried out using Waters HPLC machine with filtered deionized water as the mobile phase. A single time plot reaction was carried out between this amylase and variety of starch types namely the amylopectin, sagu, wheat, rice, tapioca, potato and soluble starch. 32 The selected starch types were reacted with amylase for 18 hours at 60 °C water bath. After incubation, the reaction was stopped by boiling the reaction mixtures for 10 minutes. The reaction mixtures were then filtered prior injecting to the HPLC machine. The time frame for each injection was 15 minutes and the standards used were varieties of sugar compounds that were purchased commercially. The sugar separation of the standards and samples were generated by the HPLC machine in the form of chromatograms. These chromatograms were compared to identify the sugar released. 33 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Optimization and Expression of E.coli BL21 Carrying Amylase in pET 22-b Vector The main objective of this study is to enhance the expression of a recombinant amylase in E.coli system. The amylase enzyme had been cloned from a newly discovered Anoxybacillus named as Anoxybacillus DT3-1. This Anoxybacillus DT3-1 was a discovery by fellow UTM researcher and was derived from a hot spring known as Dusun Tua hot spring in Malaysia (Chai et al., 2010). The gene sequence has not been deposited in NCBI database currently. The expression level of the recombinant amylase using pET 22-b/ E.coli BL21 was low. Therefore, the intention of this wok is to improve its expression. This was done by first selecting the best known-medium, followed by optimization of the inducer concentration (IPTG) and induction time using Design Expert software. 34 General media optimization was done by growing the E.coli BL21 in all the five chosen media (Luria-Bertani broth (LB), Super broth (SB), Terrific broth (TB), Chemically Defined Media 1 (CDM1) and Chemically Defined Media 2 (CDM2)) for 36 hours at 25˚C. According to Lo et al. (2007), a general temperature for enzyme expression for E.coli was 25˚C, so this temperature was maintained throughout all the optimization process. The culture in all media was induced similarly with IPTG of 1mM unless specified. Samples were collected and harvested for time interval between two to six hours to determine the cell growth. Cell growth was checked through spectrophotometer at OD600nm absorbance while collected samples were centrifuged. Then the supernatant was used for enzyme assay (Fuwa assay) to quantify the enzyme activity. Figure 4.1 shows the growth profile of E.coli in all the five media. From Figure 4.1 clearly can be seen that the cell growth in CDM 2 medium is relatively higher than that of the growth in other media. It had been assumed that, the high cell growth could be due to the presence of glucose as one of the components in CDM 2. Glucose is the primary and simplest carbon source for E.coli propagation. In contrast, the cell growth in CDM 1 medium was relatively low compare to growth in other media whereas the remaining three media had almost similar cell growth. 35 MK' Absorbance (600nm) MJ' M5' MI' @O' L' HO' K' DEP'5' J' DEP'M' CO' 5' I' I' 0' MI' M0' 5I' 50' NI' N0' Time interval (hour) Figure 4.1 Profiles of microbial growth in five different media at 25˚C QI' !"#$%&'()*+%&,--./0( KI' 0I' JI' 5J'R+9$4' NI' NI'R+9$4' 5I' NK'R+9$4' MI' I' AMI' @O' Figure 4.2 HO' DEP'5' DEP'M' CO' 1'23,(45(.36%7( Fuwa assay on three final intervals samples in all five media 36 Fuwa assay was used to quantify the enzyme activity and was carried out at 24, 30 and 36 hours which happen to be the log phase of the growth. From Figure 4.2, two most prominent media that contribute in amylase expression was the CDM 2 (which contains glucose) and LB medium. Apart from these two media, other media did not have any promising activity signs. Amylase activity was not found in TB, CDM 1 and SB media. In CDM 1 media, there are mass content of trace elements which contributed to high metal ion content. High content of ions such as Mg2+ as in MgCl (one of the trace element), have possibility to act as inhibitor thus destabilize the enzyme production. Other than that, high concentration of nutrients in SB and TB may contribute to lack of enzyme production in both the media where this speeds up cell propagation and growth but reduces enzyme production (Goh, 2009). However, these very low and negative activities might be also due to the culture duration. Most probably, 36 hours were not enough for the culture to reach the stationary phase. Since the cultures were merely still in log phase at 36 hours, the cells in the culture were only rapidly growing rather than expressing the enzyme. Yet, the LB broth and CDM 2 showed good activities. High activity in both of these media could be due to the fact that both media only have adequate nutrients with no unnecessary minerals, thus only focusing in cell growth rather than enzyme productivity. One of the reasons of lesser growth in CDM 2 could be because of the high glucose content in the medium. This is because, upon reaching the stationary phase in the culture high concentration of glucose cause the metabolic inhibition in the cells (Tabandeh et al., 2008). Therefore, more precised optimizations were carried out with longer culture duration between these two media to choose the best media. 37 4.2 Further Comparison of CDM 2 and LB Media 4.2.1 Cell Growth Profiles During the earlier pre-screening (section 4.1), the incubation of cells was restricted to 36 hours. However, based on Figure 4.1, the culturing period seemed to be insufficient. The culture in CDM 2 medium has not reached stationary phase. Due to this, the experiment was repeated with extended time up to 68 hours. As only culture in LB and CDM 2 media gave positive result in the earlier pre-screening, the other media were excluded in this repetition. !8,4987+"3():;;+.0( Q' K' 0' J' N' HO' 5' DEP'5' M' I' I' 0' MI' M0' 5I' 50' NI' N0' JI' J0' 0I' 00' KI' K0' QI' 1%.3()<4*90( Figure 4.3 25˚C Profiles of microbial growth in LB broth and CDM 2 for 68 hours at 38 The differences in cell growth between both media can be clearly seen in Figure 4.3. The graph showed that, the cell growth which were determined by the optical density at 600nm (OD600) in LB medium is much higher than in CDM 2. The biomass production in both the media increased continuously until they reached the stationary phase at 35th hour of incubation. However, the cell turbidity increment in LB was significantly higher where it increased from 0.078 at zero hour to 7.361 after 68 hours. In contrast, the growth in CDM 2 was only recorded as 0.108 at the early state and reached up to 2.708 after 68 hours. This showed that, the culture were more favorable to grow and produce higher biomass in LB broth. 4.2.2 Enzyme activity Hetero protein expression using E.coli could be localized either intra or extracellularly. Cell culturing conditions could affect the localization of amylase. Extracellular amylase was directly quantified using the cell-free supernatant. The cell pellet which contained the intracellular enzyme was lysed before this fraction could be quantified using the standard Fuwa assay. 39 SI' Activity (units/mL) LI' QI' KI' 0I' JI' "78$%3"&&9&%$'%3-=*8<' NI' *#8$%3"&&9&%$'%3-=*8<' 5I' MI' I' I' 0' MI' M0' 5I' 50' NI' N0' JI' J0' 0I' 00' KI' K0' QI' Time (hours) Figure 4.4 The extracellular and intracellular amylase activity in LB medium for 68 hours The results of the enzyme assay for LB and CDM 2 were displayed in Figure 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7. Figure 4.4 and 4.5 shows the extracellular and intracellular enzyme activity in LB and CDM 2 respectively while Figure 4.6 and 4.7 showed the comparison of activities between the two media. Both LB and CDM 2 had higher activity of intracellular amylase compared to extracellular amylase but in LB media, the activity of extracellular amylase increased drastically from 20th hour until end of the culture duration. Basically, in LB media the intracellular enzyme production fluctuates throughout the incubation period until it reaches the stationary phase at 50th hour with enzyme activity of 78.36 U/mL from 42.81 U/mL at zero hour. Once the cell reaches the stationary phase, the intracellular amylase production was decreased gradually until it reached 49.70 U/mL of activity after 68 hours of incubation. This could occur due to the excretion of the enzyme out of the cells after the culture reached stationary phase. 40 This by chance also made the increase in extracellular enzyme to be consistent even after the stationary phase which showed the gradual increase of extracellular enzyme production from 24.86 U/mL at zero hour up to 78 U/mL after 68 hours of incubation. Cultures in both LB and CDM 2 media showed presence of activity at zero hour for both intracellular and extracellular enzymes. This occurs due to the fact the activity was calculated with multiplication of 100 which shows high activity even at initial phase. Other than that, the induction for both media was done once a certain OD was reached and sample were transferred to fresh medium upon inducing. This shows that, the culture that transferred to the fresh medium able to produce immediate activity, thus exhibits activity at zero hour. On contrary, the enzyme production in CDM 2 medium was rather different compared to LB medium. Even though, intracellular enzyme production was higher compared to extracellular enzyme production but both the enzyme production reduced gradually until the end of incubation period. The intracellular amylase activity at zero hour was 47.44 U/mL and the activity increased until about 15 hours where the activity was at peak with 75.06 U/mL of activities and followed by fluctuated decrease until it reached 18.03 U/mL after 68 hours of incubations. On the other hand, the extracellular amylase activity was 26.23 U/mL at zero hours and remains almost the same until it reached 35 hours of incubation and reduced drastically to 8 U/mL activities. The activity of extracellular amylase continues to decrease until after 45 hours of incubations, the activity became almost zero and remained until after 68 hours of incubation. One of the reasons for higher intracellular activity was the environment or composition of CDM 2 medium that prevented or slowed down the movement of expressed amylase out of the cell. This is also could be due to the osmotic pressure of the medium was higher than inside the cells as this medium contained high concentration of glucose. 41 LI' Activity (units/mL) QI' KI' 0I' JI' "78$%3"&&9&%$'%3-=*8<' NI' *#8$%3"&&9&%$'%3-=*8<' 5I' MI' I' I' 0' MI' M0' 5I' 50' NI' N0' JI' J0' 0I' 00' KI' K0' QI' Time (hour) Figure 4.5 The extracellular and intracellular amylase activity in CDM 2 medium for 68 hours Figure 4.6 and 4.7 shows the comparison between the activity in both media for extracellular amylase and intracellular amylase respectively. According to Figure 4.6, the productions of extracellular enzyme in both media were almost the same at the beginning of incubation which were around 25 U/mL. However, when the incubation reached 20 hours, the enzyme production in LB increased consistently until the end of 68 hours with highest enzyme activity of 78 U/mL. Whereas, extracellular enzyme production in CDM 2 media were stagnant with about 25 U/mL of activity at the beginning of experiment until the culture reached 30 hours. After that, gradual decrease in enzyme activity from 25 U/mL to almost zero occur until the culture reached 45 hours and remained almost zero activity until end of 68 hours. In Figure 4.6 clearly shown that LB media was able to produce higher amount of extracellular amylase compare to CDM 2 media. 42 However, the intracellular amylase production in both media had a different pattern which can be clearly seen in Figure 4.7. Although the enzyme activity was almost equal at zero hour which was approximately 45 U/mL, most enzymes were expressed in CDM 2 medium where the intracellular amylase activity reached the peak at 15th hour and relatively higher compared to LB medium. After that, the production was decreased gradually until end of incubation. In contrast, intracellular amylase production in LB medium fluctuated until 25th hour. At 25th hour, the enzyme production was almost equal again between both the media which were approximately 48 U/mL. After that, the production of intracellular amylase in LB medium boost up gradually until reached the peak at 50th which was the stationary phase of the culture and proceeded with slight decreased until the end of 68 hours where the activity was only 49 U/mL. Although both media have decrease in intracellular enzyme production, it was obvious that LB media able to express relatively higher amylase compare to CDM 2 media. 43 LI' Activity (units/mL) QI' KI' 0I' JI' HO' NI' DEP'5' 5I' MI' I' I' 0' MI' M0' 5I' 50' NI' N0' JI' J0' 0I' 00' KI' K0' QI' Time (hours) Figure 4.6 The comparison of extracellular amylase activity between LB and CDM 2 media for 68 hours SI' Activity (units/mL) LI' QI' KI' 0I' JI' DEP'5' NI' HO' 5I' MI' I' I' 0' MI' M0' 5I' 50' NI' N0' JI' J0' 0I' 00' KI' K0' QI' Time (hours Figure 4.7 The comparison of intracellular amylase activity between LB and CDM 2 media for 68 hours 44 LB broth was more favorable to be used in expressing amylase both extracellular and intracellular. This is because, LB medium is able to produce higher cell biomass as well as enzyme expression. Besides, LB medium is a rich medium and contained largely required nutrients that made it suitable for variety of microorganisms to grow in it optimally. Yeast extract as one of the ingredient in LB broth also contribute vastly in this because yeast extract contained a variety of types of organic molecules that needed for bacterial growth (Sezonov, 2007). Therefore, LB broth was chosen as the best medium and used for subsequent optimization using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). 4.3 Optimization of Relevant Factors Using Design of Experiment Response Surface Methodology (RSM) have experimental design such as Twolevel Factorial and Central Composite Design (CCD) in order to fit a model by the least square technique. Accuracy of the proposed models was studied using the diagnostic checking tests provided by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). These plots can be used to verify the surface and optimal conditions of factors. The main purpose of this part of research was to obtain the best condition and feasibility of the Design of Experiment (DoE) method on the optimization of the selected parameters in both Two-level factorial and CCD. In order to find the most significant parameters and their condition range, the factors were chosen based on literature readings of various journals and papers. Upon completing Two-level factorial, the two most significant parameters were chosen and the conditions were further precised using CCD. 45 In order to determine the optimal design of experiment, three factors, namely the OD at induction time, the percentage of yeast extract in broth and the amount of IPTG used to induce were chosen. The parameters and their levels were shown in Table 4.1 and Table 4.2. These were accomplished by designing a series of compression tests by utilizing the Two-level factorial design method followed by evaluating the output data using ANOVA method. Two-level factorial was first carried out because it was easier to eliminate the less significant factor and easier to be done. Other than that, this method was also chosen because it is the most efficient method to design the compression test which involves two or more factors each at two levels. There were 23 = 8 different treatment combinations (A, B, C, AB, AC, BC and ABC) in this design. Table 4.1 : Process parameters and their levels for Two-level Factorial Factors Low level (-1) High level (+1) A) Induction Absorbance (OD) 0.3 1.5 B) Yeast extract (%) 0.05 0.3 C) IPTG concentration (mM) 0.01 0.1 Fourteen runs of experiments were carried out and the observed responses were tabulated in Table 4.3. Six runs at centre point of the design were also done. The results were analyzed using Design Expert 6.0.4 software to obtain the regression analysis and also to estimate the coefficients of the regression equation. Two replicates were used for each experiment. In each complete replication of the experiments, all possible combinations of the levels were studied in order to determine the main effects and interactions between the parameters. 46 Table 4.2 : Experiment factors (A= yeast extract, B= IPTG and C= absorbance density) and responses for extracellular and intracellular amylase activity Run A(%) B(mM) C(OD) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.05 0.30 0.05 0.30 0.05 0.30 0.05 0.30 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Activity(extra) Activity(intra) 58.1731 50.9014 28.2452 35.4567 71.8266 79.0093 65.5108 58.2663 57.7694 57.7694 57.7694 57.7694 57.7068 57.7694 72.5962 75.1202 70.0721 67.5481 67.5542 65.3251 66.2539 68.5449 68.1704 67.9825 68.1078 68.1704 67.8571 68.2331 In Table 4.2, A, B and C are the coded values of the percentage of yeast extract supplied as medium, the amount of IPTG used to induce (mM) and the OD at induction time respectively. Using the two-level factorial, the three variables were studied and correlated with the response which is the activity of the enzyme both extracellular and intracellular. For an example, in one condition (denoted as ‘Run 1’ in Table 4.2), 0.05, 0.01 and 0.3 were used for yeast extract percentage, IPTG (mM) concentration and OD at induction respectively. The activity for intracellular amylase activity and extracellular enzyme activity were 58.17 units/mL and 72.60 units/mL respectively. The regression models for the enzyme activity both extracellular and intracellular suggested by the Design Expert 6.0.4 software in terms of coded factors were tabulated in Table 4.3. The coefficients with one factor indicate the effect of that particular variable whereas the coefficients with more than one factor indicate the interaction between the variables. The positive sign in front of the equations represent synergistic effects whereas the negative signs represent antagonistic effects. 47 Model Extracellular activity Intracellular activity Table 4.3 : Model and coded factor Coded Factors = +55.92 - 9.05* B + 12.73* C + 2.29 * B * C - 3.61* A * B * C = + 69.13 - 1.02 * B - 2.21* C + 1.50* B * C +1.20 * A * B * C The value of R squared (correlation coefficient) for the extracellular activity and intracellular activity were 1.0000 and 0.9976 respectively. The data collected in this study was good as a regression model with R square value for than 0.9 is considered as a good model (Li Y et al., 2006). Other than that, the closer the R square value to 1, the higher the correlation between the experimental and predicted values. Figure 4.8 Predicted vs. actual data for extracellular activity 48 Figure 4.9 Predicted vs. actual data for intracellular activity The evidence of the fact that the plot of the predicted versus actual extracellular and intracellular activity in Figure 4.8 and 4.9 are close to y = x indicated that the prediction of data is comparable with experimental data. The reasonable value for the model indicated that there were good agreements between the predicted and experimental values from the model. From the regression model, it implied that 100% (extracellular) and 99.76% (intracellular) of the total variation in the observed response were attributed to the experimental value. This alternatively shown that the calculated R squared value for both activities are acceptable which therefore visualize the performance of the model. Table 4.4 shows the comparison between experimental values and predicted values for extracellular and intracellular activities. The variations or the residuals between experimental and predicted values are very small or insignificant. 49 Table 4.4 : Comparison between actual values and predicted values of extracellular and intracellular activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Extracellular activity (U/mL) Intracellular activity (U/mL) ________________________________________________________________ Actual Predicted Residual Actual Predicted Residual 58.17 58.15 0.022 72.60 72.63 -0.036 50.90 50.92 -0.022 75.12 75.08 0.036 28.25 28.24 8.033E-003 70.19 70.04 0.16 35.46 35.46 -8.033E-003 67.43 67.58 -0.16 71.83 71.80 0.022 67.55 67.67 -0.11 79.01 79.03 -0.022 65.33 65.21 0.11 65.51 65.50 8.489E-003 66.25 66.17 0.081 58.27 58.27 -8.489E-003 68.54 68.63 -0.081 57.77 57.76 0.010 68.17 68.09 0.084 57.77 57.76 0.010 67.98 68.09 -0.10 57.77 57.76 0.010 68.11 68.09 0.021 57.77 57.76 0.010 68.17 68.09 0.084 57.71 57.76 -0.052 67.86 68.09 0.23 57.77 57.76 0.010 68.23 68.09 0.15 4.3.1 Adequacy of the model Run To obtain a good model, several tests such as tests for lack-of-fit, tests for significance on individual model coefficients and other tests were carried out. The ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) in Table 4.5 and 4.6 summarize the probability value (p-value) and F-value for each term and interaction. F-value is the ratio of mean square of regression with regression of mean square of residual. F-value also denotes the degree of significance of each controlled factor on tested models. On the other hand, the p-value related to F-value shows that the probability of differences between calculated and predicted values were only due to random experimental error (Zulfikri et al., 2007). 50 The ANOVA of the regression model shows that the model is significant for both extracellular and intracellular activities as response. This was proved with the calculated F-value at 95% of confidence level and low probability value (P < 0.0001), which indicated that both models were correct and adequate. The lack-of-fit parameter was insignificant for both of the models. The values of “Prob > F” for both of the models were less than 0.05, thus indicated that the models were significant. This is desirable as it showed that the terms in the model have a significant effect on the response. The P-values are used as a tool to check the significance of each coefficient where this is vital in understanding the pattern of the mutual interactions between the best variables. Smaller P-values result in larger significance of the corresponding coefficient. The significant terms for extracellular enzyme activity responses were represented in Table 4.5. It can be seen clearly that the linear coefficients (B and C), the two level interactions (BC) and three level interactions (ABC) were the most significant. These significances were concluded by the very small value of P-value (P < 0.05). Lower F-values of lack-of-fit in both extracellular and intracellular activities which were 1.15 and 1.49 indicated that both the models had statistically insignificant and acceptable models. 51 Table 4.5 : Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for extracellular activity Source Model B C BC ABC Sum of squares 2098.53 655.79 1296.34 41.92 104.48 DF 4 1 1 1 1 Mean2 544.63 655.79 1296.34 41.92 104.48 F value Prob>F 7.598E+005 <0.0001 9.497E+005 < 0.0001 1.877E+006 < 0.0001 60716.5 < 0.0001 1.513E+005 < 0.0001 Significant Curvature 11.55 1 11.55 16725.09 <0.0001 Significant Residual 5.524E-003 8 6.905E-004 Lack of Fit 2.252E-003 3 7.508E-004 1.15 0.4153 Not significant Pure Error 3.272E-003 5 6.543E-004 Cor Total 2110.08 13 _________________________________________________________________________ Std. Dev. Mean C.V. PRESS 0.026 56.71 0.046 0.021 R-Squared Adj R-Squared Pred R-Squared Adeq Precision 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2952.749 Table 4.6 : Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for intracellular activity Source Model B C BC ABC Sum of squares 77.41 8.36 38.98 18.05 12.03 DF 4 1 1 1 1 Mean2 19.35 8.36 38.98 18.05 12.03 F value 820.64 354.40 1652.90 765.30 509.98 Prob>F <0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 Significant Curvature 3.71 1 3.71 157.24 < 0.0001 Significant Residual 0.19 8 0.024 Lack of Fit 0.089 3 0.030 1.49 0.3233 Not significant Pure Error 0.099 5 0.020 Cor Total 81.30 13 _______________________________________________________________________ Std. Dev. 0.15 R-Squared 0.9976 Mean 68.68 Adj R-Squared 0.9964 C.V. 0.33 Pred R-Squared 0.9904 PRESS 0.78 Adeq Precision 98.186 52 4.3.2 Optimal Design Based on Two-Level Factorial The Design Expert software is able to predict or suggest the optimum design based on the provided experimental data. Figure 4.10 and 4.11 show the ramp model of extracellular and intracellular enzyme respectively. The box of activity ranges and the highest activity was also shown in this ramp. In both figures, the factors and their ranges, the best conditons and the desirabilities were shown. The ‘circle’ mark on each factors represent the optimal conditon with high desirabilites (Bhunia et al.,2008). Figure 4.10 Ramp of extracellular amylase According to the model in Figure 4.10, the highest activity that can be obtained from extracellular amylase was 79.0181 units/mL if the optimal conditons of 0.30% of yeast extract, 0.01mM concentration of IPTG inducer and induced at OD600 1.50 was done. On the other hand, for the intracellular amylase expression the optimal conditon of 0.30% of yeast extract, 0.01mM concentration of IPTG inducer and induced at OD600 0.30 could produce the highest activity of 75.0833 units/mL. 53 Figure 4.11 Ramp of intracellular amylase As mentioned earlier, recombinant amylase could be expressed extracellularly or intracellularly. From this set of experiment, the optimum IPTG concentration and yeast extract were 0.01 and 0.30 respectively, regardless the cell localization of the expressed amylase. Interestingly, if the inducer IPTG is added at early stage of the young culture (OD 0.3, see Figure 4.11), most amylase would stayed inside the cells. However, inducing at higher OD of 1.5 (older cells) promoted the secretary of the enzyme to the culture broth. After going through all the analysis and thorougly studied the models of extracellular and intracellular enzyme production at optimal condition proposed by Twolevel factorial, further analysis was decided to be carried out. The analysis, Central Composite Design (CCD) was only ran for extracellular amylase since the overall activity of extracellular amylase was relatively much higher compared to intracelluar amylase. 54 Beside, expresing higher extracellular amylase is more relatively cost effective and less time consuming in large scale. This is because, the process of breaking of cell wall to obtain the intracellular enzyme is very tedious if done physically or if carried out chemically. Based on all this factors, only extracellular enzyme was chosen to further optimize using CCD. 4.4 Expression optimization using Central Composite Design (CCD) Upon completing all the statistical analysis from Two-level factorial, the next stage of experiment was Central Composite Design (CCD). The CCD approach is one of the most popular RSM designs and it is available in Design Expert 6.0.4 software. Generally for a CCD design, there are a total of five levels which were - !, -1, 0, +1 and +!. As in Two-level factorial, only two levels (-1 and +1) were used. 4.4.1 Selection and validation for Significant Effect In the earlier Two-level factorial design, three factors which were yeast extract percentage, induction OD and inducer concentration were used. However, the CCD design, yeast extract percentage was excluded because it played a less significant role in the amylase expression. The range of the other two factors were narrowed down in the CCD study. This had been achieved through observing the half-normal plot of the twolevel factorial design. 55 From Figure 4.12, the selected factors can be clearly seen. The selection was done by clicking on the variables consecutively to align the line as near as possible to zero. The factors that align near or along to the line was excluded and other factors together with their cross-interactions are significant. According to Abdul-Wahab et al. (2007), the factors that were aligned along the line and not significant were used to estimate the experimental error. While the significant factors were chosen in the model and proceeded as variables in CCD. Based on Figure 4.12, the selected factors were C, B, ABC and BC. Since the most significant factors were B ( concentration of IPTG) and C (absorbance at induction time), thus yeast extract percentage in LB medium was omitted in CCD. The yeast extract composition in LB medium for CCD was maintained at 0.3% as the highest enzyme activity was when the LB medium contained 0.3% of yeast extract. Figure 4.12 Half-normal plot of two-level factorial (extracellular activity) 56 The selected factors and their ranges were listed in Table 4.7 (a) and (b). Optimization using CCD method was done twice, one after the other. The range for the factors were different in these two trials. In the first CCD design (Tabble 4.8 (a)), the ranges of each variables were set according to the range set in Two-level factorial and these values were set at –! and +! in the program. While for the second run, the optimal points suggested from the Two-level factorial were set at zero level instead of setting at the outer range (-! and +!) in the case for the first design. Therefore, only the CCD runs and statistical analysis of the second run was deeply discussed. This is because, the second run was the optimal run and provided the best activity with a perfect model design. Table 4.7: Process parameters and their levels for first and second CCD (a) Factors -! OD 0.3 0.52 1.05 1.58 1.8 0.005 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.05 IPTG Low level (-1) Zero level (0) High level (+1) +! (b) Factors -! OD 1.3 1.37 1.55 1.73 1.8 0.007 0.008 0.011 0.014 0.015 IPTG Low level (+1) Zero level (0) High level (-1) +! 57 Figure 4.13 showed the response surfaces design of first CCD run. From the first run, the results indicated that the ANOVA analysis was good. Other important verification parameters such as lack-of-fit, R-squared and model validations were also satisfying (see apendix). Nevertheless, curvature (peak of the plot) was not observed in the 3-D plot as shown in Figure 4.13. A flat 3-D plot was obtained and the optimum point was not able to determine. This may be due to the selected range for the factors set at the beginning of the design. The ranges are most probably not suitable in this case of study. Figure 4.13 Response surface of first CCD design Therefore, some modification in setting the range was done in the second CCD design. The result for this design will be discussed in detail here. The experimental runs, their respective parameters level and amylase activity for each run were indicated in Table 4.8. 58 Table 4.8 : Experiment factors and responses for amylase activity Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IPTG(mM) 0.008 0.008 0.014 0.014 0.011 0.011 0.007 0.015 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 Absorbance(OD) 1.37 1.73 1.37 1.73 1.30 1.80 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 Activity(U/mL) 52.025 36.759 57.246 43.567 59.222 38.933 41.149 50.160 82.345 82.082 82.411 82.806 82.543 82.148 Figure 4.14 indicates both the contour plots (2D) and the response surfaces (3D) graphs. These plots show the interactions between both the variables in order to obtain maximum activity. The top of the concaved shape in the 3D plot indicated the highest activity produced (82 U/mL). On the other hand, the elliptical shape of the contour plots signified good interaction occuring between the two independent variables corresponding to the response surfaces (Reddy et al., 2008). 59 Figure 4.14 Contour plots and response surfaces for the effect of IPTG concentration and the time of induction in amylase expression 60 4.4.2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Table 4.9 reviews the ANOVA output for the linear regression model of amylase expression in the second CCD design. The model that was generated from the second CCD was observed to be highly significant with very low p-values (Probability values). A p-value is a measure of the frequency of evidence one has against the null hypothesis (Joseph, 2008). A p-value of less than 0.05 rejects the null hypothesis thus accept the model. Apart from that, the model F-value of 17642.75 showed that there was only 0.01% chance that such a large “Model F-value” could occur due to noise. From these analysis, it can be summarized that the proposed model can be used to explain the experimental data with full confident. Table 4.9 : Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for amylase activity Source Model A B A2 B2 AB Residual Lack of Fit Pure Error Cor Total Sum of squares 4705.89 415.30 76.71 2046.55 2489.00 0.63 0.43 0.074 0.35 4706.31 DF 5 1 1 1 1 1 Mean2 941.18 415.30 76.71 2046.55 2489.00 0.63 F value 17642.75 7784.94 1437.88 38363.45 46657.21 11.79 0.053 0.025 0.071 0.35 8 3 5 13 Prob>F <0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.0089 0.7926 Significant Not significant _________________________________________________________________________ Std. Dev. Mean C.V. PRESS 0.23 62.39 0.37 1.03 R-Squared Adj R-Squared Pred R-Squared Adeq Precision 0.9999 0.9999 0.9998 302.270 61 Table 4.9 also shows the statistical analysis of the R-squared, predicted and adjusted R-squared values. The R-squared value (also known as the coefficient of determination) for this model was calculated as 0.9999 at 95% confidence level. Apart from that, adequate precision is a quantify measurement of the range of the predicted responses compare to its associated error. Any ratio more than 4 is desirable (Mason et al., 2003). The adequate precision ratio for this experiment was 302.270 showed a sufficient signal as controllable factors. Thus, indicating that the generated model can be used. The adequacy of the model was further verified through the lack-of-fit F-tests which described as the variation of the data surrounded the fitted model. The lack-of-fit parameter of this model was insigificant. This proved that the generated model was fit enough to be used. Besides, the low value of coefficient of variation (CV) which was 0.37 also showed excellent precision and reliability of the experiment as suggested by Ahmad et al. (2005). Apart from that, the coefficients of the full regression model equation and their statistical significance were also determined and analyzed. The regression models for the enzyme activity both extracellular and intracellular in terms of coded factors were tabulated in Table 4.10. 62 Table 4.10: Model and coded factor of second CCD Model Coded Factors Activity of second CCD = +82.39 - 7.21* A + 3.10* B - 16.65 * A 2 - 18.36 * B2 +0.40 * A * B * Figure 4.15 Predicted versus actual plot 63 4.4.3 Model validation Model validation was done through various types of diagnosis that was also provided by the Design-Expert 6.0.4 software. This step was essential in determining the availibity of the generated model as well as validate the significance of the model. Few diagnosis such as the normal probability plot, residual plot and Box-Cox plot were shown in this report. Normal Probability Plot Normal probabilty plot was analysed to check the competency of the generated model. Defiance of the model competency was easily done by the examination of residuals. For a model to be competent, the residual alignment supposed to be without a specific orientations or obvious patterns. According to Figure 4.16, there were no stern notification of abnormality as well as no obvious evidence of possible outliers. This showed that, the generated model was normally distributed which resembles almost a straight line. 64 Figure 4.16 Normal plot of residual for amylase production in second CCD Residual versus predicted plot Figure 4.17 shows the residual versus predicted graph of amylase expression. This plot analysed the assumption of constant variance. A plot of a good generated model should scattered randomly but with all the points were within the constant range of residuals throughout the graph. According to Figure 4.17, the random distribution of the residuals of the generated model showed absence in any specific trend and the impartiality of variance was not stern. This showed that the generated model was competent and there were consistent between the actual and predicted values of responses. 65 Figure 4.17 Residual versus predicted plot for amylase expression Outlier T plot Outlier T which is also known as the Externally Studentized Residual is the plot that shows the number of actual values that deviates from the predicted value. Outlier T affect the statistical inference as it inflates the estimated experimental error variance and ultimately interfered in the estimated mean value. Generally, in order to obtain a good model, all the points in a Outlier T plot should scattered within the border lines. According to Figure 4.18, the border lines for the plot were +3.50 and -3.50. Since all the points were inside the border lines, this can be concluded that the model was a competent model. 66 Figure 4.18 Plot of Outlier T of amylase production Box-Cox Plot A Box-Cox plot contributed the principle of selecting the correct power law transformation. In this plot, a recommended transformation was listed based on the best lamda value. This value can be found at the minimum point of the generated curve by the natural log of the sum of squares of the residuals. However, no specific transformation would be recommended if the 95% confidence interval around this lamba include 1 (Stat-Ease Inc., 2000). Figure 4.19 shows the Box-Cox plot of this generated model which could test the application of any transformation. According to the analysis, there was no suggestion of transformation on model displayed so it maintain at lamba equals to 1. 67 Figure 4.19 4.4.4 Box-Cox plot for generated model of amylase expression Optimal Design Based on CCD Optimal design for highest amylase expression was provided in Figure 4.20 with high desirability value of 1.00. In order to obtain the maximum amylase expression level which was 83.1471 unit, the values of the factors should induce the E.coli cells with 0.01mM of IPTG when absorbance reading of the cultures at 600nm has reached 1.52. 68 Figure 4.20 Ramps of various factors in CCD All the analysis had brought together to achieve the objective of the study which was to find the optimal condition for highest amylase yield. This can be clearly seen from the comparisons in Table 4.11. Once the optimal conditions were obtained, the experiment was continued to determine the end product components that able to produce by this amylase. Table 4.11: Comparison between enzyme at unoptimized condition, Two-level factorial and CCD Unoptimized Two-level CCD condition factorial Enzyme activity (unit/mL) 72 79 83 IPTG concentration (mM) 1.00 0.1 0.007 Yeast extract (%) 0.5 0.3 0.3 Induction absorbance (OD600nm) 1.00 1.5 1.52 69 4.5 End Product Analysis 4.5.1 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) HPLC was done with the aid of Waters HPLC machine and the mobile phase used was filtered deionized water. Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 maltohexaose maltopentaose maltotetraose maltotriose maltose glucose Figure 4.21 Retention Area % Area Height Int Time Type 11.867 321205 3.64 9685 BV 12.522 789118 8.94 20475 VB 14.708 1377020 15.60 28862 BV 15.774 3079962 34.89 62604 VV 16.705 2604003 29.50 63382 VV 18.125 655910 7.43 13582 VB Peak Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Chromatogram of separation of standards (oligosaccharides) 70 Standard (Fig.4.20) soluble tapioca amylopectin nnnnnnnn sago potato corn rice wheat Figure 4.22 Chromatogram of separation of sugar components for various kind of starch after degraded with recombinant amylase 71 Figure 4.21 and 4.22 show the chromatogram of the separations that were generated by the waters HPLC machine. The standard used was the oligosaccharides standard kit (Sigma Aldrich). The amylase was able to hydrolyse various types of starch to produce end products such as glucose, maltose and other isomers of maltose. Figure 4.22 display an overlay of multiple chromatograms which show the final products of all the reacted starch. Majority of the sugar that were produced by all of the stach were maltohexaose, maltopentaose and maltotetraose. However, the resolution of each peak was not distinct due to their very close retention time. Thus, the results only serve as preliminary qualitative analysis. 72 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion The optimization of this newly derived amylase was very helpful in increasing the industrial usage of thermostable amylase. Since the cloning of amylase gene of Anoxybacillus DT 3-1 was only recently done (unpublish data, manuscript in preparation), this made the optimization of enzyme expression in E.coli DH5! a challenging task. Therefore, this study revolved on optimization as the main optimization through Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and followed by a subobjective on determining the end products that are able to produce by this amylase through hydrolyzing starch by implementing the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The first part of study emphasized on choosing the best media for amylase expression and it was carried out with five different media and other analysis such as enzyme activities determination and growth profiles were done to verify the finding. 73 From the media optimization study, it had been concluded that the best media for this amylase expression was LB media. This is because microbial growth was highest in LB broth and had the highest enzyme activity. For the second objective of this study. In this stage of experiment, a software known as Design-Expert 6.0.4 was used to assist in obtaining the best result. Two types of optimization had been carried out namely the Two-level Factorial Design and the Central Composite Design (CCD). The chosen factors were the composition of yeast extract in LB medium, the concentration of IPTG and the time or the absorbance density for induction. Upon this, the yeast extract composition showed no significant changes in amylase expression through Two-level Factorial Design, thus the best percentage which was 0.3% was maintained and was not further tested in CCD. After analysis of CCD was carried out, the optimal condition of amylase expression had been determined. In conclusion, the optimal condition for the highest enzyme activity was inducing the culture with 0.007mM of IPTG when the absorbance density (OD600nm) was at 1.52. Ultimately, through this study, the enhancement of expression improved from 70 U/mL to 83 U/mL. This optimization was followed by the determining of the end products of enzymatic reaction. 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Technol. 80 APPENDIX A RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (CCD) Appendix A1: Process parameters and responses (amylase activity) for first CCD 81 Appendix A2: ANOVA analysis of first CCD 82 Appendix A3: Selected Model Validation Analysis for First CCD 1) Normal Residual Plot 83 2) Residual versus Predicted Plot 3) Cook’s Distance Plot 84 4) Predicted versus Actual Plot Appendix A4: Optimal Design Based on First CCD 85 86 Appendix B1: Sugar Separation of Various Kind of Starch After Degraded With Recombinant Amylase Name 2 3 4 5 6 7 Retention Time 10.512 11.324 11.892 12.416 13.403 15.247 Figure B-1 Area 3940120 3554165 1947051 2338499 4882987 230380 % Area 23.02 20.76 11.38 13.66 28.53 1.35 Height 108134 139914 68318 67524 117893 6041 Int Type VV VV VV VV VV VB Peak Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Peak Codes Chromatogram of sugar separation in soluble starch 87 Name 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Retention Time 10.480 11.362 11.986 12.498 13.445 15.356 16.533 16.733 17.018 Figure B-2 Area 4216105 3150447 1042635 1846223 4928295 217711 5995 15126 81540 % Area 27.14 20.28 6.71 11.89 31.73 1.40 0.04 0.10 0.52 Height 115858 128329 37995 52834 115315 5669 779 1624 3112 Int Type VV VV VV VV VB BB BV VV VB Peak Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Peak Codes I06 I06 Chromatogram of sugar separation in tapioca starch 88 Name Retention Time 10.227 10.544 11.401 11.893 12.486 13.455 15.383 16.567 17.020 Figure B-3 Area 2526525 2718874 3811844 2412671 1747392 5772288 280814 3669 61324 % Area 12.71 13.68 19.18 12.14 8.79 29.04 1.41 0.02 0.31 Height 64627 106505 148060 77437 54326 115303 6777 526 2103 Int Type VV VV VV VV VV VV VB BV VB Peak Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Peak Codes I06 Chromatogram of sugar separation in amylopectin 89 Name 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 Retention Time 11.459 10.547 11.924 12.564 13.502 15.384 16.533 16.965 Figure B-4 Area 4060596 4723847 843880 1914271 6155857 350694 6092 81758 % Area 22.39 26.05 4.65 10.55 33.94 1.93 0.03 0.45 Height 152049 94045 36280 52788 116943 7815 826 2752 Int Type VV BV VV VV VV VB BV VB Peak Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Peak Codes I06 Chromatogram of sugar separation in sago starch 90 Name Retention Time 11.430 10.612 11.898 12.551 13.512 15.404 16.905 18.400 18.600 18.830 Figure B-5 Area 4421963 3881762 1185897 1940749 5695627 479357 153177 482 1311 3131 % Area 24.89 21.85 6.68 10.93 32.06 2.70 0.86 0.00 0.01 0.02 Height 158464 151460 46723 53743 103843 11011 4088 94 180 226 Int Type VV VV VV VV VV VV VB BB BV VB Peak Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Peak Codes I08 I08 Chromatogram of sugar separation in potato starch 91 Name 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Retention Time 11.388 10.267 11.759 12.577 13.477 15.377 16.715 18.950 19.324 Figure B-6 Area 3987373 399604 201452 1140259 5707013 255426 135450 1762 16861 % Area 33.66 3.37 1.70 9.63 48.18 2.16 1.14 0.01 0.14 Height 129912 12043 13332 31343 93098 5811 3640 236 674 Int Type VV VV VV VV VV VV VB BV VB Peak Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Peak Codes I06 I08 Chromatogram of sugar separation in corn starch 92 Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Retention Time 9.233 10.513 11.280 12.552 13.492 15.376 16.558 Area 2452 2347032 2055209 1765842 3310129 193463 109375 % Area 0.03 23.99 21.01 18.05 33.83 1.98 1.12 Height 408 63406 85267 34746 78632 4206 3098 Int Type BV VV VV VV VV VV VB Peak Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Peak Codes I06 Figure B-7 Chromatogram of sugar separation in rice starch 93 Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Retention Time 9.167 10.597 11.299 12.621 13.505 14.238 15.439 16.657 Figure B-8 Area 2901 1289571 2189932 1333826 3282693 2351716 176444 158019 % Area 0.03 11.96 20.31 12.37 30.44 21.81 1.64 1.47 Height 447 31628 85715 31665 80525 70342 4050 4261 Int Type BV VV VV VV VV VV VV VB Amount Units Peak Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Chromatogram of sugar separation in wheat starch Peak Codes I06