AEROSPACE MEDICINE GRAND ROUNDS Controlling Cardiovascular Hazards for Exploration Class Space Missions May 22nd 2007 Douglas Hamilton MD PhD MSc E Eng P. Eng Flight Surgeon / Electrical Engineer - Wyle Life Sciences Objectives Incid ence Severity MASS Volu m Coste POWER 1. Describe the Occupational Medicine approach to controlling medical Hazards for Spaceflight 2. Provide a critical appraisal of the current Cardiovascular Hazard Controls used for long duration missions. 3. Describe the operational research needed to validate the current cardiovascular hazard controls for exploration class missions. Mission Design CV Medical Requirements Flight Surgeon 1 Agenda – – – • Hazard - Orthostatic Intolerance Hazard - Cardiac Atrophy Hazard – Significant arrhythmias Incid ence Severity Volu m Coste MASS • Occupational Medicine Bioastronautics Roadmap NRC review of NASA’s Biomedical Research Program Treatment of Uncontrolled CV Hazards POWER • • • Mission Design CV Medical Requirements Flight Surgeon Discussion/questions Hazard Controls - Prevention • Tertiary prevention “the care of established disease, with attempts made to restore to highest function, minimize the negative effects of disease, and prevent disease-related complications. “ • Secondary Prevention – “those measures that “identify and treat persons who have already developed risk factors or preclinical disease but in whom the condition is not clinically apparent.” • Primary prevention - “those measures provided to individuals to prevent the onset of a targeted condition.” Treatment Clinical Space Medicine Countermeasures Primary Prevention The U.S. Preventative Services Task Forces’ Guide to Clinical Preventive Services (2d edition, 1996) 2 Occupational Medicine Model Clinical Space Medicine Tertiary (Treat) Secondary (Countermeasures ) Primary (Selection, Prevention, Monitoring) Focused Risk Mitigation Strategy Bioastronautics Critical Path Roadmap SD/CB Input 3 Review of NASA’s Biomedical Research Program • Committee on Space Biology and Medicine Space Studies Board • Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications • National Research Council – FY 1999 funding of NASA supported programs in biomedical research and countermeasures. CRITICAL HAZARD Any condition which may cause a nondisabling personnel injury, severe occupational illness 4 CATASTROPHIC HAZARD Any condition which may cause a disabling or fatal personnel injury, or loss of one of the following: Orbiter or ISS. Cardiovascular Hazards • Cardiac hazards are considered to be controlled for long and short duration missions since no outstanding waivers in this area of medicine exists. • Regardless, cardiac anomalies have been seen in astronauts within temporal proximity of space missions. • To date, the root cause of these cardiac anomalies has not been proven to be associated with spaceflight. 5 FY 1999 Review of NASA’s Biomedical Research Program recommendations for a cardiac summit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Determine if cardiac arrhythmias are a significant concern and if monitoring is warranted; Determine if cardiac atrophy is a significant concern and should be monitored; Determine if there are pre- and in-flight predictors of orthostatic intolerance; Determine which ground-based human and animal models best reproduce the effects of spaceflight; Review the data and rationale for current countermeasures and suggest new countermeasures on the basis of the existing physiological data; Determine what level of aerobic fitness should be maintained in space; and Determine if countermeasures have been effective when used as recommended. FY 1999 Review of NASA’s Biomedical Research Program recommendations for a cardiac summit 1. 2. 3. Determine if cardiac arrhythmias are a significant concern and if monitoring is warranted; Determine if cardiac atrophy is a significant concern and should be monitored; Determine if there are pre- and in-flight predictors of orthostatic intolerance These are clearly Hazards The “mission design” will determine if they are critical or catastrophic. Their “incidence” and “severity” will determine if they are controlled. 6 FY 1999 Review of NASA’s Biomedical Research Program recommendations for a cardiac summit These are clearly hazard controls, or the means to derive them. 4. 5. 6. 7. Determine which ground-based human and animal models best reproduce the effects of spaceflight; Review the data and rationale for current countermeasures and suggest new countermeasures on the basis of the existing physiological data; Determine what level of aerobic fitness should be maintained in space; and Determine if countermeasures have been effective when used as recommended. Where are we today? • Before we can determine if further research is CV necessary…….. ……we need to determine if the absolute risk (incidence + severity) of a particular cardiovascular hazard is reduced to acceptable levels. • If the CV risk is acceptable for the mission certification of flight readiness, then the suite of hazard controls which accomplished this must be a requirement. 7 What is Acceptable? Risk Matrix 1 in 10 yr 1 in 100 yr 1 in 1000 yr 1 in 10,000 yr 1 in 100,000 yr L I K E L I H O O D ? 5 4 ? ? ? 3 2 ? 1 1 4 5 Loss of Life or Mission Permanent or serious injury impairment Long-term or missionimpact injury impairment DQ Short-term injury, illness, or impairment DNIF Low First Aid or minor injury Med ? 3 2 Consequence Risk High ? When are we OK? If the CV hazard risk is acceptable for flight….. …. then it should be considered as the standard for controlling that hazard. 8 Circa 2007 – What is our risk? Soooo……. What is our absolute risk for catastrophic and critical cardiovascular hazards for exploration missions? Do we try to reduce incidence and/or severity? Let’s look at “severity”!!! 9 Treatment Medical event starts Medical decision Locate & extract to deorbit 3 hr Stabilize patient 1hr DeOrbit Burn Configure Soyuz and safe ISS 1 to 20 hr Medical event resolution “Stand & Fight” Loiter in Soyuz >2 hr Soyuz 3.85 g reentry Transport to tertiary care center (Germany or Japan) >6 hr 15 to 33 hours for 1st Primary Landing Site Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) 100% Yes 3.00E-05 Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)? 19% 50% Yes 1.50E-05 Asystole? 0.06% Yes 5.71E-6 No % of all AMIs Yes 1.71E-08 Survive? No 5.69E-06 9.289E-06 12.2% CAC = 0 Av. Age = 48 AMI = 0.03 per 1000 personyears Pulseless Electrical Activity? Yes 9.18E-08 Survive? Perm Impairment 11.9% Death No 5.62E-06 1.24% V F/VT EMS Witnessed? EMS Witnessed VF/VT Survive? Yes 3.73E-07 0.47% 0.78% Death No 2.33E-07 No 1.5E-05 11.9% Vfib/Vtach Bystander Witnessed? Perm Impairment Yes 1.40E-07 No 5.25E-06 50% Death 0.31% Yes 3.67E-6 No 3.58E-06 06JUL06 D. B. Gillis Event Sequence Diagram Of AMI, Sudden Cardiac Arrest and 30 day mortality in non-Sudden Cardiac Arrest patients in robust urban environments. Perm Impairment 19% Yes 3.57E-06 1.43% Bystander Witnessed Vt/ VFSurvive? Yes 4.28E-07 Perm Impairment 10.5% No 1.68E-06 Unwitnessed? Death No 3.14E-06 5.59% Unwitnessed Survive? Yes 1.68E-06 0.63% Yes 1.88E-07 Perm Impairment 4.96% No 1.45E-06 1.36% Vtach? Survive? 1.04% Yes 4.09E-07 No 1.46E-05 48.64% 1.73% VFib? 46.9% 0.33% Yes 5.18E-07 Survive? 1.19% 0.53% No 1.41E-05 Vtach & Vfib? 0.64% Yes 1.91E-07 Survive? Death Perm Impair ment Yes 3.11E-07 No 9.81E-08 Death Perm Impair ment Yes 3.57E-07 No 1.60E-07 0.36% Yes 1.07E-07 0.28% No 8.42E-08 Death Perm Impair ment Death Assumptions: 46.3% No 1.39E-05 Survive? 43.5% 2.78% Yes 1.30E-05 Perm Impair ment No 8.33E-07 Death • Sex-adjusted hard cardiac event rate of 3 per100,000 person-yrs. • Age stratum, 40-65 yrs, 50% of AMI present as OOH SCA; • n = 1,641 OOH SCA for outcomes • n = 6,450 for hard event rate. 10 Gillis and Hamilton et al 2007 Survival of AMI, SCA and 30 day mortality in non-SCA patients in robust after urbanMIenvironments. Survival - SURVIVED 40% 35% - FATAL 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% fatal survived 5% SCA SCA -H os p… VT No VT & VF or VF -H os p… Ho sp . VF -H os p. VT Un wi tn es se d. . W itn es se d… VF /V T W itn es se d… . VF /V T EM S PE A 0% As ys to le % ofall all MI…. % of events 45% Non - SCA Presenting Rythm Presenting Rhythm Non-SCA FY 1999 Review of NASA’s Biomedical Research Program recommendations for a cardiac summit 1. 2. 3. Determine if cardiac arrhythmias are a significant concern and if monitoring is warranted; Determine if cardiac atrophy is a significant concern and should be monitored; Determine if there are pre- and in-flight predictors of orthostatic intolerance; These are clearly Hazards The “mission design” will determine if they are critical or catastrophic. Their “incidence” and “severity” will determine if they are controlled. 11 Task 3: Determine if there are pre- and inflight predictors of orthostatic intolerance Task 3: Determine if there are preand in-flight predictors of orthostatic intolerance • Current exercise and fluid loading countermeasures are an adequate hazard control. • Not possible to validate post flight tilttable results to emergency vehicle egress success. • Med Ops not convinced orthostasis will be a problem for lunar surface operations • Forward work for Mars needs to be performed. Only a critical hazard? • Levine et al has shown initial results of subjects finishing 5 weeks of bedrest with an INCREASE in orthostatic tolerance from rowing/strength training program + a volume load. 12 FY 1999 Review of NASA’s Biomedical Research Program recommendations for a cardiac summit 2.Determine if cardiac atrophy is a significant concern and should be monitored. 1. 2. 3. Determine if cardiac arrhythmias are a significant concern and if monitoring is warranted; Determine if cardiac atrophy is a significant concern and should be monitored; Determine if there are pre- and in-flight predictors of orthostatic intolerance; Task 2: Determine if cardiac atrophy is a significant concern and should be monitored • Need echo data with cardiovascular interventions to better understand the physiology and space normal clinical findings • In the past astronauts have not been able to “get the shot” for retrospective analysis. • Pre/Post flight data is high fidelity because experience echo technicians are collecting the data. 13 • Bed rest deconditioning leads to physiologic cardiac atrophy compromises left ventricular filling during orthostatic stress by reducing diastolic untwisting and suction. • Dorfman and Levine used MRI with myocardial tagging to confirm that diastolic untwisting is impaired by head-down tilt bed rest but preserved by exercise training while confined to strict bed rest. T. Dorfman et al “Diastolic Suction is Impaired by Bed Rest: MRI Tagging Studies of Diastolic Untwisting” Submitted for print • Dorfman et al performed myocardial tagged MRI and calculated maximal untwisting rates by Harmonic Phase Analysis (HARP) before and after -6° head-down tilt for 18 days with (N=14) and without exercise (N=10) on previously sedentary subjects (34.8 ± 9yr.). • They also measured left ventricular mass and left ventricular end-diastolic volume using cine MRI. • The exercise group cycled on a supine ergometer in a horizontal position for 30 minutes, 3 times a day at 75% of their maximal heart rate measured in an upright position. T. Dorfman et al “Diastolic Suction is Impaired by Bed Rest: MRI Tagging Studies of Diastolic Untwisting” Submitted for print 14 MRI tagging images using SPAMM Before Bed Rest After Bed Rest Mid-cavity level and short axis image. This individual’s max midwall untwisting rate prior to bed rest was -31.8 degrees/sec and it decreased to -25.5 d degrees/sec following bed rest. Spatial Modulation of Magnetization (SPAMM) Untwisting rates versus frame interval before bed rest and after bed rest. end-systole end-systole Max Untwist Max Untwist Before Bed Rest • • After Bed Rest This individual’s max untwisting rate prior to bed rest was -67.1 degrees/sec. Untwisting rates are positive during systole and negative during diastole, and a more negative untwisting rate is indicative of an enhanced diastolic function. This individual’s max untwisting rate decreased to -42.8 degrees/sec following bed rest. T. Dorfman et al “Diastolic Suction is Impaired by Bed Rest: MRI Tagging Studies of Diastolic Untwisting” Submitted for print 15 Conclusions Dorfman et al • Diastolic untwisting is impaired following sedentary short term HDT bed rest. • Exercise training during bed rest can prevent the atrophy associated with bed rest and preserve or even enhance diastolic suction. • Exercise appears prevent deleterious cardiac remodeling during unloading conditions such as bed rest or perhaps space flight. T. Dorfman et al “Diastolic Suction is Impaired by Bed Rest: MRI Tagging Studies of Diastolic Untwisting” Submitted for print Next Steps …. Integrated Cardiac Benjamin D. Levine, M.D. & Michael W. Bungo, M.D. • In-flight resting echocardiograms with ECG recording followed by 24 to 48 hour Holter/Blood Pressure/Activity Monitoring at FD15 and 30, and every one to two months thereafter with a final session required 15 days before landing. • A post-exercise echo as part of the FD90 session. • Pre- and postflight BDC Cardiac MRIs as well as Exercise Echo/ECG and Resting Echo/ECG sessions followed by 24 to 48 hour Holter/BP/Activity monitoring. • Holter/BP/Activity monitoring is also performed on R+0. • A graded tilt test with echocardiograph, ECG, and BP measurement is also required pre- and postflight. • Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) to ground MRI sessions • Strain rate imaging for pre/postflight tests 16 FY 1999 Review of NASA’s Biomedical Research Program recommendations for a cardiac summit 1.Determine if cardiac arrhythmias are a significant concern and if monitoring is warranted. 1. 2. 3. Determine if cardiac arrhythmias are a significant concern and if monitoring is warranted; Determine if cardiac atrophy is a significant concern and should be monitored; Determine if there are pre- and in-flight predictors of orthostatic intolerance; Sources of Cardiac Data • Detailed Supplemental Objectives (DSOs) • Extended Duration Orbiter Medical Project (EDOMP) program • NASA Research Announcements (NRA) • National Space Biological Research Institute (NSBRI) • Flight Medicine Clinic (FMC) • Shuttle mission medical records • ISS mission medical Records • Skylab, Apollo-Soyuz, Apollo, Gemini console logs • Biomedical Engineer (BME) Console logs • Online Data Reduction Center (ODRC) • Bld 8 Space Medicine Archives • Life Sciences Data Archive (LSDA) • Longtudinal Study of Astronaut Health (LSAH) • Literature review • NASA internal Technical Reports • Astronaut interviews • Flight Surgeon interviews 17 Cardiac Monitoring Occurrences • Selection • Annual physical/FMC visits • Parabolic flight • Preflight – MRIDs – NBL – Chamber • Inflight – – – – PFE EVA Contingency Ops Payload activities • Postflight – MRIDs Incidence of Ectopy in Aviation 24-hour Holter recordings from 303 patients with normal cardiac catheterization found that only 11.9% of these patients had no ectopy. – Of significance was the presence of isolated atrial and ventricular ectopy, pairs, and nonsustained SVT – Results indicate that ectopy in this asymptomatic cohort with no evidence of cardiac disease is very common. • Folarin VA, Fitzsimmons PJ, Kruyer WB. Holter Monitor Findings in Asymptomatic Male Military Aviators Without Structural Disease. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 2001;72:836-8. • Folarin VA, Fitzsimmons PJ, Kruyer WB. Spectrum of Holter Findings in Asymptomatic Male Military Aircrew Without Structural Heart Disease. Aerospace Medicine Association Meeting. Houston. 18 Incidence of Cardiac Events In Spaceflight Crews • Apollo 15 was the first U.S.spaceflight in which cardiac arrhythmias other than the occasional PVC were observed. – Lunar module pilot experienced 5 unifocal PVCs within a 30-second interval – 1 hour later, the lunar module pilot experienced a 22-beat run of nodal bigeminy. – LM pilot recalled experiencing profound fatigue at the time of this bigeminal rhythm. • Twenty-one months after the mission he experienced an myocardial infarction. • Angiogram revealed diffuse disease • • Rowe W.J. The Apollo 15 Space Syndrome. Circulation 1998;97:119-20. Mission Medical Archive Incidence of Cardiac Events In Spaceflight Crews • Skylab Space Project also revealed significant arrhythmias in several of crewmembers, including – 3-beat ventricular tachycardia (VT) complex (triplet) occurring with exercise – Atrial-ventricular block during LBNP recovery – Atrio-Ventricular Junctional rhythm at rest after LBNP – Multifocal PVCs after an EVA. • Is this bad? Johnson RS, Dietlein LF. Biomedical Results from SkyLab. NASA Washington D.C. 1977;SP - 377:313-23. 19 Incidence of Cardiac Events In Spaceflight Crews • A Holter recording taken during the second month on orbit revealed an asymptomatic, non-sustained, 14beat run of VT. • We now know that this subject experienced a myocardial infarction 2 years after his flight. Fritsch-Yelle JM, Leuenberger UA, et al. An Episode of Ventricular Tachycardia During Long-Duration Spaceflight. Am J Cardiol 1998;81:1391-2. Circa 2003 EVA Monitoring system 20 Incidence of EVA related Cardiac Events on STS and ISS TDRSS ISS Airlock EVA – Joint Ops EVA EMU (Proprietary OBS) UHF/S-band GPIB STS MPSR BME DEC Alpha Streaming Data Archived ISS Strip chart recorder ODRC ISS MPSR BME DEC Alpha FEP GPIB *Retrospective data unable to be retrieved due to time stamp problem (except for shuttle EVA data) * Cognitive burden for ECG interpretation and data management STS Strip chart recorder Surgeon DEC Alpha New EVA ECG Monitoring System TDRSS Front End Processor ISP server Red (Sim)-FRC GE/Marquette CIC Monitor MCC LAN BioMed MPSR ISP Packet Stream ODRC Streaming Data Archives White (STS) -FRC GE/Marquette CIC Monitor Blue (ISS) -FRC GE/Marquette CIC Monitor Rx LAN BME GE/Marquette CIC Workstation With Full Disclosure 21 How reliable was our EVA ECG data? Strip Chart Recorder Red Tag and Critical Anomaly Report GMT = XXX:15:47:07.000 Triplet, Aberrancy or Artifact? Flight Surgeon 22 Let’s CDE Two Let’s Let’s anomaly get now different now getthe playback the playback ISS GEMS was MPSR anomalies and created aCIC STS amission hardcopy mission ODRC were ODRC 20 seconds backup created backup again analysis dump with tape earlier using tape–the –Run the Run anomaly same #1#2 data labeled Hardcopy from ODRC/CIC (What really happened on STS) Hardcopy from ODRC (ISS) (What really happened on ISS) Hardcopy from ODRC (STS) (What really happened on STS) Hardcopy from MPSR (Erroneous output at XXX:XX:47:07.000 ) CDE Test Run #1 (Erroneous output at XXX:XX:46:47) CDE Test Run #2 Original Anomaly (Erroneous output at XXX:XX:46:47) 20 seconds Anomaly at XXX:XX:47:07.000 CDE Playback Anomaly at XXX:XX:46:47.000 • Legacy “hard copy" ECG data is corrupt – Space Medicine advised not to use for mission decisions • EVA telemetry, from April 1983 (STS-6) until present, was reanalyzed. • Software developed by Advanced Projects to convert the digital archives into telemetry streams for Holter analysis. 23 AEMS Admin Display > 20,000 ‘lines of code’ verified for STS 114 “return to flight” Data Taken From 160 EVA’s STS-006 Thru STS-116 Total STS Total ISS Total Joint Total EVA's Analyzed 104 4 52 160 Total STS Total ISS Total Joint Total EVA's Not Analyzed Total EVA's 32 4 14 50 210 24 Percent Monitored Percent of EVA Monitored 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161 Mission Number Electrode Failure Good Electrodes ODRC Data Taken From 160 EVA’s STS-006 Thru STS-113 • Average Percent Monitored = 72.89% • Total QRS Complexes = 3,828,826 • Total Ectopic Beats = 11869 SV E PVC P V C B i gem P V C C oup SV E B i gem SV E C o u p # J unc t i ona l 6787 852 13 3323 1022 25 696 • Total EVA’s with Sinus Arrhythmia = 77 of 160 (48%) Prelim data • Total Sinus Arrhythmia preflight = 9 of 160 ( 5.6%) Prelim data • Total Time of 160 Analyzed EVA’s = 60688 minutes = 42 Days, 16 Hours and 54 Minutes • Average EVA length = 300.5 ± 43.1 SD minutes • Average Heart rate = 86.2 BPM • Average age at EVA = 45.04 ± 17.63 SD ODRC Data Taken From 160 EVA’s STS-006 Thru STS-113 25 • The majority of EVA’s had ectopy, which can be explained by examining pre and post flight medical data (resting ECG, Treadmill Stress Test, Electronic Medical Record etc.) • 1 EVA had ectopy with no terrestrial medical data to correlate (129 junctional beats over 6 ½ hour EVA) . Query “Afrin” effect • 62 had occasional (< 30) PVC’s per EVA • 62 had no ectopy • All EVA’s who had “serious” ectopy was diagnosed with some degree of “Cardiac Disease” within temporal proximity to the mission. D'Aunno DS, Dougherty AH, DeBlock HF, Meck JV. Effect of short- and long-duration spaceflight on QTc intervals in healthy astronauts. Am J Cardiol. 2003;91:494-7. 26 Preflight, In-flight and Post flight Data QTc vs Time After Launch MIR = 3 550 QTc (ms) 500 450 400 350 300 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time After Launch (days) D'Aunno, DS, Dougherty, AH, DeBlock, HF, Meck, JV. Effect of short- and long-duration spaceflight on QTc intervals in healthy astronauts. Am J Cardiol 91:494-7. Preflight, In-flight and Post flight Data QTc vs Time After Launch ISS = 15, MIR = 3, 550 QTc (ms) 500 450 400 350 300 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time After Launch (days) • D'Aunno, DS, Dougherty, AH, DeBlock, HF, Meck, JV. Effect of short- and longduration spaceflight on QTc intervals in healthy astronauts. Am J Cardiol 91:494-7. • ISS Mission Archives 27 Preflight, In-flight and Post flight Data QTc vs Time After Launch ISS = 15, MIR = 3, SkyLab = 9 550 QTc (ms) 500 450 400 350 300 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time After Launch (days) • D'Aunno, DS, Dougherty, AH, DeBlock, HF, Meck, JV. Effect of short- and longduration spaceflight on QTc intervals in healthy astronauts. Am J Cardiol 91:494-7. • ISS Mission Archives • Skylab Mission Archives In-flight Data RUSSIAN DATA? QTc vs Time After Launch ISS = 15, MIR = 3, SkyLab = 3 550 QTc (ms) 500 450 400 350 300 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time After Launch (days) • D'Aunno, DS, Dougherty, AH, DeBlock, HF, Meck, JV. Effect of short- and longduration spaceflight on QTc intervals in healthy astronauts. Am J Cardiol 91:494-7. • ISS Mission Archives • Skylab Mission Archives 28 On Orbit Periodic Fitness Exam Case 8000 CHeCS BP/ECG Kit – SED46115812-303 Schiller AT-10 ECG On Orbit Periodic Fitness Exam •ECG and blood pressure data from 26 on orbit fitness tests were analyzed. •All exercise protocols were written to prevent the crewmember from exceeding 80% of their prelaunch VO2 max. •Pre launch exercise stress tests were used as baselines for comparison. •ECG's were acquired using the Dower EASI 5 to 10 electrode lead conversion system. ISS Mission Archives 29 On Orbit Periodic Fitness Exam • Drew BJ, Adams MG, Pelter MM, Wung SF. ST segment monitoring with a derived 12-lead electrocardiogram is superior to routine cardiac care unit monitoring. Am J Crit Care. 1996;5:198-206. • Drew BJ, Adams MG, Pelter MM, Wung SF, Caldwell MA. Comparison of standard and derived 12-lead electrocardiograms for diagnosis of coronary angioplasty-induced myocardial ischemia. Am J Cardiol. 1997;79:639-44. • Drew BJ, Koops RR, Adams MG, Dower GE. Derived 12-lead ECG. Comparison with the standard ECG during myocardial ischemia and its potential application for continuous ST-segment monitoring. J Electrocardiol. 1994;27 Suppl:249-55. On Orbit Periodic Fitness Exam Load 250 Load (Watts) Level 3 200 Level 2 150 100 Recovery Level 1 50 0 Baseline 11 39.5±6.3* 126 161±14.1* 103±9.8* 151 76 1 39.5±6.3* 101 1 Exercise Stage * = Mean ± Standard Deviation ISS Mission Archives 30 On Orbit Periodic Fitness Exam Heart Rate (BPM) Actual HR 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 % of Exercise Portion of PFE ISS Mission Archives On Orbit Periodic Fitness Exam Target Heart Rate % of Max Heart Rate Target 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0 25 50 75 100 125 % of Exercise Portion of PFE ISS Mission Archives 31 On Orbit Periodic Fitness Exam •26 exercise PFE´s lasting approximately 20 minutes each were compared to pre launch exercise stress tests. • No clinically significant ectopy was observed on orbit. • • • • • Resting: Heart rate (mean 68 ±5.7 SD) PR interval (155 msec ±24 SD) QRS duration (95 msec ±4.2 SD) QT interval (389 msec ±1.4 SD) QTc interval (419 msec ±10.6 SD). •One clinically significant ST change was observed on orbit. •One incident of “false positive” ST elevation was observed when the crew member was pedaling on the cycle ergometer at the same rate as their heart. •Will update database to include 54 PFE’s to date ISS Mission Archives Summary of Incidence Data Does Spaceflight Cause Arrhythmias? • The evidence strongly suggests that preflight cardiac disease is the main cause of “serious” inflight cardiac arrhythmia and anomalies. • NO space related risk factors have been validated to date. • Until we stop launching cardiac disease……. …..a prospective study looking at spaceflight induced arrhythmia (flight surgeon insomnia) will be impossible. 32 Sooooo….. …if we think that serious on orbit arrhythmias are due to cardiac disease …. How much ‘disease’ do we fly? Incidence Of Cardiac Disease in Aviation Age-specific rates of severe coronary disease among pilots who were involved in a fatal aviation accident. R ates per 1000 100 80 63.6 60 89.9 73.9 40 20 22.1 5.8 14.5 0 0 30 14.9 40 50 60 Age 1975 - 1977 1980 - 1982 • A 3 year study of 710 pilot autopsies from airline accidents, 69% had some degree of heart disease and 2.5% had severe heart disease (Booze C.F., Staggs C.M., Aviat. Space Environ. Med 1987;58:297-300.) • These studies give us an idea of the incidence of heart disease which is present in apparently healthy pilots flying aircraft today 33 Incidence Of Cardiac Disease in Aviation • A study of 288 military, commercial, and private pilots killed in aviation mishaps and of 132 healthy males aged 18 to 62 who died accidentally revealed no significant difference in the prevalence of coronary artery disease between the aviators and the control group. • A study of apparently healthy U.S. Air Force aviators – reported myocardial infarction, angina, and sudden cardiac death of 0.02% per year from 1988 to 1992 (20 per 100,000 years) – the mean age of aviators having a cardiac event was 44 years. – 61% were myocardial infarction and 21% were sudden cardiac death. – Angina only represented 18% of the cardiac events. Does this suggests that denial or underreporting may be a significant concern in this population? Underwood Ground K.E. Prevalance of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Healthy United Kingdom Aviators. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 1981;52(11):696-701 Osswald S, Miles R, Nixon W, Celio P. Review of Cardiac Events in USAF Aviators. Aviat Space Environ Med 1996;67(11):1023-7. Adapted from Kruyer 2004 20.00 ina typic a l Ch es t p 45 y /o ♂ , atypic o ♂, 45 y/ ymp toma tic, H TN, al an g ain DM 0.00 0.00 ♂ , as 40.00 ♂ , as 60.00 45 y /o ympto matic 80.00 Chol, , no r isk fa ctors 100.00 45 y/o Post-Test Probability of CAD (%) Bayesian Theory 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 Pre-Test (Clinical) Probability of CAD (%) 34 The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive values for treadmill, thallium, and CAF for the presence of SCAD as determined by coronary angiography 100 90 80 Percent 70 60 50 40 30 20 Fluroscopy 10 Thallium 0 Sensitivity Specificity Treadmill PPV NPV Fitzsimmons P., Palm-Leis A. Thompson Kruyer W. Comparison of Noninvasive Cardiac Testing in 759 Military Aviators; Angiographic Correlation and Clinical Follow-up. Aerospace Medicine Association Meetings 72nd Annual Scientific Meetings; Reno, Nevada. 2001. Cardiac event rates of aviators (%/year/person) for 2, 5, 10, and 15 years for minimal coronary artery disease and significant coronary artery disease CardiacEvent Event Rates Cardiac Rates(%(%) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 SCAD (>70%stenosis) 1 SCAD (50-70%stenosis) 0 2 yr 5 yr MCAD (<50%stenosis) 10 yr 15 yr Barnett S., Fitzsimmons P. Thompson W. Kruyer W. The Natural History of Minimal and Significant Coronary Artery Disease in 575 Asymptomatic Male military Aviators. Aerospace Medicine Association Meetings 72nd Annual Scientific Meetings; Reno, Nevada. 2001. 35 Natural History of CAD 44 military aviators who were diagnosed with asymptomatic MCAD by angiography were followed – Progression of MCAD to SCAD occurred in 25% of these 11 aviators (63.6%) had a negative noninvasive test at the time of their recatheterization. – The group that progressed to SCAD had higher total and LDL cholesterol and a lower HDL cholesterol • Leding C, Fitzsimmons P, Kruyer W. Coronary Artery Disease and Aerospace Medicine - Summary, Applications and Future Directions . Aerospace Medicine Association Meetings 72nd Annual Scientific Meetings: Reno, Nevada. 2001. • Zarr S, Gee M, Fitzsimmons P, et al. Angiographic and Clinical Follow-Up of Military Aviators With Minimal Coronary Artery Disease and Serial Coronary Angiography . Aerospace Medicine Association Meetings 72nd Annual Scientific Meetings: Reno, Nevada. 2001. • Gee MR, Kruyer WB. Progression of Minimal Coronary Artery Disease in USAF Aviators Followed With Serial Cardiac Catheterizations. Aerospace Medicine Association Meetings: Houston. Longitudinal Study of Treadmill Tests of Active and Inactive NASA Astronauts A review of 2,069 exercise treadmill tests (TMT’s) using a Bruce protocol conducted on Active and Inactive astronauts was conducted from February 1977 until July 2000. –Age distribution –Incidence of Positive Tests –Follow-up of Positive Test –Incidence of Cardiac Events FMC and LSAH 133 Inactive Astronauts at 2001 36 Mean Age of Inactive Astronauts by Year 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 20 00 19 95 19 90 19 85 19 80 19 75 19 70 19 65 30 FMC and LSAH 133 Inactive Astronauts at 2001 Mean Age of Active Astronauts by Year 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 19 99 19 94 19 89 19 84 19 79 19 74 19 69 19 64 19 59 30 FMC and LSAH 150 astronauts at 2001 37 2,069 Treadmill Tests Administered to NASA Astronauts February 1977 - July 2000 51 Positive/Abnormal TMT's 1,941 Negative/Normal TMT's 69 Borderline TMT's 20 Negative/Normal Thallium Treadmills 24 Negative/Normal Thallium Treadmills 6 Negative/Normal Thallium Treadmills 2 Indeterminate/Unclassified Thallium Treadmills 4 Positive/Abnormal Thallium Treadmills 1 Unfulfilled Thallium Treadmill Recommendation 7 Unfulfilled Thallium Treadmill Recommendations 3 Negative Cardiac Catheterizations 1 Death during the year of the TMT; acute myocardial infarction 1 Positive/Abnormal Thallium Treadmill 1 Negative Cardiac Catheterization 8 Indeterminate TMT's 1 Unfulfilled Thallium Treadmill Recommendation 2 Indeterminate/Unclassified Thallium Treadmills 1 Referenced Cardiac Catheterization (2 years later) 1 Myocardial Infarction (2 years later) 1,911 TMT's without Thallium Treadmills 2 Positive Cardiac Catheterizations 4 Negative Cardiac Catheterizations 1 Unclassified Cardiac Catheterization 1 cardiac arrest (6 months later) FMC and LSAH 133 Inactive Astronauts at 2001 1,904 Negative TMT's without either Thallium Treadmills or Cardiac Catheterizations 2 Deaths from Myocardial Infarction (1 year later and 2 years later) Longitudinal Study of Treadmill Tests of Active and Inactive NASA Astronauts • • • • Number of Astronauts = 295 Follow up time 1 - 23 years Total Person Years = 2,240 1941 negative TMT’s – 2 cardiac events within 4 years of a negative TMT – 2 cardiac deaths within 2 years of a negative TMT • 51 Positive TMT’s – 1 Death within the year of the TMT FMC and LSAH Astronauts at 2001 38 Longitudinal Study of Treadmill Tests of Active and Inactive NASA Astronauts • Gross incidence of whole population = 0.22%/per person/ year • 1/51 +TMT lost to follow up • 2/69 Borderline TMT lost follow up • Will complete study to include 709 new studies to 12/31/2006 • Will compare to ~5000 LSAH control population TMT’s FMC and LSAH Astronauts at 2001 So….. Current circa 2004 selection methods do not adequately filter out asymptomatic “Cardiac Disease” .…. What do we do now? 39 Can we improve the risk factor profile? male female active inactive • Wilson, PW, D'Agostino, RB, Levy, D, Belanger, AM, Silbershatz, H, Kannel, WB. Prediction of coronary heart disease using risk factor categories. Circulation 97:1837-47 • Hamilton DR, Murray JD, Ball CG, Kapoor D, Kirkpatrick A.W. Cardiac Health for Astronauts: Current Selection Standards and their Limitations. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005;76:615-26. • Approximately 25% of patients with CAD do not have any of the classically recognized risk factors. • Presently over 200 new risk factors and markers (such as C-reactive protein, homocysteine,4 fibrinogen, Lp(a), ApoB, ApoA1,urine microalbumin, and some infectious agents) have been correlated with CAD. 40 Are there other markers which indicate the presence of cardiovascular disease? Elevated highly selective C-reactive protein is a reliable risk factor for helping predict future cardiac events that should warrant primary prevention but not necessarily medical disqualification. • Ridker, PM, Rifai, N, Rose, L, Buring, JE, Cook, NR. Comparison of C-reactive protein and lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the prediction of first cardiovascular events. N Engl J Med 347:1557-65. • Hamilton DR, Murray JD, Ball CG. Cardiac health for astronauts: coronary calcification scores and CRP as criteria for selection and retention. Aviat Space Environ Med 2006; 77:377-387. Cardiovascular Screening Tests – Stress Thallium, CAF • CAF was found to have a PPV of 68% for any measurable CAD in 613 aviators. • CAF had a PPV of 81% for all CAD and 34% for SCAD (mean age of 42.3 years) in 220 male aviators. • 52% of calcific lesions detected on EBCT could be seen by fluoroscopy. Loecker TH, Schwartz RS, Cotta CW, et al. Fluoroscopic Coronary Artery Calcification and Associated Coronary Disease in Asymptomatic Young Men. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 1991;19(6):116772. Smalley BW, Loecker TH, Collins TR, et al. Positive Predictive Value of Cardiac Fluoroscopy in Asymptomatic U.S. Army Aviators. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 2000;71:1197-201. Wexler L, Brundage B, Crouse J, et al. Coronary Artery Calcification: Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, Imaging Methods, and Clinical Implications. Circulation 1996;94:1175-92. 41 Coronary Artery Calcium Score • Approved by MMOP for Long Duration Astronauts • Astronauts with CACS < 100 and/or other significant risk factors should receive secondary prevention. • Astronauts with a CACS > 100 are disqualified from long duration spaceflight. Hamilton DR, Murray JD, Ball CG. Cardiac health for astronauts: coronary calcification scores and CRP as criteria for selection and retention. Aviat Space Environ Med 2006; 77:377-387. New selection methods will start with Increment 16 and should filter out most asymptomatic “Cardiac Disease”…. What is our risk Circa 2007? 42 LaMonte et al reported CACS and an age stratum of 40-65 years, representing approximately 60% of a 10,746 total population with hard event rates (fatal or non-fatal AMI) during a 3.5 year follow-up. Event rates per 100,000 person-years CACS 0 0 - 100 100 - 400 >400 Rate 3 20 670 1060 LaMonte MJ, FitzGerald SJ, Church TS, Barlow CE, Radford NB, Levine BD, et al. Coronary artery calcium score and coronary heart disease events in a large cohort of asymptomatic men and women. Am J Epidemiol 2005 Sep;162(5):421-9. The very low incidence in the Church CACS = 0 subgroup may represent a risk nadir resulting from exhaustion of the primary CV pathology in younger individuals and the nascent risk of CAD in the 4th decade of life for persons with low CAC scores and minimal conventional cardiac risk factors. 43 Med Low 1 in 10 yr 1 in 100 yr 1 in 1000 yr 1 in 10,000 yr 1 in 100,000 yr High Med Low L I K E L I H O O D 1 Risk 2 4 2 3 4 Loss of Life or Mission Permanent or serious injury impairment Risk 3 Loss of Life or Mission High 2 Permanent or serious injury impairment 1 Long-term or missionimpact injury impairment DQ 1 in 100,000 yr Long-term or missionimpact injury impairment DQ 1 in 10,000 yr Short-term injury, illness, or impairment DNIF 1 in 1000 yr L I K E L I H O O D Short-term injury, illness, or impairment DNIF 1 in 100 yr First Aid or minor injury 1 in 10 yr First Aid or minor injury Risk After Selection Risk Matrix 5 4 3 2 1 5 Consequence Acute Myocardial Infarction Risk Matrix 5 4 3 USAF NASA - STS 1 Consequence 5 44 Acute Myocardial Infarction Risk Matrix 1 in 100,000 yr 3 Space flight 2 1 1 Low First Aid or minor injury Med 3 2 4 5 Consequence Risk High NASA EXP 2007 Loss of Life or Mission 1 in 10,000 yr NASA EXP 2004 ? 4 Permanent or serious injury impairment 1 in 1000 yr ? 5 Long-term or missionimpact injury impairment DQ 1 in 100 yr L I K E L I H O O D Short-term injury, illness, or impairment DNIF 1 in 10 yr Is Space Flight a “root cause” for significant arrhythmias? • Given that the incidence of all cause sudden cardiac death or myocardial infarction in the CACS = 0 astronaut cohort on Earth… • What is the evidence that space flight is responsible other root causes of hard cardiac events? • How will we find this out? 45 Yep….Integrated Cardiac…. Again! Benjamin D. Levine, M.D. & Michael W. Bungo, M.D. • In-flight resting echocardiograms with ECG recording followed by 24 to 48 hour Holter/Blood Pressure/Activity Monitoring at FD15 and 30, and every one to two months thereafter with a final session required 15 days before landing. • A post-exercise echo as part of the FD90 session. • Pre- and postflight BDC Cardiac MRIs as well as Exercise Echo/ECG and Resting Echo/ECG sessions followed by 24 to 48 hour Holter/BP/Activity monitoring. • Holter/BP/Activity monitoring is also performed on R+0. • A graded tilt test with echocardiograph, ECG, and BP measurement is also required pre- and postflight. • Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) to ground MRI sessions • Strain rate imaging for pre/postflight tests Thank You So now you know what keeps the flight surgeons up at night. Cardiac Disease 46 Byron Smith Kelly McFarlin Ben Voigt David Gillis Ashot Sargsyan Victor Hurst Kieran Smart Shannon Melton Hal Doerr Scott Dulchavsky Phyllis McCulley George Beck Karen Mathis Kat Garcia Jack Rasbury Melisa Rosse Dave Martin Don Hagen Chuck Lloyd Jack Butler Tom Goodwin Jim Locke Steve Platts Jon Clark JD Polk Ben Levine Jeff Sutton Mike Duncan Jan Meck Ashkan Moghaddam Gary Gray Mike Bungo Bill Kruyer Terry Guess Jennifer Fogerty Steve Nissan Rick Pettys Mark Scheutte Mary Wear Sonny Belinkie Peggy Winston Jocelyn Murray John Tyberg ISS Crew Chad Ball Cathy Modica John Charles Andy Kirkpatrick HRF team Mike Barratt Please excuse me if I missed you The Team AEROSPACE MEDICINE GRAND ROUNDS Questions? Douglas Hamilton MD PhD MSc E Eng P. Eng Flight Surgeon / Electrical Engineer - Wyle Life Sciences 47