WATER QUALITY AND FISH HABITAT ASSESSMENT OF RIVERS IN JOHOR (SUNGAI DENGAR, SUNGAI TUI, AND SUNGAI MENGKIBOL) HERNI BINTI HALIM A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2009 iii To: My beloved Abah and Mak, Halim bin Din and Shamsiah binti Kasim M y dear Angah and Ayin, Hafiza binti Halim and Hazren binti Halim My soulmate, Mohamad Firdaus bin Mahamad Yusob iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ismid bin Mohd Said for encouragement, guidance, advices and motivation. Without the continous support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. Thousand of thanks I wish to my co-supervisor, Dr. shamila binti Azman for guidance, critics and friendship as she helped me a lot in producing this thesis. All my fellow friends should be recognized for their helps and supports. Thank you to my co-researcher Nurul Hana binti Mokhtar Kamal for your views and tips during completing this thesis. Thank you also to Mardiyah binti Zahidi for her guidance of ACAD drawing. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues; Harizah binti Hamzah, Siti Sarah binti adnan, Nur Nabilah binti Abdullah and Nor Hafizah Hussian for their moral support and advices. I also wish to thank all staffs of Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; Pak Usop, Mr. Ramli, Mr. Azrin, Miss Syuhada and Miss Ros because they have helped me a lot during the experimental works. Without their helps, this thesis cannot be produced. Finally, a word of thousand thanks to all that I might not have forgotten to mention who have contributed directly or indirectly to the compilation of this thesis. v ABSTRACT Implementation of river rehabilitation programs are due to the apprehension expressed by local community and other stakeholders over the degradation of river and loss of livelihood from fishing and other natural resource-based activities. Usually, river rehabilitation involves works on water quality improvement and landscape enhancement rather than provides essential habitat for aquatic life especially fish. Consequently, this study is carried out in order to reveal the correlation between habitats and fish species towards improving the river rehabilitation efforts. Sungai Dengar near Gunung Belumut, Kluang, Sungai Tui in Bukit Kepong and Sungai Mengkibol in Kluang Town are three rivers that have been chosen for the purpose of the study as the rivers have different landuse and physical conditions. Sungai Dengar which is located in palm oil plantation and recorded as Class II of WQI, exhibits lowers composition of fish species compared to Sungai Tui. However it comprises two species which are not present in the other two rivers; Julong and Bujuk. Nevertheless, Sungai Tui, even though classified under Class III of WQI, exhibits a rich and diverse fish species composition with high economical value species such as Baung akar and Ketutu. Sungai Mengkibol of Class IV is dominated by hardy and tolerant species such as Bandaraya and Tilapia hitam. This study discovers that bankside vegetation, channel units, river size, migratory species and large woody debris are considered as the influential factors in shaping fish species community. The physical characteristics are important as they influence food availability, provide spawning or breeding ground, and protection from predators. vi ABSTRAK Perlaksanaan program pemuliharaan sungai selalunya dilakukan setelah penduduk setempat dan pihak yang bertanggungjawab menyuarakan kebimbangan terhadap pencemaran sungai dan kehilangan mata pencarian dari segi penangkapan ikan dan lain- lain kegiatan yang melibatkan sumber alam. Kebiasaannya, pemuliharan sungai melibatkan kerja- kerja seperti peningkatan kualiti air dan pengindahan lanskap berbanding penyediaan habitat yang sesuai untuk hidupan air terutamanya ikan. Oleh sebab itu, kajian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungkait antara habitat dan spesies ikan ke arah memperbaiki usaha menjalankan program pemuliharaan sungai. Sungai Dengar yang terletak berhampiran Gunung Belumut, Kluang, Sungai Tui di Bukit Kepong dan Sungai Mengkibol di Bandar Kluang adalah tiga sungai yang dipilih dalam kajian ini kerana ketiga-tiga sungai tersebut mempunyai kegunaan tanah dan keadaan fizikal yang berbeza. Sungai Dengar yang terletak di dalam kawasan lading kelapa sawit dan mencatatkan Indeks Kualiti Air di Kelas II menunjukkan komposisi spesies ikan yang kurang berbanding Sungai Tui. Sungguhpun begitu, sungai tersebut mempunyai dua spesies ikan yang tidak terdapat di sungai- sungai lain dalam kajian ini; Julong and Bujuk. Walaupun Sungai Tui berada di Kelas III dalam Indeks Kualiti Air, mempunyai kekayaan and kepelbagaian spesies ikan yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang tinggi seperti Baung akar dan Ketutu. Sungai Mengkibol yang terdapat dalam Kelas IV didominasi oleh spesies ikan yang tahan lasak seperti Bandaraya dan Tilapia hitam. Kajian ini mendapati tumbuhan tepi tebing, unit-unit sungai, saiz sungai, spesies hijrah dan kayu-kayu dianggap sebagai faktor- faktor berpengaruh dalam membentuk komuniti spesies ikan. Ciri-ciri fizikal ini penting kerana menyumbang kepada ketersediaan makanan, menyediakan tempat bertelur atau membesar, dan tempat berlindung daripada pemangsa. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF APPENDICES xvii 1 INTRODUCTION 1 ` 1.1 Background of Study 1 1.2 Statement of problem 3 1.3 Objective of Study 4 1.4 Scope of Study 4 1.5 Limitations 5 1.5.1 Depth of Water Surface and Accessibility 5 1.5.2 Topographical Condition 6 1.5.3 Data Collection Equipment viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Assessing Stream Health 7 2.2 Physico-Chemical Assessment 9 2.3 Habitat Assessment 10 2.3.1 15 Primary Parameters – Substrate and Instream Cover 2.3.2 2.3.3 Bottom Substrate 15 Embeddedness 16 Stream Flow and/or Stream Velocity 16 Types of Flow 18 Discharge 19 Secondary Parameters – Channel Morphology 19 Channel Alteration 20 Bottom Scouring and Deposition 20 Pool/riffle or Run/Bend Ratio 20 Tertiary Parameters – Riparian and Bank 23 Structure 2.4 2.5 2.6 Bank Stability 23 Bank Vegetative Stability 24 Streamside Cover 24 Characteristics of Aquatic Habitat 25 2.4.1 Flow Regime 26 2.4.2 Physical Habitat Structure 28 2.4.3 Biotic Interations 29 2.4.4 Food (Energy) Sources 30 2.4.5 Chemical Variables (Water Quality) 30 Bioassessment 31 2.5.1 Macrophytes 31 2.5.2 Riparian Vegetation 32 Freshwater Habitats 32 ix 2.6.1 Protection of Freshwater Habitats 32 2.6.2 33 Importance of Conserving Freshwater Habitats 2.7 Effect of Land Use on Stream Flow 33 2.8 Fish 35 2.8.1 2.9 Family Cyprinidae 35 2.8.2 Family Siluridae 36 Biological Monitoring 37 2.9.1 Advantages of Electrofishing 39 2.9.2 Disadvantages of Electrofishing 39 STUDY AREA 40 3.1 Introduction 40 3.2 Sungai Dengar in Felda Hulu Dengar, Kluang 41 3.3 Sungai Tui in Bukit Kepong, Muar 43 3.4 Sungai Mengkibol in Kluang 45 METHODOLOGY 48 4.1 Introduction 48 4.2 Fish Survey Work 48 4.3 Total Length 51 4.4 Individual Weight 51 4.5 Characterisation of River Habitats 52 4.6 Measurement of Average River Velocity 53 4.7 Water Quality Assessment 54 3 4 x 5 5.1 55 Fish Species Composition 55 5.1.1 Fish Species Assemblages In Sungai Dengar 55 5.1.2 Fish Species Assemblages in Sungai Tui 60 5.1.3 Fish Assemblages in Sungai Mengkibol 66 5.2 Water Quality Assessment 71 5.3 Fish and Habitat 74 5.3.1 Sungai Dengar 74 5.3.2 Sungai Tui 77 5.3.3 81 5.4 6 Sungai Mengkibol Relations between Fish Assemblages and Physical Characteristics of Rivers 84 5.4.1 Sungai Dengar 84 5.4.2 Sungai Tui 85 5.4.3 86 Sungai Mengkibol CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 95 6.1 Conclusions 95 6.2 Recommendations 96 REFERENCES Appendices RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 98-101 102- 131 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE Descriptive variable for assessment of PAGE 8 stream health 2.2 General measurement parameters used 9 for assessing aquatic system health 2.3 Habitat assessment field data sheet 14 3.1 Locations and coordinates of study sites 40 5.1 Fish species composition caught in 56 Event I and II in Sungai Dengar 5.2 Number of individuals, weight and 57 percentage according to species caught in Sungai Dengar 5.3 Size range of specimens caught at 59 Sungai Dengar 5.4 Fish species composition caught in 60 Event I, II and III in Sungai Tui 5.5 5.6 Number of individuals, weight and percentage according to species caught in Sungai Tui Size range of specimens caught at 63 66 Sungai Tui 5.7 Fish species composition caught in 67 Event I, II and III in Sungai Mengkibol 5.8 Number of individuals, weight and 68 xii percentage according to species caught in Sungai Mengkibol 5.9 Size range of specimens caught at 70 Sungai Mengkibol 5.10 INWQS results for water quality 73 parameters 5.11 Fish species and habitat description in 75 Sungai Dengar 5.12 Fish species and habitat description of 77 Sungai Tui 5.13 Fish species and habitat description of 82 Sungai Mengkibol 5.14 Sungai Dengar Channel Form and 88 Instream Habitat 5.15 Sungai Tui Channel Form and Instream 91 Habitat 5.16 Sungai Mengkibol Channel Form and Instream Habitat 93 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE Theoretical relationship between physical 11 habitat quality and biological condition. 2.2 Bottom substrate 15 2.3 Embeddedness 16 2.4 Example of current velocity patterns in a 17 river 2.5 Cross-section of a river showing the general 17 pattern of current velocity 2.6 A hydrograph that plotted discharge vs. 19 time 2.7 Alteration of pools and riffles in a river 21 2.8 Steeper bank may not support stable 24 vegetation 2.9 Grass as streamside cover 25 2.10 Aquatic habitat characteristics 26 2.11 Fishes of Cyprinidae family 36 2.12 Fishes of Siluridae family 37 3.1 Location of study area (red box) in Sungai 41 Dengar 3.2 Gunung Belumut scenary from Felda Hulu 42 Dengar 3.3 Palm oil plantation surrounding study area 42 xiv in Sungai Dengar 3.4 The location of Sungai Tui and its 43 sampling site 3.5 Old Bukit Kepong Police Station 44 3.6 The location of Sungai Mengkibol and its 45 sampling site 3.7 Sungai Mengkibol as the main stormwater 46 drainage in Kluang Town 3.8 Sungai Mengkibol Riverine Park 47 4.1 Battery-powered backpack electro-fisher 49 4.2 Gill net is located at downstream of study 50 area and at deep water area 4.3 Fish collection after biosurvey work 50 4.4 Total length measurement of a fish 51 4.5 Total weight measurement 52 4.6 River bank vegetation is one of the 53 characteristics of river habitat 4.7 River water sample is taken for laboratory 54 test purposes 5.1 The distribution of fish families recorded 58 during Event I of Sungai Dengar 5.2 The distribution of fish families recorded 58 during Event II of Sungai Dengar 5.3 The distribution of fish families recorded 64 during Event I of Sungai Tui 5.4 The distribution of fish families recorded 64 during Event II of Sungai Tui 5.5 The distribution of fish families recorded 65 during Event III of Sungai Tui 5.6 The distribution of fish families recorded during Event I of Sungai Mengkibol. 69 xv 5.7 The distribution of fish families recorded 69 during Event II of Sungai Mengkibol 5.8 The distribution of fish families recorded 70 during Event III of Sungai Mengkibol 5.9 Water Quality Index values at respective 73 rivers 5.10 Submerged woody plants was the location 74 of Bujuk caught in Sungai Dengar 5.11 Culverts was the location of Julong caugh 76 in Sungai Dengar 5.12 Sebarau was caught in Sungai Tui 79 5.13 Typical habitat when Haruan were caught at 80 Sungai Tui 5.14 Lais were caught under a bridge at Sungai 80 Tui 5.15 Location Udang Galah caught in Sungai Tui 81 5.16 Sungai Mengkibol that inhabited mostly 83 by Bandaraya and Tilapia hitam 5.17 Location of Keli kayu was caught in Sungai 84 Mengkibol 5.18 Number of Channel Units in Three Rivers; 87 Sungai Dengar, Sungai Tui and Sungai Mengkibol 5.19 Shrub on both side of river bank in Sungai 89 Dengar 5.20 Artificial structure at Sungai Dengar 89 5.21 Palm oil trees along Sungai Dengar 89 5.22 Wood debris in Sungai Dengar 90 5.23 Leaf litter in Sungai Dengar 90 5.24 Root mass in Sungai Dengar 90 5.25 Shrub on the river bank of Sungai Tui 92 xvi 5.26 Bare soil at certain area of Sungai Tui 92 5.27 Woody debris in Sungai Tui 92 5.28 Herbaceous vegetation along Sungai 94 Mengkibol 5.29 Retention wall as artificial structure at 94 Sungai Mengkibol 5.30 Bare soil at certain area of Sungai Mengkibol 94 xvii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Habitat Survey Form 102 B Sketches of Sungai Dengar 110 C Sketches of Sungai Tui 116 D Sketch of Sungai Mengkibol 121 E Fish species caught in Sungai Dengar 123 F Fish species caught in Sungai Tui 125 G Fish species caught in Sungai 130 Mengkibol CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study Natural streams resources provide goods in form of fish, and other wildlife for harvest and enjoyment, as well as services such as regulation of hydrologic and nutrient cycles, and purification of water. In Malaysia, there are 1,800 rivers comprising 150 systems that run up to 38,000 km (Kalithasan Kailasam, 2007). As in many parts of the world, water from rivers and streams in Malaysia is used extensively for domestic needs, agriculture, aquaculture, industry and hydroelectric power as well as provide recreational use. Rivers are important as they support nation’s economic development, social and cultural needs, religious beliefs and the natural environment. Clean water body and the riparian area in its vicinity support diverse and delicately balanced natural aquatic ecosystems. Highly degraded ecosystems are not effective providers of goods and services, so this way, conservation and economics are inextricably linked. Disturbance to the stream ecosystem can result from floods, prolonged droughts, volcanic activity, wildfires as well as anthropogenic factors such a s pollution, channel modification, flow 2 modification or direct interference to biota, such as clearing vegetation or introducing alien species. Landuse changes can have an impact on streams by affecting runoff rates and the input rates of sediment, woody debris and chemical pollutants. Well vegetated catchments with deep soils will absord rainwater, releasing it slowly. If the vegetation is removed or change, as by clearing lands for farmland, logging, or by grazing, changes in stream hydrographs can occur. Clearing a large percentage of a catchment for urbanization, agriculture or timber harvest is generally thought to increase flood peak discharges and reduce their duration, and baseflow can also be altered (Gordon, N.D. et al., 2004). Channel modifications directly impact streams. The impacts can occur not only in the modified reach but also in upstream and downstream sections. Channelisation is typically carried out to improve drainage or flood carrying capacity, usually leaving a smooth, trapezoidal channel with improved conveyance and more predictable hydraulic behaviour. In extreme cases the riverbed may be reduced to a concrete channel or a buried conduit. In terms of habitat, channelisation reduces the structural diversity of streams through the reduction in meanders, smoothing of pools and riffles and irregular bank boundaries and removal of snags and riparian vegetation. This not only reduces the total amount of stream area and natural diversity of velocity and substrate patterns. Fish no longer have backwaters, pools or low-velocity regions for refuge during high flows, and fish eggs may be swept downstream by the higher velocities. Changes in hydraulics conditions selectively alter or reduce fish fauna, as increased velocities and shear stresses affect the hydrodynamics of body shape (Gordon, N.D. et al., 2004). Riffles, which aerate the flow, are removed, shelter in the form of undercut banks and overhanging vegetation is eliminated, and the substrate is typically more unstable, reducing benthic invertebrate production More attention is needed to rehabilitate river from time to time. It should be well cared and concerned of it importance as the aesthetic value of well managing river may increase the rate of country economic generation (Global Environment Centre, 2009). In 3 order to manage rivers and streams effectively, a necessary first step is to measure the availability and condition of the resources. Stream condition has traditionally been measured in terms of physico-chemical parameters, because this was appropriate to the emphasis on utilitarian use of the resource. Physico- characteristics are still important, but there has been a paradigm shift in the way stream condition is perceived and measured. Stream health now is measure in terms of water quality, habitat availability and suitability, energy sources, hydrology and the biota themselves. Stream classification operates at a different scale to stream health assessment, although measures of stream health can and often do form the basis of classification schemes. The main purpose of classification is to simplify the inherent complexity of streams systems. Classification is used as a communication tool that helps to facilitate many aspects of the management process, such a s taking an inventory of the resource, prioritizing issues or areas for management action, allowing stakeholders to make tradeoffs, and documenting and demonstrating the effectiveness of management to the public (Gordon, N.D. et al., 2004). 1.2 Statement of Problem River rehabilitation has a tradition rooted in civil and hydraulic engineering where most of the work was grounded in well-established theory of stable channel design. Stream restoration activities are often focused on highly modified urban landscapes where the chances of achieving ecological restoration are extremely slim. This led to an emphasis on control of flow and structure using embankments, re-shaping channels to trapezoidal cross-sections, clearing snags and riparian vegetation, rock beaching of banks and construction of training structures. The inherently dynamic nature of rivers was seen as an annoyance that should be controlled, or if structures failed, as a catastrophic and unusual event. This conventional paradigm is now falling out of favour, where it is recognized that a level of channel instability is desirable from an ecological perspective, and that a high level of channel stability is difficult and 4 expensive to attain. Habitats are important in the fish life cycle requirements for food, shelter, reproduction, and movement. If the various life cycle requirements are not met due to loss of habitat, fish numbers drops, and eventually over time the entire population may even die out. Man's activities have had profound, and usually negative, influences on freshwater fishes from the smallest streams to the largest rivers. Some negative effects are due to contaminants, while others are associated with changes in watershed hydrology, habitat modifications, and alteration of energy sources upon which the aquatic biota depends. Regrettably, past efforts to evaluate effects of man's activities on fishes have attempted to use water quality as a surrogate for more comprehensive biotic assessment. A more refined biotic assessment program is required for effective protection of freshwater fish resources. 1.3 Objectives of Study The study concentrates on fieldwork of investigating the fish species composition and its habitat in running waters for the development of biological criteria for river rehabilitation. Therefore the objectives of the study are: i. To identify fish species in the river in terms of fish species composition and richness ii. To quantify physical features of aquatic habitat iii. To determine water quality of the river ; and 5 iv. To establish the relationship between fish species composition, stream morphological condition and water quality condition. 1.4 Scope of Study This study focuses on the description of the present ecological environment of three rivers with different level of disturbance or physical conditions: Sungai Mengkibul, in Kluang, Sungai Dengar, near Gunung Belumut National Park, and Sungai Tui, in Muar. Three main processes involve in this study are physical, biological, and chemical. They involve: i. Physical classification – general characteristic that are important in influencing river’s aquatic ecology such as channel forms, instream habitats, substrates, bank vegetation and structure. Additional habitat attributes such as anthropogenic alterations to the river is briefly described. ii. Biological environment – the focus is on the composition and abundance of fish species iii. Chemical elements- documentation of the existing conditions related to commonly observed water quality parameters. The study also involves in describing the correlation between the physical attributes with variation in the fish assemblages. 6 1.5 Limitations There are a few environmental constraint identified that may interrupt with the process of collecting the essential data for this project. The constraints are listed as below: 1.5.1 Depth of Water Surface and Accessibility Electro-fishing cannot be conducted if the water depth is higher than the waist level of the conductor, since the battery and cables for the electrode are carried with a backpack. The instruments shall not be immersed in water as this will caused shortcircuits and thus endanger the conductor and the others in the river. Therefore, at certain sections, samplings cannot be conducted continuously along the gradient. 1.5.2 Topographical Condition Health and safety is the main priority while performing the study, especially during the biological and habitat surveying. Physical conditions of river such as the slope of the banks, riverbed substrate, and surrounding vegetation that might pose hazards to the researchers (i.e. steep and slippery slopes, silt riverbed etc) were avoided. General and brief data could be obtained, however details of the morphological and biological features might be impaired. 7 1.5.3 Fish Collection Equipment (Gill Net) Fish collection in deep water is conducted using gill net. The gill net is positioned across the river width as electro-fishing cannot be conducted in water depth higher than conductor waist. However, unexpected cases such as the lost of the gill net due to stolen activities in study area are far from prediction. Therefore, data of fish collection in deep water is difficult to be conducted. Fish collection equipment (gill net) turns out to be limitation factor in field work study. 8 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Assessing Stream Health A stream is classified as a body of water that flows across the Earth's surface via a current and is contained within a narrow channel and banks. Stream health assessments usually measure in-stream and riparian vegetation, channel bank and bed stability, water quality, water quantity and aquatic organisms (Gordon, N.D. et al., 2004). The description of stream health can refer to present static conditions (i.e. on the day of the survey) or dynamic aspects (i.e. rate and direction of changes). Stream condition or health can be assessed across a hierarchy of measurement scales and various survey techniques have been devised to capture such data in a systematic way. An assessment of stream health therefore must consider the stream's natural setting as well as how human activities have changed it (Stoker, D.G. et al.1972). Also important to an assessment are evaluations of activities that can directly affect water quantity or quality. Method for surveying stream health vary according to the objectives they were originally designed to satisfy, the level of detailed involved as shown in Table 2.1, and the nature of the rivers used in the development of the method. 9 Table 2.1: Descriptive variable for assessment of stream health Measure Example Visual description of presence or absence “Native vegetation was absent from the at one point in time reach, with willows being the only species present” “The water looked turbid” Measured description of presence or “Willows were present at density of one absence at one point in time tree per 20m2” “ Turbidity was 43 NTU on 26/12/96 Visual comparison with a template reach “ The upstream, uncleared reach had a or original state dense stand of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, whereas the target reach had only willows” Measured comparison with template reach “ The template reach had twice as many fish as the target reach when it was sampled” Visual description of change through time “According to the landholder the head-cut had migrated 200 m since 1974” Measured description of change through “ Three electro-fishing sweeps, one year time apart, showed a statistically significant decline in the number of blackfish present” Source: Gordon, N.D et al., 2004 The approaches can be divided into four main groups: i. physico-chemical assessment ii. habitat assessment iii. bioassessment 10 2.2 Physico-Chemical Assessment Physico-chemical characteristics have long been used as indicators of stream and catchment health, because these variables react to changes in stream flow, land use and riparian conditions as shown in Table 2.2. Physical measurement parameters include flow, temperature, conductivity, suspended solids, turbidity and colour. Chemical measurement parameters include pH, alkalinity, hardness, salinity, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen and total organic carbon. Other major controls on water chemistry include specific major anions and cations, and nutrient species. Table 2.2 shows general measurement parameters used for assessing aquatic system health. Table 2.2: General measurement parameters used for assessing aquatic system health Measurement Parameter Input Potential Effects Electrical conductivity Salt Loss of sensitive biota Total phosphorus Phosphorus Ratio of total phosphorus to total nitrogen Phosphorus and nitrogen Biochemical Oxygen Demand Eutrophication ealgae) (nuisance Cyanobacterial blooms Carbon in organic material Asphyxiation of respiring organisms, e.g. fish kills Turbidity Sediment Changes in ecosystem habitat Loss of sensitive species Altered light climate that affects productivity and predator-prey relationships Suspended solids sediment Changes in ecosystem habitat, loss of sensitive species 11 Table 2.2: Continued Chlorophyll Nutrients Eutrophication pH Acid drainage Loss of sensitive biota Metals, organics Toxicants Loss of sensitive species compounds Source: Gordon, N.D. et al.., 2004 2.3 Habitat Assessment As described by Paul D.N. Hebert (2008), habitat usually refers to the in-stream and riparian physical and chemical conditions suitable for habitation by biota, and may even vary according to the life cycle of biota. Habitat quality can be expressed as the presence or absence of suitable habitat (noting the presence of elements that prevent the habitat being accessed), the volume or area available of ideal habitat or a rating of the relative quality of the habitat that is present. Habitat, as affected by instream and surrounding topographical features, is a major determinant of aquatic community potential (Lafont, M. et al., 2008). Both the quality and quantity of available habitat affect the structure and composition of resident biological communities. Effects of such features can be minimized by sampling similar habitats at all stations being compared. However, when all stations are not physically comparable, habitat characterization is particularly important for proper interpretation of biosurvey results (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). In general, spatial and temporal habitat variability and biological diversity in rivers are closely linked. Assuming that water quality and hydrology remains constant over time, the hypothetical relationship between physical habitat quality and biological condition is linear over most of the range. Habitat quality can range from zero to 100% 12 of reference conditions, and can be categorised as non-supporting (< 59%), partially supporting (60-74%), supporting (75-89%) or comparable (> 90%). The quality of the biological community can range from zero to 100% of the reference, and can be categorized as severely impaired, moderately impaired, slightly impaired or nonimpaired (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). Figure 2.1 shows the theoretical relationship between physical habitat quality and biological condition. Figure 2.1: Theoretical relationship between physical habitats quality and biological condition (Plafkin, J.L, et al., 1989). Where habitat quality is similar, detected impacts can be attributed to water quality factors. However, where habitat quality differs substantially from reference conditions, the question of use attainability and physical habitat alteration/restoration must be addressed. Final conclusions regarding the presence and degree of biological impairment should thus include an evaluation of habitat quality to determine the extent that habitat may be a limiting factor. 13 Because this habitat assessment approach is intended to support biosurvey analysis, the various habitat parameters are weighted to emphasize the most biologically significant parameters (Sooley, D.R, 1998). All parameters are evaluated for each station studied. The ratings are then totaled and compared to a reference to provide a final habitat ranking. Scores increase as habitat quality increases. To ensure consistency in the evaluation procedure, descriptions of the physical parameters and relative criteria are included in the rating form. Reference conditions are used to normalize the assessment to the “best attainable” situation. This approach is critical to the assessment because stream characteristics will vary dramatically across different regions. Other habitat assessment approaches may be used; or a more rigorously quantitative approach to measuring the habitat parameters may be used. However, the importance of a holistic habitat assessment to enhance the interpretation of biological data cannot be overemphasized. Habitat parameters pertinent to the assessment of habitat quality are separated into three principal categories: primary, secondary, and tertiary parameters. Primary parameters are those that characterize stream “microscale” habitat and have the greatest direct influence on the structure of the indigenous communities (Sooley, D.R, 1998). The primary parameters, which include characterization of the bottom substrate and available cover, estimation of embeddedness, and estimation of the flow or velocity and depth regime, have the widest score range (0-20) to reflect their contribution to habitat quality. The secondary parameters measure the “macroscale” habitat such as channel morphology characteristics. These parameters evaluate: channel alteration, bottom scouring and deposition, and stream sinuosity. The secondary parameters have a score range of 0-15. Tertiary parameters evaluate riparian and bank structure and comprise three parameters: bank stability, bank vegetation, and streamside cover. These tertiary parameters include those that are most often ignored in biosurveys. The tertiary parameters have a score range of 0-10 (Plafkin, J.L, et al., 1989). 14 Habitat evaluations are first made on instream habitat, followed by channel morphology, and finally on structural features of the bank and riparian vegetation. Stream segment length or area assessed will vary with each site. Generally, primary parameters are evaluated within the first riffle/pool sequence, or the immediate sampling area, such as in the case of fishing sampling. Secondary and tertiary parameters are evaluated over a larger stream area, primarily in an upstream direction where conditions will have the greatest impact on the community being studied. The actual habitat assessment process involves rating the nine parameters as excellent, good, fair, or poor based on the criteria included on the Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet in Table 2.3. A total score is obtained for each biological station and compared to a sitespecific control or regional reference station. The ratio between the score for the station of interest and the score for the control or regional reference provides a percent comparability measure for each station (Plafkin, J.L, et al., 1989). The station is then classified on the basis of its similarity to expected conditions (as represented by the control or reference station), and its apparent potential to support an acceptable level of biological health. Use of a percent comparability evaluation allows for regional and stream-size differences which affect flow or velocity, substrate, and channel morphology. Some regions are characterized by streams having a low channel gradient. Such streams are typically shallower, have a greater pool/riffle or run/bend ratio, and less stable substrate than streams with a steep channel gradient. Although some low gradient streams do not provide the diversity of habitat or fauna afforded by steeper gradient streams, they are characteristic of certain regions. Using the approach presented here, these streams may be evaluated relative to other low gradient streams. Listed below is a general explanation for each of the nine habitat parameters to be evaluated (Plafkin, J.L, et al., 1989). 15 Table 2.3: Habitat assessment field data sheet (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989) Habitat Parameter Bottom substrate available cover Excellent Good Fair Poor Greater than 50% rubble, gravel, submerged logs, undercut banks, or other stable habitat (16-20) 30-50% rubble, gravel or other stable habitat. Adequate habitat (11-15) Less than 10% rubble gravel or other stable habitat. Lack of habitat is obvious.(0-5) Embeddedness Gravel, cobble, and boulder particles are between 0 and 25% surrounded by fine sediment(16-20) ≤ 0.15 cms Or Cold >0.05 cms Warm > 0.15cms Gravel, cobble, and boulder particles are between 25 and 50% surrounded by fine sediment(11-15) 0.03-0.05 cms 0.05-0.15 cms (11-15) 10-30% rubble, gravel or other stable habitat. Habitat availability less than desirable (610) Gravel, cobble, and boulder particles are between 50 and 75% surrounded by fine sediment(6-10) 0.01-0.03 cms 0.03-0.05 cms ≥0.15 cms Velocity/depth Slow (< 0.3 m/s), deep (>0.5m); slow, shallow (<0.5m); fast (0.3 m/s), deep; fast, shallow habitats all present(16-20) Only 2 of 4 habitat categories present (missing riffles/ runs receive lower score)(6-10) Dominated by one velocity/depth category (usually pool)(0-5) Channel alteration Little or no enlargement of islands or point bars, and/or no channelisation(12-15) Moderate deposition of new gravel, coarse sand on old and new bars; pools partially filled with silt; and/or embankments on both banks(4-7) 30-50% affected. Deposits and scour at obstructions, constrictions and bends. Some filling of pools(47) Heavy deposits of fine material, increased bar development; most pools filled with silt; and/or extensive channelisation(0-3) Bottom Scouring deposition and Less than 5% of the bottom affected by scouring and deposition(12-15) Only 3 of the 4 habitat categories present (missing riffles or runs receive lower score than missing pools)(11-15) Some new increase in bar formation, mostly from coarse gravel; and/or some channelisation present(8-11) 5-30% affected. Scour at constrictions and where grades steepen. Some deposition in pools(8-11) Gravel, cobble, and boulder particles are over 75% surrounded by fine sediment(0-5) <0.01 cms <0.03 cms (0-5) More than 50% of the bottom changing nearly year long. Pools almost absent due to deposition. Only large rocks in riffle exposed,(0-3) 16 2.3.1 Primary Parameters – Substrate and Instream Cover The primary instream habitat characteristics directly pertinent to the support of aquatic communities consist of substrate type and stability, availability of refuge, and migration/ passage potential. These primary habitat parameters are weighted the highest to reflect their degree of importance to biological communities. Bottom Substrate This refers to the availability of habitat for support of aquatic organisms. A variety of substrate materials and habitat types is desirable. The presence of rock and gravel in flowing streams is generally considered the most desirable habitat. However, other forms of habitat may provide the niches required for community support. For example, logs, tree roots, submerged or emergent vegetation, and undercut bank, will provide excellent habitat for a variety of organisms, and particularly fish. Bottom substrate is evaluated and rated by observation (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). Figure 2.2: Bottom substrate 17 Embeddedness The degree to which boulders, rubble, or gravel are surrounded by fine sediment indicates suitability of the stream substrate as habitat for benthic macroinvertebrates and for fish spawning and egg incubation plus enabled deeper scour for better pool development (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). This phenomenon also allowed for greater retention of water to potentially moderate the effects of seasonal low flows, and helped reduce the flashy nature of stream discharge under certain circumstances. Embeddedness is evaluated by visual observation of the degree to which larger particles are surrounded by sediment. Figure 2.3: Embeddedness (Mc Culloch, M.P., 2005) Stream Flow and/or Stream Velocity A river's current is defined as the downstream movement of water. It determines the extent of erosion of the river channel, the degree of particle deposition and the nature of sediments and benthic organisms. Figure 2.4 shows an example of current velocity patterns in a river. The current velocity is complex since the movement of 18 water is not homogenous throughout the channel (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). This is a result of varying degrees of friction exerted upon the water when it flows across its channel bed, when it carries materials, or between the surface of the water and the atmosphere. The velocity is highest near the middle of the river just below the surface and lowest close to the banks and bottom. Figure 2.5 illustrates cross-section of a river showing the general pattern of current velocity. Figure 2.4: Example of current velocity patterns in a river. (Wikipedia, 2009) Figure 2.5: Cross-section of a river showing the general pattern of current velocity. (Wikipedia, 2009) Stream flow relates to the ability of a stream to provide and maintain a stable aquatic environment. Stream flow (water quantity) is most critical to the support of 19 aquatic communities when the representative low flow is ≤ 0.15 cm/s. In these small streams, flow should be estimated in a straight stretch of run area where banks are parallel and bottom contour is relatively flat. Even where a few stations may have flows in excess of 0.15 cm/s, flow may still be the predominating constraint. Therefore, the evaluation is based on flow rather than velocity. In larger stream and rivers (> 0.15 cm/s), velocity, in conjunction with depth, has a more direct influence than flow on the structure of benthic communities and fish communities. The quality of the aquatic habitat can therefore be evaluated in terms of a velocity and depth relationship. Four general categories of velocity and depth are optimal for benthic and fish communities are as follow and habitat quality is reduced in the absence of one or more of these four categories (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989): i. Slow (<0.3 m/s), shallow (<0.5 m) ii. Slow (<0.3 m/s), deep (>0.5 m) iii. Fast (>0.3 m/s), deep (>0.5 m) and iv. Fast (>0.3 m/s), shallow (<0.5 m). Types of Flow There are two principal types of flow in lotic systems. Laminar flow is much less common and occurs only in water that is moving very slowly. It is a smooth flow with all the water molecules moving parallel to each other at the same speed and with no mixing between them (Wikipedia, 2009). Turbulent flow is much more common and arises as the velocity of the water increases. It is characterized by irregular, random motion, which occurs when the water molecules move in different directions and at different velocities from the average of the flow. It is an erratic and mixing progression of water, transferring frictional forces throughout the fluid and redistributing suspended particles. Turbulence explains why streams do not achieve greater velocity down a channel of even gradient, since it counteracts the accelerating forces. Channel 20 roughness also induces turbulence and therefore reduces acceleration. Many small organisms depend on thin layers of laminar flow near the channel bed or over stones to avoid turbulence. Discharge A river's discharge is defined as the volume of water passing through the crosssectional area of the channel per unit time. It is a product of channel width, depth and velocity of water (any of which can vary). The total discharge can be separated into components based on the source of the water (i.e., overland flow, channel precipitation, through flow, groundwater flow) (Wikipedia, 2009). Discharge can be depicted using a hydrograph, which is simply a plot of discharge vs. time as shown in Figure 2.6. Rainfall and air temperature affect discharge causing it to vary significantly with the seasons. Discharge is cumulative down a watershed and is accordingly affected by the shape of the drainage basin. 21 Figure 2.6: A hydrograph that plotted discharge vs. time (Wikipedia, 2009) 2.3.2 Secondary Parameters – Channel Morphology Channel Morphology is determined by the flow regime of the stream, local geology, land surface form, soil, and human activities. The sediment movement along the channel, as influenced by the tractive forces of flowing water and the sinuosity of the channel, also affects habitat conditions. Channel Alteration The character of sediment deposits from upstream is an indication of the severity of watershed and bank erosion and stability of the stream system. The growth or appearance of sediment bars tends to increase in depth and length with continued watershed disturbance. Channel alteration also results in deposition, which may occur on the inside of bends, below channel constrictions, and where stream gradient flattens out. Channelisation (e.g. straightening, construction of concrete embankments) decreases stream sinuosity thereby increasing stream velocity and the potential for scouring (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). 22 Bottom Scouring and Deposition These parameters relate to the destruction of instream habitat resulting from the problems described above. Characteristics to observe are scoured substrate and degree of siltation in pools and riffles. Scouring results from high velocity flows. The potential for scouring is increased by channelisation (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). Deposition and scouring result from the transport of sediment or other particulates and may be an indication of large scale watershed erosion. Deposition and scouring is rated by estimating the percentage of an evaluated reach that is scoured or silted (i.e., 50 feet silted in a 100 feet stream length equals 50 percent). Pool/riffle or Run/Bend Ratio A stream pool, in hydrology, is a stretch of a river or creek in which the water depth is above average and the stream velocity is quite low. Such pools can be important for juvenile fish habitat, especially where many stream reaches attain high summer temperatures and very low flow dry season characteristics. A stream pool may be bedded in sediment or armoured with gravels; in some cases the pool formations may have been formed as basins in bedrock materials. This portion of a stream often provides specialized aquatic habitat for organisms that have difficulty feeding or navigating in swifter reaches of the stream (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). Besides that, a riffle (also known as a swift) is a shallow stretch of a river or stream, where the current is below the average stream velocity and where the water forms small rippled waves as a result. It often consists of a rocky bed of gravels or other small stones. This portion of a stream is often an important habitat for small aquatic invertebrates and juvenile fishes. Pools and riffles are always altered in a stream as shown in Figure 2.7 (Wikipedia, 2009). 23 Pool Riffle Figure 2.7: Alteration of pools and riffles in a river (http://www.filter.ac.uk) In self-reformed pool-riffle channels, riffles are formed by the deposition of gravel bars in a characteristic alteration from one side of the channel to the other, at a distance of approximately 5-7 channel widths. Pool-riffle sequences are the result of particle sorting and require a range of sediment sizes to develop. At low flows, riffles have a high slope, tend to be shallow relative to pools, and have higher velocities. At high flows the water surface slope becomes more uniform between riffles and pools, although pools remain deeper, and velocities increase more in pools than in riffles. This results in changes in the distribution of forces on the streambed. At flood stage, when flows are high enough to mobilize the bed, riffles are the locations of lowest transport capacity and thus the locations of gravel deposition. These parameters assume that a stream with riffles or bends provides more diverse habitat than a straight (run) or uniform depth stream. Bends are included because low gradient streams may not have riffles areas, but excellent habitat can be provided by the cutting action of water at bends. The ratio is calculated by dividing the average distance between riffles or bends by the average stream width. If a stream contains riffles and bends, the dominant feature with the best habitat should be used. 24 Aquatic habitat composition would have likely consisted of a greater percentage of pool habitats that were larger and deeper than the in frequent, small, and shallow pools typically present today. Much of this pool habitat would have been formed and maintained by complexes of large woody debris that consisted of larger, more stable forms than streams possess today. The high quality pools with complex woody debris features would have served as excellent trout rearing habitat as well as cover and refuge for all aquatic inhabitants during periods of potential distress (e.g. flooding and low flow conditions). In addition, wood debris complexes would have provided excellent substrate for aquatic macro-invertebrates and other organisms that would bolster aquatic food webs. Rivers differ among themselves and through time. An individual river can vary significantly downstream, changing its dimensions and pattern dramatically over a short distance. River differs in three different ways (Schumm, S.A, 2005): i. There is a spectrum of river types that is dependent upon hydrology, sediment loads, and geologic history; ii. River change naturally through time as a result of climate and hydrologic change; iii. There can be considerable variability of channel morphology along any one river, as a result of geologic and geomorphic controls. 2.3.3 Tertiary Parameters – Riparian and Bank Structure Well-vegetated banks are usually stable regardless of bank undercutting; undercutting actually provides excellent cover for fish. The ability of vegetation and other materials on the streambanks to prevent or inhibit erosion is an important determinant of the stability of the stream channel and instream habitat for indigenous 25 organisms (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). Because riparian and bank structure indirectly affect the instream habitat features, they are weighted less than the primary or secondary parameters. Tertiary parameters are evaluated by observation of both upper and lower bank characteristics. The upper bank is the land area from the break in the general slope of the surrounding land to the normal high water line. The upper bank is normally vegetated and covered by water only during extreme high water conditions. Land forms vary from wide, flat floodplains to narrow, steep slopes. The lower bank is the intermittently submerged portion of the stream cross section from the normal high water line to the lower water line. The lower channel defines the stream width. Bank Stability Bank stability is rated by observing existing or potential detachment of soil from the upper and lower stream bank and its potential movement into the stream. Steeper banks are generally more subject to erosion and failure as shown in Figure 2.8 and may not support stable vegetation. Streams with poor banks will often have poor instream habitat. Adjustments should be made in areas with clay banks where steep, raw areas may not be as susceptible to erosion as other soil types (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). 26 Figure 2.8: Steeper bank may not support stable vegetation (http://www.streamkeeper.org) Bank Vegetative Stability Bank soil is generally held in place by plant root systems. Erosion protection may also be provided by boulder, cobble, or gravel material (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). An estimate of the density of bank vegetation (or proportion of boulder, cobble, or gravel material) covering the bank provides an indication of bank stability and potential instream sedimentation. Streamside Cover Streamside cover vegetation is evaluated in terms of provision of stream – shading and escape cover or refuge for fish. A rating is obtained by visually determining the dominant vegetation type covering the exposed stream bottom, bank, and top of bank (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). Streamside cover consisting primarily of shrub had a higher fish standing crop than similar-size streams having tree or grass streamside cover. Figure 2.9 shows a stream with grass as streamside cover. 27 Figure 2.9: Grass as streamside cover (http://www.cfiglobal.com) 2.4 Characteristics of Aquatic Habitat The issues surrounding aquatic habitats and the life they support are very broad. Urban aquatic habitats are defined here as natural or constructed freshwater bodies, defined by their physical features (Lafont, M. et al., 2008). Habitats, defining physical boundaries of aquatic ecosystems, create conditions for the development and functioning of their biotic component, aquatic life. Freshwater aquatic life includes all species of plant, animals, and micro-organisms that, at some stage of their lifecycles, must live in freshwater. Among the various forms of aquatic life, much of the discussion focuses on fish, benthic invertebrates and phytoplankton and to some extent, on vascular flora typically found in riparian ecotones of freshwater bodies. 28 The main aquatic habitat characteristics fall into five groups: flow regime, physical habitat structure, chemical variables (water quality), energy (food) sources and biotic interactions. Chemical variables Flow Regime Habitat structure Biological Community performance Energy sources Biotic interactions Figure 2.10: Aquatic habitat characteristics (Lafont, M. et al., 2008) The assessment of the physical quality of habitats is based on the quality and degree of change of the above factors shown in Figure 2.10 usually in comparison to reference (natural/un-impacted) conditions. It should be understood that any modification of the physical characteristics of a habitat is followed by changes in the aquatic biota’s structure and performance 2.4.1 Flow Regime Although the characterization of flow regimes into regionally distinct groups may continue to be refined, the concept that each individual river has a natural flow 29 regime upon which its ecological integrity depends has become firmly established. The magnitude of flow is the volume of water moving past a point per unit time. Frequency is a measure of how often a flow of a given magnitude occurs, and is inversely related to magnitude. Duration, timing (predictability) and rate of change all describe temporal aspects of flow events. Climate, vegetation, geology, and terrain determine the natural of flow regime. Human alter flow regimes by changing flow pathways and response times, and even by altering climate (Allan, J.D. and Castillo, M.M., 2008). There is a general agreement that flow regime controls, to a great extent, affects the development of the physical habitat structure in non-channelized rivers, with respect to both macro and micro habitat features, while creating variables condition for the associated aquatic life (Lafont, M. et al., 2008). Analysis of flow regimes should focus on the aspects that are most important for creating and maintaining the habitat’s physical structure an supporting the requirement of aquatic organisms during various life stages. High flow are important for stream geomorphology, bed erosion and sediment transport; affect fish migration; and create periodical connectivity between the river and its floodplains, thereby providing additional spawning grounds for biota and juvenile rearing. Low flows usually have a greater impact on water quality, for example by lowering dissolved oxygen (DO), increasing temperature or increasing concentrations of many pollutants. Moreover, in the case of long-lasting and deep droughts, low flows may also set limits on the proper functioning of the ecological processes in river ecosystems. Urbanization greatly affects the hydrological cycle and by extension the flow regime as well. Such changes more frequent and higher flows, increased duration of geomorphically significant flows, flashier/less predictable flows, altered timing and rate of change relative to riparian and floodplain connections, altered duration of low-flow periods, and conversion of subsurface distributed discharge( interflow) to surface point discharges (Allan, J.D. and Castillo, M.M., 2008). 30 The management of urban habitats usually implies high levels of flow control, particularly intermediate and large-scale flood flows, and river channelisation. This limits the regime causes changes in the sediment transport and stream morphology. The isolation of surface water bodies from groundwater and floodplains reduces water storage capacity and results in dramatic changes of discharges patterns. This increases freshwater ecosystems’ susceptibility to droughts, and short and extremely high peak flows impact their stability. Frequently, magnitude and irregularity of events change environmental templates, creating conditions unsuitable for the inhabiting organisms. Intended or unintended modifications of flow regime should be examined for key features of the creation and maintenance of the habitat’s physical structure, supporting the requirements of aquatic organisms during various life stages. 2.4.2 Physical Habitat Structure The physical habitat structure in water bodies is important for the structure and functioning of aquatic communities. The physical habitat structure in water bodies inhabited by aquatic organisms results from interactions between natural geomorphology, flow and waves, sediments entering the water body, and riparian vegetation, and is characterized by macro and micro features. Macro-habitats, also referred to as hydraulic biotopes are classified into fast and slow water micro habitats; the former containing features such as low-gradient stream sections or riffles, and high gradient sections with rapids, cascades, falls, steps or chutes, and the latter including pools, straight scours, backwater eddies, plunge pools, and dammed or abandoned channels. Micro habitats are usually described by substrate type, cover, depth, hydraulic complexity and current velocity. Substrate is generally classified according to the particle size, ranging from silt and clay (< 0.059 mm), to sand (0.01 to 1 mm), gravel ( 2 to 5 mm), pebble ( 16 to 63 mm), cobble ( 64 to 256 mm) and boulders (>256mm). Besides the substrate size, embeddedness is also important and ranges from negligible (less than 5 percent of gravel, pebble, cobble and boulder surfaces are covered by fine 31 sediment, grain size < 2 mm) to very high, when more than 75 percent of the surface is covered by fine sediment, which is typical for urban waters. Other important habitat features include the following: i. Cover and refuge, provided by boulders, large wooden debris, aquatic vegetation, water turbulence and depth. Such features can provide shelter for fish from predators and physical conditions like fast currents and sunlight ii. Stream-bank and shore conditions, which provide a transition between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Stream-banks in good condition provide cover and refuge for fish. Both natural and anthropogenic impacts may reduce bank vegetation, erosion resistance, structural stability and eventually fish cover value iii. Barriers obstructing fish life cycles (e.g., migration), flow, sediment transport and thermal regime. The degree of disruption depends on the structure height; in urban areas, low to intermediate barriers (1 to 10 cm) can be expected in the form of dams forming reservoirs. Heterogeneous physical habitat structure is essential for supporting biodiversity. Complex and varied physical habitats contribute to good performance of fish and benthic communities, and provide habitats for water vegetation, while their simplification reduces biological community performance. Straightening banks and enlarging or flattening river bottoms lead to shallow waters, low concentration of dissolved oxygen, elevated water temperature and a lack of shadow and shelter during low flow season. Forced linear flow of water unifies physical conditions within a river and thus diminishes the ecosystem’s hydrological heterogeneity. 32 2.4.3 Biotic Interations Biotics interactions include such processes as competition, predation, parasitism, feeding, reproduction and disease. Whenever the natural balance of such processes is disturbed, the biological integrity of the ecosystem is also affected. Habitat simplification significantly limits food sources for the aquatic biota, possibly causing the strength of biotic interactions and the trophic structure of assemblages to undergo irreversible degradation (Lafont, M., 2008). Changes in primary and secondary productions, the disruption of life cycle of native organisms or the introduction of alien species may further impact biological interactions by changing the relationship between predator and prey other competitive interactions and increasing the frequency of disease. 2.4.4 Food (Energy) Sources To meet organism growth and reproduction requirements, an adequate supply of energy is required (Lafont, M., 2008). Thus, physical, chemical and biological processes in the water body and the riparian ecotone must be adequate to produce food resources corresponding to the natural range of abundance. Such requirements are generally poorly understood and often replaced by surrogate requirements of maintaining a corresponding level of primary production and the appropriate riparian vegetation. 2.4.5 Chemical Variables (Water Quality) Good water quality is an important requirement for habitat integrity. The list of constituents generally includes water temperature, turbidity (suspended solids), 33 dissolved gases (e.g oxygen), nutrients, heavy metals, selected inorganic and organic chemicals, and pH (Lafont, M., 2008). Both inorganic and organic solids occur in urban water in high concentrations, contribute to high turbidity and cause many adverse impacts on habitats. Inorganic solids come from streambed erosion, which undercuts stream banks, causes the loss of riparian vegetation and sweeps away habitats. Eroded materials may be transported to other stream reaches, ponds, lakes and wetlands, with direct and indirect impacts, including interference with photosynthesis, changes in algal productivity, the physical abrasion of fish gills and other sensitive tissues, the blanketing of gravel spawning substrates, the burial of benthic organisms, and influxes of adsorbed pollutants (Lafont, M., 2008). 2.5 Bioassessment Bioassessment methods directly measure a biotic characteristic of the health of a stream. Bioassessment methods have also been applied to measuring the health of estuaries. Alteration of stream habitat, hydrology or water quality can produce a range of effects on aquatic organisms: i. Changes in the species composition of aquatic communities ii. Changes in the dominant groups of organisms in a habitat iii. Impoverishment of species iv. High mortality of sensitive life stages, e.g. eggs, larvae v. Mortality in the whole population vi. Changes in behaviour of the organisms vii. Changes in physiological metabolism viii. Histological changes and morphological deformities 34 The methods of bioassessment measure these effects using a wide range of biotic parameters, or bioindicators, although benthic macroinvertebrates are the most popular choice. 2.5.1 Macrophytes Macrophytes are aquatic plants, growing in or near water that are emergent, submerging or floating. These plants provide cover for fish and habitat for aquatic invertebrates. Reduced numbers of fish and waterbirds can be expected in systems where macrophytes have been lost (Plafkin, J.L, et al., 1989). Absence or degradation of macrophytes may indicate high levels of turbidity, salt or toxic substances, while prolific macrophyte growth can result from high nutrients levels. Advantages of macrophytes as bioindicators are their ease of sampling, the possibility of mapping at broad spatial scales using remote sensing and no requirement for laboratory analysis. 2.5.2 Riparian Vegetation Riparian systems have an intimate connection with in-stream systems and appear to be sensitive indicators of environmental change. The riparian zone is the link between terrestrial aquatic systems argued that this zone is now well integrated into conceptual models of stream ecosystem functioning. It also takes into account differences in the geomorphology of the river from its headwaters to the lower reaches (Plafkin, J.L, et al., 1989). 35 2.6 Freshwater Habitats Important freshwater habitats in the country are the highland forests and wetlands (both forested wetlands and water bodies such as rivers, lakes and lagoon). Forests in the highlands, often referred to as natural ‘water towers’ because of their water catchments function, provide continuous clean supply of water. They are the source for most of the country’s water resources (Stoker, D.G., 1972). Wetlands provide a range of natural ecological and hydrological functions therefore they have important roles in water supply, water purification and flood control. In addition to the functions that relate directly to providing freshwater resource, both the highland forests and wetlands also contribute many socio-economic benefits in terms of the goods and services (such as forestry and fisheries resources) and they are also critical biodiversity conservation as they provide refuge for many species of plants and animals (WWF, 2007). 2.6.1 Protection of Freshwater Habitats Forest areas within the Permanent Reserve Forest (PRF) particularly those in the highlands that have been identified as critical for ensuring continuous source of water are categorised as protection forests. Water catchment forest constitutes one of the ten classifications under the protection forest category. Designation of forest as catchment forest helps safeguard the quality as well as availability of water and rivers in PRF. A number of state governments have taken steps to gazette their PRF as water catchment forest. For example, as of 2004, the Pahang state government has gazetted a total of 287,077 ha of its forest reserve as water catchment area while the state governments of Negeri Sembilan and Selangor have approved the gazettement of 43,678 ha and 51,020 ha of their PRF as catchment forests respectively. The other states in Peninsular Malaysia are in the process of gazetting the identified areas within their 36 PRF as water catchment forest. Overall, about 18.8% (i.e. 880,538 ha) of the total PRF is identified as water catchment forest (WWF, 2007). 2.6.2 Importance of Conserving Freshwater Habitats Conserving the freshwater habitats ensures their vital hydrological and ecological functions are safeguarded for the economic and social benefits of the population. If priority is not given to conserve these habitats, there will be adverse consequences to our health, prosperity and well-being (WWF, 2007). 2.7 Effect of Land Use on Stream Flow Human alteration of land use can have major effects on streamflow by altering evapotranspiration and runoff, and by altering runoff pathways. In extreme circumtances land-use change can even alter precipitation, as when deforestation reduces evapotranspiration over alarge area, thus lowering atmospheric moisture. Owing to their extensive canopy coverage and deeper roots relative to the majority of shorter vegetation, interception and transpiration of water by forests is near maximal. Thus deforestation usually increases streamflow, especially dry-season flow. Where agriculture replaces forest with crops, it tends to increase average flow, dry-season flow, and peak flows for smaller floods but has little effect on larger floods. Development of drainage systems, such as tiles beneath the soil surface and channel deepening and straightening for flow conveyance, have the further effects of speeding subsurface flows and downstream routing of a rain events (Lafont, M. et al., 2008). Conversion of wetlands into agricultural usage may also contribute to river flooding, since wetlands naturally are locations of surface storage and frequently of groundwater recharge as well. 37 Urbanisation can have a very strong influence on streamflows. Replacement of vegetation with pavement and buildings reduces transpiration and infiltration, and these impervious surfaces substantially increase the amount of runoff that travels by rapid overland flow. Storm sewers and roadways transport water quickly, and so may require the construction of retention ponds in an effort to retard the flood peak. Runoff approximately doubles when impervious surface area is 10-20% of catchments area and triples at 35-50% impervious surface area. Flood peaks increase, time to peak shortens, and the peak becomes narrower. Because a greater fraction of the water is exported as runoff, less recharge of groundwater occurs, and so base flows are reduced as well (Allan, J.D. and Castillo, M.M., 2008). Urban populations cause large demands on life-support resources and services, including water. The provision of life necessities is becoming a major challenge in all parts of the world (Lafont, M. et al., 2008). It is well organized that many resources can be provided by sustainable aquatics habitats, which have the potential to produce and sustain a range of ecosystem services of great importance for economic development and human welfare. These include renewable supplies of fresh water, waste treatment by self-purification in receiving waters, land irrigation, local climate regulation, the buffering of some climate change impacts, educational and recreational services, biodiversity maintenance, and the provision of food, fuel and fiber. However, a broad range of direct and underlying effects of increasing urban pressures may threaten the ability of aquatic habitats to provide such support. 2.8 Fish Fish are popular bioindicators because they are known to be sensitive to water quality, they are known to have characteristic habitat preferences, are relatively easy to sample and identify in the field, and they tend to integrate effects of lower trophic levels; thus, fish assemblage structure is reflective of integrated environmental health. 38 As they have a relatively large range, fish are best suited to assessing macrohabitat and regional differences (Wikipedia, 2009). They are long-lived, so fish can integrate the effects of long-term changes in stream health. Fish populations and communities can respond actively to changes in water quality, but are also strongly influenced by changes in hydrology and physical habitat structure. Additionally, fish are highly visible and much valued by the wider community, so fish monitoring usually has strong community approval and interest. 2.8.1 Family Cyprinidae This family, with the most frequently used common names is minnows or carp; comprises of highly variable genera and species. Morphologically, the abdomens of cyprinids are usually rounded, protractile jaws, scaly body with head naked, short-based anal fin, barbells often present but large, the upper jaw is formed of premaxillae only, and the mouth are toothless but from one to three rows of teeth are present in the inferior pharyngeal bones. Various members of this family are important in biological research, while Malaysian cyprinids are very beautifully coloured, thus are important as aquarium fishes (Mohsin and Ambak, 1983). Some species, such as Sebarau (Hampala macrolepidota), jelawat (Leptobarbus hoevenii), Lampam jawa (Puntius gonionotus) and Kelah (Tortambroides) are very good food fish. Since they are abundant in all types of waters, this family is considered with economic significance. Moreover, they are very important in food chain of all the predacious fishes. The spawning habits vary among the species. Some make nests under stones, loges and other heavy objects, with male’s guarding the eggs, whilst others may bury the eggs under the gravel and leave them without care (Mohsin and Ambak, 1983). Sebarau, for example, spawn in the upstreams of rivers, and has been seen by tourists to climbing the rapids to go to its breeding ground. Figure 2.11 shows some of the species within this family, with their local and common names. 39 Scientific Name: Osteochilus hasselti Local Name: Terbul Common Name: Hasselt’s Bony Lip Barb Scientific Name: Labiobarbus cuvieri Local Name: Kawan Common Name: Signal Barb Figure 2.11: Fishes of Cyprinidae family 2.8.2 Family Siluridae The members of the siluridae family, which are also known as sheatfishes, exhibit features such as elongated, scales and compressed body, remote nostrils from each other and have 2-4 pairs of barbells. The dorsals fin is very short and spineless, and usually with fewer than seven rays or may be absent (Mohsin and Ambak, 1983). The Malaysian Siluridae may be easily recognized by the presence of a pair of well-developed maxillary barbells and a pair of feebly- developed mandibulary barbells, very small and spineless dorsal fin, absence of adipose fin and an extremely long anal fin. The size ranges from 30-60cm of average length, but it may reach a length of more than 150cm, especially for Tapah (Wallago attu) (Mohsin and Ambak, 1983). Tapah and Lais (Krytopteris bicirrhis) are some of the species that are very tasty food 40 fish and are highly priced. However, most of the species are carnivorous, and they feed on small fishes, frogs and crustaceans. These fishes live in mid to deep waters (Mohsin and Ambak, 1983). Figure 2.12 shows some of the species within this family, with their local names. Scientific Name: Krytopteris bicirrhis Local Name: Lais Common Name: Glass Catfish Figure 2.12: Fishes of Siluridae family 2.9 Biological Monitoring Biological communities reflect watershed conditions since they are sensitive to changes in a wide array of environmental factors. Many groups of organisms have been proposed as indicators of environmental quality, but no single group has emerged as the favorite of most biologists (Stoker, D.G. 1972). However, fishes are common as bioassay organisms but they have rarely been used in comprehensive monitoring. Fishes have numerous advantages as indicator organisms for biological monitoring programs. These advantages include (James R. Karr, 1981): i. Life-history information is extensive for most fish species. ii. Fish communities generally include a range of species that represent a 41 variety of trophic levels (omnivores, herbivores, insectivores, planktivores, piscivores) and include foods of both aquatic and terrestrial origin. Their position at the top of the aquatic food web in relation to diatoms and invertebrates also helps to provide an integrative view of the watershed environment. iii. Fish are relatively easy to identify. Technicians require relatively little training. Indeed, most samples can be sorted and identified at the field site, with release of study organisms after processing. iv. The general public can relate to statements about conditions of the fish community. iv. Both acute toxicity and stress effects (depressed growth and reproductive success) can be evaluated. Careful examination of recruitment and growth dynamics among years can help to pinpoint periods of unusual stress. vi. Fish are typically present, even in the smallest streams and in all but the most polluted waters. A number of disadvantages of monitoring fish can also be cited. These include the selective nature of sampling, fish mobility on seasonal time scales, and manpower needs for field sampling. However, as training periods for fish identification are likely to be shorter and the technology required is less sophisticated, therefore fishes are chosen as resolution of monitoring and assessment programs (James R. Karr,1981). Electrofishing is recommended for most fish field surveys because of its greater applicability and efficiency. Advantages and disadvantages of using electrofishing are presented below. 42 2.9.1 Advantages of Electrofishing i. Electrofishing allows greater atandardisation of catch per unit of effort. ii. Electrofishing requires less time and manpower than some sampling methods (e.g. use of ichthyocides) iii. Electrofishing is less selective than seining( although it is selective towards size and species) iv. If properly used, adverse effects on fish are minimized v. Electrofishing is appropriate in a variety of habitats 2.9.2 Disadvantages of Electrofishing 1) Sampling efficiency is affected by turbidity and conductivity. 2) Although less selective than seining, electrofishing increase with body size. Species specific behavioral and anatomical differences also determine vulnerability to electroshocking 3) Alactrofishing is a hazardous operation that can injure field personnel if proper safety procedures are ignored (Plafkin, J.L, et al., 1989). 43 CHAPTER 3 STUDY AREA 3.1 Introduction Three rivers that were studied in this report exhibit different degrees of disturbances and physical conditions. The rivers, namely Sungai Dengar, Sungai Tui, and Sungai Mengkibol are located in areas as described in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: Locations and coordinates of study sites River Name Location Coordinate Predominant Landuse N 02° 04'39.1'' to Sungai Felda Hulu 02°04'25.3'' Dengar Dengar, Kluang E 103°30'38.4 to Palm oil Plantation 103°30'47.5'' Sungai Bukit Kepong, Tui Muar N 02° 19' 30'' to 02° 22'20'' E 102° 49' 80'' to 102° 55'15'' Villages and settlements 44 Table 3.1: Continued N 01° 55' to 02° 06' Sungai Mengkibol Kluang Town E 103° 18' to 103° 23' 3.2 Residential and commercial area Sungai Dengar in Felda Hulu Dengar, Kluang Sungai Dengar is located in Kluang reserve forest with a length of 23 km (14 miles). The study area is as shown in Figure 3.5 with red line (in Felda Hulu Dengar palm oil plantation). Sungai Dengar Figure 3.1: Location of study area (red box) in Sungai Dengar Sungai Dengar originally flows from Gunung Belumut (1010m) waterfall; a well- known waterfall for bath purposes by residents of Felda Hulu Dengar itself and people in Kluang. Figure 3.2 shows Gunung Belumut scenery from Felda Hulu Dengar. 45 The study area is actually located in the middlestream of Sungai Dengar where the river flows in palm oil plantation (Figure 3.3). Moving towards Sungai Kahang, this river is also popular as fishing spot by residents of Felda Hulu Dengar. Figure 3.2: Gunung Belumut scenery from Felda Hulu Dengar Figure 3.3: Palm oil plantation surrounding study area in Sungai Dengar 46 3.3 Sungai Tui in Bukit Kepong, Muar. Located in the district of Muar, Sungai Tui distance is about 10 km from the Bukit Kepong town. Bukit Kepong is situated near the towns of Lenga, Chaah, and Labis. In a length of approximately 10 km and known as one of tributaries of Sungai Muar, Sungai Tui (Figure 3.4) is about 1 km away from the old Bukit Kepong Police Station (Figure 3.5), 10 km north from town of Lenga and 18 km south of Segamat. Figure 3.4: The location of Sungai Tui and its sampling site 47 Figure 3.5: Old Bukit Kepong Police Station Bukit Kepong area is common with flood phenomena and experienced an extreme event in December 2006 until January 2007. As a result of the extreme events, Sungai Tui experienced some physical changes, especially in the hydrographical conditions. Therefore, as a restorative measure, the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) had deepened and widened the river channels at the downstream areas (Hamzah and Mahamud, 2007 in Nurul Huda, 2008). According to Pejabat Daerah Muar, the statistics for the population of Bukit Kepong in 2007 in 9931 while the overall population for the district of Muar is estimated as 318620 persons (Majlis Daerah Muar, 2008 in Nurul Huda, 2008). Most of the residents in the town of Bukit Kepong are hawkers and shop owners, while the villagers involve in agricultural activities such as in palm oil, rubber and vegetables plots. Besides that, there are some fish and shrimp ponds within the catchments. Whereas, the major landuses in Sungai Tui river basin are palm oil plantation, rubber estate, vegetable plots and fruit farming, as well as village settlements. 48 The study was conducted at the middlestream reach of Sungai Tui, where the landuse is mostly covered by palm oil plantations and secondary forests. No village or settlement was observed in a 100 m radius from the study site. Contrary from the map, it was observed that the smaller streams are dry; therefore the study site is categorized as a second-order river. 3.4 Sungai Mengkibol in Kluang Sungai Mengkibol (20 km in length) is a small river that flows northward through the town of Kluang. Sungai Mengkibol receives flows from Sungai Melantai before joining Sungai Semberong. The studied reach was located at the middle section of the river, nearby the bus station as shown in Figure 3.6. Figure 3.6: The location of Sungai Mengkibol and its sampling site. 49 Kluang town has a population of approximately 56000 residents, where the area is largely occupied with residential areas (1437 ha), commercial buildings (100 ha), and facilities, while in overall Kluang district is mainly covered with agricultural lands with 11500 ha in total (Majlis Perbandaran Kluang, 2004 in Nurul Huda, 2008). The agricultural activities here consist mainly of palm oil plantations, rubber planting as well as fruit plantations. From observations, about two-third of Kluang Town is covered by impervious areas, which comprised of road pavement, building and storm drainage. The river, which act as the main stormwater drainage for the town( as shown in Figure 3.7) had experienced many flood events, which the most recent and worst was during the abnormally high rainfall in December 2006 to January 2007. More than 400 mm of rain was recorded which was far exceeding the long-term mean monthly rainfall for Johor (Md Jafri, 2007 in Nurul Huda, 2008)). About 6 km stretch of the river, starting from Taman Muhibah area until the downstream, has undergone major flood mitigation works, such as dredging, channel widening, bank stabilizations and riparian vegetations. The enhancement of the amenity and recreational sites has been recently developed at some areas along the riverbank, especially at 700 m stretch along Jalan Cantik, namely Sungai Mengkibol Riverine Park (Figure 3.8). The river is observed to support some fish species such as Tilapia Hitam and Haruan, which are frequently fished or captured by immigrants as source of food. 50 Figure 3.7: Sungai Mengkibol as the main stormwater drainage in Kluang Town Figure 3.8: Sungai Mengkibol Riverine Park 51 CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Introduction This study is based on description and assessment of the biological and physical characteristics at every three rivers. The process of evaluating each river status involving physical characteristics; fish collection and habitat description, and water quality parameters which is verified via Water Quality Index and Interim National Water Quality Standard. 4.2 Fish Survey Work Fish collection is carried out along each river using a battery-powered backpack electro-fisher (as shown in Figure 4.1), while gill nets (Figure 4.2) is located at the downstream of the study reach and in river with deep water where electrofishing cannot be conducted at the area. Electro-fishing is conducted in a slow zig-zag pattern, against the water flow as that is the perfect technique to capture fish that has been currented. 52 The fishes captured (Figure 4.3) were sorted and recorded according to its family and species with reference of catalogues from Department of Fisheries. Biosurvey works were carried out at Sungai Dengar on 18th January 2009 (Event I) and 21st March 2009 (Event II). Meanwhile the fish sampling at Sungai Tui were conducted three times; Event I and Event II were carried out in 2008 while Event III was completed on 15th February 2009. Besides that, in Sungai Mengkibol, fish survey works were carried out in three times too; Event I in early 2008, Event II in November 2008 while Event III on 20th March 2009. Figure 4.1: Battery-powered backpack electro-fisher. 53 Figure 4.2: Gill net is located at downstream of study area and in deep water area. Figure 4.3: Fish collection after biosurvey work 54 4.3 Total Length A measuring board made of perspex and a fixed meter scale (Figure 4.4) was used to measure the total length of each individual samples. At the zero end of the scale, a suitable stop is placed at 90o angle. The anterior end of the fish is placed against this stop. The total length is recorded for comparison to the known maximum size of the species. Total length is defined as the greatest length of a fish from the anterior most projection of the head or upper lip to the longest caudal ray, with lobes squeezed together. For prawns, the length is measured from the tip of its longest whiskers to the caudal fin. The length is measured in centimeter (cm). Figure 4.4: Total length measurement of a fish 4.4 Individual Weight An electronic weight scale is used to weigh the individual mass of the fish. In addition, the total number and weight for each batch and species was also determined to represent the overall abundance in the specific river. The weight of fish, together with 55 its size distribution would indicate the fish life stages. The weight is measured in gram (g). Figure 4.5: Total weight measurement 4.5 Characterisation of River Habitats Surveys of the physical attributes of the reaches were carried out at the same segments as the fish survey. This field survey element consists of recognition and identification of physical components that relates to the channel form and habitat. The attributes of channel form consist of the river morphology and landuse or features at the banktop (Figure 4.6). Habitat types generally can be divided into two categories; instream habitat and channel units. Instream habitat basically consist of the physical features or structures within the river channel and at the banksides, whereas channel units are flow-dependant habitats (i.e habitats that are influenced by hydraulics regimes) such as riffles, runs and pools. Habitat survey form was used to record the habitat survey’s observation (Appendix A). Mapping and photographs of the segments along the studied reaches are essential as they aided the estimations of the distributions of the physical features. 56 Besides, maps of a reach can provide a useful store of information of stream morphology and extent of various habitat types. Sketches of the river are as shown in Appendices B, C, and D. Figure 4.6: River bank vegetation is one of the characteristics of river habitat 4.6 Measurement of Average River Velocity Velocity measurement of the water flow is necessary, not only to get the hydrological loading of the river but also to evaluate the importance of the streamflow to the distribution of fish and habitat features. The measurement of the velocity was conducted using floatation method. Therefore the surface velocity (Vsurf) calculated for each section as V surf = L t 57 Where L is measured reach length in metre(m) while t is travel time second(s). 4.7 Water Quality Assessment Based on expectation of water quality have an effect on the fish species in a river, water quality assessment of the rivers is necessary to be carried out to get the general overview of the river conditions. The status of the rivers was determined according to the Department of Environment (DOE) physico-chemical analysis, Water Quality Index (WQI) and Interim National Water Quality Standard (INWQS). Figure 4.7: River water sample is taken for laboratory test purposes. 58 CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 5.1 Fish Species Composition The fish assemblage structure and the abundance of individual fish species were examined. A total of 15 species was recorded at Sungai Dengar based on fish survey work that has been carried out on Event I and Event II. Meanwhile the sampling at Sungai Tui documented 22 species based on three times fish survey work; Event I, Event II and Event III. Other than that, in Sungai Mengkibol, 13 species were caught based on three times of samplings. 5.1.1 Fish Species Assemblages in Sungai Dengar Table 5.1 shows a total of four families and 15 species caught during the sampling events. Both events come up to with the same total species which is 10 species. The dominant family observed in this study is Cyprinidae with 88% (Figure 5.1) composition. 12 species of cyprinids was observed while the other three families 59 (Palaemonidae, Hemiramphidae, Channidae) consisted of one species each. The main cyprinids were Kawan and Seluang dua titik. Table 5.1: Fish species composition caught in Event I and II in Sungai Dengar Family Species Local Name Event I Event II Cyprinidae Labiobarbus cuvieri Kawan √ √ Labiobarbus festivus Kawan √ − Osteochilus vittatus Rong √ √ Rasbora sumatrana Seluang √ √ Luciosoma trinema Jejuang/nyenyuar √ − Temperas √ − Rasbora elegans Seluang 2 titik √ − Osteochilus hasselti Terbul − √ Chela anommalura Lalang − √ Crossocheilus oblongus Selimang siam − √ Daun − √ Puntius lateristriga Baguh √ − Palaemonidae Macrobrachium sp Udang gantung √ √ Hemiramphidae Dermogenys pusillus Julong √ √ Channidae Channa lucius Bujuk − √ Total Species 10 10 Cyclocheilichthys heteronema Neolissochilus hexagonolepis Overall Total Species 15 A total of 26 individuals were caught in Event I survey with a total weight of 202.4 grams as shown in Table 5.2. The species of Kawan was the most abundance, with 10 individuals which represent 38% out of total fishes caught and followed by Seluang Dua Titik with 15% as shown in Table 5.2. Meanwhile the lowest catch was 60 the species of Seluang, Temperas, Baguh and Julong, with only one specimen for each species. However, Event II recorded an increase in the number of fishes caught compared to Event I by 50 individuals with total weight of 668 grams a shown in Table 5.2. For this event, the highest catch obtained was Udang gantung with 17 individuals followed by Kawan, Seluang and Julong that recorded 10, 6, and 5 individuals respectively. The lowest catch during Event II was Daun, Baguh, and Bujuk with one specimen for each species. New species were obtained during Event II such as Bujuk, Terbul, Lalang, Selimang Siam, and Daun. Cyprinids still the dominated family with 54% (Figure 5.2). 61 Table 5.2: Number of individuals, weight and percentage according to species caught in Sungai Dengar Local Name Event I No of Weight ind (g) Kawan 10 Kawan Event II No of Weight % ind (g) % 45 38 10 220 20 3 14 11 − − 0 Rong 1 20 4 2 40 4 Seluang 1 7 4 6 40 12 Jejuang/nyenyuar 2 30.4 8 − − 0 Temperas 1 30 4 − − 0 Seluang dua titik 4 36 15 − − 0 Terbul − − 0 4 100 8 Lalang − − 0 3 20 6 Selimang siam − − 0 1 1 2 Daun − − 0 1 20 2 Baguh 1 5 4 − − 0 Udang gantung 2 <1 8 17 20 34 Julong 1 15 4 5 3 10 Bujuk − − 0 1 240 2 Total 26 202.4 100 50 668 100 62 Figure 5.1: The fish families recorded during Event I of Sungai Dengar Figure 5.2: The fish families recorded during Event II of Sungai Dengar 63 Based on the size range of fishes caught, as shown in Table 5.3, it is likely to assume that the river is inhabited by yearlings and adults. Specimen of Bujuk with 28 cm in length in Event II shows that the specimen is an adult, which can grow to a maximum size of 40 cm. Table 5.3: Size range of specimens caught at Sungai Dengar known Maximum Local Name Kawan Kawan Rong Seluang Jejuang/nyenyuar Temperas Seluang 2 titik Terbul Lalang Selimang siam Daun Baguh Size Range (cm) size (cm) Event I Event II 7.5-11.7 12.4 - 14.5 − − − 11.2 - 14.5 − 5.1 - 13.2 13 - 14.7 − 10.4 − 8.2-10.3 − − 14.7 - 11 − 11.7 - 13.7 − 6.9 − − 12 18 11.4 25 25 30 13 26.5 25.5 − 30 22 15 − 64 Udang gantung − Julong Bujuk 5.1.2 6.0-6.5 29.7 40 4.3 - 14.2 4.6 - 7.4 − 28 Fish Species Assemblages in Sungai Tui Table 5.4 shows a total of 10 families and 22 species during the three sampling events at the upstream of Sungai Tui. Based on Event I, 20 species were caught. The dominant family observed in Event I, with 11 of overall caught species is the family of Cyprinidae, followed by the families of Palaemonidae and Bagridae with 2 species each. The other families of fishes that caught on Event I are Nandidae, Cobitidae, Eleotridae, Mastacembelidae, and Channidae. Meanwhile, for Event II only 16 species were caught. Only 8 species of Cyprinids were recorded but still represent the dominant species in the river. The Palaemonidae were the second dominant family in the river. However, none fishes recorded from families of Nandidae and Eleotridae. Only one type of species recorded in Bagridae family which is baung akar (Mystus nemurus). New families that existed in the river have been recorded which were Siluridae and Osphronemidae. Siluridae represented by Lais while Osphronemidae represented by Sepat Padi. Other than that, in Event III with only 10 species from 5 families caught during the event, Cyprinids still dominated the river with 6 species have been caught. Palaemonidae still the second species that dominated the river. No new species caught in this event. The other families that recorded in Event III were Nandidae, Channidae, Palaemonidae, and Siluridae. 65 Table 5.4: Fish species composition caught in Event I, II and III in Sungai Tui Event Event Event I II III Terbul √ √ √ Rong √ √ √ Family Species Local Name Cyprinidae Osteochilus hasselti Osteochilus vittatus Table 5.4: Continued Chela Lalang √ √ √ Kawan √ √ √ Nyenyuar √ − − Selimang siam √ − − macrolepidota Sebarau √ √ √ Cyclocheilichthy s heteronema Temperas √ √ − √ − − anommalura Labiobarbus cuvieri Luciosoma trinema Crossocheilus oblongus Hampala Cyclocheilichthy s apogon Nandidae Temperas mata merah Rasbora sumatrana Seluang sumatra √ √ √ Rasbora elegans Seluang dua titik √ √ − Pristoplepis fasciatus Patung √ − √ 66 Bagridae Mystus nemurus Mystus negriceps Baung akar Baung akar sengat √ √ − √ − − Cobitidae Acanthopsis choirorhyhchos Lali √ √ − Eleotridae Oxyeleotris marmorata Ketutu √ − − mastacembelidae Mastacembelus armatus Tilan √ √ − Channidae Channa striatus Haruan √ √ √ Palaemonidae Macrobrachium resenbergii Udang galah √ √ √ √ √ − Lais − √ √ Sepat padi − √ − Total Species 20 16 10 Macrobrachium Udang gantung sp Table 5.4: Continued Siluridae Osphronemidae Krytopteris bicirrhis Trichogaster trichopterus Overall Total Species 22 In Event I, the total number of fishes caught was 217 with 7054 grams. The main family observed in this survey, with 81 % (Figure 5.3) of overall caught species was still the family of Cyprinidae, followed by the families of Palamonidae and Nandidae. The cyprinids were mainly represented by Terbul(68), Kawan(42), Rong(16) and Seluang dua titik (16) as shown in Table 5.5. Meanwhile, Event II shows the highest number of fishes caught compared to the other two events. A total of 261 numbers of fishes with 4428.27 grams were recorded. Although the number of fishes caught is the highest, but the weight of the fishes shows the lowest weight among the three events. This statement is proven by Kawan species. 67 DuringEvent I, 42 individuals of Kawan were caught by the weight of 877 grams. However, in Event II, 63 individuals of Kawan were caught but the weight recorded only 514.5 grams. Tilan from family of Mastacembelidae also recorded the same phenomenon. 6 grams of Tilan represents yearling compared to Event I where two individuals of Tilan recorded 81 grams. Tilan in Event I were adults. Yearling Udang galah also were recorded in Event II where 27 individuals of Udang Galah recorded 334.5 grams. In contrast, five Udang galah in Event I recorded 290 grams which can be classified that the Udang galah that were caught were adults. Other than that, Event III shows quite a large number of fishes that were caught. 253 fishes with 6122 grams were recorded in Event III. The highest numbers of fishes recorded were Terbul and Seluang Sumatra with 94 and 70 individuals’ respectively. Cyprinidae were recorded as the main family in the river in Event III with 86 % (Figure 5.5) of total fishes caught is cyprinids. Haruan recorded in this event were adults as the weight (1370 grams for four individuals) shows the highest weight among other Haruan in the two other events. 68 Table 5.5: Number of individuals, weight and percentage according to species caught in Sungai Tui Local Name Terbul Rong Lalang Kawan Nyenyuar Selimang siam Sebarau Temperas Temperas mata merah Seluang sumatra Seluang dua titik Patung Baung akar Baung akar sengat Lali Ketutu Tilan Haruan Udang galah Udang gantung Lais Sepat padi Total Event I Event II % 18 0.7 0.7 24 0 0 0.3 6.6 No of ind 94 9 2 43 − − 1 − Weight (g) 2940 115 310 637 − − 30 − % 37 3 0.9 18 0 0 0.5 0 − 0 − − 0 44 19 − 2 116.3 200 − 50 17 7 0 0.7 70 250 2 − 40 − 27 0 0.9 0 − 2 − 1 6 27 24 2 1 261 − 30 − 6 1230 334.5 57.47 170 6 4428.27 0 0.7 0 0.3 2 11 10 0.7 0.3 100 − − − − 4 23 − 5 − 253 − − − − 1370 170 − 260 − 6122 0 0 0 0 1.7 9 0 2 0 100 % 31 7 5 19 0.5 1.5 3 3 No of ind 48 2 2 63 − − 1 17 Weight (g) 1540 1 12.5 514.5 − − 40 120 145 2 − 1 16 11 3 19 110 350 81 0.5 7 5 1.5 6 4 1 2 3 5 7 − − 217 118 50 64 81 971 290 7 − − 7054 3 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 0 0 100 No of ind 68 16 12 42 1 3 4 7 Weight (g) 3131 243 195 877 35 29 161 97 5 Event III 69 Figure 5.3: The fish families recorded during Event I of Sungai Tui Figure 5.4: The fish families recorded during Event II of Sungai Tui 70 Figure 5.5: The fish families recorded during Event III of Sungai Tui Based on Table 5.6, In Event I, most of the fishes that have been caught were adults. For example, Baung akar sengat that has go above known maximum size where the range of size is 10.4 to 16.6 cm with the maximum known size is 15 cm. However, in Event II, only few species that has reached adult size where the other species were yearlings. For example, Tilan has the range of 22.5 to 40 cm which shows adults size because the known maximum size of Tilan is 40 cm. Other than that, Event III recorded a lot of adult size of fishes that have been caught. Haruan, Udang galah, Lais, and Udang gantung recorded the adult size. Meanwhile, other species shows range of size of juvenile. 71 Table 5.6: Size range of specimens caught at Sungai Tui Local Name Terbul Rong Lalang Kawan Nyenyuar Selimang siam Sebarau Temperas Temperas mata merah Seluang sumatra Seluang dua titik Patung Baung akar Baung akar sengat Lali Ketutu Tilan Haruan Udang galah Udang gantung Lais Sepat padi 5.1.3 Known Maximum size (cm) Size Range (cm) 30 30 22 25 26.5 15 70 25.5 Event I 8-22.3 7-15.8 9.4-18.2 7.5-18.5 18.5-19.7 8.8-10.7 14.4-17.4 7.7-14.3 Event II 7.1-18 5.1-7.4 6.7-10.4 4-16.1 − − 15.5 5.6-14.7 Event III 7.9 - 20.3 6.1 - 17 7.4 - 13.2 7.9 - 14.7 − − 14 − 25.5 13 0 20 65 11.2-17.7 14 7.5-12.5 7.2-15.0 8.8-19.2 − − 4.5-16.0 4.5-13.5 26.0-28.0 − 5.3 - 11.7 15 0 60 45 100 30 0 15 0 10.4-16.6 13.6-17.6 17.5 20.0-22.5 30-41.2 10.8-25 6.0-6.5 − − 11.8-13.9 − 17 22.5-40 5.0-41.0 4.25-11.5 13.0-13.5 13.0-13.5 9 − − − − 31.8 - 35.6 4.3 - 50.8 − 28.5 - 41 − 8.4 - 10.9 − Fish Assemblages in Sungai Mengkibol Table 5.7 shows a total of 8 families and 13 species including a crustacean species was caught. Based on Event I, Cyprinidae and Poeciliidae are the main species that have been caught with two species for each family. The other family recorded in Event I were Channidae, Claridae, Cichlidae, Loricariidae, Parastacidae, and Osphronemidae. 72 For Event II, Cyprinidae recorded the highest species during the fish sampling work which are Terbul and Kawan. Families of Channidae, Claridae, and Loricariidae recorded one species only in Event II. However, Event III recorded the the lowest diversity of species compared to the other two events. Only one species recorded for families of Cyprinidae, Cichlidae and Loricariidae. Two species were recorded in Family Poeciliidae. Table 5.7: Fish species composition caught in Event I, II and III in Sungai Mengkibol Family Species Cyprinidae Osteochilus hasselti Rasbora sumatrana Channidae Claridae Cichlidae Poeciliidae Loricariidae Parastacidae Osphronemidae Labiobarbus cuvieri Channa striatus Clarias batrychus Walking catfish Oreochromis mossambica Poecilia reticulata Poecilia phenops Gambusia holbrooki Hypostomus plecostomus Cherax quadricairnatus Trichogaster trichopterus Local/common Event Event Event Name I II III Terbul √ √ − − − √ √ √ √ − √ √ − √ − − − − Tilapia hitam √ − √ Gapi Molly Mosquito fish Amoured Catfish Red claw lobster − √ √ − − − √ − √ √ √ √ √ − − Sepat padi √ − − Total Species Overall Total Species 10 5 5 Seluang sumatra Kawan Haruan Keli Keli kayu 13 Based on Event I in Table 5.8, it can be concluded that Sungai Mengkibol is dominated by hardly and highly adaptable species. The most abundance is Molly with 25 individuals that represent 43% of the caught specimens, followed by Mosquito fish (27%), Tilapia hitam (10) and Bandaraya (8%). Event II recorded 16 individuals (73%) 73 of Bandaraya which the dominated species during the sampling work. Two individuals are recorded from Terbul, Kawan and Keli kayu which represent 9% each. 74 Table 5.8: Number of individuals, weight and percentage according to species caught in Sungai Mengkibol Local/common Name Event I Event II No of ind Weight (g) % % − − 0 2 0.8 − − 0 − − 0 − − 0 − − 0 0 11 50 0 5 10 0 3 <1 73 1 10 − − 0 − − 0 − − 0 22 70.8 100 % 2 60 9 − − 2 60 45 7.0 − − 0 Kawan 1 13 1 Haruan 1 310 1 − − Keli 1 40 1 − − Keli kayu − − 0 2 540 Tilapia hitam 6 1800 10 − − − − 0 − − Mosquito fish Amoured Catfish 16 <1 27 − − 5 235 8 16 580 Sepat padi Red claw lobster 1 5 1 − − 1 15 1 − − 25 6 43 − − 58 2469 100.0 22 1240 Total Weight (g) Weight (g) 4 Molly No of ind No of ind Terbul Seluang sumatra Gapi Event III 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 100 9 50 23 14 4 75 Fish Families Distribution in Event I of Sungai Mengkibol 8% 8% 10% 66% Cyprinidae Poeciliidae Channidae Loricariidae Claridae Parastacidae Cichlidae Osphronemidae Figure 5.6: The fish families recorded during Event I of Sungai Mengkibol. Fish Families Distribution in Event II of Sungai Mengkibol 17% 4% 9% 70% Cyprinidae Channidae Claridae Loricariidae Figure 5.7: The fish families recorded during Event II of Sungai Mengkibol 76 Fish Families Distribution in Event III of Sungai Mengkibol 5% 9% 36% 50% Cyprinidae Cichlidae Poeciliidae Loricariidae Figure 5.8: The fish families recorded during Event III of Sungai Mengkibol Based on the size range of fishes caught, as shown in Table 5.9, it is likely to assume that the river is inhabited by yearlings and adults. Specimen of Tilapia hitam with the highest range of 19.5 cm in size in Event I show that the specimen is an adult. Keli kayu with the range of 9.4 to 14.5 cm from Event II shows that some of the species are yearlings and adults. Mosquito fish in Event III shows with range 1.3 to 4.3 cm that the species has achieved adult size. Table 5.9: Size range of specimens caught at Sungai Mengkibol Local/common Name Terbul Seluang sumatra Kawan Haruan Keli Keli kayu Tilapia hitam Gapi Mosquito fish Amoured catfish known Maximum size (cm) 30 Event I 6.6 - 13.0 Size Range (cm) Event II 5.2 - 5.8 13 25 100 35 35 − − 3.5 − 13.1 38.5 26 − 16-19.5 − − − 5.8 - 5.9 − − 9.4 - 14.5 − − − − − − − 4.8 - 10.2 7.9 - 14.7 1.3 - 4.3 50 − 2.5 - 10.8 13 event III − 6.1 - 17 77 Sepat padi 15 Red claw lobster − Molly − 5.2 Water Quality Assessment 8.3 − − 14.6 2.1-5.2 − − − − The surface water quality conditions for the rivers were measured and compared with the Department of Environment (DOE) values of Water Quality Index (WQI) and Interim National Water Quality Standard (INWQS). The water level of Sungai Dengar increased due to continuous heavy rainfall the night before the sampling. Sungai Mengkibol and Sungai Tui’s water levels remain at the same level (comparison with the water level of previous study). However, the weather was fine during all of the sampling events. Results of WQI in Figure 5.9 shows that Sungai Dengar is in Class II, Sungai Tui is in Class III, whilst Sungai Mengkibol is in Class IV. Based on the classification by DOE, Class II condition are suitable and can support most of river species while Class III can only sustain tolerant or hard river species. However water body that is classified in Class IV is polluted and suitable for irrigation only. The Class II water quality of Sungai Dengar can be attributed to its location in old palm oil plantation where less dissolved nutrients enter the river. The sampling site at Sungai Tui was expected to demonstrate lower quality conditions, even though it was situated at the upstream, since the surroundings of this reach are mainly covered with shrubs and palm oil trees, thus, degradation of the water quality is associated with the dissolved nutrients from the plantation as well as suspended organic matter and sediments. On the other hand, the degradation of water quality in Sungai Mengkibol was expected as the river is the main stormwater drainage that caters the entire Kluang town. Other than that, effluent from waste water treatment plant (located at the side of the river) is also channeled to Sungai Mengkibol. 78 WQI classified Sungai Dengar in Class II, but INWQS shows that Sungai Dengar is categorized in Class I. Parameters such as DO, BOD5, COD, AN, TSS and turbidity(as shown in Table 5.13 contributes to the higher class of Sungai Dengar in INWQS. The clarity of Sungai is high as the values of TSS and turbidity were low with 0.0034 mg/l and 2.52 NTU respectively. Although, most of the parameters in Table 5.13 show Sungai Dengar classified in Class I, however pH put Sungai Dengar in Class III with value of 5.33(acidic). pH is an indicator of the existence of biological life as most of them thrive in a quite narrow and critical pH range. Sungai Dengar is quite acidic because of decomposition of leaves, palm frond, and wood debris in the river. However, Class III is suitable for fishes with common, economic value and tolerant. Although the WQI values demonstrate acceptable water conditions, however the results for Sungai Tui are notably high especially for BOD5, and COD values (11.76 mg/l and 60 mg/l respectively) in class IV of INWQS (Table 5.13). The AN, an indicator of pollution from the excessive usage of the ammonia rich fertilizers, value is within Class III, but it’s typical for waters running through agricultural lands. AN is an essential nutrient required for fishes, therefore the amount of AN in the river is sufficient that encourage many fishes to inhabit the river. Meanwhile, turbidity of the river is high with value of 53 NTU (Class IIA). Organic constituents contribute to the high value of turbidity and this was clearly shown by the brownish, muddy water throughout the whole river. High turbid water with fine suspended and deposited sediment provides a suitable hiding condition from predators. The results for Sungai Mengkibol exhibit very poor quality and polluted status in BOD5 (Class V of INWQS), COD (Class IV) and AN (Class V). However the BOD5/COD ratio is insensible. The BOD5 result is expected for an urban river, however the COD results is significantly low for water body which receives various sources of effluent and surface runoff. However, the results might be due to errors during laboratory analysis, as it was observed that the repeated analysis of the same samples exhibit high distinctions. 79 Class I 88 Class II 72 Class III 36 Class IV Class V Figure 5.9: Water Quality Index values at respective rivers Table 5.10: INWQS results for water quality parameters Parameters Sungai Dengar Sungai Tui Sungai Mengkibol Values Class Values Class Values Class DO(mg/l) 8.70 I 6.83 I 6.53 I BOD5 (mg/l) 1.95 I 11.76 IV 22.87 IV COD (mg/l) 23.6 I 60 IV 53 IV pH 5.33 III 6.77 I 6.91 I AN (mg/l) 0.11 I 0.69 III 2.93 V TSS (mg/l) 0.0034 I 9.975 I 68 III 80 Turbidity 5.3 (NTU) 2.52 I 53 IIA 40 IIA Colour 25 IIA 471 − − − Fish and Habitat Each fish has its own habitat. This section explains the habitat that favours each fish according to the rivers that has been studied. 5.3.1 Sungai Dengar Bujuk, a species that lives in temperature of 22-26 °C with maximum length up to 40 cm is known as a species with commercial value in fisheries. Inhabits slow moving streams and rivers, Bujuk is a common species in forest streams and always found in areas with plenty of aquatic vegetation, as well as submerged woody plants. Figure 5.1 shows the location of Bujuk that has been caught at Sungai Dengar in submerged woody plants. Other than that, Julong, with common length is 7 cm and lives in pH range of 7.0 to 8.0, has minor commercial value in fisheries but marketable for aquarium purpose. This species of fish which is mostly found in rivers, rivulets, canals, drains, ponds and lakes, favours to inhabit medium to large rivers, flooded fields and mainly stagnant waters. Figure 5.2 shows the location of Julong that was caught in Sungai Dengar, mostly in culverts. 81 Figure 5.10: Submerged woody plants was the location of Bujuk caught in Sungai Dengar Table 5.11: Fish species and habitat description in Sungai Dengar Local Name Kawan (cuveiri) Habitat Description Found in clear to black waters and rarely in extremely or slightly muddy waters. Feeds on detritus and insect larvae Kawan (festivus) Rong Seluang Jejuang/Nyenyuar Temperas Seluang 2 titik Baguh Udang gantung Mainly in rivers and also lakes Inhabits streams and creeks with moderate to swift, relatively cold and well-oxygenated water. Lives in hill streams to lowland peats Occurs in river mainstream and low gradient tributaries with logs and leaf-litter on the bottom. Inhabits rivers over muddy substrate as well as forest streams. Occur near the bottom of large rivers. Inhabits forest streams Usually inhabits clear mountain streams strewn with rocks and boulders; frequently found below waterfalls Easily found in rivers 82 Found in rivers, rivulets, canals, drains, ponds and lakes. Inhabits medium to large rivers, flooded fields and mainly stagnant waters. Julong Most common in areas with floating plants or rooted aquatics that reach the surface. Larvae and early juveniles are sometimes found in the upper reaches of mangroves during the wet season Inhabits slow moving streams and rivers, as well as lakes, ponds Bujuk and swamps. A common species in forest streams. Often found in areas with plenty of aquatic vegetation, as well as submerged woody plants. Source: http://www.fishbase.org Figure 5.11: Culverts was the location of Julong caught in Sungai Dengar. 83 5.3.2 Sungai Tui Sebarau, a species with commercial value both in fisheries and aquarium, inhabit a river with high flow and have small fishes and prawns as its diet. They tend to favour fallen logs (lying horizontally in the water), weed banks, stream or river mouths. a. As Sungai Tui is one of the tributaries of Sungai Muar, it is expected that Sebarau (migratory species) originated from Sungai Muar. However, because of the predators in the river, Sebarau migrates to Sungai Tui to protect its species. Figure 5.3 shows the location of Sungai Tui that inhabited by Sebarau. Besides that, the river was also inhabited by Haruan. Mature/adult Haruan riches with Vitamin A and Amino acid which is good for wound recuperation, therefore it is consider as economic importance species. Haruan preference habitat is deep, still muddy water where it survives by burrowing in the mud. Therefore, during the fish survey works, four Haruan were caught in an area covered by aquatic vegetation with muddy bottom. Figure 5.4 shows the location of Sungai Tui that populated by Haruan. Furthermore, Lais was the other species that inhabit Sungai Tui. Requires current and free swimming space, combined with some form of shelter (floating plants, large leaves) underneath which they will stand, a Lais can achieve a size of 15 cm and lives in pH of 6.0-7.5. Lais that originally has transparent body and turns milky white when dead favor dark places to being out in the open light (http://www.fishbase.org). Therefore, Lais was found under a bridge in Sungai Tui as shown in Figure 5.5. Besides that, Udang galah is commercially important for its value as a food source. Udang galah favours to inhabit habitat with a lot of woody debris (as shown in Figure 5.6) with a small velocity as the area contains food source for Udang galah. 84 Table 5.12: Fish species and habitat description of Sungai Tui Local name Habitat Description Occurs in all type of habitats, but usually associated with large streams with slow current and muddy to sandy substrate. Migrates from river to flooded areas during the onset of the flood season and Terbul returns to river habitats at the end of that period. Spends the flood season in seasonally inundated areas. Juveniles are usually seen first in August, they move back to permanent water as flooded lands dry up. Lalang Found at the surface of small mountain rivers with complete or nearly complete forest canopy. Table 5.12: Continued Found in clear to black waters and rarely in extremely or slightly Kawan Rong muddy waters. Mainly in rivers and also lakes Occurs mainly in clear rivers or streams with running water and Sebarau sandy to muddy bottoms. Found in most water bodies, except small creeks, torrents, and shallow swamps. A migratory species. Inhabits streams and creeks with moderate to swift, relatively cold Seluang and well-oxygenated water. Lives in hill streams to lowland peats Inhabits ponds, streams and rivers, preferring stagnant and muddy water of plains. Found mainly in swamps, but also occurs in the Haruan lowland rivers. More common in relatively deep (1-2 m), still water. Very common in freshwater plains. Occurs in medium to large rivers, brooks, flooded fields and stagnant waters including sluggish 85 flowing canals. Survives dry season by burrowing in bottom mud of lakes, canals and swamps as long as skin and air-breathing apparatus remain moist and subsists on the stored fat Inhabits large rivers with turbid waters. Reported to prefer fast flowing water and usually occurs along the shores. Enters flooded Lais fields. Found in lowland streams to peat adjacent in large school up to 100 fish. Found in slow or standing waters, among bushes of shore Patong vegetation. Occurs in medium to large-sized rivers and flooded fields Inhabit in a lot of woody debris area with a small velocity as the Udang galah area has a lot of food Occurs in river mainstream and low gradient tributaries with logs Jejuang/nyenyuar and leaf-litter on the bottom. Usually occurs in hill streams or near rapids, in clear, fast flowing Selimang siam water. Found at bottom depths of rivers and streams. Table 5.12: Continued Temperas Inhabits rivers over muddy substrate as well as forest streams. Occur near the bottom of large rivers. Inhabits small streams, reservoirs, lakes, canals, ditches, and generally areas with slow moving or standing water. Occurs in Temperas mata merah medium to large-sized rivers. Stomach contents are composed of fish and insect remains. Typically found around surfaces, such as plant, leaves, branches and tree roots where it browses for small plankton and crustaceans. Moves into flooded forests and nonforested floodplains. Seluang titik Inhabits forest streams Source: http://www.fishbase.org 86 Figure 5.12: Sebarau was caught in Sungai Tui Figure 5.13: Typical habitat when Haruan were caught at Sungai Tui 87 Figure 5.14: Lais were caught under a bridge at Sungai Tui Figure 5.15: Location Udang Galah caught in Sungai Tui 88 5.3.3 Sungai Mengkibol During breeding time of Bandaraya, the female will lay her eggs in an area that is sheltered such as a cave, or inside a log; it is then up to the male to fan the eggs which helps to oxygenate and clean them, and defend them from predators. Ikan Bandaraya occurs along Singai Mengkibol as shown in Figure 5.7. Keli kayu favours to live alone by submerging itself in a mud area. It comes out from the hiding place just for food and oxygen on the surface of water. A Keli Kayu habitat is in deep, calm pool in the river with muddy bed (http://www.fishbase.org). Keli populated water temperature of 28°C and can grow up to 35 cm. Figure 5.8 shows the location with muddy bottom of Keli kayu was caught during fish survey work. Tilapia Hitam lives in any type of freshwater and tends to eat food that consists of weeds and detritus. Tilapia is originally from Africa and Levant. Therefore in Malaysia, the fish is categorized as introduced fish. Tilapia Hitam inhabited along Sungai Mengkibol. 89 Table 5.13: Fish species and habitat description of Sungai Mengkibol Local/common Habitat Description Name Found in extreme environments, from anoxic conditions (slack Ikan bandaraya water zones bordered by dense vegetation) to slightly turbid but free flowing streams. When its biotope becomes dry, it can move pout of the water, due to its ability to breathe intestinally, in Thrives in standing waters. Inhabits reservoirs, rivers, creeks, Tilapia hitam drains, swamps and tidal creeks; commonly over mud bottoms, often in well-vegetated areas. Also found in warm weedy pools of sluggish streams, canals, and ponds. Most common in blind estuari Seluang sumatra Mosquito fish Inhabits streams and creeks with moderate to swift, relatively cold and well-oxygenated water. Lives in hill streams to lowland peats Inhabits warm, still waters typically seen shoaling at the edges of streams and lakes Occurs in warm springs and their effluents, weedy ditches and canals. Found in various habitats, ranging from highly turbid water Gapi in ponds, canals and ditches at low elevations to pristine mountain streams at high elevations. Inhabits slow-flowing or still water near the margin of pools among vegetation. Occurs in all type of habitats, but usually associated with large streams with slow current and muddy to sandy substrate. Migrates Terbul from river to flooded areas during the onset of the flood season and returns to river habitats at the end of that period. Spends the flood season in seasonally inundated areas. 90 Table 5.13: Continued Kawan Found in clear to black waters and never to rarely in extremely or slightly muddy waters. Inhabits ponds, streams and rivers, preferring stagnant and muddy water of plains. Found mainly in swamps, but also occurs in the lowland rivers. More common in relatively deep (1-2 m), still Haruan water. Very common in freshwater plains. Occurs in medium to large rivers, brooks, flooded fields and stagnant waters including sluggish flowing canals. Survives dry season by burrowing in bottom mud of lakes, canals and swamps as long as skin and airbreathing apparatus remain moist and subsists on the stored fat Inhabits lowland streams, swamps, ponds, ditches, rice paddies, and pools left in low spots after rivers have been in flood. Usually confined to stagnant, muddy water. Found in medium to large- Keli kayu sized rivers, flooded fields and stagnant water bodies including sluggish flowing canals. Can live out of water for quite sometime and move short distances over land. Can walk and leave the water to migrate to other water bodies using its auxiliary breathing organs. Source: http://www.fishbase.org Figure 5.16: Sungai Mengkibol that inhabited mostly by Bandaraya and Tilapia hitam 91 Figure 5.17: Location of Keli kayu was caught in Sungai Mengkibol 5.4 Relations between Fish Assemblages and Physical Characteristics of Rivers 5.4.1 Sungai Dengar Cyprinids are the dominant species with biggest population in Sungai Dengar. However, there are other interesting fish species that inhabit the river. Bujuk, a species that inhabits slow moving forests streams and rivers generally populates aquatic vegetation area as well as submerged woody plants. Therefore, in Sungai Dengar, Bujuk was found in area with submerged woody plant. Other than that, Julong is mostly populate at the surface water in shallow rivers, rivulets, canals, drains, ponds and lakes as the area has low level of water. Therefore, in Sungai Dengar, Julong was found in culverts because of the shallow water and as a shelter for the fish species. Based on the discovery of several fish species in partially submerged woody plant and culverts, an assumption can be made that fish not only inhabit natural habitat but also artificial 92 structure. Therefore, any artificial structure for rehabilitation of a river need to consider a suitable structure that can support fish habitat. Besides that, water quality of Sungai Dengar also plays an important role of fish species diversity in the river. None of the species recorded during fish survey works shows migration species. This migration may not occur in Sungai Dengar as it is a ‘stand alone’ river that flows in palm oil plantation. Moreover, the river recorded the highest number of pools among the other two rivers. A stream pool, in hydrology, is a stretch of a river in which the water depth is above average and the stream velocity is quite low. Such pools can be important for juvenile fish habitat, especially where many stream reaches attain high temperatures and very low flow during dry season. This portion of a stream often provides specialized aquatic habitat for organisms that have difficulty feeding or navigating in swifter reaches of the stream (Plafkin, J.L. et al., 1989). Other than that, run, an unbreakable water flow in rivers provides accessible passage for fishes to travel from one spot to another for food seeking purposes. Based on observation during fish survey work in the three rivers, less fishes are recorded in this area as run only provided route for fishes and does not have adequate criteria for fishes to inhabited in run. Table 5.14 shows channel form and instream habitat of Sungai Dengar. 5.4.2 Sungai Tui Fish usually migrate because of diet or reproductive needs; although in some cases the reason for migration remains unknown. One possible factor that contributes to the species richness in Sungai Tui is migration of species from Sungai Muar. Predation might be the likely factor influencing this migration, where smaller fishes and crustaceans such as Udang galah seek for better spawning grounds and for living, away from predators such as larger fishes and crocodiles. Moreover, as the river is generally a lowland area, therefore when the water level of Sungai Muar increases (due to floods or heavy precipitations), the water overflows into its tributaries, and thus bring in or introducing species till the upstream of Sungai Tui. Other than that, large woody debris 93 (LWD) in the stream helps create habitat complexity. As soon as they are placed, they immediately create cover for fish and a substrate for invertebrates (diet for fishes). In addition, trunks deflect flows in complex ways, boosting the dynamics of scour and deposition. Debris accumulation create backwater and inundate the bank areas, depositing sediment and affecting the riparian vegetation. Woody structure makes the best places for fish to hide both in the stream and the undercut banks, whether from anglers or from the predators. In particular, tangled root wads and logs with pools scoured beneath them are the ideal place to find fish. LWD has been shown to have large effects on fish populations, serving as both a refuge from predation and a substrate for food resources. The rich species and abundance in Sungai Tui is estimated to be highly influenced by these distributions of large woody debris. A riffle (also known as a swift) is a shallow stretch of a river or stream, where the current is below the average stream velocity and where the water forms small rippled waves as a result (Wikipedia, 2009). It often consists of a rocky bed of gravels or other small stones. This portion of a stream is often an important habitat for small aquatic invertebrates and juvenile fishes. Based on Figure 5.18, Sungai Tui recorded higher number of riffle compared to Sungai Mengkibol. Therefore, it is assumed that many fish species composition is recorded in Sungai Tui due to ample riffle provided in the river as riffle increases DO levels in water plus scouring organic matter that attached to the riffle materials (food for fishes). Based on the variety of fishes habitat as described in sub-section 5.4, an assumption of specific fishes inhabit a specific habitat can be made. Table 5.15 shows channel form and instream habitat of Sungai Tui. 5.4.3 Sungai Mengkibol On the other hand, Sungai Mengkibol was dominated by introduced fishes. The hardy and non-native species such as the armored catfish might be introduced into Sungai Mengkibol through various factors (e.g intentionally released by fish breeders and aquarists). These species such as Tilapia hitam, are highly reproductive and can be 94 a possible threat to native species through competition for food and nest space, and they occupy a wide range of habitat. These invasive species can affect the physical, biological and ecological condition of rivers; therefore restrict the recovery of native species from disturbance (Global Invasive species database, 2006). Besides that, vegetation (trees, shrubs, and herbs) are important for bank stability (as it provides deep, binding roots), control nutrient cycling, reduce water velocity, provide fish cover and food, trap sediments, reduce erosion and reduces the rate of evaporation. Appropriate riparian vegetation shield soil and water from wind, sunlight and raindrop impact. This reduces erosion due to wind and the disruptive impacts of rainfall as well as promoting groundwater recharge by enhancing stormwater infiltration. Vegetation canopy cover provides shade, thereby reducing water temperatures and improving aquatic habitat. Declination in riparian condition can result in altered habitat and food web structure and can promote invasion by alien fish species. This factor might be one of the causes of the observed species composition in Sungai Mengkibol. Stream bank of Sungai Mengkibol with bank stabilisation structure (artificial structure) has less fishes inhabited that area (based on observation during fish survey work) compared to stream bank with vegetation. Other than that, due to low number of canopy cover in Sungai Mengkibol, it is assumed that the water temperature increases and contributes to less species in the river compared to the other rivers in this study. Table 5.16 shows Sungai Mengkibol channel form and instream habitat. Number of Channel Units in Studied Rivers 70 60 50 Sungai Dengar 40 Sungai Tui 30 Sungai Mengkibol 20 10 0 Pool Riffle Run Figure 5.18: Number of Channel Units in Three Rivers; Sungai Dengar, Sungai Tui and Sungai Mengkibol 95 Table 5.14: Sungai Dengar Channel Form and Instream Habitat Channel Form Range Bank angle ( degree) 20 - 75 Banktop height (m) 0.2 - 1.7 Banktop width (m) 5 - 13 Percentage trees (woody vegetation > 3 m tall) 50 - 85 Percentage shrub (woody vegetation < 3 m tall) 5 - 93 Percentage herbaceous vegetation 3 - 75 Percentage artificial structure 0-5 Percentage bare soil 0.5 - 10 Instream Habitat Depth (m) 0.15 - 1.3 Mean velocity (m/s) Wet width (m) 3-9 Percentage silt/clay 0-4 Percentage sand 30 - 95 Percentage leaf litter 10 - 40 Percentage woody debris per m2 3 - 37 Percentage root mass per m2 10 - 30 Percentage canopy cover per m2 50 - 85 96 Figure 5.19: Shrub on both side of river bank in Sungai Dengar Figure 5.20: Artificial structure at Sungai Dengar Figure 5.21: Palm oil trees along Sungai Dengar 97 Figure 5.22: Wood debris in Sungai Dengar Figure 5.23: Leaf litter in Sungai Dengar Figure 5.24: Root mass in Sungai Dengar 98 Table 5.15: Sungai Tui Channel Form and Instream Habitat Channel Form Range Bank angle ( degree) 20 - 75 Banktop height (m) 0.4 - 1.8 Banktop width (m) 4.5 - 8.5 Percentage trees (woody vegetation > 3 m tall) 0 - 33 Percentage shrub (woody vegetation < 3 m tall) 3.5 - 33 Percentage herbaceous vegetation 30 - 93 Percentage bare soil 2.5 - 32 Instream Habitat Depth (m) 0.17 - 1.3 Mean velocity (m/s) 0.15 - 0.33 Wet width (m) 1.6 - 8.5 Percentage silt/clay 8.5 - 53 Percentage sand 0.25 - 14 Percentage gravel 0.3 - 5 Percentage rock/cobble 0 - 17 Percentage leaf litter 6 - 30 Percentage woody debris per m2 3 - 12 Percentage root mass per m2 0-2 Percentage canopy cover per m2 0-2 99 Figure 5.25: Shrub on the river bank of Sungai Tui Figure 5.26: Bare soil at certain area of Sungai Tui Figure 5.27: Woody debris in Sungai Tui 100 Table 5.16: Sungai Mengkibol Channel Form and Instream Habitat Channel Form Range Bank angle ( degree) 35 - 90 Banktop height (m) 3.5 - 5 Banktop width (m) 15 - 23 Percentage trees (woody vegetation > 3 m tall) 0 - 15 Percentage shrub (woody vegetation < 3 m tall) 0 - 30 Percentage herbaceous vegetation 30 - 84 Percentage artificial structure 0 - 35 Percentage bare soil 0.5 - 25 Instream Habitat Depth (m) 0.02 - 0.85 Mean velocity (m/s) 0.22 - 1.06 Wet width (m) 7.5 - 16.70 Percentage sand 35 - 78 Percentage litter per m2 3 - 35 Percentage artificial boulder/concrete per m2 0 - 10 Percentage woody debris per m2 0-5 Percentage canopy cover per m2 0-8 101 Figure 5.28: Herbaceous vegetation along Sungai Mengkibol Figure 5.29: Retention wall as artificial structure at Sungai Mengkibol Figure 5.30: Bare soil at certain area of Sungai Mengkibol 102 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Conclusions Monitoring fish communities is a viable alternative to physiochemical monitoring programs for assessment of biotic integrity. This study suggests that changes to fish species composition are related primarily to habitat structure and habitat loss, rather than to factors such as water chemistry. Sungai Tui exhibits a rich and diverse fish composition (with 10 families and 22 species) despite of its impaired environment in terms of water quality and channel conditions compared to the natural-state of Sungai Dengar. There were also species of high economical values observed inhabit in Sungai Tui such as Ketutu, Baung akar, Sebarau and Udang galah. Nevertheless, there are two species in Sungai Dengar which was not present in the other two rivers; Julong and Bujuk. In Sungai Mengkibol, it is clearly evident that the completed rehabilitation works focused on flood mitigation efforts and beautification of the riversides, whereas efforts in the restoration of biota were neglected. 103 Furthermore, bankside vegetation (e.g. trees, canopy cover), fish species migratory, velocity, channel units and large woody debris appear to be the most influential factors in shaping species assemblages, and should be taken into consideration when defining aquatic habitat types for conservation and rehabilitation planning. Therefore, the distribution and variability of instream habitats and channel units are essential in influencing the degree of food availability, protection from predators as well as for breeding, thus in turn significantly enhance the liveability and composition of aquatic lives, especially fish species. Besides that, artificial structure such as culverts helps to provide habitat to certain fish in river. According to water quality Index (WQI), Sungai Dengar in Class II Sungai Tui is classified in Class III and Sungai Mengkibol in Class IV. The water quality results of Sungai Tui and Sungai Mengkibol, especially BOD5, COD, AN, and TSS, were highly influenced by the surrounding landuse activities, together with the lack composition of riparian vegetation and channel form. 6.2 Recommendations Recommendation for future works to further understand the correlation between fish species composition and distribution of physical habitats in rivers are listed as follow: i. Frequent samplings or replicates should be conducted to quantify variability within a river, between different streams and/or over time, 104 since the channel morphology itself change over time, thus instream habitats and channel units locations may change. ii. Involvement of interdisciplinary teamwork of professionals is required in order to come up with improved outcome in the study. 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Distribution and Habitat Preferences of Five Species of Prawns in Checkhall River, Dominica. 109 APPENDIX A: HABITAT SURVEY FORM 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 APPENDIX B: SKETCHES OF SUNGAI DENGAR 118 119 120 APPENDIX C: SKETCH OF SUNGAI TUI 121 122 123 APPENDIX D: SKETCH OF SUNGAI MENGKIBOL 124 Plan View of Sungai Mengkibol 125 Appendix E Fish Species Caught in Sungai Dengar Scientific Name: Labiobarbus cuvieri Local Name: Kawan Common Name: Signal Barb Scientific Name: Labiobarbus fectivus Local Name: Kawan Common Name: Signal Barb Scientific Name: Osteochilus vittatus Local Name: Rong Common Name: Sharkminnow Scientific Name: Rasbora sumatrana Local Name: Seluang Common Name: Signal Barb Scientific Name: Luciosoma trinema Local Name: Jejuang/nyenyuar Common Name: Long-fin Apollo Shark 126 Scientific Name: Cyclocheilichthys heteronema Local Name: Temperas Common Name: Indian River Barb Scientific Name: Rasbora elegans Local Name: Seluang 2 titik Common Name: Two-spot Rasbora Scientific Name: Osteochilus hasselti Local Name: Terbul Common Name: Hasselt’s Bony Lip Barb Scientific Name: Chela anommalura Local Name: Lalang Common Name: - Scientific Name: Crossocheilus oblongus Local Name: Selimang siam Common Name: Barb Scientific Name: Neolissochilus hexagonolepis Local Name: Daun Common Name: - 127 Scientific Name: Puntius lateristriga Local Name: Baguh Common Name: Spanner Barb Scientific Name: Macrobrachium sp Local Name: Udang gantung Common Name: Signal Barb Scientific Name: Dermogenys pusillus Local Name: Julong Common Name: Halfbeak Scientific Name: Channa lucius Local Name: Bujuk Common Name: Forest Snakehead 128 Appendix F Fish Species Caught in Sungai Tui Scientific Name: Osteochilus hasselti Local Name: Terbul Common Name: Hasselt’s Bony Lip Barb Scientific Name: Osteochilus vittatus Local Name: Rong Common Name: Sharkminnow Scientific Name: Chela anommalura Local Name: Lalang Common Name: - Scientific Name: Labiobarbus cuvieri Local Name: Kawan Common Name: Signal Barb Scientific Name: Luciosoma trinema Local Name: Jejuang/nyenyuar Common Name: Long-fin Apollo Shark 129 Scientific Name: Crossocheilus oblongus Local Name: Selimang siam Common Name: Barb Scientific Name: Hampala macrolepidota Local Name: Sebarau Common Name: Hampala Barb Scientific Name: Cyclocheilichthys heteronema Local Name: Temperas Common Name: Indian River Barb Scientific Name: Cyclocheilichthys apogon Local Name: Temperas mata merah Common Name: Red-eyed Barb Scientific Name: Rasbora sumatrana Local Name: Seluang Common Name: Signal Barb Scientific Name: Rasbora elegans Local Name: Seluang 2 titik Common Name: Two-spot Rasbora 130 Scientific Name: Pristoplepis fasciatus Local Name: Patung Common Name: Marroon perch Scientific Name: Mystus nemurus Local Name: Baung akar Common Name: Bagrid catfish Scientific Name: Acanthopsis choirorhyhchos Local Name: Lali Common Name: Hoarse-faced loach Scientific Name: Oxyeleotris marmorata Local Name: Ketutu Common Name: Marbled goby Scientific Name: Mastacembelus armatus Local Name: Tilan Common Name: Spiny eel Scientific Name: Channa striatus Local Name: Haruan Common Name: Snake head 131 Scientific Name: Macrobrachium resenbergii Local Name: Udang galah Common Name: Giant River Prawn Scientific Name: Macrobrachium sp Local Name: Udang gantung Common Name: Signal Barb Scientific Name: Krytopteris bicirrhis Local Name: Lais Common Name: Marroon perch 132 Appendix G Fish Species Caught in Sungai Mengkibol Scientific Name: Osteochilus hasselti Local Name: Terbul Common Name: Hasselt’s Bony Lip Barb Scientific Name: Rasbora sumatrana Local Name: Seluang Common Name: Signal Barb Scientific Name: Labiobarbus cuvieri Local Name: Kawan Common Name: Signal Barb Scientific Name: Channa striatus Local Name: Haruan Common Name: Snake head 133 Scientific Name: Clarias batrychus Local Name: Keli Common Name: catfish Scientific Name: Oreochromis mossambica Local Name: Mozambique Tilapia Common Name: Walking catfish Scientific Name: Poecilia phenops Local Name: Common Name: Molly Scientific Name: Hypostomus plecostomus Local Name: Bandaraya Common Name: Amoured Catfish