The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2016 The Characteristics of using Credit Card Affecting to the Causes of Bad Debt of People in Bangkok Metropolitan Region Mukda Kowhakul* *Rangsit University, Pathumthani, THAILAND. E-Mail: mukda.k{at}rsu{dot}ac{dot}th Abstract—Previous studies have focused on distress of credit use. However, many people in Thailand have used credit cards, and cannot pay off credit card debt. The objectives of this study were to investigate the personal factors and the characteristics of using credit cards which affect the cause of bad debt. The study was a research survey that used questionnaires to collect data from 400 samples of credit card holders from the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. From the study, the samples which responded to the questionnaire shared the following characteristics: There were females, age between 29-30 years old, single status, master degree of education; most of them are employees in private companies which have 1-2 credit card holders in amount of 50,000 baht limit. They use credit cards for spending on consumers goods, at less than 5,000 baht per time. Keywords—Bad Debt; Bangkok; Bangkok Metropolitan; Characteristics of using Credit Card; Credit Card; People in Bangkok; Using Credit Card. Abbreviations—Bad Debt (BD); Bangkok Metropolitan (BKK); Credit Card (CRC). I. N INTRODUCTION OWADAYS, credit cards have become a major instrument for carrying out and financing purchases in our society [Beckman & Foster, 2]. Credit cards have revolutionized consumer spending habits and changed the face of business. In today’s economy, credit cards represent an important part of household, business, and global activity. Furthermore, most of commercial banks have market competition and they have many strategies to lure customers inclusive of various services, high development technology to ensure the customer convenience, using electronics for business transactions, as well as, the credit card transaction [Kowhakul, 13]. Therefore, the credit card performs a very important function in today’s world. Credit cards make life easier and they are not only important for individuals and businesses -- but they’re an important aspect of continued economic growth. For individuals, credit cards are an important part of everyday life. Increased borrowing on credit cards to finance consumption is usually seen as a stimulating factor for the economy. However, even though credit cards have many uses -they can be dangerous tools if used haphazardly and without responsibility. Credit card debt is a serious problem for many individuals and families. Many individuals do not know how credit cards work before they use them. Credit cards can cause long term damage to financial health [Brigham & Ehrhardt, 4]. While there may be a negative stigma attached ISSN: 2321-242X to credit cards, if used with responsibility they can be advantageous in many ways. Credit cards require discipline to yield positive results -- involving debt or bad credit [Chapin & Hasset, 5]. There are many who lack the discipline needed to use credit cards as proper tools. Racking up debt and worrying about it later seems to be the trend. The Bank of Thailand (BOT) Analysis reveals that the number of NPL (Non Performing Loan) from credit card holders is on the increase; hence, BOT will seek the various means for reducing NPL. Therefore, this research will investigate the characteristics of using credit card which affect to the causes of bad debt in order that the financial institutions will have the means for reducing bad debt and have guidance in selecting the customers in the matter of accepting credit card risk. Another goal involves the response to the question of how to use the credit card in right ways and effectively. II. RELATED WORKS The related works of this study are as follows: 2.1. Objectives The purpose of this study are To study the personal factors which affect to the causes of bad debt. To study the characteristics of using credit cards which affect to the cause of bad debt. © 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 12 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2016 2.2. Scope of the Study 2.4. Framework of the Study The scope of study for this research paper are Content: To study the personal factors such as gender, age, status, occupation, education, and income, studying the characteristics of using credit cards such as types of credit cards, amount of credit card, line of credit card, types of using credit card, frequency of credit card, place of using credit card and amount expended of credit card. Population: The population of this research is credit card holder from Bangkok Metropolitan Region : Nakorn Prathom, Nonthaburi, Prathumtani and Samutprakarn. The comprehensive samples are to be provided in amount of 400 samples The conceptual framework of this study was designed such that the independent variables and dependent variables as follows: Independent variables - The demographic factors - the nature of the personal factors : gender, age, status, occupation, education and income - The characteristics of using credit card : types of credit cards, amount of credit card, line of credit card, types of using credit card, frequency of using credit card, location of using credit card and amount expended of credit card Dependent variables: the causes of bad debt are - financial problem - unpaid debt problem - increase in personal debt problem - decrease in paying debt problem - interest rate problem. 2.3. Hypothesis of the Study This study attempts to examine the following research questions: The difference in personal factors have significance in causing of bad debt. The difference in characteristics of using credit cards have significance in causing of bad debt. Dependent variables Independent variables The personal factors: - gender - age - status - occupation - education - income The causes of bad debt: - financial problem - unpaid debt problem - increase in personal debt problem - decrease in paying debt problem - interest rate problem. The characteristics of using credit card : - types of credit card - amount of credit card - line of credit card - types of using credit card - frequency of using credit card - place of using credit card - amount expended of credit card Figure 1: Framework of the Study III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The materials and research methodology used in this study are the following: 3.1. Types of Research The research is a quantitative measurement effected by surveying and collecting data from a questionnaire [Hill & Alexander, 12]. The statistics of this paper include frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and hypothesis ISSN: 2321-242X testing by the T-test, F-test which were applied to analyze the data. 3.2. Research Procedure Population and Samples: The population of this study is 400, being the credit card holders in Bangkok Metropolitan Region: Bangkok, Nakorn Prathom, Nonthaburi, Prathumtani and Samutprakarn Province -- the researcher used these populations as a sample and collected 400 samples by proportion as follows: © 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 13 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2016 Table 1: Number of Populations and Proportion Province No. of Populations Proportion (%) 5,673,560 54.27 Bangkok 882,184 8.42 Nakorn Prathom 1,141,673 10.89 Nonthaburi 1,033,837 9.89 Prathumtani 1,241,610 11.85 Samutprakarn 510,511 4.86 Samutsakorn 10,483,375 100.00 Total Source: Department of Provincial Administration, 2014 [10] The samples of this study have selected among the credit card holders in Bangkok Region. But because of unknown data, therefore, the researcher had calculated from the unknown sample size by Cochran (1996: 2) formula as follows : In case of unknown population size p = 0.5 If confidence level = 95% or significance level = 0.05., the value of Z = 1.96 For convenience, the 400 samples were selected from the proportion of this following population: Table 2: Number of Proportion and Samples Province Proportion (%) Samples 54.12 216 Bangkok 8.42 33 Nakorn Prathom 10.89 44 Nonthaburi 9.86 40 Prathumtani 11.85 47 Samutprakarn 4.86 20 Samutsakorn 100.00 400 Total The sampling of this study is simple random sampling, according to the purpose of this research. Instrument The questionnaire was employed as an instrument in this study. The questionnaire consists of four parts: The first part concerns the questions about the personal background: gender, age, status, occupation, education and income. The second part concerns the characteristics of using credit card: types of credit cards, amount of credit card, line of credit card, types of using credit card, frequency of using credit card, place of using credit card and amount expended of credit card. All these questions from first and second part are closedend question in multiple choices. The third part concerns the causes of bad debt: financial problem, unpaid debt problem, increase in personal debt problem, decrease in paying debt problem and interest rate problem. This third part is the 5 rating scale questions, which the answerers have opinions about. Measurement The criteria of measurement in rating scale is 5 level of opinion in the third part - the causes of bad debt, which is presented into 5 intervals, the interval scale is 0.8 Table 3: Criteria of Rating Scale in Five Level Mean Opinion Level very important 4.21 - 5.00 important 3.41 - 4.20 moderate important 2.61 - 3.40 less important 1.81 - 2.60 very less important 1.00 - 1.80 Testing For testing the qualified questionnaire, it is conducted into validity and reliability. - Content validity is the extent to which a concept, conclusion or measurement is well-founded and corresponds accurately by approving from research specialist; it can help determine what types of tests to use and help to make sure that methods used methods are not only ethical, but also a method that truly measures the idea or construct in question. - Reliability is the extent to which a measurement gives results that are consistent. The researcher conducted the questionnaire by pre-testing 25 samples who were not the same sample group, and followed by computer programming in the method of Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha in the third part of questionnaire [Cronbach, 7; 8], the result shown as below. Table 4: Cronbach’s Alpha of Questions Questions Cronbach’s Alpha Financial problem 0.957 Unpaid debt problem 0.927 Increase in personal debt problem 0.917 Decrease in paying debt problem 0.809 Interest rate problem 0.905 Total 0.967 N of cases = 25 The result exceeds 0.07 (α ≥ 0.9 Excellent -High-Stakes testing) showing that the research instrument has more reliability and describes the overall consistency of a measure. ● Data Collecting: The researcher distributed the questionnaire to 400 credit card holders in Bangkok and Region Province. The samples have good co-operation to response the questionnaire. Therefore, the data collection number of this study is 400 credit card holders, which is 100% of total samples. ● Data Analysis: The collected data were analyzed to describe the behavior of using credit card in causing of bad debt : a case study in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The descriptive statistics are these: frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and the inferential statistics are these: particularly the T-test, F-test were applied to analyze the data. IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Result The result of this study presents itself in five parts: general background of personal factors, the characteristics of using ISSN: 2321-242X © 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 14 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2016 credit card, the behavior of using credit cards, the causes of bad debt and hypothesis testing. ● General background of personal factors: The credit card holders which responded to the questionnaire shared the following characteristics: they were females, age between 2930 years old, single status, master degree of education; most of them are employees in private companies, and have incomes more over 40,001 baht. ● The characteristics of using credit card: The result of the characteristics of using credit card found that the samples have 1-2 credit card holders in amount of 50,000 baht limit. They use credit cards for spending on consumers goods, at less than 5,000 baht per time. ● The causes of bad debt: For the causes of bad debt analysis in 5 dimensions, it was found that the level of opinion is as follows : - The financial problems - was rated high level (mean = 3.43) and the highest level is they have expenditure than income. - The unpaid debt - was rated medium level (mean = 3.14) and the highest level is they have no discipline in systematic spending. - The increase in personal debt problem - was rated medium level (mean = 3.22) and the highest level is they use credit card excessively. - The decrease in paying debt problem - was rated medium level (mean = 3.26). and highest level is they have purchasing power in excess normally. - The interest rate problem - was rated medium level (mean = 3.22). and the highest level is involves high default interest rate and cash in advance. ● Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis 1. The difference in personal factors have significance in causing of bad debt. Hypothesis 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Table 5: Conclusion of Hypothesis 1 Cause of bad debt Personal No Factors Significance significance Gender X (.380) Age X (.767) Status X (.155) (0.005*) Education (except interest rate problems) Occupation X (.440) Income X (.301) 1.5 1.6 *Sig. = .05 Notice : significance X no significance From the hypothesis 1 testing, the inferential statistics showed that 1.1 The difference in personal factor with gender has no significance in causing of bad debt. 1.2 The difference in personal factor with age has no significance in causing of bad debt 1.3 The difference in personal factor with status has no significance in causing of bad debt ISSN: 2321-242X 1.4 The difference in personal factor with education has significance in causing of bad debt (except interest rate problem) 1.5 The difference in personal factor with occupation has no significance in causing of bad debt. 1.6 The difference in personal factor with income has no significance in causing of bad debt. Hypothesis 2. The difference in characteristics of using credit cards have significance in causing of bad debt Hypothesis 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Table 6: Conclusion of Hypothesis 2 Cause of bad debt Characteristics of No using Credit Card Significance Significance Types of credit X (.301) card Amount of credit X (.151) card Line of credit card (.002)* Types of using X (.451) credit card Frequency of using X (.292) credit card Place of using X (.175) credit card Amount expended (.040)* of credit card *Sig. = .05 Notice : significance X no significance From the hypothesis 1 testing, the inferential statistics showed that 2.1 The difference in characteristics of using credit with types of credit cards has no significance in causing of bad debt 2.2 The difference in characteristics of using credit with amount of credit cards has no significance in causing of bad debt 2.3 The difference in characteristics of using credit with line of credit cards has significance in causing of bad debt 2.4 The difference in characteristics of using credit with types of using credit cards has no significance in causing of bad debt 2.5 The difference in characteristics of using credit with frequency of using credit cards has no significance in causing of bad debt 2.6 The difference in characteristics of using credit with place of using credit cards has no significance in causing of bad debt 2.7 The difference in characteristics of using credit with amount expended of using credit cards has significance in causing of bad debt 4.2. Discussion From the result of this study, there are the following research discussions: © 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 15 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2016 ● The characteristics of using credit card affecting to the causes of bad debt of people in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Most of credit card holders 62.2% have the occupation in private companies with using credit card for spending on consumers goods [Loudon & Bitta, 14]. This result is similar to Chutipongraksa [6] concluded that most of consumer use credit card for purchasing goods and services in department store, hotel, hospital, restaurant and so on. ● From the analysis of causing bad debt, the result found that there are ore expenditure than income, and the fixed income has insufficient expenditure. Lack of discipline systematic spending, using credit card with excess necessary, power of expenditure has more excess normal and high interest rate of default and cash in advance. This result is consistent with Bank of Thailand (2014) concluded that the causes of bad debt from credit are – the credit card holder has unability to pay, in case of financial problems such as income insufficient with expenditure, they cannot pay bill collection with full payment due to irresponsibility. ● In result of hypothesis showed that line of credit card and amount expended of credit card had significant with the cause of bad debt. This was because of the level of education, effecting to level of work, income and purchasing power. Therefore, the higher level of education, the higher no bad debt because of ability to pay debt. V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS The purpose of this study was to investigate the personal factors and characteristic of using credit cards which affect the causes of bad debt. The instrument used for the data collection was a questionnaire that was composed of three parts: personal background, the characteristics of using credit card, and the causes of bad debt. The findings revealed that the credit card holder which responded to the questionnaire were females, age between 29-30 years old, single status, master degree of education; most of them are employees in private companies which have 1-2 credit card holders in amount of 50,000 baht limit. They use credit cards for spending on consumers goods, at less than 5,000 baht per time. From the study, it was indicated that the cause of bad debt analysis in 5 dimensions : the financial problems and the interest rate problem were rated high level, but the unpaid debt, the increase in personal debt problem, and the decrease in paying debt problem was rated medium level. The result of hypothesis testing, the inferential statistics showed that the difference in personal factors concerning gender, age, status, employment and income has no significance in causing bad debt except education. For the characteristics of using credit card with types of credit cards, amount of credit cards, types of using credit cards, frequency of using credit cards, and the place of using credit cards have no significance in causing bad debt except limit amount of credit card and amount of expending credit cards. Therefore, according to this study, there are some ideas which are interesting and useful for evaluating the ISSN: 2321-242X characteristics and capacity of credit card holder for the administrative bad debt risk, as followings: 1. The result showed that the samples are most of employees in private office who have rather high income and high purchasing power. These groups of people have credit card for buying consumer goods, not for withdraw cash in advance. Therefore, the financial institution which issues the credit card will give these groups significantly. Also, it should score the credit rating so that it is the guideline in accept credit card in the future. 2. As the point of characteristics of using credit card the samples have the convenience and easy to pay goods and services. This research result is supported by Boonyam [3], Tanaung [15] and Thipchun [16]. Hence, the financial institution which issues the credit card will give the marketing campaign so that it will approach to the consumer and will have the relationship between the credit card holder and business alliance. Consequently, it will help the use of credit card continuously. 3. The conclusion of the study indicated that the causes of bad debt were the credit holders have expenditure more than income, and the fixed income has no insufficient, lack of discipline systematic spending, using credit card with excess normal, and the high interest rate of default, also the high cash in advance. This statement is supported by Engel [11]. Therefore, everybody who concerns will solve the problem by: ● The financial institutions which issue credit card will inspect and consider deeply the applicant before issuing the credit card. They should not focus too much on increasing sales volume [Darabot, 9]. They should give knowledge to the credit card holder with correctly and continuously. They will develop and update the system and equipment so that they will have modern and safety due to data was stolen and illegal ● Credit card holders will learn the own right and comprehend the duty of credit card holder, they will has discipline the use of credit card and will be the good debtor. ● The regulation: Ministry of Finance, Bank of Thailand, will have responsibility to control the credit card issue, by conducting the regulations for the financial institutions to credit card holder with uphold justice, such as highest interest and fee, etc. For the further study, the researcher should use other method such as depth interview or use the another variables for the study so that he/she will acknowledge the real problems and make more the study completely. EXAMPLES OF QUESTIONNAIRE Section 2 Characteristics of using credit card Remark: Please mark / in the block that is your best answer 1. Type of credit cards that the respondent uses 1) Credit card issued by any commercial banks in Thailand 2) Credit card issued by any banks in other countries © 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 16 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2016 3) Credit card issued by any non-financial institutes 4) More than one type in this list above 2. Number of credit cards used 1) 1 – 2 cards 2) 3 – 4 cards 3) 5 – 6 cards 4) more than 7 cards 3. Credit limits 1) not exceed 50,000 baht 2) 50,001 to 100,000 baht 3) 100,001 – 150,000 baht 4) 150,001 – 200,000 baht 5) more than 200,000 baht 4. Types of using credit cards 1) to buy groceries 2) to pay utility bills 3) to get cash advance 4) more than one type of using 5) Frequency of using credit card 1) 1 – 2 times/ month 2) 3 – 4 times/ month 3) more than 5 times/ month 6) Place of using credit card 1) shops 2) department stores 3) gas stations or restaurants 4) hotel/ accommodation 5) other places __________ 6) more than one place 7) Amount expended of credit cards 1) not exceed 5,000 baht 2) 5,000 – 10,000 baht 3) 10,001 – 15,000 baht 4) 15,001 – 20,000 baht 5) more than 20,000 baht REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] “BOT Annual Report”, Bangkok: Ministry of Finance Publishing. T.N. Beckman & R.S. Foster (1979), “Credit and Collection: Management and Theory”, New York: Mc.Graw Hill Book Company. T. Boonyam (2009), “Factors Affect Credit Card using by Low Salary People in Bangkok and Suburb Areas”, Journal of University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Vol. 29, No. 3, Pp.14–29. E.F. Brigham & M.C. 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( Finance), Major: Finance School of Business Administration, Krirk University, Thailand. Experience: 1993 – Present: Lecturer, Department of Finance and Investment, Faculty of Business Administration, Rangsit University, Thailand. 1986 – 1933: Lecturer, Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, Krirk University. 1979 – 1986: Lecturer, Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University. Other Position 1987 –1993: Chef of Finance, Assistant Dean, Saving Co-Operation Manager, Krirk University. 1993 – 2015: Secretary, Associate of Administrative, Associate Dean of Academic Affair, Head of Department of Finance and Investment, Rangsit University. Academic Publications: Research: ● “Personal Finance Management Affecting to the Saving Behavior of People in Bangkok Metropolitan Region”, Institute of Research, Rangsit University, 2015. ● “Behavior of Using Credit Card in Causing of Bad Debt : A Case Study in Bangkok Metropolitan Region”, Institute of Research, Rangsit University, 2014. ● “Learning Achievement of Students in FIN 201 : Business Finance”, Department of Learning Development, Rangsit University, 2014. ● “The Readiness of RSU Students for AEC Labor Market”, Department of Planning, Rangsit University, 2013. Articles: ● “Learning Achievement of Students in FIN 201 : Business Finance”, Journal of Rangsit University : Teaching & Learning, Vol.8, No.1.January-June, 2014. ● “How to Optimal Capital Structure Management?”, Journal of Business Administration and Economics Review, Vol. 8, No.2. JulyDecember, 2012. © 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 17 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2016 ● “The Credit Rating of Instrument Debt” Journal of Business Administration and Economics Review, Vol. 6, No.1. January-June, 2006. ● “Credit Risk Rating in Credit of Financial Institutions” Journal of Business Administration and Economics Review, Vol. 6, No.1. January-June, 2005. Books: Credit Management, Financial Markets and institutions, Risk Management and Insurance. ISSN: 2321-242X © 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 18