The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 1, January-February 2014 Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Unorganised Retail Sector of India – A Research Report Dr. Moloy Ghoshal* *Vice-Principal, International Institute of Business and Excellence, Kumarpur, G.T. Road, Asansol, West Bengal, INDIA. E-Mail: moloybreeze{at}rediffmail{dot}com, Web: Abstract—Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays a very important role in economic development for any developing and under-developing nation. India, the largest democracy and the second largest populated country in the world is facing a tremendous challenge to fight against inflation and unemployment. To combat with the menace- the inflation, FDI, can provide the life-blood to India economy. Though late but the UPA-II Government, lead by Dr. Manmohan Singh, has taken decision on November-2012, to allow 51% FDI in multi-brand retail and 100% FDI in single brand retail sector. Protest was also raised by several political parties both in and out side the Govt. This research paper will try to find out the fact and the fiction about the probable impact of FDI in retail sector upon the small businessmen. Keywords—FDI; India; Research; Retail; Sample. Abbreviations—Confederation of Indian Industries (CII); First Moving Consumer Good (FMCG); Foreign Direct Investment (FDI); Gross Domestic Product (GDP); National Capital Region (NCR); Public Sector Unit (PSU); Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT); Trent Hypermarket Ltd (THL); United Progressive Alliance (UPA); West-Bengal (W.B). I. R INTRODUCTION ETAIL is the new buzzword in India. The humble dukandaars (shopkeepers) of today are the focus of attention. Many believe that retail in India is a recent phenomenon but it exists long before the start of modern marketing as a form of barter. Since independence retail in India has evolved to support the unique needs of our country albeit with all its size and complexity. Haats (a fixed area where farmers gather to sell the vegetables weekly or biweekly), Mandis (whole-sale market place for essential commodities) and Meelas (fair organize to celebrate some occasion) have always been a part of Indian culture and are still present in almost all parts of our country. In the past decade the Indian market place has transformed dramatically. However, from 1950‟s to 1980‟s, investment in various industries was limited due to low purchasing power in the hand of consumer and Government policies of protecting the Public Sector Units (PSU). But at the beginning of 1990s, the liberation policy has been adopted, as a result of which the economy had opened up, many restrictions on private companies were lifted up and a new large middle class with spending power has emerged. The vast middle class market demanded value for money products. The emergence of modern Indian house wife, who managed her home and work place led to demand for more products, better shopping ambience, more convenience and one stop shopping, fuelled the growth of departmental stores, supermarkets other specialty stores. ISSN: 2321 – 242X The concept of retail as entertainment came to India with the advent of malls. The development of malls is now being visible not only in major metros but also in medium cities of the country. In the past few years the whole concept of shopping has been altered in terms of format and consumer buying behavior. With the increasing urbanization, the Indian consumer is emerging as more trend-conscious. There has also been a shift from price considerations to designs and quality as there is a greater focus on looking and feeling good (apparel as well as fitness). At the same time, the Indian consumer is not beguiled by retail products which are high on price but commensurately low on value or functionality. However, it can be said that the Indian consumer is a paradox, where the discount shopper loyalty takes a backseat over price discounts. Indians have grown richer and thus spending more on vehicles, phones and eating out in restaurants. The spending is focused more outside the homes, unlike in other Asian countries where consumers have tended to spend more on personal items as they grow richer (CII, Logistics and Freight News, March 2006.). Spending on luxury goods have increased twice as fast with 2/3 of India's population is under 35, consumer demand is clearly growing. The mall mania has bought in a whole new breed of modern retail formats across the country catering to every need of the value-seeking Indian consumer. An average Indian would see a mall as a perfect weekend getaway with family offering them entertainment, leisure, food, shopping all under one roof. © 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 1 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 1, January-February 2014 Boston Consulting Group (2012) estimated that the retail sales were $ 471 billion with 7 percent share for the organized retail ($ 34 billion) in 2011. It also shows that by 2020 the size of the organized retail to be around $ 260 billion with a penetration of 21 percent. Increasing middle class incomes and use of automobiles, refrigerators, credit cards and adoption of technology for supply chain is expected to shift the balance in favor of organized retail in metros and small towns. II. LITERATURE REVIEW FDI as defined in Dictionary of Economics is investment in a foreign country through the acquisition of a local company or the establishment there of an operation on a new (Greenfield) site. To put in simple words, FDI refers to capital inflows from abroad that is invested in or to enhance the production capacity of the economy [Batra, 2010]. The Impact of the Evolution of Modern retailing, the influx of supermarkets in developing countries and transitioning economies, which brings with it higher-quality products, greater product diversity, and often lower prices, should theoretically be beneficial to consumers, especially those who are poor [e.g., Marijke D‟Haese & Guido Van Huylenbroeck, 2005; Thomas Reardon & Ashok Gulati, 2008]. At the same time, increased competition may force traditional retailers, many of whom are also vulnerable to poverty, out of business. According to Reardon & Rose Hopkins (2006) and Bart Minten (2008), the battles between supermarkets and traditional retailers in developing countries take place on several fronts, including price, convenience, product quality, and safety. Most studies of developing and transition countries find that the effects of supermarkets on traditional retailers are mainly negative, although effects differ in magnitude for different types of retailers. As supermarkets spread, the traditional retail sector declines, and the fastest decline has been experienced by small general stores selling broad lines of processed foods and dairy products, while fresh produce shops and wet markets tend to hold out longer. The former outlets tend to have trouble competing with supermarket chains that buy in bulk and have economics of scale on their side [Reardon & Julio A. Berdegue´, 2002; Reardon & Rose Hopkins, 2006; Alex M. Mutebi, 2007]. In developing countries such as India, traditional bazaars for fresh food remain competitive in terms of price, freshness, and shopping convenience [Maruyama & Le V. Trung, 2007]. Poor consumers tend to purchase very little from supermarkets due to material constraints (e.g., price and transportation), though they also tend to have high opinions of supermarkets [Muriel Figuie & Paule Moustier, 2009]. Much of the available evidence indicates that small farmers and processors in developing and transition countries are often excluded from these modern supply chains. When supermarkets modernize their procurement systems, they require more from suppliers with respect to volume, uniformity, consistency, quality, costs, continuity of product supply, on-time delivery, and commercial practices. For this ISSN: 2321 – 242X reason, supermarket chains prefer to source from medium and large enterprises, which are usually better positioned than small enterprises to meet their demands. Thus, the rise of supermarkets poses a substantial challenge to small enterprises [e.g., Nigel Key & David Runsten, 1999; Reardon & Christopher Barrett, 2000; Dave Weatherspoon et al., 2001; Johann Kirsten & Kurt Sartorius, 2002; Dave Weatherspoon & Thomas Reardon, 2003; Humphrey et al., 2004; Cadilhon et al., 2005]. However, small farmers may also benefit from changes pertaining to centralized procurement systems, the use of specialized wholesalers and preferred supplier systems, and demanding requirements of private contracts [Johan F.M. Swinnen, 2007; Bart Minten et al., 2009]. Modern retail systems can also create new jobs. Some of this new employment inevitably results in a loss of traditional retail sector jobs, but, depending on the formats used by modern retailers, the expansion of the consumer market facilitated by modern retail plus small-format innovations can, in turn, expand employment. Employees in the modern sector are often better paid and enjoy better working conditions, but they must also acquire more skills and education than acquired by employees in the traditional sector [e.g., Kearney, 2006; Thomas Reardon & Ashok Gulati, 2008]. III. RESEARCH APPROACH 3.1. The Sample The purpose of this study was to obtain a better understanding of local unorganized retailers of Asansol & Durgapur urban area; the two rapidly growing industrial cities in West Bengal, India, with a population density of near about 15 lakhs, as per the census 2011, and how far the whole unorganized retailing sector is actually affected by introduction of few renowned retail groups in this area. The pursuit of this key objective was guided by the specific questions asked to the retailers with the help of a standard questionnaire. A sample of 150 retailers consist of Kirana (Grocery), Garments, Electronics and Vegetable venders who are supposed to be affected by the FDI, were visited by the researcher to collect the primary data related to their practical experience about the impact of mall culture. Mostly the owner of the shops was interviewed. The sampling technique was stratified random sampling. 3.2. Sample Error The following sampling error may occur in the research process: the sample size is too small to represent the whole Retail sector of India, as because; it is so diverse a field which can not be defined based on the sample from two small cities like Asansol & Durgapur (W.B). Apart from this, the researcher took all care to minimize the other probable sampling error like- design error, interview error, respondent error, biased error etc. 3.3. Data Collection To collect the required data the researchers visited the shops in concerned, personally and got the related information through the research instrument designed, the questionnaire. © 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 2 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 1, January-February 2014 A total of nine questions were asked to measure selfassessment of the impact of FDI in retail sector especially in multi-brand area. All questions were assessed on dichotomous type of closed ended questions i.e. the respondents have two options to give answer; Yes or No. The reasons behind formatting a close ended questionnaire are that close ended questions can more easily analysed; because of the simplicity of it, the respondents feel ease to give answer on questions, it is more specific and in large scale surveys closed ended questionnaires take less time of the interviewer and the interviewees. IV. DATA ANALYSIS Descriptive data analysis technique was used by the researcher apart from his personal observations. A SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) along with the tabulation of data and column chart drawn with the help of excel, will help the researcher to draw some conclusion upon his research work. The questions were analysed one by one after SWOT analysis: 4.1. SWOT-Analysis SWOT analysis is a tool that identifies the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an industry. Actually SWOT analysis is a basic straight forward model that assesses what an organization can and can‟t do as well as its potential opportunities and threats. The method of SWOT analysis is to take the information from an environmental analysis and separate it into internal (strength and weakness) and external (opportunity and threat). Once this is completed, SWOT determines what may assist the firm in accomplishing its objectives and what obstacles must be overcome or minimized to achieve desired results. 4.1.1. Strengths The benefits of larger organized retail segments are several. The consumers get a better product at cheaper price. So consumers get value for their money. The governments of states like Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR) are very upbeat about permitting the use of land for commercial development thus increase the availability of land for retail space. 4.1.2. Weakness Will mainly cater to high-end consumers placed in metros and will not deliver mass consumption goods for customers in villages and small towns. Retail chains are yet to settled down with proper merchandise mix for the mall outlets. Retailing today is not about selling at the shop, but also about researching and surveying the market, offering choice, competitive prices and retailing consumers as well. Small size outlets are also one of the weaknesses in the Indian retailing. 96% of the outlets are lesser than 500 sq.ft. The retail chains are also smaller than those in the developed countries for instance, the superstore food chain, food world is having only 52 outlets where as Carrefour promotes has 8800 stores in 26 countries. The rapid development of retail sector is the sharp improvement in the availability of retail space. But the current rally in property prices, retail real estate rentals have increased remarkably, which may render a few retailing business houses unavailable. Retail companies have to pay high rentals which are blockage in the turn of profits. The volume of sales in Indian retailing is also very low. India has largest population in the world and a fast growing economy. 4.1.3. Opportunity A large young working population with median age of 24 years, nuclear families in urban areas, along with increasing working women population and emerging opportunities in the service sector are going to be the key growth drivers of the organised retail sector in India. Customers will have access to greater variety of international quality branded goods. Employment opportunities both direct and indirect have been increased. Farmers get better prices for their products though improvement of value added food chain. Increase in disposable income and customer aspirations are important factors. Increase in expenditure for luxury items is also vital. Large domestic market with an increasing middle class and potential customers with purchasing power. Ranked second in Global Retail Development Index of 30 developing countries drawn up by AT Kearney. The annual growth of departmental stores is estimated at 24%. ISSN: 2321 – 242X Once the concept picks up, due to demonstration effect, there will be an overall up-gradation of domestic retail trade. Global retail giants take India as key market. It is rated fifth most attractive retail market. The organized retail sector is expected to grow stronger than GDP growth in the next five years driven by changing lifestyles, increase in income and favourable demographic outline. Food and apparel retailing are key drivers of growth. Indian retail industry has come forth as one of the most dynamic and fast paced industry with several players entering the market. It can become one of the largest industries in terms of numbers of employees and establishments. Rural retailing is still unexploited in Indian market. 4.1.4. Threat One of the greatest barriers to the growth of modern retail formats are the supply chain management issues. No major changes are needed in the supply chain for © 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 3 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 1, January-February 2014 FMCG products; these are well developed and efficient. For perishables, the system is too complex. Government regulations, lack of adequate infrastructure and inadequate investment are the possible bottlenecks for retail companies. The supply chain for staples is less complicated than the net groceries. But staples have a unique problem of nonstandardization. Difficult to target all segments of society. Emergence of hyper and super markets trying to provide customer with –value, variety and volume. Heavy initial investment is required to break even with other companies and compete with them. Labour rules and regulation are also not followed in the organized retails. Organized retailing in India is yet to get an industry status.100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is not permitted in retailing in India. Ownership of retail chain is allowed only to the extent of 49% but without FDI, the sector is deprived of access to foreign technologies and faster growth. Problem of car parking in urban areas is serious concern. Sector is unable to employ retail staff on contract basis. The unorganized sector has dominance over the organized sector in India because of low investment needs. 4.2. Analysis of Primary Data As it has been mentioned by the researcher that a total 150 retailers were visited, the profile of them are as follows: From the above figure, it is clear that out of the total 150 retailers visited, 50 each of them were kirana and garment shops. Among the remaining 50, 30 were electronics appliances shops and 20 were vegetable vendors. After the demographic analysis the researcher went for the questionnaire analysis where questions were asked to the interviewees about their opinion on different aspect of FDI on retail sector. 4.2.1. Q1. Are you aware about mall? The respondents were asked to answer in Yes or No. From the table and consecutive graph it is clear that out of 150 respondents 135 answered in Yes and 15 respondents answered in No, which implies that majority of the respondents (90%) are aware about the Mall. The remaining 10% who are not aware about Mall are mostly the vegetable vendors. 4.2.2. Q2. Are you aware about Wal-Mart? From the above figure, we can see that out of 150 retail were interviewed, 145 of them were the owner of the shops and remaining 5 were the employees of some big retail shops. The respondents were asked to answer in Yes or No. From the table and consecutive graph it is clear that out of 150 respondents 30 respondents answered in Yes and 120 respondents answered in No, which implies that majority of the respondents (80%) are not aware about Wall-Mart and only 20% have heard about retail giant like Wal-Mart. This shows the ignorance of common retailers about the world trend. ISSN: 2321 – 242X © 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 4 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 1, January-February 2014 4.2.3. Q3. Are you aware about FDI? The respondents were asked to answer in Yes or No. From the table and consecutive graph it is clear that out of 150 respondents 82 respondents answered in Yes and 68 respondents answered in No, which implies that 55% of the respondents are aware about FDI and 45% have not heard about FDI. This implies that the awareness level about FDI in grass root level are still not satisfactory. 4.2.4. Q4. Are you concerned about Mall culture? 4.2.5. Q5. Have you experienced any impact on your current business? The respondents were asked to answer in Yes or No. From the table and consecutive graph it is clear that out of 150 respondents only 25 respondents answered in Yes and 125 respondents answered in No, which implies that more than 80% of the respondents are in the opinion that opening of mall has very negligible impact upon their sale. The reasons behind this neutral impact upon the small shopkeepers are that the middle and lower middle class customers prefer to shop in conventional market and shop where they feel comfort and can bargain. Mostly the customers are loyal to their respective retailers. Shopping in Mall is just an entertainment for them not a habit 4.2.6. Q6. Do you have the fear that FDI in retail will close small shops? The respondents were asked to answer in Yes or No. From the table and consecutive graph it is clear that out of 150 respondents 30 respondents answered in Yes and 120 respondents answered in No, which implies that majority of the respondents(80%) are not concerned about mall culture and only 20% have showed their concerned about the recent liking of mall culture amongst youth. Especially the garments retailers are little bit worry about this change in fashion trend. ISSN: 2321 – 242X The respondents were asked to answer in Yes or No. From the table and consecutive graph it is clear that out of 150 respondents 28 answered in Yes and 122 were answered in No, which implies that more than 81% of the respondents are not concerned about mall and have no tension; near about only 20% have showed their concerned about the recent liking of mall culture and are little bit worried. © 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 5 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 1, January-February 2014 4.2.7. Q7. Are you in favour of Govt. decision to allow 51% FDI in multi brand retail? 4.2.9. Q9. Do you think FDI in retail will increase standard of living? The respondents were asked to answer in Yes or No. From the table and consecutive graph it is clear that out of 150 respondents only 46 respondents answered in Yes and 104 respondents answered in No, which implies that more than 30% of the sample taken are in favour of the government proposal of FDI in retail. The reason behind the favourable answer against FDI in retail was that Mall attract customer to come into the market, which increase the probability of boosting their sale also. But majority of the respondents (70%) are against the government proposal of allowing foreign investment in retail. The respondents were asked to answer in Yes or No. From the table and consecutive graph it is clear that out of 150 respondents 120 respondents answered in Yes and only 30 respondents were answered in No, which implies that 80% of the sample taken are in favour of the opinion that introduction of FDI or big Mall will help in increasing the standard of living of the people. This will lead to consumption of more luxury products by consumers and increase in sale of household items. 4.2.8. Q8. Do you think FDI in retail will increase job opportunity? The respondents were asked to answer in Yes or No. From the table and consecutive graph it is clear that out of 150 respondents surprisingly 112 respondents were answered in Yes and only 38 respondents were answered in No, which implies that near about 75% of the sample taken are in favour of the opinion that introduction of FDI or big Mall will create job for both educated and uneducated people in direct and indirect way. ISSN: 2321 – 242X V. INTERPRETATION OF DATA ANALYSIS The above analysis was done to find out the perception of the small retailers upon big stores in awake of allowing FDI in multi-brand retail which may lead to a closure of unorganized, conventional and small mummy-pop stores. Questions were asked about impact of mall on small business, fear of closure of shops due to big organized mall; surprisingly majority of respondents (80%) did not feel any impact on their current business so the fear of closure of the small retail shops is not so sound to think about it. They are confident of the fact that the market segment is different; their business is mostly run by the loyal customers. As mentioned earlier that middle and lower middle class customers, who are the lion share of the market feel comfort to shop in conventional market where they can argue and bargain with. On the other hand the retailers feel the opening of Mall will create more jobs for all kind of people viz. for producers, suppliers, farmers, graduates and even for the unskilled labours, which may increase the standard of living of the society and consequence increase in sales of their shops also. It has also been noticed that based on a big mall, several supporting and relevant businesses are flourished and the overall standard of living of the surrounded areas also raised as found in the data analysis. © 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 6 The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 1, January-February 2014 VI. CONCLUSION Indian retail sector is growing fast and its employment potential is growing fast. The retail scene is changing really fast. Retailers are rethinking their approaches towards the suppliers so that they can get the best pricing strategies for them. There is no surprise why from an Ambani to Mittal, Godrej to Birla, everybody is ready with the plans to kick start retail revolution in India. Apart from above, retail sector in India is also catalyst for the growth of staling tactics of below the line marketing used by major retail players Like Spencer, big bazaar, reliance fresh etc. For tapping customers by creating points of sales displays. So we can say that India is a rising star and going to be one of the fastest growing regions of the future. Allowing healthy FDI in the retail sector would not only lead to a substantial surge in the country‟s GDP and overall economic development, but would inter alia also help in integrating the Indian retail market with that of the global retail market in addition to providing not just employment but a better paying employment, which the unorganized sector (Kirana and other small type retailing shops) have undoubtedly failed to provide to the masses employed in them. Allowing FDI in multi brand retail can bring about Supply Chain Improvement, investment in Technology, Manpower and Skill development, Tourism Development, Greater Sourcing from India, Up gradation in Agriculture, Efficient Small and Medium Scale Industries. Two days before New Year, 2014, the government on Monday (Business-Standard, New-Delhi/article,31/12/2013) approved British retail giant Tesco Plc‟s plan to invest $110 million to buy 50 per cent stake in Tata Group‟s Trent Hypermarket Ltd (THL). With this, Tesco will become the first foreign player to open stores here that will sell anything from fruit to furniture. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail trading was allowed in September 2012 but with a set of conditions that global retailers were opposed to. Major foreign players such as Wal-Mart, Tesco and Carrefour were severely against some of the particular regulations related to mandatory investment in back-end infrastructure, compulsory 30 per cent local procurement norms and restrictions on cities in the FDI policy. Under pressure, the government had to relax the policy in August2013. In October2013, the policy suffered another setback with US retail juggernaut Wal-Mart breaking of its six-year partnership with Bharti Group. Tesco‟s entry might not open the floodgates yet as foreign retailers still have difficulties with the sourcing norms and in scouting for Indian partners. “In the coming months you can see other global retailers present in India making applications. But you need a partner in India to actually go ahead and apply for approvals. Most other global retailers in India are still looking for partners. There are just a few global retail chains that can make the huge investment required,” said Arvind Singhal, chairman, Technopak India. According to Pinakiranjan Mishra, partner and national leader (retail & consumer products), EY, retailers will not play their card before the elections are over, though he added that a rollback of the policy was unlikely. So we may conclude that this type initiative is just a beginning of a long journey. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] The nod given by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) is expected to open the doors for future investments by foreign retailers. So far the market has been dominated by domestic players such as Tata‟s Trent, Future Group, Reliance Retail and Aditya Birla Retail. According to the FDI policy in place, the company has to invest a minimum 50 per cent of the $110 million in creating new back-end infrastructure. Back-end infrastructure refers to packaging, logistics, storage and warehouse, among others. 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Journal of Quality Eng & Technology, Int.jnl. of Indian Culture & Business Mgt., BVIMR-Mgt Edge to name a few. He worked as an Assistant Director in Institute of Productivity and Management, Kanpur (U.P) since March 2000 to April 2013. At present, he is Professor and Vice-Principal of International Institute of Business and Excellence, Asansol (W.B), India. © 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ) 8