義守大學  英國皇后大學  海外研習團 

 義守大學 海外研習團 I ‐ SHOU UNIVERSITY 護理一 B 徐倩紅 9752118A 英國皇后大學 Queen’s University of Belfast 2009.8.26 在小港機場裏,看着每個人都有家人來送行,感覺好溫馨,而自己就只有一個朋
人都為這次的旅程而聊起來了。 我們 9 個女生,全部都是第一次到外國去,所以一路上都抱着很期待的心情,本
逛,害我們全部人都坐在椅子上睡覺來打發時間。 去到北愛爾蘭,第一下的感覺就是:這種天氣,這種溫度是老師們所說的夏天嗎?
上和晚上都會聚在廚房那裏弄早餐和晚餐,這種經驗在台灣是不可能有的。 剛到那邊,我們就已經在問禮拜六學校會帶我們去哪裡玩,也問了附近的路,所
韓國男生,是在上課的時候才看到他。 我們 9 個女生只是分到兩班去,第一次接受全英教學,確實是很不習慣,上課也
的講解讓我們了解到北愛人生活上的一些特色(例如人家問你HOW ARE
YOU? 北愛的人最愛回答是NOT BAD)
。 在學校吃午晚真的很貴,第一天的時候,不知道哪裡的午餐比較便宜,結果到去
學生中心的後面有得吃中菜而且沒有很貴,我們有時中午也會到那邊聚聚。 北愛的太陽實在是很難看得到,但是除了第一個禮拜和最後一個禮拜外,我們幾
乎都能看到一個很大的太陽,而且那邊要到差不多9點才會天黑,有時候到 city center 逛街,就會看到一堆人在廣場草地上曬曬太陽,感覺很舒服的樣子,不過
師還帶我們去了一家百年歷史的老店--CROWN吃晚餐。 皇后大學真的是一間很美很古典的建築物,每天早上去上課的時候,都會看到很
的小房間,不過那裡是禁止進入的。 整個北愛爾蘭都很美很美,美的有點虛假。周末的時候,學校都會安排我們去遊
的盛事──TALL SHIP在愛北愛爾蘭停留,讓民眾參觀。學校當然也想
課的內容也是TALL SHIP。這個團隊在BELFAST停留了3天,在
個人中,有幾個人在其他地方遊覽時,很幸運的看到TALL SHIP揚帆出
海的景觀。 在北愛生活了一個月,到了最後一天,大家才發覺已經愛上了那BELFAS
們走過的路。也希望9個女生可以因為這一個月的認識,彼此成為朋友。 第一次每個人都離開家裏自己生活 第一次因為自己煮出一個很好吃的菜而開心 第一次傻傻的看不懂菜單,亂點菜 第一次看到電影裏才會看到的風景而讚美 第一次因為看到城堡而興奮,不停的拍照 很多很多的第一次 這些全部都是我們9個女生的回憶,從出發那一刻起到最後分開的一刻,每一天
在彼此的腦海裏,這些回憶都是見證著我們的堅強,我們的努力和我們的友誼。 I am very thankful that I can study in Queen’s University Belfast . Travel or study in
England is my dream when I was a child , and now I get this chance . 25th Jul , the
trip is beginning .
It looked so warm when the others’ family came and saw their children off, whereas I
had only one of my friend came to the airfield. Everyone was starting to discuss the
trip after aboard. Until then I had no idea about the other eight girls.
None of us had been to any other countries before; therefore we were looking forward
to it so much. We expected that there would be a shopping mall in the French airport
which would take us a day of time to look around. However, we found that there were
only several shops. As a result, we ended up sitting in the airport and sleeping there.
To Northern Ireland, first of all, we all had a question in our mind “Is this the weather
that teacher told us it suppose to be in summer in Northern Ireland?” We all got
frighten by that low temperature, because that was the feeling of winter in Taiwan. It
felt great when we arrived at the dormitory which had been prepared for us by
Queen’s University of Belfast. All of us got a single-room, but we had to share the
kitchen. Therefore, we would meet each other while cooking in the morning and in
the evening. It was a special experience which could not have in Taiwan.
Just after reaching there, we all wondered where we could go to have fun on Saturday.
This helped us to adapt quickly to the new environment in the first week. I was
frightened by the size of people in Northern Ireland on the first day that I attended to
the English quiz. There were a group of teachers which came from Korea. I had made
a new friend who called 愛沙 within an English conversation. Although my English
is so poor, we still enjoyed the conversation. Then, we met another two Korean girls
during the introduction of the university. There were only 4 people whose age similar
to us in this language class.
Nine of us were divided into two different classes. We were not used to have class in
English; it took all of my attention to listen to the teacher. There were some students
who came from Saudi Arabia, Poland, Spain and China studied in this language class
before us. It was very hard to listen to their English with their own accent, so when
the teacher divided us in groups with different nations, we always needed to
communication through our electronic dictionary. It must be very ridiculous scene in
teacher’s mind. It was helpful in understanding different cultures in a language class
like this, especially Saudi Arabian whose ethical concept are far different from us. We
had also learned about the culture in Northern Ireland. For example, Irish always
respond “Not bad” to a greeting.
It was expensive to have lunch or dinner in French restaurant in this university.
However, we did not notice that on the first day, consequently, we went to the most
expensive restaurant to have lunch and the lunch was only bread. Finally, we knew
that there was a Chinese restaurant behind student centre and the price was relatively
cheaper than French restaurant. That became a place where we would gather at noon
It is so hard to see the sun in Northern Ireland, however, except the first week and the
last week, we can almost see it all the time. And they always have late evening. The
sky in Northern Ireland would get into dark nearly nine o’clock in the evening. We
would go to city center to wander in the city, we could always see there were a lot of
people were lying on the grass and enjoying the sun shine. They looked very
comfortable. Nevertheless, we did not have enough bravery to do this. The shops in
there are closed very early. The latest one would be closed at seven o’clock in the
evening. We would leave unless all the shops were closed. The first week in Northern
Ireland, our teacher had to go to the university with us, but he would go the city to
shopping during the time we were having classes. He usually came back after we
finished all the classes in that day, then he would share what he had seen and where he
had been to on that day with us. He always thought about what souvenir to buy for his
family and friends in Taiwan. It looks even happier and more excited than us. Before
he went back to Taiwan, he asked us to post him some photos that we took after he
went back to Taiwan. He said that “You guys can help me to explore this city by
posting me photos that take from different places in here.” Before he gone, he also
invited us to a very famous restaurant which is called CROWN to have dinner.
Queen’s University of Belfast is really a classic and gorgeous building. When I
walked to my classroom, there would be always some tour groups travelling around
Queen’s University of Belfast which meant that Queen’s University of Belfast is a
place where very worth to go to travel. It looked different between morning and
evening. However, it looked so beautiful no matter what time it was. There was an
exhibition centre in this university. It displayed some paintings and silver. Inside this
exhibition centre, there was a small room which looked like a restaurant in a movie
called Harry Potter; nevertheless, we could not get in there.
Northern Ireland is so beautiful, sometimes; it makes me feel that I am in a dream.
The university had planned for us to attend some tour groups or activities during
every weekend. In this month, we had been to most of the scenic spots. We were so
fortunately that we could have a day-trip in Berlin, because this was the first time that
the university held a day-trip group to Berlin successfully. Before that, there was
always a problem with students’ visas to Berlin, therefore, there were many students
could not travel to there. We were fortunate enough in the last week in Northern
Ireland; a special event about a ship which called Tall Ship had been hold in there.
People could board the ship to have a look inside. Everyone in Northern Ireland was
looking forward to get on the ship to look around. Even the topic that was being
discussed in the street and in the class was about the Tall Ship. Tall Ship had stayed in
Belfast for three days. Half of the citizens in Belfast came to the harbour to see the
Tall Ship off at the very last day. Fortunately, some of us had seen the leaving of Tall
After leaving in Belfast for one month, finally, we found that we had fallen in love
with Belfast; everyone was reluctant to leave there at the last day in Belfast. That was
a very great memory which filled up with surprises. At the last night, someone had put
the cheese into the toaster by accident last night and did not clean it up, then, in the
next morning which was the last day before we leave, when other one used the toaster,
the cheese that had been leaved in the toaster was being burnt in it. It caused the fire
alarm to be set off. After that, we had been asked by the security; however, we had no
reason to tell. It was an unforgettable experience, because it happened in the morning
with a very low temperature when everyone was just about to wake up. We were all
shivering and laughing outside the house.
We started this trip with worried, nevertheless, we ended it with laughing. There was a
feeling of Northern Ireland hard to tell. Nine of us had decided to come to this
memorable place again, to the way we had been. And we felt so thankful for meeting
each other in such place.
First time to leave our home to a place hundreds kilometres away;
First time to feel pleased for cooking some delicious food;
First time not able to read a menu;
First time to see scenes will only appear in movies;
First time to see castle and non-stoppable to take photos with it
There were so many “first times”
These were the memory of nice of us. From the first second to start off till the last
second to end in Belfast, we were living in a dream that never willing to wake up. All
the things, all the people were carved in our heart, witnessing our strength, our growth
and our fellowship.
職治三 林珈慧 9655001A 學海中文心得報告 *機會* 想當初,第一次學海沒考過時,第二次考試就抱著沒過也無所謂的心情去應
內心雀躍不已,心跳加快,因為真的是太不真實啦!! 從小就夢想著,有一天,我ㄧ定要靠自己的力量出國遊學或留學。如今,藉
報名要截止前迅速地將資料送出,真的很謝謝妳。 *夢想起飛* 從公布錄取名單到抽籤,再從說明會到真正要離開集合的那段時間,ㄧ直過
實實在在我要出國遊學了。 這是我第一次出國,想當然耳也是第一次轉機,第一次坐長途飛機。從高雄
Belfast 的飛機,雖然心中很高興,但還是不得不說巴黎轉機行真的讓我們對巴黎
敢恭維。最後最後,抵達目的地‐Belfast 啦,大夥們很開心,這將近一天的飛行
心的抵達目的地,真的很謝謝。 *貝爾法斯特* 在下飛機的那瞬間,我們嚇到了,冷風徐徐吹來又下著雨,濕冷的天氣讓我
Helen 和兩台專車後,心頭瞬間溫暖了起來,真的很貼心餒。接著,抵達 Elms Village
後,Helen 即開始跟我們介紹各自的房間、廚房設施等等,我說宿舍真的很高級
啊,高級到像是來渡假的呢!再來,因每天都必須走路上下學,因此 Helen 就教
關門了,因此我們趕緊到 Tesco 和錦城行採買糧食,但最後因動作太慢,淪落到
只能至宿舍旁 24 小時的 Spar 便利商店採購,哈。 *皇后大學* 隔天是入學的第一天,也是分班測驗和校園巡禮的時間,ㄧ進教室就看見一
一天就開始與他國的朋友們建立友誼的橋樑,我認為我們的 Leader(Maggie)實在
是功不可沒,哈。 從 7/22(二)開始,除周休二日外,一到五的早上十點到下午三點,皆是我們
最令我印象深刻的就是 Karen、Jenny、Eva、Brian 和 Jean。Karen 是一剛開始教
的酒吧聊天,然後貼心的幫我們叫計程車送我們回宿舍;而 Jenny 即使只在我們
Eva 是個超級生動活潑,且聲音很抑揚頓挫然後超級像演員的ㄧ位老師,所以上
睛;Brian 是位很有趣的老師,總是藉著玩遊戲或聽英文歌來訓練我們的英文,
因此上他的課總是都很輕鬆快樂;最後是壓軸,Jean 是位讓我又愛又恨的良師,
所以當要離開的前一天,Jean 還大手筆請大家吃小西點和咖啡時,真的覺得她是
位會讓人很令人忘懷且令人敬佩的老師。 *休閒娛樂* 下課後的平常日,我們通常不是到市中心逛街就是自己找景點玩,像是搭
Open Bus 遊 Belfast─Belfast 景色真得很美,相機無論怎麼拍都像是一幅畫,超
誇張的!或是至北愛的小鎮‐Carrickfergus 看城堡,這天幸運的我們遇上在
Queen’s 上班的秘書小姐,她很親切的與我們聊天,也很好心的帶我們至 Castle,
爛。 此外,平常日的我們,又或者參與學校安排的活動,像是學校在每個禮拜二
都會安排 Irish Dancing 的課程─Irish Dancing 真的頗有難度的,連續跳兩個小時
希望能再去學它,因為真的覺得很有趣啊;除了固定的 Irish Dancing 外,學校也
才是我最興奮的事啊;還有參與 International food 展─在這個展,不僅見識到了
見的 Tall Ships─Tall Ships 是一大群挑戰大西洋的船帆,而於 8/13~8/16 在 Belfast
一大群人在外頭逗留,呵;最後一個禮拜,學校帶我們至 W5 打保齡球─保齡球
所以到最後我們都將他們稱為 PE teacher 了呢!呵呵 另外,周休二日的我們,除了禮拜六都跟著學校的活動跑外,我們就也都自
己找景點去玩。像是第一個禮拜六,學校即帶我們去愛爾蘭的 Dublin─因為今年
七月起台灣到愛爾蘭免簽稅,因此我們才能夠那麼順利的去成。Dublin 與 Belfast
有著不同的風貌,Dublin 比 Belfast 的人口來的多,來的繁榮,來的國際化,來
的有文化。Dublin Castle、Guinness 酒廠以及三一學院都讓我們大開眼界;再來
禮拜日,我們前往 Belfast Castle─這個才叫做城堡啊,真的是太美了這裡,真羨
光景點─Carrick‐a‐rede Rope Bridge 和 Giant’s causeway,前者的吊橋讓我們驚艷
個小鎮 Londonderry(Derry),這兒的壁畫尤其著名,每個壁畫都深具教育意義,
拜日,我們前往北愛的另一個靠海的小鎮 Bangor 遊玩,這天我們不小心誤闖了
正在禮拜的教堂,但又很感動的知道他們有在為台灣 88 水災祈福,然後又很幸
運的巧遇到 Tall Ships 出航,BBC 以及幾乎全 Bangor 的人都出來看這幕盛事,因
外頭遊玩耶。 *夢* 不長不短的一個月遊學生活很快的就過去了。從一剛開始對食物、天氣或文
方法以及不捨的擁抱。這一切的一切,如今想起來還是很不真實。 總之,真得很感謝學校能給予有遊學夢的我們實現的機會。再來,也很感謝
長姐以及幫我們解決任何問題的皇后大學學生 Helen 和 Fionnghuala。最後,要
Christine、Doris 和 Emma),謝謝妳們這一個月所帶來的歡笑,認識妳們真的感到
很榮幸呢。 學海英文心得報告 *Chance* I was so happy and surprised when I heard I got this scholarship from my classmate, because when I was a freshman I have joined this test but I didn’t pass, the second time when I joined the test I didn’t mind if I can pass. I didn’t believe when I heard this news, so I internet access to check a name list on the school website. When I discovered my name on the name list, my heart beat faster, it’s really unbelievable!! As I was a childhood, I dreamed of someday I can study abroad by myself. Now, I do it!! I step forward of my dream by the scholarship of University, it’s really happy, and my dream can come true that’s really great. Moreover, I need to thanks for my classmate who remind me to hand over a data of scholarship before deadline, I think if she didn’t remind me I may miss the chance. *Dream come true* From the name list who passed the test announced to chose the school which you studied, and from orientation for study abroad to assemble at the airport, this section of period was really untruthful. Until we took airplane to Northern Ireland, I suddenly discovered that are all true. This is my first time to go abroad, transferring and taking the long‐distance airplane, so when I stayed in the airplane for long time, my feet had edema and my nose started sneeze, it’s really uncomfortable for me. Finally, we arrived Paris at 6 a.m., but the next transfer time was 3 p.m., so we started shopping, eating brunch, sending postcard and sleeping. However, waiting time is too long, so we tired lastly. After a suffering, we took the Irish airplane eventually. We were happy when we took the airplane but we were unhappy about French attitude, they are really slow and bad when they do anything! After half of the day, we arrived a destination‐Belfast, and we were all excited. *Belfast* When we landed, we were all shocked!! The weather was too cold for us, it’s not summer it’s winter!! And it was also raining, so we doubted that Belfast was in summer?! Although the weather let us shocked, when we saw Helen who was took us to Elms Village, our hearts became warmer, it’s really sweet. Then, when we arrived Elms Village, Helen introduced facilities of a dormitory. I think a dormitory is high‐class, because it has kitchen and independent bathroom, it’s like resort!! Moreover, we have to walk to school everyday, so Helen taught us how to go to school. Eventually, we went to Tesco and CamSeng to buy our food which we have to cook every meal by ourselves, but, finally, we just bought food in convenient store near by Elms Village because our steps were too slow. hahaha *Queen’s University* The next day was the first day we entered school, so we had to test our English and visit campus. In the beginning, we want to improve our English and know friends who came from different countries, so by quit time and visit campus, we started to know friends who came from Spain, Korean and Africa. At first, I’m afraid of talking to foreigner, but when we overcame this problem together, I gradually felt conversation with each other is easier and interested. Our class started at 22/07, except Saturday and Sunday, from Monday to Friday we all need to go to school from 10a.m. to 3p.m.. Our Taiwanese was separated to two classes, so my class has four Taiwanese, a Chinese, four Spain, two Arabian and a Polish. I consider that my class was really funny class!! Furthermore, our teachers impressed me is Karen, Jenny, Eva, Brian and Jean. Karen is our first teacher, she not only is good in teaching but also kind for us. Someday, she took us to bar and, finally, called taxi to take us to dormitory. She is really nice and sweet teacher! Jenny has a big and beautiful nose, and her teaching is also funny. So it’s difficult not to concentrate her teaching, although she just taught us a few days. Eva is a lively teacher, her voice and body language are like actor, so her teaching always took our eyes. Brian is also a funny teacher, he always practice our English by games and English songs, so we always felt comfortable in his class. The last teacher I want to introduce is Jean. We always felt stressed in her class, because she usually asked us to report what she decided, like that we had to teach everyone about our country’s game, and we also had to prepare the report about our country’s music in limit time. It’s really exciting when she discovered our mistake in grammar, body language, etc, she’ll correct our mistake immediately. First time, we are all scared her, but when we realized that she just wants to improve our English, we discovered that she is really a great teacher. Moreover, she usually told us which English websites are good for us or which books are also can improve our English, and before we leave, she took us to eat cakes and coffee. Now, I really miss her, she is really a nice teacher!! *Entertainment* From Monday to Friday, we sometimes went to city center, and sometimes went to scenic spots. For example, we toured Belfast by taking open bus, its scenery is beautiful, no matter how we took a picture, photos are always like paintings. We also had been to other places, for instance, someday we went to Carrickfergus Castle, it’s a beautiful and ancient castle, we are very lucky to see rainbow and meet a nice secretary who works in Queen’s University that day. Furthermore, after school, we also joined activities that were arranged by school. For example, school arranged us to learn Irish Dancing on Tuesday every week. Irish Dancing is a funny and a difficult dance, we always sweated after we danced a series of dance steps. And it’s a pity to dance just one times, if someday I have a chance, I will learn it again! In addition to Irish Dancing, we had been to an ice rink. I’m familiar with skating, because I had learnt it when I was a child, and I had skated in a Taipei Arena, too. So when I knew that I can skate in Northern Ireland, I was so glad and excited. The second week, school arranged us to join an exhibition about international food. In this exhibition, I experienced the different atmosphere between Taiwan and abroad, and I also saw many kind of foods from many countries in this party. The third week, school arranged us to watch an exhibition about “Tall Ships” which has many kind of ships that challenge Atlantic this year. It’s a seldom chance to see this spectacular exhibition, so we are really lucky. The last week, school arranged us to play bowling ball, it’s my second time to play it, so that I’m so scared in the beginning. However, we are so glad that we can improve our technique of bowling ball finally, because teachers who came from Korean they taught us how to play it wonderful. In addition to bowling ball, they taught us how to play tennis, too. They’re kind and enthusiastic, so we called them “PE teacher” lastly. Every Saturday we all joined activities that arranged by school, too, but every Sunday we arranged schedule by ourselves. The first week, school arranged us to go to Dublin of Ireland, it’s different between Belfast, it has more tourists, cultural buildings and it’s more prosperous than Belfast. Their Castle, Guinness factory and Trinity College are all famous places, these places let me eye‐broading. The next day, we went to tour Belfast Castle, we are all astonished when we saw it, I think it’s more beautiful than Dublin Castle! I envy who married here. The second week, school arranged us to tour Carrick‐a‐rede Rope Bridge and Giant’s causeway, they are all famous scenic spots in Northern Ireland. Carrick‐a‐rede Rope Bridge has a famous rope bridge, it’s really exciting and dreadful, but when we passed it and enjoyed the beautiful scenery eventually, we can discover that it is worth. Another place was a heritage of the world, so it’s very important and spectacular place. And the next day, we went to Londonderry(Derry) to see twelve famous murals which stand for war and have some meaning of education, we all sympathized who died in war. However, Derry has rich history, but their residents and environment are confused, so if I have a chance I can’t come here one more time. It’s terrible! The last weekend, school arranged us to join Climbing and Abseiling. These exciting games are my childhood dream, I have want to play this sort of games for long time, so I’m so glad that I can experience these in Belfast!! The last Sunday, we went to Bangor which place near ocean, the weather is very cold. That day, we joined church out of the blue and we are touched when we discovered that they pray for Taiwan. Fortunately, we saw Tall Ships left from Belfast, there are many residents, tourists and even BBC came out to see this grand occasion, it’s really spectacular !! *Dream* Studying abroad in Belfast one month had finished soon. I never forgot when I went to Belfast in the beginning, I can’t adapt their food, weather, culture, and I’m afraid of speaking English with other people, but before we left, it’s embarrassed, I started to fear that I can’t adapt Taiwan, and I also worried about how can't I speak in English everyday? It’s really a terrible event. Furthermore, we don’t need teacher with us anymore when we took off from Northern Ireland back to Taiwan, and we knew many friends who came from different countries. From begin to end, all these matters are all different. Until now, I always still feel it’s really untruthful. It’s a dream, right?! To sum up, I really want to thanks for school is willing to give us a chance to study abroad. And, I also want to thanks for teachers who came from ISU and QUB, because of their care and suggests, we had a new idea regarding the future. Moreover, I want to thanks for Helen and Fionnghuala who always help us to solve any problems, and I also want to thanks for other friends who studied English with me in this summer(Laura、Sunny、Halim、Agniszka、Monica、Gemma、Fran、Hyojin、
JeyYon、Aisha), I’m so glad I can knew them by this chance and I hope I can meet everybody in the future no matter where we are and when we are. Finally, I want to thanks for my dear friends who came from ISU(Maggie、Tina、Hsun、Erin、Connie、
Christine、Doris and Emma), I’m really happy to meet you, guys, this summer vacation is my colorful holiday, I wish we can keep in touch in the future, love you. 學 海 心 得 皇 后 大 學
劉 玫 君
電 子 系 二 年 A 班
事,也會不曉得台灣以外的國家跟台灣有什麼差別之處。2009/7/28 從機場要出
發到北愛爾蘭,滿心的期待這次的遊學行程,坐 15 個小時的飛機到巴黎,在巴
黎機場等待了 8 個小時只為了轉機到貝爾發斯特,然而期待的心已被 2 次轉機的
像是時光倒流到 19 世紀的光景,還有看到即將要進入的學校,疲累的心情已經
消滅,很想趕快踏上這次的旅程和課程,探索這個新奇的城市還有學校。 之後
單的單字也能溝通。 上課講英文是另外一回事,在上課方面,每天 4 小時的課程,學校安排上,
有些老師會比較嚴格 , 她會出作業然後給我們一星期的時間回去準備之
法,這也是另外一種上課學習的方式。經過 1 個月的磨練,發現東方英文老師跟
個還滿有趣的畫面。 然而每天走路去上課,經過身旁的都是一些古建築,上課的教室也都是
100 多年的老建築,雖然房子很老,但看起來還是很像新蓋的,可以看得出它們
貴了,所以我們選擇每天走路去上學,可是如果是例假日,幾乎都會有 one day ticket,這種票對學生而言算是滿方便的,因為不管你想到哪個景點參觀,只要
和生活文化之中的小細節就可看到,這是值得我們學習的地方。 例假日時,學校會安排一些著名的景點讓我們去參觀,像是 Dublin ,Giant Causeway 或 Carrick‐a‐Rede Rope Bridge,都是一些還不錯的風景名勝地區,可以
好,畢竟在異地只有我們 9 個女孩子相依為命,怎麼處理人際關係也是很重要,
著煮飯給自己吃,所以這真的是一趟訓練獨立自主和人際關係的遊學行程。 大二下學期對我來說是一個非常重要跟茫然的轉捩點,看同學都在為
在一個傳統的約束裡面,好像每天都過著盲目的生活,或許有時可以放縱一下 ,稍微把傳統思想擺一邊,在異地做想做的事,體驗不同的文化,或許會有一些
可以試著考學海獎學金,就可以體驗到我所體會的感觸了。 Report of studying aboard
Queen University
Mei-chun Liu
Electronic 2A
2009/7/28, We started from Kaohsiung airline to north Ireland ,expecting the arrangement of studying abroad hopefully ,but my expectant was totally decreased by this flight took about 15 hours to Paris to transfer to Belfast ,I thought it is too tired for me to have any flight and go to the target place .Finally, We got the aircraft after waiting for 8 hours and arrived the terminal place ,at that time ,I was tortured and exhausted to do anything ,when I saw the amazing sightings of churches and architectures on the street ,my spirit was revived and I was fulfilled again ,there are my school and dormitory , I could not wait to get there as soon as possible ,I thought it is a mirage because it was so unreal that I could not believe I am in a real world is like the western film. The next day ,we took a exam for grading to different classes according scores and speaking skill but it is not that horrible as I thought ,the judged teacher was very nice and patient to listen what I want to express. After exam ,we had an opportunity to chat with foreigners at tea time when is the beginning of using amount of English ,no matter when I shared our culture customs about our country or talked about personal habits I need to use English ,even I would like to say Mandarin I could not do that ,because the only language everyone knowing is English. Partly I felt very frustrated when I can not totally express my meaning ,in contrast of my confidence was not fragile I still try to say in spite of my poor English speaking skill. Every day the school arranged two teachers to teach us ,one was in the morning and another was in the afternoon ,to let us experience different teaching methods of different teachers ,in order to let us absorb English more effectively . The contents of classes are about playing games , reporting on the stage and group discussing, we usually be made with some people from different countries it could train our speaking and listening ,the foreigners from different countries have different accents thus we need to concentrate very a lot to listen what they were talking about ,step by step I could know a bit of it than before. I would not be tired of this way for training because they could accept my accent that also I could do it, and I thought it was just for practicing not to make a spectacle of myself when my brain blocked that I could not say the word I wanted to say ,they would not laugh me they were patiently and help me to find the word I wanted to say . At least we could make progress by helping each other. one of the teachers made me be so impressive because her teaching skills were different from others ,sometimes she gave us five minutes to prepare a short report about your life or something like that than she would ask us report it on the stage ,when your tense and sentence structures were wrong she would definitely ask you restart from the beginning of your report . She was a strict teacher that I have never seen because when my composition or report was wrong she criticized me directly and said you came here for learning English not to afraid of making mistakes ,making mistakes could make us improve. Whereas she was stern, on the contrary she was a good teacher I thought. After finishing the term , she treated us to have some tea and dessert for leaving gift, at the time , I just felt she was a kind grandmother not a strict teacher. After classes we would have dinner together and shared something interesting in classes , One teacher said that this time might well be an important part for us it could offer us training our speaking ,every moment we chatted in English, we can not use another language , because it was the one language in common . And everyday is all English day for me. I remembered that I tried to open my mouth speaking English at first time I was so nervous of using wrong grammar and spelling wrong words ,but I tried again and again ,after a few times I am a bit braver to talk in English. It was a good chance for us to have an environment was full of English to learn English and the interaction with foreigner. I also needed to learn how I could have a great intellectual conversation and behavior with member of my team, because we just had nine people together in a foreign country ,sometimes I felt unhappy about some behavior was made by others ,it really made me be irritable but I can not become fierce immediately ,cause we were a team and it was also a lesson I must to learn. the classes were not only English, but some skills of interaction between people. The school usually arranged some extra‐curricular activities for us on Saturdays, going to visit Dublin ,Carrick‐a‐Rede Rope Bridge and giant‐causeway ,here were all good places for sightseeing and admiring scenery, it was a way for me to get rid of the press of the classes and the scene was taken no back seat to the eastern , it was really great to have breaking stride at the scene that made me feel differently about the world. The school arranged the schedule to let us have more opportunities to contact and develop a great relationship with others , it was a great way to make some mew friends. I had a great memory for the journey, I made some new friends from other countries and had a great time with them, it was another experience of my life I have never had before, It was really a good treasure for me. Usually, we went out on our own on Sundays ,taking trains or buses to visit some churches, castles and other places, it was another taste to have a visit with some members without the professor ,we had to settle everything ourselves , buying tickets and finding roads ,if we got lost we just asked the local habitant who were all very kind, it was funny and adventurous . Every morning, we need to go to the school on foot, when we passed by churches , antique buildings and some of architectures like those I can experience that the government saves those carefully with all heart ,they want to leave not only buildings but also a great historical environment for their continuous generations. No matter what the supplies of life and mass transportations all was settled people down and made the public be convenient for the citizen's life, our government may refer these advantages to our facilities , making great improvements on our society . At the second term ,I did not what I could do in the future ,some of my classmates prepared to apply to the graduate school ,and others prepared their life well, I just could waste my time to think what I should do after a second I give up to organize my plan then I played my computer ,watched TV or hanged out with my friends, I was felt so bored about my daily life ,I wanted to do something I liked , so I decided to apply the scholarship of studying aboard ,fortunately, I got it, but I did not prepare the test well it all depended on luck ,I wanted to say thanks to school to give a good chance for me to explore the wide world. I also thought of the sense of world the professor has told me ,he talked us we need to compete with people from all corner of the world , not just limit ourselves in a circle, at that time I could not have any taste for it and I did not understand what exactly he said ,but after this tour and learning I knew what he said to us is that Taiwan is a country we were born and bred, but there are lots of countries out of Taiwan we could explore ,sometimes we could go out to take a look at something we have not tasted yet, because it is a world village the professor has ever said. Maybe the coming students can try to apply the scholarship it would be a fresh and experience for everyone. 2009 學海 Queen’s University 心得報告 管理學士班一(會計系二) 9782018A 沈怡欣 25
中文心得 2009 年 7 月 25 日這一天我要離開台灣,展開我再為期一個月在北愛爾蘭的
但卻冷的像是台灣的冬天。出了機場就看到 Queen's 派來的女生 Helen 來接機,
車子就接我們到我們未來一個月要住的地方 Queen's 的宿舍"Elms Village",
第一天到學校上課,一早從 Elms 出發,走路過去學校走了大概 20 分鐘。我們在
常的有趣,之後他們帶我們去校園導覽走了一大圈最後帶我們到 Tesco 超市外便
把我們解散,我們便進去 Tesco 採買東西。 隔一天我們去看了分班名單便開始正式上課,果然,我們全部被集中分在
後面那兩班,他ㄧ共分成四班 G1~G4,我們九個人被分到了 G3 跟 G4,我跟燦媽、
董座、主播和小澳和一個韓國男生 Kim 備分到 G4,我們都說我們是幼幼班上快
樂的兒童英文。我們星期一到星期五每天上課時間四個小時,早上 10 點到 12 點、
下午 1 點到 3 點,早上下午老師都不一樣,每天的老師也是不固定,所以有好多
的老師,不過最主要的老師有 Jenny、Jean 跟 Joan,除了他們之外還有其他的老
師都只來上過我們幾堂課有 Eva、Brian……等,每天的課中有上聽、說、讀、寫,
Jenny 是我們最喜歡的老師,他上課很有趣,會跟我們玩很多的遊戲,Joan 上課
比較無聊,他會一直跟我們上閱讀和讓我們練習 speaking 的部份,Jean 是個很認
問他有關艾思測驗的事情他馬上就幫我們做艾思測驗的訓練,至於 Eva,他只來
課很生動,所以我們也都很喜歡她,Brian 他是在最後幾天才來上我們的課,他
也是個很好的老師,除了上課外,很會跟我們做遊戲互動,而且因為他是 Jean
學了愛爾蘭舞蹈、溜冰、還去了看展覽跟國際美食展、以及去看了 Tall Ship,再
方便,我們再那裡呆了一整天,感覺哪裡跟 Belfast 很不一樣,那裡比 Belfast 更
繁榮,熱鬧好多,因為只有一天的時間,所以我們搭了 Tour Bus,到了想要逛的
景點就下車玩。第二個禮拜六我們去了 Belfast 必去的觀光景點 Carrick-a-bridge 跟
Giant's Causeway,上午我們先到了 Carrick-a-bridge,那裡是一個壯麗的峽灣,和
切的景色都深深撼動我心,下午我們去了 Giant's Causeway,那裡非常的壯觀,
就是我們再那裡的最後一個週末,我們去了 Belfast activity center,那裡有很多的
除了上課還有 Queen's 的 ELU 幫我們安排的課外活動外,就是屬於我們自己的
了,所以我們幾乎都是去市中心逛街,我們也去坐了 Belfast Tour Bus,逛了一圈
整個 Belfast 的風景,星期日我們就安排到比較遠的景點自己去逛,第一個禮拜
我們去了 Belfast Castle,第二個禮拜我們去了 London Derry,那些景點都非常的
I was so happy that I had the chance for studying abroad a month in
Belfast. At first time, I was excited when I knew that I got the scholarship. I
still can’t believe I had gone to Belfast for a month. It just liked a dream, a
wonderful dream. I had a colorful live for that month.
Long trip
We took the airplane at June 25th. It was a long journey. It took us about
sixteen hours from Taiwan to Belfast.
Belfast is a wonderful city. It’s the capital city of Northern Ireland. There
had stunning environment, friendly people. Belfast is a great place to relax.
The weather of Belfast
When I arrived Belfast, I felt cold. The weather there is as cold as
Taiwan’s winter and almost rain everyday. The weather of Belfast is
changeable. People always said that “You can see all of the four reasons in
one day.” At first I could not accept the weather, but after a week, I adapted
About the scenery
The scenery there is very beautiful. The house is different from Taiwan’s
house. I liked the view of Belfast. It is pretty, clean and without pollution. We
went to lots of scenic spots, such as Belfast Castle, Giants causeway,
Carrick-a-rede Rope Bridge, ext.
On that month, we went to a lot of place.
The first Saturday, we went to the capital of Ireland, Dublin. It was
convenient that we went to Ireland. Because that from July we didn’t need
the visa. Dublin is an international city, so there are many tourists. There
was more prosperous than Belfast. There were many places we wanted to
go, but we just had one day to stay. So, we chose to take the tour bus. We
went to Trinity College, Dublin Castle, Christ Church Cathedral, River Liffey,
Phoenix Park, Guinness Storehouse.
Trinity College is the oldest college in Ireland. Trinity College is known as
it’s library. There is big and special. I can’t believe that it is a college. There
were many tourists. I though it is a great school.
Dublin Castle is very big. In the middle there is square. There are four
statues which made of sand. The square is surrounded by building. I did not
think it is beautiful. But it is special.
Because we didn’t have enough time, so we didn’t go to many places.
When we took the bus we met a bus driver. He was interesting. He asked us
where were we from. Then, we said “we came from Taiwan. But he though
“Taiwan” into “Taione”. Then he told to the people on the bus “We have
friend from Taione.” And he made a joke said Taione and Taitwo. It was
very funny. Dublin is a great city. And l like there.
Belfast Castle
On Sunday, the ELU didn’t have any plane for us, so we decided to go to
Belfast Castle. We went there by bus. The Castle is in the Cave Hill Country
Park. There is big and beautiful. We even could see the sea from castle.
Now there always has many people hold the wedding there. The view there
was great. I loved it very much.
Giant’s causeway And Carrick-a-rede Rope Bridge
The second Saturday we went to Giant’s causeway and Carrick-a-rede
Rope Bridge. Giant’s causeway and Carrick-a-rede were the popular
places in the Northern Ireland. So, when we arrived there, there were many
people. Carrick-a-rede Rope Bridge is famous as it’s bridge. The bridge is
terrible for me. The height of the bridge is 20 meter. It’s dangerous. I was
feared of that. But I still crossed the bridge. The sea there was clean and
Giant’s causeway is one of Ireland’s World Heritage Sites. It’s a
spectacular nature phenomenon. It’s very significant.
London Derry
The second Sunday, we went to, London Derry, the other city in Northern
Ireland. The City has successfully maintained its historic character of
narrow streets within the historic and imposing walls. We had a lunch at
“RIVER INN”, the oldest bar in Derry.
About the school
Our school, Queen’s University was beautiful and big. Queen’s is one of
the oldest university in the UK.
The class
The class had four level, G1 to G4. All of us were in the G3 and G4. Four
girls and I were in the G4 and others in the G4. Except us, our class had one
another boy from Korean. We had class every Monday to Friday in the
morning from 10am to 12pm and afternoon from1pm to 3 pm. We learned
listening, reading, speaking and writing. Our teachers were not all the same,
such as Jenny, Jean, Joan, Brian, Eva……etc. Jenny is my favorite teacher.
She was nice and young. Her class was interesting. She always played
games in the class. Jean was a great teacher. She worked hard. She taught
us lots of skills about IELTS.
After this month, my English improved a lot. In particular in listening and
speaking. I became more courageous to speaking.
About the dorm
This month we lived in the Elms Village, the dorm of Queen’s university.
It’s very big. And the environment there is very great. There is clean,
beautiful and quiet. All of us lived in the same floor with two Korean girls. we
had our own room and every floor has a kitchen and living room. We cooked
by ourselves. We talked and watched TV in the living room.
About the food and Bar culture
The food in Belfast is very expensive. So, we always cooked by ourselves.
But sometimes, we eat in the restaurant. We went to eat crown, Maggie
May’s, and so on. There’s restaurant is not cheap, but it’s very big. Every
time we saw the menu, we didn’t know what the meal is. But we were lucky,
the food we ordered was very delicious.
The bar in Belfast is very common. There are many bars in the streets.
The bar there is different. Some are big and some are small. Some are for
the tourist, and some are for the local people. The first time we went to the
bar is the teacher took us to there. She wanted us to enjoy the local Irish
music. We went to a small bar. There is for the local people. There was
crowded. And we talked there, drank, and enjoy the music. The bar culture
in Belfast in popular. And the famous Guinness you must to try. The people
there like drink very much. I though the bar is the only place for them to go
in the night.
The people in Belfast
The people in Belfast were very friendly. They were so nice. Sometime they
talked to us even we didn’t know them. If we had some problem they helped
us very much. But their pronunciation was so strange and they spoke fast.
So sometimes we didn’t know what they said.
Except above I said, we also did lots of things, went to many places. The
ELU also took us to learn lrish dancing, skate ,joined the international food
fair, and went to see the tall ship. In our free time, we went to take the
Belfast tour bus once. The tour bus took us to see the Belfast view. It’s very
great. We often went to the city hall and city center to go shopping after our
class. There are many stores. Once on the way to city center, we saw a
group of people. Some men wore kilt. We asked to take picture with them.
Then, they allowed, and said they had a wedding. They were so nice. We
took lots of pictures with them and said congratulation to them. We also did
something interesting thing. We took the wrong bus many times. It was very
funny. One time, we went to see the tall ship. We heard there is the bus to
city center for free. So we went to line up. Then we took the bus, we were so
happy we took the bus for free and we didn’t walked. But the bus isn’t to the
city center. They bus drove to a place we didn’t know. It stopped at the park.
We were shocked we took the wrong bus. In the end the bus driver took us
to the original place. We though we were so embarrassed.
That month is my most wonderful month in my life. I was happy. I learned
lots of things, such as different culture. I met many friends from different
country, for example, Korea, Spain,Poland, Ara, Sudan, China ……etc.
After that month, my English improved a lot. I was happy that I had this
chance to go to Belfast to study English. After this English course, I
changed my mind a lot. I hope I can study abroad in the future. And I hope
I can go to Ireland again. So now, I must study hard and continue to
improve my English. I wish I will go to study abroad someday.