Document 14542984

2011 學海遊學 英國赫爾大學團 中文心得報告
斯特丹機場,之後,我們在搭乘小型飛機飛往英國 Humberside 機場。飛機上,我們坐的是經
由於開課時間是在下禮拜一,所以我們就先到了 The Lawns 附近的商店購買一些生活用品與
機不會等你。相較於英國,台灣的公車就算準時在公車站牌等候,公車也會遲到個 5 到 10
每個城市都會有一個 city centre,在 Hull 這裡有 Tesco、next、Top Shop、Zara、H&M 還有許
多商店。去的時候剛好是商品大打折的時候,有些衣服可以減 30 鎊多,害我回國時行李超
交談。我們被分成兩個班,兩位老師,Edward 和 Maurine 交替著上。英國的上課方式主要是
漲價錢的,可能會差到 30 多鎊。對倫敦的第一印象就是地鐵好複雜,他們被分成好幾層,
相參觀可以看到日本的小學生整齊有序的排著隊,仔細專心的聆聽講解員的講解 ; 而在周
也讓我發現了許多值得一提的要點。第一就是一定要穿外套,因為它位於 Hull 的更北方。
由於是搭乘大夜車,在中途停靠 New Castle 站,車站要清掃,所以我們必須在車站外頭等到
攝氏 10 度,真的冷到快凍僵了。幸好每個月台都有一個玻璃的休息室,我們就在裡面從五
Hull 我們發現了一家好吃的中式餐館,旺家。這家店是香港人開的,而且老闆娘非常的親
hi 而已,但是我們台灣人卻會跟她聊幾句,她覺得跟我們講話非常開心。從義大利來的朋友
帶我們體驗了英國的夜生活,先到了酒吧喝酒後,再到 club 去跳舞。非常的開心能夠有這樣
時也是慶祝在英國的最後幾天。我們買了幾瓶酒、兩個 pizza 還有一些 chips 和炸雞,而義大
Feed back
物治系 黃柏融
First of all, thank the school for giving me this opportunity! This is my first time going abroad,
my heart filled with tremendous expectations. During this journey,I have made lot of friends
worldwide and explored a totally different life style. This journey also broden my horizons and left
a great memory in my mind.
This time we were traveling on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines,it took off from Taoyuan, transfer
in Thailand, arrived in Amsterdam. We than took a smaller plane to Humberside Airport,Britain.
We have the economy class, because I am doing is the last row, the space is really small, and it
really uncomfortable. We have four meals on the plane, but I always felt that we were just eating
every time when we awake.When we transfered in Thailand, I was impressed by the structure of
airport and the building in it. It is a traditional Thailand’s temple, this is the first time I saw this
kind of building. After a ten-hour long flight, we finally arrived at the Amsterdam airport. It is cold,
and light rain, the temperature is only ten degrees, it is totally different compare to the weather in
summer in Taiwan . Finally, we arrived in the UK,when we were immigrated, I found out that the
immigration in England is very strict. After we took our the luggage,we sat on the school bus and
head off to our dorm that we were going to stay for a month . The fresh air in England let me has
the chance to get rid of the allergy and the beautiful scenery is breathtaking. The dorm is single
room, with public bathroom. The class will start at next Monday, so we took the bus from The
Lawns and heading to buy some daily necessities and snacks. British bus is very different from
Taiwan! British bus is always on time, if you hasn’t showed up on time at the bus stop, the driver
will not wait for you. Compared to the United Kingdom, Taiwan, even if you were at the bus stop
on time the bus will still be late for about 5 to 10 minutes, which is what we should be
improved.There is one more thing we should learn from the bus in UK, that is, it comes in a low
chassis buses, so whether it is disabled or elderly and infirm can easily get on and off. There is a
city centre in each city , and in Hull, there are shops like Tesco, next, Top Shop, Zara, H & M ...etc.
Since it is study tour, let’s first introduce the way we learn in UK.Originally, we have to take
the test to different level but this time we can choose what course we like to have . We have two
types of courses, conversation and writing. Writing is especially for the students who are going to
stay and for further study, and on the other hand , the conversation class is for the students who
like us, just come here for one month summer program. We have chosen the conversation classes,
because it more easier for us and we can has the chance to communicate with the people form other
nation. We were divided into two classes,and there are two teachers, Edward and Maurine and they
have the class alternatively. The tend to have us to discuss in group, and expect us to say what our
thought. There are Italians, Chineses and Taiwaneses, I found that the Italians like to express what
they think, I think it must be the way they have been taught back in their home town and we should
learn from them. Near the end of the course for a month, we have to make a short film, and our
group decided to explain the cultural differences. We just have this group of people from Taiwan,
Italy and mainland China, and this is a great way to have the comparison.
Feed back
物治系 黃柏融
We flew all way to UK, how can we miss the famous city, London,so we booked the ticket and
hotel and begin the trip for three days and two nights in London. I personally recommend that it has
to be planned nicely before the trip or else,you will spend too much time on finding the way.The
first impression to the tube is complicated, they were divided into several layers, but after
exploring,it has been much more easier. Due to the trip to London,I found there are several tips to
noted! The first thing is the hotel,you have to told them that you want a non-smoking room,
otherwise,you will faced that there are no non-smoking room,and you have to spent in the smoking
room for two night.Second, is to plane where to visit in one day and find the route,or else you may
spent part of the time on finding.For instance, we are going to shopping today, then we can choose
such as Covent Garden, Oxford Street, Harrods department store ... etc,and if there are some spot
you can take the picture,it will be great to planed and time control is also important. When you are
buying souvenir, you have to think twice,you don’t want to feel regretful after you came back from
London. The hotel in UK won’t provide toothbrush and toothpaste,so you have to remember to
bring your own,or else,you will have to spend your money again.The tour to London has really
broden my horizons! In Taiwan,you may think that the street is full of people and crowded,but in
UK, it just a small amount compare to the big street in the city. During this tour,we have visit The
Great British Museum,it is so huge and magnificent! They have not only the antique from the
prehistoric time but the invention in today’s modern society,and all of them are well preserved. The
department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan is the most well known department in the museum. Tourist
from all over the world are founded to see this world largest Egypt collection of the world,and the
whole department are full of the sound of the camera flash. The great time we have spent in
London will always be there in my mind.
In this summer program, we not only went to London, but also went to Edinburgh, Scotland.
We left for Edinburgh on Friday night by taking the midnight train,although we just went for only
one day, it was worthy. Tour to Edinburgh tour let me find out some tips which are worth
mentioning. The first is to bring a warm jacket with you, because Edinburgh is located at the north
of Hull. As we were taking the midnight train,we had to change the train to Edinburgh from New
Castle,and some thing we didn’t know is that the station will closed down for cleaning, so we have
to wait at outside of the station for four hours til 4a.m in the morning. The weather were cold
outside and we had no place to sit down and rest. When it was 4a.m,we rush into the train station
and found a place to rest. The temperature in the early morning is freezing cold! Fortunately, every
platform has a waiting room, so we stayed inside til 6a.m than we got on the train and headed to our
destination, Edinburgh. Edinburgh is so beautiful,that I want to stay in the UK, stay in Edinburgh
for the rest of my life. If you visit Edinburgh in August,then you can’t miss the Edinburgh
International Fringe Festival and the Edinburgh International Festival. I saw lots of street performer
performing on the street.Although it rained in the afternoon,it can’t stop the performing and the
festival. Every one was immersed in the atmosphere of the festival and the rain gave this old 18
centry city a whole new different feeling.
Feed back
物治系 黃柏融
Last,I want to talk about the food in UK. First,I have to said that the food of UK tastes horrible!
They had chips for every meal which made me had a bad impression to their food.They tried
everything they can to served us chips ,like cooked them in various ways or shaped them into the
shape of the onion ring...etc. The rice they had was totally different then the rice in Taiwan and
other places like China,Japan and Koera. The rice tasted like they have put in the frige for days,than
take it out and microwave them to served. They had dessert and salad,I have to say that their dessert
and salad is fantastic. Every one know that Europe is the heaven of dessert,and they did taste
fantastic! During this month,we found a chinese restaurant named WAKKAS, the bosslady was
really kind that she served us free shrimp cake and free tea. When I have the first taste of the dish
they made, the memory of the taste of the taiwanese rice immediately poped into my mind,it
I have to thanks again to the school who give me this chance and let me have the opportunity
to makes friends from different nation! I have to said that it is great to have the friends from Italy!
They are full of passion and like to making friends. They said that they really like to hang out with
us and they really want to come to Taiwan for a trip. I also have a German friend and she told me
that she tend to like to speak to us because she told me that when she say hello to the Chinese,they
seems not interested to talk to her.When she talked to us, she said that we will chat with her and not
just say hi. She said that it is really great to chat with us. It is really great to know them and I will
nerver forget them!!!
All good things come to an end! I have a great time in UK and make lots of great friends! It an
honor to know you guys!! I wish I can go to UK again with you guys,perhaps this time,we will have
a whole new different view to England,to UK. I will never forget the time we spent together and all
the great memory in this month!
(University of Hull – Hull Campus) 上課時間:2011 年 7 月 14 日~ 8 月 12 日 International Business Administration
Brent C. Lee(李振嘉)
Being the first time in Europe, the time before leaving Taiwan for the United
Kingdom I was excited and honored to have this opportunity to attend such a scholarship. I
couldn’t have been more psyched in my life, as my knowledge of the United Kingdom has
been either from textbooks or the television. So with this opportunity to personally
experience Europe and England for the first time culturally and academically can be only
described to be eye opening. Before heading out to the United Kingdom I set a couple of
goals for myself, other than the usual travelling, sightseeing, and learning; the most important
goal was to meet new people from all over the world and hope to have a different perspective
of the analyzing and looking at things.
So as I was elected as the leader for the Hull University group, my first day’s journey
together along with my 11 other fellow schoolmates started by meeting up at Tao Yuan
International Airport. Our flight for the United Kingdom was not a direct flight but had two
stops before arriving to Humberside airport, first from Tao Yuan, Taiwan to Bangkok,
Thailand to Amsterdam, Holland. The total flight from Tao Yuan, Taiwan to Humberside,
United Kingdom was around 14 hours, including the two transfers we had in between flight
times. One interesting experience that I personally had in the beginning of the trip was not
only just transferring in two different airports that I have never been in, but also to take 11
others who have either not transferred or travelled alone before. When we got to Humberside
after such a long flight and tiring transfers, we were picked up by Dorothy from Hull
University with two private coaches. After loading the luggage onto the coach, we took a 30minute drive straight to the Lawns, which were our dormitory or second homes for all of us
for the full month of our time in the United Kingdom.
Since our arrival was a couple days early before the actual registration day and
starting of the summer program, the others and I took the opportunity to check out
environment. Since we were not living in host families, we had to take care of ourselves even
though we did have our breakfasts and dinners prepared for us by the cafeteria in the Lawns
Center. After scouting our new environment for places to buy things, eat food, and look
around, we took the rest of the days before registration day to rest. During the day of
registration, we finally got to see all of the other international students that were also
attending the summer course, while most of them were doing the summer course as a precurriculum before they continue their studies in the United Kingdom for their graduate’s
degree in Hull University. With most of the international students coming from Mainland
China and a portion being from other European and Middle Eastern countries, the experience
seemed to be a bit of a setback at first yet when it got to choosing course our group chose the
right curriculum.
Our chosen curriculum was luckily composed of an even portion of Chinese, Italian,
and Taiwanese students, this factor made classes more interesting as our perspectives in
looking and doing things were all different. The interactions in the courses we had with two
of our instructors, Edward and Maureen were very abundant and fulfilling as we had a lot of
discussions going on during the classes and even had a project film to do for the final
presentation of the month’s course. The final presentation was on a film that we had to create
ourselves in group of three to five people on any topic we wanted, we could re-act films or
make our own but the most important focus was one the English spoken by all the
participating members during their acting. My group for the final project consisted of an
Italian and another Taiwanese classmate, and the topic was focused on the introduction of the
nightlife in our own countries, Italy, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom itself. When it got to
the final day of the presentation, every single group showed each video with great
performances and editing, as there were laughs and cheers on no matter how good or silly the
video was. After almost four weeks of classes our instructors decided to end the course with a
nice get together at a local bar, where we had good food and drinks. From the experience I
was surprised on how close the teacher to student interaction can get, as you could talk to
them about anything to everything.
Other than the academics, I also took the time to have my travels around the United
Kingdom since it is not everyday when you can go look around the wonders from the other
side of the world. So for my travels, I went not only throughout the city of Hull itself but also
London, York, and Edinburgh. All of the travels brought meaningful experiences for me and
will always be imprinted in my mind, as those trips were the first few trips I have taken
across the world without any family members. Some of the trips were by myself, as others
were with my fellow schoolmates but no matter who it was with the experiences were
unforgettable and brought each and one of us even closer.
The experience studying in Europe for the first time for a month was overwhelming.
While being in school for summer studies, you could really tell the difference between the
academic environments and how each individual takes responsibility of their own studies. As
the UK is a hotspot for people to travel and study, you really can get to meet people from all
over Europe and the world. To me, the experience of meeting people all over the Europe and
sitting through more European lectures influenced my ways of planning my studies and
2 redirected my purpose and goals. As mind-boggling as it is, further education and studies are
taken much more seriously in Western and European societies as higher educations are not
enforced but available as an option to those who want to engage further studies. While in
Taiwan, it is almost enforced and restricted in many aspects, academically and socially. With
such a big difference, you can really see the results of outcome when it gets to sitting in
lectures, writing papers, and studying. European and western academia portrays a sense of
freedom and self-responsibility, which can be reflected by the way you choose to study. It is
factors like these, which have influenced me to push myself to strive for a longer experience
in a European academia and train myself to reshape my study methods while also engaging in
a new foreign language. To actually fulfill my goals in change my study methods while
learning more on my business major, what other than to set myself in another European
3 2011 學海遊學 英國赫爾大學團 中文心得報告
蘇鉉仁 其實,在很久以前就很嚮往去英國,這次的旅行算是完成了心中ㄧ個小小的
夜店。 在英國時,天氣作祟,早晚溫差非常的大,害我整整感冒了將近半個月,靠
有火車站商圈附近慘遭波擊。 上的課其實真的蠻無聊的,老實說。每天半天課,讓我們有很多空閒的時間去做
一個個上台報告的時間,這樣教學的進度才不會落後。 我們靠著周末的時間,去了很多很多的景點。例如,倫敦、約克、愛丁堡…
等,拍了很多的照片,也發生了很多很有趣的事情。 我想,這趟旅程,會一直在我們心中很久很久。 註一:有興趣看期末作業報告的話,請上 youtube 上收尋 SLeadX Hull 蘇鉉仁 The United Kingdom is where I wanted to go since I was young. I’m very appreciating that the school can give us the chance to go to the United Kingdom and let my dream to be come true. After going out to the airport, our heart filled with excitement and happiness, because everything is new for us. In the UK, everything is better, but the drinking water is very shortage I think. The drinking machine is not popular in that place; everyone should buy the drinking water if they are thirsty. Although, this is the small tiny problem for them, but make us spend one pound per barrel in that 30 days. I wonder that the people who live in the UK didn’t like to drink water, they drink beverage and alcohol exceed water. We pass many boring night, because most of the store are closed in the 4pm to 5 pm;what they like to go is that pub or club for their leisuretime in the night. In the United Kingdom, temperature difference between morning and evening, so I got the very serious cold about two weeks. The classes in hull university is every different in Taiwan. The professor told us that we have to make a video as assignment. You can image our life now: In the morning, we wake up and go to eat not good breakfast. About 9am, we go to university by bus, with full of the mainland China student. (I was thinking that in the Hull, it isn’timproving my English skill, it improves my Chinese skill.) After a little boring class, we decide where we have to eat and what we have to do in the evening. And then, if not going to shopping in the shopping center, we just make video, video and video; and then upload…..wait…wait….and wait. We go to the lawns to have our dinner about 5:45, but we have to be in line with a lot of China and Italy students. We often should wait until 6:20 to 6:30 to have our first meal in the lawns. And the night, if not going to drinking some alcohol, we just do the same thing…..VIDEO!! We are not only stay in the lawns in Hull. We take a train to the Edinburgh, York, and London…etc. We got a wonderful life, leave a lot of footprintsin many places and memories in the United Kingdom. 2011 學海遊學 英國赫爾大學團 中文心得報告
醫管三 B 9851030A 黃信翰
們很好,有些則……,兩位教導我們的老師 Maureen 和 Edware 也都對學生很好。
2011 學海獎學金英國赫爾大學之遊學心得
醫管三 B 9851030A 黃信翰
This year, I did a very warm-blooded thing that is going abroad. I traveled and
studied abroad in England. It was my first time to go abroad. I think that this trip was a
very worthy experience in my life. I learned a lot of things, saw many things and many
different people. I also experienced the different culture. Actually, I think it was an
inconceivable thing that I can go abroad. When I finished the English test, I sadly told to
my friends that I hoped there were a miracle. I was lack of confidence in that time.
However, the result showed that I have the qualification of going abroad. I was very
excited. It was an incredible thing to me. I was qualified for admission. When we were
selecting the school, I did not know that my rank was in the first half of rank. Before
selecting the school, I slightly ranked my choice. My priority was the University of Hull.
Eventually, I really can go to the University of Hull. I thought that I was very lucky. Hence,
I should take my opportunities when I can go abroad. I also want to thank I-SHOU
university that can provide this chance.
During this one month, we experienced a lot of crazy things. I think that we twelve
members were very consolidated. For example, when we came to the dormitory from the
school restaurant, we would stay in stairwell and discuss the schedule of next day. When
we went traveling, everyone would take care of each other. When someone disappeared,
we would wait for them. Before I joined this group, I did not know everyone. In that time,
I felt so lonely. After I got along with other, our emotions becoming better and better. I
was very happy that I could recognize these friends in this summer vacation. It was very
funny when we were going crazy.
During this one month, we should go to school from Monday to Friday. We only
went to school in morning or in afternoon. When we did not have the class, we would go to
city center to go shopping. Because we had the travel pass card, we took the free bus.
Hence, we often went to city center. When the weekend was coming, the summer study
social organizers would arrange some activities that we can take part in. For example,
visiting the local museums, going bowling, visiting the Deep which is the sea museum and
one day trip to York. Sometimes, we arranged some trips by ourselves. For example, three
days' trip to London, one day trip to Edinburgh and going to watching the movie that is
Harry Potter. We had four friends who are Italians. We studied together and played
together. We also did some crazy things that I can not forget. In the university of Hull,
there were a lot of Chinese students. The amounts were more than your image. Of course,
some Chinese students were in the same class with us. Some Chinese students were very
kindly to us. But some Chinese students were……. Our teachers Maureen and Edware
were very kindly to the students. I think that the teaching methods of England were very
open. The teachers could respect the students' advices. Also, the teachers could give the
self-confidence to the students. They sometimes could praise the students. Hence, we were
very happy when we were in the class. If we wanted to combine the class, the teacher
could agree. It was impressive that we went to the restaurant to eating and drinking with
the teachers after the final class. These two teachers were really very nice to their students.
I think that Taiwan's teaching method is giving the pressure to the students very much. It
is very different from England.
I like England's buildings which are very retro-chic. When we took the bus or
walked on the road, we could take a lot of photos by the cameras. I like the house which
has the small garden in front of the home. When we walked on the road, some local people
would look us by the strange expression in their eye. It was just like that they were looking
the animals in the zoo. We were very angry. I think the England's food is very lite.
Hence, we always went to city center to eat Chinese restaurant“Wokkas". The waitress
was very nice to us. She could give us the food which was not on the menu. She also gave
discounts to us. Now, I still remember that restaurant.
When I walking on the road, I found that England was a good country which could
attach importance to the walkers. All roads would have the sidewalk. I think that
England's barrier-free environment was very good. It can let those people who need
walking sticks or need to sit on the wheelchairs active freely. I found that there were not a
lot of motorcycles in England. We just saw some huge heavy motorbikes on the roads.
Taiwan's motorcycles are very massive. It is very different from England. I also noticed
that England's people could observe the traffic regulations. Taiwan's people should
learn it. I found that the England's trains were very punctual. We should learn it. I think
that Taiwan should learn some good things from other countries and reject the bad things.
I think that the England's food was very lite. During one day, I most like the
breakfast. There were bacon, toast, eggs, cereal, bread, yogurt and orange juice.
England's milk was low-fat milk. It could not make me stomachache. Taiwan's milk
can make me stomachache. Hence, I like the England's milk. The dinner sometimes was
not delicious, but sometimes was very delicious. The England's rice was very different
from Taiwanese. I still very like Taiwanese rice. When we were eating the dinner, we also
very miss the Taiwanese food. I also taste the England's traditional food “Fish &
Chips". It was really very delicious. I like it. I found that Britisher like the deep-fired
food. No wonder, the British children were very fat. Some of the adults were also very fat.
I think Taiwanese fruits are more delicious than British fruits. When I was eating the
British fruits, I was missing the Taiwanese fruits very much.
The England's weather was very cooler than Taiwanese. I think England is a good
place to prevent sunstroke. Now, I still very miss the England's weather. However, the
temperature between morning and night is very different. It was hot in the morning, but it
was very cold in the night. Sometimes, I did not know how to dress the clothes. I had a
cold in first week. I had prepared some medicine. After I could suit to England's weather,
my cold would be better. Sometimes, the weather was rainy. However, the weather
sometimes was sunny. Hence, I should prepare the umbrella anytime when I went out.
When we finished the dinner, the sunshine was still very strong. We could go outside of
the restaurant to play the volleyball. When the time was nine o'clock of night, the sky
was still becoming dark. The Malaysia students told us that in the winter the sky was
becoming dark on three o'clock of afternoon. It is very different from Taiwan. The
latitude of England is higher than Taiwanese. Hence, this situation is becoming.
Actually, many people admire that I can go abroad. When my mother knew that I can
go abroad, she told to her friends very quickly. All of her friends had knew that I would go
abroad. I think that if the children of their parents did something great, the parents would
be very proud of their children. I think that the children will be also very happy. Many
people think that the person who can go abroad is very fantastic. However, I think if that
person who can effort and be lucky, the dream of going abroad is not so far. My dream of
going abroad was achieve by myself in my summer vacation of sophomore. I was very
happy and very lucky. I was very lucky that I can be the first one of my families going
abroad for long times. In fact, I think if the chance is coming, we can hold this chance
tightly. The dream will come true. In the process, we should be very hard and lucky. I hope
that junior brothers and junior sisters in the school can be hard for yourselves. You can
advance upon your dream. If you like going abroad, you just do your best to achieve this
goal and do not give up. I believe that you can accomplish this goal in the end. I think that
English is a very important language. Hence, we should study very hard in English. If our
English ability is very good, we can communicate with the foreigner effectively. I hope
that I can go abroad again. Before that, I should be very hard.
2011學海遊學 英國赫爾大學團 中文心得報告
店和好幾間shopping mall,在那邊有找到兩間中式餐館,兩間各有各的特色都很
師Mureen,她主要是教我們如何增進聽力能力。另外她也規定要分組作project 打
色。在出國前我們利用學習閒暇之餘,藉由網路查詢青年旅社(Youth Hostel)和公
When I admitted that I win the scholarship, I was very surprised and staggering.
There were so many people but I could actually stand out. The day before departure, I
checked my baggage again and again, fearing if something had forgotten to bring.
The journey is full of curiosity and anticipation. On the first day, I was so excited
about the future with anxiety, then I go on the plane. When we arrived the Netherlands,
I was so surprised for procedures of their security. All this was so strict, and it was
completely different with Taiwan. In addition to go through a very special machine
and the security officer would touch all over your body to make sure you not have any
illegal things. This was a very special experience that I never have. When we got to
Hull, in the way to the dormitory, the streets are mostly grassland and some houses on
both sides. I was completely attracted to the town's landscape, and surprised how the
peace of the harmony. All of the scenery of us were fresh, so we ready to stop and
taking pictures. And we also found that the different transport rules between here and
Taiwan, they pay more attention to pedestrians walking right. The driver will stop
when they see pedestrians want to cross the road. And most of them choose to take a
bus rather than by car.
To the long-awaited quarters, I am very excited because I've always wanted to
have the experience to live in different country’s dormitory. There are several
different names dormitory buildings, we are living in a dormitory called the Ferens,
which has a very convenient and warm kitchen. Here became a good place for us to
chat and cooking. And the one experience that I never have, which is to use a public
bath with toilet. This made me learn how to maintain health and clean for public space
to the next user. Besides, because sunset was later than Taiwan and there were added
to provide a diet too much. After we finished the meal, we usually walk on the grass
outside the restaurant, and enjoy the sun, lying on the ground or playing volleyball to
digest it. The first day in University of Hull, we had to register ourselves in a different
language, and this experience made me feel great pressure. On the one hand, it was
hard for me to try to understand the accent of the stuff. On the other hand, I was worry
about information is not very detail. At that moment, it was felt like studying English
for very long time but when the time I still feel tension and fear unlimited. The school
gave us a bus card so that we could take the bus between the city center and the
dormitory without pay any money. We usually take the bus after the class and go to
shopping in city center. There are many shops and several shopping mall. We found
two Chinese restaurants in city center, two of each have their own characteristics and
both of them were very good. When we miss a taste of home we would go there to
First day of class, because our class was a small class, I found that the class has
five students from China, four students from Taiwan and two Italian students. We
ruled out the language barrier and political barriers, and we all get along in harmony.
There are two teachers in our classes, and both of them are very patience and
professional. They sometimes row number and course-related game to increase our
interest in their teachings. By their teaching, I learned a lot of things. There has a
teacher, Mureen, she primarily to teach us how to improve listening ability. In
addition, she also provides for the group as a project to fight academic achievement,
she wants us to make a video which the content determined by us and hand in by the
end of the course. All of us scattered broke up into different groups, she said, we can
learn how not to rely on our peers and get along with others by this way. But also
because of her decision, I made a lot of friends. For me, in this group working, the
scores is not very important, what I learn is to break the barriers of each other for the
final score. I felt very great , and this is a unforgettable experience that I never had.
Besides the course that school arranged, we also participated in school holiday
arrangements for the trip. We went to York, beverley and other places to play. After
we visited, we had more understand about different parts of the culture and the
landscape of buildings. Before leaving Taiwan, we use our free time to search through
network to find Youth Hostel (Youth Hostel), bus, train times, planning the trip to
London. We think planning in advance was better than planning in the UK. This way
help us save a lot of money. It is worth to mention that meet the unrest when we
traveled in London. My parents said that Taiwan broadcast the news every day, they
were very worried about my security. And I think we were so lucky, we did not
encounter the bad guys and turmoil, only see there are many and many police on the
street. Fortunately, we came back with peace, and thank God for let us have a great
memories in London.
Time passing, a month's time appears to be very long, but actually it pass like a
archery. And the experience of studying in Hull that me learned a lot on personal
relationships and how to use international language talk to other people who come
from different nations. This requires the courage for me. And it make me more
independent to learn and stay with a groups to each other who live this month with me,
what I learn was to be responsible for our own life and deal with everything. I want to
thank to my parents and school’s scholarships, without anyone of them, I will not
have so perfect traveling memories.
2011學海遊學 英國赫爾大學團 中文心得報告
English :
I was really happy that I had this chance to go abroad. When I was in the airport and
ready to get into the plane, I was nervous and afraid because it was my first time to leave
home for a long time. But time flies, I felt that a month is not enough for me to stay at such
a beautiful place. When I just arrived in the Hull, I saw different scenery from Taiwan
which is beautiful, clear, and natural.
This study tour is a good experience for me, because I learned a lot. For example, I
learned some speaking skill in the Hull University. When I had a conversation with
teachers and classmates, I found that grammar and reading is not as important as speaking
and listening. So I could know that I have to improve my English leaning and strengthen
my speaking and listening skill.
I was so happy that I met a lot of foreign friends from different countries and we had a
lots happy time together, such as we went to the bowling and bar together. I think the most
important thing of the trip is not how much I get, but making a lot of friends and having a
great experience. I learned many new things like the different food, culture and
environment. The biggest challenge for me is the food, because the food in the U.K is very
different from Taiwan. Almost every meal we could see the potatoes. And I think their
cooking is too salty and greasy that I think is not healthy.
And they don't have drink shop and night market that made us feel sad. When it was
about 5PM, we can see seldom people in the street and the shops are closing. So, all of we
have a healthy life in the U.K.
As for the transportation, I think it is a great model for everyone, because every driver
has a good manner in the road. So there has seldom car accident in Hull. They used to give
precedence out of courtesy other cars or people. Especially, when we wanted to pass the
road, every driver would let us pass first, and they drive after we pass the road safety.
And in this month, we also went to the London in our holiday. Although nobody
brought us to go, we could learn how to independent in a strange place. It is a special trip
for me because I saw many beautiful place and scenery which I can just see it in the TV.
For example, Big Ben, London Bridge and Buckingham Palace. I never think that I could
have a chance to go there places. So I took a lot of photos there and I would not forget the
trip of the London. I think the London trip is the most worthy trip because I have to save
every problem by myself. So I can learn many things faster.
And there is a special culture which made me feel inconceivable, that is the service
behavior. When we went shopping, I could feel that the shop keeper is more important than
the customers. Because one day we went to the department too much early, but there had
also many customers waiting for the opening. In generally, the shopkeeper would open the
door early in Taiwan. But in the U.K, they still opened it slowly. That time I felt very
shock because it is very different from our countries. And once time, my friend wanted to
buy a pair of shoes, but she wanted to have a new one. Then we asked the shopkeeper to
take a new one for us, but he did not want to help us. That time I felt very terrible and
angry. Then, I understood that is because of the different cultural in different places.
In the school, I could not understood teachers very clear, because my English is not
good enough. So I decided to learn English harder and harder, then I could travel more
countries in my future. So this chance is good for me, because it encourages me to work
hard, and give me many special memories. So I would encourage other to strive for the
scholarship and also tell others how important the English is.
2011學海遊學 英國赫爾大學團 中文心得報告
王慈鍊 9877036a
張餐卡、洗衣儲值卡、手機儲值卡、5 磅電話卡,以及最重要的公車卡,在市區
分的店家幾乎都在傍晚 6 點就休息了,大概只剩下酒吧、夜店和規模較大的超
千萬別小看那條商店街,那可是充斥著一些家喻戶曉的品牌,例如 LARA、H&M、
BODYSHOP、TOPMAN 等等......。當然最多時候是為了填飽肚子,宿舍餐廳沒有
家分 2 批去了。因為是出國前就訂好的火車票,我們這批人,用便宜的價格坐上
在上課期間,我們認識了 4 個義大利來的朋友,因為同班,也因為都算來自
王慈鍊 98770036a I am glad that I get the scholarship and have the chance to study abroad. It is my first time to go abroad. WhenI inform this message, my families feelit isincredible. But it is true, andI did it. Time flies. We all back from Hull. I still remember when I leave Taiwan, the feels that I have. I prepare the baggage time and time before the day I leave. Sitting in the plane and enjoy the meal. After about 16 hours, we arrived at the goal place, Hull.We live in a big student accommodation called The Lawns Centre. Like the name of the accommodation, there is a big lawn. They play football and volleyball there. Sometime people lie on the grass, enjoy the sun. It is really feel comfortable. Before the course start, school held a speech about the course. In fact, we did not have any test, and not assign classes according to our abilities. So, we just split into half of the twelve. A class has 6 students from Taiwan, 2 from Italy, and about 3 or 4 from China. During the month, we meet four friends from Italy. They are very kind people. We are classmates and good partners. We taught a little bit of ourselves language to each other.Have fun every day. Even at the last week, we hold a party together. We not only share the food, beverages, and some drink, but also play cards, chat, and have fun together. In the speech, they also introduce the activities arrangement from school club staff. Some are free; others should pay for the transportation. You can choose whatever you want, it’s free to participate. And the bowling day is come in a rainy day. The Hull’s students said it’s free to i‐shou students. And other activities held by them seem like also free to us because i‐shouhas paid the fees. The best thing in the month is take a trip. We used the weekend, travel to the other city like York and London. York I think everyone stay at UK should visit to London. It’s a big city. We have been to London eye, big ben, Buckingham palace, and so on. Take lots of photos. I sank in much beautiful scenery. It’s a special experience that I never thought. Except London trip, another thing let me can’t forget is the food in UK. We ate potato every day. Fish and chips is a common food in the place. Very often to eat fries food. I think we all fat in that time. Every day we have orange juice and fruit in a meal. I feel not bad. We have 2 professors in the course. Both of them were very nice. We didn’6 get any stress from the course. The assignment sign to us was easy to complete. The course with diverse teach methods. Sometimes we play games to learn conversation. Certainly, listening and reading are important. One of the professors also asked us to take a video. The content is about forecast, and we should upload on the YouTube.Professors took us to a bar at the end of last class. Guys took photos to memory. Now I am sitting in my room, and typing these words. I recall all the things do my best. But I think, those experience words cannot express.You have to join in person andenjoy everything by yourself then you can understand the feels. I really want to thank the school make me dreams come true. So far, it is the bestexperience in my life. 2011學海遊學 英國赫爾大學團 中文心得報告
黃子育 9943021A 這次的飛行過程需要轉機,我們這隊裡沒有一個人有過轉機的經驗,所以一
要事先告訴他們,讓他們有心理準備。 赫爾大學裡的學生有超多大陸人,在這一個月中,遇見的人有二分之一都是
果學校能夠幫助同學的話,一切都會更好、更順暢。 到了國外,當然不能像在臺灣一樣,當宅男宅女,一定要多出去走走,雖然
是很美的城市,能到這麼多城市觀光、旅遊,真得很快樂! 這一個月因為同學大家互助、幫忙,所以過得很開心,就算遇到困難,也因
很美好、很逗趣的回憶。 在國外上課不像在臺灣,同學只要有不懂的地方,都會直接舉手問老師,跟
只能和美國人溝通,而無法和其他國家的人溝通。 剛開始到英國時,覺得一個月好久、好漫長,但到最後十天時,又突然覺得
好的回憶。 University of Hull 黃子育 9943021A During the flight process, no one of us have the experience of transferring the plane. At first, we feel a little nervous; we don’t know where to go. But we have a responsible leader that we didn’t get lost. When I overlook from the airplane, there are a lot of fields. When I got off the plane, I felt refreshed. The weather in Hull is very cozy. The weather in Hull is very different from Taiwan. Hull is a good place to go away for the summer. I enjoyed not only the weather but also the view. The view in Hull or you can say in England is very beautiful. No matter where you go, you can take good photos. The view and buildings are very impressive. On weekends, we went to London, York and Edinburgh. These places are very beautiful; they are worth to visit. Especially Edinburgh, in august there is Edinburgh Festival, you can see many young people do their best to play the show. The audience is the biggest encouragement for the performers. In the Hull, you want to buy things is not very convenient. You have to take bus or walk about fifteen minutes to buy daily things. The shops in Hull are closed about seven o’clock. But in London most shops open longer, so you can shop until about ten o’clock. In my opinion, if you want to know a country deeply, you must have to live longer than one month. And your lifestyle have to just the people who live in that country. Only in this way, you can know the country deeply. Knowing a country deeply does not only live and shop in the main city but also to view the countryside. The people live in the main city and the countryside has different lifestyle. So you have to experience all of them, then you can say I know this country deeply. And only in this way, you can know what are the real happiness and the real life. At the class beginning, the teacher told us that we have to make a project before the course we take. At the first, I thought it is very troublesome. I didn’t want to do it very much. In the process, I felt more and more interesting; because when members discussed more then there would more ideas come out. Everyone has their own ideas. Mixing all ideas together, there will are some interesting things happened. During the process, we felt a little tired and confused. But when all of us see the project had been finished. That emotion can’t describe by language. It also because members encourage each other and help each other, we can cross this difficult process. In our class, there are two Italians, first time listen to their speaking; I can’t understand what they talk about. Because they have accent that I can’t understand what they talk about. I think they don’t understand what I talk about either. But when we talk more and more, then I can understand what they talk. Every person has their own accent so you have to listen to them very carefully, or you can’t understand what they talk about. In the class, if you don’t understand what does the teacher talks about, you can just raise your hand or call the teacher’s name and ask him or her. They never feel impatient with students who could not follow him or her. They like students talking what they thought. And then other the member in the class can discuss; everyone should say what you thought in your mind. The way the teachers teach is very multiple; it is not like Taiwan. In there, teacher will ask you to make the video. In this video you should forecast that what the weather will be like. Finish the video; you have to upload it on the Internet. The teacher will check it on the Internet. Then give you a piece of advice. It was a good experience for me. It is really cool; when you see yourself on the Internet. There are only twelve students in the class. It is a small class size. So the teacher can listen to your pronunciation very carefully. They can correct your pronunciation at once. There are a lot of presentations, it not only trains your speaking but also your on time reaction. In Taiwan we also have presentation, but it is not very often. For abroad, presentation is very often; almost every class has a little presentation. So you can train your English speaking, thought and courage. There must are some words you don’t understand. But at first, don’t search the meaning of the word in Chinese. You can ask the teacher or classmates in English. Guess it at first, and then check it in English. Every day after the class; you should check the meaning of some words that you are not sure. And then remember it, do this work every day; your English will be improved. The food in England is not very delicious but also not unpalatable. You can eat potatoes in different shape every day. At first you may feel good to eat, but at last you will get sick of it. In England most food are tasteless; just like no salt inside. You have to add the salt by yourself. No matter where you are, the food is just alike. You have to add the salt by yourself. The table will put the salt forever and ever. The tea in England is good to drink. The milk tea in England is different from Taiwan. The milk in Taiwan is the clerks mix the milk and tea together for you. But in England, the milk tea is that the clerks give milk and tea; then you plus two together by yourself. You can only drink the tea without milk. The black tea in England is very famous. The milk tea is really different from Taiwan. The style of dressing between England and Taiwan are very different. Taiwanese like to wear many clothes on body; let the clothes have many layers; not dull. But the British they don’t wear so much, they only wear one T‐shirt; sometimes the T‐shirts are shorter than Taiwanese wear. Although the weather in England is colder than Taiwan, they wear less than Taiwanese. The British like simple T‐shirts. Taiwanese like multiple clothes. This is my opinion about the different from Taiwan to England in this month. First three days, I feel the days are so long; just like a month. I can’t image how I will live in this month. But at last ten days, I feel the days are so quickly. I can understand what the meaning of a saying “Time flies ”. I am reluctant to give up at last. Because I know many great friends, no matter where are they come from. Some of them I think that I only can see them only this time in my life. Because the distance of our countries are so far, we won’t see each other again. So I cherish the time very much. Although we only live together for a month, we solve a lot of problems together. Not only on the class we face many problems but also on trip we face a lot of problems. Because we go out together, so even though we face the problem we don’t feel afraid. Because we can solve it together, you know the friends are behind you, so you will not feel afraid. I really thanked my all friends, who I met in the England. Because of them, I feel this month is very interesting. Not only the class is interesting but also our trips are very interesting. In my opinion, a journey is worth or not worth; not only decide on which place you go but also who go with you. Only you go with funny people; the trip will be more interesting. Only go with great people then you will meet great things. Because of these reasons, I think the people, who you go with is more important than which place you go. I cherish these friends. I am glad that I can meet these people in my life. Although we will not see each other anymore in the future, I am also very happy. The memory of this month is only for us, who live together in this month. The memory of this month will in my mind forever and ever. I not only thanked my friends, who faced many problems with me but also the school. I thanked the school let us go abroad for a month for free. We learned not only English but also the way about how to solve the problems. We also do civil diplomacy. Let many foreigners, who didn’t know Taiwan this country; we tell them many good things from Taiwan. And pay attention to our behaviors. We just want let more and more people know Taiwan this country. I think that let foreigners know Taiwan this country; the best method is changing the students. Let them know there is a good country in this world, which called Taiwan. 2011學海遊學 英國赫爾大學團 中文心得報告
吳旻倩 9878016A
Humberside 小機場,放眼望去全都是田,我們到了適合休憩的好地方,空氣清新,
LAWNS 最近的市集去採買當作午餐的微波食物,順便儲值手機電話卡。第二天
就到的 HULL 的市中心,我們一行人四處逛逛,看看 HULL 有賣什麼東西,有哪
些不一樣的商店,順便去 TEXCO 買一些生活用品。而第三天我們被告知要到赫
爾大學去辦註冊,到了學校的會議室,裡面坐滿 COURSE 2 的學生,學校的辦公
天就去參加學校安排的旅遊行程,我們去看了 HULL 當地兩個博物館(MQ &
STREETLIFE),MQ 是從史前時代留到現在的東西,STREETLIFE 則是從以前到
第二周就開始分班上課,我們一行人 12 個剛好被分到兩個班,所以我們班
上有 6 個台灣人、2 個義大利人、4 個大陸人。教我們的老師是 MAUREEN 跟 ED,
ED 負責上課本內容,MAUREEN 則是以遊戲或者是我們拍影片作英文學習,有
參加學校安排的活動,我們去坐火車離 HULL 只差一站的 BEVERLEY,我們逛
了那裡的市集、16 世紀的教堂、還有糖果店,買了一些糖果、巧克力當作紀念
有矮矮的欄杆擋住洗溝道。禮拜六的時候我們就跟著 HULL 大學裡面的華人社團,
一起去 YORK,我們去約克中有名的下午茶餐廳 BETTY,體驗英國人休閒的下
我們吃完的時候,已經要排上 20 至 30 分鐘才能有位子,我們還要英國有名的
WHITTARD 去購買茶葉送禮。禮拜天正值哈利波特上映時間,所以我們就討論
點:大英博物館、大笨鐘、倫敦眼、倫敦鐵橋…。還去了牛津的 OUTLET 買過
吳旻倩 9878016A
I missed the first qualification of the scholarships, Xuehai, I must grasp last chance,
because this is a rare opportunity to study abroad tours about one month. Not only can
increase our English ability, but also going out to broaden their horizons.Efforts have not
been wasted, and I knew that I can go abroad. All day I kept smile on my face, that day
evening I was too happy to sleep, even if the information is not complicated to prepare
complained, full look forward to the arrival of summer.
To go abroad that day, a group of us went to a collection of Taiwan high-speed rail to
Taoyuan International Airport, take the high-speed rail when the travel agency Wang told
us about a number of considerations.Taoyuan International Airport to Amsterdam from
Humberside to the small airport, looking ahead all fields, we went to a good place for rest,
fresh air, arrived the first day of the sky inundated with rain, the weather was a bit cold,
after all the good weather.
The first week in the UK, because it is not registering for classes, in the absence of
circumstances led teacher. By taking the bus we look around all Hull. Dormitories have
breakfast and dinner, the first day we went to buy food for lunch microwave, by the way
mobile phone SIM card. Next day to Hull city center, we go shopping, take a look at Hull
have to sell something, which is not the same shops, and the way to Texco buy some daily
necessities.The third day we were told to go to the University of Hull running a register, to
the school's conference room, which filled COURSE 2 students, the school's office staff
that the note in the UK, select the course we want to, and lined up to register. Went to
school the next day to participate in arranged tours, we went to two local museums HULL
(MQ & STREETLIFE), MQ is left from prehistoric times to the present things, Streetlife is
now from the previous collection of antique cars and trains.
Placement began the second week of classes, we have a pedestrian was assigned to 12 just
two classes, so our class there are six people in Taiwan, two Italians, four Chinas.To teach
our teachers are MAUREEN with ED, ED is responsible for the content of this class,
MAUREEN is based on the game or we shoot the film for English learning, may
sometimes have to practice the English stage, such as self-introduction, to decribe your
personality....Saturday to participate in activities arranged by the school, we sit just one
train stop away from Hull to Beverley, where we visit the bazaar, the 16th century church,
as well as a candy shop, bought some candy, chocolates as a souvenir.Just off the end of
July is their season, so many well-known brands on the time from the beginning to
discount offer.
Monday of each week's lecture is the time to listen in the morning and in the afternoon we
will have to discuss about the lecture in our classes.We arranged the trip to participate in
the school, the bus turned a few classes to go to a bowling alley bowling, bowling England
to a particular person is that he can choose whether to wash channel, if you are a beginner,
then you can choose not to wash the ditch, so hethere was short railing blocking the wash
channel.Saturday, when we follow Hull inside the Chinese community college, go York,
we went to afternoon tea in the famous restaurant Betty, experience British leisure
afternoon tea time, when we go to is close to noon, which hasno absence have to queue up
to sit, or even to eat when we have 20-30 minutes to rafts in order to have seats, we have
known Whittard to buy British tea gifts.Harry Potter release time, we will discuss a movie,
to see whether there is foreign cinema differences with Taiwan, because the Harry Potter
content is well known, and not because there is no subtitles and read,So we all understand
a film plot.
Because we know that Edinburgh sold Kashmir to the commodity cheaper than others
regions, so the students bought trains tickets, went straight to Edinburgh to large purchases,
and I went to London with several other students to visit the famous tourist attractions: The
British Museum,Big Ben, London Eye, the Tower Bridge ....Also went to Oxford Outlet
bought season merchandise.
To want to leave a few days before, we together with Italian students in the dorm playing,
blessing each other the next day, leaving a good way to contact everyone, that after a good
reunion time.Finally to the back of the day, we are big bags of luggage, carrying their
booty to buy, souvenirs, mighty return to Taiwan, Kaohsiung back the same way, back to
their home.