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2011 年 英國皇后大學
系級:應英一 B
字叫做 Xisco,而他理所當然的是我第一個認識的外籍學生。雖然它是唯一一個
們:Reza 還有 Bernie,老師們都很
電影、坐鴨子船遊 Langan 河和觀光巴士繞貝爾法斯特以及坐船完成鐵
比如說我們就自己看了超級便宜的 3D 電影、也在陶(一個來自
就真的都靠我們自己了。除了 Winda 不能一起去這一點很可惜之外,這一趟說長
多虧有了學姐和大家的幫忙。而且待在貝爾發斯特的 Winda 有得到我在都柏林寫
時光:Treehouse 是一個我們能夠吃到當地食物的學生餐
2011 年 英國皇后大學
系級:應英一 B
In July 2011, I took part in a study tour and went to Queen’s University. Before
we set off, I thought that it would be very terrible without a teacher to keep us
company and to guide us. However, after arriving Belfast I found that actually we did
not need a teacher at all. Simply because we were already university students, and we
are acquired with basic English ability, not thing was going to be too difficult for
us. On the other hand, there was another tour with a teacher. Nevertheless, all
they did was just followed their teacher, it seemed that it was the teacher
who was really learning and experiencing exotic life style. Things were
completely different when talking about we I- Shou group. In this essay, I
would like to share my one-month-long life in three aspects, which are the language
courses, our leisure activities and the student restaurant that we went to everyday.
All of us were in the same class also we were the only group of students in the
class, as the result we did not had enough opportunities to make friends with people
from other countries. Fortunately, there was a foreigner in our class, Xisco, an
interesting man from Spain. Undoubtedly, he was the first foreign learner I met, which
I was really glad; because of his sense of humor as well as funny behavior. Though
the chance of making foreign friends was limited, I still
enjoyed having courses there. One of the reasons was the
way how the classes were given: They were interactive as
we were asked to work in pairs and in groups to discuss, to
present and so on. In addition to this, the main reason was
because of the teachers, Reza and Bernie, who were really
nice, paid a lot of attention to preparing various teaching materials, and treated us not
only as students but also as their children. Most important of al, they knew clearly that
we were there to learn; however, the best way of learning a language was to be
immersed in the environment which means go out and deal with
local people instead of staying in the classroom and holding a
grammar book. Consequently, Reza and Bernie always wanted
us to take the advantages that we were in Northern Ireland and
encouraged us to meet and have conversation with local
people. What’s more, part of our assignment was to have more
knowledge about local eating,
drinking habits and other cultures by designing our own
questionnaire and had a small talk with people there.
Though that was somehow a challenge for us, the best
and only method to improve our English ability is
practice and practice.
Besides having classes we also participated in the social events that the learning
section arranged for us, as the matter of fact we I-Shou group was the most active
when attending social activities, compared with other students. We took part in
dynamic ones such as ice-skating, bowling, learning Irish dancing, went walking at
Mount Stewart, hiking in the mountains from the Belfast zoo the Belfast Castle and
my favorite one—went to the Giant’s Causeway, Rope Bridge and Londonderry
where we spent all day long and had wonderful time playing at sea side. Furthermore,
there were static events that we enjoyed joining in, for instance, we went movie
watching at the movie screen session and went into the River Langan by taking the
Splash tour, went around Belfast and had a look at the work of Titanic through tour
buses and boat. Even though those social activities were good,
the experience of hanging out ourselves, based on our plan,
was the best part of this four-week-long trip. The reasons
why it was the best were simple; first of all, there was no
need to wait for others to gather or to finish doing everything
such as taking pictures, which always took ages and ages.
The second one was that, we could obviously have more chances
to practice to be independent by doing so. For instance, we went
to see a 3D movie at a very low price, and with the company of
Tou, we went to a church where was a place full of friendly
people, we went to another country, Ireland as well. To be honest,
we did not do everything on our own; we received a lot of help
from our older schoolmate, Jamie. Our plan of visiting Dublin
was a very good example, on the first day we arrived Belfast,
Jamie advised us strongly that it would be a worthwhile
experience to go to Dublin, and she gave us lots of useful
information and advices, because we were already in the
Northern Ireland where is not a long distant from the capital
city of Ireland, Dublin. Even our budget was only enough for
the trip for a single day. After we had decided to go, we began
to search for useful information, some surfed on the Internet
for the train timetable, others looked for information of the
cabs, still others booked the tickets with our older schoolmate, Jamie. Once we
departed for Dublin, we had no one but ourselves to rely on. Except one
thing that Winda did not have the opportunity to go with us was a pity,
the one day journey was great and substantial. Thanks to the big helping
hand from Jamie and everyone. Despite Winda could not go with us, she
got a postcard from me, which I bought and wrote to her in Dublin.
Nevertheless, it would better if I had time to buy stamps and mail to her.
After asking about our extra-curricular leisure activities, I am going to move on
to the part that we also appreciate a lot; in fact, this was the time that most of us
looked forwarded to having. Treehouse is a place that we could have local dishes,
which were completely different from what we are used to. Food there was really too
salty, too fatty, too spicy and the portion was too big for us; however, things were new
and interesting to us. We liked going there not just because we could taste special food
but there were nice staffs to serve us. We really liked them, we even gave them
nicknames: the chef was called the cute chef; the only lady was
named the female cook, also there was a cool guy and a small
guy. We often discussed and had a guess that who will be there
at Treehouse that evening. I personally liked the cute chef the
most, because he was really cute and kind. I remembered when
we just arrived there he did not know I am a vegetarian that can
not have onions and garlic. After I told him about this he
prepared vegetarian food for me immediately. Moreover, during
the first two weeks we were the only group that had dinner at Treehouse, they were so
friendly and flexible that they were willing to rearrange the time for our dinner
because we wanted to participate in several social events. We had special impression
on the cool guy, at the beginning, just as I had mentioned, he looked extremely cool
without a smile on his face, and he dressed himself in black as well. That was really
terrible; nevertheless, we started talking with each other from the third week. He even
gave us delicious cookies! It was interesting that he did not need ask me what he
could serve me in the last week; he imitated me by saying
“Food for vegetarian, some rice and some chips but not too
many, also two packs of ketchup. It’s that right?” How
humors he was! Maybe because we had more chances to
talk with one another, we gradually liked him more and
even missed him the most at the end of our trip. Meanwhile,
the female cook also made a special impression on me.
One day, I found the sauce met my taste; it was sweet and a little bit sour. In
coincident, I got too much rice that day; as a result, I went to her and asked for some
more sauce. While I was waiting for her I told her that the sauce tasted great, I loved it,
but she just smiled and did not have any more reaction. What happened afterward was
that I had similar dishes the following days! Perhaps those staffs met each other and
the lady told the cute chef, who knows? Other group members laughed at me and said
were it for my praise this would never occur to me. What a special and important
lesson it was!
This trip was definitely worth going; we not only heard interesting historic
stories in class, but went to lots of well-known places, experienced their cultures and
eating habits. All in all, I would like to say this is without a doubt a
fantastic experience, which includes happiness and achievement of
our lives as well. I’m strongly convinced that all of us did gain a lot
not only the improvement of our English skills but the ability and
confidence of living outside alone.
2011 學海遊學 英國皇后大學團 中文心得報告
蘇倍嫻 整裝待發,在去機場的路上,不曉得問了自己幾千遍幾萬遍,我真的要去到
英國了嗎? 感覺好不實際,不過我的的確確是在 Belfast 度過了將近一個月的時
2011/7/02~2011/7/31 搭了好久好久的飛機,終於來到 Belfast,來接我們去到 Queen’s University
得是一個有著濃重口音的漂亮姊姊,Finena 以及 Jamie 學姊,負責打理好我們的
冷及累,趕快逼自己去洗好澡後,就立刻跳上床睡覺了。 今天可以說是正式接觸 Queen’s 的第一天,一大清早就有一個超大份量的早
幕儀式,正式宣告我們在 Belfast 將近一個月的生活,我第一個認識的老師就是
Reza,負責我們早上的教學,在來就是下午的 Bernie,兩個老師都親切無比,跟
Jamie 學姊帶著我們到附近逛逛,熟悉環境,於是我們去到那裡的 supermarket‐ TESCO。裡頭也是應有盡有,像個小型的賣場,只是少了點台灣味而已。 第一個禮拜的生活現在回想起來是有點平淡的,感覺沒有填滿,所幸還有學
校安排的 social event,像是 Ice‐skating、Movie screening 和 Splash Tour,這些都
都充滿好奇及期待,對我來說,Ice‐skating 真的是我難忘的回憶,在台灣即使義
事情都看得很簡單,沒想到親自上陣得到的結果不一樣,而且多虧了 Winda,當
還是沒能順暢的滑在冰上,但自此之後就下定決心回 ISU 在跟冰上世界下戰帖。
其次是 Splash Tour,那就是航行在水上欣賞 Belfast,他的 Bus 是可以同時行駛在
的第一次都獻給 UK 的 Belfast,別具意義,並且印象深刻。 當然我們還有安排
一些其他的活動,像是第一次到 City Center 的 shopping,第一次到他們的教堂參
觀,但是總會有些不如意,沒想到在 ISU 常在作的 Presentation 到了 UK 還是得
好的,只是怎還會有功課呢? 不是該開開心心的過完這將近一個月的國外之旅嗎?
第一個禮拜,不,應該說第一天,我就已經義無反顧的愛上 Belfast。 這是個精采的第二個星期,最令人開心的事情是,我們這禮拜只需要上三天
課,其他兩天剛好是 Belfast 有名的 Holiday,不過 Reza 特別提醒我們說並不是所
有人都會 enjoy 這個 holiday,在三囑咐我們出去看遊行時要小心,別說錯話了,
就到附近的 Botanic Garden 走走,那真的是意外的收穫,我們趁著那天的空檔,
參觀了裡頭的 Green House 和 Museum,看了好多好多以前沒看過的東西,其實
已經走到腳都快斷了也絕對不想停下來,難得來到 Belfast,一定要好好抓住所有
可以發現驚奇的機會,連假第二天,我們去到了 Mount Stewart 參觀,那裡是一
有的一次機會跟 Reza 的一對一師生面談,其實不外乎就是你在 Emls Village 適應
可惜的是就只有那麼一次機會…很快的這個嘆息就已經被 Harry Potter 電影行程
給覆蓋過去了,都已經來到了 UK,又剛好遇到 Harry Potter 最終集,不去看一下
豈不是太可惜了,沒想到國外的電影沒有字幕,是開始聽力訓練了? 雖然很多都
不是很懂,但 body language 是種國際語言,多少還是猜的道裡頭的劇情,最棒
的是我們看的是 3D 版,令人驚訝的是票價還比台灣更便宜,沒想到不僅真的看
的到 Harry Potter 最終級以外又可以欣賞到 3D 版,怎麼會有這麼幸運得事情,
這部陪了我們一起長大的電影,我卻在起源地 UK 伴隨它完美落幕,心中的感覺
後,又是一次可怕的 City Center 大 shopping,不意外地,又是一整天的腳力運動,
累的很開心很滿足。這禮拜的最終點是 Belfast Zoo 和 Castle,Zoo 是我最期待的
那個浪漫的 Castle 充滿了無限的遐想,可是天氣真的太糟糕了,我們走了好久好
久的”泥濘路”才抵達目的地,感覺的到 Toa 及 Michael 對我們感到很抱歉,如果
話故事書裡頭的美好呢? 不過說實在話,不禁一番寒澈骨,焉得梅花撲鼻香,那
一刻瞬間頓悟,即使在灰濛濛的天空下,Castle 的感覺依然夢幻美好,少不了一
陣的相機攻勢,走進 Castle 彷彿走進時光隧道,裡頭的燈光彷彿有一種神祕的氣
女般的戀愛情懷,好像年輕了好幾歲,內心的漣漪不曾停止。 很快的時間邁入了第三個禮拜,這禮拜的行程也是很令人期待,直到那時候
我才知道原來 Belfast 是製造 Titanic 的所在地,我只能說緣分真的很奇妙,我人
生的第一次去電影院看的電影就是 Titanic,我人生第一次去的西方國家居然就是
製造 Titanic 得 Belfast,真的很奇妙,不過還有一個形成我覺得是晚了一點,就
是 Bus Tour,這就是搭著 Bus 繞行 Belfast,讓你觀賞整個 Belfast,可是我們已經
而且我們還自己安排了一趟 Dublin 之旅,雖然是跟老師借時間,雖然最後還是
要補課,雖然只有短短的一天,雖然還要再多花一筆錢,可是等於我們來 UK 去
到了兩個國家,North Ireland 和 Ireland,我非常佩服小隊長以及隊上很多人的互
個大行程了‐Giant’s Causeway,那裡很風景很漂亮很壯觀,天空很藍,海很清澈,
多來自各個國家的觀光客,走了好長一段路就是為了要走 Rope Bridge,雖然它
前往最後一個目的地‐Londonderry,就距離 Giant’s Causeway 不遠處,另一邊壯闊
方台灣也有,就是 Bar,其實有點危險,一來人生地不熟的,二來我們只有三個
還不賴,一開始我們本來想去那間 Guiness Bar,可是不知道是他們聽不懂我們說
知的謎了,不死心的我們又跑到另一家去‐ YE OLDE ENGLANTINE INN,真的不敢
相信第一次去就被外國人請喝酒,我們還搞不清楚狀況的時候一個 gentleman 替
我們先付了,之後我們就跑去感謝他也小聊一下,我們點的是 Party Girl,是一種
cocktail 調酒,挺好喝的,不過其中一位外國人跟我們說,雖然感覺不像酒,可
大陸生是否也被西化了呢? 他也問我們要不要再繼續喝,他請客,當然我們也是
生,讓我印象很深刻,之後還送我們回去 Elms Village,已經跟他說我們住在最裡
整個對 Bar 的感覺大改觀,本來都以為裡頭的人都是凶神惡煞,然後環境複雜險
惡,其實我也沒去過台灣的 Bar,不過那些都是我對 Bar 的既定印象,看來這一
則可能自己受到傷害也來不及了,總歸來說,那一天真的很 relax 也很奇妙的一
關係,但是這個周末已經是最後一個周末了,我們最後決定在去 City Center 逛逛,
得知道 Botanic Garden 有另外一個 Carnival 的活動,很湊巧的都在同一天,因為
害怕之後的逛街時間不夠,就沒有特地趕回去看 Carnival, 雖然有點可惜,可是
的天性,但還有其他同學特地趕回去看了,他們有拍一些照片,雖然沒能看到 ,但還是可以聽聽他們的分享,也是蠻不錯的。 很不想面對的最後一個禮拜還是到來了,離別的味道特別濃厚,大家嘴上都
沒說,可是我卻覺得格外的感傷。這禮拜可以去 Odyssey 打 bowling,在台灣我
很少去 Bowling,可以在 UK 體會打 Bowling 的感覺,似乎挺不賴的,不過就是好
了感謝老師,為了紀念來到 UK 的美好,我們毅然決然的豁出去,即使在不會煮,
我相信老師可以感受到我們的心意,不過我們遇到了一個難題,UK 不比在台灣,
鬧,真希望美好的時光能永遠停留,但卻是不可能的事情…… 我真的覺得我好像在作夢,回到台灣之後,感覺好失落好難過,不能說自己
意,因為那不是一種難受,而是一種享受,希望我有一天還有能力再回到 UK,
回到那我們曾經一起創造的回憶裡—Queen’s university, Belfast, UK. I can’t believe that I can go to Western countries one day. There is a chance for
students who want to go abroad for one month. As long as you pass the exam, you
will be qualified for this activity. To my surprise, not only I got through but also I had
a good grade so that I can have priority to choose whatever universities I like. Unlike
before, Applied English students cannot choose the same school at a time. However,
the rules are changed this year. In other words, there is a big possibility for us to go
abroad with the one you are familiar with. As we expected, my classmates and I made
a same choice---Queen’s University.
I am pretty sure that every student must be excited before the day we set out our
journey. For me, it’s too good to be true. When I packed up, I didn’t think I was going
to take the plane, which is head for Belfast, UK. I know it sounds laughable, but that
was the real feeling I had at that time. I felt so nervous that I almost cannot breathe.
The most anxious thing is that no teacher will help us to take the plane and arrange
the things this year. What a big challenge! Whenever we face difficulties, what we can
do is solve the problems by ourselves. Therefore, we need to choose one of the
members as a leader, who is responsible for the trifle things. My parents are worried
about us because it’s the first time for most people to go abroad, let alone taking the
airplane. Nonetheless, this is a great opportunity for us to grasp, training ourselves.
Thus, all of us are willing to accept such a challenge.
I won’t forget the moment when I arrived at our destination—Belfast. It took us
about seventeen hours to get there. I didn’t feel tired at all; in contrast, I felt excited
and expected. Unconsciously, I was totally immersed in my imagination, thinking of
everything I was going to meet here. I couldn’t wait for go sightseeing, talking to
foreigners, eating local food, taking lots of pictures, buying souvenirs, and so on.
However, the first thing we needed to do was to get all our things ready in Elms
Village, where we lived, and
have a sufficient sleep and rest to welcome the coming
of next wonderful day in UK.
Though the season in here is the same as in Taiwan, summer, the weather and
temperature is totally opposite. I couldn’t get used to it for a while. I still remembered
the first day when I was taking a bath, I felt chilly. Fortunately, I just suffered one
night. The next day I was completely accustomed it. Sometimes the weather is getting
bad. All of a sudden, it will become sunny. Also, there is a special thing which is
impossible to be seen in Taiwan. The sky is bright until 10:00 p.m. That is, the day is
longer than the night. If you go to sleep at about 10:00 p.m., you might have the
feeling that it seemed there was no darkness. How interesting it is.
I didn’t have any problems with the time differences, accommodation, food,
water, and weather there. Almost everything there satisfies me. I’m also surprised at
my adaptation to a new environment. As far as I’m concerned, there are too many
things to be shared. Generally, I can divide these things into several groups, such as
the food which we often eat, the condition of the transportation, the stores and
working time, the entertainment which they kill the time, the school life that I
experienced, and the people whom I met.
I must say my first impression to the food in there tends to be less healthy than in
Taiwan. The reason why I feel that way is because they usually eat a great amount of
salty, sweet, and fried food. Also, the portion of the food is quite big. Strangely, the
breakfast there is opposite with lunch and dinner. Their breakfast is quite lighter. We
have yogurt, milk, wheat flakes, scrambled eggs, tea, toast and juice every day. As for
dinner, the most common material of food you could see there is potato. They usually
prepare chips and wedges which are made from potatoes for us. Not only me but also
all of my partners cannot get accustomed to it in the beginning of our new lives. To be
honest; however, I started accepting it day by day. Even though my first impression
with the food is not good, the feeling and situation was changed within three days.
The local food had been already won my heart gradually and unconsciously.
In Taiwan, there are lots of traffic signs overspreading the road. It is normal that
we wait and cross the road until the light turns into green. However, if you want to
cross the road in Belfast, you must press the button of traffic lights. Teacher Reza said
“In Belfast, if you want to pass through the road, normally, you need to press the
button. But there are still some exceptions.” I also found some special phenomena.
First, some drivers give precedence to pedestrians, but some don’t. Second, all the
vehicles you can see on the road are 99% cars instead of motorcycles. Third, their
driving speed is faster than Taiwanese’s. Finally, all their buses are double-decked.
These are interesting scenes I have observed there.
In addition to studies, the most common thing I did in Belfast was shopping.
Without a doubt, it’s very convenient to buy things everywhere and anytime. When
you feel hungry at midnight, you don’t have to worry about food. We have a large
numbers of convenience stores and night markets. We have colorful and abundant
nightlife. On the other hand, it seems boring in Belfast. Can you imagine they close
the stores at 6’o clock? You will find no places to relax yourself after class. You can’t
eat the food you want whenever you are starving. Though they have the similar stores
like 7-11 or family mart, called SPAR, it’s impossible to satisfy us. The stores close
early also represent their working is short. Unlike people there, we almost work eight
hours a day, even overtime. I think there still have some advantages in their way of
lifestyle. I don’t get used to it just due to the cultural differences.
If you have lots of pressure in your daily lives, Belfast is one of the proper places
for you to spend your holiday. They have fresh air, spatial grass ground and warm
sunshine. During the daybreak of their free time, they like to walk the dog, lie on the
grass or sit on the bench chatting with family or friends to spend their leisure time. It
seems that they know how to enjoy the lives. In there, you won’t have the feeling of
hustle and bustle. Everything is peaceful and tranquil, just like living the rural side.
Your mind and body will be purified. At night; however, they like to drink outside of
the bars. When they are drunk, they will become noisy and throw away bottles and
garbage away. Sometimes it has causes social problems. It doesn’t mean I don’t like
people who drink. I mean they need to respect other people and control themselves
well. For me, it’s relaxed and joyful to get some drink, but not for the drunk.
In my school lives, I think there are few differences between my university and
Queen’s. I felt that way maybe because we stayed there just for four weeks; we
couldn’t deeply experience the way of western education. Besides, it was a little pity
we didn’t be separated into different class. All my classmates there were almost
Taiwanese. What’s worse, in order to consider the level of every student, teacher
couldn’t use harder textbook or speak too fast. We didn’t have chances to interact with
other foreign students, either. Therefore, teacher asked us to do some research outside
of school, interviewing local people to carry out our presentation in class. I felt less
nervous because I had many experiences of presentation in Taiwan. Furthermore,
people there are either my friends or acquaintances. When you are in class, you won’t
feel stressed; instead, you can speak whenever you have thoughts. Teachers would
show their patience to listen to you. Everyone would definitely have their own
chances to speak. They had the preference for pair work or group discussion. Anyway,
I felt more comfortable and relaxed in that kind of learning environment.
Originally, I thought the western people would be more proud, indifferent and
hostile to people who are from the Orient. They would pay no mind to us. However, it
seemed that I put too much thought in that. As a matter of fact, they are hospitable,
friendly and easy-going. Especially, I was deeply impressive with these people,
waiters, receptionists, chef, and teachers. Waiters always prepare nutritious and
healthy breakfast for us on every workday. They would serve us with kind attitude and
nice smile. Speaking of receptionists, we not only need to appreciate but also respect
them. From the first day to the last day, they were in charge of our things by turns.
They were responsible for our social events. They were always the one who showed
up on time and left until we all arrived at our dorm safely. As for chefs, they are one
of our most favorite people during that period. They always cooked dinner on time.
They knew that we loved wedges very much. They would fry many wedges for us.
There is the one, who is called “cool” chef. We had a little misunderstanding on him
at first. He didn’t like to smile. His face always showed indifference. Therefore, we
are afraid of talking to him. As time passed, we found he is actually kind. We became
good friends soon after. Finally, I put teachers in the end because they are the most
important people for me. If there were no teachers, Reza and Bernie, we wouldn’t
have solved the problems with studies and difficulties by ourselves. They were always
patient, friendly, and tireless in teaching. Thanks to their teaching, we could learn the
things which we never knew before. Sometimes they would tell us some history and
stories. Undoubtedly, this was of great benefit to me.
When I came back Taiwan, everything in Belfast was just like a dream. I know
I’m a sentimental girl. I will definitely have feeling of loss after any trip. No matter
how long it is, I need some time to get over it. During my childhood, that kind of
situation repeated again and again. Thus, one of my friends said it’s not suitable for
me to go travelling. I put too much emotion on it. I know there is no banquet without
an end. All good things must come to an end. I just cannot control my feeling and
mind. I’m the one, who easily has strongly feeling of everything I met. Instead of
suffering from separation, it’s better to say that I really enjoy my trip. I have already
been deeply loved Belfast. It’s really an unforgettable journey in my life. I know I
have really been there because every authentic feeling reminds me of those fantastic
moments. Yes, it’s a dream; it’s a lovely, wonderful and touching travelling memory
which I really processed. I don’t want to wake up although I know it’s impossible.
Hopefully I could have chances to revive this dream one day.
2011 學海遊學 英國皇后大學團 中文心得報告
顏漢玉 七月二號就從高雄小港機場,我們一行人浩浩蕩蕩的搭了十幾個小時的飛機
蘭貝爾法斯特 Belfast,一下飛機就感受到當地的冷風,然後在機場很開心的見到
樣一路逛到 Tesco 就是當地的大賣場,就像台灣的家樂福一樣,我們同型的人買
鴨子船一樣,市區導覽的最後落點是在市中心 City Centre,那裏真的比較繁榮,
在學校每天上課,當然每天都有兩份功課,一份是上午的老師 Reza 出的,
一份是下午的老師 Bernie 派的,其中我最喜歡的功課就是去訪問當地人,這個作
精彩的博物館;星期三我們去參觀 Mount Stewart,那天下著小小雨,不過景色很
美,裡面的擺設也很有復古的感覺;星期六早上我們去 Movie House 看哈利波特
最後一集而且還是看 3D 版的,因為有人提議說來英國怎能不看哈利波特呢,所
以我們就花了四鎊,算是值得,下午就去 City Hall 還有聽導覽小姐的仔細介紹;
星期日我們就去了 Belfast Zoo 和 Belfast Castle,可是當天一整天都下著雨,所以
之旅以及巨人劍橋的行程:星期二學校安排的行程是 Titanic Boat Tour,我們就坐
定去一趟都柏林 Dublin,都柏林一日遊,真的還好有學姊和小隊長的幫忙,我們
始忙,她又幫我們看地圖找路以及維護我們的安全就去了 B 等等,是一位很盡
物館 Guinness House Story,當然在裡面也有是喝啤酒 Guinness,是苦的,就像是
苦的黑麥汁,我們還有去 Trinity College,還在紀念品店買了很多東西,最後再坐
火車回家;星期三學校的行程是 Bus Tour of Belfast,這次一樣也是坐雙層巴士遊
玻璃牆部分的上層;星期五下午上完課後我們就去了 Botanic Garden 裡的 Rose
Garden 欣賞花,其實我很喜歡去公園坐著,不管是早上或者是下午,很悠哉的坐
和藍色的天空真的很棒;星期六我們的行程是去 Giant's Causeway, Rope Bridge,
Londonderry,我們去看了海和礁石以及大草原,也有在 Londonderry 裡算是小購
後下午去了一趟 City Centre。
最後一星期,星期一、二和四都有補課,然後星期一我們就去 Tesco 買很多
參加學校的 Social Programme ,在 Odyssey 裡打保齡球;星期三一上完課我們就
City Centre,進行最後一次大採購;星期五,最後一天上課了,上完課後有一場
This is a special experience to me. At the beginning, I was not used to eating the
same breakfast every day and the cold weather. Day by day, I gradually start to adapt
the breakfast and salty dinner. I liked to eat the porridge and potato. For the cold
weather, I had to wear the jacket. In school, the teachers were always willing to
answer my questions. During the classes whenever I got the question and I raised my
hand to ask, they would reply me immediately or if they did not sure the answer, they
would find the information with tech-board and surf the internet which were not
existing in Taiwan.
One of our homework was to interview the local people, so after school we
would find the local people in botanic garden which was a park near school for
homework. We just asked them some questions about food and drink. After that we
needed to do the presentation in front of teachers and classmates. We did this
homework twice for the two topics. That was my favorite homework because that was
a good reason to talk to local people. We used English to contact foreigner. I liked to
chat with them after I interviewed them. We talked about Taiwan and why I was here
just small talk. Moreover, I really enjoyed translating for my partners and for local
people. Sometimes they did not understand what my partners said; sometimes my
partners had the language problems too, so I helped them with my English and
Chinese skills. I found that the westerners wear the perfume and they seldom used the
umbrella when it rained. On the contrary, they chose to wear the hood also they did
not use the umbrella to deep out the sunshine. They liked to be under the sun and took
a sun bath in the park so after school we would go to garden to chat with local people
or just sit there to enjoy the scenery to relax leisurely.
I think students should be divided into three groups base on the English level.
Originally, I expected my classmates who were from other countries and we can know
the other countries well and listen to different accents. There was no difference that I
took the class in Taiwan or in England. It means that I took less opportunity to speak
English as well as the level consider that we can live together so that we can look
after mutually but class should be different.
First week: we went ice-skating that was difficult activity. I did not know now to
keep in the balance and I got the bad sense of equilibrium. I remembered I fell over in
the middle of the ground and someone helps me to stand well. On Saturday, school
arranged the social programme: splash tour and shopping in city center. The car can
be the boat and we took that two-way and shops although it takes forty minutes by
walking to arrive here from our dorm. There was one thing that all the shops would be
closed at six’ o clock p.m. Even the time was closes to six’ o clock and we were ready
to come into the store, the bodyguard would stand in front of the door and stopped us
to come and said they are closed. On Sunday, we went to visit the church and took
part in their activity. They are all kind. One woman heard that we are from Taiwan,
she asked me the words of Chinese and the meaning. She was curious about our
Second week, school arrange the Irish dancing. The teacher who had come to
Taiwan was very nice. We followed his watchword: advanced advanced forward
backward turn around. The atmosphere was happy. On Tuesday, we saw the parade
inthe morning and we visit the Ulster Museum. The animal of specimen was attractive
to me. The fossil of dinosaur impressed me. The museum contains history zone,
nature zone, art zone. That was a spectacular museum. On Wednesday, school took us
to visit Mount Stewart we to for a stroll to see the building and nature landscape. On
Thursday, my teacher, Reza interview us. He wanted to know whether we got the
problems here or not. On Saturday, we see the film, Harry Potter, the last episode in
Movie House. We went to city centre in the afternoon and visit the city hall. We listen
to the guide. On Sunday we went to Belfast Zoo and Belfast Castle. It was raining all
day so it was hard to see the animals. Most of animals were shelter from the rain. The
glass was dim because of the rain and fog. After visiting the zoo, we walk to Belfast
Castle. The ground was flushy. I need to hold my umbrella. At the same time I need to
watch out the miriness and puddle. It was a fatigued.
Third week: On Tuesday, we had the social programme:TITANIC BOAT
TOUR. We took the boat to go around the river and listened to the staff to introduce
the Titanic. On Wednesday, we went to Dublin where are full of people and cars.
There was prosperous. We took the double deck bus to tour Dublin. We went to
Trinity College. Later on, we visited Guinness House Story. I tried to drink Guinness
and I thought it was bitter. We spent whole day here and took the train from Belfast to
Dublin. The train was nice. We chose four seats and one table between. We ate pizza
for lunch and we bought a lot from the gifts and souvenirs shops. I did admire the
leader of our group. She managed all the things. She ordered the tickets for us, look
up the map, made reservations and also she had to take care of us. She is the best
leader. On Thursday, the school provided the social programme:BUS TOUR TO
BELFAST. This time we also took double deck bus, but we chose to sit inside. We
first took double deck bus in Dublin yesterday. We were so excited that we chose
outside seat. The weather was cold in the morning and was hot at noon and was cold
in afternoon. In order to prevent from being under the sun and cold wind directly, we
chose to seat inside. At that time we did not know that the shop in city centre would
close lately. If we knew that in advance, we would choose to get off at city centre to
go shopping. On Friday, we took the air and went to botanic garden and visit the rose
garden after school. I like the flowers and the big grassland, and we took a lot of
pictures here. On Saturday, we visited Giant’ s causeway, Rope Bridge and
Londonderry. I enjoy the tour and appreciate the landscape: the sea, the rock, the
seashore and the grassland. We just spent one and half hours in the Londonderry
where are full of stores for go shopping. On Sunday we went to city centre to shop
again. In the morning, I took part in the carnival in the botanic garden. There are a lot
of big doll and loud music to celebrate. On Friday, my two friends and I decided to
take our chance to go to Tesco which is a supermarket like Carrefour in Taiwan. We
did not want to depend on anyone, although we were a little bit afraid of getting lost.
We were not sure about the direction so we asked for the road. Finally we found it and
bought some refreshment.
Final week we played the bowling at the Odyssey and we had lunch outside. We
chose the restaurant which was near school. I did not like what I ordered but I liked
the ice cream. I thought ice cream in whole world is the same. It is always yummy. On
Wednesday we cooked for teachers who taught us for four weeks. We treated them the
Taiwanese food. In order to cook authentic food, we tried to find the original food
stuff on Monday. We were all having the good time at night and we wrote the cards
for two teachers. Besides, we also treated Jamine who helped us a lot and the
classmate who was only from the other country, Spain. On Thursday we had the social
programme; Irish dancing, but we did not went to it. We went to city centre to go final
shopping. As long as we finished the classes, we walked as soon as possible to arrive
there, and bought a lot of chocolate and souvenirs. On Wednesday we went to school
union to look around and prepared the meeting at night. On Friday, the last school day,
we had the informal graduation ceremony. We took pictures and got the certificate. It
was a touched occasion. I would miss teachers and the life here. I would thank school
for sponsoring me to come to Belfast for studying.
2011 學海遊學 英國皇后大學團 中文心得報告
搭機的手續有些繁雜,光是做行李 check in 就花了一部分的時間,忙著和家
月三號,在我們做行李 check out 的時候,在當地 Queen's University 念書的學姊
---Jamie,和皇后大學學生事務處的接待人員 Felina 和我們碰了頭,我們坐上小
幻想著歐洲風景、歐洲建築,但是,真正來到 Belfast 時,一切又是那麼的不真
Elms village 是我們在皇后大學所註冊的宿舍,並不是只有遊學的台灣團住在
理完各自行李後,Jamie 學姐帶著我們四處去逛逛,認識周遭環境。皇后大學分
了很多個校區,不過圖書館、書局,都離學校很近。我們還去了 Tesco,那是一
中午十二點,由 Reza 教授指導我們;下午則是 Bernie 教授從下午兩點上到四點。
經過考試,Reza 和 Bernie 給我們的教材是 intermediate 的課本,為了配合每個人
法,因為我們會和同學、和 Bernie 老師一起互相討論,每個禮拜的主題都不一樣,
我們的主題都以當地人為主,分為「Eat, Drink, Man & Woman」
冰、搭鴨子船、跳愛爾蘭舞、去 Mount Steward、還有 Belfast 的動物園、城堡等
去 Giant' s Causeway,那天天氣特別好,不像平常的 Belfast 又下雨又颳風的,
心情就舒爽起來,大家笑的也特別開心。我們還走過了 Rope Bridge,在高高的吊
→ 遊行隊伍
間,確認地點、定火車車票,還有跟 Jamie 學姐用英磅換歐元等等,一堆瑣碎的
了很多地方,但是最主要也最特別的景點是 Guinness 酒廠,這是我第一次參觀酒
廠,一進去 Guinness 酒廠就聞到一股很特別的麥香味,從水質重要性、如何蒸餾
到酒廠的最頂端拿著 Guinness 券,特別品嘗了現場製作好的 Guinness 酒,喝起來
的時間,就越手忙腳亂的,好險 Jamie 學姐早些到宿舍幫忙,我們才沒那麼自亂
。不只如此,Jamie 學姐來的時候還帶了起司蛋糕當作飯後
甜點,Bernie 老師和 Reza 老師則帶了氣泡水、巧克力和花束來,讓整個氣氛又
日是我們待在 Belfast 的最後一天,我們珍惜與 Reza 上課的每一分每一秒;而
Bernie 因為即將要去中國,因此找了代課老師,錯過了與他最後相聚的時刻,真
們,看看大家的眼神,感覺真的成熟了不少。我們一一上台領證書,Reza 老師
們和 Reza 一起合照,一起擁抱,可是不捨的程度真的超乎我的想像,我那好不
容易止住的淚水,竟不爭氣得的掉了下來,總覺得 Reza 老師就像 Godfather 一樣,
如此,對於即將的離別更是捨不得說再見,好險 Bernie 老師沒在場,不然我會更
這樣的經驗很難得,不過我真的想要再回到 Belfast,如果將來有機會出國旅行學
Name: Monica Lee
ID#: 9810005A
Summer school in Belfast, Queen’s University
This was my first time to go abroad. I was very excited but also a little nervous.
I really hope I can learn something in Belfast.
For many teammates, it was the first time to take a plane. Therefore, we had
many troubles in flights’ procedures such as flight check-in, check-in Baggage,
change the terminals, have the security check, and deal with the customs check and
clearance. Although taking a plane is not easy, it’s a good chance to learn more
different English from textbook. During the seventeen hours plane, there was only one
thin I couldn’t stand and that was hay fever. It was really painful but after arriving at
Belfast, it was better. I was really happy to see that.
In July third, it was the first day in Belfast, Jamie and Felina came to greet us.
Jamie is Taiwanese student in Queen’s University; she’s been Belfast for one year.
And Felina is the reception staff in the Queen’s University. They told us some details
about dormitory and school things. Moreover, Jamie took us to have a look in Belfast
and recommended some good restaurants and supermarket. We really appreciated her.
After taking the exam, we knew our English levels and special teachers, Reza
and Bernie. Both of them were very kind and interesting. They decided to give us
intermediate level’s textbooks. This level was not too hard and not too easy. For
Reza’s class, he taught us some Basic English grammars, and a lot of different
cultures in Belfast. Some teammates thought that it was too easy to them. However, I
thought my English grammars are not very good so that I should learn from the basis.
On the other hand, Bernie gave us four topics each week, “Eat, Drink, Men and
Women”. Through these different topics, we had to make related questions and
interview the local people so that we can know more local cultures. Then, we had to
analyze the survey results and have the oral presentation. After making presentation,
teacher Bernie would give us feedbacks in order to tell us where we should improve
more. It is useful to me because I would be nervous very easily. Therefore, it can not
only help me to train my reactions but also can improve my English speaking skills
when I interview the local people. To my surprise, teacher Bernie said my last
presentation was the best one in the three presentations. I was really happy to see that.
For the local food, all of the teammates were not familiar with it. Different from
Taiwan, the food is too salty and less vegetables. We were confused for the local
appetite in the beginning. Luckily, we soon adjusted the new surroundings and felled
in love with the food.
INTO was very considerate, because they planed a series of interesting social
events to us. For example, skiing, go to splash tour, have the Irish dancing, and go to
Mount Steward……etc. In the all schedules, I like two tours most, one is Giant’s
Causeway, and another one is Belfast Castle. I’ve mentioned Giant’s Causeway Tours
in Chinese version already. Therefore, I would share the interesting experiences in
Belfast Castle. That day was a raining and cold day. After going to Belfast Zoo, we
walked through the dangerous path but I thought it was worth to do it, because the
castle was really magnificent. It has the oak staircase with spacious lobbies at both
ground and two floors in different functions. On the first floor is the bride suite, and
three function rooms—the Fisher wick, Ashley, and Ben Madigan—each with
spectacular views. And for the second floor contains the Cave Hill Visitor Centre with
exciting displays. We took many good beautiful pictures there. I could say Belfast
Castle was an ideal centre for exhibitions, or for that special occasion.
Except for school’s touring schedules, our team leader, Erin, also took us to
Dublin, the capital of North Ireland. We’ve planed it for two weeks, then book the
train tickets and exchange the money. July twentieth, in the early morning, we took
two-hour-train from the central station, Belfast. Different from Belfast, the views here
were broader and there were many taller modern buildings. By having the Dublin bus
tour, we visit many fantastic places such as St. Patrick Cathedral, Trinity
College…and so on. The most unforgettable place was Guinness Storehouse, the
home of Guinness, where you can discover the making ways of each and every pint. It
has seven floors. To my surprise, the building is deigned in the shape of giant pint of
Guinness. When we make our ways through Guinness Storehouse, we can experience
the tasting chance. What’s more, when we reach the head of the pint, we could see the
spectacular views across Dublin and enjoy the tasty Irish beer. There was one saying
is that “No visit to Dublin is complete without enjoying a complimentary pint with the
best view of the city.”
We try to join the local activities so that we can realize the culture. July twelfth
was a big special day. The local people would hold a big ceremony and parade every
year. To my surprise, it had a history. Teacher Reza said there was a war between
Catholic and Christian. The Christian won, so they celebrated the glory in July twelfth.
However, the Catholics were not agreed with Christian’s behaviors. Therefore, they
would against the happy parade in that day. The history really scared me, but as
teacher Reza’s suggestion, we joined the parade and had fun in it. Many people wore
the special clothes and handed the England flag to symbolize their glories in the war.
Through the parade, there were eight different symphonies with eight different flags.
It was associated with the history when the England founded. It was really special and
surprised me.
Another activity was in the church. Tao, the reception’s staff, took us to the All
Saints Church to enjoy the music, coffee, and chatting. It meets each Sunday. In the
morning, it has teaching courses, but in the afternoon, it shares different experiences
from the people in church. They were very friendly and they’d like to share their true
stories to each other. As their saying, it was the community of Christ. I made many
friends there and really enjoyed in it.
Furthermore, we saw the movie, Harry Potter in the Movie House. This was my
first time to try 3D movie. It was funny and fresh for me. And there were another
special place was the film had no Chinese subtitle. I know the foreign movies always
don’t have subtitles no matter in English or in another language. However, I was
seldom to see movies without Chinese version. So in the beginning, it was not easy to
understand what the characters said. I thought it was the good time to practice my
listening skills.
In the end of the month, we really don’t want to say goodbye with Reza, Bernie,
dear Jamie, and our lovely Spanish classmate Francisco. Therefore, we decided
holding a party in our dormitory. We planed the menu and cooked it by ourselves. In
order to have the Taiwanese cuisine, we bought the ingredients in many places. That
day, after finishing the classes, we rushed to dormitory and began our dishes.
Unfortunately, teachers and Jamie came to our dorm earlier, so we didn’t have enough
time to finish it. However, the dishes were very various. Reza and Bernie praised that
they’ve never eaten so much tasty and delicious dishes, even better than Chinese
restaurant in Belfast. We chatted very happily and took pictures for being a good
memory in this journey. Besides, we took some to the chief in Tree House, they
prepared the food for us for this month. The chiefs were very lovely. When we
finished our meals, the chief would chat with us or give us some extra cookies. We
really appreciated them although we were not satisfied the local food in the beginning.
The chief was used to say he would miss us very much because we were very
interesting and funny so that they could play jokes with us. Also, the chief said that
we were very polite to say thank you when they prepared the food for us. I was very
glad to hear that and I thought I would miss his food a lot when I back to Taiwan.
The last day in Belfast was very sorrow. After the classes, Queen’s University
prepared certificates to the summer school students. All of the summer school
students should stay there and accept it. Although the certificates were not very
exquisite, we were touched to own it. When we embraced Reza one by one, we cried
out. I knew Reza and Bernie just teach us for the summer school, but they took good
care of us, just like godfather and godmother. Through Reza and Bernie’s teaching, I
thought my mind was more open and gained more knowledge. I can express my ideas
more easily. Also, I can know what I want and try to reach it. I must say I have never
met the teachers like them, patiently and fantastic. I think I really learn a lot from
them and have a great memory.
Once in the Bernie’s classes, I was used to write a passage about the purpose
when I was in Belfast. I mentioned that I want to find what I want to do in the future.
Although I haven’t found it yet, I know at least I may go abroad to increase my
knowledge and know the world. Through this journey, I made friends, met great
teachers and chiefs, knew the new thoughts, and know the culture differences between
Taiwan and Belfast. I’m really satisfied with it and I really hope I can go there again. I
think I will miss them so much.
Summer school in Queen’s University, Belfast
Name: Monica Lee
ID#: 9810005A
In the
Arrive at
In the
the local
Social events
Ice skating
Splash Tours
City Center
Social events
Belfast Zoo
& Castle
Titanic Boat
CausewayRope Bridge
Other activities
3D Movie
City Hall
teachers to
The last
day in
2011 學海遊學 英國皇后大學團 中文心得報告
國際商務二A 9825045A 陳怡婷
國際商務二 A
9825045A 陳怡婷
This was my first time I went aboard. It was also my first time in an
English-speaking country. So I was very excited and nervous, because I needed to
leave my country by myself and I didn’t have any experience before. But I believed I
could learn many things in the new environment. Although the difference between the
Taiwan and the Belfast, I could successfully adapt to the new environment. I went to
the Belfast one month, and I was studying English there. The school provided many
countries, but I choose the Queen’s University. Because I thought the England was
very beautiful and the school had different building. So I was attracted by its culture
and the school’s social programme. And I knew my English was not very well. I
should make extra effort to learn English, because I hoped I can learn more things in
this month and I will do my best. I also hoped I could enjoy my month here very
much. Because this was my first time I went aboard. I wanted to leave behind very
good recollections.
At first, I was afraid of speaking English to other people. But I had a chance to
learn, so I hoped I can promote my English skills and learn more things in this country.
In Belfast, I could meet many people, such as Reza and Bernie. They were my
English teacher in Belfast. They were really very nice and kind to us. They told us
many of information, and also taught us about English skills. Reza taught us focus on
integrating skills and consolidating existing grammar and lexical foundations. We
could improve our English skills, including reading, writing, speaking and listening.
And Bernie taught us for four topic about eat, drink, man and woman. We always
discussed in the class and thought some questions to ask the local people. Then, we
needed to manage this information and prepare a short presentation to Bernie and my
classmates. So I found the teaching style very different from what I have experienced
before. I thought whatever was worth doing at all was worth doing well. I still
remembered my first presentation, because I was very nervous so I didn’t do it best. I
felt frustrated by the lake of English proficiency. Instead of Reza and Bernie didn’t
blamed me for this mistake, they gave me some advice and provide some ways to
promote my English speaking skills. They were really very friendly, and therefore I
thanks for their help. I thought my English skills were better than before. It was a
worth while moment.
The Queen’s University arranged many variety activities for us. I had great fun
visiting the Belfast of England with my classmates and the other people. We went to
different site and we also had special experience. In Belfast, I could meet every kind
of people and get to know different countries had different cultures. I also had the
greatest impression of its buildings and scenery. I remembered when I saw the
Queen’s University, I got the impression that it was so magnificent and elegant. We
travelled by many special transportation vehicles, such as board the viking splash
tours and Dublin Bus Dublin City Tour Hop On Hop Off. The Belfast splash tours
were the only amphibious road and river tour in Belfast. The bus could become a boat.
I was surprised to see this vehicle. And the Dublin Bus Tour had been carefully
designed to give us the freedom to explore and experience the history and culture of
Dublin at our leisure. It was a double-decked bus. We could enjoy the scenery and like
to feel the wind blowing. I felt very comfort and relax. The first activity in Belfast
was ice-skating. I was so excited, because this was my first time to ice-skating.
Although I fell down many times, I still was very enjoy. We also went to the Mount
Stewart, Belfast Zoo, Giant’s Causeway and the other place. In addition, what
impressed me most was the Giant’s Causeway. The Giant’s Causeway had very
beautiful view. It was situated on the North coast of Ireland and it also had
interlocking basalt columns. The place was part of Ireland’s heritage. We could see
the magnificent sight about this scenery. I took a lot of photos with this fascinating
scenery. I was surprised, because it had more beauty than one can absorb. We were
crazy with excitement, when we saw the sea. Because we could play with water
heartily. So I thought the Giant’s Causeway was the most unforgettable experience.
And I really enjoy my month here very much.
Besides the Queen’s University arranged social programme, we also went to the
other place. We often went to the TESCO many times. It like the supermarket in
Taiwan, we could bought many things here. And we thought the price was reasonable.
In this month, we went to the Dublin by the train. I thought the Dublin was different
from the Belfast. The Dublin was the capital of the Ireland and it also was the most
popular city in the Europe. It had a lot of different scenery, such as Trinity College,
Guinness storehouse and the other famous scenic spot. And we went to visit the
Guinness storehouse by the Dublin Bus Tour. The Guinness Storehouse is the home of
Guinness and it also making of the world famous beer. We had chance to taste the
Guinness, I thought it smell like the medical drug. I thought it taste a little bitter when
I first time to drink. I thought I could not tolerate this taste. But the bitter bitterness
after was returned sweet. Taste was very good. We also bought many souvenirs to our
friends and family, such as the key ring and postcard. It was great journey for us. In
Belfast, we often went to the city center. We could go shopping and bought many stuff.
I bought three bags and prepare to give my family. It was very cheap and worth to buy.
So I was very happy. We also went to the movie theater, we saw the Harry Potter and
the Deathly Hallows. Except the brilliant compact film editing, lets outside the visual
special effect which the person praises to the heavens also was this piece most attracts
my place. And in this month, I was acquainted with the same group of students. I was
very happy to meet them, because they were really very kind and easy going. We were
happy and have good relationship, just like family. I was glad that I had the wonderful
classmates. And I also appreciated them a lot in this month. Besides, I have made a lot
of friends too. They often help me and comfort me when I was sad and moody, so I
could work harder. They also often share their happiness with me. We were always
together and never leave each other. It let me felt like my family. I thought it was a
very precious experience for me. Because I really could to learn many things in this
month. It also let me study a lot of knowledge, English skills, and the social
interaction. And I could speaking English to the local people. Although I could not
speak English very well and I sometimes fear to make mistake. But I really thought I
was better than before. So I thought this trip was really worth visiting.
This was my first I went aboard. It was such an unforgettable trip we had ever
experienced. I was very thank for the school give me this chance, and I could broaden
my horizons. I also could meeting many kinds of people and get to know different
countries have different cultures. In this month, I have learned a lot of things from my
classmates and my teachers. And they were very kind and friendly. Especially my
teachers, I was very missing them. I also missing the Belfast and the Queen’s
University and the other place. Because it has very beautiful views and it was very
different from the Taiwan. I also have the greatest impression of its buildings and
scenery. Everything was special for me. I remembered at first I arrived in the Belfast.
I really felt very excited and nervous. I was not regret that I went to here. Because in
Belfast I really had a wonderful time, I thought it was a great place. I enjoy my month
here very much. And because this trip, my summer vacation was very different than
before. In this trip, I also accumulated more experience. And I believe this experience
will support me when I look for a job in the future. I will continue to work hard. It
also is the promise to myself. I will do my best. If I have chance in the future, I will
want to go the Belfast with my friends or my family again. And I will introduce many
place and local culture to them, because the Belfast is my first country to visit.
2011 學海遊學 英國皇后大學團 中文心得報告
政管二 黃偉誌
貝爾法斯特城市中一所歷史悠久、頗負盛名的 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY 為期一個
接待人員,不過,幸好有剛從本校畢業的 Jamie 學姐在此所大學攻讀碩士學位,
邊的一棟古老建築物,稱作 INTO Queen's University Belfast,之所以稱為 into 的
在幾天後就適應了整種感覺,和 Rzea 及 Bernie 老師互動也很頻繁,他們兩位就
潑、風趣,有時還會展現幽默;而 Bernie 老師則是屬於比較自由的老師,他沒有
功課每周都讓我們心驚膽戰的,就是我們每周四都需上台做 presenation,每周的
題、訪問 local people、整理,最後就上台向其他同學分享你的成果,老實說,
Bernie 老師的作業的確是讓我們感到無比的壓力,對於我們這些連平常在學校中
嘗試、去磨練、畢竟,來這趟遊學旅程就是要學點東西回去,所以,不管是 Reza
或 Bernie 老師的教學,都讓我們學到非常多的基礎課程,滿載而歸。這就是在遊
學二十幾天的上課方式,不過,到國外也當然不能放過去四處旅遊,INTO 也非
常的貼心,有安排了七月一整個的課外活動,我們也就跟著 INTO 每周不一樣的
在第一周的課外活動裡,學校安排了 ice-skating、Movie Screening session"
Salt"、 Splash Tour、Shopping in City Center 這四項活動。首先對我來說最新鮮的
再來,學校在周四課外活動是排了看電影,雖然這部 salt 我在台灣已經看過
灣有著相當大的不同,在坐完鴨子船後,我們還到了是中心去 shopping 一下,在
Victoria Square 裡有著各式各樣的商店,琳瑯滿目,我們還到了最高頂點的觀景
台,它就像一鑽石般掛在整個購物中心的頂端,在上面可以環顧整個 belfast 風
第二周的活動就比較不一樣,分別有 Irish Dancing、參觀 Mount Steward 及
Belfast Zoo & Belfast Castle,在本周又因為碰上當地的節慶日在 7/12,因此我們這
下,就被大家當成笑柄,然而,由於第一次體驗了 Irish Dancing,也見識到國外
到了周末,學校先是帶我們去參觀了 Mount Steward,是一個公園,裡面有一
學校安排了 Titanic Boat Tour、Dublin Tour、Bus Tour of Belfast、Giant's
Causeway-Rope Bridge- Londonderry,我們在課後搭乘了小船,到建造鐵達尼號的
兩個地點,是 Trinity College,College Green、Guinness Storehouse,我們先去導覽了
築,別有一番風味;之後我們到了 Guinness Storehouse 參觀,這個品牌的黑啤酒
偏北端 Causeway-Rope Bridge 去遊玩,中文名稱是叫做巨人之橋,這地方就我感
English paper Queen’s University in Belfast Wei‐Chih Huang This summer is very special for me.I went to the Englind and studied in Queen’s University Belfast for one month.At this time,I can learn a lot of diffenent things in Belfast,include culture,food habit,climate,living life. Let me get different information from other countay. When we arrived at the Belfast.We were so surprised,because the city is very clean,the air is very fresh and almost people usually on foot ,not by car or motorcycle when they go out. No wonder the Belfast can get the cleanest city in England. Because we wnet to the Queen’s University Belfast at first time,we were not know the condition in Belfast. Fortunately,the school arranged for a senior sister to help us. Her name is Jamie,she also from Taiwan and she studys a Master’s degree in Queen’s University at present.Jamie took our to recognize the all city.She also told us all information about Belfast, include Queen’s Unicersity,supermarket,the place of studying.Thanks to the introduction from Jamie senior sister,we could know and recognize Belfast in a short time. During we stayed at Englind,the school provides to us breakfast and dinner.I found the local food is very different from Taiwan.They usually eat toasts and milk mixed cornflakes as breakfast. Sometimes they will drink some coffee or tea.About dinner,they often prepare uncooked vegetable,chips,noodles.They also can add many spices to food,so the flavor taste so dense.Due to the local food is such difference,we didn’t adapt to the type in first week. The purpose of we went to the Queen’s University Belfast is studying,we have to study in INTO Queen’s University Belfast.The school arranged the local teacher and class everyday from Monday to Friday. The type of class is differert at abroad.They think the connection of teachers and students is very important.The foreign’s students always answer the questions active.Let us learn different types class in England. Our teachers are Reza and Bernie.They are responsible for teaching us.Reza’s class is in the morning. He is a very interesting and humor teacher.He teaches us some foundation course and local language.We like him very much.Our another teacher is Bernie.Her class is in the afternoon.Bernie asked us have to presentation on every Thursday.She told us the weekly topic on Monday,after we should to research imformation and prepare to report in the class.As I reported first time,I felt very nervous and stressful.I also were afraid of saying the wrong words or sentences.Although we always felt this wrok is very difficult for us,we could learn a lot of experiences and much knowledge about the presentation. In addition to have to study in INTO Queen’s University Belfast,the school have arranged many extra‐curricular activities every weekend. Then I will describe some attractions that I feel very unusual and memorable experiences for me. In the first week,the school arranged three activities,ice‐skating, movie”Salt”,finally, we went to the city center and surrounded the all city by taking the tour bus.The ice‐skating was very exciting for me,because that was my first time to play ice‐skating.Due to we were also the first time to try playing ice‐skating,everyone often slipped and fell over. However we could skate slowly in the skating rink after we practiced playing it for a while.Although we just played ice‐skating for two hours, everyone felt so interesting and happy. The next activity is watching the movie in the treehouse.In the Belfast,they usually don’t have caption and just listen dialogue when the movie is playing.That situation was very difficult for me when I watched the “Salt”.However when I practiced to use this method to watch movie,I believe my listening will improve a lot.By this chance,I not only knowied the habit of watching movie at abroad but also learned another way to study english. On the first Sunday,we went to the city center and taked the splash tours surrounded many representative places in Belfast.Splash tours is very miraculous.It not only can do on the road but also can dive into the river.When the splash tours dived to river,we all felt so funning.Then we could enjoy the time and see the scenery on the river.After we taked the splash tours,we went to the Victoria Square. Victoria Square is also like as the department stores in Taiwan.No doubt,we could see many varieties stores and a lot of tourists shopping on here.However,for one thing is very particular,all stores have the same understanding that they closed their shop on time at 6:00p.m.After they closed,you seldom saw any people in city center.The situation let us feel very extraordinary,it’s also big different with Taiwan. The school let us to try dancing the local Irish dancing in the second week.No doubt the Irish dancing also was so strange for us.We all did’t know how to dance.However,the school had arranged a teacher to teach us to dance the dancing.After the teacher teached us for a while,we gradually could catch the tempo and the teacher praised our motion advanced fastly.In this week,Tuesday and Wednesday are the holiday in Belfast,so people didn’t to work.On the holiday,there were parade and performance in the city.The parade had many people with their musical instruments and playing the local Irish music.They have many different acticities on the holiday because of celebrating the war’s victory in the past.The holiday had become traditional national holidays in Belfast. Then,we went to the zoo and the castle on the weekend.However,the weather was bad,many different animals didn’t appear in the zoo.We just looked some large animals,including bear,elephant,tiger,ostrich,goat, chimpanzee.After we visited the zoo,we wnnt to the next place”castle”.In front of arriving the castle, we should walked a shout route about forty‐five minutes.The route was so difficult to walk on that day,because the weather were not good on that day,their was rain that day result of the road had many puddles.We should care the situation when we walked to the castle.After went through so hard journey,we arrived the castle finally,everyone was so happy.The castle is very huge and the outward appearance looked so majestic.We went in the castle,there are a lot of old decoration,they were preserved so well.Next to the castle,the host built a big and beautiful garden.Because of this garden,the castle looked more unusual.No wonder many tourists came to visit this castle. On the third week,this week also was the final chances that we went out in Belfast.At first,we visited shipyard which built the Titanic in past. The shipyard was very large and also stayed very intact situation today.Everyone all felt so glad because we could visit the movie star” Titanic” which was borned shipyard in Belfast.Then,we went to the Dublin Tour.Dublin Tour is the Ireland’s capital.The journey was not like previous activities by the school however we arranged this trip by ourself.Dublin was very large than Belfast and had many different tourist attractions.The Dublin also has the tour bus,it can introduce famous places for us at first,we can reduce the time to ask local people about the Dublin information.But we visited the Dublin only a day,we just went to” Trinity College,College Green” and” Guinness Stonehouse,St.James’s Gate”.The Trinity College,College Green is the oldest university in Ireland.It has a long history.When we went in inside,we saw a lot of historic buildings.Due to the college’good reputation ,many people were attracted to visit this University.The Guinness Stonehouse also have a good reputation in England.The Guinness is a black beer.The Guinness is very popular at working class.When we visited the Guinness Stonehouse, we colud understand how to make a cup of Guinness’s beer,including raw material,implements,process of production,transport,and the final product.The all information about Guinness can be find in Guinness Stonehouse.After we visited the Guinness Stonehouse on the top,we had tried to drink the black beer,the flavor was so difficult to tell other people,but it’s very fresh and I could smell very strong rye,it’s very excellent.No wonder the Guinness is so famous in England. The final attractions is Giant’s Causeway‐Rope Bridge. Giant’s Causeway‐Rope Bridge is located on Northern Ireland.The scenery is very beautiful.We walked along the Giant’s Causeway‐Rope Bridge,we could see very blue ocean and the ocean is so extensive.When we through the bridge,the bridge is linked to two islands and is also the only road to walk.Under the bridge,there are many rocks with blue seawater and the seawater is so clean,not a little pollution.After we through thebridge,we saw a large grassland,the sensation is very comfortably and great.The landscape of Giant’s Causeway‐Rope Bridge let me feel very memorable and it’s also that I saw the most beautiful scenery in my mind.The Giant’s Causeway‐Rope Bridge is really wroth to visit attraction in Ireland. The trip of Queen’s University in UK is very short.Although we stayed in Belfast for the shortly twenty‐nine days,we learned more much information and knowledge in Englind.We also knowed that what different lifestyle between British people and Taiwanese.For this month,we very thanked to all people that helped us in Belfast,we deeply appreciate our teachers Raze and Bernie and chefs prepared breakfast and dinner for us everyday.We also deeply thanked that INTO Queen’s University arranged a lot of social programmes on every weekend, because these activities let us have chance to visit popular attractions in Belfast.My summer vacation was very particular this year,I hope that I can get different opportunities to visit other countries in the future. 2011 學海遊學 英國皇后大學團 中文心得報告
我叫楊寶寶(Winda),我在義守大學讀化工係. 我在機場認識了 10 個新朋
友。他們就是 Amelia,Erin, Jane,Polly, Monica, Emily, Ashley,Bella,Jenna,
and David。 我們是同一團一起去 Belfast 的。第一次見到他們,他們對我是很像陌
生人應為我都不認識他們,我只有認識 Monica 而已。可是過了一個月跟他們一起,
我覺得他們很好,friendly,and humorous。我很喜歡他們。 我真的很快樂過得一個
月的時間跟他們。Erin 是我們的隊長,Polly 是我們的副隊長,他們真很好,他們
幫我們安排行程去 Dublin。
從高雄到 Belfast 要坐大概 15 個小時的飛機.非常很累的旅程.到 Belfast 的時
候,有兩個人來接我們,他們就是 Fionuellia 跟 Jamie。 Jamie 是我們義守大學的學
姐,她在皇后大學念碩士班.Fionuellia 是 INTO Queen's University 的管理員, 她也是
會幫我們辦所有的事情在 Belfast 的時候. 首先,他們把我們帶到了宿舍在 Elms
交匯點,它也是一個聚集的地方。。Fionuellia 介紹宿舍完畢後,她再帶我們到食
堂叫 Treehouse。在這閒食堂,我們認識了幾個廚師,他們為我們煮晚餐一個月。
那邊特別的食物是咖哩和 wedges。美味... ...我每天吃 wedges,這個是我的最愛。廚
師都很親切,酷,可愛。我們吃早餐在 KREM(INTO's mini café),4 周内我們
在貝爾法斯特,我們有一個暑期英語課程為 4 周。我們的教師是 Reza Shah
和 Bernie Kelly。他們教我們很多東西,比如語法,詞彙,當地人們的行為,口語,
聽力,演講,文化等,我們非常愛他們。在 INTO 皇后大學,我們還交了一些朋友
從別國家的。 Xisco 是我們的同學,他是西班牙人。因此,在我們班,當時只有 12
名學生。我們班是小班,但氣氛出奇的好,也有一台投影機是觸摸屏。太酷了... ...
我們的課是從週一到週五。上午的課是 Reza 的課和 Bernie 的課是在下午進行。
Thao,越南任,他也是 Fiounellia 的助手,她都陪我們去他們辦的社會事件。
Splash Tour 的話讓我一點失望,因為我本來以爲這將是非常令人興奮,但不,事實
並非如此。我們觀看了電影放映“Salt"在 Treehouse,沒有很多人來參加,我們有
我們還逛逛了大學,Ulster 博物館,Botanic Garden,TESCO,等等。學校有很多的老
建築。它成為一個城市的觀光地。Botanic Garden 只在大學的旁邊而已,如果想日
期 7 月 12 日,這一天是新教慶祝光榮革命和勝利的新教國王威廉鮮橙多天主教國
王詹姆斯二世在博因戰役(1690 年)。所以在這一天,有一個英國各地巡遊,我
們是真正的可愛和可愛。 7 月 13 日,我們來到山斯圖爾特,一個地方不太遠,不
要太靠近皇后大學。這是一座 18 世紀的房子和花園在下來縣,北愛爾蘭。這是家
裡的風向標,暴風雨 - 斯圖爾特家庭,Marquesses 的倫敦德里。這房子和它的內容
反映了歷史的風向標,暴風雨 - 斯圖爾特,誰發揮主導作用在英國和愛爾蘭的社會
和政治生活。接下來 7 月 17 日,我們到貝爾法斯特動物園及貝爾法斯特城堡。那
在第三周,我們的社會活動是 The Titanic Boat Tour,都柏林旅遊,旅遊巴士
在貝爾法斯特和參觀 Giant's Causeway-Rope Bridge- 倫敦德里。我們知道有一個泰
坦尼克號電影這是非常有名的 1997 年。泰坦尼克號船是在貝爾法斯特。我們採取
加,因為我沒有拿到愛爾蘭簽證等這一天我到城市中心,由我和我專程從上午 11
時至下午 2 時左右開始下雨,因為它使我決定回到宿舍。在貝爾法斯特的天氣不穩
特,得到的解釋有關的建築物,塔時鐘等 7 月 23 日,一趟巨人之路,繩橋,倫敦
德里。巨人之路是一個面積約 4 萬環環相扣的玄武岩柱,結果一個古老的火山噴發。
特 7 月 29 日。這是所有關於我的報告從貝爾法斯特。感謝。
First of all, I’m Winda. I’m major in Chemical Engineering at I‐Shou University. I was so exciting to go to Belfast. On 2 July, I met 10 students which also I‐Shou University’s students at the airport. They are Amelia, Erin, Monica, Polly, Jane, Bella, Ashley, Jenna, Emily, and David. We went together to Belfast, Northern Ireland. First, they looked like strangers to me because I didn’t know them. But after a month stayed together with them, I noticed that they are very friendly, humorous, kind, and I really love them. Also I really enjoyed the time we had. Erin was our leader. She knew what to do at the time we are bored and planned trips for us. She is very helpfulness. It took about 15 hours journey on the plane from Kaohsiung to Belfast. It was really tired. When we arrived in Belfast, there were Jamie and Fionuellia at the airport, they came to pick us. Jamie is our senior; she is Taiwanese and ex‐student of ISU. She continues her master degree at Queen’s University Belfast. Fionuellia is an admin at INTO Queen’s University Belfast and she was the one who would help us while we were there. First, they took us to the dorm at Elms Village. All of us stayed at the same floor and there was a kitchen. That kitchen became our meeting point and it also was a gathering place for us. After Fionuellia finished introducing the dorm, she then took us to the canteen called Treehouse. There was the place where we knew some chefs; they cooked dinner for us for a month. And the special foods there are curry & wedges. Yummy… I ate wedges everyday and I adore it very much. The chefs there are very kind, cool, cute, and friendly. We had our breakfast at KREM (INTO’s mini café), and for 4 weeks we had the same breakfast everyday. It was scrambled egg, bread, cereal, and yogurt. Even though I get bored with it but it was still delicious. In Belfast, we had a summer English course for 4 weeks. Our teachers are Reza Shah and Bernie Kelly. They taught us lot of things such as grammar, vocabulary, local people’s behavior, speaking, listening, presentation, culture, etc. We love them very much. At INTO Queen’s, we also made friends with some students from another countries. Xisco was our classmate, he is Spanish. So in our class, there were only 12 students. Our class was a small class but the atmosphere there was so good, also there was a projector which is touch screen. So cool… We had classes from Monday to Friday. It was Reza’s class in the morning and Bernie’s class in the afternoon. Thao, a Vietnamese and also is Fiounellia’s assistant, she accompanied us to go to every social event they held. For the first week, we got an activity to go to ice‐skating, watching movie, Splash tour & shopping in city center. The city center was very crowded since it was a summer sale there. There were lots of things which were very cheap. The splash tour made me a little bit disappointed because I thought it will be very exciting but nope, it wasn’t. We watched a movie screening “Salt” at treehouse, there weren’t too many people, and we got free popcorn and coke. We enjoyed the movie. Beside the social event they held, we also travelled the university, the Ulster museum, Botanic Garden, TESCO, etc. The university has a lot of old buildings. And it became one of the city sightseeing places. The Botanic Garden is just beside the university, it is a place for people to have a sunbath. It’s such a nice place to share your time with family or friend. When we got some homework to asking local people, this botanic garden became our aims because at here we could find a lot of people with different ethnics, races, culture, so to find local people wasn’t that hard. For the second week, we learned Irish dancing, it was so exciting. Most of the time was just for laughing because we did a lot of mistakes in dancing but the teacher was still just being patient to teach us. There was a holiday on 12 July, it is the day for Protestant to celebrate the Glorious Revolution and victory of Protestant King William of Orange over Catholic King James II at the Battle of Boyne (1690). So at that day, there was a parade all around England, and we watched the parade near Queen’s University. People, music, uniforms, instruments, flags, custom, all of those covered the city. The atmosphere was really great even though there were some people smoking and drinking on the street. I like it very much since there were a lot of kids joined the parade and they performed very well, kids with their instruments, sticks. They are really adorable & cute. On 13 July, we went to Mount Stewart, a place where is not too far and not too near from Queen’s university. It is an 18th‐century house and garden in County Down, Northern Ireland. It was the home of the Vane‐Tempest‐Stewart family, Marquesses of Londonderry. The house and its contents reflect the history of the Vane‐Tempest‐Stewarts, who played a leading role in British and Irish social and political life. Next on 17 July, we went to Belfast Zoo & Belfast Castle. It was a rainy day that time. So it was very wet & windy. All the animals stayed inside so there were not too much animals we could see. After from the zoo we then continued to the castle by walk or could be said as hiking maybe. It was a really bad idea to hiking in a rainy day and I also was stabbed by the thorns of grass. But there was a good thing after a bad thing. It was we could see a beautiful view from the top of the hill. The castle is not too big but it is a simple castle with a nice decoration and architecture. For the third week, the social events we had were The Titanic Boat Tour, Dublin Tour, Bus Tour in Belfast and the tour to Giant’s Causeway‐ Rope Bridge – Londonderry. As we know there was a Titanic movie which was very famous in 1997. The Titanic boat was made in Belfast. We took a small boat and sailed along the Lagan River. For the Dublin tour, it was our own event, but I couldn’t join because I got no Ireland visa so on that day I went to city center by myself and I travelled from 11 am to about 2 pm since it began to rain so I decided to go back to dorm. The weather in Belfast is unstable and unpredicted. Sometimes it is a sunny day or rainy or even windy. So we just need to prepare our coat or umbrella. About the bus tour, we took a bus and then travelled Belfast and got explanation about the buildings, tower clock, etc. On 23 July, a trip to Giant’s Causeway, Rope bridge, Londonderry. The Giant’s Causeway is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. The unique form of the rock is so unbelievable. We also played on the seaside, took pictures, having fun of course. The weather was so good that time. We got on the rope bridge, I’m not afraid of height so I enjoyed it. Then next we went to the Londonderry, there we walked around the historic walls of Derry, shopping at the mall. On the last week in Belfast, we went to Odyssey, we played bowling there. I got bad scores on bowling because I’m not good on that and also I’m not keen on it. And it’s time to go back to Taiwan; a lot of feelings came out. First, I felt that I haven’t satisfied yet in Belfast. There still a lot of places that I wanted to go & to see. But time was calling. Second, I’m just used to with the neighborhood, the people, and the atmosphere especially Sir Reza and Ms. Bernie. It’s hard to say goodbye to them. We felt that they were our parents there. Before we back to Taiwan, we had a dinner together with them at our dorm. We were the one who prepared the meals, Taiwanese food of course. At our kitchen, we were chatting, smiling, laughing & sharing. It was an unforgettable moment in my life. So really it’s hard for us to say goodbye. It’s not the right time we thought. Third, I like Belfast very much. But whatever the reason was, it just couldn’t change the fact that it’s time to say goodbye to Belfast. It was easy to pack my luggage, the things, and souvenirs that I bought there. Nothing was left behind except the people. We must face the truth. So we left Belfast in the morning of 29 July. That’s all about my report from Belfast. Thanks. 2011 學海遊學 英國皇后大學團 中文心得報告
人到學校內,而其中一位剛好就是本校的畢業學姐 Jamie,她不僅幫我們解說各
要的事,Jamie 學姐在之後的一個月幫了我們非常多的忙呢!不論是買食物的材料
們都非常的親切,其中 Reza 老師是我們大家的文法老師,雖然他會教我們許多
課程增加許多文化上的分享與討論。而另一位老師名叫 Bernie,這位老師的教學
考,而 Bernie 老師會在報告上給予指點。說實話,老師們指派的作業有時候真的
士,別小看這小小一張學生票,這可是透過 Jamie 學姊的幫助下才能順利地購得,
們參觀當地非常有名的 Guinness 啤酒工廠,還品嚐免費的 Guinness 啤酒,雖然我
Reza 和 Bernie 老師表達對他們一個月來的指導和感謝,當然我們不忘記邀請 Jamie
學姐和西班牙同學 Xisco 一起用餐!其實在這一個月的生活當中,我們的早晚餐
Applied English
Queen’s University Belfast
I believe everyone has their dreams and wonderlands in their childhood. For me,
England is a good place that I dream of going there someday. England has good
temperament in my impression, and I like such a fairy-tale place. Nowadays, I am a
college student and I can make the dream come true. I was very excited just as an
innocent child, and then I started my England travel with excitement and fear in the
first day. I saw the group members in the airport, and I thought that even if we didn’t
know each other now, we would have an unforgettable relationship in the future.
Although we were going to England, we didn’t arrive in the main island. Yet our
destination is Northern Ireland where is close to the main island; therefore, when we
arrived at London Airport, we had to notice the transferring airplane and found the
domestic flight building. It’s really a rare experience for me because it was the first
time to realize lots of matters needing attention only by group members and me. And I
felt that each action likes a kind of adventure.
As we arrived at the Belfast Airport, Queen’s University’s goodwill ambassadors
led us kindly to the school by coach. One of them called Jamie who is our I-Shou
University’s student. What a coincident thing! She helped us not only living problems
but also identifying the new environment. The most important thing was Jamie helped
us for Dublin one-day tour and other travelling plans also food ingredients; what’s
more, she took care of us so much during this month so that we could have a
wonderful life. To be honest, I was a little bit fearful of adapting the life and the class
at the beginning. However, we tried to get along with each other day after day; also
the teachers and our students built up a good relationship. And we became closer and
closer. Everyday was full of happiness and laughs. Our teachers are very kind, and
one of them named Reza who is our grammatical teacher. Though he taught us many
specific grammars in detail, the most favorite part was living. Teacher Reza compared
the differences between British, Spanish and Taiwanese cultures to make us know
more about the world. Due to the fact that our school asked Queen’s University for
arranging us in the same class, the class composition was all the I-Shou’s students.
Even though we had an English ability test on the first day, all of us felt pity that we
had less chance with contacting foreigners. Nevertheless, we still had a happy thing of
one Spanish student joining with us. Thus, we had more international and cultural
learning so that we could share and discuss much our hometown. Besides, another
teacher is Bernie who teaches oral training. She gave different questions per week.
And we prepared slide presentations through interviewing local people and discussing,
after that teacher Bernie would give us feedback. Also, we could learn and refer other
students’ skills through the way. Although I felt much stress with lots of assignments
sometimes, accompanying sightseeing could make me feel that our lives were so
substantial and interesting.
Because of the special chance, we wanted to know more about Belfast so that we
used leisure time and holidays to take some tour activities from school’s reception or
just by ourselves. We tried ice-skating which was the first time for most of us, so
every one was very excited but a little bit nervous! Additionally, we went shopping at
the city centre and took the only amphibious road and river tour bus. We met some
students during the activities, and it’s good for both of us because we could help each
other if someone faced some living problems. Besides, we were attracted by the
beautiful scenery and humanity buildings which were exactly marvelous, such as
romantic gardens, walking to Victorian-style university, the world top natural
scenery-The Giant’s Causeway also the most memorable attraction-The Titanic. Also,
we visited a classical official residence, a lovely castle, a fragrant mountain, a popular
zoo and even a historical museum. As every time I enjoy these joyful photos, I can
imagine that I still stay there. In a large number of memories, we enjoyed seeing a
movie in England which was a new thing to me. What the most exciting thing was
that the movie Harry Potter which I followed it from my childhood to now. How
lucky I am! There’re several movie theaters, and each of them have different prices. If
you want to find a cheap and good theater, you had better ask the local people.
Besides, surf the internet and take a phone call are good methods. In fact, we usually
followed this way to make our sightseeing agenda so I was grateful for the awesome
team work from those hard working members. In addition, we challenged Dublin’s
one-day tour which was really a big hard work. Dublin belongs to Ireland; thus, we
have to take our passports for the sake of immigration from Northern Ireland to
Ireland. Luckily, we heard about Taiwanese with no visa in Ireland so we didn’t worry
about visa problem. However, one of our members is Indonesian who doesn’t have
convenience like us. Therefore, it was very pity that she could not go with us.
Furthermore, we used one working day to go to Dublin, so we got the permission
from teacher Reza and Bernie to exchange our class beforehand. The main reason was
that we had to book train tickets within three days so we only have the method to get
the discount tickets. When we arrived in Dublin, I could feel there was quite different
air from Taiwan including the train station, buildings and people. As I walked in this
top tourism city, I found there were a lot of races. We took a tour bus which we
booked the student tickets on the internet. Because of the fact that we didn’t have the
student’s identity card and get the paperwork of ISIC (International Identity Student’s
Card). Thus, we only could depend Jamie, and she used her student’ identity card to
book our tickets. To tell the truth, she helped us a lot as this situation so we deeply
appreciated her all the time. The tour bus is fabulous, and all of us really have good
impression with the service including multilingual audio guide and one-day ticket.
This completely new tour service enlarged my vision; what’s more, I realized a totally
different tour type. Follow the bus route; we reached the well-known Guinness beer
factory and drank Guinness for free. Of course, we didn’t have many drinking alcohol
experiences. Yet when I saw my friends with bitter face, I did feel that we shared joys
and sorrows together!
After all kinds of memories, we all decided to feast teacher Reza and Bernie on a
Taiwanese banquet in order to thanks for teaching a whole month. Certainly, we
would not forget to invite Jamie and the Spanish classmate, Xisco. Furthermore, we
thanked chefs for preparing our breakfast and dinner during our summer English
course. I still remembered that some of us once were late, so these friends didn’t catch
up with the dinner time. Thanks so much for the warm-hearted chef Pearse who
packaged dishes up so that these people would not be starving. Thus, all of us made a
decision to bring some Taiwanese dishes and thanks card to them at Treehouse (the
dining hall). At this night, everybody worked very hard, and we were filled with
happiness absolutely. Moreover, teachers gave us a big bunch of lovely flowers and a
box of fantastic chocolates. At the end, we gave the super teachers our thanks cards
and handmade snacks, Red Bean Dumpling (Tangyuan). No matter the main meal or
dessert, all of the dishes were done by us. Certainly, teachers would ask curiously
about culinary skills and taste our craft. I won’t forget any unforgettable memories in
England. Even though I am reluctant to leave the lovely place and people, I can feel
the miss as home and the laughs at that night. And I wish that I can have a fantastic
trip next time.