2011 學海遊學 美國南伊利諾大學團 中文心得報告 王柏堯 凌晨三點半,指針在經過一夜的折騰,悄悄的到了。鬧鐘異常的響起,此時 的我正蜷曲在床上,伸手一碰關掉了那惱人的噪音,美夢延續著,此時門外的碎 動腳步聲令我有點恐懼,恐懼是必然的,中學時,這種聲音是起床的號角,當然 現在也不例外,喀拉一聲,木門在黑夜中被拉扯的聲音格外刺耳,{起床了~~} 老媽扯著一個有點沙啞又帶著點磁性的嗓子,{煩死了~~幹嘛這麼早}我在我心中 默念,拖著狼狽的身軀,踏著踉蹌的腳步,我梳洗了一番,今天是我出國的日子, 但卻毫無出國的喜悅。 在盤點完所有該帶的行囊後,扔上車,點了一炷香向神明祈求旅途的平安, 突然;爸爸燃起一道符咒,在空中筆畫筆畫,隨著裊裊上升的煙霧,為我做了最 深的祝福;{洋人懂這些嗎?}心想,上車前,爸爸厚實的一拍,彷彿給我最大的 支持,結束了傳統的儀式,我踏上了這趟未知的旅程。 在路上起先是安靜的行駛,此時阿姨開啟了一連串的話題,使得這趟前往機場 的路途不會如此的苦悶;一路上表妹吵著要我幫他從美國帶回一些東西;我根本 不想搭理他,畢竟我不認為我有時間替她處理這些問題。漸漸看到我熟悉的建築, 是大社….楠梓…最後是高雄,真是特別,短短一年這些地方竟然也跟我建立起 無數特別的感情!遠遠望去,天邊似乎有些騷動,從雲的隙縫間穿出了道道閃亮 而動人的光采,是日出~這是天賜的感動阿。 到了機場,拖著沉重的行李,我在機場小小的大廳那打轉,等待出發,此時 我有點焦躁不安,太多情緒在我腦中,思緒有點混亂。終於等到集合的時刻了, 又是一連串無聊的作業,等候掛行李的同時,我向老媽跟阿姨到別,只是輕輕的 說了一句{一路順風~},我謹記在心。 看著他們的背影,穿過大廳,轉過牆角,我明白這已經是我自己的一趟旅程 了,不過此時別離的笙蕭抵不過身體的疲憊,我只想趕快結束這無聊的一切,好 好睡一場覺。 再交代完所有注意事項後,一群人浩浩蕩蕩的出發了,通過安檢、問話,我 想問話是個沒必要的過程,我會回來~~我不是要逃兵。幾經折磨,終於到了航廈, 我們開始等待,我也明白此後的幾天,我們就會在等待中度過。 上了飛機,那是睽違六年後我再度踏上了所謂的飛行器,自從中學後,就再 也沒有機會出國,然而台北到台南的班機也全部被高鐵取代,笑話;高鐵哪能跟 飛機比阿。機艙內是狹窄的,我們付出的金額遠超過我們房子一個月的租金,也 只不過是換來這 0.1 坪不到空間,然而前面有一堆凱子,卻花了將近一台摩托車 的錢,多買了能夠平躺的奢華。這是資本主義吧我想。 經過了長久的飛行,我們降落了,我對陸地開始產生了親切感,然而我也不 敢相信我已經踏上了美國的領土。在 LA 太陽很大,機場的幅員遼闊,視野一片 清晰,遠方的空地暑氣蒸蘊,但是身體的感知上卻是微涼,不過是種舒服的感覺, 也因為如此怡人,讓人不禁緩了腳步,卻被後頭的人迎頭趕上。 可能是經過長久的飛行,每個人都是擺出不好的臉色,我卻像個從未見過世 面的人一般,到處看看,由於航廈整修,我們必須搭乘接駁的巴士,我從機長那 流利的英文中聽出的所以然。我想這也見怪不怪,從前台南機場也是如此,因為 是軍用機場所以必須是到定點後才能搭巴士離開,而且還不能拿出相機,否則你 很有可能被當成間諜逮捕。 走著走著;人群停了下來,在陌生的環境中,人群是一個重要的指標,這不 只是單純的從眾效應,或者拿香跟著拜,而是在未知中尋找一個做決定的依據。 探頭瞧了瞧,原來是排隊上車,那車子之龐大,讓我印證了我對美國的"巨大印 象",EVERYTHING IS BIG ,那是兩台公車相連再一起的,那黑人司機也是壯的 誇張,就像是電影中演的那種黑人警察,光頭、鬍子、還有甜甜圈。 我們通過了麻煩的入境手續後,領了行李,用簡單的英文跟檢查行李的海關 聊天,由於他曾經待過我們要前往的城鎮,可能格外熟悉,所以他開始分享他在 那邊把一個護校女生的過程,最後他什麼也沒做就放我們走了。真是有趣。我們 一群人在美國人生地不熟,想要轉機,是何等的困難,但是仔細詢問後,還是迎 刃而解。 不得不說,美國是個看似聰明卻又愚笨的國家,他們習慣把每一件事都設計 好,喔~他們也曾經設計過很多鳥事,那是題外話,如果你照著他的流程,我相 信一切都是很簡單的,如果你少做了一個,說不定只是補上一個東西之類的,他 們會因為不知道該怎麼辦而急得跳腳,然後叫你重做。所以到了美國請要先習慣 他們的直線思考模式。Anyway we are in usa now!! LA 是個大城市,大部分的班機都是在這裡轉機,所以人潮之洶湧,是可以 想見的,我們通過層層的關卡,當我們第一次推開機場大廳的門的時候,撲向我 們的是一股不知該如何形容的氣味,一種在空氣中所散發的獨特,也算是揭開了 我們對美國的第一次接觸,我們試著找尋剛剛服務人員所說的 the gate number 4 在遠遠的地方,依稀看見了一個 4 號的標誌,不過運氣似乎不是很好,僅連著卻 是一連串(約 10 個)4 號入口,每個入口都有不一樣的名子,尷尬了;只好再次使 用檢視人潮的手段,再度朝人潮走去;當所有人都在排隊時,我們找到了一個空 檔;進入了檢查站的路口;也看見了傳說中美國要脫鞋子入場的鳥地方;他們幾 乎要你拿掉所有的東西;只怕你是炸彈客,WELL 還好我身上的東西不會令他 們感到無比恐懼,所以我們很快就可以進入他們的航廈。 看著電視牆跳著 AA768 GATE 42 ,經過在台灣搭機、香港轉機,這種東 西已經成了習慣:記在腦子裡,然後就開始再讓廣大的機場裡探險,美國的確是 一個多種族的國家,一下要看見如此多不一樣的種族在同一個地方,實在不是很 習慣,就這樣,我觀察了大約 2 個小時,反正等機的時間相當長,又無聊,這是 詩人的宿命,就是體驗生活,此時我感到無比的新鮮。 隨著時間的流轉,也來到了登機的時間,但是卻碰到一個很棘手的問題,美 國航空班機取消,天阿,搞什麼鬼阿!!!正當我還搞不清楚狀況時,他們用很抱歉 的口吻說了一聲 SORRY~ 不過,神奇的是幾乎每個人都異常的平靜,好像覺得很平常一樣,甚至有人 從頭到尾都沒有登基的打算,我問了一個慈祥的黑人爺爺,他只跟我說了一句, {不用去問他們了拉,他們總是在說謊。},我笑了,好吧只好繼續等下去了,但 是我有個不同的任務,我必須打給接待我們的人,告訴他這個消息,糗了,怎麼 打電話。尋尋覓覓,終於看見了電話亭,這神奇的機器對我而言已經有點陌生, 自從有了手機以後,公共電話似乎就沒有存在的意義,但是我又為他找到生存的 理由了!投了錢之後,輸入了一長串的電話號碼,想不到真的通了,接起來的陌 生的外國聲音。 {HI~THIS IS KEVIN SPEAKING} {OH!HI KEVIN MY NAME IS BENSON} {NICE TO MEET YOU} …………………………. 有時候,出乎意料的我完成了這通電話,哈哈哈哈真是太棒了,之後終於搭 上了飛機,真是難以想像在同一個國家裡面可以飛行超過 3 個小時,這是個何等 的大國阿!!雖然他是個穿著西裝的惡霸;哈開玩笑的。當我們抵到聖路易時,已 經接近半夜 1 點,整個機場靜的可怕,我們跟著空服員走到大廳附近,正當困或 之際,一個有點倦容卻和藹的外國人,站在那兒,那是 KEVIN!! 簡單的寒軒之後,另一個車程又要開始了,2 小時,微微嘆了口氣,很悲慘, 一路上從還可以微微的看見某些特別明亮的地方,到了伸手不見五指的小徑,穿 過了不知無數的平房,這些平房倒是有趣,就跟我們電影看到的一模一樣,像是 一個又一個的積木,撒落在廣大的土地上,然而招牌就是用幾種不一樣顏色的燈 管所捲成的,有些還開著,有些只剩寥寥的燈光,我正想像著那種畫面,就是當 你踏入那種小店,整體是咖發色的基調,只有吧檯是稍微有點燈光的,顯得有點 美式頹廢,店裡面可能只剩一兩桌的客人,但還是稍微有點吵雜,一個穿著破舊 襯衫,搭上一個西裝背心的老酒保,站在酒櫃前,正默默的擦著酒杯,獨身一人 來到櫃前,點了一杯小酒;順勢點起手中的煙;當酒推到你面前;又與酒保開始 有一搭沒一搭的交談。看起來好像每個人都有秘密一樣;的確有如此的風情。 一不小心,我又小歇了一會,當我醒來後,我們鑽進了一個小鎮,KEVIN 小 聲的通知,我們已經到了;終於,鬆了口氣,現在的我只想好好躺下來睡一覺, 睡覺前,看看時間;凌晨 4 點鐘。 時差似乎是多數越過換日線旅遊都會遇到的困難,不過我從沒有過這麼長途 的旅行,所以我也不明白到底時差是什麼感覺;我帶著小小的期待,等著體驗時 差上身的感覺,說也奇怪;等了許久竟然等不到,我不知不覺就融入了這裡的晝 夜;也就算了,反正沒有也罷,比起我的莫名其妙,有的隊員倒很不能適應,他 已經累癱了; 一早起床;整理一下;照照鏡子,倦容依舊,據說美國人喜歡休閒的打扮; 入境隨俗;我便換上了休閒的服裝;到了大廳;KEVIN 早已準備好第一頓的早 餐給我們了;是一盒上面沾滿噁心可怕糖漿的麵包;用看的就很膩口,更別說是 要把他放進嘴裡,但是人家的好意如果這樣就拒絕了,是不是不太禮貌,其實這 種無法拒絕的觀念,令我不禁想起一個笑話,有一個外國人娶了一個台灣人,所 以就到他老婆家去作客,於是他們就拿了甘蔗請他吃;接著他們就稍微離開一下 下,回來後發現,為何甘蔗吃完了;但是什麼東西都不剩?問那外國人,他才緩 緩的回答,{甜是甜,但是他的肉不好吞},所以這看似是一個拒絕不了的過程了。 我想那甜而膩口開起了我的味蕾對真實美式食物的定義,接下來的這些日子, 我恐怕都得與這種東西相依為命了。 卡鎮的早晨是愉悅的,雖然陽光略顯刺眼,但是這似乎就是我們對美國小鎮 早晨的既定印象,街上往來車潮略少,撲鼻而來的是濃濃的青草味道,隨著隊伍; 我拖著略顯疲憊的身子,進到了學校;學校很大,光是這段路就花了 15 分鐘之 久。 對於建築,我不懂,但是我明白這是一個經過用心設計的學校;從每個不同 角度去看就知道了;這學校充滿非凡的人文氣息;這是我擅下的定義,或許就像 我說的一樣,這是否略顯狂妄,哈哈~不過城堡式的建築雖然壯觀,但是卻沒有 勾起我太大的興趣,反而是 FANAR HALL 這幢看起來醜陋但卻別具風味的長型 巨怪,令我著迷,這棟建築是包含著多數人文藝術科系的重鎮;所以設計當然別 具巧思且這設計者的天馬行空實在有趣,一樓是一個小型的美術館,有時開一些 個展、有時放一些藝術品;不時可以看到許多藝術相關的學生在裡頭打轉,在尋 靈感也好、放鬆也罷,反正寧靜的感覺;常會讓人有意外的收穫;筆者幾天若寫 不出像樣的東西,也會到裡頭晃晃。 走道是狹窄的,錯身時總會有一種比肩而過的尷尬,多數的美國人會友善的 向你說聲:EXCUSE ME!別傻傻的回他 YOU ARE WELCOME~這似乎有點言不及 義,所以應該回答{NO PROBLEM},我想每個國家的風情不同,本來就有不同的 反應,就跟我們不太會在路上跟陌生人打招呼一樣;在這裡反而人人都向朋友一 般,別怕尷尬就大聲的說出來吧!! 當我第一次鑽進這棟房子時,我循著我的記憶地圖認為,我可以直接穿過中 庭然後到達對面,想不到這就是這棟房子的有趣,1.2 樓之內是無法水平式的相 通,所以你可能會被卡在中央,如果想要暢行無阻就只能到 3 樓去了,真是無聊 的設計阿~~~~ 學校的大有點無法想像,因為我花了 5 小時才搞定一個小學院,看著學校裡的 地圖,已經大的令人有點難以相信;我想改天我有空的時候,應該要往後面跑, 據說後面還有一片森林跟一大片湖在那兒,慢慢期待吧。 最近趁著悠閒之際,讀了幾本作家的書;其中又以李敖大師的作品最令我著 迷,有人說李敖愛吹牛,但是我真的覺得這些人在抨擊他的同時都在心裡默默的 供上的他的位置。 李敖的筆觸尖銳,如同一把斬斷大蛇的大刀,劈斬著古今風流;他所參透的一 切;細膩而真實;真實卻不失浪漫,所謂理性的真與藝術的真,這兩個不等值的 感覺所交互穿插的感覺;對於整體的提升,已經超出文字所乘載的力度,字裡行 間盡是珍寶,尤其是其驚人的創作量更是一絕,下筆如有神,可謂高掛咸陽城內, 能改一字則賞千金,高超的寫作能力,不容懷疑。 為什麼會扯到這麼遠;就只是單純讀了一點作品罷了,說來倒也有趣,每天 都有一段時間是屬於自己可以去利用的,反正學校也都繞過了;應該是說想繞的 都走過一遍了;況且有太多是無止盡的森林地,我也懶得去探尋裡面到底有什麼 鬼東西;只覺得接近傍晚,就開始有種鬼氣,令我只想趕快找到有點人煙的地方。 今天一如往常的到了學校報到,美國人做事就像之前說的一樣,永遠都有他的 一套,順著流程走,我很快的完成所有該做的事;但是卻突然有人邀約一同去學 校裡晃晃,既然已經穿妥衣服,一想到回去可能又要花上 15 分鐘以上的路程, 我決定跟去;反正只是閒晃不會花上多少力氣,上午的學校是可人的,何解? 陽光是個非常重要的角色;像是名模的化妝師,他為每個不同的場景上了妝,{水 光瀲灩晴方好},走著走著;這有太多的驚奇了,這與我上次來有截然不同感覺; 轉瞬間,天空飄起細細的小雨,雖是有雨;但卻無傷大雅,畢竟洋人總流行著一 句話{雨不會害你,你又不會融化}這是特殊的美式幽默?走在雨中,頓時有種暑 氣全消之感,慢步在石質小徑上,感受那迎面而來如秋水般的冰涼,好不痛快, 輕輕一瞥,發現景色空濛;我們停留在一個 2 坪大的亭子下方,一夥人看著遠方 的雲;此時是一片沉靜,靜靜的思考,靜靜的享受;這是天地賦予的美景,別讓 世俗那股氣味沾染了這一切的美好。{走吧}有點高亢的嗓子畫破了整體的寧靜, 大夥才回過神來,繼續往回程的路上邁進。 日復一日,我見見的溶入了當地的生活,一早起床就要先弄一份麥片加牛奶, 然後愜意的烤著麵包,加上一點培根與熱狗,結束後一定要來杯蘋果汁,實在是 非常西式的早餐,這些食材皆是在一間叫做 Walmart 的大超市買來的,據說是間 連鎖的品牌,對台灣人而言就像是我們所熟知的 Costco 或者 Carrefour 一樣,不 過美國人懶惰的程度也是不在話下,在那裏可以補足生活上的所有不足,東西大 的誇張,一瓶瓶的牛奶分成口味、含脂量、大小,分別陳列在冰箱之中,遠遠望 去就像是一桶桶的油漆,雞蛋從 4 個一盒到 48 個一盒皆有,若只是要單純的解 決普通問題來這就對了,也由於這種到超市解決的習慣日益嚴重,美國有個導演 拍了一部片子,裡面的主角竟然是在 Costco 裡面拿到法學院的學位,藉以諷刺 美國人什麼事情都去大超市。 當然我們也有到當地的餐廳用餐,有墨西哥料理、普通的美式料理…..等等 其中包括了一次由 Kevin 準備的洗塵宴,還有當地老師準備的,以及告別晚宴, 先說洗塵宴好了,kevin 是個大約 30 歲的單身美國男性;想當然爾他喜歡去所謂 美國男人該去的 bar,所以我們的晚餐的確是在一個運動酒吧舉辦的;這酒吧是 吃所謂的雞翅膀,只吃吃雞翅;夠美式吧,這雞翅也是有些學問在裡頭,首先你 要點你的數量,以 6 隻為單位,向上增加;接著有約 10 種以上的醬料根據辣度 而有所排列,那滋味比起我們在台灣吃到的更為美味,此時若能來上一手啤酒, 肯定能將味蕾的感覺向上推去一個層次,礙於我們的年紀(美國限 21 歲);不能飲 酒作樂;所以以茶代酒,為風塵僕僕趕到的我們致上最深感謝。另一次是到一座 森林內名叫 giant city park 的地方也是享受了道地的美食。 上課的每一天都是有趣的,然而對我而言,到外面跟別人聊天打屁更是好玩, 我總是愛跟陌生人說話,畢竟我對自己的英文還頗有信心,外加上大多數的人都 很熱情,所以不論是餐廳,街上,公車上,但是個很好聊的地方,至於上課,文 法對我們而言很簡單的,難以想像美國人的文法是很弱的,其實這跟教育的方向 也是大有關連,畢竟他們也不學習文法,甚至身為一個台灣人還可以指導當地人 文法錯誤,實在有趣。我喜歡其他的課程,可以跟老師同學互動也是非常好玩的。 我喜歡拉丁美洲的女生,熱情又狂野,哈哈哈~~跟他們互動,彷彿也跟著熱血 起來,如此奔放,果然是民族性的不同阿。 我想這或許就是學習之旅的重點,離家幾萬公里,看看這個世界,看看人家口 中說的大蘋果美國,看來自四海的同學,阿拉伯、日本、韓國、等等 去體會每個國家的風情,有幸能夠參加這次的旅程,我吃過阿拉伯美食、咖啡, 吃了美國的家常漢堡,看過俄亥俄河的壯麗、登過聖路易的地標 Arch,走訪上 帝花園,去了 walker bluff,短短一個月走了 3 個州,雖然內心遺憾因為某些問題 而無法拜訪芝加哥,但是這也激勵了我,這世界還大的很,不要輕易的放棄看這 世界的機會跟時間,我永遠無法忘記這趟旅程,像是一個懵懂的小孩蛻變成大人 的旅途,一群從沒經驗的人,從台灣經過 2 次轉機,要熬了 2 小時的路程,一路 到卡鎮,又從那裏到美國的很多地方,每個踏過的土地,每間小店,每間餐廳, 都是一個美好愉快的經驗,我期待下一次,能夠再去不一樣的地方,感謝學校給 我們這個機會,也感謝所有人的努力,也感謝自己能夠撐得下去,感謝當地所有 老師、朋友、台灣人的幫忙,有太多太多的感謝,說不完,只好把他放在自己心 中,做為永遠不會消逝的記憶吧。 {Everything is "huge"} said my grandmother that is my first opinion about USA with the time approach....i will set out on the journey to USA after 12 hours later i'm a little bit nervous now~~~look at the email which i recieve from school it really remind me so many things that i had done before the first time i won the scholarship the first time we had a meeting we choose the school that we will visit and i choose usa even though i was in the top ten list i realized that i will have a lot of work to prepare so what? its quit a special exprience for me i went to AIT and prepare for the passport anyway~~~ now ....i should calm down it might be a big challenge for me to study there but i can deal with it~~~ there are a part of my diary I kept before I lelf Taiwan l got a really new and beautiful page of my life because I went to USA I thought I was really lucky to get the scholarship of studying abroad for one Month to be frankly “it isn’t enough” I feel a little afraid that I need to speak a lot English in my life because it is not my mother language though I learned it when I was little , I didn’t focus on it So I was not a good speaker. It will be a good chance for me to practice it. It’s a long trip, it is 15 thousands mile from Taiwan, we took almost 15 hours on the plane, finally we arrived, when the time I put my step on the land of usa I couldn’t believe that was true, everything was new for me, I looked around everywhere just like a child , there were a lot of things that we had to finish such as the customs formalities, the airport is very big, there are almost two hundred gates , there are so many procedures, just waste a lot of times, but we are almost there. When we arrived our house , its very late ,4:00am I think, and we have to wake up at 7:00, it was a very big challenge for me ,because I was tired and suffered from a little jet lag , but we had a test so we needed to go. “It’s a new life for me “ I yelled THE CLASS We had to go to school five days a week, the teachers are great, as a good student , I didn’t skip any class, hmm okay~ some of them but it’s not a big deal if you told to the teachers that you couldn’t come to the class and told them where will you go, they will appreciate that you inform it before the class, it’s not a good idea you go away silence They might worry about you or something else , just let them know, it’s different from us , who cares where you go, but it’s their class policy. It’s really useful if you speak English every day , you will find that your English is raising , and you will get used to it ,don’t be afraid just say something. THE LIFE The temple of the life in Carbondale is very slow, just because it’s a very small town , you won’t the people walk very fast on the street or the tall skyscrapers , it’s quite and peace . The people are nice, they will talk to you ,and they always smiled in greeting , I like to chat with them , because it’s “real English” ,the English which CESL’s teacher use is different from the native speakers’, the teachers speak slower and clearer , but the normal Americans speak very fast and the will use a lot of city slangs and idioms, that will make you confuse, but it’s also a good chance to practice. If you are afraid of speaking , you can modified in two ways ,first you must to make sure that your pronunciation is correct , second don’t feel embarrassed when you are speaking they won’t hurt you. Just try to express what you want to say. THE FOOD I didn’t get used to the food, we went to Walmart every week---do some grocery shopping. There we cannot only find things we need in our daily life, we can also find food there. Weusually bought chicken and beef there. With some vegetables and meat I started to cook. I like the beef very much ,I will go to have some hamburgers and pasta sometime.. It is cheap and taste like the Taiwanese food. The fruit there was good, too. Each day I ate some apples. It was from Illinois , it’s very fresh and juicy. to be a foreigners, you must to try some different cuisine, so we went to a lot of restaurants ,such as a really special place called Giant city park , it offers some homemade Americans food , and it on the center on the forest , so it’s a place that only the native residents will know,I like the black cherry pie , and fried chickens are great, the food are better than everything we can get from Mcdonalds ,I appreciate that I can have chance to go there . THE TRIP We spent every free time we have on traveling ,we went to so many places where out of my imagination , such as The garden of the Gods It’s a really beautiful place, and we also go to the baseball game of minor league(3A) ,when it comes to the special place I will say is Paducah in Kentukey,I haven’t heard it before, it’s a small town which has very fresh seafood, and we had it ,and we are lucky that we went there on Saturday ,there were a street festival on every second Saturday on the month , so many peoples will go out and dressed up ,some of them will have the show , like singing ,playing instruments or painting it’s very funny. We also had a crazy shopping days in ST.LOUIS , I found that the clothes are cheaper than our country ,so I bought the “polo” “locost” “AE” …… so many things the other we visited in ST.LOUIS was the “Arch” it’s symbolic building of the gateway in USA , in long time ago , the peoples who want to pass through would stay here and supply the things they need, so it’s the center between the east coast and the west coast, they built the Arch , we went to the top, it’s a very beautiful city, We went to Water park on the last weekend, actually we should go to Chicago, but we met some problems so we canceled it , it’s a little pity, that fine….we had fun in other place~~the park was in the Indiana , 300 miles away from Carbondale , there were a big swimming pool and some big slides , the bikini was the point!! I’m just kidding , THE ACTIVITY We stayed in Carbondale most of the time, so there were something that we can do , we would go to the REC for playing sports , it’s a big gym that the students can use ,Carbondale is a really good place if you like the outdoor activities, we went hiking and played the pedal boats , it’s very romantic when you saw the sun set on the lake,just enjoyed everything over there….. TO SUM UP This summer study in America , I felt that we not only study English there but also learning how to make friends and being more independent than before. Such as, we need to use English everywhere and sometimes we have to tell the clerk what we need; for example, buying daily things, books we will use for class, our meals and shopping. Although we were not accustomed at first, we adapt them very fast. The last week, I wanted to record more scenery, so I always brought digital camera by my side. This summer in America, I really appreciate the teacher all the members. They accompanied me through this month, the guy I need to introduce him is our TA Kevin Thomas , he’s a really nice guy, he helped us a lot, cuz we always had a lot of problems, he can solve everything for us…… the last day we stayed in Carbondale we had a farewell party , I can’t image that we just had had a dinner at giant city park ,then we were already to go home,”time like an arrow” It goes too fast. I will never forget the trip in USA, there were so many happy and sweet memories After this trip to USA , it really broaden my horizon ,the world is bigger than what I had realized, there are so many things that we should try, I appreciate that isu gave me this chance to study aboard ,it was a special experience for me and Carbondale is the sweetest place I have ever been, it’s really hard to put it down on the paper, the only thing I knew is my life had added a special and memorable memory . 2011 學海遊學 美國南伊利諾大學團 中文心得報告 卡本戴爾小鎮裡的南伊利諾大學 休閒二 9872002A 吳宇萱 2011 年 07 月 04 日一早六點就到了小港機場,從沒想過自己可以那麼幸運獲得這次出國 遊學的機會,帶著一顆興奮的心去準備這一趟的遊學之旅,這一趟算是我第二次自己出國, 原本以為去年去完英國自助行之後就不會再出國了,沒想到此時此刻我就站在機場裡等著秤 行李的重量。還記得出發之前我們十個小隊員彼此都不熟悉,可是現在我們十個人卻是彼此 之後在美國生活二十幾天的支柱,從拍下最後一張大合照要過境的那一刻起,我們就必須開 始互相依賴,開始我們自己的美國遊學行了。 從出境那一刻開始,所有東西都要自己來了,包括搭機、轉機之類的,因為這一次學校 沒有請帶團老師陪在我們身邊,不過還好,學校把時間排得很鬆,不知道是怕我們趕不上轉 機還是怎樣的,在安排每一次的轉機時間裡都給我們留了大約要三個小時的緩衝,尤其是在 轉 America airline 時我們等的特別的久,就因為從洛杉磯去聖路易的班機延遲了快三個小時, 所以我們整整在洛杉磯機場困了快六小時,機場的冷氣也不知道怎麼樣超冷的,等到大家都 累了,一上最後一班飛機,管他小朋友在哭還是在鬧,大家都熟睡了,最後我們到達宿舍的 時間已經是凌晨的 3 點 37 分了,但可憐的是我們還不能熟睡,因為等等八點整我們還要去學 校考托福分班考試,我還記得那場考試我看到考卷我都想自殺了,什麼東西阿~根本像在考大 學一樣,甚至還更難,重點是我到美國的第一天就在忽冷忽熱的環境下生病了,所以我根本 就不知道我考試發生了什麼事,考完時其實心裡多少知道自己考得很差,果然,後來我跟一 小群人被叫去一間小教室重考,考的東西還真是有天壤之別阿,從極端難的托福到極端簡單 的不知道那是什麼考題。其實被叫去重考心裡多少有種失落感,好像自己的英文真的很差似 的,我們這一批總共有三位同學被叫去重考,而其他人則由學校帶去逛校園,等我們考完的 時候大家也都不知道去哪裡了,這一段小插曲真的很搞笑,我們三個人想說我們不能落後行 程,所以我們也要去逛校園,一路自己亂走亂逛,帶著剛拿到的校園圖,我們要找到校園裡 著名的湖,沿路拍照問路人,最後終於被我們找到了,那湖真的好大好美,連高雄的澄清湖 都比不起,就這樣逛著逛著時間就過去了,突然有人想起今天我們的 TA Kevin 好像說下午要 帶我們去採買一些東西,一回神才發現我們好像迷路回不去了,這時的我們開始緊張了起來, 校園大到我們迷路回不去宿舍了,所以我們只好靠著我們僅有的建築物印象慢慢的找路回去, 幸好最後我們安全的回到宿舍,但果然,Kevin 也以為我們不見了,超級緊張,真的是第一天 見面就給他鬧出這樣的事情來,接下來的幾天他總是非常怕我們失聯,不管是去哪裡他都會 不時的看我們有沒有人不見。 這二十幾天的遊學行中發生了許多讓我難忘的事情,不管是在課堂上的,或是出去遊玩 的,每一件所發生的事情我到現在都可以清楚的記得,記得剛開始光我想要拿到正確的課表 時,學校就一直給我擺大烏龍,一直把我的課表弄錯,從第一次我拿到的課表 level 4 到最後 確定的課表 level 3,我整整被換了四次,害我都快被煩死了,可是也是因為這樣我認識了很 多的朋友,不單單是只有自己班上的,其他班的也都有認識,有阿拉伯的同學、韓國的同學 還有我們台灣虎尾科大的同學,到後來我漸漸的發現在這段課程裡並沒有真正的美國同學, 因為他們在放暑假,我們這個課程就像是給要出國留學的人如果在台灣托福沒達到標準要先 念一年的語言學校一樣,所以這個課程反而是其他國家的人比較多,尤其又以阿拉伯人居多, 因為聽他們說他們國家會提供獎學金讓他們來這裡念書,別看他們都長的都一副老老的樣子, 其實他們有些人都比我還小,還有一些是二十出頭就已經結婚的人,讓我挺驚訝的,真的是 每一個國家都有不一樣的趣事阿。 課堂上也有許許多多有趣的事情,像是美國的教育其實比較著重於討論的部分,每一位 老師都喜歡跟我們聊天,不管你講得怎樣,他們就是喜歡我們回答,尤其是每一位老師都會 在星期一上課的時候要我們分享發生了什麼趣事或做了什麼事,但偏偏我們班上有兩位同學 跟我同團,所以理所當然週末做的活動是一樣的,但老師不會讓我們只回答一句 the same 就 沒事了,他會要我們自己在說一次,就是要訓練我們的表達能力,但這不會是有壓力的學習, 課堂上的感覺是非常輕鬆的,老師們跟學生們就像朋友,其實大家都來自不同的國家,大家 都會相互好奇對方國家有哪些特色,我還記得在上到飲食這方面的課時,老師要我們介紹自 己國家的特色食物,我永遠記得兩位熱情的阿拉伯同學還自己煮了他們家鄉的食物來給我們 吃,吃起來就像是咖哩炒飯,可是又不太一樣;我們當然也有分享代表我們台灣的東西囉~ 那就是珍珠奶茶,因為學校附近剛好有一家台灣人開的 bubble tea shop,所以我們也藉由這機 會請大家喝。其他課程也很有趣,像是也有老師要我們介紹自己國家有趣的廣告之類的...每 一天的課都讓我感覺好像在做文化交流,大家總是為自己的國家感到驕傲,都不停的想要相 互介紹屬於自己國家最棒的東西。 當然來到了這裡我們也不能只有上課,我們這群愛玩的團員們可是抓住了機會就要 Kevin 帶我們出去玩,不只是週末的固定行程,有時連下課我們都要他帶我們去玩,許許多多的東 西都讓我好想在體驗一次,我記得剛去的第二天晚上,學校的教職員們請我們到 Giant City State Park 吃晚餐,這家餐廳是用木屋蓋成的,吃東西的方式就像是在電影裡看到的傳統美國 家庭式吃法一樣,一大盤傳過來傳過去的那樣,很道地的美國家鄉味,有趣的是,他們的收 費方式就像是台灣的吃到飽;之後的幾天,我們還有去 Walker bluff 看戶外電影,這裡風景真 的很吸引人,我們都說這裡跟台灣的九層林根本不能比,同樣都是露營區,這裡有一大片綠 油油的草原,草原中間還有一個美麗的湖,在這裡開放戶外電影給大家看,許多家長都帶著 他們的小朋友,拿著一條毯子鋪在草地上準備看今晚播的舊版巧克力冒險工廠,好笑的是, 我們每次電影演到好笑的地方大家都會笑我們都沒笑;可是我們笑的地方別人都不笑,沒辦 法~誰叫電影講英文就算了連英文字幕都不給呢!我人生第一次在天空中看到北斗七星也是在 這裡,一抬頭滿天星星,北斗七星那個勺子在天空中非常的明顯,我真的很驚嘆!看了好久都 不想走。 許許多多的地方都讓我想在美國待久一點,到熱死不償命的 Garden of Gods 爬山、不是 真的的 Superman town、跟團絕對不會知道的 Paducah 小鎮園遊會,還有就是最後一個週末, Kevin 開著車但我們到印地安那州的 Water park 玩,足足開了四小時,超大的遊樂園,有分乾 濕兩區,就像月眉馬拉灣一樣,我們玩得好開心,真的是非常難忘的回憶,Kevin 在最後發表 離別感言的時候,還說他永遠不會忘記我們在回程的車上睡著的模樣,這一趟的美國行,我 都不想忘記,尤其我們又遇到一位這麼棒的 TA,帶我們到處玩也都不嫌累,就算我們是一堆 小麻煩,他也都非常有耐心的對我們,Kevin 真的是一位了不起的 TA。 這一趟遊學行下來我發現了其實自己並沒有想像中的那麼厲害,我可能在台灣英文算中 上,但真正來到了美國卻發現自己是爛的可以,常常我在跟別人對話的時候他們都會聽不懂 我在講什麼,讓我有點不敢開口,可是我後來發現到一個訣竅,就是不要去想說你想講的那 句話要怎麼講文法才對,把你想講的直接講出來就好了,還有一項就是,可以的話多多去跟 不是學校的人講話,因為學校的老師其實都是有訓練過的,所以他們都會放慢講話的速度。 最後我想說的是這一趟我真的是收穫良多,無論是在何種方面,像是我教到了許多來自 不同國家的朋友,雖然說南伊利諾大學不是像紐約大學一樣位在大城市中,但就是因為他位 在美國的小鎮中,才會讓我遇到更瑣碎的鄉村感動,所以我真的希望之後有一天我有那個機 會可以在來一次這個讓我捨不得走的Southern Illinois University Carbondale! Carbondale of Southern Illinois University 休閒二 9872002A 吳宇萱 I was at the Kaohsiung International Airport at 6:00 a.m. on July 04, 2011. I have never think about I am so lucky to get this chance to USA. This time is my second time to abroad by me. So I was pretty nervous. I think I can’t abroad after I have been to UK last year. But now I am standing in the counter of airport to waiting for weigh my luggage. There are twenty people in this group, In the beginning, we aren’t very know about each other, but when we take the last picture in the lobby of airport, we start to rely on each other. Our trip is beginning. When the moment of departure starting, everything we must to do by ourselves, including check the boarding pass or transfer etc. Because it isn’t have school teacher come with us this time. However that’s fine, there has a pretty long time between airplane and airplane. Especially at the American Airline, form Los Angeles to St. Louis’s airplane was delay nearing three hours, so we stay in the airport for the six hours. Maybe there just because ISU afraid we may not find the airplane on time. Everyone is tired when we get on the last airplane. We all fall asleep, no matter the child is crying. Finally at 3:37 Am., we arrived at our dorm, but we can’t sleep, we have the TOFLE at 7:00. I still remember I was very frustration at that test. It’s very difficult. Such as General Scholastic Ability Test. Unfortunately I got cold when I was first day in USA. So my TOFLE grade is pretty terrible. The result is I need to reexamine. But the reexamination is easier. That’s very different between two exams. In fact, when I know I need to reexamine, I’m so depressed. Just like my English is very pool. There has something happen after reexamination. There are three people need to reexamine in our group. Other people are going to visit the campus when we are reexamining. We would like to visit, too. So after the reexamination, we are going to visit campus by ourselves. We try to ask passerby where the lake is. It’s a little far. We are taking picture while we are walking. Finally we find it. It’s amazing. The lake is very big and beautiful. We are deeply attracting by the scenery. Suddenly, we find we don’t know the rood to go back to the dorm. We use our indistinct impression to find the rood to go back. Fortunately, we arrive at our dorm. Of course! Our TA Kevin is very anxious that time. He thinks we are real missing. After that, no matter anywhere we are going to. Kevin always counts if ten people are here. There have many unforgotten things in this several days. No matter at the class or go outside. Everything happen is very clean in my brand. For example, I just want to have my school schedule. CESL give me wrong schedule four times. From level four to level three. It’s a big mistake I think. That’s so embarrass me. But it’s okay. I use this chance to meet more friends. Not only people at my class, but also other class. Like Arab, Korean and Formosa University in Taiwan’s classmate. Gradually, I find there have very few American in CESL. Because now is their summer vacation. CESL likes a language school. It for somebody who wants to study abroad, but do not reach TOFIC standard. So they need to come here for a year to learning English. Arab is the most. Because their government provides them scholarship to comes here for studying. Don’t look at their face and think they are older than us. Most of them are younger than me. And somebody is gets married just as they are twenty years old. That’s very incredible. There also has a lot of interesting thing at the class of CESL. For example, discussion is the most important thing at American education. So most of teacher likes to chats with students. No matter how is it? They just like us to you to speak. They all like to ask us how’s our weekends? They want us to share everything we were doing on weekend. In spite of there are two people in our group are stay with my classroom. Certainly we do the same activity. So we need to say the same thing again, but we can’t just say ‘the same’. We still need to say the whole sentence. They just want to train our express ability. But it’s not a pressed learning. It’s pretty easy in the class. Teacher likes your friend. Actually, every classmate all comes from different country. So all of us will interesting about each country’s characteristic. I still remember one of class is about foods. Teacher lets us to introduce our country’s food for other classmate. Two of Arab classmates bring the real foods for other classmates to taste. It tastes like curry fried rice. But it still has a little different. However it’s delicious. Of course we also introduce our country food. That’s bubble tea. Because there has a bubble tea shop near the school. So we pay for bubble teas for everyone. Other classes are interesting, too. Such as some teacher let us to introduce some our country’s funny Ad etc. Everyday likes a culture exchange day. Everyone is always proud of their country. Always want to introduce the best thing in their country. Of course, we can’t just come here for the class. Our group is very outgoing. We always want Kevin take us to outside. Not only on weekend, but also on normal day. I can still remember, the second day of evening. CESL took us to “Giant City State Park” for dinner. This restaurant is very special. This restaurant is built of wood. It’s a log cabin. And their foods are very tradition. The way to eat is like we see in the movie. The family sits around the table. And put the foods in the middle, if you want to choose the farthest one. You can ask the closest people to passes for you. It’s so special. Several days later, we also go to “Walker Bluff” to see the open‐air movie. The view is so amazing. I have no idea if it has the same place can compare with in Taiwan. Here has big bright green grassland, and has a lake in the middle. Many parents bring their children for fun here. They bring their blanket and put it on the grassland, because they want to choose the best place to watch the movie “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. After the movie, when we will get on the car. I raise my head. Wow! Amazing! There have pretty many stars in the sky. And this is the first time, I see the Dipper very clean in the sky. I can’t move my eyes away for a long time. It’s so attraction. There have many places let me doesn’t want to go home. Such as go to “Garden of Gods” to hiking , not real’ s “Superman town”, “Paducah”, the little town which place if you come to USA with tour, you will never know this place, and this place always has garden party. Finally, the last one, I can’t forget. That’s “Water Park”. It’s at the other state. Kevin drives us to there. It’s very far. We drive for four hours to there. It’s a big theme park, dividing wet and dry two areas. We have fun here. It’s a pretty unforgotten memory, so does Kevin. Because his final speak says: he can remember when we on the way home, we all fall asleep in the car. I just want to say: This trip is so unforgotten. Especially we meet Kevin. He is very kind. No matter we always make some trouble for him, he never feel tired. I think he is a terrific TA. I learn a lot in this trip. And I find in fact my English isn’t very well when I’m in the USA. In spite of my English belong well in Taiwan. Maybe it’s because I face the real foreigner in USA. And Taiwan doesn’t have opportunity to talk to real foreigner. There is a way to talk to foreigner well: That’s do not think what the correct grammar I should say. Just say it. Don’t think. It will be better. And most of important is: don’t just talk to a person who is in the school. Because they all professional. So they can know what you mean when you talk but not really well. Finally, I would like to say: I enjoy a lot in this opportunity and earn a lot. I make many other country new friends. Although Southern Illinois University is not like New York University locates on big city. But that quite right it locates on the small town. It let me meet more things. So I really hope that one day I can back here again. Southern Illinois University Carbondale, a place which I can’t let it goes. 2011 學海遊學 美國南伊利諾大學團 中文心得報告 營養系 9943038A 黃建銘 到現在回想起來,仍舊覺得這是一場夢。 香港國際機場、洛杉磯國際機場……,彷彿歷歷在目。從地球的彼端到達地 球的那端,認識了一群或許一輩子只能相見一次的好夥伴,到現在回想起來,仍 舊覺得這是一場夢。 今年暑假,很幸運的,承蒙學校支助,出國遊學的美國夢,我提前了一步完 成了它。美國,是一個我從小就嚮往憧憬的地方。從小到大,舉凡美國的電影, 民族性,多元開放性,價值觀,對我而言都是耳熟能詳的。從小我就一直不斷問 自己將來是否能到美國走一遭,深刻了解美國人的習俗文化。不過多年來的內心 疑問終於在七月四號踏出小港機場的那一剎那,我了解到我的美國夢正在踏實的 一步一腳印實現。 對我來說這一次的旅程讓我體悟到很多,在這世界上有那麼多種語言,但我 們唯一能溝通的基本橋樑不是「韓」流旺盛的韓文,也不是日漸茁大的中文, 「英 文」仍舊是這世界目前最基本的溝通語言。感謝學校不遺餘力的栽培我們,讓我 們有這個機會能夠出去看看外面的世界,不單單只是侷限在這狹小的台灣,由此 培養出我們的國際觀,讓我們看事情能夠看得更長更遠。 初到美國,確實路途的遙遠以及身心的疲累考驗著我們這群勇士,但是心靈 精神的亢奮終究能夠戰勝身體的勞累。 儘管路途再遙遠,當一切步入正軌後就會覺得一切都是值得的。 初逛南伊利諾大學(卡本戴爾分部)時,一切都覺得新鮮無比,不管是學校 正門的大教鐘或是充滿音樂氣息的圓頂音樂學院,在我這初到美國的新鮮人眼裡 看來都是格外有趣。不過遊學就是在異地短暫的住一段時間。剛開始到美國時, 有許多小細節跟台灣不太一樣。譬如:洗衣機吃銅板只吃二十五仙令而且還得一 次放四個。如果少一個,衣服可能就洗不成了。記得有一次,身上只有三個銅板, 為了要洗衣服,還特地跑到樓下買了一罐可樂換銅板,如此一來我才能洗衣服 呢。 現在想想一個人在美國摸索異地文化,不但有趣新鮮,這樣的美式生活經驗 恐怕不是一般的旅行團能體驗得到的吧。 在美國的學習是在卡本戴爾的語言訓練中心上課,語言訓練中心剛好坐落於 音樂學院的旁邊,文學院交織而成的文化禮堂,在我眼裡看來,可是相當有文藝 氣息。在教室上課,大家就圍一個圈做成一個圓,對於一個主題或者話題,找到 你的夥伴,分享你的經驗或你的心情,儘管彼此有腔調上的問題,不過大家來到 這裡就是要訓練自己的語言能力,多說,敢說,就是在這語言訓練中心的最基本 精神!也因為這樣,我們更了解彼此! 在美國的第一個禮拜,我們的美國領隊-凱文,開著夜車帶著我們去卡本戴 爾附近的一個小公園"Walker,s Bluff"那兒的小公園有著巨大的西洋棋盤以及清 澈的一池湖,蟲叫蛙鳴,望起來可真的是非常愜意呢。一到晚上的時候,在公園 內抬頭看著繁星夜垂的天空,好美……!這是台灣都市光害嚴重下根本看不到的 漂亮星空。凱文一一細數著天上的星星,外國的天空或許真的有比較美唷!望著 天空上流洩星光的星兒們,在這寂靜一片的森林裡,好沉醉好沉醉……。 第二個禮拜的時候,語言訓練中心的"高"博士,帶領我們去附近的小聯盟 棒球場欣賞球賽。雖說小聯盟的球場規格以及規模跟大聯盟比起來仍差一截。不 過能在此時,欣賞一場屬於美國的球賽,我覺得這對我來說是再豐富不過的體驗 了。球賽進行到一半時,界外球一顆接著一顆的飛向外牆。當球一落地,一群孩 童蜂擁而上的爭搶著那顆界外棒球,看在我心中,也試圖想著要撿一顆"美國" 球當作回去的紀念。不過這群美國小孩可能個個都有功夫底子,球一飛往外牆時, 每個小孩就使出吃奶的力氣撲向那顆球。過程中不乏推擠碰撞,這群小孩子像是 拖了疆的野馬,而我可慘了!被這群小孩子撞得歪七扭八的。球沒撿到,反而像 人球一般被這群小孩撞來撞去的。不過在外國的土地上見識到了一場美國的球賽, 雖然球沒撿到,不過也算是不虛此行了。 第三個禮拜的時候,語言訓練中心幫我們安排了一個大活動──聖路易,相 較於卡本戴爾的悠閒清靜,聖路易市就有一點繁忙大都市的味道,不管是高聳的 跨海大橋,又或者是巨大無比的鐵路軌道,都像是我們從小看到大的電影情節裡 出現的建築物一般真實。從聖路易市的交流道一往下左轉,就是知名的大聯盟聖 路易紅雀隊的主場。對於只能隔海看著轉播球賽的我來說,這無疑就是翻起我內 心的巨浪!現場看到的紅磚球場,砌的很高很高,就像是一個紅巨人雄偉的豎立 在我面前。一個隔海相望的夢,在聖路易市我完成它。一個確確實實,一個小男 孩變成青少年的夢。 聖路易市有一個著名的建築物,名為「Arch」 ,中文翻譯就是「拱門」的意 思,其紀念意義是以前美國人開墾這片土地之時,為了向西部拓進,而建立的一 座紀念性拱門,這扇拱門又被稱為"通往西方之門"。聖路易的 Arch 聽說有六 百多呎高(相當於一百九十二公尺),其外觀就是一個拱門狀,不過意想不到的 是其拱門內暗藏玄機,拱門的內部真正面目是一個電梯包廂,可以搭乘約五個人 上去拱門最上方鳥瞰聖路易市。整個聖路易市就在拱門的居高俯望下,盡收眼底。 眼前的聖路易法院就像白宮一樣的莊重嚴偉,左邊的紅雀隊棒球場像是發出最沉 寂的喧鬧聲般的吸引我,或許漂亮二字還不足以形容我眼簾前這一片景象。 我很開心能夠在美國這裡待了一個月,因為我在我的課堂上認識了一群莫逆 之交。我們這班比較奇特的是幾乎都是從阿拉伯過來的學生,沒有其他外國的學 生(譬如:韓國、日本等等),阿拉伯的學生年齡層分部的也很廣。小的有十七 八歲的高中生,年紀大一點的甚至結婚都有。以往對於阿拉伯文化認知並不深, 只知道其信奉回教,女孩子會穿戴頭紗,至於其民族性以及文化則是一無所知, 在相處的這一個月下來,因為彼此學習英文上的環境不同,彼此有屬於彼此的各 自腔調,所以一開始在語言溝通上有很大的問題。不過好險我們彼此都知道我們 的語言能力不是很強,我們是要來學習英文,正確的心態以及態度,讓我們克服 語言障礙,雖然一開始彼此都要詢問個好幾次才能聽得懂對方的表達意思,不過 在相處一個月下來,彼此語言的隔閡已經漸漸減少,用英文溝通,聊天,開玩笑 已經變成是再稀鬆平常不過的事情了。 我很開心這短短的一個月的時光。快樂的時光總是過的特別快,還記得剛到 美國的時候一切都很不習慣。一下子一個月就過去了,而我就要跟美國的一切說 珍重再見了!還記得結業典禮那一天,我從凱文的手上接過那一份結業證書,皮 製的收藏夾包藏著我在美國的點點滴滴,在美國的一切就在凱文把結業證書交到 我的手上時,暫時告一個段落了!剛到美國來的時候,我跟凱文握了握手,我把 這一個月的時間交給了他。在離開的前一天晚上,凱文又跟我握了握手,把這一 個月的點點滴滴還給了我。天下沒有不散的筵席,感覺光陰似箭,很快地,把我 這一個月的時光不留痕跡的偷偷帶走了。 搭上離開洛杉磯的班機,我就正式離開了美國,我沒有不帶走任何一片雲彩, 相反的,我帶了滿滿的美國夢回家。 我想外在的競爭力;來自於世界的移動力。而英文是世界上大家能溝通的語 言,英文真的是我們不可或缺的一部分!這是這一趟旅程的體悟,最後還是感謝 學校的支助,讓我們得以順利完成這趟旅程,當然也要感謝有在這趟旅程前前後 後幫忙以及幫助我的人,例如我的父母。謝謝這趟旅程帶給我的種種回憶。這將 是一份永遠最美最好的禮物深藏我心。 2011 學海遊學 美國南伊利諾大學團 英文心得報告 營養系 9943038A 黃建銘 When I recall everything happened in U.S.A, I found it liked a dream. H.K international airport, L.A international airport and so on as if I went yerterday.I came from Taiwan, a small island.I took flight to U.S.A,the other side of earth. At U.S.A ,I met a group of friends.I recall everything happened in U.S.A,I still think it,s a dream. Luckily,I went abroad in this summer vacation.I learned a lot of things about U.S.A since I was a child.For example ,Hollywood is famous moive factory.I can,t forget when I left from Taiwan on July 4th,my dream also finished step by step. English is common international language in this world now.It was a long trip from Taiwan to U.S.A,but I thought exciting was more than tired.We were warriors that fought with tiredness. As soon as I landed on America, I think this trip is very worth. First time at Carbondale,everything is new and fresh.New classmates,new environment and new climate. I liked a child.I was curious at anything. I discovered new thing and found fun.I remembered at one time that I went to laundry. The washing machine only accepted 25 cents for four.Because of that,I went to the first floor and bought a bottle of Pepsi.I got coin and went back to the room for washing. I usually took a Mass Transit System which rode free with SIUC student ID was free with several good friends to buy something to eat.ID card also used in Student Recreation Center to do some sports. It has a swimming pool,basketball court, the feather field, some fitness equipment, and so on. I thought it was really great.I enjoy every sport very much. Each week CESL arranged the activity. First week,our teamleader, K.Thomas , drove school bus in afternoon. He took us to a place,Walker,s Bluff,the beautiful park near by Carbondale. There was big chess and clean lake. Some flogs and insects was “singing". I thought it was a wonderful view. At night, a lot of stars was shining on the dark night. I hadn,t seen lots of stars on the night until I stayed in Carbondale. In Taiwan, light was too light that I couldn,t see anything on the night. What a charming night ! I enjoyed it very very much…. At second week, Dr.Guog lead us to baseball court.It,s not MLB. It,s small court for small league. MLB was high level, so its ticket was too expensive for us. I knew Americans were crazy about baseball.Many small league court was born for baseball fans.Local fans supported their local team normally.We saw the home team “Minors"vs away team.Although this game players were not high level to play baseball. I still loved it and enjoyed it.I saw MLB since I was a child.Seeing “American" baseball also was my dream.I did it and finished it.I was really happy. By the way, seeing game,I saw many out balls.American children were waiting for out balls.As soon as the ball was flying out wall , they rushed and fighting with each others for a ball. I think it was a funny experience. At third week ,CESL arranged a good activity for us—St.Louis.St.Louis is a big city.Whatever railway,bridge and buildings were huge and large. We went down form freeway and turn left. MLB Cardinals court is near by us. I was exciting and exciting.The court liked a red giant in front of me.I couldn,t believe if it,s true on my eyes.Although I couldn,t stay America and watch a game now,I promised I would go back America again to see baseball game. It was a famous building at St.Louis,named “Arch".It means “The gate to west."It high 662 feets(192 meter).It,s very high building.It had elevator inside the Arch. We could seat it and went the highest point to see the whole view of St.Louis.When I wanted to down ground ,I found Mississippi river was behind me.The famous river was so close with me. I could feel the river as if was alive. Although I have returned to Taiwan, I recalled everything that happened in America. Southern Illinois University Carbondale seemed like a dream which I have made is not real, but it happened indeed. Time was so short for me, but it has actually left an important page in my short life. I have recalled this all, what was a really unforgettable experiences that I could not forget in my life. In my class, Arabic students occupied the most part of students. I discovered that the Arabic students like raising their hand and replying the teacher's questions. We knew obviously the answer, but we were embarrassed raising our hand to speak the answer. In classsroom, teacher always put the different country's students in the same group did the discussion. He did that to make each other to understand each other's cultural custom, suck like important holiday, religion, and so on.I thought the biggest difference of the US education and Taiwan education was the teaching way. American teachers' teaching is very lively. They did not just write the words or sentences on the blackboard. When they finished a paragraph or a lesson, they were let us do some activities, like saw related short movies, or asked schoolmate to answer the question in turn to express your own opinions. I felt very relaxed, very joyful in the classroom.If your idea was correct and just wrote several key words, perhaps your answer might be right. I was so happy at America.I was glad to meet everyone in CESL.I remembered the last time I stayed in student center.I met my classmates on the asile.I said the same thing to everyone."Glad to meet you."I only said that.I knew I couldn,t stay here anymore.I must go home,Taiwan.Although I love my classmates and anything in CESL,I couldn,t take anything with me.I only took full memory with me.We hugged with each other and shaked hands.I knew it,s the last time we could stay here and talked with each other face to face instead of internet.My dream trip was over on July 29th in America.I took flight.I left L.A international airport. On July 4th, I sitted down the seat happily.On July 29thI sitted the same seat again sadly.One month passed very very fast…It was just like a moment you twinkling your eyes and it had ended. I hoped that I could not awake forever, and let this fond dream continue. I grew up in this unforgettable trip.I thanked everyone had helped me whatever in America or in Taiwan. Without of them,I can,t finish the trip on my own.I thanked my parents that supported me with anything before I went abroad.I also thanked my partner,Rakan Shakor.Although I stay in Taiwan now,we still communicate with each other.I thanked he gave me a gift before I left CESL.The gift have worn on my wrist now.I think the gift symbols our friendship.I can,t forget it forever.Although I don,t know how long we could meet.I still believe it,s not too far in the future.Finally,I thanked my university,ISU.They gave me a opportunity to finish my dream. Thanks everyone. 2011 學海遊學 美國南伊利諾大學團 中文心得報告 休管系 9872005a 鄭佩琦 第一次知道有學海這樣的一個機會,還很驚訝的想說會不會只是一個噱頭, 但經過學長姐的介紹及解釋後,立即興奮的去報名考試,而當知道自己上榜的那 一剎那,開心的聯課都上不下去了,一心一意的只想趕快當飛機飛到美國去;這 不僅僅只是開心而已,也是一個證明自己能力的一個考試。 我們這一團由於沒有任何的老師帶領,一切都是自己來,登機入境、出境, 全都得靠自己,而第一天因為飛機延誤的關係,到達目的地已經當地的凌晨 2 點了,而我們的 TA''Kevin''還給了我們一個下馬威,就是隔天早上要考托 福。再我們水生火熱完了以後,老師們帶我們去參觀校園,當然非常之大,裡面 還有一座小森林跟一座湖,除此之外還有很美麗的音樂學院,更令我驚訝的事 是,有博物館;博物館除了展示當地的歷史跟球隊以外,也開放時間給學生展示 自己的作品,愛好藝術的我簡直樂瘋了,這樣的一個機會給了學生們一個創意發 展空間,也讓學生們學習到了如何去策畫一個屬於自己的展覽。學生餐廳也很 棒,縱使東西都不便宜。隔天就開始正式上課了,我們要上文法、聽力、寫作、 歷史地理跟藝術,老師們都很好,同學們更是搞笑又認真,同學幾乎都是沙烏地 阿拉伯人,但他們其實並沒有我想像中的偏遠,不但科技發達還很有錢,重點是 他們有些都已經結婚生子了,還是在我們這個年紀,他們很積極,不論是甚麼問 題都會問,老師也不會棄嫌的一一解答,不會像我們台灣的老師一樣覺得我們的 問題很無知就給你難堪,他們的老師跟我說,因為他們也是老師但也同時是學 生,要從我們身上學習的東西也很多,這點讓我很是感動,讓我覺得跟他們是同 等的而不是老師跟學生的關係而已。美國真的是一個很自由開放的國家,他們會 讓學生住動積極的去學習東西,講的也很活,不會只是丟一個問題給你自己去想 辦法,同時也鼓勵我們多多發言,如果太安靜還會被老師唸呢,老師們都很活潑, 上課跟夏克很不一樣,他們會很開心跟你聊天,我也從他們身上學到了許多文化 方面的東西。 美國的男生真的很不一樣,非常尊重女生,也很紳士,不管你距離門口有多遠還 是會開著門等到你進來,不過他們的們沒有一定的力氣是無法打開的。那裡的食 物不用說,Kevin 帶我們去吃很多道地的美食,也帶我們去參觀很多地方,尤其 是去''gardan of the god''那裡真的是美極了;唯一讓我不適應的就是那邊的 天氣了,又熱又乾燥,一直到回台灣之前鼻子都乾到流鼻血,但卻不太會流汗; 而且那裡的人都很喜歡正中午出來跑步,據說這樣會流比較多汗,也很熱愛運 動,學校裡有一個運動中心,那裡真不是普通的好,好到都想直接住下來了,不 僅有游泳池、操場、籃球、羽球、排球、壁球等球場,還有固定的時間會有老師 免費交你跳舞、做瑜珈、有氧等等,簡直是一個運動天堂,難怪他們這們熱愛運 動。上的課不僅有各國的文化交流,也讓我重新思考我究竟未來想要做甚麼,在 上藝術克的時候讓我很開心,最後一堂課老師還帶我們去做勞作,已經很就沒有 上的這們開心了,也認識了很多朋友,但由於大家都是去那邊學習的,所以都用 英文交談,我們自己也都是拼命賣弄有限的英文,但至少我們的英文都進步了不 少。到了國外視野當然更廣更豐富,更別說有這樣的一個機會能再當地學習一個 月,每天都過的很充實,到了那邊才發現我們真的很不認真,要學的東西很多很 多,老師帶著風趣活潑的教法,讓我上的非常愉快。有一堂課老師希望我們介紹 自己的國家的文化,阿拉伯學生們就在課堂上讓我們常是他們的咖啡跟點心,點 心很特別是用一種我們這邊沒有的種子做成的蜜餞,非常好吃,但咖啡,非常.. 獨特。而我則是教他們用筷子,他們玩的很開心也學的很快,還有人問我我們喝 湯也是用筷子嗎?我都哭笑不得了,而另一外台灣的學生則是介紹了我們的夜 市,他們不吃豬肉,所以看到我們那麼多的豬肉美食都無法置信;他們對於宗教 與習俗非常尊敬,女生還是必須戴頭巾,有些還不能露臉,他們的朝拜勝地如果 不是正統的慕斯林還不能去參觀呢。阿拉伯文化是一個我們少數接觸到的文化, 他們有很多的禁忌及傳統,女性在那個國家也被限制的很多,不能喝酒抽菸,還 必須跟著丈夫東奔西跑,但是他們有在改變,年輕的一代也越來越開放,相信再 不久的將來他們會變成一個開明又自由的國家。 那邊的限制也很多,晚上女生最好不要單獨出們,因為治安並不是非常好, 但也不危險,畢竟是在校園裡面,他們校區分成好幾個,有些還要開車才會到, 他們的社交活動都是在晚上的酒吧,再我們這邊酒吧是一種夜生活,但在他們來 看卻是拓展人脈在普通不過的方法;他們餐廳也都很遵守規定,凡事只要有吸煙 的都必須到外面去,就連在學校也一樣,這點讓我很欽佩。在國外未成年的限制 很多,他們要滿 21 歲才算真正的成年,因此我們在那邊都只能算是未成年,老 師也會特別警告我們不能做些甚麼,不然他們也會很麻煩不好交代。美國人的思 想都很直接,有就是有,沒有也沒關係,但他們非常不喜歡被欺騙,所以我們都 很誠實的跟老師說我們作業沒做完,但老師並不會生氣也不會扣分,他們認為那 是你自己的事情,要不要學習也是你的事,他不會強迫你,他們很注重學生們的 興趣與天份,會鼓勵你往自己的興趣去發展,他們喜歡讓你去思考並搜尋資料, 這樣才會讓你真正學到東西而不是只會讀書而已。我認為我們台灣的教育要跟他 們學的東西很多,很多人都會唸書不會教書,一昧的追求學歷與將來的得資報酬 率,卻往往忽略了生活中一些美好的事情;他們也很注重藝術,看他們的圖書館 與博物館就知道了,大的嚇死人,同時環境也很好,讓你有想呆在裡頭讀書的念 頭,環境的不知也有特別設計過,讓人不會覺得有壓力。而每個月的校園音樂會 也讓我們交了許多不一樣的朋友,也到了老師家裡去吃家常菜,了解美國人的文 化,也讓我與一位老師做了好朋友,還希望我跟他保持聯絡,這樣的一個因緣際 會讓我不僅想要再到國外去深造一番。 在美國的每一天都過的很精采,不用在意別人的眼光,想做甚麼就做甚麼, 一切都自己來,不用擔心做的不好,沒有人會看不起你更不會去取笑你,在那邊 我體會到了前所未有的輕鬆與自在,而這短短的一個月也讓我增廣見聞了很多, 希望在未來的日子裏還能有機會出國進修,這是一個很好的開始,要好好把握。 當然要離開時我們真的非常難過,但那會是我們這一輩子最棒的回憶,學弟妹們 好好加油,這樣的一個好機會不要放過,會讓你受益無窮的。 When I knew that I was passed the exam to go to the foreign country for study , it's really exciting to me . I was so happy that I can't sleep all day . I knew it was a very good chance to learn English if I would like to plan to study foreign , it was a big deal to look around . First , we got to the airport , there was no teacher to take us for this trip , so we need to do everything by ourselves . We make a connecting flight for three times , it's really tired that I didn't go through . When we got to the U.S.A , it had already 2 a.m , and we meet the Kevin whom was our T.A first time . In that time , we didn't know we need to have a quiz in the morning . We almost didn't sleep because the quiz for TOFU was begun at 9:00 that was very surprised to us . By the way , TOFU is really difficult ! Next , Lisa took us to visit the campus . It was hot and dry and the campus is very big that we spent all noon to visit it . But Lisa told us it was just one part of the campus in Illinois . The college was really quite and beautiful , even have a forest in the medium ; you can see the big trees everywhere , the air was really clean and flash that could make people relax . It was the good place for study . Beside , there was a beautiful museum and a giant library could stay . The environment was wonderful and we felt good even if it was not very bustling in Illinois . The most important things was to go to class , teachers were very kindly and urged their students to ask and discover everything . They won't laugh us and thought student's question was stupid , they were very patient to answer and taught them . I felt more and more confidence in myself . I love the way which teacher taught because it was not only had fun but let our brain active . We can find our interests and learn what we loved for . One of teacher who called Stacie is my favorite teacher because she taught about art which is my special skill . She was not only taught about art but taught us a lot of things with life . In my class , there were just two girls and she is an Arabian . She is really beautiful and kindly . She taught me a lot of customs about Arabian . Their country is really rich that my friend who is a teacher has very good wages from her government . We have good time in the class. Our TA took us to a restaurant which is in the mountain is very delicious , we ate potato chicken and some traditional foods . American foods really heavy taste , always too sweet or too salty . Their foods are not good for healthy but I thought that is because their place doesn't convenient so they need to go far away to buy something . To lead to their stuffs become bigger and more chemical things . And they like to go to the bar at night but it not likes our pub , they go to there to make friends , It's their social contact . They can't bring wines on their way and put it in their cars , that's illegal but there were one day which was called music night could drink and take wine in to the campus every week . That were the most popular and crazy night in the moment . Maybe America people are so strong that everything we bought were very giant and too much that we couldn't finish one day or by ourselves . Teacher in the class taught us grammar、reading、listening and art .Teachers will give us a issue and let's to discuss , every answers we have are not correct or wrong . Teachers said that is our thinking and everyone's thinking are special and good for everyone to consult . I feel unrestrained and joyful there ; I can announce personal opinion and can know many kinds of point of view in the world . Teachers are very value our opinion , they won't point the finger at our wrong in the moment but they would told you how to do in the next time . They like to let students do and find something by themselves . Teachers taught a lot of different culture and art history , they love art , every class would talk about it . They like any about originality and imaginative power . Sometimes they would take us to go outside or have meat in the class . They like to talk to us and encourage us to think and speak ; the most reason is that their students are from the world , there are many different kinds of culture and customs in one class , so teachers would like to teach everyone to know and respect others behavior . Even if our homework were too much that we couldn't have many free time to relax , we stilled thinking that was valued . Every class has its meaning and worth , so we all need to put what we've learned to good use or we just fooled away our time , didn't it ? One of the thing let me feel deserve to be mentioned was they won't smoking inside even though in the bar or restaurant . They didn't dump trash everywhere , either . I think that is the best standard we need to learn . Our TA took us to see the place where is their landmark called Arch . It's very tall that we need to take the elevator to go to the top . It's really high that I was scared but the view was very beautiful . And we also went to the water park called Holiday world . It's like the water amusement , it's really hot . The place also provided sunscreen and free drink . In the school , we could use student ID card to send money and buy anything in the school , also could take the school bas ; I thought it was very convenient . And we can always use sport center , there are swimming pool、playground、ball ground and if you want you can have class there for free . I loved their sport center , it's not only good for health but good for social to make friends who has the same hobby . At the school , I never do so many exercise in Taiwan , but I like to athletics there . It's the good work and rest in the daily life so I think I will keep this good behavior when I come back to Taiwan . When I knew my teacher to hold a little party for us to leave , I almost cry out . Even though we didn't meet for a long time , everyone still treat me so kindly and fine . They played and taught me a lot of I didn't know . I really appreciate every person who stay with me . I won't forget the time I go through and I will keep this memory forever . We told each other keeping in touch no matter where we are . We also make friend who study in the other ISU campus . In this time , I hope I can keep my mine to keep going study . Perhaps I will go foreign and learn more what I want to do . I am grateful the school give me this chance to know the wild world and I think that is the good opportunity for any other student to learn more knowledge . It is the best and the cheaper way to go foreign . Don't miss this chance maybe it will change your whole life . So keep learning and study hard . I think it will let you transform and become more wisdom . I would treasure this time , there is no never-ending feast . I trust I won't forget this experience and journey . Finally I would like to thank everyone who take care of me , I tide over the best time so far in my life . 義守大學學海獎助學金-南伊利諾大學團 系級:工管二 A 姓名:魏苙恩 學號:9820035A 很開心得到這個機會,拿到學海獎學金到美國南伊利諾大學卡本戴爾分校,在美 國獨立生活一個月,有很多感受以及體會,也讓我增加視野、經歷與想法。 7 月 4 號早上七點多的班機,因為還要提早 2-3 小時辦理報到的手續,所以大約 五點左右就要到小港機場集合,對我這個要從北部下來集合的人,真的是萬般辛 苦,凌晨的時段沒有火車、客運、捷運等等的大眾運輸工具,還記得 3 號晚上就 借住在朋友的租屋處,由於四點左右就要搭計程車到小港機場,我完全不敢合上 眼睛,深怕一睡下去之後就錯過了 5 點報到時間而失去了這次機會。 去的一路上非常順遂,從香港、洛杉磯到最後一站聖路易士,對我來說真的充滿 緊張又期待的矛盾心理,因為這是我第一次出國,而第一次出國就幾萬英里之外 的地方,面對各式各樣的人以及不熟練的語言,對我來說是一大挑戰。還好一路 上很順利,除了到洛杉磯之後要轉美國航空,那時候班機延後了 3~4 小時才起 飛,害我們很擔心是不是我們自己錯過了,因為上一期的團是在轉美國航空的時 候錯過了登機時間,導致她們在洛杉磯機場過了一晚,行程也延遲了一天,所以 我們很擔心,經過多次確認後才放心,是班機延誤,也許當天是美國國慶日,所 以延遲吧!!因為美航也沒有說明延遲的原因。因該算是意外的收穫吧,我們在飛 往聖路士的途中在飛機上看到許多國慶日的煙火。 好不容易到了聖路易士機場,拖著疲憊的身軀,那時已經是清晨 1.2 點左右,在 機場迎接我們的是這 1 個月負責帶隊的老師 Kevin,他一看到我們就非常熱情的 跟我們自我介紹以及打招呼,真的辛苦他了,因為班機延誤導致他也多等了很 久,接著我們就要搭車前往卡本戴爾小鎮,迎接我們的交通工具就讓我非常興 奮,是一台 14 人坐的小巴士後面拉著小貨櫃,這在台灣根本看不到的景象。 經過 2 小時的車程,我們終於到達我們住宿的地方,是個公寓式的租屋,每個人 一間自己的房間,分布於各個樓層,每層樓都住著來自各國的人。 一進到房間內,就讓我大吃一驚,裡面的設備讓我驚訝到難以置信,有廚房、冰 箱、小客廳、床墊、書桌、衛浴設備以及更衣室,這些設備都是自己擁有的,每 個房間都是這樣,設備非常完整,讓我很興奮,感覺是自己獨立生活了,有自己 的家一樣。原本打算洗好澡就睡的我,開始好奇的試用各個設備,以及趕快架好 筆電與台灣朋友分享,直到清晨 5 點多才就寢,好像完全忘了早上七點半要起床。 一大早,我們就前往大學考我們的分班考試,Kevin 給我們的第一份早餐就讓我 們體驗到飲食習慣的不同,他帶了果醬麵包,口味真的非常的重,猶如吃糖漿一 般。 接者是我們的分班考試,以為難度就像之前在義守考的差不多難度,結果是天差 地別,伊利諾大學給我們考的是托福正式考試的題目,第一次接觸這樣的考試, 有些不習慣,難度真的比全民英檢中級還高,單字的難度讓我有點吃不消。 考試一個早上就結束了,中午是在 CSCL 上課的師生聚餐時間,我們在 student center 聚餐,裡面有許多道地的食物以及中式餐館,我們的第一個中餐就在這裡 解決。 小班制的上課方式,很多同學幾乎都是來自阿拉伯,只有一位來自利比亞,他們 上都非常踴躍回答案與問問題,反而台灣的學生非常的安靜,但是老師都會非常 鼓勵我們多多發與回答。上課的內容還滿生活化,老師常常把生活上的事物融入 到課程當中,也常常提出一些議題給我們思考,然後互相分享自己的想法,並不 會只跟著課本走,而且他們的問題都沒有正確答案,只有各種不同的想法而已, 沒有誰對誰錯。 在那邊生活非常有趣,尤其在吃方面,你可以自己煮或餐餐外食,但價格真的差 很多,他們的熟食都非常的貴,但冷凍生鮮食品反而比想像中便宜,隨隊老師每 週都會帶我們去一次附近的 Wal-Mart,就像大賣場一樣,什麼都有,而且價格 都非常平價,想要自己煮的話,買個平底鍋跟鍋鏟才不用 500 元台幣,其他的食 材買一買,大約 1500 元台幣就可以過一個禮拜,外食的話大概一餐就 300 快左 右台幣了,所以會自己煮菜真的很省又可以煮自己想要的,因為學校的餐廳真的 不多,就那幾家而已,住宿的附近也沒有賣吃的。 娛樂方面,SIU 的體育館真的是讓我大開眼界,台灣應該幾乎沒有這種場地,裡 面應有盡有,有瑜珈、壁球、羽毛球、籃球、排球等場地還有健身房、跳水游泳 池,而且任何器具只要憑學生證就可以借了,體育館真的至少要去一次,大概有 3.4 個義守體育館大,裡面配備都非常高級,建議一定要帶一套運動服,把裡面 的設施都玩過一遍,真的很值得。還有學校裡有一個小湖泊,可以去體驗 4 人鴨 子船跟獨木舟,也是只要學生證就可以,在傍晚的時候去可以看到美麗的夕陽在 河面之上,晚上可以看星星與月亮。 假日學校會幫我們安排行程,但我們這次只有到聖路易士,在第三週的時候,會 與一起上課的同學搭乘學校承租的巴士去,會去看聖路易士的地標 Arch 和紅雀 隊的棒球主場,中午之後就是到當地最大的 mal 去購物,其實與卡本戴爾的東西 差不多,只是多了幾家較有名的廠牌,很多東西其實可以在卡本戴爾先買了,到 聖路易的時候在去買那些卡本戴爾沒有的。第一週老師就開著學校的小巴士載我 們,很特別的感覺,很美式風格的校車,我們去了超人的故鄉,雖然超人不是我 們這年紀的影片,但多多少少還是知道一點,還有之後去了一個很漂亮的湖泊, 很多年輕人會在湖邊玩水上活動,還可以看到很大很長的運貨船經過,附近是一 個小鎮,剛好我們碰上類似嘉年華,很多賽車跟復古車都開上街展示,還有各式 各樣的表演與樂團表演,一條街沿路下去,還有很多人會角色扮演,穿著一些很 誇張很華麗的衣服。 第二週我們到一個國家公園,上帝的花園,爬了半天的山,但真的很壯觀,峽谷 所留下來的遺跡,非常難得可見,高空俯視整個峽谷,又可以爬很大刻的駱駝岩。 第四周我們去了一個遊樂園,非常的遙遠,已經到印地安納州去了,光來回就花 了 7 小時車程,雖然很累,但是很值得,有木頭搭造的雲霄飛車還有分很多路線, 還有各式各樣的水上活動,跟台灣真的是不同的感覺,留下很美的回憶。 最後兩天,我們到一位老師家吃飯,真的事非常道地,有游泳池、沙灘排球、小 院子、娛樂室還為我們做火雞餐還有很道地的美食,邊吃飯還會聊聊生活上的 事,互相關心,不像我們在台灣都配著電視,之後吃完就是頒給我們結業證書, 然後分享這相處一個月的心得,真的是萬般不捨,感覺一下子就要離開了。 這趟美國之旅,讓我大開眼界,很多事情以前都是從電影或電視裡看到,而這次 我是親身經歷、親自去體會不再只是用看,與來自不同國家的學生接觸還有體驗 美國道地的文化讓我感覺很充實、學習到很多,也讓我找到之後學習的目標與動 機。 Very happy to get this opportunity to get Xuehai scholarship to Southern Illinois University Carbondale campus, a month to live independently in the United States, there are many feelings and experience, let me add vision, experience and ideas. uly 4 more than seven in the morning flight, because even for 2-3 hours early to report procedures, so about five o'clock to the Kaohsiung International Airport will set down on my collection of people from the north, really worth of hard work, early morning hours without the train, passenger, transit, and so the public transportation, remember 3 night staying at a friend's rented place, about four o'clock because we must take a taxi to the Kaohsiung International Airport, I do not dare closed eyes, fearing a sleep on after the report missed the 5:00 time lost this opportunity. Very well go all the way from Hong Kong, Los Angeles to St. Louis last stop for me really nervous and looking full of ambivalence, because this is my first time abroad, for the first time on tens of thousands of miles to go abroad away, the face of a wide range of people and unskilled language for me is a big challenge. Fortunately, a very smooth way, in addition to Los Angeles after the American Airlines to turn, when flight was delayed 3 to 4 hours before take off, we are very worried about harm is not our own miss, because on one of the group is in turn the United States Air time missed the boarding time, leading them to the airport in Los Angeles after a one night trip was delayed a day, so we are very worried, rest assured that after several confirmation before it is flight delays, and perhaps the day of the U.S. National Day, so Delay it!! because American Airlines did not specify the reason for the delay. Regarded as a windfall because of the bar, who we flew to San Road on the plane en route to see a lot of National Day fireworks. Finally to the St. Louis airport, dragged his exhausted body, then is about 1.2 points early in the morning, greeted us at the airport this month led the teacher responsible for Kevin, he saw with our very warm We introduce myself and say hello, he is really hard, because he has more flight delays result in such a long time, then we will ride to Carbondale town, to meet our transport let me very excited, is a 14 people sitting behind a small bus took a small container, which Taiwan can not see the picture. After a 2-hour drive, we finally arrive at our accommodation, rent a apartment-style, each person one to his room, spread out in all floors, each floor is home to people from various countries. One into the room, let me surprise, inside the equipment so I was surprised to be true, a kitchen, refrigerator, small living room, mattresses, desks, bathrooms and changing rooms, these devices are their own, each room like this, equipment is very complete, so I am very excited, feeling that their own independent lives, and have their own home. Originally planned to wash my bath, I sleep, each trial began curious device, and quickly frame a good laptop to share with friends in Taiwan, until 5 am before going to bed early, like 7:30 am totally forgot to get up. Early in the morning, we went to test our college placement test, Kevin gave us breakfast the first to let us experience the different eating habits, he brought bread and jam, the taste is really very important, like to eat syrup is generally . Then who is our placement test, meaning that the degree of difficulty as before in almost difficult to keep test results are bad days to do, to our examination of the University of Illinois is the official TOEFL exam questions, first contact with this test, some not used, the difficulty is really more than GEPT intermediate is higher, the difficulty of the word makes me a little too much. Exam is over a morning, noon, school teachers and students in CSCL dinner time, we have dinner in the student center, there are many authentic food and Chinese restaurants, our first lunch here resolved. Of the classes are small classes, many students are almost all from the Arab, and only one from Libya, they are very active on the answer and ask questions back, but Taiwan's students are very quiet, but the teachers are very encouraging and we answer a lot of hair. In class is also full of life, the teacher often put things into the life course which, often to some issues we think, and then share their ideas with each other, and not just follow the textbook to go, but their problems are there is no right answer, only a variety of ideas only, there is no right or wrong. In life there are very interesting, especially in the eating area, you can cook yourself or eat out every meal, but the price is really much worse, they cooked food are very expensive, but freezing fresh food but cheaper than expected, team teachers each Zhou will take us to a nearby Wal-Mart, like supermarkets, like everything, and the price is very cheap, if you want to cook their own, they do not need to buy a pan with spatula NT 500 yuan, the other ingredients buy a buy, some 1,500 Taiwan dollars can be had for a week, eating a meal on it probably around NT $ 300 soon, so will their own province and can cook really cook what you want, because the school restaurant really small, just a few on it, did not sell to stay near the food. Entertainment, SIU stadium really opened my eyes, that Taiwan should be almost no space, inside everything, there is yoga, squash, badminton, basketball, volleyball and other venues have a gym, diving pool, and any appliances as long as the student with card can be borrowed, at least go to a real stadium, about 3.4-Shou big stadium, which is equipped with very advanced, it is recommended to bring a certain sportswear, to which the facilities are played again, it is really worth . In addition, schools in a small lake, four people can go to experience the duck boat with canoes, but also as long as the student card can, in the evening time to see the beautiful sunset over the river at night to the stars and the moon. Holiday travel arrangements the school would help us, but this time we only to St. Louis in the third week, when students will take classes together with the lease of school buses to go, will see the landmark St. Louis Arch and the Cardinals Baseball home, that is after noon to go to the largest local shopping mal, in fact Carbondale something similar, but more than a few more well-known brands, a lot of things can in fact be the first to buy in Carbondale, and to St. Louis time to buy those cards in the Dell does not have. Open the first week of school teachers on a small bus to carry us, a very special feeling, a very American-style school bus, we went to the home of Superman, Superman is not our age, though the film, but still know a little more or less, There then went to a very beautiful lakes, many young people will play in the lake water sports, you can also see a large cargo ship after a long, near a small town, just like we hit the carnival, a lot of racing On the streets with the retro cars show, there are a variety of performances and band performances, going along a street, there are a lot of people will role-play, wearing some very exaggerated very beautiful clothes. The second week we went to a National Park, God's garden for a long time to climb the mountain, but the really spectacular canyon ruins left by, and very rare shows that high-altitude overlooking the whole valley, and can climb a large rock carved camel . The fourth week we went to an amusement park, very distant, has come to Indiana to go, the light back and forth spent 7 hours, although very tired, but it's worth, there are wood Dazao rollercoaster there are many points route, and a variety of water sports, and Taiwan is really a different feeling, leaving beautiful memories. The last two days, we went to a teacher home for dinner, really something very authentic, a swimming pool, beach volleyball, small yard, recreation room also for us there is still a turkey meal authentic cuisine, but also chat while eating talk things in life, care for each other, as we in Taiwan are equipped with television, is finished after the certificate was awarded to us, then get along this month to share experiences, is really worth parting, feeling a sudden we must left. Tour of the U.S. tour, opened my eyes, many things had previously been seen from the movies or television, but this time I experienced personally feel is no longer just used to look, and contact with students from different countries also experience authentic culture of the United States made me feel very full, learned a lot, let me find the target after learning and motivation. 2011 學海遊學 美國南伊利諾大學團 中文心得報告 休閒三 邱鈺涵 9872003A 這次暑假的出國遊學是我從未有過的經驗,當初我只是抱著姑且一試的心 情去參加考試,沒想過自己能夠考上而且還可以去美國一個月,當時的心情無 法用言語去形容,我覺得自己真的很幸運。回想起得知自己考上學海消息的時 候,真的是又驚又喜,一方面是不敢相信自己考上了,另一方面則是開始思考 自己該準備哪些物品,讓自己在美國能夠以備不時之需;沒有出過國的我,這 才知道要辦理很多繁雜的手續,像是護照、簽證等資料,偏偏美國簽證又特別 麻煩,上台北面試的時候真的很緊張,深怕自己說錯話就拿不到簽證;面試過 程中我一直都小心翼翼的回答問題,最後總算是順利過關取得簽證,心裡的大 石頭這才放下來;接下來就是整理好行李,準備離開待了二十年的台灣,然後 踏上美國這塊陌生的土地。七月四日,搭著一大清早的飛機前往美國,我永遠 記得那天在機場依依不捨的心情,我想那是因為一份眷戀著故鄉的情感使然; 對於第一次出國的我,在踏出國門的那一刻,才強烈地感受到自己要遠離家鄉 的感覺,有一點緊張又有一點徬徨,這樣的感受使我緊緊跟著其他人的腳步, 一步一步地踏上旅程。 我們在凌晨時分抵達美國,美國的夜晚好寧靜,一群人就浩浩蕩蕩的坐上 車前往居住的地方;此時大家都因為長途的飛行而顯得疲憊,沒想到隔天迎接 我們的竟然是要用來分班的托福考試,一想到大家聽到要考試的消息,剎那間 露出的驚訝表情就覺得很經典,但大家還是很盡力地把試題做完了;接著我們 就到處逛校園,了解學校的各個單位以及設施,到第二天我才有感受到人在異 鄉的感覺,真的會特別想家;而且我還因為時差的關係睡了一整晚,所以我就 沒有參與到和大家共進晚餐的時刻了,隔天知道的時候,我整個覺得很失落, 因為這樣就少去一個地方,也少了一次和大家聚餐的機會;因此之後的行程, 我都很積極參與,除了不想漏掉每一處風景名勝,也不願錯過每一次的歡樂時 光,不希望自己在這趟旅行中留下任何一絲遺憾,因此要把這一個月的生活過 得比平常精彩又充實;而我們也確實做到了,過了一個月多采多姿的美國人生 活,即使過程中有一點點的不完美,但在美國的這一個月卻成為我這一輩子中 最難忘的回憶。 想起全英上課的教室情景,就會想到自己第一個禮拜上課有多緊張,連平 常的生活用語都說不好;而且我一開始還不太能適應老師說話的速度,上課根 本就是鴨子聽雷,跟都跟不上,只好一直問隔壁的同學,接下來幾個禮拜就比 較能適應老師說話的速度了,上課內容也開始慢慢聽得懂;美國學校是小班制 教學,所以老師和學生的互動很頻繁,我們班有阿拉伯人、韓國人和台灣人, 阿拉伯學生上課非常踴躍,特別喜歡問老師問題跟回答,老師有時候也會和我 們開玩笑,讓上課的氣氛不像平常那樣嚴肅,反而充滿了歡樂;老師不管是在 上課還是下課後都對我們非常親切,對我們都是有問必答,臉上總是掛著燦爛 的笑容,讓我們感受到他們對學生的熱情;而且 CESL 也常常會安排很多課後 活動給我們參加,像是每個禮拜四晚上都會有校園演唱會,學校會邀請一些樂 團來表演,學生和附近的居民都會聚集到學校來欣賞,大家邊聽音樂邊聊天, 不僅能促進彼此的情感,還可以認識到更多的人,我覺得是一個相當好的活動; 另外讓我印象深刻的是星期四中午的 Tea Time 時間,你會看到老師和學生聚集 在走廊上享用點心,大家有說有笑的樣子很歡樂,老師和學生就像朋友一樣在 聊天,完全不會覺得有距離感,這對促進師生之間的感情很有幫助,我想學校 可以參考看看,說不定會呈現出不同的效果也不一定。 帶我們的 Kevin 老師是個標準的美國人,我覺得他是一個相當稱職的 TA, 不管我們遇到什麼問題,或是生活上需要什麼協助,他都會很認真的聽我們說 完,然後為我們想辦法解決,人真的很 nice;平常我們有問題都會去找他,但 是他也是有忙不過來的時候,因為他本身是個研究生,我們只好先自己想辦法, 等他忙完再幫我們處理,基本上我們和老師之間的相處、互動相當良好,就像 朋友一樣,所以沒有太大的問題;只是我一開始聽不太懂 Kevin 說的話,因為 他說話的速度就是一般美國人講話的速度,我們有時候聽不懂,所以他後來跟 我們說話的時候就會減慢速度,因為他希望我們都能明白他在說什麼,其實聽 久了就會習慣他的速度,之後我們的談話就沒有其他的問題了;Kevin 常帶我們 到小鎮附近逛逛,熟悉一下周遭的環境,平常日晚上和假日他也都會替我們安 排活動,讓我們在美國除了上課還能體會到不同的異國風情;我們不僅去了很 多好地方,像是上帝的花園、超人的故鄉、印第安納州的遊樂園……等等,也 吃了很多道地的美食和一些特別的風味餐;其中最讓我訝異的是去吃炸雞吃到 飽,每一塊炸雞都是快一個手掌大,吃完一個就覺得很飽了,根本吃不下其他 的配菜;還有熱果醬淋上冰淇淋這道美國人很喜歡的甜點,可能我不懂得品嚐, 因為我不是很喜歡它的味道,所以我只有把冰淇淋吃完而已;我還發現很特別 的牛排,整塊牛排是用碎牛肉拼組而成,吃的時候只需要用叉子輕輕一拉就可 以了,都不用刀子去切,跟我們一般在吃的牛排很不一樣;除此之外,我也體 驗到很多以前沒有過的經驗,像是在學校裡的湖泊踩船遊湖,傍晚時分的湖泊 景色十分美麗,一邊遊湖一邊欣賞美景,真的是相當愜意的一件事,沒想到自 己也能夠親身體會這樣的情景,這就跟我來美國遊學的心情一樣,對我來說充 滿了許多意義。 來美國這一趟真的很值得,不僅大開眼界體會到美式的教學作風,還到了 很多經典必去的景點,也做了很多以前沒做過的事,吃了很多從沒嚐過的食物, 認識好多來自世界各地的朋友,感受到美國人待客的熱情,還有好多好多事情 說不完,但已經在腦海裡的永遠不會忘;在美國的一個月讓我學到很多東西, 而且很多事情真的要親身經歷過才能體會,我想這會成為我一輩子中很重要的 回憶,因為這樣的機會並不多,很感謝學校提供這樣的助學金給我們,讓我們 可以到國外的世界去看一看,到底東方和西方有哪些差別;一個月不算長也不 算短,剛到美國的時候還一直想要回家,沒想到要回家的時候卻不想走了,有 太多人事物讓人眷戀,還有好多想去的地方,還有好多事想要去做,人的慾望 總是無止盡,沒有辦法全部滿足,但我知道至少我去過美國了,我擁有別人沒 有的回憶還有經歷,而那都會成為我生命中的一部分;謝謝 Kevin 的帶領與照 顧,謝謝每一位認真教學的老師,謝謝每一位互相扶持照顧的同伴,如果沒有 你們,這次的旅行就不會完整,還有機會的話,我想要再去美國一次,把所有 想做的事情都完成,不會再帶著遺憾回來了。 學海助學金海外研習團英文心得 休閒三 邱鈺涵 9872003A I never thought that I could study abroad in the United States for a month. But this summer I did it. Because I passed a test that our school provided for students to study abroad for a month. I could not believe when I heard the news that I could go to the United States to study for four weeks. I thought that is just a dream to me but it is true. That is happened. The mood was no words to describe, I felt really lucky. When I told to my family, they felt surprise. I knew that going to the United States had a lot of complicated process, such as passports, visas, etc. So I had to prepare many things first. It would help me pass the process fast. When everything was ready, I was going to start a long trip. Maybe I would meet some exciting things, and some challenges were waiting for me in the United States. This was my first time to go to other country and take a plane. I never left my country so I felt nervous and afraid when I arrived at the airport. We had to change planes twice so everyone all followed the leader. In every airport, there were a lot of stores that sold many special things which I never saw. I was just like a kid who was curious walking around to see anything. I thought that taking a plane to the United States was a tired thing. Because all of us felt very tired after we took a very long plane. When we arrived at Illinois State in the midnight, everybody just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep. But we could not think that there was a big exam was waiting for us in the tomorrow morning. Next day morning, teacher Kevin who was our guide in the USA brought some yummy food for us to be the first meal in the small town. Kevin is a humor man and always hangs a smile on his face. He is the first American who I met and talked. I have a good impression on him. We arrived at Illinois State on Tuesday. So we had to go to school next day. It was so fast that made me feel very excited about anything that were going to happen in the campus. First day, we took a TOEFL test in the morning. Teacher took us to walk around in the campus to know every place in school after we ended the test. Our campus is so huge that we could not go to every place in a day. The day in Illinois State is very long. The evening starts at 8:30pm. Therefore, we had more time to do everything that we would like to do. I got 447 on the TOEFL test so I had to go to the level 3 class. The students in the USA class are very few. I just have ten classmates. There are five Arabian, four Taiwanese and one Korean. There were many interesting events happened in the class. Just let me tell you. CESL had three classes for level 3 so we had grammar class, core class and listening and speaking class. The teacher who teaches grammar is Laura. She is good at English grammar. Every teacher tells us that she is an excellent teacher. I think it is true. Because Laura always uses simple way to let us understand the difficult grammar and she cares about our learning. I like her way of teaching. She let me understand a lot of grammar that I do not know how to use before. She makes my English grammar become better. I am very grateful to her. Mr. Robinson teaches us about listening and speaking. He is a funny teacher. He always uses funny way to let us know what he says. He likes joking so we usually feel happy in the class. I learned a lot from this class. I was afraid of speaking English to people before. Mr. Robinson teaches me to try to say something with classmates in the class. Just do that every day, my English speaking could improve a lot. It is useful to me. I will try to do that when I go back to Taiwan. Kristin is a beautiful woman and she is very humor. She teaches us about core class. The important learning of the class is English reading and writing. We often read the article and write the essay in the class. Therefore, I learned a lot of words and phrases that I do not know before. It is helpful to my writing. I can write down more things that I do not know how to write it before. I think it is good to my English writing skills. I felt that I learned a lot of knowledge from these classes. So I think that every teacher in CESL is my important person in my life. And I have a good life in the USA for a month. Now, let me talk about some interesting and fun things about that we go out for pleasure. Kevin took us to many famous places. We went to a place like camping area and the hometown of superman in the first weekend. The place is called WALKER’s BLUFF. It is a very beautiful place and there is an area that is built of wood. The area is used for showing outdoor movies. Many family and friends will go there to see the special movie. We also see the movie with them. And we buy some desserts and cookies to eat when watching the movie. It is common in Taiwan. We always eat some food like popcorn when we see the movie in the movie theater. I saw something cool there. It is a very large chess. We have to move the checker by ourselves if we would like to play it. It is very special to me. I have never seen the huge chess before. I only saw that on TV. Another place that we went to next day is the hometown of superman “Metropolis.” I felt very curious about the place. I have never seen the movies about superman so I do not know its story. When we arrived at the small town, we saw a very large statue of superman. Everyone all thinks that is amazing when we saw it at first time. We also ate special ice cream of United States. The ice cream that we often eat in Taiwan is barreled or ice‐lollipop. But it is granular. I think it is more delicious than general ice cream. It has a special taste and it is very different from other ice cream. I think that is the reason it is very famous in the United States. Everybody bought a lot of souvenirs as the gift that we can give to our family or friends. We all think the first weekend is pretty good. We have a great start in USA. The second weekend we went to the neighboring town for shopping. And we went to the U.S. minor league game. It is my first time to watch the baseball game. I felt very excited about the game. But the team that we support lost the game. We all felt sad about the result. Next day, Kevin took us to the “Garden of God” that is a very famous attraction in Illinois State. But it is different from other gardens. We went to there for hiking. Before I went to there, I thought we just took a walk and saw beautiful flowers in the garden. When we arrived there, we only saw a lot of huge rock and stunning scenery. I was amazing about everything in front of me. I thought that was awesome. We went to the St. Louis City in the third weekend. The landmark of St. Louis City is “Gateway Arch.” It is very high and we can see the view on the top. And then we went to the department store. We could buy something that we could not buy in the town. The department store in the city is very big. So shopping made everyone feel tired. I ate the famous beef hamburger there. It is a little big and its French fries are very delicious. We went to a water park in Indiana State next day. It is just like the amusement park in Taiwan. We played a lot of amusement facilities. We felt very happy and we had a good time that day. The last weekend is the ending of the trip. We have to leave Carbondale and go back to Taiwan. This trip is very short and it is just like a dream. But I know I have beautiful life in USA for a month. I will remember everything and everyone there. And the trip will be a good memory in my life. If I can, I would like to go to USA again. I want to visit more places and create more memories. I must thank the school to give me the chance and let me travel abroad. I think that I am very substantial in the United States for a month. It is valuable in my life. I will not forget this trip. And it will be always in my mind forever. 2011 學海遊學 美國南伊利諾大學團 中文心得報告 職 治 三 9855001A 陳 譿 萱 整裝待發!準備迎接期待已久的遊學。剛考完試、放暑假很快就要準備到一 個陌生的環境,心情是既緊張又興奮的。今年的遊學團沒有台灣老師陪團過去美 國,當下要出關時大家都驚訝了!但是我們並不害怕,一團 10 個人攜著行李開 始了異國旅程。 我個人雖有出國經驗但並沒有轉那麼多次機還搭長途的經驗所以心情還蠻 亢奮的,從香港搭機到洛杉磯這段旅程 12 小時果真漫長,幸好有電影可以欣賞, 抵達洛杉磯機場只有一種感覺,好像不太像國際機場的水準,我們一路都很順利 的通關,直到遇到飛機誤點的情況,我們本來 16 點登機,後來一直廣播延誤到 19 點多才登機,搭美國航空時冷氣冷到睡不著,抵達聖路易機場時已經接近午 夜 12 點了。後來與未來要和我們相處的 TA,Kevin,會面後驅車前往我們的目 的地-Carbondale,一路上我們和 Kevin 聊天也看了看美國夜晚的情境,最後終於 還是抵不住睡意一個一個睡著了,抵達時已經 3 點。安置好行李、熟悉完環境已 經 5 點近 6 點了,隔天一大早還要考試呢!感覺一個悲慘疲憊的開始。一大早 Kevin 就帶了早餐在一樓大廳等著我們,是看起來很好吃的麵包呢!但越吃越覺 得好甜呀!開始有美國的感覺。對於初次來到美國、初次來到伊利諾州、初次來 到 Carbondale、初次踏進南伊利諾校區的我們來說一切的一切都是那麼樣的新鮮, 美國的陽光、美國的空氣、美國的鳥鳴喚醒一夜無眠的我們,10 個從台灣來的 新鮮人踏著新鮮的步伐參觀著伊利諾校園也迎接該面對的分班考試,考完試後 CESL 有新生聚會,那時我們第一次看到除了我們以外的新生,有好多來自沙烏 地阿拉伯的人呢!我們因為整桌都是台灣人都沒有外國朋友交流,於是我和小隊 長就跑去找一個獨自坐在那的外國人說話,他也是來自沙烏地阿拉伯,後來介紹 CESL 老師們也發給我們一件只有 CESL 學生才有的衣服喔!下午 Kevin 帶我們 去 WALMART 採買我們的生活用品及食物,晚上我們去吃 Buffalo Wild Wings, 這間餐廳很有情調裝潢也讓我們體會到美國風情,一切都與台灣差異太多太多了。 第三天是我們頭一次的上課天,因為大家分班不一樣所以上課時間也不同,一大 早就有課的只有 3 個,但大家忘記約集合時間於是就各自去上課,當下我有點緊 張,自己走在那麼大的校園昨天才參觀過一次也忘記要記路所以有點小迷路,但 憑著印象走一走還是找到我的教室了。雖然我們一個班級人數很少才 10 幾個但 我們班有沙烏地阿拉伯人、南非人、韓國人、日本人、伊拉克人、中國人、台灣 人,像個小世界一樣,自我介紹後我發現大家都是不簡單的角色耶,並非像我們 一樣的泛泛之輩。晚上 CESL office 的老師請我們義守的學生到山上一間髦牛火 雞餐廳用餐,他們的火雞很美味而且可以一直續用,很多道菜對我來說也都是新 鮮的在台灣沒見過的口味。我們就在這樣的模式下開始我們一個月的美式生活, 每天上課,下課後 Kevin 就帶著我們到處吃喝玩樂體驗美國不同於台灣的東西, 每天都行程滿檔,在等待大家都放學而我又沒課的時候,我會和我的同班同學、 來自台灣虎尾科技大學的好朋友 Silver 一起在外頭探險,校園很大有很多地方是 我們沒去過的,我們走到南伊利諾大學的學生體育館,好大、好棒、設備好齊全、 什麼運動都有提供,還有室內的跑道及空中跑道,而且都是免費使用喔!看到這 個體育館我們都超興奮的呢!除了和 Silver 一起探險外,我也和我另外兩個好朋 友一起出去吃飯,一個是沙烏地阿拉伯人另一個是韓國人,兩個都是很棒的朋友, 他們也成為我在美國的兩個最要好的外國朋友,和他們相處也會漸漸感受到不同 於台灣的幽默。我們也有去撞球館撞球體驗美國的撞球,和台灣其實差不多呢! 還去看了露天的電影,這是個很特別的經驗,大家坐在草地上看著雙面都可以看 的投影布幕,看著沒有字幕只能聽英文發音的「巧克力工廠」真的能讓英文進步 呢!有趣的是美國的小朋友唱小矮人的歌耶,而且一模一樣連發音都很標準,頓 時覺得我們連小孩都不如。來這裡看露天電影可是美國家庭的休閒之一呢!到了 假日是我們最開心的日子,因為有整整兩天的時間可以出遊,第一周我們和虎尾 科大的一同去 Metropolis,超人的故鄉,這個觀光景點我在台灣時有先蒐尋過所 以對這個景點有印象,超人的故鄉沒什麼令我覺得有趣的就是單純拍拍照,但印 象深刻的是點點冰淇淋,非常特別,像小小顆的保麗龍球一般很可愛也很有特色 在台灣沒看過。離開了 Metropolis 後我們到了 Kentucky,這裡非常的美麗,瀕臨 著一條河名叫「喔嗨呦」非常的悠閒,我們很幸運的遇到嘉年華會,有很多街頭 表演者都非常特異獨行,還展出許多中古車及跑車,真的令我看到目不轉睛也興 奮不已呢!我們在 Kentucky 待到晚上 10 點多才依依不捨的離開。第二個周末我 們去看小聯盟,這是我生平第一場的現場棒球賽呢,沒想到竟然就在美國觀賞! 一開始真的無聊透頂,兩隊實力懸殊之大感覺沒什麼看頭,後來有比較精彩的出 現後大家都熱血了起來,雖然最後結局還是如預期沒變但我愛上了現場看美國棒 球賽的感覺,中途的插曲、熱情的歡呼、加油的口號、選手的出場樂至今還深深 烙印在我腦海,熱血的球賽燃起我們熱血的靈魂,希望有朝一日還能再看一場美 國球賽,更期待能有機會看到大聯盟的精彩!隔天我們去了「Garden of god」 ,那 是一個令人汗流浹背風景卻美不勝收的地方,也是美國人休閒的去處之一呢!一 開始大家都以為是花園,沒想到卻是需要體力的攀岩,但是為了看美麗的風景大 家還是努力向上爬,看著高聳的岩石令人咋舌,有如鬼斧神工般的巨岩美國人穿 梭攀爬在其中,就連我們的 Kevin 也不費吹灰之力的跳躍著,在我們眼裡很危險 的運動對他們來說好似吃飯般很平常的運動,但是我也很喜歡這個地方,要不是 腳受傷不堪攀爬我也會大膽嘗試的,走完一圈才驚覺已到了一開始進去的地方, 大家還意猶未盡呢!第三個周末我們都參加了 CESL 舉辦的小旅遊,驅車前往聖 路伊市,看了美麗壯觀的地標 ARCH,也登上 ARCH 的最高點鳥瞰聖路依市,真 的超棒的,後來安排到「Galleria Mall」大採購,把在 Carbondale 沒買足的東西一 次買足,美國的 MALL 真的大到逛不完呢!我們還去 Friday 品嘗美國最道地的 起司,口味和份量果然都沒令我們失望。除了我們 10 個私下出遊的活動外,CESL 也舉辦了很多的活動,大家一起打保齡球,還有每周四固定的 TEA TIME,免費 提供茶飲和冰淇淋給 CESL 的學生享用,大夥齊聚在教室外等待、聊天、品嘗的 那種感覺真的很棒,不只填飽了肚子、休息了心靈還增進了友誼呢!SIU 也會舉 辦音樂會,這時就會看到校園裡出現很多很多的人潮,大家都帶著野餐地毯、舒 服的椅子、啤酒、食物甚至是烤肉架前往一個大草地,大家坐在草地上邊聽著樂 團精彩的演出邊吃喝玩樂,對於他們來說這是放假時的聯誼,只有在這時候大家 會回到學校來聯絡感情,這個音樂會大概是下午 6.7 點開始儼然是個大型 PARTY 呢!校園裡有湖有森林,我們還去那個美麗的湖划船呢!我們去的時候獨木舟都 借出去了只好踩四人的鴨子船,踩久了果然很累,幸好那時剛好太陽較沒那麼大, 所以很舒服也很享受那種感覺,很幸運的是在划的時候剛好有看到夕陽西下的美 景,湖光盪漾、徐徐微風、搖搖樹影再搭配上橙橙夕陽照映簡直浪漫至極。一切 都是那麼的美好比較遺憾的是最後還是沒划到獨木舟但是安慰的是目睹美麗景 致。到了最後一周我們開始進行道別,大家的心情也明顯受影響因為知道再過幾 天就要離開這美麗殿堂了,我們在星期二時受 CESL office 的老師邀請到她家去 用餐,這是我們第一次真正踏進美國人家中,果然如想像中的精緻裝潢、重質感 的布置、家中一點也不紊亂感覺像是台灣有錢人的家,大大的庭院、有造型的泳 池、跳板、圍繞在泳池旁的桌椅、沙灘排球、彈簧床、地下室的撞球桌,就像渡 假飯店的感覺一般,外國人果然很注重生活品質也很注重休閒,這不就是我一直 夢寐以求的家嗎?!踏進老師家的當下覺得太美好了,未來我的家也要像這樣。 在我們玩著沙灘排球的時光中晚餐不知不覺準備好了,像宴會的感覺一般,好幾 道菜擺在桌上,大家拿著餐盤輪流夾取要吃的菜餚,道地的美國家常菜真的非常 非常的美味,這是我這個月來吃的最滿意也最回味的一餐,雖然吃了很多的大餐 卻敵不過這次的家常菜,樸實卻令我回味無窮,或許是自己準備的原因,這次的 菜比較沒那麼鹹,口味也很適中,大家都吃得很滿足呢!到 office 老師家中用餐 的不只我們還有很多位和我們比較熟的老師們,所以當天用餐聊天聊得很愉快也 很溫馨。用完餐後令我們驚喜的是,發證書!老師們都知道了當天要發證書只有 我們不知道,對我們來說是既興奮又難過的一刻,大家圍在一起從老師們先開始 發表心得,一個比一個感性,輪到我們發表時心情真的是忐忑不安,緊張又充斥 著難過與不捨,氣氛從開心變溫馨,領證書時真的有種不想拿的衝動,領完證書 時大家開始討論起要如何留在這裡久一點,天方夜譚又開始了在大家的笑聲中結 束這溫馨愉快的晚餐。星期三我們展開計畫已久的回饋晚餐,感謝我們的 TA, Kevin,一個月來辛苦的照顧及熱情的帶我們到處遊玩,給我們許多無比的回憶, 於是我們決定現給他他期待已久的火鍋,以及烤肉加菜,大家忙得不亦樂乎也吃 得不亦樂乎,最後也有溫馨的送禮紀念,希望給他美麗的句點。 這次的遊學很充實,很特別,在美國的這一個月裡很感謝很多幫助我們的人, 讓我體驗到外國人的熱情,也交到很多很棒的外國朋友,他們耐心的教導英文不 流利的我們,為我解釋聽不懂的單字,讓我不那麼害怕也更有勇氣發問,也感謝 在美國生活的台灣學長「Alex」與「Vincent」雖然之前不認識但我們在美國時他 們都義無反顧的幫助我們,從小到借我們鍋碗瓢盆,大到帶我們到處玩,直到最 後一天要走時也來幫我們收拾行李,這些都讓我們感激不盡,最要感謝學校給我 們這個機會能體驗到不同於台灣的生活,這對我來說有很重大的意義,從沒想過 到美國進修的我開始燃起到美國進修的決心,或許是因為只待一個月的關係讓我 們看到美國的新鮮,但是我喜歡的是他們和台灣不一樣的熱情、還有他們的上課 方式,老師會鼓勵你思考、會讓我們小組討論,討論完發表自己的看法,無論看 法正不正確老師都會鼓勵你講出來,也會肯定你,因為那是你的想法,他們不會 填鴨式的灌輸,會讓你去思考,我想這是台灣學生所缺乏的吧!一開始選團時並 沒想過要選美國,也因緣際會的換到了美國,但現在我不後悔,相反的卻覺得很 幸運,我們看到很多台灣沒有的,也體驗到很多台灣體驗不到的,更體悟到很多 從前不曾想過的事情,這個難得的機會,至今我仍感謝! 義守大學學海遊學團---美國團研習心得報告 Occupational therapy 3 9855001A HUEI-SYUAN CHEN I can’t believe that I can have this chance to go abroad and very exciting about that. With a happy mood to arrived the Kaohsiung International Airport, suddenly, we received the information that we should go USA by ourselves. However, we are all have courage and wisdom to face challenges. So everybody seted out to USA with our luggages. I had several times experience about abroad, but I haven’t had the experience of transferring several times and taking too long time on the airplane. So my mood was very excited. It is so long from Hong Kong to Los Angeles, fortunately, there have lots of movies, music, game for every customers to enjoy. When we arrived the Los Angeles International Airport, I just had one felt it seems not have the same level of international airport. We were well all ways from Kaohsiung until arrived the Los Angeles International airport. Because we might get on the boarding gat at four o’clock PM. but the plane was delay to seven o’clock PM. and plus there were too cold to sleep in the airport. This situation gave everyone a bad memory for Los Angeles. Not only this condition at the airport but also the same condition at the American airline, there air conditioner seems for free. It is very very cold for me to sleep. We arrived St. Louis at near midnight and we met our TA, Kevin then we went to our destination – Carbondale by small bus. We were talking with Kevin and looking around the night view of America, finally, we still can’t resistance the sleepy and fall asleep one by one, when we reached the destination already three o’clock AM. When we arranged for our luggages and knew well the environment was already five o’clock AM. but we all have a important exam tomorrow morning, suddenly, the bad feeling surge in to my mind. Morning, Kevin brought the sweet breakfast for us and we felt too much sugar after we ate mouth and mouth. Than we start have the feeling in USA. As the first time to America, the first time to Illinois, the first time to Carbondale and the first time stepped into the Southern of Illinois, for us, all the first and all the thing was so novel. Sunshine of America, air of America, birds singing of America aroused our tired soul couse of staying up all night. Ten fresh men from Taiwan stepped fresh steps visited the Southern of Illinois and faced the important exam. After the exam we had the CESL new student party, that is the first time we met other new students except Taiwanese. There are a lot of students whom come from Saudi Arabia. Because set on this table were all Taiwanese, no foreigner set with us. Hence Benson who are our leader and I went to talk with a man who set alone and he also came from Saudi Arabia with his wife. Then the CESL student set all new students a cloth, only for CESL students. Afternoon, Kevin took us to WALMART to buy something daily necessary and foods, that is the first time we went to WALMART. At night, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings to eat the nice chicken wings. This restaurant has special decoration and made us experience the style of America. They has a small bar and three televisions on the wall and play the soccer game. The third day is our first class day, everybody have different class so the class time. Only three people in our group have the class in the morning, but we forgot to agreement the gathering time, so we went to class each. At once, I have a little nervous when I walk in the large school and just visit it once yesterday and I forgot to remember the road to class. So I were a little missing the road, finally I found the correct classroom for me. Though my classmates were too less just ten more people, but we had people whom come from Saudi Arabia, Southern Africa, Korea, Japan, Iraq, China, and Taiwan seems like a small world. After we introduction ourselves I found all of everybody were very excellent not normal men. At night, CESL office teacher invited us to a restaurant which is sale mane beef and turkey at the mountain, there turkey is very delicious and that can continual to eat if you can. Many foods were very fresh for me and I have never see it in Taiwan. We were starting our one month American life under this pattern. Went to class every day, and Kevin took us play and eat everywhere to experience something differ from Taiwan. I had full schedule every day, when I waiting for everybody finished class, I am hang out with my friend, Silver who come from Taiwan either, and she is study at Huwei university of Technology. The Southern of Illinois has more place we have never been. We walk to the Rec. center which is the center provide lots of sport sites and sport equipments for Southern of Illinois University (SIU) students and Carbondale residents is very awesome. They provide almost all sports and has two runways, one is on the ground and the other is on the air and if you are the SIU student, you can use all the equipment for free. Besides hang out with Silver, I also hang out with others two good friends. One is FAHD who come from Saudi Arabia, and the other is SUNGU who are from Korea, they are both my best foreign friends in CESL and along with them I gradually can feel the humor which differ from Taiwan. We also went to the pool hall to experience the pool of America, but actually, it is not far different from Taiwan. We went to see the open movie, that was a special experience. Everybody set on the grasp and watched the screen which can see both sides. We watched the movie without subtitle just can heard English pronunciation really can help us to practice English. Weekend were be our most happiness days, we had full two days can take a trip. The first weekend, we went to Metropolis which is supermen’s hometown and we found a special food which name is dots ice cream look like small Styrofoam ball and I have not see it in Taiwan either. Left Metropolis we went to Kentucky, there are very beautiful and near a river name “OH HI YO River”. Luckily, we met the carnival and saw many street performers there. That is the special thing never happen in Taiwan. The second weekend, we went to watch the minor league this is the first time I saw the baseball game for my lifetime. At start was very boring but at least they have more wonderful performance and it made me fall in love to watch live game. I hope I can watch the major league. Next day, we went to “Gordon of God ”, that is a indescribable place, they have more amazing stones and all of stones are huge. But we saw some American can shuttle in stones, include our TA, Kevin. It must be the normal leisure for American. The third weekend, we participated the activity which is held by CESL. We went to the landmark “Arch” and took the elevator to the highest and watched the overview of St. Louis. The view really charming me. Then we went to the Galleria Mall, CESL office gave us more time to buy what we want to buy. We also went to Friday to ate the traditional America cheese. Besides we took trips by ourselves, CESL office also held more activities for all CESL students, such as bowling, and routine at every Thursday has Tea Time. They provide tea and ice cream for CESL students for free. Everybody gather in front of the classroom, enjoy the sweet desert, and chatting that is a really nice feeling. It not only can satisfy the hungry stomach, but also can enhance relationship for each other. The other interesting activity is the concert which is held by SIU. You can see most of peoples appearing in the university, and took picnic carpet, comfortable chair, ice beer, yummy foods, and barbecue with them. Everybody set on the grasp, and eating something while listening high music. For them, this concert can improve their relationship when they are in vacation. Because, only this time everyone will come back to the SIU. By the way, there have a nice lake in the SIU, and we ride the boat on the lake. Unfortunately, all canoes were lend out, so we just can borrowed the duck boat. We were so tired when we stepped too long, fortunately, the sun want to go home. We were lucky to saw the sunset. At the last week, we start to say good bye for each one. CESL office teacher invited us to have dinner in her home. This is the first time we went in to an American's home, really like the reach men's home in Taiwan. When we were playing the beach volleyball, the dinner was already ready. How delicious!! I can't believe this was made from a normal woman, it test like cooed by a professional cooker. I can't forgot this favor for a long time. After dinner, we circled together, and shared our feeling these days in Carbondale, included CESL office teachers. The atmosphere were so warm, and all of us feeling so sorrow. Wednesday, we prepared a hot pot and barbecue for Kevin. This study tour to USA is very sufficient! I appreciate all of friends whom help us in this month, and I make more nice foreign friends. I also appreciate two Taiwanese "Alex" and "Vincent whom living in Carbondale for a long time. Though we don't know them before, they help us as they can do in this month. The most that I appreciate is our school, ISU. Thanks for give us this chance to go abroad, and let we experience the life more different from Taiwan. And also make we think about the other method in learning, I feel that I'm so lucky to have this opportunity!! 2011 學海遊學 美國南伊利諾大學團 中文心得報告 醫工二 B 9850108A 丁奕彤 第一次去美國很令人興奮,尤其是我期待已久的遊學活動。準備出國途中也 遇到很多的困難,一一克服後,才了解這機會對我來說是有多麼的難得且得來不 易。 七月四號,終於出發了!在洛杉磯等待轉機時,美國航空誤點三個小時,導 致我們抵達聖路易時已經凌晨了,所以也沒觀賞到美國國慶煙火,有點可惜。大 部分的人都是一人住一間房間,房間裡有大冰箱、廚房、浴室、更衣間、客廳和 臥室,很寬敞舒適。我不習慣美國的食物,因為不是太甜就是太鹹,於是幾乎天 天下廚,大家一起採購食物、下廚,互相協助的感覺真好。 在 CESL 上課採用 TOFEL 成績來分級分班,班上有台灣人、阿拉伯人和一 個利比亞人。許多阿拉伯人都是偕同妻子一起來上課的,他們來外國讀書都有政 府的全額補助,很令人羨慕。我交到許多的朋友,阿拉伯人居多,因此也更了解 阿拉伯文化思想。一個阿拉伯人辭掉他的工作而來到美國讀書,我問他為什麼, 他說他想要充實自己後,要回到自己的國家擁有更好的工作。原本以為阿拉伯國 家的男人個個都有四個太太,事實並不然。他們的說法是一夫一妻的生活品質較 好,而且大部分家裡都有六個孩子,若娶多個太太就有過多的孩子,生活品質自 然就下降。每堂課每天都有作業要完成,晚上若是有活動,就有機會熬夜寫作業。 美國的教育非填鴨式教育,往往問題都是開放式解答,上課時和老師、同學都有 許多互動,因而提升聽說的能力。 課外之餘,CESL 也有舉辦一些活動供我們參加,如保齡球之夜和聖路易之 旅。在 Carbondale 也遇到兩個台灣的學長,他們會告訴我們景點或是購物中心。 其中一個學長有車,會載我們去。南伊利諾大學有一個十分健全的運動中心,所 有的設施都在室內,裡面有兩個大籃球場、壁球室、排球室、網球場、跑步機、 游泳池、重量訓練室、有氧舞蹈室等等應有盡有的設施,即使是台灣的健身中心 也沒有這麼完善的設備。Carbondale 雖然是個小鎮,但幾乎就像台灣一個市這麼 大,我們會去鎮上的 University Mall 購物,鎮上也有著名的 Best Buy,這些都是 學校公車可以抵達的地方。持有學生證搭乘公車不用錢,但 CESL 除外,投一塊 美金即可。去美國必買的就是 Levis,新品約三四十塊美金,我還買到過季商品 十二塊美金的牛仔褲。美國的購物中心的優點不只是便宜,挑的時候小姐不會來 插手,所以逛的很恣意。 最後一週,來到 CESL 老師家用餐並頒發證書。美國的家常菜非常可口,不 會像外食般過鹹。我從來不知道火雞和紅莓醬會這麼搭,薯泥就是要淋上肉汁才 美味,甜點是熱騰騰的紅莓派加上冰涼涼的冰淇淋,口感很特別。即將離開美國 有不捨的感覺,阿拉伯同學紛紛問我們何時會再來,來的時候一定要告訴他們。 大家都互加 Facebook 以保持連繫。 在美國這短短的四週內,認識許多朋友、體驗不同的文化、培養了國際觀以 及和同團的伙伴共享樂、共患難,大家共度豐富且充實的四週。最後特別感謝義 守大學和課外活動組,幫忙我許多,以至於我有這個機會增添美麗充實的經驗。 It was so exciting that I went to the U.S. at the first time, especially it was a study abroad what I expect. When I prepared everything for this activity, I had many problems. I did not know how rare the chance until I overcome the problems. On Fourth of July, we proceed to the U.S. finally. When we waiting for transit in L.A., American Airline delayed three hours and caused we arrived St. Louis in early morning so we had no chance to see the National Day firework. A lot of people were living a room by themselves. It had refrigerator, kitchen, bathroom, dressing room, living room and bedroom; it was very spacious and comfortable. I could not accustom to American food that it is not too salty or too sweet so that we almost cooked by ourselves every day. We purchased the ingredients and cooked, it was the good days that we assisted each others. CESL used the grade of TOFEL to distinguish our degree. It had Taiwanese, Arabian and Libyan in my class. Many Arabian study there with their wife. They come to foreign country to study, their government would give them full subsidy. I envy them, but I'm honored that I have a great college. I made many friends, the Arabian friends were the most so that I know more Arabian culture. I asked an Arabian friend why he quit his job and came to the U.S. to study, he answered me he want to enrich himself and back to their country to have a better job. Originally, I thought every Arabian man have many wives. However, they haven't. My friend told me that monogamy let their life better. The most family have six children. If they married many wives, they will have too many children, and then their life quality worse. Every class had homework every day, if we had the activity at night, we had chance to finish our homework overnight. American education is not spoon feeding education, most questions have open solution. We had many interactions with teachers and classmates, thus enhancing the ability about listening and speaking. We will attend the activities held by CESL as our extracurricular activities, for example: Bowling Night and St. Louis trip. In Carbondale, we met two seniors, they told us where the mall and how can we get there. One of seniors has a car so he took us to our destination sometimes. A great sports center of Southern Illinois University, all facilities are indoors, there have two large basketball courts, squash courts, volleyball, tennis courts, treadmills, swimming pool, weight training room, aerobics room, and so on. Although Carbondale is a town, it almost likes a city of Taiwan. We went to the University Mall shopping, there also has famous Best Buy, and we can take the school bus to there. Student card holders do not need to pay for bus, except CESL students, so we need to pay one dollar. In the U.S., you have to buy Levis! New types are about 30 dollars. However, I bought a past type jean, it cost me 12 dollars. It was not only cheaper than Taiwan, but also arbitrary because the clerks would not bother me. Last week, we had a dinner and confer us certificate in a CESL teacher's home. Home cooking of American is very delicious. I had never known how tasty about turkey with cranberry sauce, and how delicious about mashed potatoes topped with gravy. The dessert was a hot cranberry pie with a ice cream, it tasted very special and very sweet. In the four weeks, I met a lot of friends, experienced different cultures, developed an international outlook and shared everything with our partner, we had fulfilling life in the four weeks. Finally, I'm so appreciate I-Shou University and Student Campus Life Guidance Section. Thanks for their help and made me have a great experience. 2011 學海遊學 美國南伊利諾大學團 中文心得報告 孫雅琇 二零一一年七月四日,這個凌晨是一個不眠之夜,因為接下來的是情事對我 來說是這輩子的大事件之一─我即將開始一個旅程,是沒有家人的陪伴隻身離開 家裡幾萬公里外的美國並且居住一個月的旅程,而沒有睡的原因呢?興奮。就在 媽媽知道我要去美國的消息便開心的告訴親朋好友,因為出國旅遊一直是我的願 望,尤其是美國,而我自己都沒想到我真的達成了這不是夢,就在學校的支持和 幫助之下,我人生第一次踏出台灣這塊已經住了二十年的土地,而且是隔著太平 洋的幾萬公里之外。一大早媽媽載著我和前一晚來我家借宿的另一名團員─宜慧 一起去機場,大到可以裝下我的行李箱,它的厚重提醒了我這不是夢,也幽幽的 裝著家人朋友們的祝福和掛心,他將陪伴著我度過這一個月,未知的一個月。因 為國際線在小港機場二樓,停車不易,所以媽媽讓我們下車後就離去了,一直到 我們要去除身上物品用放射線掃瞄時,拿出手機才發現媽媽傳的一封簡訊,他要 我有空檔的時候打通電話給他。 「喂~」電話的另一頭接起,蘊含的是濃濃的鼻音, 他應該在哭吧,但是我沒有多說什麼,因為我知道接下來的一個月他對我的思念 會日亦漸濃。不過說也奇怪,我並不是離情依依的遊子,我並不覺得在未來的我 會有所謂的 home sick,就像一個浪跡天涯的行者,我只是不斷的期待著下一站。 在港龍航空的經濟艙 32000 英呎的空中,機外負 35 度 C 的早上,我點了雞肉麵 條配柳橙汁做為我的早餐,雖然不美味,但這一餐的意義非凡。到了香港興奮的 心情使我所看見的每件事情都變得極為可愛,在機場裡走走晃晃我們等的是下一 班前往洛杉磯機場的飛機。「11675KM,十二個小時又四十五分鐘,跨越太平洋 抵達 LA 機場,這是接下來我們要做的事。」在國泰航空上看著銀幕上飛機下方 的 camera 自己竟然在大海和白雲之上,而這高度也渺小了陸地,我深深期待著 這一個月所帶給我的一切。 抵達 LA 機場的時間是當地的七月四日,也是他們的國慶日,不過我們卻沒 能看到國慶煙火並且感受他們的氣氛。到聖路易機場已經是凌晨一點多,寂靜到 我們以為機場已經關門了,卻在出口看到前來接機的 Kevin,他看起來相當親切。 接著我們又繼續一段兩個小時的路程,途中雖然很昏暗,但可以看見公路旁的美 式房屋就像是一幅幅溫馨的畫,那可愛的房子是我前所未見的,甚至還一度以為 那裡是特殊的度假村,一直到後來發現所有的房子都是如此可愛後,我便在第一 瞬間就愛上這個地方了。宿舍房子的外觀造型雖然不是我所想像的那樣,我卻對 裡頭的住宿品質感到滿意,隔天早上 Kevin 帶著 Donuts 做為我們的早餐,上面 的糖漿還灑了幾顆彩色的小星星做為裝飾,雖然甜的很膩,大夥卻都欣然接受, 而我也將不會忘記這個藍莓口味的甜甜圈所帶來的感受有多麼美味。早上 Kevin 帶著我們大概介紹一下校園環境,偌大又幽美的校園暴露在暖暖的晨光之下更加 的閃亮動人,像許多電影或是卡通的畫面,學校最具著名的鐘樓建築物是我們第 一個看到的地方,前方的草地上兩三隻松鼠嬉戲著活潑了整個畫面也活潑了我們 的心,深吸一口令人神清氣爽的新鮮空氣有淡淡的青草味。接著我們又經過了如 城堡般的音樂學院,到達了 Faner Hall,那裡即將是我們這一個月要上課的地方。 中午我們到學生中心吃午餐,CESL 的老師們也都紛紛到場,接著他們開始自我 介紹然後發給我們一件 CESL 的深藍色 T‐shirt 讓我們很有歸屬感。下午時我們三 兩個在校園裡的森林輕鬆的遊蕩,看著地圖尋找其中的 Campus Lake,到最後終 於在一個黑人女生的幫助下我們到達了目的地,湖邊的草坪上天鵝、和水鴨愜意 的或坐或站,有的沿著岸邊游泳,也看到了天鵝船以及獨木舟,我們都不禁心生 羨慕之情,果然是外國的月亮比較圓啊!!穿梭在理工學院的我們,看了各式各樣 設備專業齊全的實驗室以及辦公室亂得很科學家的教授更增加了我對於學校的 憧憬。當天傍晚 Kevin 帶我們去 Walmart 買了一些生活用品後帶我們去一間美式 的運動 bar─Buffalo 吃烤雞翅做為晚餐,那裡的烤雞翅有很多種醬料依序由甜的 到勁辣的排列在菜單上。隔天是 CESL 的第一天上課,認識了來自伊拉克的 Mustafa 和來自沙烏地阿拉伯的美麗女孩 Dhuha 雖然一開始不太適應他們講英文時濃濃 的口音但卻漸漸習慣,也喜歡和他們交談。晚上許多 CESL 的老師們在一家非常 道地美式的餐廳 Giant City Lodge 和我們一起吃飯以歡迎我們的到來,那一晚我 們一邊吃著晚餐一邊開心的聊著天,美式建築、牆壁上的裝飾在橘黃色的燈光下 和著一陣陣的笑聲,我們就像是一個大家族溫馨的共進晚餐。 接下來幾天 Kevin 帶過我們去打撞球、去 Walker Bluff 看〝巧克力夢幻工廠〞 的電影,在那裏我用英文和一群看起來已經退休的爺爺奶奶對話,也因此我有幸 可以乘到那一台比汽車還名貴的超豪華重型機車,原來他們也是從別的地方到此 旅行難怪有如此和當地不一樣的口音,或者炎熱的下午我們獨自帶著地圖走在充 滿各式夢幻小屋的小徑裡找到附近的超級市場、我們也去了超人的故鄉和 Ohio river,也看了 Paducah 當地每個月的第二個星期六所舉辦的街頭表演藝術聚集。 隔天我們到學校的學生體育館去運動,那裡好大好大,裡頭的設備比台灣的健身 工廠還要齊全,聚集了所有看過和沒看過的各種體育健身器材和場地,連操場都 有兩層,在那裡他們有一個特殊的習慣就是一樓的操場是逆時針跑,而二樓的操 場是順時針,那裡是僅次於 Faner Hall 和學生中心的第三個我們最常去光顧的學 校建築並也我們也有許多歡笑和汗水的記憶在那裡。CESL 也會舉辦一些活動例 如保齡球之夜或是文化衝擊的討論會。而老師們也都很親切有趣,一別以往上課 就死氣沉沉的印象,而是以互動式的方法而讓課程變得更有趣,也會促使我們對 於問題的思考和表達,我也曾在課堂上以紙筆簡單的畫出台灣的廟宇和全班來自 不同地方的同學們欣賞,他們也很開心。學校也會在每個星期四的傍晚舉行日落 演唱會,舞台上的樂團表演投入的表演、草坪上擁擠的人潮或坐或站,有的來回 走動尋找認識的朋友們聊天,有的是附近的居民全家出動連家裡的沙發和冰箱都 搬到現場,也有人提著幾桶冰啤酒然後 BBQ 了起來、有的遛狗、有的玩起走鋼 索,而我們也在草地上野餐,整個畫面雜亂卻不失協調,就像所嚮往的美國校園 的電影情節一樣,而我正是裡面的其中一員。接下來幾天我們也曾到 Campus Lake 划船、也去看過棒球、去 The Garden of the God 爬山看過這輩子未曾見過的珍貴 特殊地形、嘗試墨西哥餐,這也是我第一次體驗上餐廳吃完飯要留小費在桌上的 體驗、我們還去聖路易最著名的 Gateway Arch 頂端見了壯觀的風景、大聯盟的 紅雀隊棒球場、密西西比河(小時候常常出現在地理課的本上,我總是覺得那對 我來說太遙遠,沒想到現在就在我身邊),最後一個星期日 Kevin 還帶我們去印地 安那州 Santa Claus 的 Holiday World 玩,畫下美好的句點。 這一個月在美國我學到了很多,連阿拉伯的同學也覺得我學會了很多,第一 次離家的我也學會了自己打理生活的一切,也開了好大的眼界,讓我知道原來事 情還可以有這麼大的變化,同一件事的做法能夠有多麼的不同、多麼有創意,也 看了當地與臺灣天差地遠的風土民情,也學了一些道地的美式英文,對話和聽力 的部分也在這一個月裡突飛猛進,也在當地認識了一些同樣來自台灣的「同鄉」, 他們也給了我們許許多多的幫助並且帶我們去附近遊玩。這一個月對我來說就像 一場最美的美夢,但卻是真實的美夢,而我在美夢中蛻變羽化,學習、成長,獲 益無數,我將永遠也不會忘記二零一一年的七月,我二十歲,擁有的是如此甜美 的回憶。感謝媽媽,感謝所有曾經幫助過我的人,感謝給與我祝福的人,感謝學 校幫我圓夢。 Before I went to America, I really feel happy that I will go to America after few days. I still remember when I went to the English exam with my classmate, I was really very nervous. It was about three or four month ago. When the result was been announced, my classmate called me and told me this good news, I was shout loudly at that moment even though it was in a night on the road about ten o’clock. To go to America is one of my dreams since I was a child and I always feel it was really hard to be come true. But it is come true now. I will go to America on next Monday. When I think about this, I feel amazing and too happy to express my mood completely. When my mother got this news, she was very happy for me and many people are very happy for me include my classmate and families. And I got a new camera, I really crazy like the new camera. When my friends saw my new camera, every one of them just said it is very cool. And my grandmother took me to eat chicken soup to celebrate it that I will go to America. I am very glad and thank God and everyone who glad for me. I also especially thank my mother for give me many help. I wish I will have a wonderful trip this time. When the day before I went to America, I couldn’t fall in sleep until 2:00 at night because I was very exciting for the coming trip. In the very morning, my mom take me to go to Airport, I can feel she was a little sad because of I will leave her for a month and go to the other end of the earth, but she still proud of me. After that, we have a breakfast on the airplane and sleep again until we arrive to Hong Kong Airport. It’s my first time to go out to another country from Taiwan. We are exciting and look around in the airport. When we go on another airplane, what we have to do is go through the Pacific Ocean and it will take almost thirteen hours. When we arrive in Los Angeles, it is July 4 and it is National Day for US! But unfortunately, we can’t see the fire work because we have to take another airplane to St. Louis airport. When we arrive in St. Louis Airport, it was very night and there was a teacher named Kevin there to take us to go to our apartment. The house there are really cute. It’s the first morning since we arrive in Carbondale, Kevin bring some Donuts for us as breakfast. After that, we have a TOEFL test and have a lunch with all the teachers who are teach in CESL. In the afternoon, we walk around in the school and go to Campus Lake and forest. What a wonderful university! It’s really amazing and I think I would never know how a beautiful school can be before I went to Southern Illinois University. And then we when to Walmart to buy something we need and have a dinner, it was a wonderful day. It was July 6 in the morning, we go to school to take the distribution results. I was in level 4, it have 7 levels in the whole CESL. The level 1 to level 6 is for the people who want to study University degree in the school, when people finish level 6 that he or she can study in the University. The people who want to study in the master, then he or she have to finish the level 7 first. We have some of class a day and they were all about learning English. At first, I can’t understand completely what are teachers saying, but they are kindly and repeat them for us to know what they said. After days, I finally can know completely what are teachers saying, I think maybe I was too nervous at first and after few days I can pay more attention in what teacher said. The class is begin and the first class for me is Listen and Speak, the teacher of this class is Mr. Robinson, he is really funny and cute. He introduce his self for us and he said he have three children and come from California. The second class of our class is writing, the teacher of the class is Mrs. Keim, I feel she is serious and wasn’t friendly in the very first time, because she is not talking as funny as Mr. Robinson and it is hard to understand what she say for me somehow. But later I found she is not what I think before, in the opposite, she is very kind. The next class is core, the teacher of that class is Julia, she is pretty and friendly. The last class of a day is Grammar, I make a friend in that class, her name is Dhuha, she is beautiful and nice and she is come from Saudi Arabia. And I also make a friend who is come from Iraq and his name is Mustafa, he is a teacher in his country and he is come here for studying the PhD degree. I really feel happy that I can make friend at the first day in the class, especially they are come from another country which is not US, it is so cool. At night, the teachers in the CESL have a big dinner with us at the GIANT CITY LODGE, it is a very special restaurant just like we are live in the American’s family. The teachers are really very kind and we have a happy dinner just like we are a big family. They said there have the tornado in the Carbondale sometimes it’s the special part. But we haven’t seen it during the time we were in Carbondale. The second day’s class, my favorite teacher, Mr. Robinson, have the video of sidewalk art for us. It was amazing that I have never been seen before and I like it very much. And we go to the playing pool at night. Next morning, I knew a friend who was come from China. She went to the book store of the student center with me, and I bought a cute book which one is about Alyce. After that, when I went to another class, I found Max had add my friend in the facebook, he is one of my classmates and he is come from Saudi Arabia. Later, Jane, Sharon, Benson and me, we got a map with us and went to a super market by ourselves. The houses by the trails are very different from Taiwan’s and as beautiful as dream. Kevin took us to go to Walker Bluff and see a movie. The landscape of there is so beautiful and there have the vineyard and lake by it. I’ve never seen the vineyard before, it’s really touch my heart and make more colorful of my mind. We went to the hometown of the superman on the first Saturday, there have a very big superman and we have a dippin’ dots, which is a special ice cream, it’s delicious. After that, we went to the Ohio River, and join a parade in Paducah. That’s different from Taiwan’s, it’s have many different show like India’s dance and circus. On Sunday, we went to REC center to do exercise. The second Tuesday, Max teach me some Arabic. When Sophia and me walking on the street to go to our apartment, we found a deer there! It’s a surprise for me so I am excited and I decide to take some picture for it, even though Sophia want to go back to apartment first, it was so beautiful and it is beside me without fence. After that, I decide to take more pictures for this amazing university, and I really got many wonderful picture it make me feel happy and satisfy though the weather is so hot. Finally, I run into Carrie and we went to play the piano and have a sweet afternoon. On Wednesday, we went to a CESL’s bowling night. Teachers and friends are playing there with us. On every Thursday, is have tea time in the CESL and there will have many ice cream, coffee, and hot chocolate for us. It’s one of my favorite time in here. There also have sunset concert every Thursday. I really enjoy the time when we in Carbondale. We have many memorize there, see many different things there and learn many things. We went to many places including The Garden of the God, boating, see a baseball game ( the team of Carbondale is Miners ), have Mexican food, St. Louis, Gateway Arch, Indiana’s water park, ect. We also have bubble tea there. The day before we come back to Taiwan, teacher Kerah held a party for us, how kind of her and her four kids are so cute, everyone of us are like them very much. At night, we cook by ourselves and invite Kevin, Alex, Vincent and Silver here to have a big dinner with us. Just like one of the CESL’s teacher invited us to went to their home to have a good dinner and there have the valley ball and swimming pool with us. The day we were go to St. Louis airport and come back to Taiwan, we were at the lobby of our apartment to say good bye to Kevin, Alex, Vincent and our friends. Then I feel sad because I don’t want to depart from them and Carbondale. I think it will be the sweetest and the most wonderful dream for me in my whole life. I will miss everything and everyone there. Thank ISU send me there to learn many things and make many good friends there. I love my school.