團名:_南伊利諾__________ _29_/ 學號:_10150056a_________ 出團日期:2013 / _6_/ _28_/ to 2013 / 7__/ 姓名:____林妍菁_______ 心得: 從以前就一直夢想著自己是不是有一天也可以出國遊學,很感謝義守大學給 予我這個機會,讓我能夠去美國體驗當地的大學生活。 說到行前作業,學校有安排日期帶我們去台北辦美簽。自己親身經歷後才體會到 別人口中所說的美簽好麻煩,層層關卡要檢驗你的身分。 2013 年 6 月 29 日 昨天才剛結束期末考整理行李回到家,又馬上整理行李開始 了一段小小的旅程。帶著既緊張害怕又興奮的心情離開了自己熟悉的環境、國 家。這次的旅行沒有爸媽陪同,也沒有老師陪同,很多事情都要自己做都要我們 十二個人互相扶持、互相照顧。飛機起飛離開台灣,回頭看看晚上的北台灣,真 的很漂亮。到了北京,北京的機場好大,裡面有像台灣捷運的交通運輸工具可以 讓旅客乘坐。因為是隔天的飛機,所以需要在北京待一個晚上。第一次吃到北京 的食物,吃起來不太習慣跟喜歡。北京的早晨天空還是一樣灰濛濛,空氣黏黏的 感覺不太舒服。 搭了很久的飛機終於抵達洛杉磯,一到洛杉磯機場大家發現有網路,就瘋狂跟台 灣的親朋好友報平安。沒有網路的這幾天感覺過了很久,都不知道台灣發生了些 什麼事?等飛機轉機到聖路易時已經是晚上十點多了,還沒吃晚餐的我們看到 Kevan 和 Killy 帶著我們的宵夜,超開心的。他們很熱心的跟我們講解一些事情並 帶我們去伊利諾。 宿舍 我們是住學校外的宿舍,一個人一間但浴室是兩個人共用的,裡面還有書桌、櫃 子、冰箱可以供我們使用。我們大部分的人都住在一樓,二樓有共用廚房、電視、 沙發、鋼琴還可以打撞球。住在這裡的人大多是從各個不同的國家而來的,有些 可能是學生有些可能是老師。 學習 剛到學校的第一件事就是要考試,考完托福 就會依照分數幫你分班。總共分成 七個等級,其中第七級算是語言學校中的研究所,我們的小隊長超厲害被分到第 七級。開始上課的第一天,大家都很踴躍的回答老師的問題也很喜歡發表自己的 想法,這跟台灣比起來真的差很多很多,相對於我們就顯得安靜多了。不過講到 文法,課程內容所教的都很基本相對於台灣簡單很多,可能是台灣的教育比較重 視手寫方面,手寫能力相對於說跟聽就比較強。 吃 由於我們宿舍有公用廚房,老師有帶我們去 WalMart 買一些吃的,大家分組輪流 煮菜。美國的食物跟台灣有很大的不同,美國人不常吃米飯類,大多以馬鈴薯代 替,菜類我們則是用炒的或煮的,他們則大多以生菜沙拉為主。不同的文化會衍 生出不同的生活習慣。在宿舍,我們看到各個不同國家的人對於同一種食材用不 同的料理方式,同樣是咖哩,印度咖哩跟台灣咖裡就有大大的不同。當然我們不 是每餐都自己煮,也會去餐廳吃,美國餐廳是需要給小費的,花費就比較大。再 來就是點餐的困擾,每次看著很難懂的菜單都要想很久看很久。 購物 在學校附近有 University mall,是一間小型的購物商場,只要我們下課想逛街買 買東西就可以搭公車來這裡。搭公車繼續坐下去還有鞋店、一元店、冰淇淋 店……。冰淇淋店裡面有好多好多不同口味的冰淇淋,有些店員人很好會拿小杯 子讓你試吃,美國這種冰淇淋店都是用秤重的方式來計算價格。我們還有去一家 小小的店有點類似雜貨店,雖然店小小的不過賣的東西很多很多有來自各個地方 食物但是不便宜就是了,這裡是我們少數可以看到中文的地方。旁邊有間麵包店 每到下午三、四點就會打折,打折完就變好便宜。 運動 這裡有個可以讓我們運動的地方,只要憑 SIU 的學生證就可以進去。裡面有各式 各樣的運動器材跟場地。看到超乾淨、超新的籃球場讓我整個好興奮,大家一起 打籃球笑聲不斷,還有黑人來問我們要不要一起打? 他們好高又很厲害輕輕鬆鬆 就可以灌籃,他們人很好,你失誤了他們並不會說什麼反而一直鼓勵著你,以球 會友的感覺很棒很特別。 出遊 在這一個月我們去了好多好多地方,超人小鎮、瀑布、聖路易、City museum、 落日音樂會、看歌劇……。去 Giant City 登山運動,森林好大好美很像電影裡常 有的場景。國慶日大家一起坐在大大的草皮上聽著樂團表演,看著煙火。第一次 看棒球比賽就獻給 Miners,最後的全壘打好精采。第一次來美國去拜訪了住在 Champaing 的阿姨,我和三個同學一起坐火車去找阿姨,阿姨帶我們去了 Allerton park 這是有個同性戀的故事由來的,裡面的設計都有很深的意涵。 SIU 真的很大很大,裡面有個湖可以讓大家在那裏划船,不僅僅可以運動又可以 賞月。 在這一個月裡體驗到很多不同的東西,交到各個不同國家的朋友,SIU 的老師對 我們都很好,在我們快要離開美國前幾天還幫我們辦了個派對。因為我們小隊裡 有個同學的姊姊之前是來遊學一年有認識某個教會,讓我們有機會去美國的教會 做禮拜,真的跟台灣不一樣。Carbondal 讓我的感覺像個與世隔絕的地方,常常 會有音樂會、樂團演唱等等。讓這裡的人生活很優閒快樂。經過一個月,不管是 廚藝還是功課甚至是運動,我們大家彼此互相學習,了解到各個國家不同的文 化。能有機會體驗美國的大學生活真的很棒。 Group:____ Illinois_______ _29__, 2013 Student ID:_10150056a_________ Date:from _Jun__, __28_, 2013 to _July__, Student Name:__Lin Yen Ching_________ What you has learned: Since long time ago I have this dream of study abroad one day. I really appreciated of the opportunity given by I-Shou University for me to experience college life in the States. The pre- traveling preparation is complicating and exhausting. The school arranged a date bringing us to Taipei for student visa, and that is a kind of thing that you have to experience yourself to understand how hard and how complicated applying visa is. The journey started the next day right after finals in school and packing up back home. I left this familiar homeland with an exciting and nerves mood. Without parents and teachers’ company by my side, everything has to be done by hands of us 12 students. The plane left Taiwan at night., the night views of this beautiful island is such magnificent. We arrived Beijing after few hours were surprised of how immense the airport is. I somehow not used to the food there they are totally not my taste. The morning sky or Beijing is gray as usual, and the sticky feelings in the atmosphere are quite uncomfortable. After a long time of flight we arrived LA at last. After realizing that there is a free Wi-Fi at the airport everyone start calling back to Taiwan for their parents through their phone. After transfer to St. Louis its already 10 o’clock at night, all of us were happy seeing Kevan and Killy bringing our late night snacks. Housing We are living in a dormitory outside of the school. The dorm is a suite of 2 bedrooms with a bathroom, everything we need such as desks and cabinet are all provided. Most of us live in the first floor, there are shared kitchen, and entertaining room with sofas, TVs, and a piano at the first floor. Most of the residents in this dorm are from all over the world and some of them are even teachers rather than students. Studying The first thing we did after arriving the school is exams for grading our English levels. There are 7 levels for total, the higher level you are in means you have better English abilities. The first day of school everyone was excited and was answering questions enthusiastically. This is really uncommon to see in classrooms in Taiwan. The grammar courses are easy comparing to those in Taiwan, probably because of the Taiwanese education system put more effort on training students not in listening but writing, so Taiwanese students have better writing abilities than listening. Food Since we have a public kitchen in our dorm, we were brought to WalMart for some self-cooking food. There are a lot of difference between American and Taiwanese food usually Americans don’t eat rice but potato based food instead, Taiwanese usually have their veggies cooked perfect unlike Americans take salad. Different culture ends up with different living styles, different people from different nations deal with a dish differently, take curry as an example, Indian curry and Taiwanese curry are totally different. Tips are required when eating in restaurants. Shopping There is a mall near the school called the University mall. After class if we want to shop some stuff we can take the bus there. There are more stores located near the mall such as 99-cent stores, shoe stores and frozen yogurt sores. There are a variety of flavors of fro-yos in the fro-yo store. The fro-yos prices are calculated in weights. There is another small grocery store that sells groceries from all over the world even Chinese products. The bakery right next to the grocery store will have a massive discount after 3 pm. Sports There is a gym in the school as long as we have our SIU student ID we are allowed to get in. There are plenty of equipments for us to use in the gym. Everyone was excited seeing the new and clean basketball court. Basketball is a kind of sport to make new friends really easily. Black people there are tall and skillful to play basketball. Making new friends through a sport feels so good and special. Traveling In this month we went to all sorts of places, Superman town, waterfalls, St. Louis, City museum, sunset concerts, opera ....... Go to Giant City Climbing, Forest good great beauty often like movie scenes. National Day with everyone sitting on the grass listening to big band performances, watching the fireworks. First time to see a baseball game on dedicated Miners, the final Grand Slam of good interesting. First came to live in the United States to visit Champaing aunt, my three classmates went by train aunt, aunt took us to the Allerton park this is a story of the origin of homosexuality, which is designed to have a deep implications. SIU is really very big, which has a lake where you can let everyone rowing, not only can they can exercise the full moon. In this month to experience a lot of different things, different countries handed friends, SIU teachers are very good for us, we are going to leave in a few days ago, the United States also helped us to do a party. Because we have a small team of students to visit sister school year until there is an understanding of the Church, let us have the opportunity to go to the U.S. for church services, and Taiwan is really not the same. Carbondal makes me feel like an isolated place, there are often concerts, orchestra concerts and so on. Let the people here live very leisurely pleasure. After a month, whether it is cooking or homework or even a sport, we all learn from each other, understand the various countries and different cultures. Have the opportunity to experience American university life is really great. 2013 義守大學學海心得 團名:美國南伊利諾大學團 學號:10122032A 出團日期:2013 / 6 / 29 to 2013 / 7 / 29 姓名:吳婉寧 中文心得: 6/29 我們學海美國團出發前往南伊利諾大學,第一次搭高鐵的我有點緊張,高 鐵很穩,就像我在日本搭的高速鐵路一樣穩,到桃園的時候因為上來的人 太多,差點就來不及下車嚇死我了。後來順利地搭上飛機前往北京。 6/30 到了北京一切都像悲劇一樣,因為大陸人不喜歡台灣人拿中華民國的護 照,我還因此被海關刁難,最後中國大陸的海關把台胞證用丟的還給我, 就此我對北京印象極差,加上所有的工作人員、飯店人員、司機的態度都 都不是很好,還有北京的空氣品質實在很差,飯店不太乾淨而且也沒水可 以喝,工作人員都在室內抽菸,唯一幸運的是我們巧遇在文藻大學教書的 外籍老師,他因為沒搭上飛機所以被迫停留在北京,他也覺得北京實在太 低水準了他很愛台灣! 6/30 離開北京後飛往洛杉磯的飛機要飛 12 個小時,第一次搭到航行這麼久的飛 機,雖然有點不太適應,可是空姐態度都很好,而且我很喜歡飛機上的餐 點,一路上飛機都很冷,睡得腰酸背痛,終於到了洛杉磯,轉機有點遇到 6/30 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 困難最終還是克服了。 三個小時的飛機飛往聖路易,旁邊坐了一個外國人有點緊張,也是一路冷 冷地睡到目的地。到達時已經是 6/30 晚上 11 點,疲憊的一行人在兩位老師 的熱情接機感動不已,Kevan 和 Kelly 為我們準備了好吃的三明治和礦泉水 汽水,一行人分成兩批各自搭乘校車前往宿舍,到達時已經是清晨 2 點了, 除了疲憊,還是疲憊。 一個人的完美宿舍真的讓我好驚豔,有大大的冰箱和玄關,還有很方便的 雙人共用浴室,一切都完美無瑕,早上 Kevan 老師帶了早餐來給我們,走 了一遭校園便開始考托福測驗,考完後和所有的新生和老師吃了披薩和汽 水當午餐,下午取得考試結果,結果一共分六級,我就位在第六級,下午 考了一個寫作測驗有點難,不太會寫。然後接著我們 12 人的專屬導師 Jen 帶我們去了 Walmart 大採購糧食,晚上和 Kevan 老師去吃了超有特色的餐 廳,老師大方地請客十分感動。 分級後又分班,大家都被分開了,發了課表然後做了一個小小的分組討論, 我被分到都是男生的一組只有我一個女生,有很多沙烏地阿拉伯的、還有 穆斯林、巴西還有一些南美的國家、中國和韓國的同學,明天八點的課真 的是既期待又害怕啊! 第一天開課,寫作課就要我們寫五段的大作文,而且我還不會操作 Apple 的電腦有點丟臉,不過課本是一個麻煩的部分要自己想辦法,然後是核心 課程,是閱讀然後和大家討論,老師都很親切且不嚴肅,但畢竟是最高級 的等級老師會嚴格把關給一位是否給予通過進入大學的分數。 Jen 老師帶我們十二個人到旁邊的商家走走逛逛,還遇到有群人拿著站在路 邊呼籲大家要吃有機食物,然後喝到台灣的奶茶、吃冰淇淋和雞蛋糕。傍 晚的時候去附近的一個大公園和許多美國人在大草坪上看國慶煙火,鄉下 地區的煙火總是和的特別慢,很多人一起相聚看煙火的感覺很棒! 7/5 7/6 7/7 一個乖乖上課的星期五,雖然只有兩節課可是還是像小孩子一樣有點不想 去,而且學校星期五下午一定不會有課,因為穆斯林們要去他們朝聖的地 方膜拜,然後今天終於辦了學生證。 來到美國的第一個美好周末星期六,Jen 帶我們一行人到超人的鎮上和超人 拍照,然後緊接著又到 Paducah 是個很多古董和文藝品的地區,去四處逛 逛,吃到好吃的餐廳但因為時間倉促所以沒有細細品嘗,而且小費的金額 很不好拿捏,最後一站是逛美國人周末都會逛的 Shopping Mall。 星期天的中午我們吃完早午餐之後,就去了 Kroger 生鮮超市採買超大量的 糧食,然後去了自然美麗的 Kincaid Lake 美國人都直接跳下水或在水裡走, 我們怕濕沒帶泳衣所以只能踩踩水,有四階的小瀑布,瀑布的上游是超大 片的,美國人都在裡面游泳,而且我的拖鞋差點就要流到下游去了,好險 卡在石頭上被撿了起來,累了一天明天是上學日。 7/10 連續三天都是上課日,今天下午有 CESL 的 tea time,有免費的餅乾和飲料 可以喝,就是一個可以和三五好友聊天的下午茶時間。然後下午去超市買 東西、逛街,一直到天快黑的時候,回宿舍才發現有免費的晚餐可以吃, 是由一位日本籍的基督教姐姐,她說她體諒我們國際學生,所以每周三都 會帶很多食物來請住在 Ambassador Hall 的同學們吃,真的好感動。 7/11 每週四晚上七點在學校的校園裡有 Sunset Concert,這邊的白天很長,所以 到晚上七點太陽才下山,很有實力的主唱和樂團,聚集的各式各樣的人們, 夫妻超享受的在舞台前面盡情跳舞,一路上到天黑,是個享受的夜晚。 7/12 又到了開心的星期五,下課後大家去學校麥當勞點了漢堡單點,聽說這樣 吃還比套餐便宜。然後就去做 DIY 的 T-Shirt 染色活動,希望我的染出來不 會太難看。晚上七點半,去看了這裏很有名的 Annie 歌舞劇,這是我第一 看現場的歌舞劇,全部都是現場演場、樂隊現場演奏,劇情高潮迭起,歌 聲又好聽,只是冷氣實在太冷了,一切都很美好。 7/13 第二個星期六,中午去吃了超大盤的早午餐,雖然有點貴可是沒吃完還可 以打包回宿舍,一餐幫兩餐吃。吃飽之後 Jen 和她老公帶我們去 Giant City, 是一個超親近大自然的一個巨人的公園,可是因為大家的體力都太差了所 以沒有走到最深處。然後一行人又去冰淇淋店吃冰,緊接著又去看 Southern Illinois Miners 主場的棒球賽,打到 2 比 2 平手還下雨,延長賽最後在 13 局 的時候 Miners 以再見全壘打獲勝,又累又充實的一天。 7/14 星期天,有兩位成大的學生在這邊念書,剛好有認識就開車帶我們大家去 VINE 教會做禮拜,這是我第二次上教會,因為我不是基督徒,所以我是去 體會那種虔誠的感覺的,教會好大有免費的早餐跟咖啡可以喝,還有幼兒 青少年的遊樂房,是個很棒的教會。下午去農場採藍莓,一磅才 1.5$自己 動手採,雖然太陽好大,可是大家都採得很開心又盡興,有得玩又有得吃! 回宿舍的路上還去了一個城堡公園,真的就是一座木製的小城堡,超可愛 的,可是後來下雨有點可惜。 7/15 又是一個慵懶的星期一,就像往常一樣早上八點的課,下課之後我跟妍如 一起去逛街,然後又是收穫滿滿的回宿舍。 7/16 如往常般的上學,可是最近都有小考,然後星期四五要期中考了,要加油! 7/17 今天是星期三,雖然沒有吃到日本人帶來的免費餐點,可是去了學校免費 的保齡球活動,我把第一次打保齡球的經驗奉獻在美國了,重點是還有免 費的披薩和汽水,真的是超棒的一個星期三。 7/18 今天兩隻手都好痠喔,昨天的保齡球太刺激了點。寫作課期中考,我應該 算是很順利地寫完了一篇五段的文章,下課之後因為沒有人要去 Mall,所 以我就自己一個人勇敢的去逛街了,雖然知道這樣有點危險,可是我覺得 是個獨立的鍛鍊。 7/19 終於又到了開心的星期五了,Core 的期中考也考完了,今天下午大家去 Walmart 進行最後一次的糧食大採購,因為最後一周大家決定不一起煮了, 所以要自己處理三餐,十分期待明日的聖路易一日遊。 7/20 一早就和很多 CESL 的同學們搭 大型遊覽車和 Jen、Keven、Denice 等老師們一起去聖路易,路途很 長可是巴西和阿拉伯的同學們 都在車上有說有笑,台灣的我們 顯得十分靜態。抵達聖路易的 Gateway Arch,是美洲東部開通 美洲西部的一個象徵,地底下是 一個博物館,然後還搭拱門內部 的升降機到最高處眺望整的聖 路 易 市 , 不 同 於 鄉 村 的 Carbondale 城市很漂亮。下午就 是逛街逛到腳痠的行程,發現不 管是哪一國人哪種性別,都是會 受購物的吸引的,晚上回家的路 上還下了暴雷雨,不過又是很美 好的一天。 7/21 星期天只有我們台灣的同學在一次前往聖路易市,Jen 和她老公 Otto 和我們 一起去 City Museum,是一個很有創意的美術館,爬上爬下、鑽洞、溜滑梯, 我們真的長大了,不比那些小朋友的靈活了,爬的腰酸背痛,不過很佩服 那些爬戶外的人的勇氣,因為我怕高所以實在很怕進行在半空中爬行的活 動,中午老師帶我們去吃了有點高級的義大利麵餐廳,學會怎麼點餐和給 小費,是愉快的午晚餐。傍晚去了所有人來美國最期待的 Mall 因為可以買 到 Carbondale 沒有的品牌,可是因為星期天購物中心只營業到六點,我們 最多只有一個小時可以 Shopping,當然大家最後是滿載而歸。 7/22 慵懶的星期一,如同往常的上課。下課後和我們室友一起去 Walmart 採購星 期三要請 Jen 和 Keven 吃的晚餐,兩個人負責煮一道菜。晚上的時候,Jen 帶我們去學校裡面的湖划船,因為我怕會翻船,所以我跟室友選的腳踏船, 因為剛好是個滿月的日子,雖然天都黑了看不到湖面,可是天上的滿月真 的是又圓又亮,是個享受的夜晚。 7/23 今天晚上去了 Tom 和他老婆 Terri 的家,因為團員有人有關係所以就認識 了,大家都有準備一些食物去他們家吃飯,包括 Jen 和 Otto,他們家實在大 得嚇人,雖然離市區有點遠,可是我覺得很清淨,而且老夫婦兩人種了好 多蔬果,晚餐也好好吃而且吃好飽,第一次拜訪美國人的家,真的是讓我 大開眼界了。 7/24 今天大家去 University Mall 進行最後一次的採購,因為今天決定要煮晚餐宴 客,對象當然是我們十分感謝的 Jen、Keven、Otto、Kelly,一路上有他們的 協助真的很愉快,大家分組個做一道菜,我這組做的是馬鈴薯泥淋上番茄 肉醬,後來肉有剩,我們突發其想說要炸肉球,都十分成功,而且還有台 灣鹽酥雞的味道,一定是想家了。 7/25 今天受到副主任的邀請去他們家作客,應該說是一個歡送會,他們家還有 彈簧床、排球場和游泳池,很多老師也都有到場,幾個女生在游泳池裡面 狂歡,晚餐也吃很飽、很好吃,大家寒暄歡笑,很感謝男主人和女主人的 招待,也謝謝他們開車接送我們回宿舍,又是一個輕鬆愉快的夜晚。 7/26 最後一天了,下午 Jen 和 Keven 主持了 Farewell Ceremony,大家在大教室裡 面輪流發表感想,就是一個小小的結業式,人雖然不多,可是大家的眼淚 倒是很多,也謝謝兆南很短時間內做了留念短片,小隊長宜妏也準備了一 份很有深度的演講,然後大家拍拍照、聊聊天,有點不捨要離開,可是因 為也想家了,真的是又開心又傷心。 有人問我在美國最大的收穫是什麼,我其實說不出來,不是因為沒學到東 西,而是所有的事物都是我第一次體驗到的,沒坐過長途飛機、沒轉過機、沒去 過北京、第一次到美國和美國學校、一個月的三餐都得自己想辦法、交通也要靠 接駁車、學會在美國超市買東西、學會如何在上課時和老師應對,所有體驗美式 生活的日子沒有一天是不充實的,我幾乎把我很多的「第一次」都奉獻在美國了, 我第一次打保齡球、第一次到棒球場看棒球賽、第一次與美國人在草地上同慶獨 立紀念日,因為是團體生活,所以讓我也接觸到更多不同國家、不同語言的人, 即便是與自己的台灣同學相處,也有很不一樣的感受。 雖然每天上的課,對我來說有點辛苦,因為畢竟我的同班同學都是已經在 學校的英文訓練中心一路升上來的,而且同學也都比我老,上課很勇於發表,我 覺得這除了訓練語言能力外,也大大提升我的自信和勇氣,知道答案就要開口發 表,對於台灣的教育方式來說,美國的體制真的很能增進學習效果。 如果有人邀請我再去一次,我一定會二話不說的就答應,因為在那裡的回 憶至今歷歷在目、永生難忘,一個月的時間讓我們十二人都覺得很短,到了最後 一天都很不想離開,尤其是一路照顧我們的 Jen 和 Keven,他們就像我們在美國 的父母一樣,真的很感激他們。 2013 年 7 月 26 日離開美國 2013 年 7 月 29 日抵達台灣,結束美國之旅 2013 義守大學學海心得(English version) Group:Southern Illinois University Date:from Jun , 29th , 2013 to Jul , 29th , 2013 Student ID:10122032A Student Name:Wu, Wan-Ning What I have learned (English version): 6/29 This is the first time I go to the United State of America. I am so lucky that I have the chance to be chosen by I-Shou University. I was a little bit nervous of taking the high speed rail way. When we all arrived at Taoyuan, there were too many people board on the box cars and I was almost couldn’t get out of the railway carriage. Then we took the shuttle bus to the airport with our luggage. After the baggage check and the security check, we finally left Taiwan to Beijing. 6/30 Three hours later in the midnight at Beijing, we thought everything was very terrible. Chinese customs don’t like the Taiwanese show them the R.O.C passport, therefore, I was asked some difficult questions from the Chinese customs. They even threw the Chinese passport back to me and it makes me felt very upset. The air pollution was also serious. The hotel service and the driver of the hotel shuttle bus’s attitude were not pretty well. People also smoke indoors. Everyone was so tired and felt very bad in China and there even didn’t provide the clean drinking water. Fortunately, we met the foreign professor of the Wenzao University of language and he had the same thought about Beijing and we just encouraged with each other. 6/30 The next day we depart from Beijing to Los Angeles. It was the first time I took a 12 hours flight. Although I felt not very well during the flight, the airhostesses were so nice. I like to eat the meals on the aircraft. It was very cold in the air craft and I get my back pain. Finally we arrived at LA, we had difficult when we were going to transform the flight to St. Louis but we solved it very quickly. 6/30 Another three hours later, we arrived St. Louis at 11 pm. We were thankful that teacher Kevan and teacher Kelly were waiting for us in the airport. Thank to two teachers, everyone got a box of dinner within sandwiches and cookie. We were tired, hungry and thirsty. Twelve of us were separated into two groups and teachers drove us to our dormitory. Due to St. Louis airport is far from Southern Illinois University, we spent about three hours on driving to the Ambassador Hall. Everyone slept in the car after we finished off our sandwiches. Finally we arrived the dormitory at 2am in the midnight. 7/1 A personally perfect room frightened me. There were big refrigerator, a little entrance and double shared bathroom. In the morning, teacher Kevan brought muffins for us as breakfast. After we finished the breakfast, everyone departed the Ambassador Hall to campus. We walked around in the school and had a TOEFL test in order to ability grouping. All the students in Center of English Second Language gathered in the auditorium ate the free pizza and drank the soda. Teachers in the CESL had a brief self introduction on this welcome ceremony. In the afternoon, the result of the test was announced. The result was separated into six levels. Fortunately, I was in the level six. Unfortunately, there was still a writing test in the afternoon. After all tired tests, twelve Taiwan students and our exclusive guide teacher Jan went to Walmart and bought a lot of ingredients. Kevan and Jen brought us to a very special and characteristic restaurant for welcome dinner. With happiness, the meals were paid by teachers and I was thankful to them. 7/2 After we were separated into different levels and we were also divided into different sections. In the first class, teachers handed in the schedules and made all the students in some small groups to discuss with each others. Students learning in CESL came from many different countries, such as Saudi-Arabia, Brazil, some countries of southern Africa, China and Korea. I felt so nervous and curious to meet my formal English school life in America. 7/3 The first class of CESL is writing class and my writing teacher called Ms. Bishop. She asked the class to write a five paragraphs essay about “Art is Life” or “Life is Art”. It was the first time I operate Mac and I didn’t even know how to turn it on. There was a little trouble is that we had to buy the textbook. After the writing class for two hours, we changed the classroom for the core class and my core teacher was called Renata. Core class is a lesson like reading class in Taiwan but there are some very different from Taiwan’s teaching methods. Teacher frequently asked questions to us and we had to comment on what we think. Two teachers were very kind. I was in the highest level in CESL therefore teachers would take care of every students’ learning situation and score of tests. People who pass level six can get into Southern Illinois University to study their professional majors. 7/4 Jen led twelve of us to the street nearby Ambassador Hall and looked around this small down town. We saw there were some people held the slogan board on the sidewalk. They appealed to people to eat the organic food. Then we found a store which sold Taiwan’s unique drink bubble tea. The shopkeepers were Taiwanese couple and they also sold the egg cake from Taiwan. In the evening, Jen and her friend Denice drove us to a big park and listened to the music band with a lots of Americans living in Carbondale. July 4th is the United States Declaration of Independence day. We had McDonald for dinner on the grass and waiting for the firework show at the end of the concert to celebrate July 4th. 7/5 Although there were only two classed on Friday, we still had to go to school. Teacher told us that there weren’t any classes in the afternoon on Friday because 7/6 Muslims usually go to place of pilgrimage to worship. Then, I finally got my student ID card. On the first wonderful Saturday, Jen and Denice drove us to Metropolitan Superman’s town and took picture with a huge superman statue. At noon, we went to Paducah which sold many antiques and art goods. Everyone separated into two small groups took pictures, looked around and ate lunch in the local restaurant. Nevertheless, we didn’t have enough time to taste out meals carefully and we were confused of leaving the tips. Finally, we went shopping mall. 7/7 Everyone woke up in the late morning and we went to eat brunch. After we finished our brunch at 10:30, all of us were driven to Kroger Supermarket by Jen’s school bus. In order to cook the meals every day, we bought lots of foods and ingredients. Then we went to the natural and beautiful Kincaid Lake. Those Americans jumped bravely and swam in the lake. We were afraid of getting wet so some of us just tread the water. There was a huge lake on the top of the four small waterfalls. One of my slippers were flushed by the waterfall but it fortunately stuck on the rock near the bank. 7/10 There is a tea time in the CESL’s hall on every Wednesday. Free cookies and drinks were afforded for students and teachers to enjoy. I took the shuttle bus with ISU’s friends to University Mall. We went shopping until five o’clock in the evening. When we arrived at dormitory, we found that there were free meals for dinner provided in the dining hall. A Japanese woman provided these meals every Wednesday because she thought that international students had hard time in different country from their home. She volunteered to do so and we were very impressed. 7/11 In Carbondale, there is a Sunset Concert on every Thursday evening. The day is longer than night therefore the sun set at 7pm. People gathered and sit in a big grass square listened to the band. I saw a sweet couple dancing in front of the band. We played UNO card, ate potato chips and enjoyed the passion night. 7/12 Finally, it was a happy Friday. After we ended our classes, we tried to buy the meal of McDonald but we only want the burger because we had heard that it would be cheaper than you ordered the whole meal. We went dyeing the t-shirt of Southern Illinois University. At 7:30pm, Jen drove us to watch Annie Musical Show. Is was the first time I watched this kind of musical. Everything was live show, such as the actors and the orchestra. The actors sang wonderfully and the story was touched but the air conditioning is too cold. 7/13 On second Saturday, we ate a big planet of brunch in restaurant nearby Ambassador Hall. Although the meal was a little bit expensive, you could put the rest of your food into the box and brought it back home. Before we went to the ice cream store, Jen and her husband took us to a natural giant park called Giant City. We were so weak therefore we didn’t walk very far. In afternoon, we watched a baseball game. Two teams both got two points and had playoff. The game was finally finished by goodbye homer at about 8:30 and even became raining. 7/14 Two students came from Taiwan individually drove twelve of us to the VINE church to pray. Although I am not a Christian, I am impressed by godliness. After the praying, people could eat the bread and drink the coffee for free. It is a very big church including stadium for teenagers and playing ground for kids. In Afternoon, we picked blueberry in the farm. How many you picked, how much you have to pay. 1.5$ for each pound is cheap. On the way to home, we stopped at a lovely castle park but it became raining so we stayed only few minutes. 7/17 The first time I played bowling ball was in America. It was bowling day on Wednesday this week. Everyone can play bowling ball game for free. There were also free pizza and soda provided by school. I considered every Wednesday was perfect. 7/19 We finally finished our core midterm exam. Twelve of us decided to buy the ingredients and foods for the last week. I was expect to go to St. Louis next day. 7/20 In the early morning, all the students in CESL took the school bus with teachers Jen, Keven and Denice to St. Louis for a happy holiday. Carbondale is far from St. Louis so it took three hours to get to there. The Saudi-Arabia students and Brazil students sang together in their mother language. The first place we arrived is the famous Gateway Arch which is a symbol of open of America east and west. Under the Gateway Arch, there was a museum. People could take the lift inside the arch to the top of it. I look into the distance from a high place. Then all the students in CESL went shopping. My legs were tired because of shopping. On the way home, everyone slept on the school bus. Unfortunately, it rained cats and dogs in Carbondale and thundering frequently. It was an unforgettable day. 7/21 We went to St. Louis again on Sunday morning. Jen and her husband Otto drove us to City Museum which is a creative playground. The facilities look like jungle and you have to climb up or down to another mystery area. Due to we were too old and too tall to go through every hole and cave, some of us got wounded with our knees. At lunch time, Jen took us to a senior pasta restaurant she recommended. Teacher taught us how to order the meal and pay the tips. The last place was the shopping mall again. We didn’t have enough time to choose the favorite goods because we arrived at 5pm and the mall closed at 6pm on Sunday. Nevertheless we still bought lots of clothes and left the mall with big smile. 7/22 On a lazy Monday, I took the shuttle bus with my roommates to Walmart to buy the ingredients which we were going to cook on Wednesday. We decided to separate into six teams and each people should make a dish for Jen and Keven on Wednesday night. Jen took us to the lake in the school. We could row boat or pedal boat. I chose the pedal boat with my roommate because I was afraid of capsize. Although it was very dark on the lake, the full moon was bright and clearly visible. We all enjoyed the wonderful night. 7/23 We went to an old and sweet couple’s house. Tom and Terri own a big farm and we had the dinner with them, Jen and Otto. We also prepared our meal for them so everyone was full. It was the first time I visit the traditional American house. 7/25 We accepted the invitation of the deputy director to have dinner at her house. The other teachers also took place with us. Everyone took pictures with each others and some girls swam in the pool. The meals were great and teachers were nice. I had a good time at their but I was a little reluctant to leave on Saturday. 7/26 Jan and Keven held a farewell ceremony on the last day in Southern Illinois University Carbondale. We gave a short speech to thank everyone who had assisted us during the days in Carbondale. After the speeches, Chao-Nan made a short film which was recorded by us. Everyone cried at the end of the video. Finally, I got the certificate of completion. Before we left the classroom, we ate the cup cake and drank the juice together. We gave hugs to teachers and took pictures as souvenir. I choked back my tears and kept smile because I would miss everything in America. Everything I experienced in America has big different from Taiwan. I can tell that lots of things I have done are the first time, such as taking the long-haul aircraft, transit the airplane, go to Beijing, studying with students came from many different countries, making the meals, talking to Americans and purchasing ingredients in supermarket etc. The days in Carbondale are substantial and pleasant. Although I still had to go to school in America, it was a special experience to me. My English ability is not as better as those students who had studied for a long time in SIUC so there are some oral problems in the class. In addition, I am too shy to answer the teacher’s questions. To encourage myself, I just did my best in the class time. I hope I would have a chance to go to America again. I will never forget the memory in Carbondale and I usually tell my story to the other friends in Taiwan. At last, I want to thank to Teacher Jen and Keven who are just like our parents in America. I miss SIUC and people who had accompanied with us. 團名:_美國團__________ 出團日期:2013 / 6_/ _29_/ to 2013 /7 / 31/ 學號:___10155011A_______ 姓名:_王于娟__________ 心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得: 2013 七月底,就這樣搭上美國航空國內線,離開了我們生活一個月的地方, 離開 SIU、離開 AMBASSADOR、離開語言學校的同學、離開 Carbondale。在飛機 上,我開始回想起我們在美國的一切…… 在六月二十九日,義守美國遊學團十二個人,我們就這樣搭上飛機前往-美國。 那是一個我從沒到過的陸地,我既興奮又期待,但在這之前,我們先到了北京住 當地的過境旅館做一個轉機的動作。到達北京的時候已經是大概晚上十一點多 了,一片漆黑、整個空氣都濯濯的,說實在真的是有點恐怖,在接駁車上,又遇 到司機跟別的車子的司機互罵,車上的乘客全都傻眼,就這樣我們在北京過了一 晚。 之後我們花了將近整整二十四小時的時間才到達聖路易,由於這次沒有帶隊老 師領導我們,所以包括轉機、登機、入出境,通通 by ourselves,這是一個很新 鮮的體驗,讓我們學習更為獨立。經過一番的折騰,我們到了聖路易的機場,當 時已經是美國的時間將近半夜了,就在我們煩惱該如何在茫茫人海中找到幫我們 接機的人時,Kevin 和 Kelly 兩位老師就拿著牌子上面寫著義守大學,在異國看到 熟悉的字眼突然覺得好感動,兩位老師熱情的和我們打招呼,一上車就給了我們 餐盒跟飲料,由於我們沒有想到國內線的飛機上面沒有提供餐點,我們一行人早 已餓了肚子多時,我當下的感覺只覺得老師好像天使,他們帶了食物來拯救我 們。一打開餐盒裡面放著兩個巨大三明治與一片手工餅乾,到美國的第一餐,果 然很「美國」 ,我大口大口的品嘗覺得好滿足,在車上我們與老師們用英文交談、 介紹台灣、瞭解我們之後的行程,然後就到了我們之後要住的公寓-ambassador hal。一進門,就有好幾個看起來很熱情的同學在客廳邊看電視邊尖叫著,看著 他們瘋狂的行為,我知道,我未來的一個月會很精采。 在這一個月,我到了我們班 level4,認識了好多個阿拉伯同學,也去了解他 們的文化,在課堂中我感覺到,東方人真的過於害羞,班上的同學都很勇於發表 自己的意見,就算是很簡單的問題,他們也不會怕丟臉,勇於提問,當老師問問 題時,也都會搶著要回答,我覺得這是我最要像他們學習的地方。 在這一個月,帶我們這團的老師,Jen 他利用假日的時間帶我們到處去玩, 像是去超人小鎮、去 shopping、去野餐、去瀑布、去爬山、去看棒球賽,甚至是 去 city museum,這是一個很特別的博物館,他用廢棄物做成大大小小的遊樂設 施,讓我們好像重回孩童的時光,我們這些巨大孩童,在博物館裡面爬上又爬下 的,玩了各式各樣的溜滑梯,也看到馬戲團表演。美國,真的是一個很懂得享受 生活的國家,每個禮拜的禮拜四,一定都會有露天音樂會,大家帶著餅乾零食、 餐巾布和一些益智遊戲,邊聊天邊看夕陽編沉浸在美妙的音樂當中,多不享受阿! 在這一個月,我們盡量去親身體驗美國生活,只要下課一有空,我們就會到 附近的店家去尋寶,看有什麼特別的食物阿或者特別的店家,只是,它們都脫離 不了高熱量的飲食,其中,最讓我念念不忘的就是美國自助式的冰淇淋店,它可 以自己選擇喜歡的冰淇淋口味和想要擠多少,甚至更可以選自己喜歡的糖果餅乾 或者水果來做搭配,重點是,比台灣便宜好多。另外在大吃大喝之餘,我們也去 體驗學校的健身房,由於費用是含在我們的學費裡面,當然要好好去給他利用一 下囉!美國的健身房,好大好豪華,地板乾淨到會發光,也有各式各樣的健身用 品跟球類運動,由其是壁球這在台灣是看不到的,他跟網球有點像,只不過是對 著牆壁打,我們也會跟外國人打打籃球,常常在健身房不知道絕一個下午就過了。 在這一個月,我們義守遊學團的 12 個夥伴們,我們分工合作,如果不是特 別的日子,我們就分組來合做準備三餐,做漢堡、炒飯、湯麵、包水餃、三明治……, 經過這一個月的洗禮,我們每個都都要成為小當家了,說實在的,好懷念那種, 大家一起到大型超市採購食材,分組構想可以煮神麼,有一種像家人的感覺,在 廚房裡,我們不僅學到了廚藝,也用中國菜結交到了不少好朋友,我們跟其他國 家的朋友會乎相交流自己國家的食物,像我就用炒飯打遍天下,他們甚至還說我 之後當廚師一定會賺大錢。另外我也常到一位印度朋友製作的印度咖哩,跟在台 灣吃到的日本咖裡不一樣,它可是道道地地的印度咖哩,超級辣,搭配上優格中 和掉他的辣度,真的是人間美味。 在這一個月,我們放開自己,到處去跟外國朋友聊天談話,它們都說台灣人 很 nice 和 friendly,看來我們有做好良好的國民外交。在最後一天,我們都哭了, 我們捨不得總是鼓勵我們給我們力量的老師、我們捨不得天真活潑的同學、我們 捨不得我們一起走過的這一個月,我們捨不得好不容易才剛熟識的朋友就得要分 開,謝謝你們給我這真貴的回憶,這一段時光我會一直放在腦好裡,也謝謝義守 遊學團給了我這個機會可以到美國體驗當地的文化。 照片 Group:___USA________ Date:from _6, _29, 2013 to 7, 31_, 2013 Student ID:____10155011A______ Student Name:____王于娟_______ What you has learned(1500 words)_english version: This summer, I went to America by scholarship. This is my first time to take the long trip flight, I was so excited. First day of our trip, we had to transit at Beijing, the air is so terrible that I really want to leave. The next day, we spent nearly a twenty four hours to reach St. Louis, and this trip doesn’t have teacher by us, including transfers, boarding, entry and exit, all by ourselves, this is a precious experience to make us learn be more independent. The first day of our American life is full of test which in order to make a distinction with our English proficiency. After the test, I knew that I was put on level 4, and I went into my class, in front of my sight is about 15 people who comes from different country. I really had a great class with my classmates, I not only met a good number of Arab students, but also understood their culture, in the classroom, I knew that Asians are really too shy and other classmates are very brave to express their points , even if it is a very simple question, they are always not to be afraid of asking questions, when the teacher asked the question, they will strive to answer, I think I have to learn it more. In this month, the teacher of our group, Jen, he used to bring us to go out, like going to Superman’s town, going shopping, going for picnic, going to the waterfalls, going hiking, going to baseball games, and even going to city museum which is a very special museum, it was made of waste, large and small rides. At that place, we seem to back our child's time, we climbed up and down, played a wide variety of slides in the museum, even though saw the American circus. It is really amazing and I never seen that before. America is really a country of knowing how to enjoy life, every Thursday, our school will held a concert, we just take biscuit snacks, cloth napkins and some puzzle games, chat while watching the sunset immersed in the wonderful series music. In this month, we do our best to experience American life, as long as we have a free class, we'll go to a nearby store and explore special food or special stores. We found that American food can’t break away high calorie. My favorite store is an ice cream store where I can choose my favorite ice cream flavors and control how much I want , even more it can choose candies ,cookies or fruit to add inside. In Taiwan, this kind of ice cream is more expensive and less. In these time, we even go to supermarket to shopping. We bought much food to our diet like noodles, juice, bread , pork, chicken, lots of vegetable and so on. After going supermarket shopping, we back to our apartment to prepare our dish and even making friend with Chinese food. I met a Indian, I cook fried rice for him and he praise me that I am a good cook and he really like my dish. The last day of I staying in America, he cook Indian curry for me, it is really spicy but it really delicious which I never forget that favor. In addition, eating and drinking a lot of American food, we even try to experience the school's gym. America's gym is really luxurious .The floor is too clean to be shining , there are varieties of fitness products, we play basketball , table tennis, body Machine and treadmill , we really feel so lucky to experience this. In this month, the 11 partner of our I-SHOU group, we have a division of labor, if not a special day, we grouped together to prepare meals, making burgers, fried rice, noodles, dumplings, sandwiches ......, after this month's baptism, each of us will have to become small masters, and tell the truth, I really miss that, we went to the supermarket purchasing food, grouping ideas can be boiled to God, there is a feeling like family in the kitchen , we not only learned cooking, also used to make a lot of Chinese food good friends, we are friends with other countries will almost phase alternating their country foods, such as fried rice I used hot topic, they even said I, after when the chef will make money. In addition, I also often made to an Indian curry Indian friends, eat in Taiwan, Japan, with coffee inside is not the same, but it is round after round to Indian curry, super spicy, with the yogurt in and out of his spiciness, really delicious world. In this month, we open ourselves to talk to foreign friends everywhere, chat conversations, they say Taiwanese very nice and friendly, it seems we have to do a good citizen diplomacy. On the last day, we cried, we could not bear always encourages us to give us the strength of the teachers, we could not bear lively students, we could not bear this month, we traveled together, we just could not bear to finally have to close friends separately, thank you for giving me this really expensive memories, this period of time I would have been better placed in the brain, but also Xiexie Yi Shou study tour gave me this opportunity to experience the local culture of the United States. Photo 團名 名:美國南 南伊利諾⼤學 學團 出團日期 期:2013 / 06/29/ to 20013 / 07/29 9/ 學號 號:101520 015A 姓名:姜 姜宜妏 心得 得(1500 字以 以上)_中文心得: 現在整 整理起相機 機裡滿滿的 的照片與回 回憶,回想 想著暑假那 那短短一個 個月 在一 一國的見聞以及體驗,那些 些都是我無 無法取代的 的特別經歷 歷。 美國,對 對我來說並不陌生 生。小時候 候,父母就 就為了替我 我的英語打 打下 良好 好的基礎,暑假一有 有空,就送 送我和妹 妹妹兩個人 人去美國的 的語言學校 校學 習。 。今年這趟 趟美國遊學 學之旅雖 雖已是我第 第5次入境 境美國,出 出發前卻還 還是 難掩 掩興奮。因 因為這次真 真的是全 全部事情都 都要自己面 面對,不像 像過去幾次 次出 國都住在親戚家裡。要學會自己處理生活中所有可能會發生的處境, 食、衣、住、行甚麼都要適應,學會獨立。 行李,說真的不要帶很多東西,因為回來的時候你會後悔的。問 問其他隊友就知道了,7/28那天抵達桃園機場時的狼狽樣我至今 還記得很清楚。幾乎每個人都是左手抱著一大包薯片,右手拎著一個 拉鍊都快拉不上行李袋,肩上再加一個沉甸甸的後背包,不知道的人 還以為我們是難民呢。最後領取託運行李時更不用說了,有同學的行 李你讓它立著沒過多久,它就自己倒下來了。因此聽我的一句忠告, 只要帶上4,5套衣服、梳洗用具、電腦、相機、文具用品這樣就夠 了。防曬油、雨傘、吹風機這類東西自己斟酌。其餘的都是奢侈品! 不要以為遊學團就是去美洲大陸吃喝玩樂的,我們義守遊學團不跟外 面英語專業機構的遊學團同流合汙。去四個禮拜,一個禮拜7天中有 5天要上課,2天帶你們去看看外面的花花草草,體驗美國人的周末 是怎麼度過的,僅此而已。一個月的時間說長不長,說短不短,卻留 給了我們終生難忘的美好回憶。 雖說我出國經驗是足夠的,可是擔任小隊長這一項工作卻是我沒 有甚麼自信能夠做好的。以前去美國的時候只有我和妹妹兩個人,而 且中途只在日本轉一次機。但是這次要帶上11個人,人數一多我就緊 張了,再加上中間還要在北京、洛杉磯轉機,深怕一個不小心就把幾 個人忘在了當地的機場。幸好隊友們都很配合,有幾個還會幫我分擔 工作,讓我安心了不少。在這裡我要特別提醒一點,從桃園飛往北京, 北京飛往洛杉磯皆為國際航線,其中不會出甚麼大問題,可是從洛杉 磯飛往聖路易這段航程中,就變成是國內航線了。因此在洛杉磯機場 要記得從國際航廈換到國內航廈,可搭乘機場內的航廈接駁車,以節 省時間。那天我就是忘了,帶著一群人像無頭蒼蠅一般在機場裡跑來 跑去,還好有好心人告訴我們怎麼去國際航廈,不然就真的趕不上飛 機了。抵達聖路易的時候,已經是晚上10點半了。原本擔心SIU的接 待老師會跟去年學長姐說的一樣晚到1,2個小時,其實不然,熱心的 Kevin 和 Kelly 早就拿了牌子在機場等候我們了,還很貼心地幫我 們準備了Lunch Box。從機場坐車到SIU大概要2個小時,所以到我們 住的地方已經是當地時間凌晨一點了。分配好房間後,各自帶著疲乏 的腳步打開房門,卻被眼前的景象震驚到瞌睡蟲都趕跑了,從小到大 從沒看過這麼棒的宿舍。一個人一個房間,雖然是兩個人共用一個浴 室,但是也很簡潔大方,房間內除了衣櫥、床、桌椅外,居然還有雙 門冰箱,當時心裡真的很感激義守大學給了我這樣難得的機會來美國 遊學。 美國人吃的食物真的跟我們亞洲人很不一樣,他們幾乎三餐都像 是吃麥當勞一樣。幾次老師到我們到外面餐廳用餐,都必須面對整張 都是英文的菜單,而每餐吃到都跟漢堡、三明治、薯條、披薩、可樂 這類東西脫不了干係。美國人的口味不是太甜就是太鹹,幸好老師有 時會帶我們到賣場,買一個禮拜所需要的糧食。我們通常都會買牛奶、 麵包、水果、馬鈴薯及一些微波食品。美國的大型超市裡的微波食品 種類真的很多,各種飯、千層麵等等,都是做成微波的或是可以用烤 箱烤的,一般人只要直接買回去,放在微波爐裡不到三分鐘,就可食 用了,或許就像美國的速食文化一樣吧。他們講求的是快速,且能吃 飽的,不全然吃的是健康的。 SIU校園很大,大概是義守大學本部的20倍大,而且校園內的綠 化、環境也維護得很好,當地的人也都很熱情。每天要走15-20分鐘 的路程到語言中心(CESL)上課,途中穿越馬路時,若是有來車對方 都會停下來讓你先過,相比較這點台灣就差得很遠了。在CESL上課 都會學到學習英文的技巧—聽、說、讀、寫,而且上課的方式完全是 美式教育,不像這邊老師上課只要求你背下來。美國老師比較要求你 能理解運用,就是要懂得融會貫通,另外他們在思想上也比較開放, 會給學生很多自由的空間,在課堂上常常會丟出一堆問題要我們來討 論,一節一個小時的課,其中有40分鐘都是學生在負責說話,他不管 你的觀點是對或錯,只要你能發言,流暢而清楚的表達自己的立場, 這樣就是很不錯的了。另外班上也有很多來自不同國家的同學,像是 有日本、泰國、沙烏地阿拉伯、中國、伊拉克,和他們一起上課不僅 能學到一些他們國家的語言,還能深入了解不同的國家文化。每堂課 都有不同的收穫和驚喜,當然功課也不少。尤其像是我被分到的Level 7,是研究所等級的,若是完成這一級別的課程並且通過最終的大考, 就可以申請美國當地的研究所。到了這個level的同學,很多都是從 Level 1 這樣一路念上來的,因此他們所累積的學習經驗相對比我們 多,口語表達能力也不會像我在發言時還會因為想不到單辭而口吃, 他們大多都能在老師提出問題後立即給予簡明準確的回應,這一點是 我最令我羨慕的。我們從小在台灣所接受的英語教育,無非就是閱讀 和寫作,在聽以及說的部份就比較不那麼重視。這次遊學一個月的期 間裡,在外都需要用英語交流。雖然只有一個月的學習時間,我卻覺 得這一個月內,聽力與口說的進步範圍比我在國內學一年英語都來得 大。果然,學習語言這種東西,環境還是最重要的。 一個月的時光真的很快,這次去美國一趟,真的發現很多亞洲人 和美國人之間的差異,我覺得美國人很有禮貌而且十分主動,他們總 是把「Excuse me」「I am sorry」「Have a nice day」掛在嘴邊, 而且遇到陌生人總是很主動的跟你聊天,還有買東西時,店員會在我 們一進入門口時就問候我們「How are you」,結帳時也會跟我們說 「Good choice」。在美國的這一個月內,我體會到其實互相尊重以 及大膽開口的實驗結果, 無論在何處當你能夠大膽開口詢問時,你便 踏進了獲得新知的大門,同時因為你的大膽你會員或者體驗到別人所 不能體驗的經驗,再來尊重是最重要的事。無論在哪裡我們夠應該保 持這相互尊重的態度,當你對別人好是別人也會有同樣的回饋,冒犯 別人時不用怕說對不起,想表達感謝時也能鼓起勇氣說出謝謝。美國 人對自己很有自信,不太會去在乎別人的眼光,也很享受自己的生活, 我想有機會,我還是會想再來美國唸書的。當然也感謝學校願意提供 獎助金讓我們去海外遊學。現在回想暑假在美國的那一個月,總覺得 那一切的一切變得好遙遠,似是非真,就像夢一場,但我相信其實那 一個月裡發生的事情大家都早已刻劃在心中,是怎麼抹也抹不去的美 好回憶。 I have never thought I could ever win the scholarship to go abroad. So thanks to I-Shou University for providing me this golden opportunity, I really appreciated. Even though I have been to the United States for a couple times, still, this journey can be described as ‘extraordinary’. Because this time, I have to count on my own for everything. I have to cook、do the laundry and go to the supermarkets all by myself, which I used to depending on my parents. Therefore, this journey is truly a life-changing experience. Our classes vary from each other. If your grades are higher, you will be distributed to higher level. And of course, you will have much more homework than others and you really need to study harder so as not to get fall behind the class. Usually, take mine for example, I have speaking course in the morning and speaking & writing course in the afternoon, which are extremely difficult. At first I was so frustrated that I even want to give up the course, especially when seeing my classmates are all aggressive and confident in the subject. But then, Jen knew about this and she had a little talk with me over the situation. I could still recall that she once said, ‘When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.’ What she said strike me, and I thought she was completely right. I have came all the way from Taiwan to the US to study English, and I should just give up like this? Of course not. Hence, I kept holding on and studied hard. And eventually, my English writing & speaking improved much more than I expected. Sometimes, our tutor Jen and Kevin take us out for dinner. At the beginning, it was hard for us to order meals for lunch or dinner. All we could do just put our finger on the menu, and said “I want this one.” But, one week later, we could ask more detail about the meals from the waiter, or let him show us what the special in their restaurant is. I think this is a great improvement on my conversation than before. This part is difficult to practice in Taiwan, because we do not have environment like that. At the last week, my classes were beginning to wrap up. I started to think of all the gifts and souvenirs I still need to get for people. I wanted to see and take advantage of everything I can with the time I have left. As you can imagine, all of us went crazy shopping. The time has finally come. That time where I stop counting the days I have been here, and begin counting the days until I go home. It is difficult to think of what it will be like to pack, say goodbye, and board a plane back to Taiwan. We absolutely miss our friends and families, but it is just so sad to say goodbye to all these helpful American friends and farewell to the wonderful life we have just get used to. Many of us kept silence on the way to the airport, I guess it’s the sadness to leave this amazing country with beautiful memories that make us feel like crying. And we did cry like hell at the airport, even for someone who are not that emotional. My thoughts wondered back to the day we first arrived, I phoned my family sobbing that I missed them so much. But now, I am crying for leaving my American family—Jen and Kevin. They are very very friendly. Though we didn’t see them on every weekdays, they would still ask us how’s class going on and keep contact us with e-mails. They also put a lot of effort into planning our schedules. Unfortunately, like all good things, it had to come to an end. And what we had this summer, is the best thing that has ever happened in my college life, I think. 6/29 抵達北京機場 團名:___南伊利諾大學___ 學號:_ 10024021A_____ 出團日期:2013 / 06 / 28 / to 2013 / 07 / 29 / 姓名:_ 陳妍如_____ 心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得: 當初是抱著嘗試的心態去報考學海獎學金的,而當名單公布時,我真的覺得 自己好幸運,也很感謝學校提供這麼棒的機會讓我一圓留學的夢想,也讓我們一 行人增廣自己的視野以及體驗不同的文化。 出發當天爸爸和媽媽送我到高鐵站,隨著時間越來越接近集合時間,大家也 都陸陸續續的出現,旅行團的阿姨也告訴我們一些要注意的時間。到了發車時 間,大家和家人道別,坐上高鐵前往桃園國際機場。 我抱著期待又興奮的心情準備這趟旅程,我們先到北京國際機場準備轉機, 因為時間的關係我們必須過夜,雖然沒有時間能好好欣賞北京,但也算是一個很 特別的經驗,隔天我們飛往洛杉磯準備第二次的轉機,這次搭乘的是國內線,飛 往聖路易,到達的時候已經很晚了,看到來接我們的 Kevan 和 Kelly 大家真的都 好開心,一行人拖著疲憊的身軀準備再搭車前往目的地 Carbondale,上車前,貼 心的 Kevan 準備了一個好大的餐盒跟飲料給我們,我到現在都還記得,餐盒裡有 兩個超大的火雞肉三明治和一塊手掌大的餅乾,大家真的是餓壞了,上車馬上就 開動了。抵達我們的宿舍已經凌晨一點多了,Kevan 簡單交代一些事情,並且告 訴我們明天一早會陪我們一同前往學校。我一進到我的房間,真的是驚訝的好幾 秒,因為真的太棒了,有好大的冰箱,還有一張又軟又舒服的床。 在 CESL 上課的方式和台灣有很大的差異,CESL 採取小班制並且依英文程度 分班,一個班級大約十幾個人左右。我的班上總共有十四位學生,很幸運的班上 有兩位大陸生,在溝通方面他們也幫了我很多忙。我的班上總共有三位老師,Core 的老師─Stacie,她真的是一位非常棒的老師,她要求我們課堂上不可以講自己 國家的語言,必須全部都用英文才會進步,上課的時候也都會隨機分組,讓我們 一起討論課本內容,以及對一個議題的想法,每個人都必須開口說英文來參與討 論以及回答問題,對於很少開口用英文回答問題的我,必須鼓起勇氣嘗試與突 破,雖然一開始很緊張,但久而久之也習慣用英文回答問題和打招呼,對於我的 英文聽力和口說也有很大的幫助。三位老師都喜歡我們分組討論以及表達自己的 想法,並且大聲的說出自己的答案或想法,老師們都會鼓勵我們,藉由這種上課 方式,不但可以激發自己對於問題的思考力,也訓練自己的表達能力,也能聽聽 每個人對於同一件事不同的看法,用英文去理解也是一個很新的體驗。 每周三下午,是 CESL 的 Tea time 時間,會提供免費的餅乾和飲品供師生食 用,大家可以一邊享用食物及飲料,一邊開心的聊天,同學和老師、同學和同學, 都可以透過這樣的活動拉近彼此的關係。而每個禮拜四的晚上會有 Sunset Concert,每周會有不同的樂手在 SIU 或是附近的公園演奏,很多都是全家人前往 一同欣賞,有些人玩著紙牌、小遊戲,有些人坐在沙發上靜靜聆聽,小朋友們則 是聚在一起玩樂,那是一個很放鬆很悠閒的時刻。CESL 也會安排一些特別的活 動讓學生參與,像是保齡球之夜,大家在傍晚時間到學校的保齡球館,CESL 提 供 Pizza 以及汽水給參加的人,大家不但飽餐一頓還痛快地打了好幾次的 Strike! 平常一到五我們一行人都有各自的課要上,閒暇之餘會搭公車在 Carbondale 逛街和探險,Carbondale 的公車跟台灣很不一樣,他分成幾條路線,每個路線都 是一小時一班,就是如果你 15:34 分在 Walmart 下車,你在 16:34 分的時候到公 車站牌那邊就會等到下一班車,有時候錯過了就只好再等一小時了!假日的時 候,專門帶我們的老師-Jen,會安排各種有趣的行程帶我們出去玩。上課兩天就 碰到美國的國慶日,所以放假,Jen 帶我們在市區附近晃了一圈,發現好多新的 店面,我們還喝了台灣人開的珍珠奶茶店,老闆很可愛,以前的學海團也有來過, 還吃了好吃的冰淇淋,Jen 也介紹了很多她覺得不錯的店給我們,雖然正中午去 逛有點熱,接著回家休息一下,下午我們就去聽草地音樂會,本來要看棒球比賽 的,可惜取消了。草地音樂會很多人,還有 Jen 的朋友 Denice 也跟我們一起去, 大家一起玩 UNO 超有趣,也拍了很多好玩的照片,最後有漂亮的煙火,跟台灣 的小小不同。 第一周的周末 Jen 開車帶我們去逛超人小鎮,然後去充滿藝術氛圍的街道, 吃了不錯的美式午餐跟冰淇淋,還逛了一個很大的 shopping mall。第二天則是去 了一個很棒的瀑布野餐,見識到了美國人很自然的一面,瀑布的源頭有點像是蓄 水池,很多人都攜家帶眷來玩,慵懶的躺在充氣墊上,自由自在的浮在水面感覺 好舒服。第二周周末 Jen 帶我們去 Giant City 健走,感覺就像一個森林公園,裡 面保留了很多大自然的風貌,我們也都有運動到。接著則是去欣賞獨立聯盟的比 賽─Miners,過程中有小小飄雨,但也讓我們幸運地看到了彩虹跟霓,最後是以 一支再見全壘打畫下完美句點。第二天我們早上去教會,跟台灣的教會感覺不太 一樣,唱的詩歌有一種鼓舞人心的感覺,我們也在教會認識了一位當地人─Tom 和他的太太 Terry,他們邀請我們下次到他們家作客。結束了教會後,Jen 帶我們 去藍莓果園採藍莓,真的好新鮮好好吃,因為是沒有噴灑農藥的果園,所以有邊 採邊吃,果園老闆也非常親切。 SIU 裡面有一個很棒的 Recreation Center,有點像是運動中心,裡面很大,有 籃球場、游泳池、壁球室、跑步機、攀岩牆,還有很多各式各樣的運動器材,可 以讓我們在下課或是閒暇時間,來這裡運動保持身體健康,游泳池還有跳水板, 可惜我們來的時候正好在整修。有一次我們一群人約打籃球,還和韓國人跟其他 國家的人一起打球,是一個很難得的經驗。SIU 的校園很大也很美麗,有好多學 院,音樂學院的外觀很像城堡,每天上學經過都忍不住多看一眼,當然也有拍照 留念。每天在校園最常遇到的就是可愛的松鼠,還記得第一次看見牠是從垃圾桶 裡跳出來的,嚇了大家好大一跳,也常會看見牠們在草地上走走停停的可愛模樣。 在 CESL 有來自各地人,也很幸運認識一位很好的台灣人,他來自台北,對 於同是台灣人的我們很照顧,也替我們解決了很多問題。我們也在 Kevan 和 Jen 的安排下,聽了一場當地很有名的音樂劇─ Annie。還有體驗了划船,就在我們 學校的湖!我第一次聽到學校有湖的時候真的好驚訝,因為真的太吸引我了,划 船的那天正好是滿月,大家很愜意地在船上賞月,不過划船其實沒想像中的輕鬆。 最後一周我們去了 Tom 的家,體驗了美國家庭的生活模式,Tom 家好大, 有一片玉米田,還有一個池子可以釣魚,Terry 的手藝真的超棒,即使肚子很飽 了還是令人會想再吃一口。我們也受邀到了 Director 的家,也是讓我們好喜歡, 有沙灘排球場、游泳池,還有一些小玩具,真的都很棒。也讓我感受到美國人的 熱情,還記得有一次我們幾個人迷路,向一位美國人問路,問完她還開送我們回 家,真的是非常感謝她。 我們在 CESL 的最後一天有一場結業式,學校會頒發證書給我們,指導我們 的老師說的每句話,都讓我非常感動,我們每個人也都有站起來發表感言,當時 真的很希望能再待久一點,對於他們的感謝真的很多很多。我也好感謝美國團的 十二位朋友們,一個月下來大家感情都增進了不少,大部分人來自不同的科系, 有緣聚在一起,一起創造了一個屬於我們十二個人美國回憶。 結束這趟美國冒險,增長了不少想法,世界很大,我只去了美國中部的一個 小鎮,未來我也想去嘗試、去體驗更多不同國家的風俗民情。這真的是我人生旅 途中難忘的一個回憶。 照片 Group:_Southern Illinois University_ Date:from 6 , 29 , 2013 to 7_, 29_, 2013 Student ID:_10024021A_ Student Name:_Yen Ju, Chen__ What you has learned(1500 words)_english version: I was not expecting to get the scholarship when I first applied for it. Then when the results came out, I think I was so lucky! I want to say thanks to my school for offering this opportunity so that I was able to complete my dream: studying abroad. It helps us to enhance our view and also experience different cultures. I prepared for this journey with excitement and expectations. First, we arrived at Beijing International Airport for transit. Then we flew to Los Angeles for the second transit. At Los Angeles, we took domestic route to Saint Louis. It was very late when we got there. We were so happy to Kevan and Kelly, who picked us up in Saint Louis. The class we had at CESL was very different from what we had in Taiwan. First, they separate student into different classes according to English Proficiency. The class was small, there were only less than twenty people in one class. There are fourteen students in my class. I was very lucky to have two Chinese students who helped me a lot in communication in English. There were three teachers in my class. One is called Stacie, who teaches the core course. She asked us not to speak our own language but English in class, that way we could improve. She sometimes divided us into several groups for discussing the content in our textbooks or our opinions toward one specific issue. Everyone had to speak English, participated the discussion and answering questions. I took a lot of courage and effort, since I seldom answering questions in English. I was very nervous but I got used to it. It helped my speaking and listening skills very much. Every Wednesday afternoon is the Tea time gathering at CESL. There were free cookies and drinks for teachers and students. We could enjoy the food and drinks as chatting with teachers or classmates. It brought us together and we got closer to each other. Also, there was a Sunset Concert every Thursday evening. Musicians performed at SIU or the park nearby. You could see families enjoyed the music. Some played cards or small games, others sat on the sofa relaxing. Children played together. It was very relaxing. CESL also arranged many special activities for students. Such as bowling nights, people came to the bowling center in campus. CESL provided Pizza and soft drinks for participants. We enjoyed the food and “getting strikes”. During weekends, our teacher, Jen, would plan different interesting activities for us. She took us to a small town at the first weekend. First day, we wandered around the artistic street, had an Americano lunch and ice-cream then went to a shopping mall. Next day, we had a wonderful picnic near a waterfall, witnessing the very natural side inside Americans. Second weekend, she took us jogging at Giant City at the first day, it looked like a forest park with lots of beautiful natural sceneries. Then we went to see the Miners game. Next day, we went to a church, it felt different compare to the church in Taiwan. After visiting the church, Jen took us to a blueberry orchard to pick some blueberries. It was so fresh and delicious. Since the orchard was pesticide-free, we just picked the blueberries and ate it once. The owner was very friendly. There was a great Recreation Center in SIU. The center was very big. It was kind of like gym. There were basketball court, swimming pool, squash court, running machine, rock-climbing wall and so many different equipment and facilities. It allowed us to exercise after school or during free times, keep us healthy. It was a pity that the swimming pool was on renovation. One time, we played basketball with Koreans and people from other countries. It was a very unique experience. Under Kevan and Jen’s arrangement, we got to see a very famous opera there, it was called Annie. We also experienced boating at a river in our campus! I was so surprised when I first heard that there was a river in a school, it sounds so nice! It was full-moon when we do the boating. We relaxed on the boat and watched the moon. However, boating was not as easy as I thought. We went to Tom’s home at the last week, to experience American life. His home was huge. There’s a corn field and a pond you could fish. Terry’s got a great talent! We were also invited to the Director’s house. There were volleyball court near the beach, swimming pool and some toys, it was great! There was one time, we got lost and asked an American direction. Then she drove us home! I saw the hospitality of Americans. Big thanks to her! There was a graduation ceremony on our last day. School gave us certificate, teachers gave small speeches and students also share reflections. It was so touching. I wish we could stay longer. I really appreciate what school and the teachers do for us. Also, I want to thanks all twelve partners of mine. We’d become close friends after one month. Though most of us study different majors, fate brought us together and we created a wonderful and unique memory in the U.S. After this journey, I had much more thoughts. The world is big. I was only traveled to a small town in the middle of the State. I am very eager to see the world and experience other cultures in different countries. Photo 團名:__美國南伊利諾大學_________ / _7_/ _29_/ 學號:_10077045A_________ 出團日期:2013 / __/ 31__/ to 2013 姓名:__張怡溱_________ 心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得: 在參加學校遊學團之前,玩過不少的地方像是英國法國西藏尼泊爾等地,有些是 純旅遊有些則是當國際志工,至於這次的遊學團則是第一次去美國,所以很期待 體驗不同於其他國家的感受 這次搭飛機是搭中國航空從桃園機場轉機北京再到 LA 搭國內線 AA 航空到 St.Louis 在北京的時候 因為航班 所以需要在過境旅館 過夜,所以我們出境後搭著蠻破爛的小巴前去旅館,外面的空氣霧茫茫的,就算 是晚上也可看得出來空氣很不好 因為北京是重工業 所以導致城市的空氣十分 糟糕 但就算是這樣,我們還是很高興的吸著由外面吹進車內的涼風 (在機場實 在是太熱了) 抵達了過境旅館時,我們只能說慘不忍睹阿,第一次看到飯店員工 在大廳吸菸無視於禁止室內吸菸的告示,所以接下來還是直接跳到離開北京搭飛 機的時候吧 經過了十幾個小時的漫長航程後 ,到達 LA 機場時 終於發覺 我們 終於到美國了 到處都是是外國人,還有美式餐廳 ,不過還需要再等四個小時飛 去 St.Louis,但我們一點都不覺得漫長,因為機場有免費的 Wi-Fi,所以大家開始 找定位置低頭滑著智慧型手機,有些跟家裡的人報平安,有些則開始打卡,告訴 大家我們終於抵達美國了 St.Louis 出境後,看到了兩位充滿笑容的外國人 Kevin 跟 kelly,他們就是這次美 國學校接待我們的老師非常的親切,而且等我們出境時已經接近凌晨十二點,但 見到他們還有為我們準備的餐盒內有好吃的三明治 餅乾 雞肉 跟飲料 根本就 像在沙漠看到水般的開心,因為我們都餓壞了 在兩個小時的車程後,終於到達我們這一個月在美國的宿舍 Ambassador hall 專 門提供給南伊利諾大學 的語言學校 CECL 學生住宿的 ,分配完房間後 一打開 我的房間, 挖 超大 ,尤其是冰箱 跟我的身高一樣高,根本就是家庭號冰箱 至 於衛浴廁所 是兩人共用一間 也是很不錯的 一整棟 住著不同國家的學生 有 巴西 中國 沙烏地阿拉伯 海地等等的朋友 ,廚房是公共設施,但也是很大 就 在一陣忙碌過後,結束了第一晚 在 Carbondale 的 相遇 因為時差的關係 早上六點就自動起床 ,看著窗外下著雨 感到些許的寒意, 但 一出門才發現 天阿 這根本就是台灣的冬天阿,冷死了 之前學長講的跟高雄一 樣的天氣 都是騙人的 ,因為下雨所以天氣變冷了 這雨 也連續下了兩三天 , 但等到我們去 Hollister (這裡沒有 A&F) 買完外套後 ,天氣又變回真如高雄一樣 的熱了, 但高雄是濕熱 所以會悶 很不舒服 ,但這裡是乾熱, 所以不會很難 過 第一天的活動就是分班考試 分六級 六是最高 ,因為我們上的是語言學校 (CESL)所以各國的學生 在申請南伊利諾學後 ,如果英語標準沒有到達學校要求 的話 會強制學校上課 ,考試是考托福的聽跟讀 ,雖然在讀的最後有亂猜了一 些 ,但還是被分配到了 Level 6 在這個 level 所教的都是 academic 的課程,只有 兩門課, Core 教的是閱讀文章的技巧跟一些訓練來增進你的英文程度, Writing 是教你如何做報告的方法,這些都是對日後有要去英語系國家讀書的學 生很有幫助的課程 , 但如果你是低於 LEVEL5 以下的就不會教那麼難 他們的課 程就會注重較基本的聽說讀寫 上完課的時間,我們就會搭著公車 (買了一個月不限次數的公車卡 需要領完學 生證後才能在 STUDENT CENTER 辦理公車卡) 趴趴走, OUTLET MALL 雖然沒很多 品牌,但有 HOLLISTER , AMRICAN EAGLE 等等的, (但我們最愛 最瘋狂的還 是 HOLLISTER) 還有很愛逛 WALMART 大採買食物,但最後透露一下,要新鮮的 食材的話, Kroger 是一個不錯的選擇,跟前者很像 ,但東西較新鮮 周末時 CESL 老師 JEN (之後跟我們接觸的都是她,人也是超級 nice 的)都會帶我 們當鄰近的城市玩 ,超人故鄉 Metropolis superman statue , Paducah , Spillway/Kincaid Lake ,也有去看小型的棒球 Miner's game v.s River city , 看歌 舞劇 Annie the music in McLeod Theater ,最期待的還是去大城市 St.Louis 的 Gateway Arch,也開心的購買到期望已久的 A&F,大家都失了心瘋 的採購, 說 實話 ,為了她我們還指定要去 有那家店的百貨公司,可惜去時剩 1.5hr 就要打 烊了, 所以一到百貨公司 我們就直奔 A&F 買到店裡音樂都關了, 還是意猶未 盡 南伊利諾大學的校園超大 還有一個很大的湖,可以划船賞月 ,校內也有保齡球 館跟麥當勞 ,每天走在校園都會有大隻的松鼠從你旁邊跳過 ,很是可愛, 這 個城鎮 Carbondale 是個鄉下純樸的地方,人們都很親切,在這裡每個禮拜四晚 上都會舉辦落日音樂會(Sunset concert)你就會看到很多人拿著椅子或毯子席地 而坐,手裡拿著啤酒或飲料 與親朋好友聊天,聽著樂團唱歌 好不悠閒 這一個月的遊學團中 ,讓我體驗到 道地的美式生活 ,不像旅行團般走馬看花 兒是真正的 在裡面生活 ,在這全英環境中很舒服看著與自己所居住的城市不同 的文化 是個很棒的體驗 , 搭著讓人腰痠的航班 一切都值得 Group:__ Southern Illinois University group _________ Date:from _JUN__, _30__, 2013 to _JUL__, _29__, 2013 Student ID:_10077045A_________ Student Name:_CHANG YI CHEN__________ What you has learned(1500 words)_english version: I had been very countries such as UK, Nepal, France, Tibet, Japan and so on. some of them just for travel and some of them for volunteer but I never been to US before. Therefore, I am very excited this time I can go to US for study aboard. After two days, our teachers Kevin and Kelly from Southern Illinois University picked us to Carbondale. We never thought that teachers were such friendly and they are teachers of CESL(Center for English as a Second Language). The way to school was getting more desolate. Only you could see are farmlands. Though I had heard that our school was far from downtown, I had never thought that so remote. (It is very inconvenient if you don’t have a car in America. The land is so wide! As a result, America culture is very different from Taiwan culture ) After I saw the place we will live, my room is big and the refrigerator is taller than me. In this trip ,we had a great teacher who teach in the CESL ,Jen .She prepared all of activities we had and she just likes a mother who took care our living. If you want to buy sustenance in America, the first place which comes to my mind is Wal-Mart! There is an joke says that Wal-Mart is the heaven for poor people! But the reputation is well supported by fact. You can find anything what you need and very cheap in there. In the weekend, She took us to wal-mart which I always heard from book because they don’t have store in Taiwan. We buy lots of food and needs and the meats there is very cheap .When I pay a bill ,I found the price is different from the price which is put on the product .Because of the tax ,the products are not include the tax so that it should be added the tax . It is very deferent to me ,and I don’t like this way . In Carbondale, we had class on Monday to Friday and what we learn from is in CESL which is the language center for student learn English. It has six level after we took TOEFL and each level will focus on different skills such as if you are level 3 which is the middle of the class they will focus on reading, listening, speaking and writing which is the basic skills for English and it doesn’t teach very hard. In level 6 which is the top level in CESL lessons , it will more concentrate on specific skills. For instance, the students in this level usually have some basic skill so they will learn two subjects one is Core which teach the skill of reading article or some academic text and teach you how to use this reading strategies such as scanning, skimming, sentence analysis ,annotation and speed reading. Another is writing because in the university, you have lots of time to prepare report or presentation. Therefore , you need to know how to find the information and how to put the resource together such as in the class we usually do summary evaluation assignment which is if you have an article, after you read (you will use the skill that learn from Core class). You need to write down the summary and evaluation . All we learn from the class is very useful not only if you are planning to study aboard or just use in reading English. Within a month in the US education, I felt totally different between the American and the Asia. We had class as in chat, and we discussed every subjects we had in each chapters. It was a kind of creative style with talking way to learn things so we never felt bored or wanted to sleep. In the class, every students should say something if you are shy or English is not very well .That’s fine. Because they just want you to talk to get involve the lesson and you can say anything you wanted to say because there were no standard answers. By doing that, I feel that the US education was really alive, and it was better than the examination system in Asia. Under the pressure of standard answers, people may afraid to answer the questions due to make mistakes. At the same time, I made some foreign friends as well, there were some of people from Brazil, Saudi-Arabia, China, Japan, and South Korea. Different background let me understand different culture, and it was an interesting experience, moreover, the reasons why they been there were not the same too. Some was preparing to study in SIU, some was responses in the local work required, some was just for language learning. Whatever the reasons were, we came here together, and we learned together. Although we come from different countries, we could still understand what we wanted to express. I thought it was owing to the same feelings we had. By this chance, I expanded a little of the international network of people. Some of their students were the parents level mates who had own family in their hometown. This had also allowed me to see an insight into the concept of abroad education. Some people after graduation are no hurry to their studies but rather directly into the workplace, and then return to school until the time when there is a need. More than in other countries, after I asked local teachers, they said that ‘’only a quarter of the students of American high school graduation continue to attend college, and their colleges have many overseas students mostly.’’ In any case, I learned a lot, saw a lot, met a lot of experiences at the American School, and I reconsidered the significance of learning some life skills and outlook on life. Entertainment, SIU stadium really opened my eyes, that Taiwan should be almost no space, inside everything, there is yoga, squash, badminton, basketball, volleyball and other venues have a gym, diving pool, and any appliances as long as the student with card can be borrowed, at least go to a real stadium, about 3.4-Shou big stadium, which is equipped with very advanced, it is recommended to bring a certain sportswear, to which the facilities are played again, it is really worth . In addition, schools in a small lake, four people can go to experience the duck boat with canoes, but also as long as the student card can, in the evening time to see the beautiful sunset over the river at night to the stars and the moon. Holiday travel arrangements the school would help us, but this time we only to St. Louis in the third week, when students will take classes together with the lease of school buses to go, will see the landmark St. Louis Arch and the Cardinals Baseball home, that is after noon to go to the largest local shopping mall, in fact Carbondale something similar, but more than a few more well-known brands, a lot of things can in fact be the first to buy in Carbondale, and to St. Louis time to buy those cards in the Dell does not have. In last two days , we will be back to Taiwan soon. The days are wonderful in here. We are invited by novel teacher and have dinner in her house. After finish our dinner, we get our diplomas of CESL. At the moment, I think of what happened in America of this month and lots memories were came out into your front. The memories are unforgettable and precious. I meet lots of good guys and become friends.I wish we can stay in touch with them after I go back Taiwan. I really want to stay here, but we all know that it is impossible because all good things must come to an end. Only we can do just keep it and let it become one of our movement that can make us more powerful. In this trip ,I learn a lot . In the last time ,we can look around by ourselves by bus . At the start ,I can’t talk with foreigners quickly .I always say “Yes or No” . After couple days later , .I become more confident to say and never afraid. because of this chance ,I met a lot of friends .That is my pleasure .They help me a lot and we pass the difficult thing together .We are like a family .It is warm and fill with laugh sound .We create the wonderful memory in this trip .I believe that I will never forget each other and the life memory there. Only when I go abroad can I learn many new things and open my view in my life. The world is wide, because of science and technology has developed, language circulation, it causes person to person contact even more frequency. To a trip to the United States, I realize that language is really important. And I find out that I really like the environment fill with English such as their accent and their culture . It also increased my interest and the motive in learning language. In US's day is very short, therefore I always grasped time to participate in many activities to make me feel satisfied, and to learn more. Now I must unceasingly study, conscientiously study, and let my own future life be more rich and splendid. 2013 美國南伊利諾大學遊學團 心得報告 10153038A 涂柔安 知道我有機會參加美國遊學團之後,我就帶著期待的心情去迎接暑假,記得 出國那一天,我們經歷長達兩天的轉機才到達伊利諾這個小城鎮,到住宿的地方 已經是晚上十二點多,大家都抱著疲憊又興奮的心情入睡,隔天早上,帶隊的老 師帶著我們去認識校園跟做托福考試,而考試的成績是來決定分班還有課程。而 星期一到五就是上課,一般都是上到下午三四點,六日會有老師安排活動讓我們 去做,而隨著課程的難易,教材也會偏向學術方面,有些老師也會要求學生找自 己科系相關的論文來做分析,上課方式與台灣有很大的差異,老師會讓學生自行 分組並討論課文,然後會讓學生一組一組的輪流去講自己的想法,讓不同國家的 學生交換自己的想法與文化,體會不同的人文氣質。 記得第一個禮拜時,剛好是美國的國慶日,帶隊老師 Jen 就帶我們去聽戶外 演唱會,到了公園,只看見一大片草地,美國人會席地而坐或是鋪個毯子,有些 人也會脫掉鞋子,赤腳走在草地上,看到一群一群的人坐在地上,玩著小遊戲和 吃著零食邊欣賞音樂會,可看出美國人非常隨和的個性,聽說每年的國慶日都會 有這樣的活動,而且還會唱美國國歌跟放國慶煙火,讓我覺得原來彼此不熟識的 人也能因一個活動或是節日產生一股親近的能量,不再有陌生的感覺,使得原本 不太熟的團隊,漸漸變得熟悉起來。 而吃的方面,每個星期 Jen 會開車帶我們去附近的超市,或者我們也會兩兩 成群坐公車去超市,買足一星期的食材,因為住宿提供非常全面的廚房和廚具讓 我們使用,而且學校的老師也很貼心的幫我們準備了電鍋以及ㄧ些餐具,在這短 短的一個月,我們發揮了十足的創意在料理方面。另外,我覺得廚房真的是一個 能夠交流的地方,不同國家的學生在這個小天地展現自己國家的特色菜餚,藉由 溝通了解其他文化,甚至我們認識的印度人在我們離開前還特地準備了他們國家 1 的料理與我們分享,印象最深刻的是很辣的雞肉咖哩,他們喜歡加上優格一起食 用,剛開始大家都不敢嚐試,後來才發現印度人的智慧果然是正確的,雖然看起 來是很奇特的顏色,不過仔細品嘗後,不但比較沒有之前那麼辛辣反而有ㄧ種香 甜的味道。 如果平常有空閒時間的話,我們會坐公車去 UNIVERSITY MALL 逛逛,美國的 MALL 不僅經常有折扣而且質料都很好,有時候還能用五折以下的價格買到衣 服,根本是我們每兩、三天就會去的地方,或者走路到學校附近最繁榮的 MAIN STREET,可以看到很多美式餐廳,也有其他國家的餐廳,但是美國吃飯的消費都 蠻高,ㄧ餐都會花到台幣ㄧ、兩百塊,甚至更多,而且用完餐ㄧ定要給小費,據 說ㄧ般都是費用的百分之十,他們不會開在收據當中,所以要記得放在桌上,以 表示感謝他們的服務。 每個六、日 Jen 都會帶我們四處逛逛,去過天然的瀑布、超人小鎮、戶外音 樂會、第一次去現場看的球賽、聖路易的拱橋等,每個地方都充滿著特殊的意義。 雖然語言不相通,但使得我們更有機會用英文去溝通,表達內心的想法,藉此達 到遊學的目的,偶而會對如此繁重的課程有所怨言,但想到這能使我對這門語言 有更深入的理解及運用,就只能拿起講義ㄧ遍又一遍的閱讀,讓我對英文產生了 一點自信。 然而,最後一個禮拜,學校幫我們辦了歡送會,我只記得大家那天都是淚眼 汪汪地拿著證書和老師們拍照,感性的說著自己的心情,而聽著每位老師訴說他 們的想法,有些人甚至落下眼淚,雖然我們並不算很乖巧的學生,但是學校依舊 幫我們辦了活動,真的很感動。我發現,人與人的交流真的是能在短時間建立起 來的,即使各自的文化不同,但藉由簡單的言語仍能明白對方的想法,創造出跨 國際的友誼,這趟旅行讓我知道,即使再怎麼不擅長的事情,只要我們有勇氣去 使用,依然會有不錯的結果,也有可能會遇到幾次挫折,但多做多嘗試,會漸漸 變成跟呼吸一樣的東西,伴隨在我們的身邊。 2 2013 Southern Illinois University group Learning experience Reports 10153038A TU JOU AN After realizing I have a change to participate in the I-SU group to America, I had a mood with expectation to meet my summer vocation. I remembered the day we’re going abroad, we spend almost two days to Illinois. When we arrived Ambassador hall the place we live, it been very late. The next day morning, Kelvin leaded us to the Southern Illinois University, Carbondale to familiar the campus and do the TOEFL test. And the test score will be a point to decide which level we should go, the classes may be more academic if you get higher grade. Some teachers even let us to find some paper to write analysis and conclusion. The style of class is not like Taiwan, it have more time for students to presentation for themselves. At first, I can not adapt this mode, but it really a good way to improve English speaking ability. Let students from different country to know more about other culture and idea. Usually, from Monday to Friday we have classes finished at 3 to 4 p.m. And Saturday and Sunday, Jen(another group teacher) will plan some activities for us to do. I remembered Thursday of the first week is the national day in America, so Jen took us to listen outside concert in a park. When we reached to the park, Americans would sit on the grass or use a 3 blanket. Some people even took off their shoes, walking on the grass. Also, I saw many groups of people sitting on the ground, playing games and eating snacks while they listening to the live band. From these things, I realize personality of American is easygoing. I heard that every National Day will have such activities. After the music concert, they will play beautiful fireworks. I think these kinds of activities will let people product some energy to get closer. Jen will drive us to a nearby supermarket each week, or we will take bus to the market to buy enough food for a week. Because the place we live provide comprehensive kitchen implements and clean kitchen for us to use. In addition, Kevan prepare a rice cooker and some dishes. In just one month, we use creative imagination in the cooking. Also, I think the kitchen is really a place to experience different customs, students from different countries show their specialties to understand other cultures. We knew some Indians who even cook some Indian dishes before we left, the most impressive food in my mind is the spicy chicken curry, they like to eat with original yogurt. At first, we are afraid to try it. Because we usually eat sweet and salt food together and the curry has a strange color with yogurt. To our amazing, these dishes had really tasty. And the food is really different from Taiwanese food. If we have free time, we will take the bus to go to the UNIVERSITY MALL to shopping. Because the store in America often have very high discounts and the texture of those goods are really soft, And sometimes we can get the prizes below 50% of the 4 original prices to buy the clothes. I can tell you that we will go there at least twice a week. Or near the school there is a MAIN STREET that is prosperous. We can see lots of American-style restaurants and other countries restaurants. But consumption in the United States is high, it may cost at least one hundred dollars in one meal,. After eating your dishes, you had better to remember put some pocket money on the table. The American used to give tip before they leave the restaurant, they think this expense is to appreciate those servers who help them. And the tip usually is the ten percentage of your total cost. Every Saturday and Sunday, Jen would take us go somewhere, we had been to a waterfall, Superman town, outside concerts, interesting baseball game, St. Louis Arch. Every place has its special meaning. And although the language is not same, but it makes more opportunities for us to use English in communication, express our inner thoughts. To goal the purpose of studying oversea and make me to have a deeper understanding in English and application. Also, I get some confidence in this amazing language. And the last week, the campus hold a party for us, I remembered the day we were so hard to control our tear. We got the certificate and the teachers take pictures with us. We tried hard to present our feelings in English and the teachers shared their ideas. Everyone was in a sad mood. Although we are not well-behaved students, the campus still hold the event. I was very moved. I found that interpersonal communication is really built up in a short time, even 5 if their cultural differences, but we can use the simple words can still understand each other's ideas, to create a cross international friendship. Let me know even we are not good at this thing, as long as we have the courage to practice It may have a good result, or we may be encountered with several failure. If we try to do again and again, it will gradually become a piece of cake. 6