vii TABLE OF COTET CHAPTER I TITLE PAGE DECLARATIO ii DEDICATIO iii ACKOWLEDGEMETS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF COTETS vii LIST OF TABLES xiv LIST OF FIGURES xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIOS xxi LIST OF APPEDICES xxiv ITRODUCTIO 1.1 The scenario of the electrical and electronic 1 sector in Malaysia 1.1.1 The Printed Circuit Board Industry Printed circuit board manufacturing 3 3 process Printed circuit board waste 6 description Current treatment employed by the 8 PCB industry 1.2 Metal and its role 10 viii 1.3 1.2.1 Copper essentiality and toxicity 11 1.2.2 Nickel essentiality and toxicity 14 Alternative technology for heavy metal removal 16 1.3.1 Biological waste material as adsorbent 16 1.3.2 Microorganism as biosorbent 18 Mechanism of metal uptake by 20 microorganism Kinetic of biosorption 20 Advantages and disadvantages 23 of biosorption process 1.3.3 Preparation of biosorbent 25 1.3.4 Medium formulation and supplementation 25 1.3.5 Application of immobilized cells in 30 biosorption process II 1.4 Objective of Thesis 36 1.5 Scope of Thesis 36 CULTIVATIO OF BACTERIA I CHEAP GROWTH MEDIUM AD ITS TOLERACE LEVEL TOWARDS Cu(II) and i(II) IOS 2.1 Introduction 37 2.1.1 Growth medium for cultivation of 37 bacteria 2.2 2.1.2 Liquid pineapple waste 39 Materials and methods 41 2.2.1 Bacteria 41 2.2.2 Liquid pineapple waste (LPW) 41 2.2.3 Brown sugar 42 Sugar determination – Dubois 43 Method Total Nitrogen Test 44 Determination of metal content 44 using ICP-MS and pH ix 2.2.4 Growth of bacteria in LPW Bacterial growth in LPW and LPW 45 45 added with Cu(II) and Ni(II) Cu(II) and Ni(II) tolerance of 45 bacteria in LPW Survival of mixed bacterial 46 consortium in LPW treated with ethanol 2.2.5 Growth of bacteria in brown sugar Effect of brown sugar 47 47 sterilisation on growth of Acinetobacter haemolyticus Growth of Acinetobacter 48 haemolyticus in different concentrations of brown sugar Growth of A. haemolyticus in 48 brown sugar supplemented with different nitrogen sources Growth of A. haemolyticus in 49 brown sugar supplemented with amino acid as organic nitrogen source 2.3 Results and discussions 50 2.3.1 Characterization of brown sugar 50 2.3.2 Bacterial growth in LPW 51 Growth profile of bacteria in 51 LPW Bacterial growth in LPW 53 supplemented with Cu(II) and Ni(II) Bacterial tolerance towards Cu(II) 55 and Ni(II) Survival of bacteria in ethanol- 58 x treated LPW 2.3.3 Bacterial growth in brown sugar (BS) Effect of brown sugar sterilisation 59 59 on growth of A. haemolyticus Growth of A. haemolyticus in 61 different concentrations of brown sugar Growth of A. haemolyticus in 63 brown sugar supplemented with different nitrogen sources 2.4 III Conclusion 67 REMOVAL OF Cu(II) AD i(II) FROM WASTEWATER USIG RUBBER WOOD SHAVIGS 3.1 Introduction 69 3.2 Materials and methods 70 3.2.1 Adsorbent 70 3.2.2 Reagents 71 3.2.3 Buffers 71 3.2.4 Wastewater from the electronic industry 71 (EW) 3.2.5 The Cu(II) and Ni(II) uptake by RWS Effect of heat and chemical 73 73 treatments Effect of contact time, initial metal 73 concentration and adsorbent dosage 3.2.6 Cu(II) and Ni(II) uptake by RWS from 74 EW 3.2.7 Metal uptake determination 3.3 Results and discussion 75 75 3.3.1 Effect of RWS pretreatment 75 3.3.2 Effect of contact time 78 xi 3.3.3 Effect of initial metal concentration 80 3.3.4 Effect of adsorbent dosage 88 3.3.5 Cu(II) and Ni(II) uptake by RWS from 91 EW 3.4 Conclusion IV 92 REMOVAL OF Cu(II) AD i(II) FROM WASTEWATER USIG STROTIUM ALGIATE IMMOBILIZED Acinetobacter haemolyticus 4.1 Introduction 94 4.2 Materials and Method 95 4.2.1 Preparation of A. haemolyticus biomass 95 4.2.2 Preparation of Cu(II) and Ni(II) stock 95 solution 4.2.3 Buffers 96 4.2.4 Immobilization of bacteria in alginate 96 4.2.5 Biosorption of Cu(II) and Ni(II) using 97 strontium alginate immobilized bacteria Effect of different form of 97 bacterial biomass immobilized in strontium alginate Effect of different biomass 98 loading in alginate Effect of bead’s concentration 99 Effect of contact time and initial 99 metal concentration Biosorption of Cu(II) and Ni(II) 100 from EW 4.3 Results and Discussion 4.3.1 Effect of different form of bacterial biomass immobilized in strontium alginate 100 100 xii 4.3.2 Effect of different biomass loading in 103 alginate 4.3.3 Effect of bead’s concentration 105 4.3.4 Effect of contact time 107 4.3.5 Effect of initial metal concentration 109 4.3.6 Cu(II) and Ni(II) uptake by SAIB using 115 EW 4.4 Conclusion V 116 ITEGRATIO OF TWO STAGE BIOSORPTIO PROCESS AD SURFACE STUDY O METAL–BACTERIA ITERACTIO 5.1 Introduction 117 5.2 Materials and Method 118 5.2.1 Sampling and characterization of 118 electronic wastewater 5.2.2 Integration of two–stage biosorption 118 system using RWS and SAIB Two stage Removal of Cu(II) 119 and Ni(II) using simulated effluent Two Stage Removal of Cu(II) 119 and Ni(II) using EW Single Stage Removal of Cu(II) 119 and Ni(II) by RWS and SAIB from EW 5.2.3 Characterization of bacteria-metal 120 interaction FTIR Analysis 120 Field–Emission Scanning 120 Electron Microscope Analysis 5.3 Results and Discussion 121 xiii 5.3.1 EW Characteristics 121 5.3.2 Integration of two stage biosorption 122 system using RWS and SAIB 5.3.3 Characterization of metal-bacteria 125 interaction FTIR Analysis 125 Scanning Electron Microscope 128 Analysis 5.4 Conclusion VI 131 COCLUSIO 6.1 Conclusion 132 6.2 Suggestions for future work 133 REFERECES 135 APPEDICES 149 xiv LIST OF TABLES TABLE O. 1.1 TITLE PAGE Types of waste streams generated in the Printed Circuit 7 Board Manufacturing Industry 1.2 Discharge limit of sewage and industrial effluents 8 1.3 Example of copper-containing enzymes and their 13 function 1.4 Example of nickel-containing enzymes and their 15 function 1.5 The different types of adsorbent used for metal removal 17 1.6 Advantages and disadvantages of biosorption by non- 24 living biomass 1.7 Elemental composition of microbial cell 28 1.8 Recent application of cell entrapment in the metal 34 removal studies 2.1 The composition of 200 g L-1 brown sugar 50 2.2 The number of bacterial colonies after growing for 12 58 hours in LPW treated with 5% (v/v) 2.3 Effect of different sterilization techniques of brown 59 sugar on growth of A. haemolyticus 3.1 Some characteristics for the *EW from Johor Bahru, 72 Johor 3.2 Equilibrium constants for the single metal uptake of 85 Cu(II) and Ni(II) by NaOH–treated RWS 3.3 Equilibrium constants for the uptake of Cu(II) in 88 xv mixed–metal solution by RWS 4.1 Calculated equilibrium constant for adsorption of 112 single–metalof Cu(II) and Ni(II) on SAIB 4.2 Calculated equilibrium constant for adsorption of 114 mixed-metal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) on SAIB 5.1 Characteristics of *EW 121 5.2 Changes of the FTIR bands of A.haemolyticus before 125 and after biosorption of Cu(II) 5.3 Changes of the FTIR bands of A.haemolyticus before 127 and after biosorption of Ni(II) 5.4 Gross composition of bacterial cells (Naumann, 2000) 127 5.5 EDAX analysis of the surface of A. haemolyticus cell 131 after exposure to 200 mg L-1 Cu(II) and Ni(II) xvi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE O. 1.1 TITLE The process sequence of Printed Circuit Board PAGE 4 Manufacturing 1.2 Principle of heavy metal precipitation (Khandpur, 9 2006) 1.3 Techniques of cell immobilization (Kourkoutas et al., 31 2004) 1.4 The chemical structure of alginate. M, β-D-mannuronic 33 acid; G, α-L-guluronic acid (Rehm, 2006) 1.5 Alginate gel formation and cross-linking with Ca2+ 35 ions. Gray oxygen atoms of guluronic acid (G) are interacting with Ca2+ ions. M, β-D-mannuronic acid (Rehm, 2006) 2.1 Waste processing in a pineapple canning plant located 40 in Skudai, Johor; A – waste from the production, B – waste grinding process, C – extraction of juice from grinded solid waste, D – liquid waste collection tank, E – 2nd stage grinding process, F – small pieces of solid waste after grinding process 2.2 Collection of LPW from the waste processing section 42 of the pineapple canning plant, Skudai; A – drain, B – sedimentation tank 2.3 Growth profile of A.calcoaceticus, C.agropyri and 52 xvii C.cellulans in LPW in the absence of metal 2.4 Colonies of C. cellulans on NA plates during the 24 53 hours growth phase 2.5 Growth profile of bacteria in LPW in the presence of 54 100 mg L-1 Cu(II), (◊) C. agropyri, (■) A. calcoaceticus, (▲) C. cellulans, (×) A. haemolyticus and (♦) Mixed culture 2.6 Growth profile of bacteria in LPW in the presence of 54 50 mg L-1 Ni(II), (◊) C. agropyri, (■) A. calcoaceticus, (▲) C. cellulans, (×) A. haemolyticus and (♦) Mixed culture 2.7 Growth of bacteria in LPW containing Cu(II); CC - C. 56 cellulans, AH - A. haemolyticus, AC - A. calcoaceticus, CA - C. agropyri, Mixture - A. calcoaceticus, C. agropyri and C. cellulans 2.8 Growth of bacteria in LPW containing Ni (II) 57 2.9 Growth of A. haemolyticus in different concentrations 61 of brown sugar; OD B4 – OD600 before incubation, OD After - OD600 after 7 hours of incubation, CFU – colony forming unit after 7 hours of incubation 2.10 Growth of A. haemolyticus in 25 g L-1 brown sugar 65 supplemented with different nitrogen sources; S1 – BS supplemented with NH3, S2 – BS supplemented with (NH4)2SO4, S3 - BS supplemented with NH4NO3, S4 BS supplemented with tryptone, S5 - BS only 2.11 Viable cell count of A. haemolyticus in 25 g L-1 brown 66 sugar supplemented with different nitrogen sources; S1 – BS supplemented with NH3, S2 – BS supplemented with (NH4)2SO4, S3 – BS supplemented with NH4NO3, S4 – BS supplemented with tryptone, S5 – BS only. Data are mean value ± standard deviation of duplicate experiment 2.12 Viable cell count of A. haemolyticus in 25 g L-1 brown 67 xviii sugar supplemented with different amino acids as organic nitrogen sources; S6 – BS supplemented with methionine and S7 – BS supplemented with arginine. Data are mean value ± standard deviation of duplicate experiment 3.1 Thin rubber wood shavings (RWS) collected from 70 wood – finishing factory, Skudai. 3.2 Cu(II) and Ni(II), 50 mg L-1 uptake from single and 76 mixed metal solutions by the untreated, heat-treated, CaCl2-treated and NaOH-treated RWS, 1.5 % (w/v). The bars represent standard deviation of the mean, n=2 3.3 Speciation of Cu(II) as a function of pH (Elliot and 77 Huang, 1981) 3.4 Effect of contact time on the uptake of 50 mg L-1 79 Cu(II) and Ni(II) by 1.5 % (w/v) RWS, (a) single metal solution (b) mixed metal solution, (♦) Cu(II), (■) Ni(II). The bars represent standard deviation of the mean, n=2 3.5 Uptake of (a) Cu(II) and (b) Ni(II) from single–metal 83 solutions by NaOH–treated RWS. Bar indicates standard error of the mean, n = 2 3.6 Linearized (a) Langmuir adsorption isotherm (b) 84 Freundlich adsorption isotherm of single-metal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) by rubber wood shavings 3.7 Uptake of (a) Cu(II) and (b) Ni(II) from mixed–metal 86 solutions by NaOH–treated RWS. Bar indicates standard error of the mean, n = 2 3.8 Linearized (a) Langmuir adsorption isotherm (b) 87 Freundlich adsorption isotherm of mixed-metal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) by rubber wood shavings 3.9 Linearized BET adsorption isotherm of mixed-metal of 88 Ni(II) by rubber wood shavings 3.10 The uptake of (a) Cu(II) and (b) Ni(II) in single–metal 89 xix solutions by varying doses of RWS; (♦) % removal (■) uptake. The bars represent standard deviation of the mean, n=2 3.11 The uptake of (a) Cu(II) and (b) Ni(II) in mixed–metal 91 solutions by varying doses of RWS; (♦) % removal (■) uptake. The bars represent standard deviation of the mean, n=2 3.12 Cu(II) and Ni(II) uptake from EW using RWS. The 92 bars represent standard deviation of the mean, n=2 4.1 Effect of different form of bacterial biomass 101 immobilized in strontium alginate, SAIBD – dried Sralginate immobilized bacterial suspension, SAIBW – wet Sr-alginate immobilized bacterial suspension, SAD – dried Sr-alginate, SAW – wet Sr-alginate, SAIPD – dried Sr-alginate immobilized bacterial pellet and SAIPW – wet Sr-alginate immobilized bacterial pellet 4.2 The (a) Cu(II) and (b) Ni(II) uptake profiles in single 104 and mixed metal solution using Sr-alginate bead immobilized with different biomass concentration, Cu(II) and Ni(II) – 25 mg L-1, FC – free cells and SAIB – Sr-alginate immobilized bacteria. The bars represent standard deviation of the mean, n=2 4.3 The (a) Cu(II) and (b) Ni(II) uptake profiles in single 106 metal solution at varying SAIB concentrations, Cu(II) and Ni(II) – 25 mg L-1, bars represent standard deviation of the mean, n=2 4.4 Profiles for the (a) Cu(II) and (b) Ni(II) uptake from 107 mixed metal solution at varying SAIB concentrations, Cu(II) and Ni(II) – 25 mg L-1, bars represent standard deviation of the mean, n = 2 4.5 Effect of contact time on Cu(II) and Ni(II) uptake from; (a) single metal solution (b) mixed metal solution, using SAIB; (♦) Cu(II), (■) Ni(II). The bars 108 xx represent standard deviation of the mean, n=2 4.6 Adsorption isotherm of (a) Cu(II) and (b) Ni(II) from 110 single metal solution using SAIB. Bar indicates standard error of the mean, n=2 4.7 Linearized (a) Langmuir adsorption isotherm (b) 111 Freundlich adsorption isotherm of single-metal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) by SAIB 4.8 Adsorption isotherm of (a) Cu(II) and (b) Ni(II) from 113 mixed metal solution using SAIB. Bar indicates standard error of the mean, n=2 4.9 Linearized (a) Langmuir adsorption isotherm (b) 114 Freundlich adsorption isotherm of mixed-metal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) by SAIB 4.10 Cu(II) and Ni(II) uptake from PCBW using SAIB. The 116 bars represent standard deviation of the mean, n=2 5.1 Removal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) from simulated effluent 123 using integration of RWS and SAIB 5.2 Removal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) from EW using 123 integration of RWS and SAIB 5.3 Removal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) from EW using RWS and 124 SAIB as a single stage system 5.4 SEM micrographs of inactive (autoclaved) A. haemolyticus cell: before biosorption (A1 and A2), after Cu(II) biosorption (B1 and B2) and after Ni(II) biosorption (C1 and C2) with magnification of 10 K and 25 K 129 xxi LIST OF ABBREVIATIOS Å - Ångström (1 × 10-10 metre) A. calcoaceticus - Acinetobacter calcoaceticus A. haemolyticus - Acinetobacter haemolyticus AAS - Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy ATTC - American Type Culture Collection b - constant related to the affinity of binding site C. agropyri - Clavibacter agropyri C. cellulans - Cellulosimicrobium cellulans CaCl2 - calcium chloride Ceq - final (equilibrium) metal concentration (mg L-1) CFU - colony forming unit Ci - initial metal concentration COD - chemical oxygen demand Cr(VI) - chromium(VI) Cu(II) - copper(II) DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid DSMZ - German collection of microorganisms and cell cultures EDAX - Energy Dispersive X-ray EDS - Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy EW - electronic wastewater FESEM - Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope FTIR - Fourier-transform Infrared g L-1 - gram per liter H2SO4 - sulphuric acid HCl - hydrochloric acid xxii HNO3 - nitric acid ICP-MS - Inductive Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry k - relative adsorption capacity KBr - Potassium bromide LPW - liquid pineapple waste M - molar mg g-1 - milligram per gram mg L-1 - miligram per liter MIC - minimum inhibitory concentration mm - millimeter mM - millimolar n - affinity constant NA - nutrient agar NaOH - sodium hydroxide NB - nutrient broth Ni(II) - nickel(II) ºC - degree Celsius OD - optical density OD410 - optical density at 410 nm OD485 - optical density at 485 nm OD600 - optical density at 600 nm PIPES - Piperazine - N,N’ - bis (2 - ethanesulfonic acid) qe - uptake at equilibrium - maximum uptake at equilibrium RNA - ribonucleic acid rpm - rotation per minute RWS - rubber wood shaving SA - strontium alginate SAD - dried strontium alginate SAIB - strontium alginate immobilized bacterial suspension SAIBW - wet strontium alginate immobilized bacterial qe, max suspension SAIP - strontium alginate immobilized bacterial pellet xxiii SAIPD - dried strontium alginate immobilized bacterial suspension SAIPD - dried strontium alginate immobilized bacterial pellet SAIPW - wet strontium alginate immobilized bacterial pellet SAW - wet strontium alginate str. - stretching USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency v/v - volume per volume w/v - weight per volume w/w - weight per weight XAFS - X-ray Absorption Fine Structure XPS - X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy µm - micrometer xxiv LIST OF APPEDICES APPEDIX A TITLE List of publications (journal/article), awards and PAGE 148 seminar/paper presentation during MSc. study period between July 2006 to Jun 2009 B ICP-MS analysis of brown sugar (100× dilution) 151 C1 Elemental balances using NH3 as nitrogen source 152 C2 Elemental balances using ammonium salt as nitrogen 154 source D ICP-MS analysis of 1st sampling electronic 156 wastewater (EW) E1 FTIR spectra of A.haemolyticus before and after 157 biosorption of Cu(II) E2 FTIR spectra of A.haemolyticus before and after 158 biosorption of Ni(II) F1 EDAX analysis of inactive (autoclaved) A. 159 haemolyticus cell: before biosorption F2 EDAX analysis of inactive (autoclaved) A. 160 haemolyticus cell after Cu(II) biosorption F3 EDAX analysis of inactive (autoclaved) A. 161 haemolyticus cell after Ni(II) biosorption G ICP-MS analysis of 2nd sampling electronic wastewater (EW) 162