i IMPROVED CREDIT EVALUATION SYSTEM OF TAOBAO COMPANY KUANG YUNZHU A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Information Technology - Management) Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2010 ii I declare that this project entitled “Improved Credit Evaluation System for TaoBao Comapny” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The project has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : Name : KUANG YUNZHU Date : iii To my beloved family and friends To my respected supervisor iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I will like to be thankful to University Technology of Malaysia for giving us the opportunity to accomplish this work. I acknowledge and deeply appreciate the worthwhile and limitless efforts of my diligent and able supervisor, Dr. Othman Ibrahim to the successful accomplishment of this project work. I also acknowledge the limitless effort of the head of department, Dr. Mohd Zaidi Abd Rozan. I wish to acknowledge and deeply appreciate Dr. Ab Razak Che Hussin who has imparted some knowledge onto me at some time. My appreciation goes to my parents and friend for their contributions and support in all areas of life. Finally, my profound gratitude and appreciation goes to all my course and school mates, and who so ever help me in one way or the other to ensure the success of this work. I thank you all, and the best wish to everyone. v ABSTRACT Electronic commerce (E-commerce) has been very popular in recent years. The society of the world is becoming to the information age; and the e-commerce become to the new growth spot in the new internet industry. However, because the impersonal nature of online-trading and untruth information, it makes the e-commerce more difficult to build a trust between sellers and buyers than in traditional market. One of the e-commerce development restrict is the lacking trading-credit. The components of this thesis are including marketing theories, risk theories, morality theories and credit evaluation system to research the basic notion of the credit risk, the effect of credit risk in e-commerce on online-trading, and credit evaluation system. Then, creating a credit evaluate model to analyze the advantages and compare with TaoBao’s credit system to make sure the model has more effective credit evaluation information for the TaoBao company. vi ABSTRAK Electronic perdagangan (e-perdagangan) sangat popular pada masa sekarang. Masyarakat dunia menjadi ke era maklumat dan e-commerce menjadi ke titik pertumbuhan baru di industri internet yang baru. Namun, kerana sifat impersonal online-trading dan kepalsuan maklumat, itu membuat e-commerce lebih sukar untuk membina kepercayaan antara penjual dan pembeli dari pasar tradisional. Salah satu perkembangan e-commerce adalah kurang mengehadkan perdagangan kredit. Komponen-komponen daripada tesis ini meliputi teori-teori pemasaran, teori risiko, moral teori dan sistem evaluasi kredit untuk kajian pengertian dasar dari risiko kredit, kesan daripada risiko kredit melalui e-commerce di talian-perniagaan, dan sistem evaluasi risiko kredit. Jika tidak, mencipta model menilai kredit menganalisis keuntungan dan membandingkan dengan yang benar-benar ada sistem kredit untuk memastikan model mempunyai lebih berkesan maklumat evaluasi kredit untuk e-commerce. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background of Problem 2 1.3 Statement of Problem 4 1.4 Objectives 5 1.5 Scopes 6 1.6 Summary 7 viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 E-commerce credit 9 2.2.1 Credit 10 2.2.2 E-commerce 11 2.2.3 E-commerce Credit 15 2.3 E-commerce Credit Risk 17 2.4 Online-trading in E-commerce 18 2.4.1 The Characteristics of Online-trading 18 2.4.2 Online-consuming Model 21 C2C Credit Risk Analysis 24 2.5.1 C2C System Structure 25 2.5.2 C2C Characteristics 27 2.5.3 The Origin of C2C Credit Risk 29 The Construction of C2C Credit Evaluation System 32 2.6.1 The Analysis of C2C credit evaluation system 33 2.6.2 Case Study of TaoBao and E-bay 34 2.6.3 The Lacks of Current C2C Credit Evaluation 38 2.5 2.6 System 2.7 3 Summary 39 RESEARCH METHDOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 40 3.2 Project Methodology 41 3.2.1 Feasibility and Planning Phase 46 3.2.2 Requirement Analysis Phase 48 3.2.3 System Design Phase 49 3.2.4 System Build Phase 50 ix 3.3 3.4 4 3.2.5 System Testing and Evaluation Phase 51 Hardware and Software Requirements 52 3.3.1 Hardware Requirements 52 3.3.2 Software Requirements 53 Project Plan 55 DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction 56 4.2 Current system of TaoBao Company 57 4.3 Problem of TaoBao’s Current System 65 4.4 TaoBao Credit Evaluation System Related 66 Questionnaire 4.4.1 Section A: Personal Information Questions 67 4.4.2 Section B: Optional Questions of TaoBao 68 Credit System 4.4.3 Section C: Optional Questions of 71 4.4.4 Section D: Questions of Credit Evaluation of 73 Authentication Part of TaoBao System TaoBao System 4.4.5 Conclusion of TaoBao Credit System 81 Questionnaire 5 4.5 Proposed Solution 82 4.6 Summary 84 SYSTEM DESIGN 5.1 Introduction 85 5.2 Multi-Authentication 86 5.3 Buyer Authentication 87 5.4 Credit Evaluation Method 88 x 5.5 6 88 5.4.2 Evaluation Indicator 94 5.4.3 Evaluation Model design 105 Summary 116 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING 6.1 Introduction 117 6.2 Database Creation 118 6.3 Authentication Module 112 6.4 Credit Evaluation Module 124 6.4.1 Original Credit Module 125 6.4.2 Dynamic Credit Module 126 User Satisfaction Test 129 6.5.1 New User’s Credit Situation Test 130 6.5.2 User’s Dynamic Credit Evaluation Test 131 6.5.3 System Integrative Test 132 Summary 133 6.5 6.6 7 5.4.1 Fuzzy Method DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 7.1 Introduction 134 7.2 Overall Achievement 135 7.3 Outcome 137 7.4 Recommendation and Future Research 139 7.5 Chapter Summary 140 141 REFERENCE APPENDICE A 146 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 The comparing of E-bay and TaoBao credit system 36 3.1 Advantages and disadvantages for Waterfall Model Spiral 42 Model Prototype model 4.1 The Frequency of User 68 4.2 General Comment of TaoBao Current Credit System 69 4.3 The General Problems Analysis 69 4.4 User’s Behavior Check 70 4.5 The General Opinion of TaoBao’s Authentication Method 71 4.6 The Question of Buyer Authentication 72 4.7 Question of New Member’s Credit Situation 72 4.8 Question of The Current Credit Evaluation System 73 4.9 Data Collection of Importance of Turnover 74 4.10 Data Collection of Importance of User’s Credit Rank 75 4.11 Question of Seller’s Evaluation Indicators Confirming 76 4.12 Question of Buyer’s Evaluation Indicators Confirming 77 4.13 Question of The Priority of Age Level 78 4.14 Question of The Priority of Education Level 78 4.15 Question of The Priority of Marital Status 79 xii 4.16 Question of Gender Confirm 80 4.17 Question of Salary level Confirm 81 5.1 The Scoring Function of Initial Credit Evaluation 97 5.2 The Scoring Function of Seller Dynamic Credit Evaluation 100 5.3 The Scoring Function of Buyer Dynamic Credit Evaluation 102 5.4 Initial Credit Evaluation Indicators Weight 105 5.5 Dynamic Credit Evaluation Indicators Weight for Seller 106 5.6 Dynamic Credit Evaluation Indicators Weight for Buyer 107 6.1 User’s Dynamic Credit Evaluation Test 131 6.2 System Integrative Test 132 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE 1.1 Distribution of the reasons of having not attempted the PAGE 4 network Shopping 2.1 Online-consuming model 21 2.2 E-commerce system constructions 25 2.3 The general transaction process of e-commerce 35 3.1 Project methodology 45 4.1 TaoBao online-trading system 58 4.2 Seller’s credit ranks 62 4.3 Buyer’s credit ranks 62 4.4 TaoBao credit evaluation system 63 4.5 Age Distribution 67 4.6 The Distribution of Role 68 4.7 Question Result of Career Priority Confirm 80 4.8 The Process of Improved System 84 5.1 Fuzzy Credit Evaluation Framework 91 5.2 Credit Evaluation Indicators Structure 95 6.1 Database of Bank System 119 6.2 Database of User’s Initial Credit 120 xiv 6.3 Database of User’s Initial Credit 120 6.4 Database of Buyer’s Dynamic Credit 121 6.5 Database of Seller’s Dynamic Credit 122 6.6 Buyer’s Interface of Before Authentication 123 6.7 Authentication Interface 124 6.8 Granting Initial Credit Interface 125 6.9 Buyer’s Interface of After Authentication 126 6.10 Buyer Evaluation Interface 127 6.11 Interface of Seller’s Credit 127 6.12 Seller Evaluation Interface 128 6.13 Interface of Buyer’s Credit 129 6.14 Credit Situation of New User Test 130 xv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDICES A TITLE QUESTIONNAIRE PAGE 147 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction E-commerce means a serious of business and commerce that use modern electronic information technology, especially use internet technology. It is the new trading model that grown up in western world in ninetieth of twenty century. The feature of e-commerce is purposing online-trading base on internet environment. In the developing global economy, e-commerce has become to a necessary element of business strategy and a strong catalyst for economic development; the integration of information and communications technology (ICT) in business has revolutionized relationships within organizations and those between and among organizations and individuals (Chen Zhihao, 2003). Specifically, the use of ICT in business has enhanced productivity, encouraged greater customer participation, and enabled mass customization, besides reducing costs (Zhen Wenhong, 2000). Following the lawmaking and consummation of e-commerce, and the development of safe-key of internet, can build a good business environment of e-commerce, and also can create a 2 “level playing field” for internet enterprise of any size (Wei Mingxia, 2001). However, throughout the practice in so many years, e-commerce has taken the value that should be expected. The mostly point is the main stakeholders in e-commerce cannot trust each other. 1.2 Background of Problem According to the estimates of International Data Corp (IDC) (2004) we can see the value of e-commerce has increased very fast, in 2000 the value of global e-commerce is US$350.38 billion; and then was projected to climb to as high as US$3.14 trillion by 2004. IDC also predicts an increase in Asia’s percentage share in worldwide e-commerce revenue from 5% in 2000 to 10% in 2004. Asia-Pacific e-commerce revenues are projected to increase from $76.8 billion at year-end of 2001 to $338.5 billion by the end of 2004 (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003). However, recently, the development of e-commerce faces to some threats, those threats result in the e-commerce developed very slowly, is not because absence the model of payoff, but it is the loss of the trust. The e-commerce credit risk is more and more important; credit risk is becoming to the key point of baffling consumer’s online-trading (JvarePnaaetal., 2000; Baetal., 2000). Some enterprises that spent a tremendous financing in built an e-commerce establishment have try to find the way to build the credit and force the online-trading for receive the cost, make payoff and advance the development of the enterprise. But the results are not satisfaction, because the e-commerce activities are through the space-time, the credit risk is more 3 sense to the organizations’ and individual’s online-activity and performance (Tadesli, 1999). Dummy market (or electronic market) is the market that basing internet and relative to the traditional market; it is the typical “stranger” social. Its universality, changing records, complex entities and dummy are make its credit problem is more important than traditional market; the trader easier to trend to lie each other, because this losing credit action has low risk, but the income is satisfactory. Following the cheat is more popular in the e-commerce, the losing credit; the credit conjuncture and the problem of deteriorating the situation of trust are more and more graveness (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003). According to the eighteenth research report (2006) from China Network Information Centre (CNNIC), China has 300 millions internet consumers, as a quarter of the netters. Compare with 2005, there were raising 50% of the internet consumers. But there were 71.1% netters who do not have the experience of online-trading do not trust the online-trading. From the “Hotspot research report” of CNNIC (2004.11), it surveyed the netters’ online-trading. In the multi-select question of “Distribution of the reasons of having not attempted the network shopping”, the main results of the netters who do not have the experience of online-trading are: don’t trust the web, worry about the quality of commodity and the after service, oppugn the safety, and worry the way of payment, it show in the Figure.1.1 (CNNIC, 2006). However, some netters had already to try online-shopping, but they gave up because the too fussy process to balance and have to fill too much information (CNNIC, 2006). 4 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 others no suitable commodity do not want to buy, no needs unabundance commodity unsatisfation price commodity information not complete do not know how to buy worry the commodity send worry the way to pay complex after service safety worry quality do not trust Figure 1.1 Distribution of the reasons of having not attempted the network shopping (CNNIC, 2006) The main point of the problem of online-trading is lacking an effective e-commerce credit system, especially the personal credit system, to control the online-trading credit risk. So, it is very urgent to investigate the e-commerce credit evaluating system, keeping advance the current credit situation. 5 1.3 Statement of Problem Credit system exits in the West developed countries has more than 160 years history, the importance of credit value in depth people’s lives. Herbig, Meliwicz (1994) had discussed the concept of credit model in 1994s. Tadelis, in 2001, said that credit is the exchangeable assets and also is promoting. But after so many years of development, credit issues remain a major problem that affecting the development of e-commerce. The e-commerce credit risk is also not very clear, people do not know where it happens and how to avoid; because the current credit evaluating system is still too vague to analysis the stakeholders who do the transaction in e-commerce credit. Due to the above problem, it is urgency to have a clear credit evaluating system that can support a good credit environment of online-trading, furthermore, to advance the development of e-commerce. 1.4 Objectives The objective of this project is providing useful information for reducing the online-trading credit risk, and to help the people or organization to enjoy the online-trading; consequently advance the development of e-commerce. 6 To achieve the above objectives, there sub-objectives should be formulated are: 1.5 i. To analyze the e-commerce credit risk. ii. To evaluate the C2C credit evaluation system. iii. To design system for reduce credit risk of TaoBao system. Scope This project represents a systematic analysis approach for evaluate the credit risk of online-trading. It is the oriented can help consumer sensing and avoiding the credit risk of online-trading, for advance the development of e-commerce in some aspects. This research covers: i. E-commerce credit risks mechanism. ii. C2C operating system and credit evaluating system. iii. Case study of TaoBao credit evaluating system. iv. This credit evaluating system is developed based on web-sites design application and windows environment. 7 1.6 Summary This chapter focused to introduce the current situation of development of e-commerce and online-trading and important of credit risk in e-commerce. Firstly, it defined the connotation and the characteristic of credit. Then, introduced the nature of e-commerce, and analyzed the current situation of e-commerce. Laid out the credit risk has been the very important element in the e-commerce. In addition, it introduced the online-trading, which is the main action in e-commerce, and analyzed the mechanism of online-trading. At the end, get the conclusion that is when the credit risk in online-trading can be improve, it will advance the e-commerce move on. Otherwise, this is the main objective of this project. 8 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction C2C as a major transaction form of e-commerce has been growing rapidly. In 2006, the China Network Information Center (CNNIC) at the first time did the investigation of China C2C online-trading and issued the “China 2006 C2C online-trading report” (CNNIC, 2006). The report show that C2C online-trading is more and more important in the city netizens, the number and frequency of C2C behavior are very active. As of march 2006, in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, there have online-trading consumer s 2million people, the rate in internet users reached 16.2% (CNNIC, 2006). C2C online-trading problems caused by a variety of causes are many, but in general is the lack of an effective e-commerce credit system, especially the personal credit system, cannot get an effectively of the credit risk control. 9 In this chapter, first introduce the concept of e-commerce credit risk, it includes that presenting the class of e-commerce and analyzing the credit risk mechanism in e-commerce. Then, continue to introduce the characteristics of online-trading, analyzing the online consumer’s requirements, mentality and activities, according these theories summarize the e-commerce credit risk how to impact the online consumers. In addition, focus on the C2C e-commerce, and introduce its credit evaluating system; use the case study of E-bay and TaoBao to find out the general problems of current e-commerce credit evaluating system. 2.2 E-commerce credit Since the emergence of network on the 60s of 20th century, the theory of e-commerce, with the developing of dummy market activities, is getting enrichment content, constant innovation, deepening of the concept, growing areas of research; e-commerce credit risk is the product of e-commerce theory and practice keep to innovation (Kolloek, 1999). 10 2.2.1 Credit “Credit” is the static state attribute of people or organization; otherwise, it is the degree of faithful and recognized by other people, almost defined in the economics (Jin Xiaohong, 2007). In the economics area, the concept of credit can define in a broad and narrow. In the narrow sense, the credit is the activities of debit and prepay between the different owners of goods and money, reflecting the debt relationship of owner and debtor. In the broad sense, credit is the unity of the subjective faith and objective solvent. The development of credit, lead credit becomes a means to a way of trading, occurring the credit transactions; otherwise, it is the concept of narrow sense which defined above. It actually is the “credit” concept in the abroad area using and extending in the economy area. There the natures of the credit characteristics are: firstly, it is the moral character to fulfilling their obligations and commitment in the subjective; and in the objective, it has the ability to delivering or paying. Credit is the diathesis and also is the capability, as Muller said: “to judge one’s credit, look for how many solvencies he has (Fukuyama,F, 1995).” As a result, the credit quality should include two levels credit as character credit and assets credit. Secondly, in the essential, credit reflects the relationship between right and debt. Thirdly, reflecting to the expectations and requirements with the future benefit, as Macleod said: “every expectation is credit, merchandise credit to be sold in exchange for monetary credit.” Therefore, credit can be defined that one of the psychology base on trust, and represent a lot of forms, the final goal is to obtain “the payment value”. (Jiang Lingming, 2003) 11 2.2.2 E-commerce The e-commerce and e-business are not the same in some aspects. In e-commerce, information and communications technology (ICT) is used to inter-business (B2B) and in business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions. In e-business, on the other hand, ICT is used to enhance one’s business. It includes any process that a business organization (either a for-profit, governmental or non-profit entity) conducts over a computer-mediated network. A more comprehensive definition of e-business is: “The transformation of an organization’s processes to deliver additional customer value through the application of technologies, philosophies and computing paradigm of the new economy (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003).” From the view of philology e-business can be defined to be a general commercial activities or industry behavior; it includes the specific action and operations. E-commerce normally can be defined to the actions of trade and purchase in internet; it is usually implied that the value of property exchange. A more systemic definition is: E-commerce is the use of electronic communications and digital information processing technology in business transactions to create, transform, and redefine relationships for value creation between or among organizations, and between organizations and individuals (Emmanuel Lallana, Rudy Quimbo, Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2000). According to a scholars’ definition (Resnick.P, and Zeckhauser,R., 2001), we can recognize that e-commerce is the exchange value between stakeholder base on the network and electronic information technology. 12 The Classes of E-commerce E-commerce is not only built on the basis of business activities, but also based on their creation maintenance and improvement on the existing and potential relationships. There major different types of e-commerce are: business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), business to government (B2G), consumer to consumer (C2C), system to system (S2S), consumer to government (C2G) and mobile commerce (m-commerce) (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003). i. B2B e-commerce B2B e-commerce is simply defined as e-commerce between companies. This is the type of e-commerce that deals with relationships between and among businesses. About 80% of e-commerce is of this type, and most experts predict that B2B ecommerce will continue to grow faster than the B2C segment (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003). ii. B2C e-commerce B2C is the model of e-commerce between business and consumer; it is the second largest and the earliest form of e-commerce. Its origins can be traced to online retailing (or e-tailing) (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003). It involves customers gathering information; purchasing physical goods (i.e., tangibles such as books or consumer products) or information goods (or goods of electronic material or digitized content, such as software, or e-books); and, for information goods, receiving products over an electronic network (Goldman Sachs Investment Research, November 1999). The common B2C applications are in the areas of purchasing 13 products and information, and personal finance management, which pertain to the management of personal investments and finances with the use of online banking tools (e.g., Quicken) (Gefen. D., 2000). iii. B2G e-commerce B2G is generally defined as commerce between companies and the public sector. It refers to the use of the Internet for public procurement, licensing procedures, and other government-related operations. This kind of e-commerce has two features: first, the public sector assumes a pilot/leading role in establishing e-commerce; and second, it is assumed that the public sector has the greatest need for making its procurement system more effective (TA Project, 2002). iv. C2C e-commerce Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce or C2C is simply commerce between private individuals or consumers (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003). This type of e-commerce is characterized by the growth of electronic marketplaces and online auctions, particularly in vertical industries where firms/businesses can bid for what they want from among multiple suppliers (Traderinasia.com, 2002). It perhaps has the greatest potential for developing new markets. v. M-commerce M-commerce (mobile commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless technology-i.e., handheld devices such as cellular telephones and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Japan is seen as a global leader in 14 m-commerce (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003). vi. S2S e-commerce S2S is during the organization of e-commerce, such as between different departments within the organization e-commerce through an enterprise network (internet) and enterprises extranet, such as the e-governance in the same department of government. This is the current e-commerce has been widely carried out (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003). vii. C2G e-commerce C2G is the e-commerce between government and individuals. For example, the providing of social welfare funds or personal tax returns. This model has not really formed. However, as the development of business-to-consumer and business-government e-commerce, governments would be better to implement the electronic services for individuals (Zorayda Ruth Andam, 2003). The above definition of e-commerce almost based the internet, but we can define it in more extensive coverage, including other technology such as radio, phone shopping, private network (such as the banking system) and EDI (electronic data interchange), etc. 15 2.2.3 E-commerce Credit In the e-commerce researches, credit has been to the key point of stimulating the internet purchase (Kolloek, 1999). In the actual dealing, all the relationship need the credit factor, particularly the relationship that occurring in the uncertain environment of e-commerce (Fung and Lee, 1999). Thus establishing the credit relationship between the stakeholders is the key point of e-commerce development (Whitmeyer, Joseph M., 2000). In the relationship between consumer and marketers, the most important element also is credit (Stewart, et al.1999), credit has impacted to consumers, especially to online consumers (Swan, J.E. and Nolan, J.J., 1985). Therefore, credit is the key element of e-commerce and can be a strategic mechanism that advancing the relationship between consumer to marketers (Kotkin,J., 1998). E-commerce credit can be defined that the consumers believe that a particular transaction in some way with their own subjective expected probability of consistent (Stewart, 1999). In the e-commerce transactions, the definition of credit includes a number of distinct but inseparable factors: first, it includes a marketer’s specific traditional credit concept. Second, it is tightly around the reliability and honesty of transacting media (Fombrun,C. and Shanley, M., 1990). This is mean when consumer estimate a particular transaction that will according their own expect to be occur, consumer will consider the features of marketer and transaction media. Compared with the traditional credit, interpersonal trust, e-commerce credit first has the impersonal feature (Li Huibing, Yang Dongxue, 2000). Impersonal credit 16 can be occurred where the relationship between non-personalized, the relationship between all stakeholders is “episodic”, in other words, in short-term, the information is asymmetric and uncertain, and from there are including a number of important inter-authorized between consumers and marketers (Dorre, R, 1987). The features of dummy market and e-commerce decide that the e-commerce non-personalized credit is necessary, Doney and Cannon putted forward the cognitive or perceptual process, and format credit through these process (Danny and Cannon, 1997). Danny and Cannon (1997) believe that credit can be completed by estimating an entity’s ability of achieving tasks. According to this view, for consumer in order to establish the credit of a specific transaction, they will use a competent procedure to ensure that marketer and media can complete transaction in the specific ways, and consistent with its expectation. In addition, credit also involves another procedure which the consumer can have a subjective with specific situation base on the limit information. There is the logic relationship between consumer and specific transaction, if consumer estimate the personal private and safe is consistent with their expectation, they will establish the credit. In short, when the collection of consumer’s information and the subsequent visit, use and disclosure consistent with its expectations, and consumer believe that their information on the way of transmission and storage will not be browsed, stored and manipulated by inappropriate organizations, the consumer will establish the credit. 17 2.3 E-Commerce Credit Risk Risk can be defined that “the threat or probability that an action or event will adversely or beneficially affect an organization's ability to achieve its objectives” (Liu Youcai 1996). Generally, when we speak risk, it is only definite of those event which are highly uncertain or hazardous (Liao Chenglin, 2003). Symbolically, risk can be as: (Shi Liangping, 2003). Risk = Uncertainty * Potential loss/gain In the e-commerce credit, this uncertainty can be known that the variable moral of traders, and the uncertainty of media platform. E-commerce credit risk refers to the uncertain of credit in e-commerce or dummy market (Zeng Yong, 2004). According to the concept of e-commerce, e-commerce credit risk can be defined that the stakeholders of dummy market or e-commerce process comply with the market contract (implicit or explicit) the degree of uncertainty; it because of the uncertainty of stakeholders’ credit philosophy (ethical, cultural or moral) and credit capacity in dummy market (Bian Xiaohong, 2006). 18 2.4 Online-trading in E-commerce The basic features of e-commerce decide the e-commerce should be different to the traditional market. It makes the online-trading more complex. 2.4.1 The Characteristics of Online-trading Consumers have the special activities in the dummy market; in the dummy market, the online-trading activities can consist of the online-consumer’s consuming demands and consuming trend, and from those to bring out the activities. Online-consumer’s Requirements Online-trading is the new way of consume, it different to the traditional trade. In this way, the consumer is facing to a virtual platform; it can be exempted from the restrictions of time and space. The “Maslow's hierarchy of needs” can explain almost online-trading activities, but the virtual society, after all, is different to the traditional society; so it must have some new features (Wen Xing, 2007). 19 Firstly, all the demand hierarchy of online-trading has the close relationship (Wen Xing, 2007). For example, in the same purchase orders, the consumer can buy the most common and the expensive jewelry to meet the physiological needs and the demand for respect together. So in the online-trading, company can supply wider area product, and show the different hierarchy products in the same time. Secondly, in the online-trading, consumer’s demands not only represent to the normal demand, but more as the potential demand, because almost the online consumer are the young people, they have advanced awareness and responsive to new things, speeder receivable (Wen Xing, 2007). So in the online-trading, company should through constant innovation to attract consumer, at the same time, use the own strengths, stimulate the new demands of online consumers. Online-consumer’s Mentality Consumer is always been the hot spot in the online-trading (Wen Xing, 2007). Catching the characteristic of online consumers, it is the very important to the enterprise’s decisions and performance. One enterprise want to attract customers, get constant competition, they need to analyze the online consumer, and understand their characteristic, then make the decision. 20 Online-consumer’s Activities The network environment provides broader selection space. In this space, consumers can have a wider selection, base on the huge network and e-commerce system; but too much selections to bring a negative impact on the consumer, it makes the consumers do not know how to make the decisions (Wen Xing, 2007). Therefore, almost websites often set up the products or services columns; and there have been some comparison sites, analysis model and evaluate software to guide consumer behavior; thus, consumers can make a purchase more sensibly. In addition, the consumer will easy to compare the price, and then make a very rational purchase decision. At the last, online consumers are according to their own needs to search the suit products, but not longer passively accept the vendors to provide products or services (Wen Xing, 2007). However, if they cannot find the product they want, consumers will to show the desire of the products base on the network. Those should affect the production and business processes. 2.4.2 Online-consuming Model Consumers’ online purchase process consists by a series of closely interrelated activities. The online-trading can be representing in the Figure.2.1, when consider e-commerce credit risk. It includes the five stages are confirm needs, gather information, program evaluation, purchase decision-making and post-purchase evaluation (Zhang Huifang, 2002). 21 Figure 2.1 Online-consuming model (Zhang Huifang, 2002) From these five stages can be seen that the purchase process began before the actual purchase occur, and the impact will be sustained for a long time after the purchase (Zhang Huifang, 2002). i. Confirming needs The starting of purchase process is an awareness of needs. Consumers are aware that the different between the actual situation and the expectation to generate demands. The demand can be stimulated by internal factors, such as hunger and thirst, and can also be stimulated by external factors, such as seeing someone bought a new computer. 22 ii. Gathering information A consumer who had been aroused a demand will seek more information. So, gathering information becomes to the second part into the process of online-trading. The role of this sector is to collect data for prepare the next step, program evaluation. There are two main aspects of gathering information: the internal channels and external channels. At the first, consumers search the product information in their memory. If there is not enough information for the decision-making, consumer would go to the external environment to look for information. In the online-trading, the gathering information is almost basing to the internet. iii. Program evaluation In this process, firstly, online consumers should evaluate the e-commerce credit risk. Secondly, consumers should consider the own ability of pay. Consumers have to compare analysis and understand the commodities’ characteristics in order to balance the demands and their purchasing ability. Normally, consumers’ evaluation almost considers the functionality, reliability, performance, style, and price and after-sales service. However, the information that consumers have gotten can be too large amount to analyze. Thus, a variety of network tools, comparison model came to solute those problems. Because consumers cannot contact the product with the physical in online-trading, so consumer evaluates the products relying on the description of goods. Therefore, the network marketer should describe their product by text and pictures, for facilitate customers to do an evaluation. However, network marketer cannot do the product of false propaganda, or they might lose their customers. 23 iv. Purchase decision-making Compared with the traditional way of buying, there are two characteristics of online consumers’ decision-making: firstly, the decision-making of online-trading is faster than the traditional. Secondly, online consumers have to face higher credit risk. An enterprise to deal in a virtual environment is not easy; there are three conditions should be confirmed when online consumer buying a commodity: first of all, firms should have a sense of trust. Secondly, there is a sense of security for the payment. Thirdly, the products have a favorable impression. v. Post-purchase evaluation When consumers bought goods, they are often inspecting the options in order to determine the accuracy of this purchase decision. If a product’s price, quality and service are the same to the expected, consumer will feel the satisfaction, otherwise, consumers will be generated a version mind. Post-evaluation are often determine the consumer purchasing trends in the future. This model mainly discusses the model of e-commerce credit risk how to impact the online-trading process. However, this model is somewhat vague and rough to interpret the e-commerce credit risk impact of online-trading. 24 2.5 C2C Credit Risk Analysis According to the analyzed of e-commerce credit risk characteristic, and the introduction of behavior of online consuming. After that, focused on analyze the impact of C2C e-commerce credit risk. 2.5.1 C2C System Structure There is no authoritative conclusion of which parts should be included in a complete e-commerce system. On the whole, e-commerce system is a collection of multi-technology; it should include the four structures (Che Chun, 2005): Payment platform Security platform Payment central server, mail server and payment gateway Security authentication system Network platform Internet Figure 2.2 E-commerce system constructions (Che Chun, 2005) Others Games News Distant medical e-business Online pay tax Online payment Online application Video, music play Distant education Safe WWW sites platform Safe E-mail system Managing platform Application 25 Whatever network platform, security platform, payment platform, or e-commerce applications, they must provide the necessary supporting services to maintain the normal operation of e-commerce system. In the C2C e-commerce system, it should be able to reflect the real-world business activities to achieve the online transactions between the online traders; and also providing a viable web-based management programs and trading methods to make the dissemination of commodities more timely and widely. C2C e-commerce system is based on the general e-commerce system, according to the transaction characteristics of C2C e-commerce, forming its unique e-commerce system architecture. Now, according to the typical C2C e-commerce system, auction web-site analyzes the C2C e-commerce system. There are some functions of C2C e-commerce auction system (Zeng Yong, 2004). i. The basic data support module. C2C e-commerce system needs a powerful data supporting system for storing the user’s personal information, transaction information, information. and commodity 26 ii. Service management module. The main aim of this module is achieving the updating information and user’s store management of web-site with regularly. iii. Credit intermediaries. More and more C2C e-commerce sites on the internet played a third-party intermediary role. It uses the own credit mechanism to achieve the management of online trader’s credit; through the evaluation of online trader’s credit, so that providing the credit reference of trader’s records of transaction, thus to ensure the transactions. 2.5.2 C2C Characteristics C2C e-commerce system not only has the characteristics of general e-commerce, but also has a number of its own notable features (ZhuXiaozhong, ZhangZongyi, GenHuadan, 2004). i. Wide range and numerous participants. Almost transaction stakeholders in C2C e-commerce are the individual and small business. Because the development of internet, online-trading has become to a fashionable, therefore attracting more user’s to participating. 27 ii. Numerous products. Online traders just need through a simple registration as long as you can make shopping online, no need pay for the store. The low operating costs attract a wide range business to set their shop online, and providing a varied options. iii. Flexible transaction. Because the number of money of transaction general too small, so it can use a varying ways of transactions. With the growing awareness of credit and the improving of credit mechanism, the current C2C e-commerce web-site to be the third-party intermediary roles, to provide payment guarantees to ensure the transaction be success. With the growing number of online-trading users, the role of C2C e-commerce transaction platform to become more and more important. How better to evaluating the online trader’s credit, solving the credit problem of transaction stakeholders on C2C e-commerce transaction platform, are become to the main point of development of C2C e-commerce. 2.5.3 The Origin of C2C Credit Risk Because the characteristics of C2C e-commerce, its credit risk is even more prominent. There are three credit risk arising (Wen Xing, 2007): 28 From the buyer’s credit risk. i. For the individual consumers, may exist using a credit card to pay and malicious overdraft on the network, or using the forged credit card to fraudulent the seller’s goods. For a group, they possibility delay the payment, so the seller has to assume the risk. From the seller’s credit risk ii. Because the virtual of network, the buyer may be cannot pick up the real samples. In the process of putting the commodity into a picture, some basic information will be lost, so buyer cannot get the complete information from the picture and descriptions. These will take the product identification risk, which can impact the performance, quality and other aspects of product, to the consumers. iii. The denying existence in both of buyer and seller Because the releasing of transaction information and the delivering of goods have a certain lag, it should be different with the real situation. In short, C2C e-commerce credit risk problem has its own internal reasons, in other hand, because the network and there are many imperfections problem of C2C e-commerce system. In addition, C2C e-commerce credit risk problem has the problem from external, namely, a whole credit system of society is not perfect by lack of credit. If want to control the C2C e-commerce credit risk, have to develop a good credit risk control strategies, establish a sound credit evaluating system, that need the joint efforts of the whole society, especially the help of government. 29 For evaluating people’s basic information and confirming people’s initial credit, These seven indicators are easy to be confirm when user doing the online register; in addition, these seven indicators have strongly close with user’s credit. There are age, gender, marital status, education degree, occupation, salary, and bank deposits. Zhao Xiaodong and Zhen Tao (2003) described the indicators as following: Age: Age is a more important indicator in the credit evaluation. In the general bank individual credit evaluation indicator, they all believe that the older person has higher credit level than youth. Gender: women’s credit generally is believed that higher than men’s. Marital status: married better than unmarried, with children is better than no children. Educational level: A person who has the higher education level has better quality. Occupation: A person who has a relatively stable degree of career has higher credibility. Salary: It is a measure of the credibility of the user’s economic indicators; the higher income has greater credibility. Bank deposit: More bank deposits are more worthy of trust. For evaluating people’s behaviors and according to the report of “China’s C2C online shopping survey” (CNNIC, 2009) shows that when the buyer choose the seller, 75% of buyers are most concerned about the price of goods or cost-effective, more than 55% of buyers are concerned about the quality of goods, and others important aspects that buyers concerned are the delivery time and service attitude. These results are similar to the research of I did in China by questionnaire. In addition, in order to prevent the problem of users use cheap goods to carry out the high credit rank; and to make a more equitable trading environment, the turnover 30 indicator will be added. Furthermore, to prevent the malicious evaluation and to make buyer’s evaluation more reliable, the buyers’ evaluation can evaluate higher scores by the higher credit rank. Therefore, this thesis selected six indicators as a dynamic credit evaluation indicator; there are: time, quality, service, price, buyer credit, and turnover. The description of each indicator as follows: Time: in the promised time, the faster can be more satisfied; Quality: the quality of goods with the commitment of quality, the closer the better; Price: compare the price with other same goods, the cheaper the better; Service: better service has more satisfied; Credit rating: the higher credit rank user to make the evaluation more reliable; Turnover: more turnover transaction, the proceeds of the credit score is higher; 2.6 The Construction of C2C Credit Evaluation System For the e-commerce credit risk, David Friedman, from United States, have said that the dispute of online-trading has two roots: the first is the time different, the second is anonymous system (ShaoBingjia, LiRu, 2006). To solve the time different, the best way is providing the third-party guarantees and paying. In China, the earliest third-party payment platform is “AnFuTong”, in 2000, which belongs E-bay. After e-Bay, TaoBao, YiPai and other auction sites have continue to designed “ZhiFubao” and “YiPaitong” to be the new 31 payment platforms. Although, there are many detail problem should be improve, but showing the efforts of online-trading sites in online payment. For the anonymous issue, David (2004) said, allowing third parties to confirm the identity of both the traders, but the traders also remain anonymous (David Friedman, 2004). After E-bay created a real name certification program, almost online-trading sites have been chosen this procedure. Another mechanism to offset the anonymity risk is credit evaluating system. If web site was not supported by a credit system, online-trading cannot development any longer. Therefore, the credit evaluating system that evaluates the transaction of traders is the key word to solve problem of online-trading. At present, almost C2C e-commerce sites has their own credit evaluating system, but generally the participants in C2C transaction are individuals or small businesses, they are not visibility, lacking understand between the traders is the problem to use the credit evaluation system. In this chapter, will compare and analyze two typical sites, TaoBao and E-bay, to point out the lacks of C2C e-commerce credit evaluation system. 32 2.6.1 The Analysis of C2C Credit Evaluation System Credit evaluation system is the tool that use in e-commerce to create and transfer information. The goal is using the past transaction information to judge the quality of products and services of sellers and the payment situation of buyers. It is purpose to reduce the credit risk of transaction (ShaoBingjia, LiRu, 2006). The basic principles of credit evaluation system are: after a user finishes a transaction, the traders can evaluate some aspects of transaction, such as products quality, the timely of sending goods and payment. Formatting feedback of credit information is reflecting the user’s credit situation and to be the reference for other users. Credit evaluation system mainly has following aspects: i. To constraint the traders’ behavior; reduce transaction risk, especial credit risk; improve the success rate of transaction; in some extent, reduce transaction costs. ii. To facilitate traders to understand and judge other’s credit situation, for improve the success rate of online-trading. iii. To the both of traders, credit evaluating can reduce the transaction costs. For example, it can reduce the costs of advertising that seller try to get the trust of buyers. 33 2.6.2 Case Study of TaoBao and E-bay In the C2C e-commerce sites, the general transaction process is following Figure 2.3: Figure 2.3 The general transaction process of e-commerce (LuHongyan, WeiXin, 2007) According to this process, comparing these two web sites credit evaluation system from different aspects (LuHongyan, WeiXin, 2007): 34 i. Registering members. Whatever the buyer or seller, they can register at the two platforms for free, and also easy to operating. ii. The way of authenticating. For the seller, E-bay is through mobile phones, fixed phones and ID card to complete the authentication. TaoBao is through ID card and bank accounts to complete the user identity authenticating. For the buyer, no need identity authenticating for both of two platforms. iii. Payment security. In the payment security area, both of those platforms are the third-party role of payment tool. iv. Credit evaluation system (LuHongyan, WeiXin, 2007) Table 2.1 The Comparing of E-bay and TaoBao credit system (LuHongyan, WeiXin,2007) E-bay Credit The The evaluation of sellers All the evaluation of sellers evaluation evaluating system rules TaoBao that from the buyer who that even from the buyer who of has been passed the did not pass the identity 35 buyer seller to identity authentication will authentication will get the get the scores in seller’s scores in seller’s credit credit system, otherwise system will not Evaluation When buyer has been When buyer has effecting auctioned a commodity, auctioned time he/she can evaluate and he/she can evaluate, but the immediately have effect a been commodity, results will show after both of the traders have been evaluate. Credit As long as the evaluation Getting the score when have scoring finish gets the scoring, been evaluated and finish the system deals get one evaluation. transaction through “positive” get 1 score, “ZhiFuBao” payment “neutral” on score and platform, “negative” get -1 score deals get one evaluation. “positive” get 1 score, “neutral” on score and “negative” get -1 score Buyer’s Buyer’s and seller’s credit Buyer’s and seller’s credit use credit and use one credit system, do different credit system seller’s not separate credit The In the second (or more) To the same traders, they can transaction transaction between the evaluate and get score sixth between same traders, traders can time in one month, over some make a evaluation but transaction cannot get score users cannot get score 36 2.6.3 The Lacks of Current C2C Credit Evaluation System According to the above compared the credit system of E-bay and TaoBao, obviously, these two credit system ensure the security of online-trading in some deeps. But also there are existing some lacks, especially in the e-commerce credit evaluation, both of them have some places should improve: i. Lacking a effective verification of both seller and buyer. ii. Lacking of oneness in the rules of credit evaluation, web sites spent a lot of budget to establishing and maintaining credit evaluation system. iii. Credit evaluation model is too simple. iv. Lacking timely evaluation In this aspect, the lack of E-bay’s mechanism is more obvious. Firstly, buyers do not need to be waiting the transaction successful, they can evaluate. This behavior supplies a chance to give “falsity credit”. In addition, in the E-bay system, the evaluator who evaluate first may be face the retaliatory negative feedback, so some buyers who faced unsatisfactory service have to give up to evaluate. The results, making the credit of sellers are distortion. v. Buyers and sellers credit In the E-bay system, it does not separate the credit of buyers and sellers, but the nature of credit of buyers and sellers are different, as a buyer, concerned about 37 the other sellers’ credit only, and for a seller, also only concerned about their customers’ credit. 2.7 Summary This chapter has described the literature review of e-commerce credit evaluation system. According the e-commerce credit risk mechanism analyze to find out the impact of credit risk of online consumers. Besides, it used the C2C credit evaluation system to find the general problems of e-commerce online-trading. Case study of E-bay and TaoBao are also introduced in this study. 38 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Methodology refers to everything that can be encapsulated for a series of process, activities and tasks, for plan the way of doing things, examples of this are software development, project management and business process fields (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methodology). In this chapter, the research methodology of this project will be presented. The methodology involves finding the mechanism of e-commerce credit risk, investing components of online-trading, analyzing the lack of current system, at the final, designing a system to support e-commerce credit evaluation system. For achieving these steps, some tools that used are Microsoft word 2007, Microsoft Project 2007, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0, StarUML and MySQL. 39 3.2 Project Methodology The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a type of methodology used to describe the process for building information systems, intended to develop information systems in a very deliberate, structured and methodical way, reiterating each stage of the life cycle (DSDM Consortium, 1990). The typical system development life cycle models include waterfall model, spiral model and prototype model. The waterfall model is a sequential software development process, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through the phases of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing and maintenance. It has its origins in the manufacturing and construction industries; highly structured physical environments in which after-the fact changes are prohibitively costly, if not impossible (Wikipedia web). The spiral model was defined by Barry Boehm in his 1988 article “A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement” (Wikipedia web). It is a software development process combining elements of both design and prototyping-in-stages, in an effort to combine advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts (Danephilip, 2008). The Prototyping Model is a systems development method (SDM) in which a prototype (an early approximation of a final system or product) is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary until an acceptable prototype is finally achieved from which the complete system or product can now be developed. This model works best 40 in scenarios where not all of the project requirements are known in detail ahead of time. It is an iterative, trial-and-error process that takes place between the developers and the users (Boehm B, 1988). The advantages and disadvantages for those two methodologies are presented in Table 3.1 (Wikipedia web) Table 3.1: Advantages and disadvantages for Waterfall Model Spiral Model Prototype model (Wikipedia web, 2006) Methodology Waterfall Model Advantages Disadvantages 1. Clear project objectives. 2. Stable 3. 4. 1. project 2. Time consuming Never backward requirements. (Traditional) Progress of system is 3. Little room for iteration measurable. Difficulty responding to Strict 4. sign-off changes requirements. Spiral Model 1. 2. 3. Avoidance of Risk is 1. Highly enhanced. limiting re-usability Strong approval and 2. Applied differently for documentation control. each application Implementation Risk priority has 3. over functionality. 4. customized of not meeting budget or schedule 4. Possibility to end up Additional Functionality implemented as can be added at a later Waterfall framework the 41 date. Prototype model 1. Strong between Dialogue 1. users and Missing functionality non-functional elements functions difficult to document can be 3. Requirements application may cause application Quick not to be used as the full of, system was designed incomplete, but 4. Incomplete or inadequate functional, application problem analysis May Client generate 5. for a production application Encourages innovation may be unknowledgeable 6. Environment to resolve unclear objectives 7. Incomplete implementation specifications 6. Identifying Confusing or difficult validation, 5. without Prototype 2. identified 4. be rigorous evaluation of can be identified easily 3. may awarded developers 2. Contract Approval process and requirement is not strict 7. Requirements frequently may change 42 and flexible designs significantly In this project, methodology will base the general technology, which named System Development Life Cycle. This methodology consists of five phases, that summary in Figure 3.1: i. Feasibility and planning phase ii. Function and requirement analysis phase iii. System design phase iv. System build phase v. System testing and evaluation phase 43 Phase 1 Feasibility and planning Phase 2 Function and requirement analysis Phase 3 System design Phase 4 System build Phase 5 System testing and evaluation Figure 3.1 Project methodology 44 3.2.1 Feasibility and Planning Phase Generally, the feasibility includes the three aspects of possibility, effectiveness and necessity. Possibility includes the feasibility of technical, material, financial and personnel support. Effectiveness includes the implementation of the project can bring economic effective and social effective, and necessity is more complex, including the social environment, personnel quality and cognitive level various factors, etc (http://searchcio-midmarket.techtarget.com). Before the investment decision-making in the project, through the investigation of situations of engineering, economic, social and other aspects, comparing the possible solutions and analyzing the economic and social effective after the completion of investment project, for inspect the project advanced of technically, the rationality and profitability of economic, and the possibility and feasibility of the building; then, to determine the feasibility of project investment. The feasibility phase includes many aspects, which can be summarized the following aspects: technical aspect, economic aspect and operating environment aspect (www.uml.org.cn). Technical feasibility analysis is that in the technologies and products of current market, possibility of using the current or as well as likely to have the capacity of technical, product features and human resources to achieve the project objectives, functionality and performance; and whether or not can complete the project in the limit period of time. Technical feasibility analysis should in general be considered (www.uml.org.cn): 45 i. The risk of project ii. The effectiveness of human resources iii. The possibility of technological iv. The availability of product In the process of analyzing operating environment feasibility, the main focus is that whether it can build the environment for running the system, and the works that involved in building the environment, for put these works into the project plan. Generally, the feasibility phase can be summarized into several steps (www.uml.org.cn): i. Finding the exiting problems ii. Analyzing issues iii. To determine project objectives iv. To export and evaluation of various options v. To understand For this project, this phase is relating to the chapter 1 and 2, for finding the problems of current evaluation system and the roots of those problems. And then, determine the objectives of this project and make a general outcome of this project for solving those problems. At the last, determine this scope of this project, such as, which technologies should be used and which knowledge should be defined to support this project. In this planning phase, at the first should understand all the components of C2C credit risk and current evaluation system. It can be through defining the concepts of credit, E-commerce, e-commerce credit, risk, credit risk, and online-trading mechanism. When understand all of above components, it can be more 46 understand the C2C online-trading mechanism, and then based analyzing the C2C system structure, characteristics and online-trading model to find out the current problems. 3.2.2 Requirement Analysis Phase After the feasibility phases, that ensure the feasible of system, the next step should analysis the functions that the system should complete. Function and requirement analysis phase is a very important phase. Only understanding the functions of the new system should be having, then can understand the requirements of new system. The success of this phase can lay a good foundation of the success of the whole system. However, the requirement is also keeping develop and change during the whole process of system development, so there need to make the requirement changing plan to meet the changing, and protect the process. In this phase, the main objective is understand the main functions of the new system, and according this function to develop system requirements, that can be following several steps (http://www.doh.state.fl.us/irm/Apps/sdstandards/isdm/Design.pdf): i. Collecting information ii. Defining the system requirements iii. Making the priority of requirements iv. Generate and evaluate the options 47 In this phase, it is basing the feasibility and planning phase to find out the requirements of doing this project, such as the requirements of solving the problems of current credit evaluation system, software requirements and hardware requirements. And it is putting all of those requirements in priority to find out which requirements are more important. 3.2.3 System Design Phase During this phase, it is using the documented from the function and requirements phase to define the physical implementation of the system. Prototyping is a highly recommended technique for ironing out design issues, user interface specifications, and otherwise providing a flow of communication between and among developers and customers (www.uml.org.cn). This phase is mainly through the results of functions and requirements phase to design the credit evaluation system, which is based the current credit evaluation system, such as system framework, database design and so on. The main outputs of this phase are (www.uml.org.cn): i. Designing application structure ii. Designing system interface iii. Designing a database iv. Designing details v. Design system control 48 In this phase, the mainly outcomes are the new database that supporting the TaoBao’s current credit evaluation system and improving it. It includes a new database, new evaluation mechanism and new website of making evaluation. 3.2.4 System Build Phase The main task of this phase is exchanging the results of last phase, system design; to code that computer can recognize and run. So it demands are using a unified internationally development standard, for ensure the readability, easing maintenance, therefore, to improve the efficiently of the system. Modular and subsystem programming code will be accomplished during this stage (Wikipedia web). Unit testing and model testing is done in this stage for make sure the credit evaluation system is working. 3.2.5 System Testing and Evaluation Phase Thick in the software design is completed, to go through rigorous testing to find the software in the whole process and rectify the problems. Entire testing process is divided into unit testing, assembly testing and system testing three stages. 49 i. Unit testing is a software verification and validation method in which a programmer tests if individual units of source code are fit for use; a unit is the smallest testable part of an application (Wikipedia web). ii. Integration testing (sometimes called Integration and Testing, abbreviated "I&T") is the activity of software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group; it occurs after unit testing and before system testing (SoftwareTestingClub.com). iii. System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements; system testing falls within the scope of black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic (IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary, 1990). When all the tests have been done, this credit evaluation system also should be satisfaction of users (online traders). It means this system should have high quality standard of credit evaluating. 3.3 Hardware and Software Requirements Hardware and software is the mostly components of computer. They are used to support and design the computer system and applications. In this project, for design a credit evaluation system, there are the lowest collocation of hardware and some software that need to use. 50 3.3.1 Hardware Requirements For supporting to use the software and windows system, such as Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0, StarUML and MySQL, there is the list of the lowest collocation of hardware: Intel® Pentium® 233MHz or higher Windows® 2000, Windows XP™, or higher Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher 128 MB RAM (256MB recommended) 110 MB hard disc space (150MB space recommended) CD-ROM drive SVGA or higher resolution monitor (1024x768 recommended) Mouse or other pointing device 3.3.2 Software Requirements Software is a general term used to describe the role that computer programs, procedures and documentation play in a computer system (NJ. Retrieved, 2007). In this project, there is some software need to be designed the credit evaluation system: Microsoft word 2007, Microsoft Project 2007, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0, StarUML 5.0.2, MySQL and Visible Analysis 7.6. 51 Microsoft Office 2007 (officially called 2007 Microsoft Office System) is the most recent Windows version of the Microsoft Office System, Microsoft's productivity suite.3.4 System environment identification (Wikipedia.com). It is used to write report of this project. Microsoft project 2007 is the project management software of the Microsoft Office System. It provides all the tools that need for effective planning, tracking, problem solving, sharing and completing a project in keeping with conventional management principles and practices; and also can be used for a project of any size (Cheltenham Courseware Pty. Ltd, 2008). This software is used to make a schedule of doing this project. Dreamweaver (formerly Macromedia Dreamweaver) is a web development application originally created by Macromedia, and is now developed by Adobe Systems, which acquired Macromedia in 2005 (Wikipedia.com). It includes PHP, JAVA and many other computer languages that are used to design a web application and design a meth for calculate credit ranks. StarUML is the software that supplying the platform to use UML (Unified Modeling Language). “The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems (David Braun, 2000). The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems. The UML is a very important part of developing objects oriented software and the software development process; it uses mostly graphical notations to express the design of software projects; it is also using the UML helps project teams communicate, explore 52 potential designs, and validate the architectural design of the software (David Braun, Jeff Sivils, Alex Shapiro, Jerry Versteegh, 2000)”. MySQL stands for "My Structured Query Language", it is the program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases (Wikipedia.com). In this credit evaluation system, MySQL is used to store the user credit information, and supplies the current and history credit information of online traders. 3.4 Project Plan In this project following the above methodology will have done the feasibility and planning phase and function and requirement analysis phase. In the chapter 1, it was focusing on the find the current situation and problem of e-commerce credit risk. In the chapter 2, accorded to the literature review, represent the concepts of e-commerce credit risk and the roots of the risk. In addition, analyzed the C2C e-commerce credit risk and used the case study to present the lacks of current general C2C credit evaluation system. In the chapter 4, going to analyze the particular C2C Company, that called TaoBao online-trading system, find the main problems and give some primary solutions. And all the solutions will be consummated, designed and implemented in the project 2. 53 CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction TaoBao is the successful case of e-commerce sites; it is a typical representative of C2C business model. It was founded by Alibaba that is one of the best B2B Company of the world in May 2003, to be the largest C2C trading site of the world. TaoBao that appertained Alibaba is now ranked the third largest online-trading sites in Aisa, is becoming a representative of China C2C e-commerce model. With the development of internet in China, TaoBao has more than 10 million members, and getting 1 million new members per month on average, there are 100 thousands full time shops, and average daily visits reached 60million. The number of goods from 20000 that the original registration to reach 7 million. According to the 54 financial reports of first three quarters of 2005, TaoBao’s successful transactions are over 50 million RMB by the total. However, the credit issue has increasingly become an important factor that baffling the development of TaoBao. One of the mainly aspect is that some sellers use the bug of TaoBao’s credit system to get high credit ranks without real transaction. Another credit issue is that the buyer’s credit is not reliable. The buyer may give a negative evaluation to seller because personal moral problem. In this chapter, the current TaoBao online-trading system will be presented. According to the analysis the structure, processes and the underlying factors of TaoBao’s current system, pointing the problems of TaoBao’s credit system, and giving a preliminary solution. 4.2 Current System of TaoBao Company The whole business model is: user registration – identity authentication – issuing information – purchase – payment in ZhiFubao – send commodity – confirm receive – payment in seller – credit evaluation. The structure of TaoBao online-trading can be simply presented in the following Figure 4.1: 55 Figure 4.1 TaoBao online-trading system We can see there are two main parts of credit system in TaoBao’s system structure, one is the ID identify, another is user credit evaluation system. ID identifies part: 56 i. TaoBao’s registration authentication mechanism For buyer, through a virtual member name and e-mail to register, following these steps: filling information, activate accounts and registration successful. In order to prevent malicious registry, there are two ways of activation process: e-mail and cell phone (a phone number only can activate one user account). User that logging in with the activated account can choose purchase commodity or issue purchase information that let seller to find, in the “my TaoBao” web site. For seller, asked to approve the real-name authentication, and then released 10 commodities before they can shop in TaoBao. TaoBao provides an e-shop home page for seller. ii. TaoBao real-name authentication Logging in TaoBao, clicking “real-name authentication” button, can enter the certification application page, there will be two selections box: “personal certificate” and “business certification”. Filling the required information and providing the validity documents and fixed telephone number to registration. Users who under the age of 18 years cannot become certified members of TaoBao; and the members that already certified members cannot change their name and ID number. There are two ways for submit documents: electronic ID card photos or the proving certificate of personal authentication, such as identity card, passport or driver’s license. 57 iii. The legal analysis of TaoBao’s real-name authentication Firstly, although many countries of the world already have the e-signature law or have relevant laws that recognized the legal validity of e-signature, but in the e-commerce especially in the transaction of B2B and C2C, there are few to use the e-signature. Secondly, TaoBao’s real name authentication only for the sellers. Thirdly, e-mail plays an important role in the trader’s identity authentication mechanism. User credit evaluation part: TaoBao members successfully take the deal each time; they can make a credit evaluation to their trader. They have three selections when they make an evaluation are: “positive”, “neutral” and “negative”. The basic rules are showing that: i. Each selection of evaluation has different scores, “positive” gets “1” score, “neutral” is “0” score and “negative” is “-1” score. ii. For each month, the evaluation between same buyer and seller scoring no more than 6 times, the extra evaluation scoring will not be scoring. iii. If there are a number of transaction between same buyer and seller within 14 days, all the “positive” evaluation only given 1 score, and all the “negative” evaluation given -1 score. iv. Evaluation of whether get scores generally not indicated in the contents of evaluation, only the evaluation does not through the ZhiFubao, will indicate no score. v. If one of the trader has evaluated but another trader does not, and the transaction that through ZhiFubao is success, the system will give a positive 58 evaluation in default after 45 days. In the transaction as a seller’s role, its credit is divided in 15 ranks (shows in Figure 4.2): Figure 4.2 Seller’s credit ranks (http://www.nb-020.com, 2007) 59 In the transaction as a buyer’s role, its credit is divided in 15 ranks (shows in Figure 4.3): Figure 4.3 buyer’s credit ranks (http://www.nb-020.com, 2007) There is the TaoBao current credit evaluation system diagram: 60 Figure 4.4 TaoBao credit evaluation system According to the above structure, TaoBao’s credit evaluation system is following these steps: 61 i. User registration, to provide basic registration credit and confirm identity and other information, if pass ten the next step, otherwise have to re-register. ii. According to the user’s basic registration information, using credit evaluation model, give the basic credit to user. iii. To determine whether the user go to online transaction if yes, then record the situation of the transaction, and use the current credit evaluation model to give the scores, and store to the user credit files. iv. To determine whether the user queries other user’s credit, if yes, display the required user’s credit and transaction history. v. To determine whether to browse, if yes, will display the rules and regulations of the credit system. vi. 4.2 Exit system. Problem of TaoBao’s Current System According to the above introduction of current system, there are some exiting problems in the system that should be solved. i. At the first, there important thing is the way to identity authentication. Obviously, the current system uses virtual member name and e-mail to register, and using cell phone to activation are not safely enough, such as use the virtual information to authentication, the result also is unreliable. ii. The current system just authenticates to the sellers, it makes buyers credit unreliable, so the buyers may evaluate credit unbending. 62 iii. In the TaoBao credit evaluation system, a high credit rank can get more customers coming; therefore, many traders try to improve their credit rank, but from low-grade to high grade require a number of transaction and the need spend long period of time, so some traders have used the system bugs, cheating to get the high ranks. iv. For the new user, their credit rank is less than the older user. They have to face the less number of customers, and the few transactions cannot support a good credit rank, so there is the negative feedback for new users to improve their credit ranks. v. Credit evaluation model is too simple. Credit evaluation is only set up “positive”, “neutral” and “negative” ranks. But in the actual transaction a “positive” evaluation cannot show all the aspects of the trader, it cannot reflect to the transaction history. vi. In the TaoBao credit evaluation system, whatever the turnover of transaction is more or less the evaluation only give the same scores. But obviously, the huge number of the turnover should face to more risks, so the credit system is not fair for the traders who have more turnover transactions. 4.4 TaoBao Credit Evaluation System Related Questionnaire In this part, a questionnaire of TaoBao credit evaluation system will be designed and analyzed. This questionnaire is used to get the opinion and suggestion from TaoBao system user; and those information will be used to design a new framework of credit evaluation process. This questionnaire can be divided in two section A, B, C and D. Mostly results of those questions will be used for the build the 63 new credit evaluation mechanism or method in chapter 5. 4.4.1 Section A: Personal Information Questions This section is for getting the personal information of sponsors. In the age collection shows 73% of the age between 18 to 24, 24% of the age between 25 to 30, and 3% of the age between 31 to 40, it shows in Figure 4.5. Based on the role of transaction and the frequency of using TaoBao system collection, there are four persons are the seller of the current system and using TaoBao system every day. Others are the buyer of TaoBao system. There are 10 persons use TaoBao system at least once during one week. Other 16 persons use TaoBao system once of around one month, show in the following 5able 4.1 and Figure 4.6. We can obvious to see, based on the section A, the main user of TaoBao system is stripling, who are very kind to accept fresh idea. 25-30 24% 31-40 3% 18-24 73% Figure 4.5: Age Distribution 64 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Seller Buyer Figure 4.6: The Distribution of Role Table 4.1: The Frequency of User Items Percentage Everyday 4 13% One week 10 34% One month 16 53% 4.4.2 Quantity Section B: Optional Questions of TaoBao Credit System There are three questions are related to the TaoBao’s current credit system, which include two single options and one multi-option. The first question is about the general comment of TaoBao current credit system. The accounted number and the percentage is showing the following Table 4.2. 65 Table 4.2 General Comment of TaoBao Current Credit System Item Quantity Percentage User’s credit rank is not trustable 1 3.5% User’s credit is too general to understand 17 57% I have no idea 2 6.5% User’s credit can be presented in some degree 10 33% User’s credit can be presented very clear 0 0% From the results, 57% persons thought TaoBao’s current credit system cannot show user’s credit very good; they cannot get the details of credit from the current system. It is because the current system only puts the credit to positive, neutral and negative, which are too simple to describe user’s credit situation. The second question is about the problems that user have been faced. This question is a multi-option. All the options are from the general problems that user may be faced. The results are showed in Table 4.3. Table 4.3: The General Problems Analysis Items Quantity Percentage Default positive evaluation impacts the credit real 2 7% Hard recognize the facticity of credit 10 33% Evaluated by others with untrue and malice reason 4 14% Forced to give a positive evaluation because others’ bully 4 14% situation 66 Have to give a positive evaluation because no big reasons 25 83% The problems appeared after evaluation 24 80% The credit score is unfair, when the turnover is large 2 7% According to the results, there are two problems are the user frequency to be faced. The most important one is about that is that user give a positive evaluation because no big problem. The current system only supplies the three options of evaluation, so almost, if people does not face a big problem, they would like to give a positive for keeping other credit situation, and can save many troubles. The third question is to know whether people will check other’s credit before they go to trade. It is to understand user’s behavior. The results shows in Table 4.4. Table 4.4: User’s Behavior Check Items Quantity Percentage Never 0 0% Sometimes 6 20% All the time 24 80% The result is fortunately. Almost people is going to check other’s credit situation, this behavior can be very good to support this research. 67 4.4.3 Section C: Optional Questions of Authentication Part of TaoBao System The question of this section is to collect the opinions of the current authentication part of TaoBao system. The first question is to get the general opinion of current authentication method. The result showed in the Table 4.5. Table 4.5: The General Opinion of TaoBao’s Authentication Method Items Quantity Percentage It is too simple to authenticate the identity 6 20% Cannot be good to ensure each people just have one user 12 40% I have no idea 2 7% It can ensure the identity of most user 6 20% It can make sure each people only have one user id 4 13% id From the result we can easy to see, there are 60% persons think the current authentication method cannot make sure one people just has one user id. Therefore, the authentication method need to be improved, such as put more personal information to authenticate. The second question is to collect the opinions of whether a buyer should go to the authentication. The results showed in Table 4.6. 68 Table 4.6: The Question of Buyer Authentication Items Quantity Percentage No, because their identity is not important 9 30% I have no idea 0 0% Yes, they need go to authenticate 21 70% According the result, almost people think buyer also need go to authenticate to ensure the identity of buyer. And forcing their evaluation is responsible. The third question is about the new member of TaoBao system. Because when a new member register in the TaoBao system, they do not have any credit rank, the question wants to know whether other people would like to trade with new member. The result showed in Table 4.7. Table 4.7: Question of New Member’s Credit Situation Items Quantity Percentage Yes, I can trust them 10 33% I have no idea 5 17% No, I cannot trust them 15 50% Based on this result, there are 50% people do not want to trust new member, because they cannot know the credit situation of new member. It needs a way to support the new member’s credit situation, such as the make the 69 authentication more strict or give the new member a initial credit. 4.4.4 Section D: Questions of Credit Evaluation of TaoBao System The questions of this section are about the credit evaluation system of TaoBao, which include two parts of initial credit part and dynamic credit evaluation part. One of the question in this section is single option. Other questions have some indicators of each question and need to give a mark for each indicator. The first question is a general question to collect the TaoBao user’s opinion of the current credit evaluation system, it only uses positive, neutral and negative to describe user’s credit situation. The result showed in Table 4.8. Table 4.8: Question of The Current Credit Evaluation System Items Quantity Percentage It cannot show the user’s credit situation 5 17% It is not good to show the details of user’s credit 16 53% I have no idea 1 3% It can show the situation of user’s credit in some degree 8 27% It definitely can show the situation of user’s credit 0 0% 70 Based on this result, we can obviously see there is nobody think the current credit evaluation system can definitely show the situation of user’s credit. However, near 70% persons think the current credit evaluation system cannot or not be good to show the user’s credit situation. It needs a more details evaluation process to describe user’s credit situation. The questions from 8 to 15 need to be given a evaluation for each indicator; there are five options of evaluation, strong disagree, disagree, neutrally, agree and strong agree. It can be divided into two parts, the first part, from 8 to 11 questions, is about the dynamic credit indicators confirm. The first question of this part is about importance of the turnover during a transaction. Because the different transaction has a different turnover, the current credit evaluation system of TaoBao gives all the transaction a same credit score; it does not care the impact of turnover. It is unfair to the user who has a large turnover transaction, because they have to face a huge credit responsibility. The result showed in Table 4.9. Table 4.9: Data Collection of Importance of Turnover Items Quantity Percentage Strong disagree 0 0% Disagree 1 3% Neutrally 4 14% Agree 16 53% Strong agree 9 30% 71 Based on the result, more than 80% people think the turnover is very importance indicator during the transaction, so a transaction, which has a higher turnover, needs to get more credit score from the evaluation. The second question of dynamic part is about whether the user’s credit rank is important during a credit evaluation process. The result showed in Table 4.10. Table 4.10: Data Collection of Importance of User’s Credit Rank Items Quantity Percentage Strong disagree 0 0% Disagree 4 13% Neutrally 4 13% Agree 14 47% Strong agree 8 27% Based on the result, mostly people think the user’s credit rank will impact the evaluation result. Because the user, who has a lower credit, may have a unreliable credit situation, even evaluate un-responsible. If adding the user’s credit rank to the credit evaluation process, it can solve this problem in some degree. The next question is for confirming the seller’s evaluated indicators. There are six indicators, which from the expert’s resource (Zeng Yong, 2004). For giving the marks of each indicator, 1 is strong disagree, 2 is disagree, 3 is neutrally, 4 is agree and 5 is strong agree. The method of ensuring the indicators is according the 72 mark and calculating the average mark, then from the average mark to get the percentage of the importance of indicators. If the percentage more the 50%, it means this indicator is important, more details showed in Table 11. Table 4.11: Question of Seller’s Evaluation Indicators Confirming Quantity Items Average Percentage 6 3.9 78% 12 18 4.6 92% 8 18 4 3.9 78% 0 5 21 4 4.0 80% 0 2 8 13 7 3.8 76% 0 6 16 7 1 3.1 62% 1 2 3 4 5 Deliver Time 0 0 10 14 Quality 0 0 0 Turnover 0 0 0 Seller service Price Buyer’ credit rank The result is very gratify and under the expect. The percentage of all the indicators are more than 60%; it means the indicators are improved by users. The next question is about the buyer’s evaluated indicators. It is similar with the seller’s indicator; the way of confirm the importance of indicators is also same with the above question, more details showed in Table 12. 73 Table 4.12: Question of Buyer’s Evaluation Indicators Confirming Quantity Items Average Percentage 3 3.4 68% 8 0 3.1 62% 8 18 4 3.9 78% 0 4 21 5 4.0 80% 0 4 15 9 2 3.3 66% 0 5 17 7 1 3.1 62% 1 2 3 4 5 0 3 15 9 0 4 18 Turnover 0 0 Seller’ credit rank 0 Response Time Satisfaction of commodity Communicate with seller Price The result of those indicators chosen is not good like the seller’s. However, it also has more than 62% satisfaction of each indicator. The following questions belong to the static indicators selection (Zeng Yong. 2004). It is to confirm which elements of each indicator of initial credit evaluation has more credit priority. The first question is to decide the people’s age in which level has higher credit. The result showed in Table 13. 74 Table 4.13: Question of The Priority of Age Level Quantity Items Average 1 2 3 4 5 Children (age<16) 0 24 5 1 0 2.2 Youngster (16<age<30) 0 4 9 15 2 3.5 Midlife (31<age<55) 0 1 10 8 11 4.0 Senior (55<age<70) 0 3 10 13 4 3.6 Old people(age>70) 0 5 21 3 1 3.0 Based on the result, we can know most of people do not trust the children, who’s age below 16, because normally they do not have financial ability and they always no need to response to their behavior. The most trustable people is who during the age of 31 to 55, because when people in this age, almost of them have a steady job and income. The next question relates to the education level of people. The result showed in Table 14. Table 4.14: Question of The Priority of Education Level Quantity Items Average 1 2 3 4 5 Doctor and higher levels 0 0 4 16 10 4.2 Master 0 0 5 19 6 4.0 Bachelor 0 2 9 16 3 3.7 75 College 1 4 19 6 0 3.0 Middle school and lower levels 5 4 16 5 0 2.7 From the results, we can easy to see, the people, who has a education level more than master, can get a high credit trust. Other hand, if the people, who has a education level less than middle school, only can get a few people’s trust. The next question is related to the marital status of people. It is to get the opinions of which marry status of people has higher credit, more details showed in Table 15. Table 4.15: Question of The Priority of Marital Status Quantity Items Average 1 2 3 4 5 Married with children 0 0 3 19 8 4.2 Married with no children 0 0 8 17 5 3.9 Single 0 3 8 14 5 3.7 Divorced with children 2 8 8 11 1 3.0 Divorced with no children 3 9 8 9 1 2.9 From this result, we can see that the people, who married and with children, is the most trustable by others. Because we believe that this kind of people is more understand what is the responsibility and they should be a example to their children. 76 Next question is about the gender, which has more trust from the user of TaoBao system. The result showed in Table 16. This result shows the female has a higher credit that be trusted by TaoBao’s user. Table 4.16: Question of Gender Confirm Items Quantity Percentage Male 4 13% Female 26 87% The next question is for put the priority for the different career. According the result to decide which career has more trustable from TaoBao user. The result showed in Figure 4.7. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Figure 4.7: Question Result of Career Priority Confirm 77 Based on this result, the careers can be divided in four parts. The first level is doctor and teacher, which have more than 25 people think these two careers have the highest credit level. The second level is finance, power, post and telecom, which have more than 15 people think them can be trusted. Other level is public clerk, lawyer, soldier and reporter. The last level is business owner, employee and others. The last question is the salary more than which level can be trusted. The result showed in Table 17. Table 4.17: Question of Salary level Confirm Items Quantity Percentage 1000 0 0% 2000 2 7% 5000 4 14% 10000 24 79% From the result, we can know that the higher salary level can be more trusted by others. 4.4.5 Conclusion of TaoBao Credit System Questionnaire According the analysis of TaoBao credit system questionnaire, the author confirmed the general problems of TaoBao credit system and got the basic information for the new credit evaluation system to support the mechanism of system 78 design in Chapter 5. At the same time, based on those information, one solution of the TaoBao current credit system will be supplied. 4.5 Proposed Solution According to the above information of questionnaire, there are some problems and solutions are appeared. For solving those above problems, the following solutions should be performed: i. The register process can combine the identity number and bank account, through these two steps to ensure the authenticity of user’s information. ii. Creating the authenticating system for buyers to force the authenticity of buyer’s evaluation. iii. To improve the bugs of current system to prevent the credit ranks cheating, such as the above two aspects that can reduce the cheating in some ways. iv. Giving the original credit scores to new users depend on the registering funds; and should confirm by the bank account. v. Making the evaluation into details, such as from service, the effective of send commodities and after-sales service, then get a final average scores. vi. Putting the turnover into credit evaluation system. 79 There is a framework to show how to solve those problems step by step. At the first, a user authentication part should be completed, such as the improving of seller authentication and force the buyer going to authentication. Secondly, after authentication part, user need fill more information, which from the questionnaire, to get the initial credit. The initial credit can help people get a basic credit rank to be a reference when they doing the first transaction. Then, the new system goes to the dynamic credit evaluation part. This part should confirm the dynamic credit evaluation indicators based on the questionnaire results. The new system will use a fuzzy evaluation mechanism to improve the current credit system, not only simple use the positive, neutrally and negative to evaluate, but more details of the transaction process. The framework of this process is showed in Figure 4.8. Multi-authentication Structure Seller's identity authentication Buyer's identity authenticaion Credit Evaluation Structure Grant Initial Credit Dynamic Evaluation Seller's Credit Evaluation Byer's Credit Evaluation Get Credit Scores Figure 4.8: The Process of Improved System 80 4.6 Summary In this chapter, mainly introduced the TaoBao online-trading company, according the analyzing of the current credit evaluation system and the basic information from questionnaire to Figure out the current problems and get the necessary information. Focusing on some lacks of current credit evaluation system give the preliminary solutions for the system; and using the results of questionnaire supports the improved credit evaluation mechanism in Chapter 5. 81 CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM DESIGN 5.1 Introduction In a virtual e-commerce market, commodities are intangible; and the traders are anonymous. Therefore, buyers are very difficult to know the true identity of sellers and hard to understand the quality and usability of goods. At the same time, sellers are facing the same situations and problems, which it cannot be sure whether the buyer will pay the relevant amounts. Those are the information asymmetry (Choi Sithal and whslotn, 1997), which means that the two sides of the transaction do not have the same amount of information. It is providing the chance to fraudulent traders for get more benefit that through betray. For the traders who are credibility, because the media (internet) space-time, which caused by the separation, will enhance it of being cheated (Brynjolfsson and Smith, 2000). Therefore, the main purpose of this chapter is to 82 summary the current problems and shortcomings that earlier out of the current systematic analysis; and according to those theories design and establish solution. These include design multiple authentication methods; and it uses fuzzy methods to evaluate user’s credit. 5.2 Multi-Authentication Authentication is the most typical features of e-commerce credit. The people who involved in the transaction must be registered and login, what means both of buyers and sellers should have a certain identity. However, there two practices in actual occurrence are: the true identity and anonymity. Because the current TaoBao’s authentication and management system are unable to conduct effective of user authentication, which led to the diffusion of a large number of false user information. Computer systems and network is a virtual digital world. In this digital world, all the information that including the user’s identity information is using a specific set of data indicated. Computer only can recognize the user’s digital identity. The entire user’s authorization is the authorization for the user digital identities. However, the world we live in is a real physical world. Everyone has a unique physical identity. How to ensure the digital identity operations is the legal owner of this digital number, which means the operator’s physical identity and digital identity that corresponds. However, how to make a person’s physical identity and digital identity is fully consistent has become a very important issue. 83 As the trading platform have a large number of users. Each user had to pass the registration and landing and with others who are supported by TaoBao system and related by bank accounts can be doing transactions. The current way of registration is a simple way of e-mail, ID number and phone number to be certified. However, if the authentication can be related the ID information and bank account information, it will be able to a certain extent large to ensure that each user just has only one account. Thus, it can be avoiding the self-purchased and with the bank’s real name system will be more integrated operability. At the same time, the content of user’s authentication also should include the information of user’s age, gender, marriage situation, education, career and salary. The main purpose of this section is that when user doing authentication, it can be combined with banking system to ensure the authenticity of filled banking information. This paper will use the MySQL database to simulate the banking system to confirm the user’s input information. 5.3 Buyer Authentication The current credit system also lacks the considered of buyers, what means buyers no need pass the identity authentication and can do the credit evaluation. It makes buyers credit unreliable, so the buyers may evaluate credit unbending. So it is urgent need an authentication system of buyers’ identity, which can be reference to the sellers’ authentication mechanism. 84 5.4 Credit Evaluation Method This part mainly introduces the credit evaluation method, which uses fuzzy method from multi-aspects to evaluate user’s credit. Furthermore, it will also introduce the factors of evaluation and its’ weight. 5.4.1 Fuzzy Method Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is the method of fuzzy mathematics method. It is evaluating a number of factors that are difficult to use a precise number to quantify; and it is according certain evaluation criteria to be a quantifiable form. Using the fuzzy method to the stakeholders of C2C online-trading system can consider many factors that will impact the transaction; and it according to the degree of importance of each factor and the evaluation results can improve the original qualitative evaluation results to quantitative evaluation. Therefore, it will be better handling the problems of transaction; and it provides a comparison and discrimination of basis for buyers and sellers. The basic idea of fuzzy evaluation method is: it is based on the determining the levels and weights of evaluation factors and sub-factors to use the transformation of fuzzy theory and use membership of various factors and sub-factors to structure fuzzy evaluation matrix. Then, it can be through the multi-layer composite operations to determine the respective levels of object (He Zhongxiong, 1985). 85 This thesis uses fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to do the evaluation for TaoBao credit system. It is mainly based on the following reasons: i. C2C credit risk evaluation is a very complex process, which is affected by many factors. Using only one or a few indicators alone cannot fully reflect the credit risk of C2C transaction. ii. C2C credit risk itself has a certain degree of ambiguity. There is no strict boundary of credit risk levels, but of degree. Using strict mathematical model cannot accurately define the vague phenomenon. According to the TaoBao system characteristics and requirements, when we are addressing the problems of credit evaluation, we should consider the evaluation process to be simple, convenient and practical. So this thesis, which is according the defects of fuzzy evaluation method, carries out the appropriate modifications. i. In the selection of indicators, since this is mainly based on the credit problem of TaoBao transactions process. It is from the roles of transaction stakeholders to evaluate the C2C credit risk. Consider the limitations of capture information during the transaction process, this thesis only select the basic information of transaction stakeholders and a few indicators, which include the transaction process, to measure the credit risk for easier access data. ii. For determining the weight of indicators, this thesis chose the expert method to give empowerment of indicators. Because the indicators of C2C are chosen by the factors that online user are more concerned. Thus, it is according the investigations and certain methods, which determined by experts, to obtain the indicator weight. 86 iii. For establishing the model architecture, because the fuzzy evaluation method need calculate the membership of each indicator when it is doing evaluation. The workload is large and complex. Thus, this thesis simplifies the fuzzy membership function to construct a new fuzzy evaluation model, which simplifying the evaluation process. In practice, it is redesigning the membership that according to the function of each indicator for achieving a better rating results. The C2C credit evaluation model, which is based on the fuzzy evaluation method, is showed in following Figure 5.1: Credit Indicators Choose Static Credit Indicators Dynamic Credit Indicators Build Credit Indicators Evaluation Structure Set Scoring function of each credit indicators by using fuzzy method Using Expert Method to determine weight of each indicators Integrated Evaluation Credit Indicators Initial Credit Evaluation Dynamic Credit Evaluation for Once Transaction Credit Evaluation Scores Figure 5.1: Fuzzy Credit Evaluation Framework 87 In the process of individual credit evaluation, first of all, based on the applicant’s personal information carry out an index score and build the credibility of its indicators’ vector. Then, the applicant should be matched. At the last, it can get the credit score by multiplying the credibility of the vector and the vector of the indicator weight. The improved model as follows: i. The system of credit indicators can be combined with the two components of initial static V1 and dynamic credit evaluation indicators V2. ii. Determining the various indicators’ fuzzy membership function to establish an initial static credit scoring matrix R1 and dynamic credit scoring matrix R2. iii. Determining the weight of individual indicators, the weight set of, named W1, initial static credit evaluation indicators and the weight set of, named W2, initial dynamics credit evaluation indicators. iv. Integrating the various evaluation indicators to construct score vector; and initialing static credit evaluation vector (r11, r12 … r1n) and dynamic credit evaluation vector (r21, r22 … r2n). v. Calculating initial credit score S1 and dynamic credit score S2, formulas are following: 𝑛 S1 = r1i 𝑖=1 n S2 = 𝑟2𝑖 i=1 vi. Calculating recent credit evaluation scores S0 n S0 = S1 × W1′ + S2i × W2′ i=1 88 vii. Calculating historic credit evaluation scores S1 m S= S0i i=1 Note: the improved credit scoring models can be combined two parts. The first part is an initial static credit evaluation, which is recording the user’s credit scores in the registration; it can be the reference when others doing the first transaction. Another part is a dynamic credit evaluation, which recording the each evaluation result; and according two times evaluation can get there three evaluation index: i. The initial credit evaluation index: it is completed in the user initial registration. During the first transaction, user can use it to refer to other’s credit in order to decide whether to deal with. ii. History credit evaluation index: it is recording user’s all credit scores of transaction. If the accumulate points higher, indicating the history longer than other shop, which means more worthy of trust. iii. New credit evaluation index: this index reflects the recent credit situation of users. It is more true and accurate. At the same time, it can be compared between the new user’s credit degree and old user’s credit degree, no because it is a new store, which has lower credit rank, so other people do not want to trade with. 89 5.4.2 Evaluation Indicator This thesis divides the credit evaluation indicators into two parts of static and dynamic indicators, which are more comprehensively and reflecting the credit status of the transaction stakeholders. For the buyer and seller, they have some initial static indicators. However, because they have different role in the transaction, so they have different dynamic indicators. This thesis only introduces the process of setting seller’s credit indicator, for the buyer it is the same. The structure of credit evaluation indicators as show in the following Figure 5.2: Credit Evaluation Scores Turnover Credit rating Service Price Quality Time Dynamic Credit Evaluation Scores Bank deposit Salary Occupation Educational level Marital status Gender Age Initial Credit Evaluation Scores Figure 5.2: Credit Evaluation Indicators Structure i. Static credit indicators explain At the first is an initial static credit evaluation indicator. According to the resource from internet, the questionnaire research and the feature of C2C’s 90 stakeholders, there seven indicator are chosen for initial static credit evaluation indicator (Zhao Xiaodong, Zhen Tao, 2003,6). These seven indicators are easy to be confirm when user doing the online register; in addition, these seven indicators have strongly close with user’s credit. There are age, gender, marital status, education degree, occupation, salary, and bank deposits. The indicators described below: Age: Age is a more important indicator in the credit evaluation. In the general bank individual credit evaluation indicator, they all believe that the older person has higher credit level than youth. Gender: women’s credit generally is believed that higher than men’s. Marital status: married better than unmarried, with children is better than no children. Educational level: A person who has the higher education level has better quality. Occupation: A person who has a relatively stable degree of career has higher credibility. Salary: It is a measure of the credibility of the user’s economic indicators; the higher income has greater credibility. Bank deposit: More bank deposits are more worthy of trust. In the static index selection may still much to be desired. However, with the improvement of personal credit system, the selection of indicators can be done to further changes. The initial scores for static credit indicators can be completed by the system with registered information; and it uses fuzzy scoring matrix automatically to evaluate credit scores. 91 Because of the TaoBao’s standard of credit evaluation, this thesis uses the membership function of fuzzy method to establish the credible indicators’ function, in order to ensure the continuity of quantitative indicators score. The following Table 5.1 shows the membership of credit scoring for each indicator. Table 5.1: The Scoring Function of Initial Credit Evaluation Indicators Age r11 Gender r12 Marital Status r13 Indicator Scoring Function Indicator Scoring Indicator Creditability Formula Introduction Older people have higher creditability than youth: below 1 31 ≤ ma ≤ 55 16 is 0 score, 16-30 m1 /10 Others is 5 score, 31-55 is 0 ma < 16 10 score, 55-70 is 6 score, above 70 is 2 score Generally women have higher 1 m2 = 2 creditability than m2 /2 m2 = 1 men: women is 2, men is 1 Married better than unmarried, with children is better than no children: Married with children get 10, 1 m3 = 10 m3 /10 0 < m3 < 10 Married with no 0 m3 = 0 children get 8, unmarried get 6, divorced with children get 4, divorced with no children get 2 92 Educational r14 Level Occupation r15 Bank Deposit r16 Salary r17 The educational level has the potential for get fortune: doctor and above levels get 10, 1 m4 = 10 m4 /10 0 < m4 < 10 master get 9, 0 m4 = 0 bachelor get 5, college get 3, middle school get 2, primary get 1, others get 0 A person who has a relatively stable degree of career has higher credibility: Teacher / Doctor get 10, Finance / Power / Post / Telecom get 1 m5 = 10 m5 /10 0 < m5 < 10 9, Public Clerk / 0 m5 = 0 lawyers / soldiers / Reporter get 8, Business owners (including individuals) get 6, employee get 4, Others get 2 Bank deposit is the form and result of person’s ability of 1 m6 > 5000 m6 /5000 0 < m6 ≤ 5000 creating wealth. The 0 m6 = 0 credit rank can be determined by bank deposit The salary can show 1 m7 ≥ 10000 the ability to repay m7 − 500 1/2 500 ≤ m7 < 10000 the debt, higher 10000 − 500 salary has more 0 m7 ≤ 500 creditability 93 Based on the above formula can be known the function number of membership when the evaluation indicators have a fixed value. However, the setting of membership functions can be improved by the actual situation. These membership functions are not very accurate; the main object is showing the way of evaluation. ii. Dynamic credit indicators description The second part is dynamic credit evaluation indicators. It is according the actual transaction status to evaluate the credit, which supports the continuously updated credit of user. This thesis chooses six indicators to constitute a user’s indicator system of dynamic credit evaluation. According to the report of “China’s C2C online shopping survey” shows that when the buyer choose the seller, 75% of buyers are most concerned about the price of goods or cost-effective, more than 55% of buyers are concerned about the quality of goods, and others important aspects that buyers concerned are the delivery time and service attitude. These results are similar to the research of I did in China by questionnaire. In addition, in order to prevent the problem of users use cheap goods to carry out the high credit rank; and to make a more equitable trading environment, the turnover indicator will be added. Furthermore, to prevent the malicious evaluation and to make buyer’s evaluation more reliable, the buyers’ evaluation can evaluate higher scores by the higher credit rank. Therefore, this thesis selected six indicators as a dynamic credit evaluation indicator; there are: time, quality, service, price, buyer credit, and turnover. The description of each indicator as follows: Time: in the promised time, the faster can be more satisfied; Quality: the quality of goods with the commitment of quality, the closer the 94 better; Price: compare the price with other same goods, the cheaper the better; Service: better service has more satisfied; Credit rating: the higher credit rank user to make the evaluation more reliable; Turnover: more turnover transaction, the proceeds of the credit score is higher; In addition, the transaction and buyer credit rank will determine by the system automatically according to the transaction status. And others will be evaluated by users. The scoring of these indicators is following the below Table 5.2: Table 5.2: The Scoring Function of Seller Dynamic Credit Evaluation Indicators Buyer credit rating Turnover Time Indicator Scoring Function Indicator Scoring Indicator Creditability Formula Introduction According the current TaoBao credit ranks, can be depart to 5 1 m8 = 5 levels: 0-250 scores is r21 m8 /5 0 < m8 < 5 1, 251-1000 is 2 , 1001-5000 is 3, 500120000 is 4, >20000 is 5 According to the turnover of transaction, 1 m9 ≥ 1000 r22 m9 /1000 0 < m9 < 1000 more than 1000 is more trustable The faster can be more satisfied, Very satisfied 1 m10 = 5 with 5, satisfied with 4, r23 m10 /5 0 < m10 < 5 common with 3, not satisfied with 2, very 95 Quality r24 Service r25 Price r26 1 m11 = 5 m11 /5 0 < m11 < 5 1 m12 = 5 m12 /5 0 < m12 < 5 1 m13 = 5 m13 /5 0 < m13 < 5 bad with 1 The quality of goods with the commitment of quality, the closer the better, Very satisfied with 5, satisfied with 4, common with 3, not satisfied with 2, very bad with 1 Better service has more satisfied, Very satisfied with 5, satisfied with 4, common with 3, not satisfied with 2, very bad with 1 The cheaper the better, Very satisfied with 5, satisfied with 4, common with 3, not satisfied with 2, very bad with 1 For the buyer, the indicators are similar to seller’s. There are also selected six indicators: Credit rating, Commodity Receive Time, Satisfaction degree of commodity, Communication, price: Time: after receive the commodity, the faster response can be more satisfied; Satisfaction: the quality of goods with the initial promise, the closer the better; Price: the price with the initial price, closer are more satisfaction; Communication: better communication has more satisfied; Credit rating: the higher credit rank user to make the evaluation more reliable; Turnover: more turnover transaction, the proceeds of the credit score is higher; 96 The scoring of these indicators is following the below Table 5.3: Table 5.3: The Scoring Function of Buyer Dynamic Credit Evaluation Indicator Scoring Function Indicators Indicator Scoring Indicator Creditability Formula Introduction According the current TaoBao credit ranks, can be depart to 5 Seller credit rating r21 1 m8 /5 m8 = 5 0 < m8 < 5 levels: 0-250 scores is 1, 251-1000 is 2 , 1001-5000 is 3, 500120000 is 4, >20000 is 5 According Turnover r22 1 m9 /1000 to the turnover of transaction, m9 ≥ 1000 0 < m9 < 1000 more than 1000 is more trustable After receive the commodity, the faster response can be more Time r23 1 m10 = 5 m10 /5 0 < m10 < 5 satisfied, Very satisfied with 5, satisfied with 4, common with 3, not satisfied with 2, very bad with 1 Satisfaction r24 1 m11 = 5 m11 /5 0 < m11 < 5 The quality of goods with the initial 97 promise, the closer the better, Very satisfied with 5, satisfied with 4, common with 3, not satisfied with 2, very bad with 1 Better communication has more satisfied, Very satisfied with 5, Communication r25 1 m12 = 5 m12 /5 0 < m12 < 5 satisfied with 4, common with 3, not satisfied with 2, very bad with 1 The price with the initial price, closer are more satisfaction, Very Price r26 1 m13 = 5 m13 /5 0 < m13 < 5 satisfied with 5, satisfied with 4, common with 3, not satisfied with 2, very bad with 1 Weight reflects the importance of various indicators. In the multi-indicators evaluation, a reasonable distribution of weights is a key of good assessment. Because weight reflects people’s values and shows the concentration of people. The setting of weight is very significant to the evaluation results. Because the sum of weight of all indicators should equal 1; when the weight of one indicator is large, it means that other indicators of the weight are smaller. 98 Overall, there are two methods to distribute weight, one is the subjective weighting method and another is the objective weighting method. The subjective weighting method depends on the experts or experienced persons to determine the weighting. This thesis is from the roles of users of TaoBao system to evaluate the credit risk. The main users of TaoBao system are individual and small company, which have the features of crowd wide, small turnover and frequent transactions. So using the current empowerment through expert advice has more persuasive. Delphi method has been a mature approach, which is a method of setting the weight of indicator and based on experts in various fields after long-term experience and practice to sum up the right way to empowerment indicators. It can rule out many existing problems of the indicators weight impact. In the different applications, it is giving the same indicators with a reasonable weight assignment. However, with the continuous advancement of technology and credit mechanisms, there will have a better ways to empower the credit evaluation indicators. 99 5.4.4 Evaluation Model design According to the research of questionnaire and the reference of Tian Shuanglin (2009, 11), the weight of static indicators and dynamic indicators are following the Table 5.4, Table 5.5 and Table 5.6: Table 5.4: Initial Credit Evaluation Indicators Weight (Tian Shuanglin, 2009, 11) Indicators Weight Age 0.1 Gender 0.15 Marital status 0.1 Educational level 0.1 Occupation 0.25 Salary 0.15 Bank deposit 0.15 Explain Older people have higher creditability than youth Generally women have higher creditability than men Married better than unmarried, with children is better than no children The educational level has the potential for get fortune A person who has a relatively stable degree of career has higher credibility Bank deposit is the form and result of person’s ability of creating wealth. The salary can show the ability to repay the debt 100 Table 5.5: Dynamic Credit Evaluation Indicators Weight for Seller (Tian Shuanglin, 2009, 11) Indicators Weight Explain The buyer’s credit rating Credit rating 0.1 can show the credit situation in degree The Turnover 0.3 turnover important is very elements of credit indicators. The faster deliver can be Time 0.15 more satisfied The quality of goods with Quality 0.15 the commitment of quality, the closer is better Better service has more Service 0.15 satisfied Price 0.15 The cheaper is better Table 5.6: Dynamic Credit Evaluation Indicators Weight for Buyer (Tian Shuanglin, 2009, 11) Indicators Weight Explain The seller’s credit rating Credit rating 0.1 can show the credit situation in degree The Turnover turnover is very 0.3 important elements of 101 credit indicators. After receive commodity, Time the the faster 0.15 response can be more satisfied The quality of goods with Satisfaction 0.15 the initial promise, the closer the better Better communication has Communication 0.15 more satisfied The price with the initial Price 0.15 price, closer are more satisfaction Based on the Figure 5.2, we can separate the credit evaluation model in two parts of original credit model and dynamic credit model. Initial Credit Model Design The first part is to establish an initial static credit evaluation. According to the evaluating indicators from the registration and give the initial credit scores. The main purposes of establishing the initial credit scores are: in order to provide an initial credit value to users. When the user is the first time to transaction, if there is no initial credit value to be a reference, the user cannot make a basic judgment. So, 102 initial credit evaluation prevents the fraud of once transaction. The second is having a balancing effect. At present, same users of TaoBao system are according to the fraudulent transactions to improve their credit rating. However, initial credit evaluation, which is a stable factor, can effectively be used to limit this action. The processes of initial credit evaluation are following these steps: According to the user register information can get the evaluation of matrix R1, which is based the above seven indicators (He Zhongxiong, 1999): R1 = v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16 v17 u11 u12 s11 s12 s21 s22 s31 s32 s41 s42 s51 s52 s61 s62 s71 s72 u13 s13 s23 s33 s43 s53 s63 s73 … … … … … … … … u1n s1n s2n s3n s4n = (suv )7×n s5n s6n s7n Formula (5-1) Explain: R1: it is the initial credit indicators evaluation matrix; V1: it is the initial credit indicators set; V1 = (v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17) = (Age, Gender, Marital Status, Educational Level, Occupation, Bank Deposit, Salary); 103 U1: it is the level domain of each indicator. The different indicator has different value of n; the empty area is 0; U1 = {u11, u12, u13 … u1n}……………………………………………..Formula (5-2) According to the weight Table 5.4, can get the weight matrix W1: W1 = (w11, w12, w13, w14, w15, w16, w17) = (0.1, 0.15, 0.1, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15, 0.15) Formula (5-3) Based on R1 and W1 can get the credit value for each static indicator: (r11, r12, r13, r14, r15) = W1R1 = w11 w12 w13 w14 w15 w16 w17 s11 s21 s31 × s41 s51 s61 s71 s12 s22 s32 s42 s52 s62 s72 s13 s23 s33 s43 s53 s63 s73 s14 s24 s34 s44 s54 s64 s74 s15 s25 s35 s45 s55 s65 s75 Formula (5-4) So, adding r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, can get the initial credit score of user: 5 S1 = r1i = r11 + r12 + r13 + r14 + r15 i=1 …………………Formula (5-5) 104 Dynamic Credit Model Design The second part is dynamic credit model, according to the user’s transaction evaluate to calculate the credit for user; and it is show the last credit situation. This model, which is similar to the initial credit evaluation model, can be separated in two parts seller and buyer. The seller part is: R2 = v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16 u21 m11 m21 m31 m41 m51 m61 u22 m12 m22 m32 m42 m52 m62 u23 … u2n m13 … m1n m23 … m2n m33 … m3n m43 … m4n m53 … m5n m63 … m6n = (muv )6×n Formula (5-6) Explain: R2: the credit indicators evaluation matrix for once transaction; V2: V2 = (v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26) = (Buyer credit rating, Turnover, Time, Quality, Service, Price); U2: U2 = (u21, u22, u23 … u2n) = (Very satisfied, satisfied, common, not satisfied, very bad); according to the different indicators, the elements of U2 may have some different, but mainly based on these five levels. muv: is the value that according to the different indicators. According to the Table 5.4, can get the weight matrix of dynamic indicators: 105 W2= (w21, w22, w23, w24, w25, w26) = (0.1, 0.3, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, Formula (5-7) 0.15); The credit dynamic evaluation is based on the user’s evaluation, after the transaction, to get the credit scores for this transaction. The process is following: (r21, r22, r23, r24, r25) = W2R2 = w21 w22 w23 w24 w25 w26 m11 m21 m31 × m 41 m51 m61 m12 m22 m32 m42 m52 m62 m13 m23 m33 m43 m53 m63 m14 m24 m34 m44 m54 m64 m15 m25 m35 m45 m55 m65 m16 m26 m36 m46 m56 m66 Formula (5-8) So adding r21, r22, r23, r24, r25, can get the credit score of this transaction. 5 S2 = r2i = r21 + r22 + r23 + r24 + r25 ………………Formula (5-9) i=1 The buyer part is similar to the seller’s: R3 = v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16 u31 m11 m21 m31 m41 m51 m61 u32 m12 m22 m32 m42 m52 m62 u33 … u3n m13 … m1n m23 … m2n m33 … m3n m43 … m4n m53 … m5n m63 … m6n = (muv )6×n Explain: R3: the credit indicators evaluation matrix for once transaction; Formula (5-10) 106 V3: V3 = (v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36) = (Seller credit rating, Turnover, Time, Satisfaction, Communication, Price); U3: U3 = (u31, u32, u33 … u3n) = (Very satisfied, satisfied, common, not satisfied, very bad); according to the different indicators, the elements of U2 may have some different, but mainly based on these five levels. muv: is the value that according to the different indicators. According to the Table 5.5, can get the weight matrix of dynamic indicators: W3= (w31, w32, w33, w34, w35, w36) = (0.1, 0.3, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15)....Formula (5-11) The credit dynamic evaluation is based on the user’s evaluation, after the transaction, to get the credit scores for this transaction. The process is following: (r31, r32, r33, r34, r35) = W3R3 = w31 w32 w33 w34 w35 w36 m11 m21 m31 × m 41 m51 m61 m12 m22 m32 m42 m52 m62 m13 m23 m33 m43 m53 m63 m14 m24 m34 m44 m54 m64 m15 m25 m35 m45 m55 m65 m16 m26 m36 m46 m56 m66 Formula (5-12) So adding r21, r22, r23, r24, r25, can get the credit score of this transaction: S3 = 5 i=1 r3i = r31 + r32 + r33 + r34 + r35 ……………………………..Formula (5-13) Combining the scores of initial credit evaluation and dynamic credit evaluation can get two composite credit scores: 107 i. The credit scores of past three months According to the formula 5-9 and formula 5-13, can get the formula: S0 = n i=1 S2i × W2 ………………………………………………Formula (5-14) S0 = n i=1 S3i × W3 ……………………………………………...Formula (5-15) Explain: S0: the total credit scores of the past three months; Sai: the credit dynamic scores for once transaction; n: the total times of transaction in past three months; ii. The history credit scores According to the sum of credit scores, calculate the history credit scores: S= m i=1 S0i ……………………………………………………….Formula (5-15) Explain: S: it is the user’s credit scores of all the transaction. It is reflecting the user’s credit situation of doing transaction; m: it is the times of total credit evaluation. 108 5.5 Summary In this chapter, it mainly carried out the whole process of new credit evaluation system of TaoBao company. In the authentication part, author suggests using multi-authentication mechanism to confirm seller’s and buyer’s identity. In addition, author selected initial and dynamic credit indicators, which can show the basic information and the credit situation of users; and based on those indicators to support the mechanism of granting initial credit and dynamic credit. There into, author used fuzzy method to calculate user’s dynamic credit by combined author’s own research and expert’s opinion. Finally, author carried out the whole system design and supports to the system development, called chapter 6. 109 CHAPTER 6 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING 6.1 Introduction The main goals of this chapter are develop the system that based on the above fuzzy credit evaluation model. This system has two main modules, which called authentication module and credit evaluation module. An authentication module is using the multi-authentication mechanism to make user’s information more trustable. It has two functions. At the first is multi-authentication part. In this part, the main purpose is that when user doing authentication, it can be combined with banking system to ensure the authenticity of filled banking information. Here is based on the TaoBao’s current authentication system and simply use the MySQL database to simulate the banking system to confirm the user’s input information. Another part is buyer authentication. It is same with seller’s authentication part and based multi-authentication mechanism. A credit evaluation module can be divided to the static credit evaluation module, also called user initial credit module, and dynamic credit evaluation module. 110 The software that used to develop this system are Dreamwear 8.0, which uses PHP, JAVA Script and HTML program to build a web-based system and user interface. 6.2 Database Creation Database is used to store information and can be built by many ways. In this thesis, a database is built by MySQL software. One of the function in this system is simulating the bank system that includes user’s bank account information, such as user’s real name, account number, identity number and the deposit, show in Figure 6.1. All the information of bank system table are fixed, just like the real bank system that cannot be changed by user. When a user is trying to authenticate in this simulated TaoBao system, the information of user filled should be exactly same with bank system. Otherwise, they cannot pass the authentication. 111 Figure 6.1: Database of Bank System In addition, other tables are about user’s credit information, which include the user information table, buyer credit table and seller credit table. The user information table stores the basic user information, such as name, user id, password, address and phone number, show in Figure 6.2, and user’s initial credit scores, which is depended on the user’s age, gender, salary, education, marry status, bank deposit and career, show in Figure 6.3. 112 Figure 6.2: Database of User’s Initial Credit Figure 6.3: Database of User’s Initial Credit 113 Buyer credit table, in Figure 6.4, and seller credit table, in Figure 6.5, shows user’s dynamic credit scores, which includes historic scores and total score that shows for each evaluation. Figure 6.4: Database of Buyer’s Dynamic Credit 114 Figure 6.5: Database of Seller’s Dynamic Credit 6.3 Authentication Module Once a user login the system with user name of buyer, the user interface will bring out. This page shows that the user is not pass the authentication yet, and supports a hyperlink to authenticate, shows in Figure 6.6. An authentication module, shows in Figure 6.7, supports user fill their personal information of real name, bank account and ID number, which should exactly same with the dummy bank system database. Once user fills all the information, it will compare with the bank_system database. If all the information is correct, user can pass the authentication and go to 115 next step, user initial credit part. For checking the correction of information, a “LIKE” MySQL command should be used. Figure 6.6: Buyer’s Interface of Before Authentication 116 Figure 6.7: Authentication Interface 6.4 Credit Evaluation Module The credit evaluation module has two parts. One is the original credit module that supports the interface to get the user the basic information, which includes age, gender, career, education level, marry status, salary and deposit, to calculate user’s initial credit. Another is dynamic credit module, to get the evaluation chooses and calculate the dynamic credit for user. If a user login with the buyer user id, he or she has to pass the authentication to do the evaluation, otherwise user login with the seller id, which assumes already pass the authentication and get the initial credit. So the seller id can director to see there is a evaluation waiting to do. 117 6.4.1 Original Credit Module The original credit module supports the platform to get the information of user and bases on those information to calculate the user’s initial credit by system automatic, in Figure 6.8. The information includes age, gender, career, education level, marry status, salary and deposit. The deposit information is get from the bank_system database, need pass the authentication process; age and other information are filled by user. When user fill all the information and click submit, an initial credit will be calculated and show in the user interface web page. In addition, a dummy transaction has already be done and waiting user to evaluate. The hyperlink of credit evaluation will be showed in user interface web page, show in Figure 6.9. Figure 6.8: Granting Initial Credit Interface 118 Figure 6.9: Buyer’s Interface of After Authentication 6.4.2 Dynamic Credit Module The dynamic credit module can be divided in two web pages. One is for the buyer evaluation, another is for the seller evaluation. There are four elements of seller and chosen by buyer with radio button, which are deliver time, quality, service and price, show in the Figure 6.10. Buyer can image the transaction situation and give the evaluation to seller and the result will be calculated by the system automatic; except the four elements that decided by buyer, there two elements of turnover and buyer current credit rank also will be included. Once buyer finish the evaluation, a web page of showing seller’s credit will be brought out, which shows seller’s initial 119 credit, total credit and the credit of the last evaluation, show in the Figure 6.11. Figure 6.10: Buyer Evaluation Interface 120 Figure 6.11: Interface of Seller’s Credit In the seller evaluation part, it is similar with the buyer evaluation part. Only the elements of evaluation are different, which are time, satisfaction, communication and price; and the results will show on the buyer credit interface, show in the Figure 6.12 and Figure 6.13. 121 Figure 6.12: Seller Evaluation Interface Figure 6.13: Interface of Buyer’s Credit 122 6.5 User Satisfaction Test Because the users of TaoBao system still not familiar with the new credit evaluation module, so simply using the questionnaire to get the satisfaction and feedback from the TaoBao system user. This questionnaire focus on the comparing of the new evaluation system and the current credit system to confirm the satisfaction of TaoBao users. Totally, sixteen persons have answered this questionnaire. 6.5.1 New User’s Credit Situation Test The first question is related to the authentication part, including the granting of initial credit. The authentication part and the initial credit part is trying to improve the credit situation of new users in TaoBao system. The result showed in Figure 6.14. 123 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Trust New User No Idea Don't Trust New User Figure 6.14: Credit Situation of New User Test From the result, there are more than 60% people think the new user’s credit situation can be improved and they would like to trade with them. One of the objective is to ensure the user’s identity; it must be a true and unique identity. Another objective is to give a standard to judge the new user’s credit situation, then improve the credit situation of new user. Based on this result, because the improved authentication mechanism and new user’s initial credit, comparing the above questionnaire in chapter 4, almost people think the new user will be more trustable than the current system. 6.5.2 User’s Dynamic Credit Evaluation Test This question is related to test the user’s dynamic credit evaluation module. It is to test whether the new dynamic credit evaluation module can clearly show 124 TaoBao system user’s dynamic credit. The result showed in Table 6.1. Table 6.1: User’s Dynamic Credit Evaluation Test Items Quantity Percentage Strong disagree 0 0% Disagree 1 6% Neutrally 4 25% Agree 10 62.5% Strong agree 1 6.25% The result shows near 69% people think the new credit evaluation system can be good to show TaoBao system user’s dynamic credit situation. The main objective of this thesis is to improve the credit evaluation mechanism, making the credit evaluation can show more user’s credit details for other users consult and judge. The result is gratified, almost people think the new credit evaluation mechanism can show user’s credit in more details. That means, TaoBao system users can base on those details to analyze others credit situation in more trading aspect, then reducing the transaction risk. 125 6.5.3 System Integrative Test This question is to compare the current TaoBao credit evaluation system and the improved credit evaluation system to get the general testing of user’s satisfaction. The result shows in Table 6.2. Table 6.2: System Integrative Test Items Quantity Percentage Strong disagree 0 0% Disagree 0 0% Neutrally 3 19% Agree 13 81% Strong agree 0 0% The question is asking TaoBao system user: whether the new evaluation system can reduce the credit risk of TaoBao system? Based on the result can know that more than 80% people think the new credit evaluation mechanism can reduce the credit risk of TaoBao system. Form the result, there are several problems of TaoBao system to be improved and get the satisfaction of TaoBao system users. 126 6.6 Summary Overall, chapter 6 has been developing the rough credit evaluation system of TaoBao to show the new evaluation mechanism how to work. Through the authentication module to credit evaluation module, using a dummy buyer identity to describe the whole process of the new evaluation system. In addition, the user satisfaction test part carried out and analyzed the feedback from TaoBao users. Based on those results, it ensures the advantage of the new credit evaluation system. 127 CHAPTER 7 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 7.1 Introduction This chapter will look for the achievement and outcome of this project; in addition, describe the future blueprint of the continue research. It will conclusion the whole chapter of this thesis to show the overall achievement; and also in this chapter a final result of improving the TaoBao credit evaluation system will be carried out to show the whole process and the mechanism of new credit evaluation system. However, the future research still need to be considered and will be discussed in this chapter. 128 7.2 Overall Achievement The credit risk is the main issue that hinders the development of e-commerce in good health, and this issue is even more outstanding in C2C e-commerce. In this project, detailed analysis the credit risk problems in the e-commerce, and the main reason of the existence of credit risk problem in C2C e-commerce. Therefore, in order to be able to reduce the credit risk, it urgent to improve the current credit evaluation system. Most of the C2C e-commerce sites have been established its own credit evaluation system, in a certain extent, reducing the credit risk. However there are also many shortcomings. This project used the case study to analyze the general current credit evaluation system and point out the main problems of TaoBao’s current credit evaluation system. Focusing the exiting problems, this thesis gave the opinion to improve the credit evaluation system and design the rough system to show how the new credit evaluation system work. At the first, in the “introduction” chapter, mainly introducing the current situation of e-commerce credit risk, found out the problem and gave the objectives. Second, the “literature review” chapter, introduced the concepts of e-commerce and e-commerce credit risk, and then analyzed the characteristics of online-trading and focused on the C2C online-trading, found the reasons of leading C2C credit risk, and used case study pointing out the problems of credit evaluation system. 129 Third, in the “methodology” chapter, laid out the way to do this project and analyzed the environment of software and hardware that should be supporting this project. Fourth, the “data analysis” chapter mainly analyzed TaoBao’s current credit evaluation system, used questionnaire to found out the limitations of current system and the opinions of improving the current system from the user of TaoBao system, then gave primary solutions to improve the current system. Fifth, the “system design” chapter based on the data analysis result from chapter 4 to design each module of improved credit evaluation process. It designed the multi-authentication module for supporting user’s identity authentication, which can improve the current authentication mechanism and make user’s identity more reliable. Then it based on the selected initial credit indicators and dynamic credit indicators to design the user’s initial credit granting module, which improves the new user’s credit situation, and the dynamic credit evaluation mechanism, which improves the user’s dynamic credit to show more details that makes user’s credit situation clearer. Sixth, the “system development and testing” chapter focus on the system develop, based on the designed system process and mechanism, to rough show the new system how to work. Then it gets the feedback from the user of TaoBao system by using questionnaire. The result of user’s satisfaction test is gratified to show most users of TaoBao system approve the new credit evaluation process and mechanism. 130 The improved credit evaluation system has the following advantages: i. This system will in large part to improve the current situation of authentication of identity, to ensure the roots of credit evaluation is reliable. Furthermore, effectively improve the current system to prevent the cheating of credit ranks that using bugs. ii. Improving credit situation of new users, on other hands, it is make the competitive of new users that can attract more personal business transactions. iii. Improving the credit evaluation system into detail and making the credit evaluation more obvious. 7.3 Outcome The final outcome of this project can be showed in a framework, which combines the user authentication part, initial credit granting part and the dynamic credit evaluation part, it is showed in Figure 7.1. It is also including the indicators selected and the fuzzy evaluation mechanism. 131 User Identity Authentication Seller Identity Multi-Authentication Buyer Identity Multi-Authentication Credit Indicators Choose Static Credit Indicators Dynamic Credit Indicators Build Credit Indicators Evaluation Structure Set Scoring function of each credit indicators by using fuzzy method Using Expert Method to determine weight of each indicators Integrated Evaluation Credit Indicators Initial Credit Evaluation Dynamic Credit Evaluation for Once Transaction Credit Evaluation Scores Figure 7.1: The New Process of Identity Authentication and Credit Evaluation of TaoBao System 7.4 Recommendation and Future Research The credit risk is a new research topic in C2C. Currently, excepting a few technology research, almost relate researches are in the initial layer. Author has done 132 some exploratory work. However, because the limited of knowledge and lack enough time and effort, a number of specific issues have not solution yet. In this thesis, there are some lacks of better understanding of the complexity and profundity of the issues of credit, and combining the sociology and psychology of credit in the E-commerce management still has a long way to go; it is waiting the further study. i. As the continuous improvement of credit mechanism of e-commerce, to establish a unified platform for credit management will be reducing the credit risk of e-commerce. Credit management theory research needs further improving. ii. To establish the uniform credit evaluation mechanism is the core of protecting credit risk. However, to establish a good credit evaluation system needs storage technology, government, banks and various E-commerce sites to work together to complete. This thesis suggested some improvements of credit evaluation mechanism and design a framework of credit evaluation system. However, there still have many factors not considered comprehensive, need for further study, such as further design the credit evaluation system and improving the credit evaluation mechanism. iii. Although, using the fuzzy method to establish the credit evaluation model can solve some problems of the current credit evaluation system of TaoBao, but following the development of e-commerce, there are many new issues will be came out. Therefore, it should base on those new issues to improve the credit evaluation model. In general, due to the C2C is a new business model, its development is still not mature, author cannot solve all the problems of TaoBao system. Credit is an importance factor that baffling the development of C2C. In the research of credit of 133 C2C, not only the credit evaluation mechanism should be completed, but also the theoretical study has to be further in-depth. 7.5 Chapter Summary This chapter concludes all the chapters of the thesis, from chapter 1 to chapter 6. 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Section A General Information Question Age : □ 18-24 Your Role in TaoBao : □ Buyer □ 25-30 □ Above 31 □ Seller Frequency of using TaoBao : □ Every day □ At least once in a week □ Around one month 141 Section B: Situation of the Current TaoBao Credit System 1. □ □ □ □ □ What do you think of the current TaoBao credit evaluation system? User’s credit rank is not trustable User’s credit is too general to understand I have no idea User’s credit can be presented in some degree User’s credit can be presented very clear 2. Have you faced the problems of credit evaluation of TaoBao system? □ Default good evaluation that impact the credit real situation □ Hard distinguish truly credit and illusive credit □ Evaluated by others with untrue and malice reason □ Forced to give a good evaluate by others bully □ Have to give a good evaluate because no big reasons □ The problems appeared after evaluation □ The credit rank is not fair, when doing a large turnover transaction Others________________________ 3. Do you check other’s credit situation before you trade with them? □ Never □ Sometimes □ All the time Section C: Question of Authentication Part of TaoBao System 4. □ □ □ □ □ What do you think the current authentication of TaoBao system? It is too simple to authenticate the identity It cannot be good to ensure each people just have one account I have no idea It can ensure the identity of most user It can make sure each people only have one account 5. □ □ □ Do you think buyer need to pass the authentication? No, because their identity is not important I have no idea Yes, otherwise they will make the evaluation unresponsively 6. □ □ □ Do you trust the new member? No, please put reason___________________ I have no idea Yes, please put reason___________________ 142 Section D: Question of Initial and Dynamic Indicators Select 7. What do you think the current credit evaluation system of TaoBao, using positive, normal, negative? □ It cannot show the user’s credit situation □ It is not good to show the details of user’s credit □ I have no idea □ It can show the situation of user’s credit in some degree □ It definitely can show the situation of user’s credi Please put mark for below questions, 1 is disagree, Scale of Agreement 5 is agree 1 2 3 4 Part 1: Dynamic indicators: 5 8. Do you think the turnover during the credit evaluation is important? □ □ □ □ □ 9. Do you think the user’s credit rank is important for the evaluation? □ □ □ □ □ Commodity Deliver Time □ □ □ □ □ Product Quality □ □ □ □ □ Seller service □ □ □ □ □ Credit rating □ □ □ □ □ Price □ □ □ □ □ Credit rating □ □ □ □ □ Commodity Receive Time □ □ □ □ □ Satisfaction degree of commodity □ □ □ □ □ Communication □ □ □ □ □ Price □ □ □ □ □ 10. To be a buyer, which indicators of seller you will concern? 11. To be a seller, which indicators of buyer you will concern? 143 Part 2: Static indicators Scale of Agreement 1 2 3 4 5 12. According to your experience which age is more trustable? Children (age<16) □ □ □ □ □ Youngster (16<age<30) □ □ □ □ □ Midlife (31<age<55) □ □ □ □ □ Senior (55<age<70) □ □ □ □ □ Old people(age>70) □ □ □ □ □ Male □ □ □ □ □ Female □ □ □ □ □ doctor and higher levels □ □ □ □ □ master □ □ □ □ □ bachelor □ □ □ □ □ college □ □ □ □ □ middle school □ □ □ □ □ primary □ □ □ □ □ others □ □ □ □ □ Married with children □ □ □ □ □ Married with no children □ □ □ □ □ Unmarried □ □ □ □ □ divorced with children □ □ □ □ □ divorced with no children □ □ □ □ □ 13. According to your experience which sex is more trustable? 14. According to your experience the people in which education level has high credit? 15. According to your experience which marry status is more trustable? 144 16. what do you think that which career is more trustable? (multi-select) □Teacher □Public Clerk □Doctor □Lawyers □Finance □Soldiers □Power □Reporter □Post □Business owners □Telecom □Employee □Others 17. What do you think that which salary level can be trusted? □1000 □2000 □5000 □10000 Thanks for your time. Any comment please tell us: 145 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA IT MANAGEMENT Questionnaire form Credit System of TaoBao Company OBJECTIVE The purpose of this questionnaire is to test the improved TaoBao credit evaluation system and get the feedback from TaoBao users to compare with the current TaoBao credit evaluation system. Questionnaire of system testing 1. According to the initial credit, do you think the new user’s credit situation is better than the current system of TaoBao? □ Yes, because it clear shows the background of new user, I can trust them □ I have no idea □ No, I still cannot trust them Please put mark for below questions, 1 is strong disagree, 5 is strong agree Scale of Agreement 1 2 3 2. Do you think whether the new system can reflect user’s credit situation? 3. Whether the new credit evaluation system can reduce the credit risk, when you using TaoBao system? Thanks for your time again, also appreciate to give me your suggestion: 4 5