EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON SUBMERGED MEMBRANE ACTIVATED SLUDGE REACTOR SABARIAH BINTI ABDUL RAHMAN A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil – Environmental Management) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia NOVEMBER, 2009 iii “TO MY LOVES FAMILY…..” AYAH, MAMA, SHAHRIL, SYAFIQ, SAIFUDIN AIMAN THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT, TO MY LOVES ONE, THANKS FOR YOUR LOVE, CARE AND ENCOURAGEMENT…. ALL FRIENDS….. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING….. OUR LOVES NEVER ENDS iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thanks to Allah S.W.T. the Exalted, the Most Merciful, for giving me the stregnth and presistence to keep going with this research even during the most difficult moments. May ALLAH S.W.T. accept this work and count it as a good deed. In preparing this project report, I was in contact with many people, researchers, academicians and practitioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and thoughts. In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main project report supervisors, Dr C. Shreesivadasan and Dr Muhamad Ali bin Muhammad Yuzir for encouragement, guidance, critics and friendship. Without their continued support and interest, this project report would not have been the same as presented here. I am also indebted to Environmental Lab,Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) International Campus for provide facilities for my master project. A special thanks goes to En Azmi Abu Bakar, senior technicians of his willingness to spend his valuable time , continued support and interest in helpinh my laboratory work there. My fellow postgraduate students should also be recognized for their support. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues and others who have provided assistance at various occasions. Their views and tips are useful indeed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in this limited space. I am grateful to all my family members. v ABSTRACT This study investigates the performance of Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor on treating synthetic wastewater and also the effects of varying temperature of a laboratory scale Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor. Laboratory bench-scale continuous reactors, fed with synthetic wastewater were used. The operational volume of the reactor was 20 litres and included a membrane. The membrane was made from a polymer material (HDPE) with a thickness of 3.5 mm. The membrane, whose pore size ranged between 0.1 – 1mm, played the role of a secondary clarifier. Effects of temperatures of 27, 32, 37, 42, and 47°C were studied. Studies on the effects of temperatures were carried out as the pH was maintained in the range of 6.5 to 8.00 by adjustment of the feed pH with NaOH. Nutrients levels were maintained in the ratio of COD: N: P at 100:5:1. The biomass was considered to be acclimatized when MLSS concentration maintained constant levels (3000 ± 2000 mg/L). The reactor was aerated continuously with an aquarium air stone with compressed air supplied at approximately 3 L/min to maintain dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of 1.5 to 3.0 mg/L. Results indicated that as the operating temperatures of the reactors were increased, the percent removal of the soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD) also increased. The highest percent removal of soluble COD was obtained at 47 ºC (90.45%) while the lowest percent removal of soluble COD was obtained at 32 ºC (24.27%). The higher concentration of MLSS was obtained at 42 ºC (80 mg/L) while the lowest concentration was obtained at 10 mg/L at the same temperature (42 ºC). The patterns of the MLSS concentration for the temperature of 27 ºC, 32 ºC, 37 ºC, 42 ºC, and 47 ºC was increased and decreased gradually. The greatest concentration of MLVSS was achieved at 47 ºC and 32 ºC (80 mg/L) while the lowest was attain at 42 ºC which is 10 mg/L. On the other hand, increases the temperature affected the DO concentrations. The highest and lowest DO concentration was obtained at 27 ºC which is 5.1 mg/L and 1.7 mg/L. vi ABSTRAK Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengkaji keupayaan Reaktor Penenggelaman Membran Enapcemar Teraktif di dalam merawat air sisa sintetik dan juga mengkaji kesan ke atas pelbagai suhu terhadap reaktor tersebut. Reaktor berskala makmal yang beroperasi secara berterusan ini telah menggunakan air sisa sintetik sebagai larutan penyuapan. Isipadu opearasi bekerja bagi reaktor tersebut termasuk membran adalah 20 liter. Membran yang digunakan diperbuat daripada bahan polimer (HDPE) dengan ketebalan 3.5mm. Membran tersebut mempunyai saiz liang berjulat 0.1 – 1mm, bertindak sebagai klarifier sekunder. Kesan ke atas suhu 27 ºC, 32 ºC, 37 ºC, 42 ºC dan 47 ºC telah dikaji. Kajian terhadap kesan suhu dijalankan dengan pH ditetapkan di dalam julat 6.5 – 8.0 dengan menukarkan pH larutan penyuapan dengan penambahan NaOH. Kadar nutrisi ditetapkan di dalam nisbah COD : N : P (100: 5: 1). Kandungan berat biologi dianggap sesuai dengan iklim sekitaran apabila kandungan MLSS berada pada (3000 ± 2000 mg/L). Reaktor tersebut telah diudarakan secara berterusan dengan menggunakan batu udara akuarium yang membekalkan udara pada anggaran 3 L/min bagi mengekalkan kandungan oksigen terlarut (DO) pada 1.5 – 3.0 mg/L. Berdasarkan keputusan yang diperoleh, apabila suhu operasi reaktor dinaikkan, peratus penyingkiran permintaan oksigen kimia (COD) hancur tertinggi dicatatkan pada suhu 47 ºC (90.45%) manakala yang terendah dicatatkan pada 32 ºC (24.27%). Kandungan MLSS yang tertinggi dicatatkan pada suhu 32 ºC (80mg/L) manakala yang terendah pada suhu yang sama iaitu 10 mg/L. Corak kandungan MLSS bagi kajian terhadap suhu 27 ºC – 47 ºC adalah menaik dan menurun dengan perlahan. Kandungan MLVSS yang paling tinggi dicapai pada 47 ºC dan 32 ºC (80 mg/L) manakala yang terendah pada 42 ºC (10mg/L). Selain itu, peningkatan suhu turut mempengaruhi kandungan oksigen terlarut (DO). DO yang tertinggi dan terendah dicapai pada suhu 27 ºC iaitu 5.1 mg/L dan 1.7 mg/L. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Aim and Objectives 5 1.4 Scope and Limitation 5 1.5 Importance of the Study 6 LITAERAURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Biological Treatment 7 2.2 Aerobic Treatment Process 8 viii 2.3 Principal Application of Aerobic Biological 9 Process 2.3.1 Removal of Biodegradable Dissolved 10 and Colloidal Organic Matter 2.3.2 Nitrification 11 2.3.3 Denitrification 12 2.3.4 Phosphorus Removal 13 Classification of Aerobic Biological Process 13 2.4.1 Attached Growth System 14 2.4.2 Suspended Growth System 14 2.5 Microbial Process In Aerobic Treatment 15 2.6 Factors Affecting Aerobic Process 16 2.6.1 Dissolved Oxygen 17 2.6.2 Food over Mass Ratio 18 2.6.3 Solids Retention Time (SRT) 19 2.6.4 Organic Loading 20 2.6.5 pH 21 2.6.6 Temperature 21 2.6.7 Nutrients 22 Advantages and Disadvantages of Aerobic 22 2.4 2.7 Process 2.8 Activated Sludge 23 2.8.1 Characteristics of Conventional 24 Activated Sludge System 2.8.2 Activated Sludge Process Design 26 Requirements 2.8.3 Process Analysis and Control of 27 Activated Sludge Process of Reactor Type 27 Relationships 28 Retention Time and 29 Loading Criteria Production 30 ix and Other 30 Chemicals Requirements 2.8.4 Issues on Design, Operation and 31 Maintenance of Conventional Activated Sludge System Bulking 31 Sludge 34 Time 35 Area Requirements and 35 High Energy Cost 2.9 2.10 Sequencing Batch Reactors 36 Membrane Bioreactors 38 2.10.1 Classification of MBRs 41 2.10.2 External Loop (Side- stream) Cross- 42 flow Membrane MBR 2.11 2.12 3 2.10.3 Submerged Membrane 43 Effect of Temperature 44 Summary of Literature Review 47 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 49 3.1 Introduction 49 3.2 Study Outline 50 3.3 Design of Submerged Membrane Activated 52 Sludge reactor 3.4 Operational Method of Submerged 54 Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor 3.4.1 Organic Loading Rate 54 3.4.2 Feed and Nutrients 55 3.5 Seed Sludge 56 3.6 Design of Experiments 58 3.7 Sampling and Analysis 58 3.7.1 COD Measurements 59 x 3.7.2 Total Suspended Solids (TSS or 61 MLSS) Measurements 3.7.3 Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS or 63 MLVSS) 3.8 4 On-line measurements 64 3.8.1 pH 64 3.8.2 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 65 RESULTS ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 66 4.1 Introduction 66 4.2 Research Data Methodology 67 4.3 Feed and Nutrients Characterization 67 (Synthetic Wastewater) 4.4 Seed Sludge 67 4.5 Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge 68 Reactor Start-Up 4.6 Effect of Temperature on COD Removal 69 4.7 Effect of Temperature on pH profile 71 4.8 Effect of Temperature on Dissolved Oxygen 72 (DO) profile 4.9 Solids Washout 73 4.9.1 Effect of Temperature on Mixed 73 Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) 4.9.2 Effect of Temperature on Mixed 74 Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS) 4.10 Effect of Temperature on Specific Degradation Rate 75 xi 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMEMDATIONS 78 5.1 Introduction 78 5.2 Conclusions 78 5.3 Recommendations 80 REFERENCES 83 APPENDICES 89 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLES NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Important kinetics relationships factors 29 2.2 Factors that affect sludge bulking 33 2.3 Description of operational steps for the 37 Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) 2.4 Examples of MBR Applications to different 41 types of wastewaters 3.1 Chemical composition of the synthetic 55 wastewater. 32 Operating condition of the reactor. 58 3.3 Monitoring schedule for chemical analysis. 59 4.1 Characteristics of raw synthetic wastewater. 67 4.2 Characteristics of seeding sludge. 68 5.1 Problems occur during the reactor start-up 80 and operational difficulties of the reactor during this study. xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Aerobic systems. 9 2.2 Typical activated sludge systems. 25 2.3 Typical SBR operations for one cycle 38 2.4 Typical MBR systems. 39 2.5 Replaced units in a wastewater treatment 40 plant with the use of MBR 2.6 External Loop Crossflow and submerged 42 systems 2.7 Two different set-ups for submerged 44 membranes. 3.1 Outline of the study 51 3.2 Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge 52 reactor. 3.3 Laboratory – scale Submerged Membrane 53 Activated Sludge reactor. 3.4 Chemicals used for the synthetic wastewater. 56 3.5 Wastewater treatment plant at Glaxo Smith 57 Kline (GSK) company. 3.6 Sludge collected at Glaxo Smith Kline 57 (GSK) company. 3.7 The HACH COD reactor used for COD 61 measurements. 3.8 Oven used for Total Suspended Solids (TSS 62 or MLSS) measurements. 3.9 Vacuum pump used for Total Suspended 62 xiv Solids (TSS or MLSS) measurements. 3.10 Wise Therm Muffle Furnace used for the 63 volatile suspended solids measurements. 3.11 pH probe use for the pH measurements. 64 3.12 DO probe use for the DO measurements. 65 4.1 The effect of the temperature on soluble 70 COD removal of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor. 4.2 Effect of Temperature on the profile of pH. 71 4.3 Effect of Temperature on the profile of 72 Dissolved Oxygen (DO). 4.4 Effect of Temperature on Mixed Liquor 74 Suspended Solids (MLSS). 4.5 Effect of Temperature on Mixed Liquor 75 Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS). 4.6 Effect of the temperature on specific degradation rate. 77 xv LIST OF ABREVATIONS ºC Degree celcius DO Dissolved Oxygen COD Chemical Oxygen Demand BOD Biological Oxygen Demand MLSS Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids MLVS Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids SS Suspended Solids VSS Volatile Suspended Solids HDPE High Density Polyvinyl Ethylene mg/L Milligram per litre g/L Gram per litre UTM Universiti Teknologi Malaysia m metre cm centimetre mm milimetre xvi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A LABORATORY DATA 89 B DETERMINATION OF CHEMICAL OXYGEN 95 DEMAND (COD) CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction The expand number of industrial sector in Malaysia have increased the production of products such as plastics, metals and chemicals in order to fulfil the living needs of human and increased national economics. Through the increases of industrial sector in Malaysia, the manufacturing produce millions tans of industrial waste which will arise the environmental quality issues, safety and health concerns in the wastewater management, which will develop seriously and should be aware. Effective and quick measurements should be done in order to minimize serious problems that may arise such as the increase treatment costs of drinking and clean water supply, public health and safety and also declining on health and environment standards. The production of industrial solid waste increase tremendously every year. Approximately around 10, 000 of new organic material concentrations were added in the industrial waste each year (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). The new organic materials concentrations were mainly consists complex materials which require high treatment cost that will be treated in conventional systems. According to Environmental Quality Report 2004, in Malaysia approximately an average of 431,000 tan metric a year of industrial waste mainly from textile and chemical industries, pharmaceutical wastes, agricultural and domestic waste are 2 produced. The effluent from industrial waste was highly in toxic, danger to public health and seriously affects the environment conditions. Normally, the industrial factory did not apply the suitable and standardize treatment required by the authority and ignore the standard or law that being permitted. Aerobic treatment systems include the activated sludge process, extended aeration activated sludge process, activated sludge with granular activated carbon, or natural or genetically engineered microorganisms and aerobic fixed growth system such as trickling filters and rotating biological contactors. Among the aerobic processes, the trickling filter and the activated sludge processes have been used to treat industrial and domestic wastewater. In the past few years the treatment of wastewater by a modified activated sludge process, the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) has gained recognition. The SBR system do receive worldwide attention and several thousands SBR facilities have been designed, built and put into operation (Wilderer et al., 2000, Hastings et al., 2007). Most sewage treatment facilities are still based on continuously operated activated sludge processes. Aerobic systems have many advantages such as relatively easy operation, lower equipment cost, produce a better quality supernatant lower nitrates and phosphorus concentrations, thereby protecting the liquid side upstream and can achieve comparable volatile solids reduction with shorter retention periods, less hazardous cleaning and repairing tasks (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). In this study, the efficiency of a submerged membrane activated sludge reactor in treating synthetic wastewater which was similar to industrial wastewater was being studied in order to determine the efficiency of the reactor as an effective alternative technique in treating industrial wastewater. Furthermore, this study also analyzes the effect of varying temperature of a laboratory scale aerobic digester on process performance. 3 1.2 Problem Statement Industry is a huge source of water pollution, it produces pollutants that are extremely harmful to people and the environment. Many industrial facilities use freshwater to carry away waste from the plant and into rivers, lakes and oceans. Pollutants from industrial sources include asbestos, lead, mercury, nitrates, phosphates, sulphur, oils and petrochemicals. Increasing population, rapid urbanization and rapid intensifying human activities have exerted immense pressures on water quality. Whenever human and industrial wastes are not properly managed, surface waters and ground waters become the sink for receiving such waste. When effluents from industries are discharged into river channels, the river water will be polluted due to the increase concentration of dissolved solids, toxic chemicals, BOD loadings, heavy metals and other pollutants. Other than that, pesticides and herbicides from agricultural areas add to the increasingly polluted water sources. According to the Environmental Quality Report (EQR) 2006, 16 rivers in Malaysia are polluted and 33 rivers are slightly polluted. Sources of the pollutions are from domestic waste and industrial waste which was mainly from agriculture and also factory sector. On the other hand, effective and suitable wastewater treatment systems that are economically and reducing cost were complicated and difficult to select which required fundamental knowledge about the critical role and operation of the wastewater treatment system. The activated sludge process is the most commonly used treatment system for industrial and municipal wastewater. The activated sludge process consists at least one aeration tank (aeration period) and one sedimentation tank (settling period) (Gerardi, 2002). The activated sludge process is capable of performing four critical wastewater treatment functions which are: the degradation or oxidation of carbonaceous waste, 4 the degradation or oxidation of nitrogenous wastes, the removal of fine materials and the removal of heavy metals. The objective of the activated sludge process in treating industrial wastewater is to remove soluble and insoluble organics and to convert this material into a flocculent microbial suspension that settles well in conventional gravity clarifiers (Arthur, 2002). Several modifications of activated sludge process have been developed to accommodate specific wastewater characteristics and operational needs. The activity and the physical properties of the microbial community within a system will determine the efficiency of treatment in terms of substrate utilisation, floc formation and efficient separation of the solids (specifically in gravity separators) from the treated supernatant. In order to achieve these objectives, the environmental and operational parameters that need to be controlled are dissolved oxygen, F/M ratio, solids retention time (SRT), organic loading, pH, temperature and nutrients. Therefore, operational condition in the aerobic reactor must be periodically monitored and maintained within optimum ranges. Temperature affects all biological reactions. The magnitude of the effect is related to the characteristics of the wastewater organics and their physical state. Previous study from Henze et. al., (2001). shows that the activity of the biomass increases with the increasing in temperatures which results in low the solubility of the oxygen. Experimental work has also demonstrated that widely varying mixed liquor temperatures (25 C to 5 - 8 C) during treatment can yield an increase in suspended solids in the treated effluent (Eckenfelder and Musterman, 2001). There have been some efforts to operate the activated sludge process in the thermophilic range (45 to 55 ºC) when the influent wastewater temperature is already in this range and the BOD is high (2500 to 3000mg/L). Under these operating conditions, the sludge generated was frequently difficult to separate, the mixed liquor was dispersed, and effluent solids concentrations were high (Grau and Eckenfelder, 2001). The activated sludge process can adapt to a wide range of temperatures but will become unstable with a sudden temperature change resulting in floc dispersion and increase in effluent suspended solids (Eckenfelder, 2001). 5 Therefore in this study, the effectiveness of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor in treating synthetic wastewater which is similar to industrial wastewater will be investigate as one of other effective alternative treatment in order to produce treated wastewater that are safe and clean to be disposed and used. 1.3 Aim and Objectives The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of temperature in aerobic reactor by using Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor. To achieve this aim, the following objectives are as follows: a) To investigate the performance of Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor on treating synthetic wastewater, b) To investigate the effect of varying temperature of laboratory scale aerobic reactor on treating synthetic wastewater This study does not aim to develop or optimise a system and does not provide detailed design criteria. However more importantly, it explores the potential of aerobic treatment under strictly controlled extreme operating conditions. 1.4 Scope and Limitation Scope of this research is based on the treatment of synthetic wastewater by using Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor in order to investigate the performance of this reactor. This research will be focused on the treatment of synthetic wastewater that has been prepared with glucose as the main component. 6 Sludge that is used for microb growth was collected from Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) company, near Ulu Klang, Selangor. In this research, the sludge sample and the synthetic wastewater will be examined by performing lab work analyse at Environmetal Engineering Lab, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) International Campus. The parameter that are being tested in order to identify the synthetic wastewater characteristics effluent are Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS), Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS), pH and Dissolved Oxygen (DO). This study determined the effect of temperature on the performance of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor on treating synthetic wastewater. In this study, different range of temperature will be used in order to determine the effectiveness of this aerobic reactor. Temperature factors are important in affecting the process performance of the aerobic reactor and have to be considered. This is important to ensure that the effluent that will produce from treatment are followed the allowable standard required. 1.5 Importance of the Study The research is important to ascertain the effectiveness of Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor in treating wastewater. In order to investigate the effect of temperature on the performance of Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor, the optimization and the appropriate temperature that will affect the aerobic reactor on process performance and for the most efficient in the aerobic reactor will be recognized. Other than that, the efficiency of this aerobic reactor will be determined. The exact water parameter of the effluent is important to make sure such as the COD values, which are important in order to characterize the organic strength of wastewater. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Biological Treatment In the early 1900s, the primary purpose of biological wastewater treatment has been used to remove organic constituents and compounds to prevent excessive DO depletion in receiving waters from municipal or industrial point discharges, to remove colloidal and suspended solids to avoid the accumulation of solids and the creation of nuisance conditions in receiving waters and also to reduce the concentration of pathogenic organisms released to receiving waters (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Generally, biological treatment is used to treat liquid waste, where this system is one of secondary wastewater treatment systems. Biological treatment is a system that eliminates suspended solids and also soluble organic load from wastewater by the use of populations of microorganisms. The microorganisms used in the treatment systems play role to dispose organic matter and also acted to stabilize the wastewater. There are three process in the biological treatment systems which are aerobic treatment (need oxygen), anaerobic treatment (without oxygen), and facultative treatment where the treatment can operates with and without oxygen. 8 In treating wastewater, biological treatment process can be classified to aerobic or anaerobic treatment. If the microorganisms in the wastewater in a suspended conditions during the biological treatment, hence that operation is describe as suspended growth systems while when the microorganisms are attached to a surface during growth, hence that process is describe as attached growth systems. In this study, the efficiency of a submerged membrane activated sludge reactor (aerobic systems) in treating synthetic wastewater which was similar to industrial wastewater was being studied. Other than that, this study will determine the efficiency of the aerobic reactor as an effective alternative technique in treating industrial wastewater. This study also analyzes the effect of varying temperature of a laboratory aerobic digester on process performance. 2.2 Aerobic Treatment Process Aerobic treatment is a biological treatment process. The principal of aerobic treatment is the use of free or dissolved oxygen by microorganisms (aerobes) in the degradation of organic wastes. Since oxygen is available to working aerobes as an electron acceptors, the biodegradation process can be significantly accelerated, leading to increased throughput capacity of treatment system (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). In aerobic treatment process, oxygen was the important element in the biodegradation process of the wastewater by the microorganism other than the needs of other nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Without oxygen, the growth rate of the microorganism will decelerate where these organic material will not able to survive and will influence the required wastewater treatment needs. Some examples of the typical aerobic treatment process are activated sludge process, lagoon, and biological filter. 9 The principal applications of aerobic processes are the removal of biodegradable dissolved and colloidal organic matter, nitrification, denitrification, phosphorus removal and waste stabilization. Figure 2.1 shows the typical aerobic systems. Based on growth of microorganisms, aerobic process can be classified into two, which are: 1. Suspended growth - activated sludge, aerated lagoon, sequencing batch reactors (SBR) 2. Fixed film growth/attached growth - trickling filter, rotating biological contactor (RBC) Figure 2.1 2.3 Aerobic systems. Principal Application of Aerobic Biological Process Both aerobic suspended growth and attached growth require sufficient contact time between the wastewater and heterotrophic microorganisms, and sufficient 10 nutrients and oxygen. During the initial biological uptake of the organic material, more than half of it is oxidized and the remainder is assimilated as new biomass, which may be further oxidized by endogenous respiration (Henze et al., 2001). For both suspended and attached growth process, the excess biomass produced each day is removed and processed to maintain proper operation and performance. The principal applications of the aerobic biological process are the removal of biodegradable dissolved and colloidal organic matter, nitrification, denitrification, phosphorus removal and waste stabilization. 2.3.1 Removal of Biodegradable Dissolved and Colloidal Organic Matter Most of the organic compounds in domestic wastewater and some in industrial wastewater are of natural origin and can be degraded by common bacteria in aerobic or anaerobic processes. Unfortunately, some of the organics (synthetic organics chemicals) compounds pose unique problems in wastewater treatment. It is due to their resistance to biodegradation and potential toxicity to the environment and human health. Organic compounds that are difficult to treat in conventional biological treatment process are termed as refractory. With a few exceptions most organic compounds can be biodegraded eventually, but in some cases the rates may be slow, unique environmental conditions may be required, such as temperature and pH. There are three principal types of degradation pathways that have been observed which are, the compound serves as a growth substrate, the organic compound provides an electron acceptors and also the organic compound degraded by metabolic degradation. 11 2.3.2 Nitrification Nitrification process can be described as the two-step biological process in which ammonia (NH4-N) is oxidized to nitrite (NO2-N) and nitrite is oxidized to nitrate (NO3-N). The need for nitrification process in wastewater treatment process arises from water quality concerns over the factors of the effect of ammonia on receiving water with respect to DO concentrations and fish toxicity, the need to provide nitrogen removal to control eutrophication and the need to provide nitrogen control for water-reuse applications including groundwater recharge. In BOD removal, nitrification can be accomplished in both of the suspended growth and attached growth biological process. For suspended growth processes, a more common approach is to achieve nitrification along with BOD removal in the same single-sludge process which consists of an aeration tank, clarifier, and sludge recycle system. In cases where there is a significant potential for toxic and inhibitory substances in the wastewater, a two-sludge suspended growth system may be considered. The two-sludge system consists of two aeration tanks and two clarifiers in series with the first aeration tank/clarifier unit operated at a short SRT for BOD removal (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). While in attached growth systems used for nitrification, most of the BOD must be removed before nitrifying organisms can be established. The heterotrophic bacteria have a higher biomass yield and thus can dominate the surface area of fixedfilm systems over nitrifying bacteria. Nitrification is accomplished in an attached growth reactor after BOD removal or in a separate attached growth system designed specifically for nitrification (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Nitrification is affected by a number of environmental factors including pH, toxicity, metals and un-ionized ammonia. Nitrification process is sensitive to the pH. In nitrification process, the pH rates decline significantly at pH values below 6.8 (EPA, 1999). Optimal nitrification rates occur at pH values in the range of 7.5 to 8.0. Nitrifying organisms are also sensitive to a wide range of organic and inorganic 12 compounds and at concentrations well below those concentrations that would affect aerobic heterotrophic organisms. While for metals as described by Skinner and Walker (2000) have shown complete inhibition of ammonia oxidation at 0.25 mg/L nickel, 0.25 mg/L chromium and 0.10 mg/L copper. Nitrification also inhibited by un-ionized ammonia, and un-ionized nitrous acid. The inhibition affects are the dependent on the total nitrogen species concentration, temperature and pH. 2.3.3 Denitrification The denitrification process is the biological reduction of nitrate to nitric oxide, and nitrogen gas. Biological denitrification is an integral part of biological nitrogen removal, which involves both nitrification and denitrification (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). The biological nitrogen removal is generally more cost effective and used more often if compared to alternatives of ammonia stripping, breakpoint chlorination, and ion exchange. Biological nitrogen removal is used in wastewater treatment where there are concerns for eutrophication and also when groundwater must be protected against elevated NO3-N concentrations. It is when the wastewater treatment plant effluent is used for groundwater recharge and other reclaimed water application. Denitrification is affected by a pH factors. It occurs when the alkalinity is produced in denitrification reactions and the pH is generally elevated. There has been less concern about pH influences in denitrifaction rates. There has been no significant effect on the denitrification rate for pH between 7.0 and 8.0. 13 2.3.4 Phosphorus Removal Phosphorus removal is generally performed to control eutrophication because phosphorus is the limiting nutrient in most of freshwater system. Chemical treatment using alum or iron salts is the most commonly used technology for phosphorus removal. But since the early 1980s, success in full-scale plant biological phosphorus removal has encouraged the further used practice. The principal advantages of biological phosphorus removal are can reduced chemical costs and less sludge production as compared to chemical precipitation (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Phosphorus removal in biological systems is based on the following observations (Sedlak, 1999): 1. Numerous bacteria are capable of storing excess amounts of phosphorus as polyphosphates in their cells 2. Under anaerobic conditions, PAOs will assimilate fermentataion products (volatile fatty acids; VFAs) into storage products within the cells with the concomitant release of phosphorus from stored polyphosphates. 3. Under aerobic conditions, energy is produced by the oxidation of storage products and polyphosphates storage within the cell increases. The system performance is not affected by DO as long as the aerobic zone DO concentration is above 1.0 mg/L. At pH values below 6.5, phosphorus removal efficiency is greatly reduced (Sedlak, 1999): 2.4 Classification of Aerobic Biological Process Biological treatment system is a practice to treat wastewater by the utilization of microorganisms by biodegradation process and also to decompose nutrients 14 contents in the wastewater. Nowadays, the biological treatment process usually used in treating domestic wastewater rather than treating by the used of chemicals because natural friendly. Frequently, biological treatment is used as secondary treatment and tertiary treatment in treating wastewater. The biological wastewater treatment can be classified into 2 systems which are Attached Growth System and Suspended Growth System. Both of these systems are classified under aerobic treatment which by the use of oxygen during nutrient utilization process as operational theory. 2.4.1 Attached Growth System The attached growth system is the biological treatment which used a medium such as rock, plastic, or other material for the growth of microorganism or bacteria. In this system, sludge will be provided for growth of the microorganism. The microbe will attach to the provided medium. The biodegradation process will occur during the flow of the wastewater via the biological medium. Examples of the attached growth system are the trickling filters, rotating biological contactors and combined attached and suspended growth processes. Attached growth processes can be grouped into three general classes which are nonsubmerged attached growth processes, suspended growth process with fixed-film packing and submerged attached growth aerobic process. 2.4.2 Suspended Growth System The theory of the suspended growth systems are when the microorganism or bacteria are allowed to suspend in the treated wastewater for the microbe growth. The microorganism or bacteria will utilize the wastewater as a growth medium and to 15 perform biodegradation process for treating wastewater. These suspended growth systems required oxygen for the utilization and biodegradation process. Examples of the suspended growth system as the operational theory are the oxidation pond, activated sludge process and sequencing batch reactors (SBR). 2.5 Microbial Process In Aerobic Treatment Microorganisms found in aerobic suspended and attached growth treatment process are used for the removal of organic material. Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria found in aerobic process are able to produce extracellular biopolymers that result in the formation of biofilms for attached growth process that can be separated from the treated liquid by gravity settling with relatively low concentrations of free bacteria and suspended solid (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Protozoa also play an important role in aerobic process. By consuming free bacteria and colloidal particulates, protozoa aid effluent clarification. The aerobic attached growth process are depending on the biofilm thickness, and generally have a much more complex microbial ecology than activated sludge with films containing bacteria, fungi, protozoan, rotifiers, and possibly annelid worms, flatworms, and nematods (WEF, 2000). Depending on process loadings and environmental conditions, a number of nuisance organisms can also develop in the activated sludge process. The principal problems caused by nuisance organisms are known as bulking sludge. This problem occurs when the biological floc has poor settling characteristics. In extreme, bulking sludge can result in high effluent suspended solids concentrations and poor treatment performance (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). 16 The conversion of organic matter is carried out by mixed bacterial cultures in general accordance with the stoichiometry of: 1. Oxidation and synthesis COHNS + O2 + nutrients bacteria CO2 + NH3 + C5H7NO2 + other end products Organic (2.1) New cells matter 2. Endogenous respiration bacteria C5H7NO2 + 5O2 5CO2 + 2H2O + NH3 + energy (2.2) cells In equation (2.2), COHNS is used to represent the organic matter in wastewater, which serves as the electron donor while the oxygen serves as the electron acceptor. Although the endogenous respiration reaction, (equation (2.2)), is shown as resulting in relatively simple end products and energy, stable organic end products are also formed. 2.6 Factors Affecting Aerobic Process The activity and the physical properties of the microbial community within a system determine the efficiency of treatment in terms of substrate utilisation, floc formation and efficient separation of the solids (specifically in gravity separators) from the treated supernatant. In order to achieve these objectives, the environmental and operational parameters need to be controlled are dissolved oxygen, F/M ratio, solids retention time (SRT), organic loading, pH, temperature and nutrients. Therefore, operational condition in the aerobic reactor must be periodically monitored and maintained within optimum ranges. 17 2.6.1 Dissolved Oxygen As the oxygen is low solubility in water, the oxygen transfer is often the limiting process in achieving effective wastewater treatment objectives. This capacity is also influenced by environmental factors such as temperature, pressure and salinity. Oxygen is the key element in controlling the wastewater quality. Though the oxygen has low solubility in wastewater, the DO concentration is significant for the aquatic life and the microbe (Ali et al., 1999; Nafryzal Carlo, 2000). For the aquatic life, the DO is used for the metabolism cell growth process for life in the water. Therefore, oxygen is required for the respiration process of the aerobic microorganism. The oxygen concentration will reduced as the temperature of the wastewater are high, especially the wastewater come from the industrial factory. With the DO concentrations, this will help to prevent the odour problem and the flora and fauna. Murat (2002) stated that, a minimum concentration of dissolved oxygen is required by aerobic Heterotrophic bacteria to metabolise organic matter, and its availability determines whether biological changes are carried out in an aerobic or anaerobic environment, or whether only partial oxidation is accomplished. The occurrence of the nitrification also adds up to the oxygen demand of the system. Better settling qualities were reported by Wilen and Balmer (1999) for the DO concentrations (2.0 mg/l – 5.0 mg/l) in the aerobic reactor basins. The typical range for the DO concentrations in activated sludge process was 1.5 to 3.0 mg/L (Gray, 2004). 18 2.6.2 Food over Mass Ratio The food over mass ratio (F/M ratio) is a process commonly used to characterize process designs and operating conditions (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). This parameter represents the organic loading to the system and is expressed as the ratio of COD or BOD (kg/day) for a given mass of biomass in the reactor (kg MLVSS). The Food to Micro-organism ratio controls the rate of biological oxidation as well as the mass of organisms present by maintaining microbial growth in the log, declining or endogenous phase (Gray, 1989). As stated by Gray (1989), high F/M ratios indicate high amounts of food source available for the micro-organisms, with growth at the log growth phase. It has been found that under these conditions, micro-organisms don’t form flocs but generally disperse and do not readily settle. As food is in excess at high F/M ratios, not all the organics are utilised and part of them passes on to the effluent. During low F/M conditions, organisms are exposed to a food-limited environment and micro-organisms function in the endogenous respiration phase, with cell lysis and resynthesis taking place. During these conditions, there is almost complete oxidation of the organics with low concentrations in the effluent (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Typical values for the BOD F/M ratio reported by Henze et al., (2004) are vary from 0.04g substrate/g biomass.d for extended aeration process to 1.0g/g.d for high rate process. The BOD F/M ratio is usually evaluated for systems that were designed based on the SRT value to provide a reference point to activated sludge design and operating performance. 19 2.6.3 Solids Retention Time (SRT) The mean solids retention time (SRT), is the ratio of the micro-organisms in the reactor to the sludge produced or wasted. It is a function of the F/M ratio and shows the operating state of the systems in terms of organic loading and mass loading per unit of biomass. The SRT in effect, characterize the average period of time during which the sludge has remained in the system. SRT is the most critical parameter for activated sludge design as SRT affects the treatment process performance, aeration tank volume, sludge production, and oxygen requirements. SRT values may range from 3 to 5 days for BOD removal which depends on the mixed-liquor temperature. At 18 to 25 ºC, the SRT value are near to 3 days which is the desired value where at that time range, only the BOD removal is required and to discourage nitrification and also eliminate the associated oxygen demand. In order to limit nitrification, some activated sludge plants have been operated at SRT values of 1 days or less. While at 10 ºC, the SRT values f 5 to 6 days are common for the BOD removal only (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Temperature is an important environmental condition that affects the treatment performances. It is because changes in the wastewater temperature can affect the biological rate. Temperature is particularly important in nitrification design process as the expected mixed-liquor temperature will affect the design SRT. The precipitation affects and the groundwater infiltration are the local factors that can influence both flow rates and constituents concentrations. If the high flow rate occurred, these can cause the washout of solids in biological reactors (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Since nitrification process is temperature-dependent, the design SRT for nitrification must be selected with caution as variable nitrification growth rates have been observed at different sites, presumably due to the presence of inhibitory substances (Barker and Dold, 1997; Fillos et al., 2000). 20 At higher F/M ratios, biomass activity increases due to the increase in available substrate. This increase in biomass requires more continuous wasting of the sludge to maintain a given MLSS within the reactor, and thus a reduction in the SRT of the system (Murat, 2002). 2.6.4 Organic Loading This parameter is expressed as kg of COD or BOD per unit volume of reactor per unit time. It determines the organic load into the system. Low organic loadings result in less food availability for the micro-organisms (hence a low F/M), and this reduces the need for more efficient and vigorous oxygen transfer. On the other hand, at high organic loading rates unless the biomass concentrations are kept high (e.g MBRs- Membrane Bioreactors) oxygen transfer limitations may occur due to high F/M ratios. The organic loading rate should be determined in order to get daily flow rate and the concentration measurement that will be prepared. The organic loading rate can be calculated using the following formula. Organic Loading Rate OLR = kg COD * Vin m3.dVtotal organic loading rate (kg/m3.d) COD = COD value for the synthetic wastewater before treatment Vin = volume of the synthetic wastewater (L) Vtotal = reactor volume (L) (2.3) 21 2.6.5 pH This parameter will dictate the speed of biochemical reactions within biological treatment processes by controlling the rate of enzyme production and activity. Optimum pH levels for heterotrophic bacteria fall within a narrow range between 6 and 8. For the autotrophic bacteria (Nitrifiers) this range is also acceptable and it is also known that their activity rises up to pH 8.4 (Metcalf Eddy, 2004). pH is known as the hydrogen-ion concentrations which is an important quality parameter of both natural waters and wastewaters. The concentration range suitable for the existence of most biological life is quite narrow and critical (typically from 6 to 9). Wastewater with an extreme concentration of the hydrogen ion is difficult to treat by biological means. Other than that, if the concentration is not altered before discharge, the wastewater may influence may alter the concentration in the natural wastewater. For treated effluent discharged to the environment, the allowable pH was usually varies from 6.5 to 8.5 (Henze et. al., 1999). 2.6.6 Temperature Temperature conditions in the reactor have a direct effect upon the biological treatment processes primarily by influencing the metabolic activities of the microorganisms and effecting on the gas transfer rates within the system. Previous work shows that the activity of the biomass increases with the rising reactor temperatures (Henze et. al., 2001). However the solubility of the oxygen reduces at the same time. Experimental work has also demonstrated that widely varying mixed liquor temperatures (25 C to 5 - 8 C) during treatment can yield an increase in suspended solids in the treated effluent. (Ekenfelder and Musterman, 2001). Therefore, in this study, it was aimed to analyze the effect of varying temperature of a laboratory aerobic reactor on process performance. 22 2.6.7 Nutrients Most domestic wastewaters contain adequate amounts of macro-nutrients for cell utilisation. However, many industrial wastewater streams lack these nutrients and require addition of appropriate amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. In an aerobic treatment process, nutrients levels were maintained in the ratio of COD: N: P at 100:5:1 (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Nutrients level must be available in adequate amounts if the biological treatment system needs to be in a good and properly treatment function. Nutrientdeficient conditions can contribute to filamentous growth within the mixed liquor and a reduction in the carbon removal rates. This occurs due to the “growth advantage” that filamentous organisms have under these conditions over floc forming organisms. Deficient conditions also may result in reduced microbial growth and partial conversion of the organics in the wastewater stream (Murat, 2002). 2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Aerobic Process Aerobic treatment has many advantages and also disadvantages. The advantages which are can produce a minimum odor when the aerobic system is properly loaded and maintained, the removals of biochemical are large hence provide good effluent quality. Other than that, the aerobic treatments are high rate treatment that allowed smaller scale systems which is less land required. The final discharge also may contain dissolved oxygen (DO) which can reduces the immediate oxygen demand on receiving waters and lastly, the aerobic treatment also eliminates many pathogens that presents in agricultural waste. The main disadvantage of aerobic treatment is the energy cost of aeration at an adequate rate to maintain the dissolved oxygen levels needed to maintain aerobic conditions in the treated wastewater for aerobic growth. In addition, some organics cannot be efficiently decomposed aerobically. These biologically non-reactive 23 components mainly composed of insoluble materials can account for up to 70% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD). Another issue may rest with the fast production of biomass (sludge build-up) due to active aerobic growth powered by a sufficient oxygen supply by aeration, potentially leading to reduction in storage capacity of lagoons and/or ponds. 2.8 Activated Sludge The activated sludge process is the most commonly used treatment system for industrial and municipal wastewater. The activated sludge process consists at least one aeration tank (aeration period) and one sedimentation tank (settling period) which also known as sedimentation tank. The aeration tank is a biological reactor or amplifier in which wastes are converted through the activity of microscopic organisms, to less polluting wastes or none polluting wastes and more solids, which were mostly bacteria cells. The secondary clarifier is a quiescent that permits the separation of solids from water and also removes floating foam and scum produced in and discharged from aeration tank while the primary clarifier permits the separation and removal of floatable materials and settleable solids (Gerardi, 2002). The activated sludge process is capable of performing four critical wastewater treatment functions which are 1) the degradation or oxidation of carbonaceous waste, 2) the degradation or oxidation of nitrogenous wastes, 3) the removal of fine materials and 4) the removal of heavy metals. The objective of the activated sludge process in treating industrial wastewater is to remove soluble and insoluble organics and to convert this material into a flocculent microbial suspension that settles well in conventional gravity clarifiers (Arthur, 2002). A number of modifications of the activated sludge process have been developed to accommodate specific wastewater characteristics and operational needs. The activated sludge process is a rather unique biotechnological process and not having many similarities with the other processes utilized in practice and 24 frequently called fermentations. Typical features of the activated sludge process are (Eckenfelder et al., 2004): 1. Multifarious substrate in terms of chemical composition and variety of particle size 2. Multispecies biological culture, desirably growing in aggregates (flocs) 3. Widely fluctuating flows, temperatures, and changes in the influent wastewater concentration and composition 4. Ability to metabolize a vast number of organic compounds and to oxidize/reduce/ polymerize (compounds containing nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, and others) 5. A variety of reactor configurations used (completely stirred tanks, plug-flow, sequencing batch, oxic, anoxic, anaerobic selectors and others) The core of the activated sludge process is the aeration basin where the conversion of the organic compounds to less harmful end products takes place in the presence of a diverse microbial consortium. The effective conversion of the pollutants requires certain operating conditions and reactor environments (e.g. Mixing, Dissolved Oxygen, pH etc.) depending on the nature of the targeted organic compound (e.g. Carbon Removal, Nitrification) and the mass loading (OLR Organic loading rate) of the same species.. 2.8.1 Characteristics of Conventional Activated Sludge System In an activated sludge process, the microorganisms are used to feed on organic contaminants and can produce a high-quality of effluent. The basic principle behind the activated sludge process is the microorganisms grow and form particles that clump together. These particles (flocs) are allowed to settle to the bottom of the tank, 25 leaving a relatively clear liquid free of organic material and suspended solids (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). As stated by Metcalf and Eddy (2004), the basic activated sludge treatment process is illustrated in Figure 2.2. From the figure, the activated sludge process is consists of 3 basic components which are a reactor in which the microorganisms responsible for treatment are kept in suspension and aerated, liquid separation usually in a sedimentation tank and lastly a recycle system for returning solids removed from the liquid-solids separation unit back to the reactor. Figure 2.2 Typical activated sludge systems. 26 In the activated sludge process, screened wastewaters is mixed with varying amounts of recycled liquid containing a high proportion of organisms taken from a secondary clarifying tank, and develop into mixed liquor. This mixture is stirred and injected with large quantities of air, in order to provide oxygen and keep solids in suspension. After a period of time, mixed liquor flows to a clarifier and allowed to settle. A portion of bacteria is removed when settles and the partially of its cleaned water flows for the further treatment. The resulting settled solids which are the activated sludge are returned to the first tank to begin the process again. The activated sludge process is applied widely by large cities and communities where large volumes of wastewater must be highly treated. The used of activated sludge practiced are good options for small communities and also cluster situations. 2.8.2 Activated Sludge Process Design Requirements As described by Metcalf and Eddy (2004), there are several important considerations in design activated sludge process. The activated sludge process design requirements are: 1. The aeration basin volume 2. The amount of sludge production 3. The amount of oxygen needed 4. Effluent concentration of important parameters such as heavy metals, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solids and volatile suspended solids. To design the activated sludge treatment process properly, characterization of the wastewater is the most critical and important step in the activated sludge process 27 design requirements. For biological nutrient-removal processes, wastewater characterization is critical part in predicting the process performance. The wastewater characterization is also an important element in evaluated the existing facilities for optimizing performance and available treatment capacity. Other than that, the flow characterization is also important which include the diurnal, seasonal and wet-weather flow variations. Without complete and comprehensive wastewater characterization, the facilities may become overdesign or under design and results to inadequate and inefficient treatment process requirements. The wastewater characteristics are importance in the design of the activated sludge process. The wastewater characteristics can be grouped into carbonaceous substrates, nitrogenous compounds, phosphorus compounds, total and volatile suspended solids (TSS and VSS) and alkalinity (Yong, 2008) 2.8.3 Process Analysis and Control of Activated Sludge Process As described by Eckenfelder et al., (2004), in the design of the activated sludge process, consideration must be given into the following factors which are the selection of the reactor type, applicable kinetic relationships, solids retention time and loading criteria to be used, sludge production, oxygen requirements, nutrient requirements, other chemical requirements, settling characteristics of biosolids, use of selectors, effluent characteristics. Selection of Reactor Type Important factors that must be considered in the selection of reactor types for the activated sludge process include the effects of reaction kinetics, oxygen transfer requirements, and nature of the wastewater, local environmental conditions, presence 28 of toxic or inhibitory substances in the influent wastewater, costs and also the expansion to meet future treatment needs (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Kinetic Relationships The kinetic relationship is used to determine the biomass growth and substrate utilization and also define the process performance. Important kinetics relationships factors are the effect of reaction kinetics, oxygen transfer requirements, nature of wastewater, local environmental conditions, toxic or inhibitory substances, costs and the effluent characteristics. The detail of the important kinetics relationships factors are illustrated in Table 2.1. 29 Table 2.1 Important kinetics relationships factors (adapted from Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). FACTOR Effect of reaction kinetics - Oxygen transfer requirements - Nature of wastewater - Local environmental conditions Toxic or inhibitory substances - - Costs - Effluent characteristics - DESCRIPTION Two types of reactor commonly used are complete-mix and plug-flow reactor The hydraulic detention time of the complete-mix and plug-flow reactor are about to same It is because the designs BOD removals are generally governed by sufficient SRT to assure good settling properties and longer duration is needed for BOD removal. Most of the past oxygen transfer limitations have been overcome by better selection of process operational parameters and improvements in the design and application of aeration equipment Includes the overall characteristics as affected by contributions such as domestic wastewater and industrial discharge Alkalinity and pH are important for the nitrification process pH adjustment may be required because low pH inhibit the growth of nitrifying organism Industrial discharge may also affect the pH by lowalkalinity wastewaters Temperature affects the treatment performance because change in the wastewater temperature affects the biological reaction rate Temperature is important in nitrification design For municipal wastewater treatment systems with large number of industrial connections, the potential of receiving inhibitory substances that can affect nitrification are high Construction and operational cost are the important considerations in selecting the type and size of the activated sludge reactor Potential future treatment needs can have an impact on present process selection Solids Retention Time and Loading Criteria The common parameters that are differentiating for the designs and operating of the activated sludge reactor are solids retention time (SRT) and the food to biomass ratio (F/M) and the volumetric organic loading rate. The SRT is the basic 30 design and operating parameter while the F/M ratio and volumetric loading rate provides the useful values that are useful in comparing the historical and typical observed operating conditions data. Sludge Production The design of the sludge handling and disposal/reuse facility depends on the prediction of the sludge production for the activated sludge process. The sludge handling facilities will affect the treatment process performance. The sludge will accumulate in the activated sludge process if it cannot be processed fast enough by an undersized sludge handling facilities. Two methods are used to determine sludge production. The first methods are based on an estimate of an observed sludge production yield from published data from similar facilities. The second method is based on the actual activated sludge process design. It is when the characterization is done and the various sources of sludge production are in considerations (Eckenfelder et al., 2004). Nutrients and Other Chemicals Requirements Nutrients levels which are the nitrogen and phosphorus levels must be available in adequate amounts if the biological systems need to be function properly. If the amount of nutrient are fail to be accomplish, it will affect the process performance of the activated sludge reactor and also the sludge bulking problems can occur. Therefore sufficient amount of nutrients should be provided and the study on the nitrogen and phosphorus optimum concentrations in the wastewater should be done. 31 Alkalinity is the major chemical requirements needed for nitrification. The amount of alkalinity must be available to maintain the pH in the neutral range 2.8.4 Issues on Design, Operation and Maintenance of Conventional Activated Sludge System In the wastewater treatment system using activated sludge process, there are several and common problems encountered. Most of the common problems and issues that usually encountered in activated sludge process are sludge bulking and foaming, rising sludge, long processing time, occupy substantial land areas and the system is high cost. Following sub-section are discussing more detailed on this issues. Sludge Bulking Sludge bulking and foaming are common and serious problems in activated sludge operation. The Sludge bulking and foaming are the most problems affecting the activated sludge plants at one time or other. Most of the effluent non-compliance problems are the caused by filamentous bulking. The bulking sludge problems occur when the MLSS have a poor settling characteristics develop and defines as a condition in the activated sludge clarifier caused high effluent suspended solids and poor treatment performance. In a bulking sludge condition, the MLSS floc does not compact or settle well and floc particles are discharged in the clarifier effluent. In extreme bulking sludge conditions, the sludge blanket cannot be contained and large quantities of MLSS are carried into the system effluent and potentially resulting in violation of permit requirements, inadequate disinfection, and clogging of effluent filters (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). 32 There are two principal of sludge bulking problems. The first type is filamentous bulking that caused by the growth of filamentous organisms or organisms that can grow in a filamentous form under adverse condition. The second types of bulking problems are the viscous bulking which caused by an excessive amount of extracellular biopolymer, which produces sludge with a slimy, jellylike consistency (Wanner, 1994). A bulking sludge also defined as one that settles and compacts slowly. An operational definition often used is, a sludge with a sludge volume index (SVI) of > 150 mL/g. However, each plant has a specific SVI value where sludge builds up in the final clarifier and is lost to the final effluent. It can vary from a SVI <100 mL/g to > 300mL/g, depending on the size performance of the final clarifiers and hydraulic considerations (Richard, 2003). Thus, a bulking sludge may or not lead to a bulking problem. It depends on the specific treatment plants ability to contain the sludge within the clarifier. A bulking sludge can result in the loss of sludge inventory to the effluent. Thus, can causing environmental damage and effluent violations. In severe cases, loss of the sludge inventory can lead to a loss of the plants treatment capacity and failed the operational process. Furthermore, the excess solids present during bulking leads to excessive return sludge recycle rates and problems in waste activated disposal. Many problems in waste sludge thickening are sludge or filamentous bulking problems (Crocetti, 2008) Sludge bulking and foaming also have wider implications rather than difficult the secondary settling. The sludge bulking and foaming also can results on the low setleability in poor effluent quality due to a high solids carry-over from the secondary settlers. The high effluents solids can be described as to incomplete settling process as well as anoxic conditions develop in the settler due to sludge accumulation. Denitrification occurs and the resulting nitrogen bubbles will cause the sludge particles to float. The poorly compacted sludge results in excessive waste sludge volumes usually with poor thickening properties with respect to gravity settling and 33 dissolved air flotation (Bratby, 1977) and poor dewaterability in centrifuges and belt press (Osborn et al., 1986). Many types of filamentous bacteria exist, and have been developed for the identification and classification of filamentous bacteria found commonly in activated sludge systems (Eikelboom, 2000). Sludge bulking can be caused by a variety of factors including wastewater characteristics, design limitations, and operational issues. Individual items that are associated with each of these categories are identified in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Factors that affect sludge bulking (adapted from Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). FACTOR \Wastewater characteristics DESCRIPTIONS Variations of flow rate Variations in compositions Design limitations pH Temperature Septicity Nutrient content Nature of waste components Limited air supply Poor mixing Short circuiting (aeration tank and clarifiers) Clarifier design (sludge collection and removal) Limited return sludge pumping capacity Operational issues Low dissolved oxygen Insufficient nutrients Low F/M Insufficient soluble BOD 34 Rising Sludge Pastor et al., (2008) described that the sludge rising problems is only seen in the final settling tank and has definite operational causes and it can be corrected through an understanding of the system and defined management practices. The biological oxidation of a wastewater is a two-phase reaction where the organic carbon oxidation occurs first and followed by the biological oxidation of ammonia or nitrification. Generally, sludge that has good settling characteristics will be observed to rise or float to the surface after a relatively short settling period. The most common cause of this problem is denitrification. Denitrification occurs in the sludge layer in the secondary clarifier when conditions become anaerobic or nearly anaerobic. As the nitrogen gas accumulates, the sludge mass becomes buoyant and rises or floats to the surface (Pitt and Jenkins, 1990). Rising sludge can be easily differentiated from a bulking sludge by noting the presence of small gas bubbles attached to the floating solids and by microscopic examination. This problem can be overcome by increasing the removal rate of the sludge from sludge colleting mechanism, by regulation of the flows (loading) and monitoring of the dissolved oxygen levels in the final settling tank. Rising sludge problems can be overcome by increasing the return activated sludge withdrawal rate from the clarifier to reduce the detention time of the sludge in the clarifier and also decreasing the rate of flow of aeration liquor into the offending clarifier if the sludge depth cannot be reduced by increasing the return activated sludge withdrawal rate. Other than that, the rising sludge problems also can be overcome by increasing the speed of the sludge-collecting mechanisms in the settling tanks and also decreasing the SRT to bring the activated sludge out of nitrification. 35 Processing Time Typically, the conventional activated sludge system took a long time to treat a large volume of wastewater, especially in the big cities. As example described by Marilyn (2003), the normal processing time for an extended aeration (systems that are based on the activated sludge technology) is 24 hours to turn out effluent from a high quality wastewater system that can be put back into the ground which is after chlorination. The relatively poor settling characteristics of conventional activated sludge floc also lead to the system facing with time consuming problems of biomass and effluent separation in secondary clarifier, which took more than hour (Hastings et al., 2007). Therefore, a system with short processing time and produce efficient and affective treatment process is required to improve the old technology. Large Area Requirements and High Energy Cost The activated sludge plants required large land areas and expensive in costs terms. It is because, the activated sludge process required a large and costly settling tanks and aeration basins to settle out and digest biosolids in the waste stream as well as the introduction of bacteria, chemicals, or membranes in order to treta the sewage and industrial waste and remove the amount of leftover sludge (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). Other than that, high energy cost are required in the operations of the activated sludge process due to the pumping of oxygen into aeration tanks and also to the operating moving screens or filters. The activated sludge process also produce significant amounts of sludge which must be further treated and disposed at the excessive cost. 36 More importantly, as stated by Badreddine (2008), the local odour emission regulations require that no gas or odour emissions may be released within 100 metres of residential areas. Therefore, the activated sludge system needs addition equipments or other solutions, to overcome and control the odour problems. This may lead to the increase of the equipments cost, maintenance and labour will become expensive and also will consume a large amount of space and energy. Therefore, nowadays more researchers were looking for new alternatives technology for improving wastewater treatment systems in which was cost effective, less energy requirements, reduced the processing time, less land area are required, enhanced odour control and also can adopt at many changes and conditions of the wastewater and also changes in the environmental factors such as temperature and pH. Therefore, in this study, the efficiency of a submerged membrane activated sludge reactor in treating synthetic wastewater which was similar to industrial wastewater was being studied in order to determine the efficiency of the reactor as an effective alternative technique in treating industrial wastewater. This study also analyzes the effect of varying temperature of a laboratory aerobic digester on process performance. During the last decades, different compact treatment systems are developed based on the activated sludge systems process such as sequencing batch reactors and membrane bioreactors. 2.9 Sequencing Batch Reactors The sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is a process that utilizes a fill-and-draw activated sludge system. The fill-and-draw is a complete mixing process during the batch reaction step (after filling) and where the subsequent steps of aeration and clarification occur in the same tank. The processes of equalization, aeration, and clarification are all achieved in the same tank, unlike a conventional activated sludge 37 system where the same processes are accomplished in separate tanks (Morgenroth et al., 2000). Wastewater is added to the tank and treated to remove undesirable components and then is discharged. SBR systems consist of five common steps carried out in sequence as follows: (1) fill, (2) react (aeration), (3) settle (sedimentation / clarification), (4) draw (the effluent is decanted), and (5) idle. Sludge wasting usually occurs during the settling phase. The SBR act as an equalization basin when filling with the wastewater and enabling the system to tolerate peak flows or loads (Guo et al., 2007). Table 2.3 illustrates the description of operational steps for the SBR. Table 2.3 Description of operational steps for the Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) (adapted from Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). OPERATIONAL STEP Fill DESCRIPTION - React - Settle - Decant - Idle - - Volume and substrates are added to the reactor The fill process typically allows the liquid level in the reactor to rise from 75% of capacity to 100% When two tanks are used, the fill process may be mixed and aerated to promote biological reactions with the influent wastewater The biomass consumes the substrate under controlled environmental conditions Solids are allowed to separate from the liquid under quiescent condition Resulting in a clarified supernatant that can be discharged as effluent Clarified effluent is removed during the decant period Many types of decanting mechanisms can be used (floating or adjustable weirs) Used in a multitank system to provide time for one reactor to complete its fill phase before switching to another unit. Idle is not necessary phase, it is sometimes omitted After passing through a screen to remove grit, the effluent enters a partially filled reactor. Once the reactor is full, it performs like a conventional activated sludge system without a continuous influent of effluent flow. Aeration and mixing are discontinued after the biological reactions are complete and the solids are allowed 38 to settle, and the treated effluent (supernatant) is removed. Excess solids are removed at any time during the cycle. Figure 2.3 shows the typical SBR operation for one cycle. Figure 2.3 Typical SBR operations for one cycle SBR are typically used where flow rates are five million gallons per day or less. The SBR systems required small land area and useful in areas where available land is limited. Furthermore, it is easy to modify cycles within the system for nutrient removal if required and necessary. The SBRs systems are also cost effective if filtration process is required. SBRs also offer potential capital cost savings by eliminating the need for clarifiers (Wang et al., 2006). Other than that, SBRs requires a complicated level of maintenance due to timing units and controls. Depending upon downstream processes, it may be necessary to equalize effluent after leaving the SBR (Nor Anuar, 2008). 2.10 Membrane Bioreactors A membrane biological reactor (MBRs) is consisting of a biological reactor (bioreactor) with suspended biomass and solids separations by microfiltration membranes. The MBR are based on a combination of activated sludge processes and membrane filtration in one treatment steps. An ultrafiltration or microfiltration 39 membranes separates the activated sludge from the effluent. The membrane can be applied within the bioreactor or externally through recirculation. Since external settlers, or any other post treatment step, become superfluous by using a membrane for the suspended solids and effluent separation, the required space for an installation is small and sludge concentration in the aeration tanks can be two or three times higher than in conventional systems (Nor Anuar, 2008). Furthermore, the effluent quality is significantly better as all suspended and colloidal material as micro contaminants, bacteria and viruses is removed (Ujang and Anderson, 2000; Trussell et al., 2005). Membrane biological reactors have been used for treatment of both municipal and industrial wastewater (Brindle and Stephenson, 1996; Van Dijk and Roncken, 1997; Trussell et al., 2000). Biological processes in a MBR are often comparable and beter than conventional activated sludge systems. It is because, the MBR systems can produce long sludge ages, N-removal is more efficient because the slow growing autotraph are kept efficiency in the systems. Other than that, denutrification can occur by introducing anoxic tanks or intermitted aeration (Drews et al., 2005; Gander et al., 2000). Figure 2.4 shows the typical MBR systems. Figure 2.4 Typical MBR systems. As stated by Ujang et al., (2007), despite the excellent effluent quality, the breakthrough of the MBR technology is sill lacking. This is mainly due to the cost 40 involved with membrane modules. Furthermore, the present generation of membranes show low permeability due to fouling, operation of membranes are still relatively expensive (Brouwer et al., 2005). MBRs substitute the secondary settling tanks with membrane separation units. Their effectiveness in terms of reduction in foot print and replacing process units can be observed on Figure 2.5 (Gunder and Krauth, 1998). In addition to being very compact, the MBR systems are very robust to shock loads and several other environmental and operational factors which can interfere with the biological conversion processes and the separation efficiency. In previous studies on MBRs, organic loading rates ranging from <1 kgCOD/m3/day to 3.2 kgCOD/m3/day was experienced with removal efficiencies more than 95% (Ueda and Hata, 1999; Buisson et. al., 1998; Rosenberger et. al., 1999; Bouhabila et al., 1998). Table 2.4 represents some MBRs applications to industrial wastewaters. Figure 2.5 Replaced units in a wastewater treatment plant with the use of MBR (Adapted from Gunder and Krauth, 1998). 41 Table 2.4 Examples of MBR Applications to different types of wastewaters (adapted from Murat, 2002). Industry Chemical Influent Effluent COD OLR Reference COD mg/L mg/L (kgCODm3/day) 10000 <400 3 Industry Landfill and Roncken, 1997 4000 <400 0.7 Leachate Food Dijk Dijk and Roncken, 1997 42660 70.8 up to 10.3 Processing Krauth and Staab, 1993 Municipal 457 16 2.3 Tannery 2614 119 approx. 1 Brewery 68000 1350 16 Cote et al., 1998 Krauth, 1996 Kempen et al., 1997 Oily wastes 29400 <2720 0.7 Zaloum et al. 1994 2.10.1 Classification of MBRs There are mainly two types of membrane bioreactors in terms of the location of the membrane unit and the flow through the membrane surface. These are cross flow filtration and the submerged membrane filtration (Figure 2.6). Both systems can accommodate MF and UF membranes to serve the needs of the required effluent characteristics. However, the common pore size is generally in the range of microfiltration (0.1-0.4μm). During operation, it is also known that the membrane effective pore size reduces due to concentration polarization and cake formation on the membrane surface. This leads to an ultra-filtration effect. 42 Figure 2.6 External Loop Crossflow and submerged systems (adapted from Cote et. al., 1998) 2.10.2 External Loop (Side- stream) Cross-flow Membrane MBR The Cross-flow Membrane MBR also called as external separation loop membranes. The membrane unit is outside the bioreactor and reactor content is circulated with pumps through the membrane unit back into the reactor. It is also known that sparging air into the membrane unit also improves the flux by reducing the cake formation. Such systems do not need high crosflow velocities and energy savings can be achieved during operation. On the other hand in terms of access to the membrane modules this type of configuration is superior to the submerged applications. The membrane units can be individually isolated and replaced without interrupting the operation of the plant (Murat, 2002). Because of the biomass characteristics tubular modules are the widely used configuration for external loop systems. There are also modules with plate and frame or large hollow fibres. 43 2.10.3 Submerged Membrane The Submerged Membrane type of configuration seems to be the future for MBRs. At the moment many MBR plants are equipped and operated with immersed membranes (eg Zenon (Cote et. al., 2000), Kubota (Churchouse, 1998)) that require low pressures as low as 5psi for permeated production. Main feature of this configuration is the submerged membrane elements located in the activated sludge tank. The aeration provided at the bottom of the membrane modules provides the continuous cleaning of the membranes by reducing the concentration polarisation layer. These membrane units can also be mounted in a different compartment to provide ease of handling and cleaning. Currently two types of membrane modules are used inside bioreactors, plate frame panels and hollow fibre modules (cassettes). The cross-flow on the membrane surface to reduce the concentration polarisation and the cake formation are provided via the aeration device placed below the membrane elements. Aeration is usually coarse bubble aeration. During operation uprising air liquid mixture generates a cross flow and turbulence on the surface of the membrane, reducing the filter cake formation and decay of the flux. The aeration also provides all or part of the oxygen that is required by the biological system for the conversion of the organics (Murat, 2002). Permeate is produced via a suction pump that provides the transmembrane pressure (≤5psi by Milleniumpore- Wilkes, 1999). Diagrams in Figure 2.7 show the two different set-ups for submerged membranes. 44 Figure 2.7 2.11 Two different set-ups for submerged membranes. Effect of Temperature Temperature affects all biological reactions. The magnitude of the effect is related to the characteristics of the wastewaters organics and their physical state (suspended, colloidal, or soluble). The aerobic process is generally used at smaller wastewater treatment plant and mostly at ambient temperature rates. The degradation rate is even smaller, about 30 – 40 %. at 50 days retention time (Borchardt et al., 1981; Aasheim, 1985; EPA, 1990). The aerobic digestion of biological sludge is a continuation of the activated sludge process under endogenous conditions (Rös et al., 1993) The operating temperature of the aerobic systems is the main parameter in this study. Because the aerobic digestion system is a biological process, the effects of temperature can be estimated by the following equation (Larry, 1980: Borchardt et al., 1981; Aasheim et al., 1985; Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). KT = K20 X Ө(T-20) (2.4) 45 reaction rate coefficients at temperatures of T and 20 ºC, respectively, d -1 KT, K20 = T = mixed liquor temperature, ºC Ө = empirical temperature correction coefficient, dimensionless The rate of biological processes generally increases with temperature. Hartman (1979) found a maximum volatile solids destruction rate at 30 ºC with a reduction in rate at higher temperature. It should be noted that a significant difference in the effect of temperature and substrate removal has been found for municipal wastewater as compared to industrial wastewater. This is because, a primary substrate removal mechanism for municipal wastewater is the biological entrapment of suspended and colloidal organics (a physical phenomenon that is insensitive to temperature) (Eckenfelder, 2001). In countries that have season changes, the magnitude of the temperature effect on removal of specific compounds creates operating problems when low effluent values are required on a year-round basis. In many cases, permit values are readily achievable during summer operation but difficult or impossible to achieve during winter operation. In addition to the temperature affect on the biological reaction rate, two other temperatures related phenomena must be take considerations. As the mixed liquor temperature decreases, from approximately 25 ºC towards 5 to 8 ºC, there may be an increase in effluent suspended solids. These suspended solids are typically nonsettleable, dispersed in nature, and are not removed by conventional clarification processes. There have been some efforts to operate the activated sludge process in the thermophilic range (45 ºC to 55 ºC) when the influent wastewater temperature is already in this range and the BOD is high (2500 – 3000 mg/L). Under these operating conditions, the sludge generated was frequently difficult to separate, the mixed liquor was dispersed, and effluent solids concentrations were high. 46 While the activated sludge process can adapt to a wide range of temperature, it will become unstable with a sudden temperature change. This will cause floc dispersion and an increase in effluent suspended solids. When the industrial wastewater has a high soluble substrate load, this will decrease the process efficiency at reduced mixed liquor operates temperatures and will increase the temperature coefficient at the combined process. Study on the effect of digestion temperature and pH on treatment efficiency and evolution of volatile fatty acids during thermophilic aerobic digestion of model high strength agricultural waste done by J. Obeta Ugwuany (2002) results shows that, the efficiency of treatment increase with the temperature of digestion, dropping only slightly as the temperature increased above 60 ºC. Furthermore, in full scale process, the choice of digestion temperature (above 50 ºC) depends on nature of waste. Daigger et al., (1999) described that the effect of pH levels in an aerobic digester which was carried in 3-stage digester system. This research was study on the effect of both high dissolved oxygen and high temperature on pH fluctuation. The results conclude that high DO causes low pH. The high temperature also causes high pH which at high temperature there is faster generation of ammonia from the heterotrophic protein degradation. Temperature effect in the performance of aerobic digesters will affect the rate of volatile solids reduction and pathogen reduction. The rate of volatile solids reduction increases as the temperature increases. With all biological processes, the higher the temperature, the higher the efficiency. Temperature less than 10 ºC (50 ºF), the process is basically ineffective. This study was focused on pathogen destruction and volatile solids performance of 3-stage digester systems operated at temperature in the range of 8-31ºC (Daigger et al., 1999). 47 2.12 Summary of Literature Review From the literature review above, it can be concluded that: 1. The activated sludge process is capable of performing four critical wastewater treatment functions which are the degradation or oxidation of carbonaceous waste, the degradation or oxidation of nitrogenous wastes, the removal of fine materials and the removal of heavy metals. A number of modifications of the activated sludge process have been developed to accommodate specific wastewater characteristics and operational needs. 2. A membrane biological reactor (MBRs) is consisting of a biological reactor (bioreactor) with suspended biomass and solids separations by microfiltration membranes. The Submerged Membrane type of configuration seems to be the future for MBRs. Main feature of this configuration is the submerged membrane elements located in the activated sludge tank. The aeration is provided at the bottom of the membrane modules provides the continuous cleaning of the membranes by reducing the concentration polarisation layer. 3. The activity and the physical properties of the microbial community in aerobic systems determine the efficiency of treatment in terms of substrate utilisation, floc formation and efficient separation of the solids (specifically in gravity separators) from the treated supernatant. 4. Important environmental factors affecting aerobic process are dissolved oxygen, F/M ratio, solids retention time (SRT), organic loading, pH, temperature and nutrients. Therefore, operational condition in the aerobic digester must be periodically monitored and maintained within optimum ranges. 5. Temperature affects all biological reactions. The magnitude of the effect is related to the characteristics of the wastewater organics and their physical state. Previous study shows that the activity of the biomass increases with the rising reactor temperatures (Henze et. al., 2001). However the solubility of the oxygen reduces at the same time. Experimental work has also 48 demonstrated that widely varying mixed liquor temperatures (25 C to 5 - 8 C) during treatment can yield an increase in suspended solids in the treated effluent. (Eckenfelder and Musterman, 2001). 6. There have been some efforts to operate the activated sludge process in the thermophilic range (45 to 55 ºC) when the influent wastewater temperature is already in this range and the BOD is high (2500 to 3000mg/L). Under these operating conditions, the sludge generated was frequently difficult to separate, the mixed liquor was dispersed, and effluent solids concentrations were high (Grau and Eckenfelder, 2001). The activated sludge process can adapt to a wide range of temperatures but will become unstable with a sudden temperature change. This will causes floc dispersion and increase in effluent suspended solids (Eckenfelder, 2001). CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes materials and methods used by which experiments were carried out. The Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge system configuration, operation system of the reactor and the analysis of the samples for each parameter will be discussed. This chapter is divided into three main sections which is the preparation of the experiment apparatus, experiment method used for the important parameter that influence the treatment of the synthetic wastewater by the used of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor. This chapter will also discuss the reactor feeding require and nutrients, seed sludge, the effect of temperature, sampling analysis and on-line measurements of the research. The laboratory analysis were conducted according to Standard Method, APHA 1998. 50 3.2 Study Outline Methodology flowchart is performing in order to fulfil the operation and analysis of the study to optimize data analysis. Figure 3.1 illustrates the flowchart of this study. The study was divided into three phases. In phase 1, reactor start-up and acclimatization to synthetic wastewater in Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor was investigated. Phase 2 was conducted when COD removal of 50% was achieved. The last phase (Phase 3) was carried out when COD removal of 70% was achieved and was carried out at a temperature of ranging between 27 ºC to 47 ºC. 51 Figure 3.1 Outline of the study 52 3.3 Design of Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor The Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor used in this study is shown in Figure 3.2. The reactor was a cylindrical shape, 380 mm high and 242 mm in diameter. The operational volume of the reactor was 20 litres because it included a membrane 380 mm and 180 mm in diameter, and was hopper bottomed. The membrane was made of a polymer material (HDPE) with has a thickness of 3.5 mm. The membrane pore size ranged between 0.1 – 1mm, played the role of a secondary clarifier. Peristaltic pumps were used to supply the feed. Aeration was provided by the laboratory compressed air system with a diffuser stone located in the reactor. The DO concentration was maintain by DO metre at a minimum range of 1.5 mg/L at all times. Figure 3.2 Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor. 53 A storage tank contained the feed which was the synthetic wastewater which were fed at a constant rate by means of pump to the membrane aeration vessel, contained within an outer impermeable vessel. Effluent passed through the pores of vessel, which retained nearly all the sludge and overflowed through the outlet of vessel into the collection tank. A diffuser stone aerator was suspended in vessel while the air flow through the aerator was controlled by a rota meter. The schematic diagram of the Laboratory – scale Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor used in this study is shown in Figure 3.3. Figure 3.3 Laboratory – scale Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor. 54 3.4 Operational Method of Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor The operational method of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor will be divided into three main sections which are the flowrate determinations, organic loading rate determinations, preparation of the synthetic wastewater (feed and nutrients) and seeding process of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor. 3.4.1 Organic Loading Rate The organic loading rate should be determined in order to obtain the flowrate and the concentrations and quantity of the synthetic wastewater that will be prepared. As describe in Chapter 2, the organic loading rate should be determined in order to get daily flow rate and the concentration measurement that will be prepared. The organic loading rate can be calculated using equation (2.3). OLR = (500/106) x 20 20/1000 = 0.55 kg/m3 .d In the operational of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor, the COD concentrations of the synthetic wastewater was sustain in the range of (500 ± 600 mg/L) and the COD concentration of the synthetic wastewater was assumed to be 500 mg/L. The Vin and the Vtotal of the reactor was 20 L. From the calculation carried out, the OLR values obtain in the reactor was 0.5 kg/m3.d and will be at a constant value (0.5 kg/m3.d) during all the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge study. 55 3.4.2 Feed and Nutrients Synthetic wastewater is a feeding solution containing chemical substances which are being produced in order to equalize the characteristic of actual wastewater. The composition of synthetic wastewater that being prepared contained 6 chemicals substances which are glucose, ammonium chloride ((NH4)Cl), magnesium sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O), calcium chloride (CaCl2.2H2O), kalium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) and kalium dehydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4). These chemical substances will be measured accordingly to the specified mass required. The compositions of synthetic wastewater used in this study are given in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Chemical composition of the synthetic wastewater. Components Concentrations Composition Function (g/L) K2HPO4 0.09 pH, source of K,P CaCl2.2H2O 0.007 pH KH2PO4 0.05 Source of K,P (NH4)Cl 0.32 Source of N, S MgSO4.7H2O 0.60 Source Mg, S Glucose 0.50 Source of C and Energy Distilled water The chemical components in Table 3.1 was measured and filled in a 1000 mL beaker. 1 litre of distilled water was added and the composition of synthetic that being produced will being stirred. Dilution was being done by adding 3 litre distilled water into the prepared synthetic composition. These synthetic wastewater compositions were prepared daily because lacked of storage area and also to avoid bacterial grow in the feed tank. Figure 3.4 shows the chemicals used for the preparation of the synthetic wastewater. 56 Figure 3.4 Chemicals used for the synthetic wastewater. Submerged membrane activated sludge reactor was operated 24 hours, which the hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 2 days. 5 cycles is being done (temperature 27 ºC, 32 ºC, 37 ºC, 42 ºC, 47 ºC) and each temperature analysis was measured in 13 days. 3.5 Seed Sludge The reactor was seeded with aerobic digested pharmaceutical sewage taken from Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK), near Ulu Kelang. It was first sieved (<3 mm) to remove unwanted debris and particles giving a final MLSS concentration of 3000 ± 2000mg/L which was 2500mg/L. The sludge was then introduced into the reactor through the anterior inlet of the reactor tank. The remaining volume of the reactor was filled with the feed of synthetic wastewater. The reactor was then allowed to stabilize for 24h prior starting the experiments and was aerated continuously with an aquarium air stone with compressed air supplied at approximately 3 L/min to maintain dissolved oxygen concentration of 1.5 to 3.0 mg/L. Figure 3.5 shows wastewater treatment plant Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) company while Figure 3.6 shows the sludge collected at Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) company. 57 Figure 3.5 Wastewater treatment plant at Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) company. Figure 3.6 Sludge collected at Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) company. 58 3.6 Design of Experiments Different temperatures, starting at 27 ºC were selected to study the effect of temperature on the efficiency of submerged membrane activated sludge reactor. Other temperatures studied were 32, 37, 42 and 47 ºC. Studies on the effects of temperatures were carried out as the pH was maintained in the range of 6.5 to 8.00 by adjustment of the feed pH with NaOH. Changes in the temperature of the control reaction were measured at 24 hourly intervals by the use of calibrated pH probe. Nutrients levels were maintained in the ratio of COD: N: P at 100:5:1 (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). The biomass was considered to be acclimatized when MLSS concentration maintained constant levels (3000 ± 2000 mg/L). The reactor was aerated continuously with an aquarium air stone with compressed air supplied at approximately 3 L/min to maintain dissolved oxygen concentration of 1.5 to 3.0 mg/L which was the typical range for activated sludge process (Gray, 2004). Table 3 2 shows the reactors operating condition of the reactor with the change of temperature value range from 27 ºC to 47 ºC. Table 3 2 Influent COD Temperature (ºC) (mg/L) 3.7 Operating condition of the reactor. HRT Flow Rate Operating (days) (L/hr) Days 500±600 27 2 0.42 13 500±600 32 2 0.42 15 500±600 37 2 0.42 13 500±600 42 2 0.42 13 500±600 47 2 0.42 13 Sampling and Analysis Supernatant liquor was taken for analysis of the effluent. Monitoring procedure including experiment number and frequency is tabulated in Table 3.3. Sample analyses included chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, mixed liquor 59 suspended solids (MLSS), mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS), dissolved oxygen (DO), all was determined by the method described according to the Standard Methods (APHA 1998). Detailed chemical analysis is discussed below. Table 3.3 Monitoring schedule for chemical analysis. PARAMETER Flowrate COD TEST FREQUENCY SAMPLING POINT 1x / week Feed 3 x / week Feed Tank In Reactor 3 x / week In reactor 3 x / week Effluent Tank pH Daily In reactor Temperature 3 x / week In reactor Solids : MLSS/MLVSS 3 x / week Effluent Tank DO Daily In reactor Feed 1x / week Feed Tank Effluent 1x / week Effluent Tank Feed 1x / week Feed Tank Effluent 1x / week Effluent Tank 1x / week Feed Tank 1x / week Effluent Tank Effluent Nitrogen Phosphate Trace Elements Feed Effluent 3.7.1 COD Measurements The strength of the feed solution and the effluent organic material concentrations were measured by conducting the COD test. The COD test involved the oxidation of organic species in a closed controlled environment using the (Cr2O72) dichromate ion as mentioned in the standard methods (APHA, 1998). The measurement of COD was based on the Standard Closed Reflux Method using HACH COD reactor as described in Standards Methods (APHA, 1998). At the 60 beginning, the HACH COD reflux reactor was preheated until the temperature attained to 150 ºC. Sample of 2 mL were added to HACH reflux tube and followed by 2 mL of digestion solution which was the 0.075 N of potassium dichromate solution containing mercuric sulphate. Then, 3.5 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid containing 8.8 g/L of silver sulphate were added. The tubes were tightly sealed and inverted three times to mix properly. The mixtures were then refluxed in the HACH COD reactor at 150 ºC for 2 hours. After cooling, contents in the tube was transferred to a 100 mL conical flask before being titrated with the fresh 0.025 N ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (FAS) using ferroin as the indicator. Each sample was done in duplicate and at least two blanks, using distilled water, were prepared per each batch of samples by being treated same as the samples. The COD value was obtained using the following formula. COD ( A B) M 8000 mLsample A = Volume of FAS (Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate) titrated for blank (mL); B = Volume of FAS titrated for sample (mL); M = Molarity of FAS 8000 = Milliequivalent weight of oxygen x 1000ml/L This test could be applied to samples at concentrations between 40 to 400mg/L COD. On the other hand the effluent samples did not require dilution. Figure 3.7 illustrates the HACH COD reactor used in this laboratory analysis. 61 Figure 3.7 The HACH COD reactor used for COD measurements. 3.7.2 Total Suspended Solids (TSS or MLSS) Measurements The TSS tests were carried out following the procedures presented in Section 2540 D of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (2540 DAPHA, 1998). The procedure involved the filtration of a suitable amount of the rector mixed liquor through the prepared GF/A filter papers. The filter papers were then dried in an oven (Figure 3.8) at 103 C to 150 ºC for 1 hour and cooled afterwards in a desiccator. Figure 3.9 shows the vacuum pump used in the laboratory 62 analyses of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS or MLSS) measurements. Following that, the papers with their dry content were weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg using an analytical balance. The initial and the final balance readings were then used to calculate the solids concentrations (mg solids/L) in the samples. mgTotalSuspendedSolids / L ( A B) x1000 samplevol.mg / L A= weight of filter + dried residue, mg B= weight of filter, mg Figure 3.8 Figure 3.9 Oven used for Total Suspended Solids (TSS or MLSS) measurements. Vacuum pump used for Total Suspended Solids (TSS or MLSS) measurements. 63 3.7.3 Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS or MLVSS) The volatile suspended solids which are the VSS or the Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS) is a useful parameter to roughly determine the organic part of the mixed liquor in treatment processes. For the duration of the study, in order to determine the volatile fraction of the suspended solids concentration, an additional procedure was carried out following the total suspended solids determinations (2540E- APHA, 1998). This additional step included ignition of the filter papers at a temperature of 550 C and the determination of the fixed fraction of the solids. The volatile fraction of the solids was then calculated using the difference between the total solids and the fixed part of the solids. Figure 3.10 shows the Wise Therm muffle furnace for the volatile suspended solids measurements. Figure 3.10 Wise Therm Muffle Furnace used for the volatile suspended solids measurements. 64 3.8 On-line measurements Dissolved oxygen (DO), pH were measured by using appropriate probes calibrated. Probes were calibrated at pH 4.0 and 7.0 for use in analyze pH reactions. Dissolved oxygen and pH probes were obtained from Ingold Ltd., (Switzerland), while the temperature controller was consist the PID controller with PV and SV display. 3.8.1 pH The pH is a measure of the concentration of the hydrogen ions in the solution and it is also an extremely important parameter for the operation of the treatment processes. The microorganisms’ activity depends on the pH of the reactor. Most organisms operate in a pH range of 6.5 to 8. Most aerobic plants operate within the range of pH 7. Studies on the effects of temperatures were carried out as the pH was maintained in the range of 6.5 to 8.00 by adjustment of the feed pH with NaOH. Changes in the temperature of the control reaction were measured at 24 hourly intervals by the use of calibrated pH probe. The pH readings from the reactor were logged every day for the whole duration of the study. Figure 3.11 shows the pH probe use for the pH measurements. Figure 3.11 pH probe use for the pH measurements. 65 3.8.2 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) The dissolved oxygen is the main component of all aerobic biological conversion processes. Therefore it is an essential parameter and requires continuous inspection whilst the reactions take place. The DO level was measured using calibrated DO meter. Throughout the study, the DO levels were measured everyday in order to maintain dissolved oxygen concentration of 1.5 to 3.0 mg/L which was the typical range for activated sludge process (Gray, 2004). Figure 3.12 shows the DO probe use for the DO measurements. Figure 3.12 DO probe use for the DO measurements. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Introduction This chapter will discuss on the results that were obtained from the experiment that had been done throughout the project. This chapter will also discuss and evaluate the data obtained before the treatment with the data before treatment of synthetic wastewater by the use the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor. Data obtained were tabulated in tables and shown in graphical approach for ease of analysis. This chapter are divided into three main sections which are the data and results before the treatment, the data and results after the treatment process and also the discussion of results obtained. From the data obtained from the discussion and analysis of the results, the effect of temperature of an aerobic reactor which is by using Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor can be evaluate. Furthermore, the performance of Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor on treating synthetic wastewater will be recognized. The effect of varying temperature of a laboratory aerobic reactor, which is the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor on process performance, will be identified. However more importantly, this study will explore the potential of aerobic treatment under strictly controlled extreme operating conditions based on the results and discussion obtained. 67 4.2 Research Data Methodology The duration and frequency of the data collected are different for each parameter. The chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solids (MLSS) and volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) will be collected once in two days while the dissolved oxygen and pH will be measured daily. 4.3 Feed and Nutrients Characterization (Synthetic Wastewater) The characteristics of the synthetic wastewater prepared in the laboratory were determined. The determined parameters include pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (5 days), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and soluble chemical oxygen demand (soluble COD). The results of the 4 respective parameter of the synthetic wastewater before treatment were analyzed and presented in Table 4.1 below. Table 4.1 Characteristics of raw synthetic wastewater. PARAMETERS pH 4.4 CONCENTRATION 6.5 - 7 BOD 250 – 300 mg/L COD 500 – 600 mg/L Soluble COD 400 – 500 mg/L Seed Sludge The reactor was seeded with aerobic digested pharmaceutical sewage taken from Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK), near Ulu Kelang. It was first sieved (<3 mm) to remove unwanted debris and particles. The characteristics of the seeding sludge were determined. The determined parameters include pH, biochemical oxygen 68 demand (BOD) (5 days) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The results of the 3 respective parameter of the seeding sludge were analyzed and presented in Table 4.2 below. Table 4.2 Characteristics of seeding sludge. PARAMETERS CONCENTRATION pH 4.5 6.5 - 7 BOD 700 -800 mg/L COD 1600 - 1800 mg/L Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor Start-Up During the reactor start-up period, the reactor was fed with synthetic wastewater (500 mg/L COD and pH 7) continuously. The influents were freshly prepared while the effluents were collected on time. The parameters such as pH and DO in the reactor were measured daily. While the COD of effluent and influent was measured and the MLSS and MLVSS of the effluents was measured once in two days durations. From the data obtained, the COD removal, MLSS removal and MLVSS removal of the reactor could be determined. The correlation of the COD removal with the pH profile and the DO profile within treatment period was plotted and discussed in the next section. The MLSS and MLVSS removal within the treatment period was also plotted and discussed. Then, the effect of temperature on the performance of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor on treating synthetic wastewater could be defined. Furthermore, the effect of varying temperature of a laboratory aerobic reactor on process performances could be identified. 69 4.6 Effect of Temperature on COD Removal The effect of the temperature on soluble COD removal of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor is illustrated in Figure 4.1. The experiment was conducted approximately 67 days. Different temperatures, starting at 27 ºC were selected to study the effect of temperature on the efficiency of submerged membrane activated sludge reactor. Other temperatures studied were 32, 37, 42 and 47 ºC. From Figure 4.1, the highest percent removal of soluble COD was obtained at 27 ºC (90.45%) before increased slightly to 79.65% at the fifth day of the 32 ºC cycle. The lowest percent removal of soluble COD was obtained at 32 ºC (24.27%). For temperature 27 ºC, the percent removal of soluble COD was first obtained at 75.34% before declining slightly at day 5 and day 7 (66.13% and 64.17%). However, there were no significantly differences in the percent removal of soluble COD as the study on the effect of temperature 27 ºC continued at day 9 to day 13 of the cycle. The percent removal of soluble COD was increased gradually after the third cycle (day 9) of the operating cycle of Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor. It is observable that the COD removal efficiency of the reactor for 27 ºC was 76.56% in average. From day 14 to day 29, the reactor was operated at temperature 32 ºC, while the pH was maintained at 6.5 to 8.0. It is observable that the percent removal of the soluble COD was at first lower (24.17%) which was the lowest COD removal of this study and increased gradually to 79.65% and obtained at 67.38% removal for the last cycle of the 32 ºC temperature study. The sudden decreased of the soluble COD removal value that occurred at day 2 of the 32 ºC operations is mainly caused by the foaming problem occurred. This problem was prevented by the use of an antifoaming agent (Silicone Antifoaming Agent) which did not appear to inhibit the biomass. The average of soluble COD removal for the temperature study at 32 ºC was achieved at 67.66% in average. 70 For temperature 37 ºC, 42 ºC and 47 ºC, there were no significant differences on the percent of soluble COD removal. The percent removal of soluble COD was increased slightly at 37 ºC, 42 ºC and 47 ºC. However, the COD removal efficiency increased noticeably from 73.89% to 80.06% in average from 37 ºC to 47 ºC. The profile on the effect of temperature on the removal of soluble COD concentrations followed the order of temperature 32 ºC < 37ºC < 42 ºC < 27 ºC < 47 ºC (67.66% < 73.89% < 75% < 76.56% < 80.06% ). Better COD removal effectiveness was achieved at temperature 47 ºC where the removal reaches in average 80.06%. As reported by Metcalf and Eddy (2004), temperature conditions in the reactor have a direct effect upon the biological treatment processes primarily by influencing the metabolic activities of the micro-organisms. According to Daigger (1999), higher the temperature, the efficiency of the aerobic reactor was high. Results indicated that as the operating temperatures of the reactors were increased, the percent removal of the soluble COD also increased. Figure 4.1 The effect of the temperature on soluble COD removal of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor. 71 4.7 Effect of Temperature on pH profile The effect of temperature on the profile of pH in the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor is shown in Figure 4.2. The pH was maintained in the range of 6.5 to 8.0 by adjustment of the feed pH with NaOH. The pH was observed everyday in order to maintain in neutral condition (pH 6.5 to 8.0). pH will dictate the speed of biochemical reactions within biological treatment process by controlling the rate at enzyme production and activity. Optimum pH levels for heterotrophic bacteria fall within a narrow range between 6 and 8. Metcalf and Eddy (2004) stated that in aerobic system the pH should be between 4.0 to 9.5 and the optimum range was between 6.5 to 75. Increases in the pH of the reactors caused the sludge to become more compressible (F.Dilek Çetin, 2004). From the pH data, it can be concluded that the reactor was stable during the reactor start-up and treatment of the synthetic wastewater. Figure 4.2 Effect of Temperature on the profile of pH. 72 4.8 Effect of Temperature on Dissolved Oxygen (DO) profile The effect of temperature on the profile of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor is shown in Figure 4.3. The reactor was aerated continuously with an aquarium air stone with compressed air supplied at approximately 3 L/min to maintain DO concentrations of 1.5 to 3.0 mg/L which is the typical range for an activated sludge reactor (Metcalf and Eddy, 2004). From Figure 4.3, it is observed that increased the temperature affect the DO concentrations. The highest and lowest DO concentration was obtained at 27 ºC which is 5.1 mg/L and 1.7 mg/L. On the other hand, low DO concentrations reduced the filterability of sludges; and caused the formation of low compressible sludges, and poor effluent qualities. At higher DO concentrations higher filterabilities, better effluent qualities and more compressible sludge are resulted. Figure 4.3 Effect of Temperature on the profile of Dissolved Oxygen (DO). 73 4.9 Solids Washout The sludge washout from the reactor system was measure frequently during the test period (Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5). The effect of temperature on Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) and Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS) will be discuss and analyse in the next section. 4.9.1 Effect of Temperature on Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) Figure 4.4 shows the results of the effect of the temperature on MLSS concentrations. It is observable that the pattern of MLSS concentrations was slightly different for each temperature range (27 ºC to 47 ºC). For temperature 27 ºC, the concentrations of MLSS was increased from 20 mg/L to 50 mg/L before declining slightly to 25mg/L. For temperature 32 ºC, the concentrations of MLSS was increased and decreased gradually for the cycle period at 13 days. At temperature 37 ºC, the concentration of MLSS was slightly increased from 20 mg/L to 70 mg/L before declined slightly to 30 mg/L. The higher concentration of MLSS was obtained at 42 ºC (80 mg/L) while the lowest concentration was obtained at 10 mg/L at the same temperature (42 ºC). The patterns of the MLSS concentration for the temperature of 27 ºC, 32 ºC, 37 ºC, 42 ºC, and 47 ºC was increased and decreased gradually. Experimental work has also demonstrated that widely varying mixed liquor temperature during treatment can yield on increase in MLSS in the treated effluent (Ekenfelder and Mustermann, 1999). As the result, the MLSS concentration was found to be lower, because the highest concentration of MLSS was recorded at 80 mg/L which was relatively lower as compared to the desired MLSS concentration for Activated Sludge reactor. Metcalf and Eddy (2004) stated a desired biomass concentration of 3000 – 6000 mg/L MLSS for effective functioning of Activated Sludge reactor. 74 Figure 4.4 4.9.2 Effect of Temperature on Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS). Effect of Temperature on Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS) Figure 4.5 shows the results of the effect of the temperature on MLVSS concentrations. The highest concentration of MLVSS was obtained at 47 ºC and 32 ºC (80 mg/L) while the lowest was obtained at 42 ºC which is 10 mg/L. For temperature 42 ºC, the MLVSS concentration was increased gradually from 10 mg/L to 40 mg/L. It is observed that the pattern of the MLVSS concentrations for this study (temperature 27 ºC to 47 ºC) was increased and decreased gradually. At temperature 32 ºC, which was the concentration of the MLVSS was the highest, this may occur by the consequences by the foaming the problem occurred. As reported by Daigger (1999), temperature affects the rate of MLVSS reduction and increases as the temperature is increased. From this study, it is showed that the temperature did not affect the rate of MLVSS concentrations. 75 Figure 4.5 Effect of Temperature on Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS). 4.10 Effect of Temperature on Specific Degradation Rate Figure 4.6 shows the results of the effect of the temperature on specific degradation rate. The parameters obtained in this case suggest that the specific degradation rate predict the behaviour of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor in affecting the aerobic digestion of the synthetic wastewater with the effect of temperature. From the figure, the highest specific degradation rate was obtained at 42 ºC (40.2 g/m3.d), while the lowest specific degradation rate was attained at temperature 32 ºC (1.55 g/m3.d) at day 16 of the laboratory analysis. The specific degradation rate at temperature 37 ºC and 42 ºC was better than at the other temperature (27 ºC, 32 ºC and 47 ºC). The higher specific degradation rate indicates that the sludge was in a good condition. It was because the amount of bacteria utilizes the organic concentrations of the synthetic wastewater was high and the amount of bacteria was sufficient for the biological conversion of the treatment. 76 As mentioned before, the lowest specific degradation rates was obtained at temperature 32 ºC (1.55 g/m3.d) which was at day 16 of the laboratory analysis. This indicates that the amounts of bacteria in the sludge are not sufficient to utilize the organic constituents in the synthetic wastewater. These maybe caused by the bacteria community in the sludge are probably died. This will affect the treatment process performance of the reactor. According to Metcalf and Eddy (2004), the performance of biological processes used for wastewater treatment depends on the dynamics of substrate utilization and microbial growth. Effective design and operation of such systems requires an understanding of the biological reactions occurring and an understanding of the basic principles governing the growth of the microorganisms. Furthermore, the need to understand all of the environmental conditions that affect the substrate utilization and microbial growth rate cannot be overemphasized. It is necessary to control such as the pH and nutrients in order to provide an effective treatment performance. The kinetics of microbial growth governs the oxidation process which is the utilization of substrate and the production of biomass, which contributes to the total suspended solids concentration in the biological reactor. The patterns of the effect of temperature on the specific degradation rate for the temperature of 27 ºC, 32 ºC, 37 ºC, 42 ºC, and 47 ºC was increased and decreased gradually. 77 Figure 4.6 Effect of the temperature on specific degradation rate. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Introduction In this chapter, the conclusions and summary of this study will be explained. All the objective describes in Chapter 1 have been accomplished. According to the discussion of the results, some conclusions can be drawn from the study. 5.2 Conclusions The following conclusions can be drawn from the study: 1. The effect of temperature on the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge reactor does not really achieved as the soluble COD removal are not interrelated with the increases of temperature (27ºC to 47ºC) although the highest soluble COD removal in average was recorded at 47ºC (80.06%). 2. The profile on the effect of temperature on the removal of soluble COD concentrations followed the order of temperature 32 ºC < 37ºC < 42 ºC < 27 ºC < 47 ºC (67.66% < 73.89% < 75% < 76.56% < 80.06% ). 79 3. The efficiency removal of the reactor should increased accordingly as the temperature reactor is increased. The MLSS and MLVSS effluent concentration also does not permit with the effect of increases the reactor temperature. The data gathered for MLSS and MLVSS concentration from this study are relatively lower compared to the MLSS and MLVSS concentration for effective functioning of activated sludge reactor. 4. The examinations during the reactor operation at the effect of temperature conditions also revealed that the dispersed growth could cause the wash out of the species involved in the treatment process. On the other hand, the use of a membrane in order to retain the biomass within the reactor enabled the system preserve its integrity and reliability for the whole duration of the experimental runs. This showed that at low and high temperature, membrane separation is the only reliable and robust solution for biomass separation provided that the treatment is taking place at low sludge ages and in highly turbulent conditions. 5. The highest specific degradation rate was obtained at 42 ºC (40.2 g/m3.d), while the lowest specific degradation rate was attained at temperature 32 ºC (1.55 g/m3.d) at day 16 of the laboratory analysis. The specific degradation rate at temperature 37 ºC and 42 ºC was better than at the other temperature (27 ºC, 32 ºC and 47 ºC). The higher specific degradation rate indicates that the sludge was in a good condition. Thus, it would be concluded that the objectives of the study had been achieved. Overall, the outcomes of the study proved that there was a considerable unexplored treatment potential in suspended growth systems (activated sludge process) that can be utilised and enhanced for the treatment of industrial wastewaters in various temperature ranges. In the study of the effect of temperature on the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor, some operational difficulties during the reactor start-up and operational was occurred and therefore affected the reactor performance and also the results obtained. Table 5.1 illustrated the problems occur during the reactor startup and operational difficulties of the reactor during this study. 80 Table 5.1 Problems occur during the reactor start-up and operational difficulties of the reactor during this study. DAY PROBLEMS AND OPERATIONAL DIFFICULTIES Start-up of Problem in pump calibration. The digital pump performance used in the reactor this study does not interrelated with the flowrate illustrated in the pump. The pump performance is relatively lower than the flowarate value shown in the pump. Start-up of The vessels used to cover the porous wall are having many holes. This result the solids that have to be remain in the reactor vessel was going out. The porous liners are easily removable and cause the reactor to be the reactor overflow. Start-up of Membrane used in this study is not suitable and the pore size is bigger the reactor than the suggested value. Start-up of Change of new membrane with better pore size diameter ranges the reactor (0.1 - 1 mm diameter) Start-up of the reactor Start-up the reactor Start-up of The pH is in acidic which is in the range of 2 – 4. The pH in the reactor was then being adjusted with the feed of NaOH. of Overflow problem occurred in the reactor. the reactor 16 5.3 Membrane Fouling problem occur Recommendations There are certain improvements that can be done to improve the study for better results. The improvements and modifications can be carried out from times to times to keep abreast of the latest technologies available. Some of the recommendations to improve this study are as below:1. It was suggested that the pore size of the submerged membrane that used in the reactor should be around 8 to 5μm (Chelliapan, 2006). From overall observations, the pore sizes of the submerged membrane used are relatively bigger and influence the overall result and analysis of this study. As 81 mentioned previously, the membrane play role of a secondary clarifier in this reactor. Other than that, during the course of investigation, a problem developed from foaming in the reactor, probably due to surfactant chemicals in the synthetic wastewater and the sludge. Rather than that, it is difficult to find the most suitable pore size and type of membrane to use for this study as time constrain. 2. In order to fulfil the laboratory analyses, it was also proposed that the flow rate of the system also need to be reduced in order to provide sufficient contact time between the wastewater and the sludge. 3. Analysis on other parameter such as the nitrogen and phosphorus. Beside, other parameters i.e. zinc and ferum also must be analyzed to check the efficiency of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor in removing heavy metals. 4. Investigations should be made into the treatment by using the real wastewater in order to know the effect of temperature of the aerobic reactor. 5. The membrane flux performance and enhancement was not the main focus of this study. However for the commercialisation of such plants of the Submerged Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor, it is an important factor and detailed investigations are required on it. The following study on the membrane flux performance can involve the improvement of the crossflow velocity across the membrane. The use of different membrane lumen sizes, backflush and backpulsing of membranes and their effects on membrane flux enhancement can also be covered in a future study. 6. In addition to that a further study on membranes may include the effects of ECP (Extracellular Polymeric Substances) levels and the particle size distribution on the membrane fouling. 7. Further study on the effect of other environmental effects such as pH, SRT, OLR and others to the reactor process performance should be done 82 8. Another important aspect of wastewater treatment is the removal of pathogens. In activated sludge, pathogens (viruses, bacteria, protozoa and helminths) are incorporated in the sludge flocs and are removed with the sludge in the sludge digestor. Because the open structure of the activated sludge flocs, remove pathogens cab adequately from the influent. 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