SOFTWARE TESTING PROCESS FOR SHARED BANKING SERVICES (SBS) SYSTEM NORAKMAR BINTI ARBAIN @ SULAIMAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA SOFTWARE TESTING PROCESS FOR SHARED BANKING SERVICES (SBS) SYSTEM NORAKMAR BINTI ARBAIN @ SULAIMAN A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MSc. (Computer Science – Real Time Software Engineering) Centre for Advanced Software Engineering Faculty of Computer Science and Information System Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2009 iii DEDICATION To my beloved mother and father iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of The Almighty, I thank you for giving me the strength and courage in order to face all the obstacles that lie in my journey of completing this report. I am very thankful to my Academic Mentor, Mr. Mohd Ridzuan Ahmad for all his advice and support. Next, my thanks also go to my Industrial Mentor, Mdm. Haidayu Anuar, for the great hospitality and giving me chance to explore and experiences the real working environment in HeiTech Padu. Thank you for believing in me for completing the given tasks. To my beloved parents, Hj. Arbain and Hjh. Siti Hasnah for their encourage and love, and also to my fiancé, Mr. Ariffuddin for his patience, assist and support for whatever barrier that I have faced in managing life in order to complete this industrial project successfully. Thank you also to my fellow classmates in RTSE Batch 19, especially to Nurdatillah and Hannan, for sharing in their knowledge and memories in HeiTech. Last but not least, thanks again for colleagues at HeiTech and all parties in CASE that assist and support me in order to accomplish this industrial project either directly or indirectly. I thank you. v ABSTRACT Software testing is one of the main activities in software development life cycle. This process consists of a few activities, which includes developing test plan and strategy, test design, test execution and evaluation of test result. However, a customized testing process is required for a specific domain in order to ensure the correctness and completeness of the test result. This project proposed a customized testing process for Shared Banking Services (SBS) system, which developed by R@PIC, HeiTech. Study was conducted in order to identify the specific modules in SBS and its characteristics which differentiate it from other software applications. Besides that, three testing methodologies, which are HeiTech Testing Process, RUP Test Discipline and Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP), were compared based on criteria such as main activities, roles and responsibilities, artifacts and level of testing. The comparison result was then map to the characteristic of SBS to produce the proposed software testing process for SBS. vi ABSTRAK Pengujian perisian ialah satu daripada aktiviti utama dalam kitaran hidup pembangunan perisian. Process pengujian ini mempunyai beberapa aktiviti seperti membina perancangan dan strategi pengujian, merekabentuk pengujian, perlaksanaan pengujian dan penilaian hasil pengujian. Namun, satu proses pengujian yang lengkap dan bertepatan diperlukan untuk domain tertentu, bagi memastikan ketepatan dan memenuhi hasil sesuatu pengujian. Projek ini mencadangkan satu proses pengujian yang sesuai untuk Sistem Perbankkan Perkongsian Perkhidmatan (SBS) yang dibangunkan oleh R@PIC, di HeiTech. Oleh itu, satu kajian telah dijalankan bagi menentukan modul khas untuk sistem SBS, dan juga ciri-cirinya yang berbeza daripada aplikasi perisian yang lain. Disamping itu, tiga metadologi, iaitu Proses Pengujian HeiTech, Disiplin Ujian RUP dan Proses Penilaian dan Pengujian Bersistematik (STEP) telah dibuat perbandingan berdasarkan beberapa kriteria seperti aktiviti utama, peranan dan tanggungjawab, artifak dan paras pengujian. Hasil daripada pembandingan tersebut, ciri-ciri khusus bagi sistem SBS dapat ditentukan dan kemudian satu proses pengujian khusus untuk sistem ini dapat dihasilkan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv LIST OF APPENDICES 1 xvii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Organization Background 1 1.1.1 HeiTech Padu Berhad Overview 1 1.1.2 Business and Services at HeiTech Padu Berhad 1 1.1.3 Research and Product Innovation Center (R@PIC) Division 1.2 2 3 Project Background 4 1.2.1 Industrial Project Overview 4 1.2.2 Shared Banking Services (SBS) System Overview 5 SCOPES AND OBJECTIVES 7 2.1 Vision Statement 7 2.2 Project Objectives 7 2.3 Project Scopes 8 2.4 Project Plan (Gantt chart) 8 viii 2.5 3 Project Deliverables LITERATURE STUDY 3.1 8 9 Software Testing Process 9 3.1.1 Definition and Principles of Software Testing 9 3.1.2 Relationship between Testing with Verification and Validation 3.1.3 Software Testing Concepts 13 3.1.4 Software Testing Methods 22 3.1.5 Testing Techniques 23 3.1.6 Types of Testing 28 3.1.7 Level of Testing 30 3.1.8 The Challenges and Current Research 36 Software Testing Model 38 3.2.1 V- Model 38 3.2.2 W- Model 41 3.2.3 Butterfly Model 44 3.2.4 Summary 47 TESTING METHODOLOGIES 50 3.2 4 11 4.1 Introduction 50 4.2 HeiTech Software Testing Process 51 4.2.1 Testing Concepts 52 4.2.2 Main Activities 53 4.2.3 Testing Levels 58 4.2.4 Testing Types 60 4.2.5 Roles and Responsibilities 66 4.2.6 Test Documentations / Artifacts 67 4.2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages 68 RUP Test Discipline 69 4.3.1 Test Concepts 73 4.3.2 Main Activities 75 4.3.3 Roles and Responsibilities 83 4.3.4 Test Documentations / Artifacts 84 4.3 ix 4.4 4.5 5 91 Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP) 93 4.4.1 Testing Concepts 94 4.4.2 Main Activities 95 4.4.3 STEP Architecture 97 4.4.4 Timing of STEP Activities 98 4.4.5 Elements of STEP 100 4.4.6 Test Documentations / Artifacts 102 4.4.7 Roles and Responsibilities 102 4.4.8 Advantages and Disadvantages 103 Summary 105 SHARED BANKING SERVICES (SBS) SYSTEM 107 5.1 Introduction 107 5.2 Core Banking Systems 107 5.3 Shared Banking Services (SBS) at R@PIC 110 5.3.1 Transaction System 112 5.3.2 Utilities 114 5.3.3 System Configuration 117 Testing Characteristics for SBS System 118 5.4.1 Functionality Testing 121 5.4.2 Performance Testing 122 5.4.3 Automation Test 124 5.4.4 Security Test 125 5.4.5 Advantages 126 SBS Testing Implementation at R@PIC 127 5.5.1 Plan Test 128 5.5.2 Design Test 129 5.5.3 Implement Test 129 5.5.4 Evaluate Test 130 5.4 5.5 6 4.3.5 Advantages and Disadvantages CUSTOMIZED SOFTWARE TESTING PROCESS 6.1 131 Issues with Software Testing Implementation at R@PIC 131 x 6.2 Developing A Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) 132 6.2.1 Main Phases for Testing Correspond to Software Development Phases 132 6.2.2 Main Activities of Software Testing Methodologies 6.2.3 Main SBS Testing Characteristics 133 134 6.2.4 Proposed Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) for SBS 7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 135 148 7.1 Recap 148 7.2 Project Outcome 149 7.3 Future Study 151 7.4 Summary 151 REFERENCES Appendices A - C 154 159 - 163 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLES NO TITLE 2.1 List of Project Deliverables and the Targeted Recipients 3.1 Definition of Software Testing 10 3.2 Differences between Verification and Validation 12 3.3 Objectives of Software Testing 16 3.4 Black Box and White Box Testing 25 3.5 Types of Code Coverage 26 3.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Black-box Testing 27 3.7 Software Testing Techniques 29 3.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of V-Model 40 3.9 W-Model Test Activities 43 3.10 Butterfly Test Model Description 45 3.11 Summary of Software Testing Model 48 4.1 Test Tactics for Different Software Development Methodology 4.2 PAGE 8 51 HeiTech Application Development Life Cycles Objectives 52 4.3 Main Activities of HeiTech Test Process 54 4.4 Detail Descriptions of Testing Levels 58 4.5 Types of Testing and Its Descriptions 61 4.6 Testing Types Consideration Based on Levels of Testing 65 4.7 Roles and Responsibilities 66 4.8 HeiTech Test Documents 67 4.9 Advantages and Disadvantages of HeiTech Test Process 68 4.10 Objectives of RUP Iteration Phases 70 xii 4.11 Nine Disciplines of Rational Unified Process 73 4.12 Roles and Test Artifacts in RUP Test Discipline 85 4.13 Purpose of Test Artifacts 86 4.14 Advantages and Disadvantages of RUP Test Discipline 92 4.15 Major Testing Activities in STEP 97 4.16 Template for Test Documents from IEEE Std. 829-1998 102 4.17 Roles and Responsibilities in STEP 103 4.18 Advantages and Disadvantages of STEP 104 4.19 Test Methodologies Comparison based on Software Development Phases 105 5.1 Transaction System Categories 112 5.2 Utilities Functions 114 5.3 SBS System Configuration Functions 118 5.4 Challenges and Solutions for Functional Test 121 5.5 Challenges and Solutions for Automation Test 124 6.1 Details of Requirements Reviews Process 139 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO 1.1 TITLE PAGE Research and Product Innovation Center (R@PIC) Structure 3 1.2 Shared Banking Services (SBS) Components 5 3.1 Static Verification and Dynamic Validation 15 3.2 Five Schools of Software Testing 19 3.3 Differences of White-box and Black-box Testing 24 3.4 Level of Testing 31 3.5 Unit Testing 32 3.6 Top-Down Integration 33 3.7 Bottom-Up Integration 34 3.8 V-Model Test 39 3.9 W-Model Test 42 3.10 Morton's Butterfly Model 44 3.11 Butterfly Model Test 45 4.1 HeiTech Application Development Life Cycles 52 4.2 Testing Process Flow Diagram 53 4.3 HeiTech Test Process 53 4.4 Illustration of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) 70 4.5 RUP Test Discipline Workflow 75 4.6 Define Evaluation Mission Workflow 76 4.7 Verify Test Approach Workflow 77 4.8 Validate Build Stability Workflow 78 4.9 Test and Evaluate Workflow 79 4.10 Achieve Acceptable Mission Workflow 81 4.11 Improve Test Assets Workflow 82 xiv 4.12 Roles and Test Activities Workflows 84 4.13 Roles and Test Artifacts 84 4.14 Different Views of Testing 95 4.15 Major Phases in STEP 96 4.16 Project Testing Architecture in STEP 98 4.17 Activity Timing at Various Levels of Test 98 4.18 Details Activity Timing at Various Levels of Test 100 4.19 Elements of STEP 100 4.20 Parallel, Mutually Supportive Development 101 5.1 SBS Testing Characteristics 120 5.2 SBS Testing Implementation at R@PIC 127 6.1 Main Phases for Testing Correspond to Software Development Phases 133 6.2 Main Activities of Software Testing Methodologies 134 6.3 Main SBS Testing Characteristics 135 6.4 Software Testing Methodologies Comparison 136 6.5 The Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) 137 6.6 Requirements Reviews Process 139 xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADVISE - Application Development Information System ANSI - American National Standards Institute BRS - Business Requirement Specification CA - Current Account CASE - Centre for Advanced Software Engineering CCA - Corporate Current Account CSTP - Customized Software Testing Process DSS - Device Service Server e-GSS - Electronic Government Solution Suite FTT - Foreign Telegraphic Transfer FWTT - Foreign Worker Telegraphic Transfer HeiTech - HeiTech Padu Berhad HESS - HeiTech Enterprise Solution Suite HTP - HeiTech Test Process ICT - Information and Communication Technology IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers PMB - Pos Malaysia Berhad PSV - Personal Saving Account QA - Quality Assurance R@PIC - Research and Product Innovation Center RFID - Radio Frequency Identification RMC - IBM Rational Method Composer RTSE - Real Time Software Engineering RUP - Rational Unified Process SA - Saving Account SBS - Shared Banking Services SDD - System Design Description xvi SDLC - Software Development Life Cycle SEPG - Engineering Process Group SOA - Service Oriented Architecture SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol SOW - Scope of Work SRS - System Requirement Specification STEP - Systematic Test and Evaluation Process UAT - User Acceptance Testing UFS - User Functional Specifications UML - Unified Modeling Language xvii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Project Plan – Gantt Chart 159 B Progress Report 162 C Proposed Software Testing Process For SBS 163 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Organization Background 1.1.1 HeiTech Padu Berhad Overview HeiTech Padu Berhad [1] is a public listed company, which also as a Malaysia’s leading ICT Solutions and Services provider. HeiTech draws its strength from many years of experiences by working with the customers from both public and private sectors to transformed theirs business from manual processes to automated systems and provide effective information system solutions. This enables relevant business decisions to be made accurately and timely. 1.1.2 Business and Services at HeiTech Padu Berhad i. HeiTech Padu Berhad Core Business HeiTech has been transforming businesses and organizations by providing comprehensive integrated Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services in Malaysia, which offer customers value-formoney ICT products and services in several areas such as Managed Data Center Services, Managed Network and Communications Services, Systems Integration Services and Solution and Consultancy Offerings. 2 ii. HeiTech Padu Berhad - Electronic Government Solution Suite (e- GSS) HeiTech’s Electronic Government Solution Suite (e-GSS) is a solution that links people, process and technology in a seamlessly integrated manner to deliver value and convenience to the citizens at large. e-GSS is readily integrated the following solutions in it offering, which are:- iii. Biometric fingerprint solution Photo captures solution Card personalization solution Smart card personalization solution Barcode solution RFID solution Passport printing solution (centralized and decentralized) Card Printing solution (centralized and decentralized) Document scanning solution Digital signature HeiTech Enterprise Solution Suite (HESS) HeiTech Enterprise Solution Suite (HESS) is a set of products that ease the implementation of an enterprise system, which enable applications residing on legacy systems to be offered via multi-delivery channels such as web browser, self-service kiosk and mobile devices. This suite is able to support multi-protocols and is available both for open source and window-based platforms. HESS consists of 4 products which are: E-Connect RFID Middleware Device Service Server Hybrid Client 3 iv. HeiTech Padu Berhad Emerging Business HeiTech has also ventured into non-traditional areas of expertise such as: 1.1.3 Content Development & Distribution Data Management & Processing Electronic Commerce Research and Product Innovation Center (R@PIC) Division Research and Product Innovation Center (R@PIC) Division or previously known as Applied Research and Development (AR&D) Division was formed in October 2001. Figure 1.1 below shows the organizational structure of R@PIC division. Figure 1.1 : Research and Product Innovation Center (R@PIC) Structure 4 Objectives and scope of this division are to research, develop and enhance HeiTech proprietary software products, to develop application components that are application independent, to conduct research on new and emerging technologies that could be beneficial to software development in HeiTech and also to promote knowledge sharing culture in HeiTech as a whole. 1.2 Project Background 1.2.1 Industrial Project Overview Software testing process is important in software development activities. Therefore, this industrial project is focused on software testing process that currently practices in HeiTech. This research also covers on several testing process that being establish and currently practice in many organizations, which are RUP Test Discipline [2,3] and Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP) [4,5]. Hence, these testing methodologies are being chosen in order to refer for several criteria that can implemented later for the proposed software testing process on banking application, such as Shared Banking Services (SBS) system. Shared Banking Services (SBS) system [6,7] is currently in development stage and the contribution requires for this industrial project is in testing phase of this system. This SBS system is being developed by Product Development Team in Research and Product Innovation Center (R@PIC) Division at HeiTech. Hence, this project also defined SBS modules and its characteristics that require specific software testing process. Consequently, from this research project, a customized software testing process will be recommended for R@PIC Division based on a comparison study from that three testing methodologies. The proposed framework of customized software testing process is based on SBS system’s characteristics. Therefore, this 5 software testing process can be practices in future as it suits for testing client-server application or banking application system. 1.2.2 Shared Banking Services (SBS) System Overview Shared Banking Services (SBS) [6] is a counter-based transaction system developed on top of a software framework (Hybrid Client) for developing a frontend, transaction based system. SBS system offers selected banking services that can be carried out at Pos Malaysia (PMB) branches. SBS consists of two main systems namely transaction systems and support or utility functions. Figure 1.2 shows the overall components view of Shared Banking Services (SBS) application system. Figure 1.2 : Shared Banking Services (SBS) Components 6 Technically, Shared Banking Services (SBS) make use of components provided by Hybrid Client and Device Service Server (DSS) in its execution. Hybrid Client components provide common services of a transaction system and Device Service Server (DSS) offers services for device sharing and device integration. This SBS system will be installed at PMB branches to enable offerings of Bank A services at the selected locations. SBS system adopts the smart client architecture which makes use of local PC processing power to process Bank A’s transactions. Smart Client architecture combines the benefits of both Thin Client and Rich Client and it offers rich user interface, ease of integrating to local devices and simple deployment model using ClickOnce technology. ClickOnce technology will enable the deployment of SBS modules and updates to be centralized. It has a web server that will act as the deployment server to distribute SBS to the selected PMB branches. The communication between PMB branches to the servers at PMB Headquarters (PMB HQ) will be done via web services. In addition, SBS will make use of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to communicate with the backend (host) system. CHAPTER 2 SCOPES AND OBJECTIVES 2.1 Vision Statement This project is to propose a Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) that suitable for Shared Banking Services (SBS) system based on a comparison between three software testing methodologies, which are HeiTech Test Process, RUP Test Discipline and Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP). 2.2 Project Objectives The objectives of this project are: i. To study and understand HeiTech’s current software testing process. ii. To study and understand RUP Test Discipline and Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP). iii. To study and understand the modules and characteristics of Shared Banking Services (SBS) system. iv. To conduct comparison study between (i) and (ii) and to map the result back to SBS system v. To develop a customized software testing process for SBS system based on the result produce from the comparison study in (iv) 8 2.3 Project Scopes i. The proposed software testing process was develop and to be implemented on the SBS system developed by R@PIC, HeiTech ii. The proposed software testing process only covers the plan and activities to be conducted. It will not cover the content of any documents to be produced. iii. This project is only an initial study. The proposed software testing process was not implemented on any real work. 2.4 Project Plan (Gantt chart) The project plan and timetable can be referred in the Attachment A. 2.5 Project Deliverables Table 2.1 below shows the list of deliverables produced throughout the project period and the targeted recipient of the deliverables. Table 2.1 : List of Project Deliverables and the Targeted Recipients No. 1. 2. 3. Items Descriptions Recipient Attachment Final Report Industrial Final Academic Mentor - Project Report Industrial Mentor Progress Industrial Progress Academic Mentor Reports Report Industrial Mentor Software The Proposed Industrial Mentor Testing Process Software Process for Academic Mentor (STP) Diagram SBS System B C CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE STUDY 3.1 Software Testing Process In this chapter, the discussion will highlight several other literatures, which are related to the objectives of this report. Every literature will focus on the detail of the definition of pertinent terminology used in this research project and also will critically discuss and evaluating past and current research of all known similar and relevant on-going research on this specific topic. This literature study will emphasis on the software testing process as software testing is one of the important phases in software or product development life cycle. In order to conduct this research project, some reviews of relevant information from the past and current research that related to software testing process and activities had been made. 3.1.1 Definition and Principles of Software Testing Software testing in general is an active process of seeking errors. From the history of software testing, the first definition is “Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors” [8]. Therefore, software can be refers as “Computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated documentation and data 10 pertaining to the operation of a computer system” [9]. While, testing can be refers as “The process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is, bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item.” [10]. In addition, testing can be described as to find out how well something can works. In terms of human beings, testing can tells what level of knowledge or skill has been acquired. Where else, in computer hardware and software development, testing is used as a key checkpoint in the overall process to determine whether the objectives are being met. Hence, software testing is “any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results” [4]. Another expanded definition of software testing can be referred as “Testing is a concurrent lifecycle process of engineering, using and maintaining testware in order to measure and improve the quality of the software being tested” [5]. Therefore, software testing is used to help and identify the correctness, completeness, security, reliability and quality of developed software, where software testing can be defined as “questioning a product in order to evaluate it”. In addition, testing also is a technical investigation of the product under test conducted to provide stakeholders with quality-related information [11]. From years to years, the definition of software testing evolved simultaneously with the notion of the practitioner who involved in software engineering fields. Table 3.1 shows the summary of several established definition of software testing. Table 3.1 : Definition of Software Testing Year Author Definition 1979 Glenford J. Testing is the process of executing a program or Myers system with the intent of finding errors. 11 Year Author 1983 Bill Hetzel Definition Testing is the process of establishing confidence that a program or system does what it is supposed to. 1988 Bill Hetzel Testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results. 2002 3.1.2 Rick D. Craig Testing is a concurrent lifecycle process of and engineering, using, and maintaining testware in Stefan P. order to measure and improve the quality of the Jaskiel software being tested. Relationship between Testing with Verification and Validation Software testing is the process of validation and verification of the software product with intention that the product can meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development, and it will works as expected [12]. From IEEE Standard, the definition of verification is “The process of evaluating software at the end of the software development process to ensure compliance with software requirements” and validation is “The process of determining whether or not the products of a given phase of the software development cycle fulfill the requirements established during the previous phase” [13]. In addition, Schmidt, Michael E. C. [14] further clarifies of these terms as the verification process provides supporting evidence that the software and its associated products: i. Comply with requirements (for example, for correctness, completeness, consistency, accuracy) for all life cycle activities during each life cycle process (acquisition, supply, development, operation, and maintenance); 12 ii. Satisfy standards, practices, and conventions during life cycle processes; and iii. Establish a basis for assessing the completion of each life cycle activity and for initiating other life cycle activities. Meanwhile, the validation process provides supporting evidence that the software satisfies system requirements allocated to software, and solves the right problem. Many of traditional verification and validation involves relatively simple tests that focus on some part of a specification such as requirements specification, design specification and others. Thus, testing coverage is measured by checking that all parts of all of the controlling specifications have tests associated with them, and not necessarily how powerful or insight provoking those tests might be [15]. Additionally, the verification and validation in software testing are often used interchangeable, but actually these terms have differences definition. Thus, these differences are important to software testing activities [16]. Table 3.2 below show the differences between verification and validation in software testing practice. Table 3.2 : Differences between Verification and Validation Differences Target Verification Validation Are we building the product Are we building the right right? product? When to In-process activities performed Performed after the software is perform? concurrently development. with software developed to determine if the software correctly implements the requirements. 13 Differences IEEE Verification The process of Validation evaluating The process of determining Standard software at the end of the whether or not the products of a Definition software development process to given phase of the software ensure compliance with software development cycle fulfill the requirements. requirements established during the previous phase. Strategies • Requirements Review • Unit Testing • Design Review • Integration Testing • Code Walkthrough • System Testing • Code Inspections • Performance Testing • Alpha Testing • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 3.1.3 • Installation Testing • Beta Testing Software Testing Concepts Concepts Generally, software testing concept is more than just debugging the program. The purpose of testing can be quality assurance, verification and validation, or reliability estimation on specific product or system. Testing can be used as a generic metric as well where the correctness testing and reliability testing are two major areas of testing activities. Therefore, software testing is a trade-off between budget, time and quality. The importance of testing can be understood by the fact that “around 35% of the elapsed time and over 50% of the total cost are expending in testing programs” [17-18]. 14 Consequently, software testing has three main purposes which are verification, validation, and defect finding [12]. i. The verification process confirms that the software meets its technical specifications. A “specification” is a description of a function in terms of a measurable output value given a specific input value under specific preconditions. For example, a simple specification may be along the line of “a SQL query retrieving data for a single account against the multimonth account-summary table must return these eight fields <list> ordered by month within 3 seconds of submission.” ii. The validation process confirms that the software meets the business requirements. A simple example of a business requirement is “After choosing a branch office name, information about the branch’s customer account managers will appear in a new window. The window will present manager identification and summary information about each manager’s customer base: <list of data elements>.” Other requirements provide details on how the data will be summarized, formatted and displayed. iii. A defect is a variance between the expected and actual result. The defect’s ultimate source may be traced to a fault introduced in the specification, design, or development (coding) phases. Moreover, a defect also can be defined as “any unintended characteristic that impairs the utility or worth of an item, or any kind of shortcoming, imperfection, or deficiency” [19]. In order to satisfy the objectives of the verification and validation process, both static and dynamic techniques of system checking and analysis should be used. Figure 3.1 shows the differences of static verification and dynamic validation techniques. 15 Figure 3.1 : Static Verification and Dynamic Validation A form of verification that does not require execution of the software, such as model checking, is called static analysis. These static techniques are concerned with analysis and checking of system representations such as requirements document, design diagrams and others. Static techniques are also known as non-execution based process which includes activities such as walkthroughs, inspections, formal verification. Conversely, as testing requires the execution of the software, it is often called dynamic analysis. These dynamic techniques are applied when a prototype or an executable program is available which also known as testing activities. Objectives of Software Testing After reviewing some definitions and concepts of software testing that being defined from others perspective, the main purpose of practicing software testing in software development is also needed to be put inside this literature review. Different objectives of software testing require different testing strategies and these will yield different test planning, different test scripts and different test results 16 [20]. In practical industry, testing activities is carried out for many different reasons [21]. Table 3.3 below shows some objectives of software testing in real environment. Table 3.3: Objectives of Software Testing Objectives Descriptions Find defects This is the classic objective of testing. A test is run in order to trigger failures that expose defects. Generally, tester looks for defects in all interesting parts of the product. Maximize bug count The distinction between this objective and “find defects” is that total number of bugs is more important than test coverage. Tester might focus narrowly, on only a few high risk features, if this is the way to find the most bugs in the time available. Block premature Tester stops premature shipment by finding critical bugs product releases or serious errors that no one would ship the product until they are fixed. For every release decision meeting, the tester’s goal is to have new show stopper bugs. Help managers make Managers are typically concerned with risk in the field. ship / no-ship They want to know about coverage (maybe not the decisions simplistic code coverage statistics, but some indicators of how much of the product has been addressed and how much is left), and how important the known problems are. Problems that appear significant on paper but will not lead to customer dissatisfaction are probably not relevant to the ship decision. Minimize technical Working in conjunction with a technical support or help support costs desk group, the test team identifies the issues that lead to calls for support. These are often peripherally related 17 Objectives Descriptions to the product under test. For example, getting the product to work with a specific printer or to import data successfully from a third party database might prevent more calls than a low-frequency and data-corrupting crash after deployment. Assess conformance to Any claim made in the specification is checked. specification Program characteristics not addressed in the specification are not (as part of this objective) checked. Conform to If a regulation specifies a certain type of coverage (such regulations as, at least one test for every claim made about the product), the test group creates the appropriate tests. If the regulation specifies a style for the specifications or other documentation, the test group probably checks the style. In general, the test group is focusing on anything covered by regulation and (in the context of this objective) nothing that is not covered by regulation. Minimize safety- Any error that could lead to an accident or injury is of related lawsuit risk primary interest. Errors that lead to loss of time or data or corrupt data, but that do not carry a risk of injury or damage to physical things are out of scope. Find safe scenarios for Sometimes, all that tester is looking for is one way to do use of the product a task that will consistently work, with one set of (find ways to get it to instructions that someone else can follow that will work, in spite of the reliably deliver the benefit they are supposed to lead to. bugs) In this case, the tester is not looking for bugs. He is trying out, empirically refining and documenting, a way to do a task. Assess quality This is a tricky objective because quality is multidimensional. The nature of quality depends on the 18 Objectives Descriptions nature of the product. For example, a computer game that is rock solid but not entertaining is a lousy game. To assess this quality, measure and report back on the level of specify quality is required. Tester probably needs a clear definition of the most important quality criteria for this product, and then also need a theory that relates test results to the definition. Verify correctness of It is impossible to do this by testing. Testers can prove the product that the product is not correct or they can demonstrate that no errors founds in a given period of time using a given testing strategy. However, they cannot test exhaustively, and the product might fail under conditions that they did not test. The best way to do is by assessment test-based estimation of the probability of errors. Software Testing Schools of Thought Recently, there are five schools of thought for software testing that being established by mostly experienced people in software testing fields. Software-testing experts often disagree with one another, but up until 2003 it was difficult to have a conversation with a fellow tester for lack of a common frame of reference [22]. Therefore, for this reason, Pettichord B. [23] and some colleagues has formulated a concept of schools, which known as the Five Schools of Software Testing as shown in Figure 3.2. 19 Figure 3.2: Five Schools of Software Testing The Schools of Software Testing began as four and has since expanded to five schools, which are Analytic, Standard, Quality, Context-Driven, and Agile. The schools are meant to categorize beliefs and how they influence for tester tactical approach to testing, but they are not an absolute [22]. In addition, these schools are defined by the intellectual affinity, social interaction and common goals that the people inside of the schools thought are pursue to achieve. Besides that, these schools also are made up from several hierarchies of values, exemplar techniques, standards of criticism, based on the institutions and some common related vocabulary. However, a common doctrine or specific techniques will not being as consideration inside these five schools of software testing. i. Analytic School The Analytic school focuses on the use of analytics, specifications, and measurable methods. Therefore, the proponents of the Analytic school seek into objective measurements. They want to know what percent done they are, what are the degrees of confidence, and what is the code coverage. 20 This code coverage is a exemplary of the Analytic school, where the code coverage matrix that shows how many lines of code have been executed or exercised by performing the tests is the basis of testing. In addition, this school is less concerned with creative or exploratory thinking, and more focused on measurable methods. This approach to software testing may be a good fit for scientific or regulated environments of testing, where an expectation that everything will be covered by dissecting and analyzing things, and following a logical flow. ii. Standard School The Standard school was previously known as Factory. So, the tasks are routine along a conveyor belt, like a real factory, where this school approaches testing as a routine or very repetitive task. Since this is the case, these individuals like to find the lowest possible labor resource to conduct testing. The exemplar of this school is Requirements Traceability Matrix. Therefore, the basic principle of the Requirements Traceability Matrix is that every requirement and its test or test cases are listed, and after every test is conducted and been through task, then the software is done and ready to ship. However, this notion seems have a drawbacks when sometimes testing does not always work out as planned, because there are cases where the requirements are inaccurate or incomplete, or the tests identified for a particular requirement cannot shown all of the possible ways that requirement would pass or fail. At the end, the software that passes all the tests without really hit the quality standard that being listed in the testing plan. iii. Quality School 21 The Quality school is focused more on standards and process than testing. The people in this school may feel that they are keepers of the product. The role of the gatekeeper is used as a key exemplar of the Quality school. Therefore, a test manager or the QA lead serves as either the sole or primary decision maker in whether or not a product is ready for release. iv. Context-Driven School The Context-Driven school is based on seven core principles, two of which particularly resonate. The principles number three and four address people to work together as the most important part of the project, and the nature of projects to unfold over time in ways that are often unpredictable. Therefore, the exemplar that many associate with the Context-Driven School is exploratory testing where exploratory testing is the concurrent test design, test execution, and learning. v. Agile School The principles for the Agile school are very clear, where the concepts of always having a deliverable of a workable piece of software, where they continuous the delivery, while having working on the software. Therefore, the exemplar for Agile school is automated unit tests, as used in test-driven development or test-first development. For example, in extreme programming, which is the paradigm for Agile, the developers do test-driven, test-first development, and they test their own code. Hence, they build a large suite of automated unit tests that they run before every build, with the idea that every build is a potential release candidate. 22 This condition does not mean the software is done, but that what it is should work. As a result, they build that out to where they believe it is ready, and then they ship it out to the client. Finally, the client then does what the rest of the schools label as an extended user acceptance testing. 3.1.4 Software Testing Methods Manual Software Testing In performing software testing, two basic methods that can be referred are manual testing and automated testing. Manual software testing is a process of manually testing the software, which is having the possible forms for example, user interfaces navigation, information submission, or attempt to hack the software or database, carried out by an individual or individuals [24]. Consequently, some test conditions where manual software testing is more appropriate to be performed are: • User interface or usability testing • Exploratory or ad hoc testing (where testers do not follow a ‘script’, but rather testers ‘explore’ the application and use their instincts to find bugs) • Testing areas of the application which experience a lot of change. • User acceptance testing However, the time commitment involved with manual software testing is one of its most significant drawbacks. Yet, manual software testing is a labor-intensive and slows [25]. The time needed to fully test the system will typically range from weeks to months and this variability of results depending on who is performing the tests, which also can increase the delay. For these reasons, many organizations will look into automation testing as a means of accelerating the software testing process while minimizing the variability of results. 23 Automated Software Testing Automated software testing is a process of creating test scripts, which can be run then automatically, repetitively, and through a number of iterations [25]. This automated software testing can helps to minimize the variability of results, speed up the testing process, increase test coverage and also provide greater confidence in the quality of the software being tested. Conversely, there are some test conditions that automated software testing is not appropriate, which includes: • End user usability testing is not typically a good candidate for automated testing. • Tests which will not be run more than a couple of times are typically not a good candidate for automated tasting, since the payoff of in test automation comes after many test executions. • Tests for areas of the application which experience a lot of change are also not a good candidate for automation since this can lead to substantial maintenance of test automation scripts. Such areas of the application may be more effectively tested manually. Furthermore, good test automation architecture, such as a keyword-driven testing framework, will reduce the overall cost of ownership of the organization for test automation by minimizing maintenance expense and increasing the number of automated tests [24]. 3.1.5 Testing Techniques In general, software testing can be based on a strategy like White-box Testing or Black-box Testing. These strategies also sometimes are being defined as testing techniques. 24 Black-box testing is carried out against the functional specifications in order to check for any abnormal system behavior. In contrast, white-box testing deals with the program’s internal logic and code structure [25]. Figure 3.3 below shows the differences between Black-box and White-box testing. Figure 3.3: Differences of White-box and Black-box Testing By comparison, white-box testing does not focus on the problem area, and therefore may not discover that some sub-problem is left unsolved by the program, whereas black-box testing should cover. Conversely, black-box testing does not focus on the program text, and therefore may not discover that some parts of the program are completely useless or have an illogical structure, whereas white-box testing can cover. Furthermore, these two testing techniques, white-box testing and black-box testing are important for functionality testing. Therefore, white-box testing and black-box testing are complementary approaches to test case generation [26]. Table 3.4 shows the types of testing and test examples for black box and white box testing techniques. 25 Table 3.4: Black Box and White Box Testing Techniques Types of Testing Example Artifacts Requirements Black box • Functional Testing • Ad-hoc Testing testing • Stress Testing • Boundary Value • Load Testing • Exploratory Testing • Category Partition • Usability Testing • Classification • Smoke Testing • Recovery Testing • Volume Testing • User Acceptance Analysis Trees • Graphs • Equivalence Partitioning Testing • Cause-effect Alpha and Beta • Partition Testing Testing • Predicate Testing • Random Testing • Adequacy White box • Unit Testing testing • Static and Dynamic Code Assessment Analysis • Coverage Testing • Mutation Testing • Data-flow Testing • Statement Coverage • Domain Testing • Branch Coverage • Mutation Testing • Security Testing • Path Testing • Structural Testing White-box Testing In more detail, white-box testing is a strategy in which testing is based on the internal paths, structure, and implementation of the software under test. Therefore, white box testing generally requires detailed programming skills [27]. 26 Moreover, white-box testing also involves looking at the structure of the code [28]. Tester needs to know the internal structure of a product in order to conduct testing to ensure that the internal operations performed according to the specification and all internal components have been adequately exercised. Hence, this technique involves the coverage of the specification in the code. Table 3.5 below shows six types of code coverage in white-box testing techniques. Table 3.5: Types of Code Coverage Coverage Types Descriptions Segment Each segment of code between control structures is executed coverage at least once. Branch Coverage or Node Testing Each branch in the code is taken in each possible direction at least once. Compound When there are multiple conditions, tester must test not only Condition each direction but also each possible combinations of Coverage conditions, which is usually done by using a ‘Truth Table’ Basis Path Each independent path through the code is taken in a pre- Testing determined order. Data Flow To track the specific variables through each possible Testing (DFT) calculation, thus defining the set of intermediate paths through the code. This approach tends to reflect dependencies but it is mainly through sequences of data manipulation. It is also tends to uncover bugs like variables used but not initialize, or declared but not used. Path Testing Path testing is where all possible paths through the code are defined and covered. This testing is extremely laborious and time consuming. Loop Testing These strategies relate to testing single loops, concatenated loops, and nested loops. Loops are fairly simple to test unless the dependencies exist among the loop or between a loop and the code it contains. 27 Furthermore, white-box testing is more effective rather than black-box testing, in terms of covering numerous sorts of defects in the program. White-box testing is also sometimes called as Structural or Glass box testing. Therefore, here some of related defects that can be discovered: • Logic errors and incorrect assumptions, which are inversely proportional to the probability that a program path will be executed. This error tend to creep into the design and implement functions, where the conditions or controls are out of the program • The logical flow of the program is sometimes counterintuitive, meaning that unconscious assumptions about flow of control and data may lead to design errors that are uncovered, except only when path testing starts. • Typographical errors, which are random, some of which will be uncovered by syntax checking mechanisms but others will go undetected until the specific testing begins. Black-box Testing Black-box testing technique is a strategy in which testing is based solely on the requirements and specifications. This technique requires no knowledge of the internal paths, structure, or implementation of the software under test [27]. In addition, black-box testing also is a test design method [28]. Therefore, this testing treats the system as a "black-box", so it does not explicitly use any knowledge of the internal structure of that box. Table 3.6 below shows some advantages and disadvantages of Black-box Testing. Table 3.6: Advantages and Disadvantages of Black-box Testing Advantages Disadvantages • Tester can be non-technical. • This testing is most likely to find that those bugs as the user would find. programmer. • Chances of having repetition of tests are already done by 28 Advantages • Testing helps vagueness to and Disadvantages identify the • contradiction in functional specifications. • The test inputs needs to be from large sample space. • It is difficult to identify all possible Test cases can be designed as soon inputs in limited testing time. So as the functional specifications are writing test cases is slow and complete. difficult. • Chances of having unidentified paths during this testing. 3.1.6 Types of Testing Software testing consists of several subcategories, each of which is done for different purposes, and often using different techniques. In some cases, there may even have to be other types of testing such as regulatory-compliance testing, depending on the type of software and intended industry [24]. Therefore, this software testing can involve or performed for some or all of the following factors, which are: • Business requirements • Functional design requirements • Technical design requirements • Regulatory requirements and programmer code • Systems administration standards and restrictions • Corporate standards • Professional or trade association best practices • Hardware configuration • Cultural issues and language differences 29 In addition, software testing has a variety of techniques and methods as listed in Table 3.7. Table 3.7 : Software Testing Techniques No. 1. Techniques Descriptions Compatibility Concentrates on testing whether the given Testing application goes well with third party tools, software or hardware platform. 2. Recovery testing Focuses on the software to fall in a variety of ways and verifies that recovery is properly performed. 3. Usability testing Attempts to find any human-factor problems or testing the software to prove or ensure that it is user-friendly, as distinct from testing the functionality of the software. 4. Security testing Attempts to verify that protection mechanisms built into a system will, in fact, protect it from improper penetration. For example, password cracking, unauthorized entry into the software, network security are all taken into consideration. 5. Stress testing Executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity, frequency, or volume. It is also conducted for the number of concurrent users beyond the specified limit. The objective is to identify the maximum number of users the system can handle before breaking down or degrading drastically. 6. Performance testing To measure the Response Time, Throughput, and Utilization of the Web site while simulating attempts by virtual users to simultaneously access the site. One of the main objectives of performance testing is to maintain a Web site with low response time, high throughput, and low utilization. 7. Load testing Load testing is defined as the testing to determine 30 No. Techniques Descriptions whether the system is capable of handling anticipated number of users or not. 8. Regression testing To test or check the effect of changes made in the code, which is an important software maintenance activity that attempts to ensure that the addition of new functionality or the removal of program faults does not negatively impact the correctness of product. 3.1.7 Level of Testing Level of testing can be categorized based on software development phases. The strategic model that can describe the details of testing level is a V-Model. Therefore, testing level can be defined start from component or unit testing. This level of testing is the first test approach or known as test driven development, which can include functionality, non-functionality and structural testing. Next level of testing is integration testing, which might be a component integration testing (between components) or system integration testing (between systems). Furthermore, the next level of testing is system testing. This testing will include the functional and non-requirements test activities. Finally, basic approach of testing level will require high-order tests, which also known as user acceptance testing. Therefore, this testing entail the involvement of users or customers for functional and also non-requirements tests. Additionally, some of testing level also includes for the test system readiness activities which is focus on system installation and deployment in the real environment. Figure 3.4 shows the level of software testing. 31 Figure 3.4 : Level of Testing Unit Testing Unit testing is a series of stand-alone tests that are conducted for finding bugs. Each test examines an individual component that is new or has been modified. In addition, a unit test is also called a module test because it tests the individual units of code that comprise the application. Therefore, each test validates a single module based on the technical design documents that was built to perform a certain task with the expectation that it will behave in a specific way or produce specific results [12]. Furthermore, unit tests primarily focus on functionality and reliability, and the entry and exit criteria can be the same for each module or specific to a particular module. Besides that, unit testing is done in a test environment prior to system integration. Thus, if a defect is discovered during a unit test, the severity of the defect will dictate whether or not it will be fixed before the module is approved. Figure 3.5 shows the structure and criteria for Unit Testing. 32 Figure 3.5 : Unit Testing Generally, a software application is made up of a number of Units, where output of one Unit goes as an Input of another Unit. Therefore, a Driver is a piece of software that drives or invokes the Unit that currently being tested. This driver creates necessary Inputs required for the Unit and then invokes the Unit. Thus, this Unit may reference another Unit in its logic. A Stub takes place of such subordinate unit during the Unit Testing. Hence, this Stub is a piece of software that works similar to a unit which is referenced by the Unit being tested, but it is much simpler that the actual unit. Besides that, a Stub also works as a Stand-in for the subordinate unit and provides the minimum required behavior for that unit. Integration Testing Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover associated errors. Therefore, objective of this testing is to take unit tested components and build a program structure that has been stated in system design. 33 An integration testing also differs from system testing as new defects might be discovered, because not all previously executed tests have to be rerun after the bugs fixing is made. In addition, integration testing examines all the components and modules that are new, changed, affected by a change, or needed to form a complete system [12]. Consequently, integration testing requires involvement of other systems and interfaces with other applications, including those owned by an outside vendor, external partners, or the customer. Usually, the two practical methods of Integration testing are Top-down Integration and Bottom-up Integration approach. Firstly, Top-down integration testing is an incremental approach to construction of program structure. Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control hierarchy, beginning with the main control module. These modules subordinate to the main control module are incorporated into the structure in either a depth-first or breadth-first manner as shown in Figure 3.6 below. Figure 3.6 : Top-Down Integration 34 The Top-down Integration process is performed in a series of five steps, as following: • The main control module is used as a test driver and stubs are substituted for all components directly subordinate to the main control module. • Depending on the integration approach, selected subordinate stubs are replaced one at a time with actual components. • Tests are conducted as each component is integrated. • On completion of each set of tests, stub is replaced with the real component. • Regression testing may be conducted to ensure that new errors have not been introduced. Secondly, Bottom-up integration testing begins the structure and testing with atomic modules, which are the components at the lowest levels in the program structure as shown in Figure 3.7 below. Therefore, as components are integrated from the bottom up, the need for stubs is eliminated and this process requires for components subordinate to a given level is always available. Figure 3.7 : Bottom-Up Integration 35 The Bottom-up integration testing strategy may be implemented with the following steps, which are: • Low level components are combined into clusters that perform a specific software sub function. • A driver is written to coordinate test case input and output. • The cluster is tested. • Drivers are removed and clusters are combined moving upward in the program structure. System Testing System Testing tests all components and modules that are new, changed, affected by a change, or needed to form the complete application [12]. Therefore, this testing required the involvement of other systems. However, it should be minimized as much as possible in order to reduce the risk of externally-induced problems. Besides that, suppose testing the interaction with other parts of the complete system is happened in Integration Testing. As a result, system testing is more on validating and verifying the functional design specification and seeing how all the modules work together. Consequently, the first system test is often a smoke test, which is known as an informal quick-and-dirty run through of the application’s major functions without bothering with details of the system [12]. Hence, this term is adopt from the hardware testing practice of turning on a new piece of equipment for the first time and considering it a success if it does not start smoking or burst into flame. 36 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) User Acceptance Testing is also called Beta testing, application testing, and end-user testing. Therefore, it can be defined that the testing moves from the hands of the IT department into the business users’ environment. In general rule of thumb, no matter how bulletproof an application seems when it goes into user acceptance testing, a user somewhere can still find a sequence of commands that will produce an error. This is seems that this testing is important before can start run the real life of product or system. 3.1.8 The Challenges and Current Research Software is expected to work, meeting customer’s changing demands, first time and every time, consistently and predictably. Thus, earlier software systems were used for back-office and non-critical operations of organizations. However, now more and more critical applications are implemented globally. Software is not unlike other physical processes where inputs are received and outputs are produced. Software is differs in the manner in which it fails. Approximately 20 percent of all small computers are abandoned after a short trial period. The number of software packages acquired but not used is even higher [29]. Relatively, there are many of the excuses that people use to justify bad testing [30] are such as like these: • Excuse 1: Tester can't do good testing without a specification. • Excuse 2: Tester can't do good testing without reviewing the code. • Excuse 3: Tester can't do good testing if the programmers keep adding functionality while program under test. • Excuse 4: Tester can't do good testing if he gets along too well with the programmers. 37 Moreover, there are many other issues that can complicate the testing of the simple function [31]. These are all typical requirements for software systems that a great many testers face every day during their testing careers, and which act to make software systems highly complex and make testing an immense challenge. For example: • What if the function needs to interoperate with other functions within the same application? • What if the data for the calculation are obtained across a complex Client/Server system an/or the result is returned across the Client/Server system? • What if the calculation is driven via a complex Graphical User Interface with the user being able to type the addition values into fields and push the buttons to perform the calculation in any arbitrary order? • What if this function has to be delivered on a number of different operating systems, each with slightly different features, and what if individual users are able to customize important operating system features? • What if this function has to be delivered on a number of different hardware platforms, each of which could have different configurations? • What if the application this function belongs in has to interoperate with other applications, and what if the user could be running an arbitrary number of other applications simultaneously (such as e-mail or diary software)? Due to this issue, the problem with software, like other complex product, is that it is difficult to build without defects [29]. Therefore, some of the challenges of software testing that being defined from the past research [32] are: • Ambiguous and incorrect requirements. • Tight time schedules. • How to cover possible user interactions? • How to select a representative set of user test cases? • How to test without specifications? • How to know when testing is enough? 38 In addition, one software testing’s practitioner [33] also identify about four fundamental challenges to competent testing, which are: • Complete testing is impossible - There is no simple answer for this. Therefore testers live and breathe tradeoffs • Testers misallocate resources because they fall for the company’s process myths - Testers have to rely on their wits, not on someone else’s compliance with an (alleged but unrealistic) process • Test groups operate under multiple missions, often conflicting, rarely articulated - Tester pick his own tests to conform to the testing mission • Test groups often lack skilled programmers, and a vision of appropriate projects that would keep programming testers challenged Although crucial to software quality and widely deployed by programmers and testers, software testing still remains an art, due to limited understanding of the principles of software. This increased expectation for error-free functioning of software has increased the demand for quality output from software vendors [34]. 3.2 Software Testing Model 3.2.1 V- Model Many of the process models currently used can be more generally connected by the V-Model where the 'V' describes the graphical arrangement of the individual phases [35]. This model is also a synonym for Verification and Validation approach in software development model. Figure 3.8 show the connection between development and test activities in V-Model, which can be in time sequence and with abstraction levels that make it clearer. 39 Figure 3.8 : V-Model Test The V-Model was originally developed from the waterfall software process model [36]. The four main phases are requirements, specification, design and implementation, which have a corresponding to verification and validation testing phase. The implementation of codes and detailed design are tested by unit testing, architecture design is tested by integration testing, formal system specifications are tested by system testing and finally user acceptance testing verifies the business requirements. The V-Model is not only to identify the relationship between the development and testing phases, but also to ensure that appropriate quality assurance and testing takes place throughout the project lifecycle. Some advantages and disadvantages [37, 38, 39] of V-Model are describes in Table 3.8. 40 Table 3.8: Advantages and Disadvantages of V-Model No. 1. Advantages Disadvantages The V-Model clearly suggests that The V-Model does not explain much testing should be considered early in on static testing such as reviews, the life of a project. inspections, static code analysis and Static testing techniques such as others. inspections and walkthroughs can be The V-Model also treats testing as a performed at early stage of software “back-door” activity on the right development. 2. hand side of the model. The V-Model provides a consistent The V-Model has coarse division, basis and standard for part of a test which a constructive work (including approach, or test strategy document, the implementation) on the left-hand which defines how testing will be side of the “V” and the more performed throughout the lifecycle destructive tasks on the right-hand of the project. 3. side that shows imbalance activities. The V-Model introduces the idea of A specific planned in removal of specifying test requirements and defects and regression testing is not expected outcomes prior to given in this model. performing the actual tests. 4. The V-Model provides a focus for The timing of the phases where defining the testing that must take testing place within each stage. after all The implementation is done, is not an definition of testing is assisted by the adequate idea of entry and exit criteria. occurs approach for iterative software processes. It is also an impression may develop that, after the implementation phase, a ready product can be delivered. 5. The V-Model provides a basis for One-to-one relationship between the defining who is responsible for documents on the left hand side and performing the testing at each stage the test activities on the right is of testing levels. rarely a perfect approach. Testing is performed by: For example: • Users - Acceptance testing • Functional specifications do not 41 No. Advantages Disadvantages • System testers - System testing usually • Team leaders - Integration testing information for a system test. • Programmers - Unit testing • provide enough System tests must often take account of some aspects of the business requirements as well as physical design issues. • System testing usually draws on several sources of requirements information to be thoroughly planned. 3.2.2 W- Model A W-Model that being introduced by Paul Herzlich on 1993 [37, 40] is an extension of the V-Model. This W-Model removes the vague and ambiguous lines linking the left and right legs of the V-Model and replaces them with parallel testing activities, shadowing each of the development activities [40, 39]. Furthermore, WModel of testing also focus specifically on the product risks of concern at the point where testing can be most effective [37]. W-Model provides a better reflection of the interdependence between the development team and the test team over the whole course of the software development process [41]. This model includes testing tasks in the early stages that are not reflected in the original model, such as the review of requirements, review of system specifications, review of architecture and detailed design, and code reviews. Therefore, these testing tasks shows in the inside layer of W-Model. Conversely, the layer outside, such as Business Requirements block, represents other activities in the software life cycle prior to the production launch. Figure 3.9 show the illustration of W-Model. 42 Figure 3.9 : W-Model Test This model of testing attempts to address shortcomings in the V-Model and aim more on the development products themselves by represents a standard development lifecycle with every development stage mirrored by a test activity [37]. Basically, every development activity that produces a work product is shadowed by a test activity. The purpose of the test activity particularly is to determine whether the objectives of a development activity have been met and the deliverable meets its requirements. It shows that on the left hand side, the deliverables of a development activity such as write requirements is accompanied by a test activity like test the requirements. 43 In this model, the verification of non-software products and tasks related with preparation for the verification and validation of software are concentrated in the early stages. This verification activity commonly focuses on product’s documents. Hence, these tests are based on peer reviews, where the documents are subjected to a review process that being established in the project quality assurance plan. This review process defines who is responsible for the review, how weaknesses should be corrected, and how the document is approved for use in subsequent stages of the development cycle. Table 3.9 below lists two types of testing activity in the W-Model. Table 3.9 : W-Model Test Activities Tests On Non-Software Tests On Software Products Products • Requirements review • Preparation of acceptance tests • Use case specification review • Preparation of system tests • Architecture design review • Preparation of sub-system integration • Detailed design review tests • Preparation of unit tests • Code reviews • Performance of tests • Debugging and introduction of changes For the later stages of the processes, the work focuses entirely on verification and validation of the software produced. It is actually different from the original VModel in the later stages, where testing tasks as such as Integration test or System test are broken down and separated from the work of debugging and error corrections, which is performed by the developers. 44 3.2.3 Butterfly Model Another variation on the V-Model is the little known of Butterfly Model by Stephen Morton on 2001 [48], which shares many features of the W Model [40]. Hence, the Morton’s Butterfly Model shown in Figure 3.10 below. Figure 3.10 : Morton's Butterfly Model The butterfly metaphor is based on the idea that clusters of testing are required throughout the development to tease out information about the requirements, design and build. Therefore, these micro-iterations can be structured into the familiar testing stages, and the early static testing stages envisaged by the VModel. Furthermore, in this model, these micro-iterations explicitly shape the development during the progression down the development leg. Therefore, each micro-iteration can be represented by a butterfly, which graphically shows the left wing for test analysis, the right wing for specification and design, and the body is test execution, which defined as the muscle that links and drives the test [42]. 45 The clear graphical of Butterfly Model for test development activities shown in Figure 3.11 below. Figure 3.11 : Butterfly Model Test Consequently, as a Butterfly, this model is composed of three pieces, which are two wings and a body. Thus, for each part of it, represents a piece of software testing activities or process as being described in Table 3.10 below. Table 3.10 : Butterfly Test Model Description Butterfly Testing Part Activities Left Wing Test Analysis Descriptions • The left wing of the butterfly represents test analysis, which includes the investigation, quantization or re-expression of a facet of the software to be tested. • Analysis is both the by product and foundation of successful test design. In its earliest form, analysis represents the thorough pre-examination of design and test artifacts to ensure the existence of adequate testability, including checking for ambiguities, inconsistencies, and omissions. • Test analysis also concerned with validating 46 Butterfly Testing Part Activities Descriptions the outputs of each software development stage or micro-iteration, as well as verifying compliance of those outputs to the products of previous stages. • Test analysis mechanisms vary according to the design artifact being examined. • Test analysis also serves a valid and valuable purpose within the context of software development. Right Wing Test Design • The right wing of the butterfly represents the act of designing and implementing the test cases needed to verify the design artifact as replicated in the implementation. • The focus of test design is to implement procedures, techniques, and data sets that achieve the test’s objectives. • The outputs of the test analysis phase are the foundation for test design. Each requirement or design construct has had at least one technique (a measurement, demonstration, or analysis) identified during test analysis that will validate or verify that requirement. The tester must now put on his or her development hat and implement the intended technique. • Software test design, as a discipline, is an exercise in the prevention, detection, and elimination of bugs in software. • During the test design phase of test development, those tentatively selected techniques and approaches must be evaluated 47 Butterfly Testing Part Activities Descriptions more fully, until it is proven that the test’s objectives are met by the selected technique. Body Test • Execution Test execution is a separate piece of the overall approach. Even it is the smallest piece, as the slender insect’s body, but it also provides the muscle that makes the wings work. • Test execution includes the formal running of the designed tests. Informal test execution is a normal part of test design, and in fact is also a normal part of software design and development. • This formal test execution marks the moment in the software development process where the developer and the tester join forces. • In a way, formal execution is the moment when the developer gets to take credit for the tester’s work, which by demonstrating that the software works as advertised. 3.2.4 Summary Essentially, testing in the software development process is a critical activity. A lot of evidence suggests that the earlier a fault is found, the cheaper it is to fix. Testers often complain that they join a project too late to do much good. Although they can report the faults they find, the critical decisions about usability and reliability have already been made [43]. 48 In real software development, most of the development models have some deficiencies with regard to the test activities. Testing always starts after the coding phase at which point the implementation appears to be complete. Testing is one of the important means of software quality assurance. Each software development paradigm requires an appropriate test model [49]. Table 3.11 below listed the summary of testing activities of three Test Models corresponding to the basis software development phases. Table 3. 11: Summary of Software Testing Model Software V-Model W-Model Butterfly Development Test Test Model test Phases on Test Analysis, Business Provides Acceptance Reviews Requirement Test Plan for User Requirements and Test Design and Acceptance Testing. Promotes Acceptance Test Test Plan User for for Execution Acceptance Testing. static Acceptance techniques Testing. testing such as inspections and walkthrough. Promotes Debugging and Changes at every phases. Formal Provides System Test Reviews Specification Plan for Testing. System System on Test Test Design and Specification and Test System Test Plan for for Analysis, Execution System System Testing. Testing. Architecture Provides Sub- Reviews Design systems Test Plan for Design on Test Analysis, Test Design and 49 Software V-Model W-Model Butterfly Development Test Test Model test Phases Integration Testing. Architecture and Test Sub-system Test for Plan Execution Integration for Testing. Integration Testing. Detailed Design Performed Testing. Unit Design review for Test Unit Testing. Analysis, Test Design and Test Execution for Unit Testing. Code and Performed Unit Code Review. Implementation Testing. Test Analysis, Test Design and Test for Execution code and software implementation. The Test Models that previously discussed introduced an aims to overcome such problems and to improve the status of testing in the software development life cycle. From this review, all of these three Test Models suggest that testing activities or process must start at the early stage of software development life cycle, which is during business requirements and analysis phase. CHAPTER 4 TESTING METHODOLOGIES 4.1 Introduction This chapter reviews three testing methodologies or frameworks which are HeiTech Test Process [44], RUP Test Discipline [3] and Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP) [4]. In this review, several aspects of these testing methodologies such as concepts, main activities, advantages and disadvantages are clearly defined. Hence, a good testing framework is important as one of software testing main goal is to detect defects as soon as possible during the software development, looking for the improvement of the software quality [45]. Basically, a different testing approaches or tactics are needed to be used for different types of projects, which refer to the environment or methodology in which the software will be developed. Table 4.1 shows different test tactics for different type of software development methodology. 51 Table 4.1 : Test Tactics for Different Software Development Methodology Type Traditional Characteristics • System Development Iterative Test Tactics Uses a system development • Test methodology task/step / phase • User knows the requirements • Development • development / • • at end of each Verify that specifications match needs determines structure • Test function and structure Requirements unknown • Verify that CASE tools are used properly Structure pre-defined Prototyping / • Test functionality • Test structure • Works best with release CASE System • Modify structure Maintenance methods • Requires regression testing • Verify that functionality Purchased / • Structure unknown Contracted • May contain defects matched need Software • Functionality defined in user • Test functionality documentation Test fit into environment • Documentation • may vary from software 4.2 HeiTech Software Testing Process Software Development Methodology in HeiTech Padu is known as ADVISE (Application Development Information System) [44]. This methodology is based on RUP approach. Thus, Figure 4.1 shows HeiTech Application Development Life Cycles and the objectives for these five phases of application development life cycles are describes in Table 4.2. 52 Figure 4.1 : HeiTech Application Development Life Cycles Table 4.2 : HeiTech Application Development Life Cycles Objectives Phases Descriptions Inception The objective is to achieve concurrence among all stakeholders on the lifecycle objectives for the project. Elaboration The objective is to baseline the architecture of the system to provide a stable basis for the bulk of the design and implementation effort in the construction phase. Construction The objective is on clarifying the remaining requirements and completing the development of the system based upon the baseline architecture. The objective is to ensure that software is available for its end Transition users. Maintenance 4.2.1 The objective is to support the software after deployment. Testing Concepts Testing process and procedures for HeiTech Defined Process [44] include the testing process flow, ability to test, level of testing, type of testing, tools and test documentation. Figure 4.2 show the high level of testing process flow for HeiTech Test Process, which consists of three main flows: i. Prepare for Testing • Preparing the content of Test Plan document shall be performed in this process ii. Perform Peer Review on documents 53 • Filing up the Master Test Plan/Test Plan Review Checklist and Test Report Review • iii. Checklist shall be performed in this process Perform Testing • Perform the testing as planned in the project’s Test Plan and the result will be recorded in the project’s Test Report document Figure 4.2 : Testing Process Flow Diagram 4.2.2 Main Activities The four main activities in HeiTech Test Process [44] are Plan Test, Design Test, Implement Test and Evaluate Test. Figure 4.3 below shows four main activities in HeiTech Test Process. Figure 4.3 : HeiTech Test Process 54 HeiTech Test Process starts when the specific project begins its development phases, which normally known as system or software requirement and analysis. During this project initiation, several documents that being produced are the prerequisites of this discipline, such as SRS, project plan and schedule and system baseline for software and documents. Therefore, at the end of the testing process, the evaluation on test result will affects the project closeout activity. In each of this stage or activities, different tasks are required to be performed and several test documents will be produced. The tasks and activities of software testing should be completed during the Test discipline phase. However, the tasks and activities actually performed depend on the nature of the project. Therefore, the activities of software testing should include the following objectives: i. To ensure users and operations personnel know how to use and run the system ii. To verify before conversion that the new system contains all required function that work correctly iii. To prove that the developed system satisfies the requirements defined in the System Requirement Specification (SRS) iv. To perform an integrated system test function as specified by the design parameters Based on ADVISE methodology, the tasks and activities for test management shall be performed with reference to the HeiTech Testing Guideline [44]. This testing guideline contains the proposed testing workflow, testing level and guideline for the different testing types. For that reason, the details of each task in HeiTech Test Process activities are describes in Table 4.3 below. Table 4.3 : Main Activities of HeiTech Test Process Main Tasks Activities Plan Test Artifacts/ Test Documents • Before start testing, a Test Plan needs to be • Master/ Test developed because planning the test is very Plan 55 Main Tasks Artifacts/ Activities Test Documents • important to ensure the success of product • Test Plan testing. Review Test Plan need to be prepared at early in Checklist the life of the project in order to make clear understanding between and good developer agreement and relevant stakeholder. • Test Plan contains information about the purpose of testing within project, which also identifies the target test items, test approach, deliverables of testing, test workflow, environmental needs for testing and resources needed. • Test Plan needs to be reviewed using Master Test Plan or Test Plan Review Checklist by the nominated Quality Assurance Team. Design • Test In design test stage, first task is to identify • and describe Test Cases. • Test Cases are a set of inputs, execution conditions and expected results developed for particular objective of software testing. • Then, testing procedures and criteria are defined to ensure that the product will fulfill its intended use when placed in its intended environment. • A test procedure is a set of detailed instructions for the set-up, execution, and evaluation of results for a given test case. • Upon completion, all the information will Test Cases 56 Main Tasks Artifacts/ Activities Test Documents be added in Test Plan. • In developing test cases, several steps as follows are required: a) Identify types of testing required b) Types of testing for each level of testing are identified in Master Test Plan. c) List criteria for testing d) Develop the criteria that need to be tested from the documentation for that level. e) Detailed objectives that can measure if the system is successful. f) Expand Criteria into Test Cases g) Each of the criteria identified to be expanded into test cases that will fully verify that each criterion is met. h) Uniquely numbered for each test case and listed the expected result. i) Rationalize test cases j) Logical order, where testing should be done in sequence order to minimize the time taken. Implement • Test • The next step is to implement the test. Testing activities are performed and the resulting data are collected according to the established methods, procedures and criteria. • The levels of testing are: 57 Main Tasks Artifacts/ Activities Test Documents a) Unit Testing b) Integration Testing c) System Testing d) Acceptance Testing Evaluate • Test The purpose of evaluating test is to • Defect Log generate and Test Report summary • deliver the overall test result • assessment of the • software or system tested. Review This is accomplished by reviewing and Checklist evaluating the test results in the Defect Log, identifying and logging change requests, and calculating the key measures of test. • The test result shall be documented in Test Report. • This Test Report will summarize the execution of the tests and describe the result, including the status of all documented defects. • Test result summary presents the test results and defect data shall be recorded in Defect Log. These data will be further analyzed to understand the defect density • Test Report Test report review will be performed by using Test Report Review Checklist. This review is to evaluate test report and test result. 58 4.2.3 Testing Levels Levels of testing for HeiTech Test Process consist of Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing and Acceptance Testing. Table 4.4 below lists the detail descriptions of these levels and their testing procedures and documents base. Table 4.4 : Detail Descriptions of Testing Levels Testing Descriptions Procedures Documents Level Unit Base • Testing • Testing of the • Team smallest divisible unit shall perform Unit of the system. test. Usually at the function or program • SRS Each unit test result will be recorded in level. • Developer standard The more comprehensive documentation. the unit test plan and unit • Completion of unit test cases, the more testing occurs when economical all unit test cases and quicker the correction have been of errors. successfully conducted and their results have been reviewed. Integration • Testing • Also known as • System Designer and module testing. the Modules or a logical shall grouping of units that Integration Test Plan perform a function of subthe • Analyst develop Team the Each integration test result will be SRS SDD 59 Testing Descriptions Procedures Documents Level Base system are recorded in standard tested documentation. together. • Useful as an interim test to catch errors • before the systemtesting phase. • existing of integration occurs testing when all integration test cases Performed on groups of Completion units, making better use of team resources. have been successfully conducted and their results have been reviewed and signed. System • Testing Testing of the system • The as a whole and the Support and System system test needs to Designer Team are be responsible very comprehensive • • and Technical SDD to develop the System exacting. Test Plan. Final level of testing • As each system test is performed before the performed, the results system delivered to are recorded by the client. tester in the System System testing will Test cases. concentrate on areas that are more critical to the success of the system, especially in terms of functionality. Acceptance • Testing To be develop and • The acceptance test BRS performed procedure SRS by the requires 60 Testing Descriptions Procedures Documents Level Base • users. two Based on Business deliverables, Requirements are Acceptance Test of which or Plan which includes System Requirements the Acceptance Test Specification. Cases and To ensure that the Acceptance Test system the Report which include user’s requirements, the Acceptance Test not how well it meets cases. Specification • types meets the specification. • When all the testing has been accepted, the Project Sponsor or Representative User and Project Manager will signed off on the Acceptance Test Report. 4.2.4 Testing Types Besides that, HeiTech testing guideline also contains the principles for the different testing types and its consideration based on levels of testing. Therefore, Table 4.5 describes testing types that being considered to be tested at each levels of testing. 61 Table 4.5 : Types of Testing and Its Descriptions No Types of . Testing 1. Descriptions Functionality • Most essential form of testing • Perform at all levels of testing • Tests the adherence of each level of testing to the specifications from which it comes. • Unit functionality testing is develop from SDD and SRS • System functionality testing is developed from SDD. • Tests the correctness of analysis, design and specification process. 2. Error Handling • • Perform at unit testing level. Ensure that any error could occur during the processing of unit is covered. • Normally for the unit “interfaces” with anything outside itself (i.e. reading and writing to file) • Every possible failure must be accounted, whether through an explicit procedure or in a “catch-all” error routine. 3. Spelling & • Grammar • Spelling and grammar are in any user interfaces. To ensure any Help functions are correct and the abbreviations are meaningful and consistent. 4. Consistent • User Interface Relates to both layouts of reports and screens, and the methods of processing. • Performs at unit, module, system and acceptance testing levels. • Testing layouts consistency for reports and screens, which include: o Consistent placement and format of standard fields o Consistent user of abbreviations and acronyms 62 No Types of . Testing Descriptions o Consistent use of color, borders, fonts o Consistent cursor control, screen navigation • Testing the consistency methods of processing, which include: o Exiting, updating, menu navigation o Warning message, information message and Help 5. All Codes lines • A program may have many paths that could be used tested during executions • Test for each condition in program (i.e. IF statements, LOOPS, CASE statements and others) 6. On-line help • Perform at unit testing level. • May not be applicable to all system. • Not only work consistently throughout the system, but also must be relevant to the topic. 7. Ease of Use • Perform at unit testing level. • Relates to the ability of the user to perform their job in a logical manner, and to be able to use the system. • Should be thought of and investigated in the design phase. • Test using the work methods defined in BRS. • Best performed during the system and acceptance testing levels. 8. Boundary • Exist where data is to be within a specified range. Conditions • Ensure that the program will correctly process any data for these conditions, regardless of its values. • Test cases need to be designed to test the following values: o Zero o One less than minimum 63 No Types of . Testing Descriptions o Minimum o Midpoint o Maximum o One more than maximum • 9. Data Best done at unit testing level and • The quality of a system’s data and database is integral Database to the quality of a system. Integrity • Corrupted data could lead to processing errors and generally hard to fix. • Relates to two ideas: o Ensure that only one user can update data at any one time, which best done at integration and system testing levels. o Ensure that if a record is added, modified and deleted on one file, all references to that record on other files are suitably updated, which best done at unit testing level. 10. Access and • Ensure that the system’s data is protected from Security unauthorized and unwarranted viewing and modification. • Should be installed physically and electronically. • Program level security can be performed at unit and module testing levels. • System wide and all physical security are best performed at the system testing level. • All access and security testing are performed at the acceptance testing level. 11. Interfaces – • Unit interfaces external/unit/m odule o Connection between units, and will normally take the form of parameters o Test cases need to be designed to ensure that all 64 No Types of . Testing Descriptions possible data that can be passed by a unit can be correctly processed by a receiving unit. o Best done at integration testing level. • External interfaces o External connections with the system, including user interfaces o Test cases need to be designed to ensure that a performing module can correctly handle any data passed to it and that full range of values for that data is provided. o Best done at unit testing level. • Module interfaces o Test cases need to be designed to ensure that a performing module can correctly handle any data passed to it and that full range of values for that data is provided. o Best done at the system testing level. 12. Performance • Ensure the system performs to specified levels. • Performance parameters should include both processing speed and processing volume. • Processing speed: o Measuring the response time for a number of users doing a typical set of transactions. o Testing should emulate normal processing and peak testing is defined somewhere else. • Processing volume: o Processing the number of transactions to be entered during a set time frame. o Testing for background and batch jobs rather than user response. • Best done at the system and acceptance testing levels. 65 No Types of . Testing 13. Processing Descriptions • Ensure the system will correctly perform under peak Limits loads (include: no of users, amount of data) • Also known as stress testing. • Best done at the system and acceptance testing levels. Hence, Table 4.6 shows the specific testing category for each of levels testing that previously discussed. Table 4.6 : Testing Types Consideration Based on Levels of Testing Levels of Testing Unit Integration System Acceptance Testing Testing Testing Testing x x x x Error Handling x - - - Spelling & Grammar x - - - Consistent User x x x x All Codes lines tested x - - - On-line help x x - x Ease of Use - - - x Boundary Conditions x - - - Data Integrity x x x - Access and Security x - x x Interfaces Levels of–Testing external/unit/module x x x - - - x x Test Category Functionality Interface Performance 66 Test Category Processing Limit Documentations 4.2.5 Unit Integration System Acceptance Testing Testing Testing Testing - - x x - - - x Roles and Responsibilities In HeiTech test guideline, the principal roles and responsibilities in testing process also defined clearly, which explain in Table 4.7. Table 4.7 : Roles and Responsibilities Roles Project Manager Responsibilities • Ensuring that testing activities and processes are carried out as described in project and testing plan. System Analyst • Ensuring the testing activities follow the QA Manager defined qualification methods stated in the AD Leader project’s System Requirements Specification. • Producing the project’s Test Plan and Test Report document. • Perform testing. Users/ • Verify Test Plan & Test Cases Subject Matter Experts • Perform Testing • Fill up the Acceptance Test Result form. • Auditing the testing deliverables in the manner Quality Assurance Committee Members: Tech Lead/AD Lead/Architect QA Lead Functional Lead defined in HeiTech’s Process and Product Quality Assurance Plan. • Verifying and validating the requirements through testing activities. 67 Roles Responsibilities CM Lead SPEG Representative Implementation • Produce Test Cases. Analyst/Business • Perform testing. • Produce Test cases. • Perform testing. • Fill up the Unit Test Results form. • Verifying the requirements through unit testing Analyst/System Analyst Application Developer activity. 4.2.6 Test Documentations / Artifacts In addition, once the system is implemented and the development team has left, the main source of reference for users is the supplied documentation. This documentation is also used as a basis for system maintenance and enhancements. Therefore, the system documentation needs to be comprehensive, relevant and addressed at the appropriate level. Acceptance testing should be performed in conjunction with the documentation to ensure that it meets the users' needs. Basically there are five documents related to testing process and activities in a project as shown in Table 4.8 below. Table 4.8 : HeiTech Test Documents Test Documents Descriptions Testing Plan The Testing Plan document is made generic and applicable Guideline for all software/application development projects in HeiTech. This document is to be referred by each person of all application development-related projects specifically in the testing phase and generally in all other phases throughout the project lifecycle. 68 Test Documents Descriptions Test Plan The Test Plan document must be prepared for planning the testing purposes. Planning includes test schedule, modules to be tested, and specific test description. The tester shall fill up the Test cases during the testing Test Cases activities. It records the list of test cases, test date and many more The Test Report document must be prepared for recording Test Report of results from the testing activities performed. Items to be reported include recommended improvement, attachment of test results form or log, and impact of test environment 4.2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages Based on the study that conducted in HeiTech, the summary of advantages and disadvantages for HeiTech Test Process is listed in Table 4.9 below. Table 4.9: Advantages and Disadvantages of HeiTech Test Process No. 1. Advantages Established HeiTech Disadvantages Defined HeiTech practice this defined process Process for Testing Process. for testing activities only on several large project. Whereas, for small project, testing process is rarely follow the defined process. 2. HeiTech Test Process clearly Main activities of testing in HeiTech are defined the four main activities of too general and time estimation for software testing. testing process on several projects only for a few weeks or days. 3. Practice standard documentations that test HeiTech test documents also not follow comprehensive because no automated 69 No. Advantages Disadvantages HeiTech Defined Guideline. test case or scripts that provided as guideline. 4. HeiTech Test Process clearly Mostly, all types of testing are clearly defined levels of testing and types defined and planned in Test Plan. of testing in Test Plan. However, due to some limitation of resources, a few testing types are not performed during the testing activities. 5. All tasks and activities of Basically, software testing are required to development most projects of start HeiTech testing complete during Test Discipline process or activities when the products phase based on ADVISE nearly finish the implementation stage. methodology. 4.3 RUP Test Discipline The Rational Unified Process is a Software Engineering Process, which provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization [46]. In addition, the Rational Unified Process is also a modern software development process that uses elements of all the process bases mentioned in the methodology section, as well as a series of best practices to obtain a quality product. Moreover, The Rational Unified Process is a software process product, originally developed by Rational Software, and now available from IBM. The product includes a hyperlinked knowledge base with sample artifacts and detailed descriptions for many different types of activities. Besides that, RUP is included in the IBM Rational Method Composer (RMC) product [2] which allows customization of the process. The evolution of the RUP process can be seen over the course of four phases, which shown in Figure 4.4. 70 Figure 4.4 : Illustration of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) The Rational Unified Process can be described in two dimensions, or along two axes, which are: i. The horizontal axis represents time and shows the dynamic aspect of the process as it is enacted, and it is expressed in terms of cycles, phases, iterations, and milestones. ii. The vertical axis represents the static aspect of the process, which how it is described in terms of activities, artifacts, workers and workflows. In addition, RUP also captures many of the best practices in modern software development in a form that is suitable for a wide range of projects and organizations. Hence, this process is can be used as the basis for all projects of software or application development. Table 4.10 below listed the objectives for the following series of RUP iterations. Table 4.10: Objectives of RUP Iteration Phases Phases Objectives Conception The objective in this phase is to establish the business requirements to be covered by the system, identifying all entities that will interact with the system, such as people, other systems, hardware, and others, and also assessing the capability 71 Phases Objectives of the project. Preparation The objective in this phase is to understand the problem from the standpoint of the development team. This involves preparing the framework architecture for the system and designing the technical solution, as well as drawing up the project plan and identifying key risks. The output obtained from this phase consists of the defined architecture, the model for systems requirements based on use cases specified in UML (Unified Modeling Language), the development plan, the quality standards for the project and the tools to be employed in the course of the work. Construction This phase concentrates on the design of components and the addition of custom software functionalities through iteration as construction and testing go further, while allowing room for the inclusion of changes. Deliveries can be planned at the end each iteration, when the end user is asked to provide feedback and changes are proposed. After an analysis of the impact of the proposed changes, a decision is taken as to the best moment to include them in the system. The end result is a fully operational system with user documentation. Transition The last phase of RUP is concerned with shifting the software from the development to production environments in which the end user will run the system. Hence, depending on the type of project, it may be necessary to use intermediate environments such as pre-production, user acceptance, and others for rigorous validation before moving on to the production phase. Hence, each phase ends with various iterations involving as series of activities. The RUP model classifies these into nine disciplines, the importance of which changes as the project progresses towards its end. Table 4.11 describes the nine disciplines or workflows in RUP. 72 Table 4.11 : Nine Disciplines of Rational Unified Process Disciplines Descriptions Business This set of activities seeks understanding of business needs. modeling General and high level requirements documentation, business rules, glossaries and others are used to help define the software product to be produced. Requirements These activities translate the needs established in the business model to automated systems requirements of a more technical nature. The aim is for the development team members to achieve an in-depth understanding of the business model. Analysis and Based on requirements, these activities establish the most design appropriate system architecture and the detailed design necessary for implementation. Implementation These activities consist of coding the software based on the design and the system requirements. Test Verification of all of the elements produced (documents, designs and code) to ensure compliance with the requirements and quality standards defined for the project. Deployment These activities involve the installation of the system in the environments in which it will finally operate. Project These activities are aimed to manage the development in terms management of plans, resources, monitoring and risk control and management. Configuration and Change Management of changes and other matters arising in the construction process. management Environment These activities seek to provide the project with the hardware and software resources required to facilitate start-up and maintenance in the different development and test environments, as well as the production launch of the system. 73 4.3.1 Test Concepts One of disciplines in Rational Unified Process model is Test. The RUP proposes an iterative approach, which means that tester needs to perform test throughout the project. Hence, this helps to find defects as early as possible, which radically reduces the cost of fixing the defect. Moreover, tests are also carried out along three quality dimensions, which are reliability, functionality, application and system performance. Therefore, for each of these quality dimensions, the process describes how to go through the test lifecycle of planning, design, implementation, execution and evaluation. For this reason, the purposes of testing based on RUP approach are: • To verify the interaction between objects. • To verify the proper integration of all components of the software. • To verify that all requirements have been correctly implemented. • To identify and ensure defects are addressed prior to the deployment of the software. In addition, RUP Test discipline acts as a service provider to the other disciplines in many respects. Testing focuses primarily on evaluating or assessing the product quality, which is realized through these core practices: • Find and document defects in software quality. • Advise on the perceived software quality. • Validate and prove the assumptions made in design and requirement specifications through concrete demonstration. • Validate that the software product works as designed. • Validate that the requirements are implemented appropriately. An interesting difference exists between Test and the other disciplines in RUP is essentially Test is tasked with finding and exposing weaknesses in the software product. Thus, tester needs to identify a different general philosophy than what is used in the Requirements, Analysis and Design, and Implementation 74 disciplines, which is a subtle difference is that those three disciplines focus on completeness, whereas Test focuses on incompleteness [2]. Furthermore, the Test discipline is related to other disciplines as follows: i. The Requirements discipline captures requirements for the software product, which is one of the primary inputs for identifying what tests to perform. ii. The Analysis and Design discipline determines the appropriate design for the software product, which is another important input for identifying what tests to perform. iii. The Implementation discipline produces builds of the software product that are validated by the Test discipline and within an iteration, multiple builds will be tested, which typically one per test cycle. iv. The Deployment discipline delivers the completed software product to the end user. Thus, while the software is validated by the Test discipline before this occurs, beta testing and acceptance testing are often conducted as part of Deployment. v. The Environment discipline develops and maintains supporting artifacts that are used during Test, such as the Test Guidelines and Test Environment. vi. The Project Management discipline plans the project and the necessary work in each of iteration. Hence, the tasks are described in an Iteration Plan, this artifact is an important input used when you define the correct evaluation mission for the test effort. vii. The Configuration and Change Management discipline controls change within the project team. The test effort verifies that each change has been completed appropriately. 75 4.3.2 Main Activities Diagram in Figure 4.5 represents the default workflow for the Test discipline that may require variations based on the specific needs of each iteration and project. Figure 4.5 : RUP Test Discipline Workflow Software is refined through iterations in the RUP software development lifecycle. The testing lifecycle benefits from following an equivalent iterative approach in this process environment. Thus, in each of iteration, the software development team produces one or more builds, with each build being a potential candidate for testing. Moreover, the focus and objectives of the development team differ from iteration to iteration. Therefore, the test team members must structure their test effort accordingly. 76 The detail breakdowns for the Test discipline workflows are explain as follows: i. Workflow Detail: Define Evaluation Mission Figure 4.6 : Define Evaluation Mission Workflow The purpose of this workflow detail is to identify the appropriate focus of the test effort for the iteration, and to gain agreement with stakeholders on the corresponding goals that will direct the test effort as refer to Figure 4.6. Therefore, for each of iteration, this work is focused mainly on: • Identifying the objectives for, and deliverables of, the testing effort • Identifying a good resource utilization strategy • Defining the appropriate scope and boundary for the test effort • Outlining the approach that will be used • Defining how progress will be monitored and assessed 77 ii. Workflow Detail: Verify Test Approach Figure 4.7 : Verify Test Approach Workflow The purpose of this workflow detail is to demonstrate that the various techniques outlined in the Test Approach will facilitate the planned test effort as shown in Figure 4.7. The intent is to verify by demonstration that the approach will work, produces accurate results and is appropriate for the available resources. The objective is to gain an understanding of the constraints and limitations of each technique as it will be applied in the given project context, and to either to find an appropriate implementation solution for each technique or find alternative techniques that can be used. This helps to mitigate the risk of discovering too late in the project lifecycle that the test approach is unworkable. 78 For each of iteration, this work is focused mainly on: • Early verification that the intended test strategy will work and produces results of value • Establishing the basic infrastructure to enable and support the test strategy • Obtaining commitment from the development team to develop the software to meet testability requirements necessary to achieve the test strategy, and to provide continued support for those testability requirements. • Identifying the scope, boundaries, limitations and constraints of each technique iii. Workflow Detail: Validate Build Stability Figure 4.8 : Validate Build Stability Workflow 79 The purpose of this workflow detail is to validate that the build is stable enough for detailed test and evaluation effort to begin as shown in Figure 4.8. This work is also referred to as a smoke test, build verification test, build regression test, sanity check or acceptance into testing. In addition, this work helps to prevent the test resources being wasted on a pointless and ineffective of testing effort. For each Build to be tested, this work is focused on: • Making as assessment of the stability and testability of the Build • Gaining an initial understanding or confirming the expectation of the development work delivered in the Build • Making a decision to accept the Build as suitable for use as guided by the evaluation mission in further testing, or to conduct further testing against the previous Build. iv. Workflow Detail: Test and Evaluate Figure 4.9 : Test and Evaluate Workflow 80 The purpose of this workflow detail is to achieve appropriate breadth and depth of the test effort to enable a sufficient evaluation of the items being targeted by the tests, where sufficient evaluation is governed by the current test motivators and evaluation mission as shown in Figure 4.9. Typically performed once per test cycle, this work involves performing the core tactical work of the test and evaluation effort, which namely as implementation, execution and evaluation of specific tests and the corresponding reporting of incidents that are encountered. For each test cycle, this work is focused mainly on: • Providing ongoing evaluation and assessment of the Target Test Items • Recording the appropriate information necessary to diagnose and resolve any identified Issues • Achieving suitable breadth and depth in the test and evaluation work • Providing feedback on the most likely areas of potential quality risk v. Workflow Detail: Achieve Acceptable Mission The purpose of this workflow detail which shows in Figure 4.10 is to deliver a useful evaluation result to the stakeholders of the test effort, where useful evaluation result is assessed in terms of the Evaluation Mission. In most cases that will mean focusing testing team efforts on helping the project team achieve the Iteration Plan objectives that apply to the current test cycle. 81 Figure 4.10 : Achieve Acceptable Mission Workflow For each test cycle, this work is focused mainly on: • Actively prioritizing the minimal set of necessary tests that must be conducted to achieve the Evaluation Mission • Advocating the resolution of important issues that have a significant negative impact on the Evaluation Mission • Advocating appropriate quality • Identifying regressions in quality introduced between test cycles • Where appropriate, revising the Evaluation Mission in light of the evaluation findings so as to provide useful evaluation information to the project team vi. Workflow Detail: Improve Test Assets The purpose of this workflow detail is to maintain and improve the test assets as shown in Figure 4.11. This workflow is important especially if the intention is to reuse the assets developed in the current test cycle in subsequent test cycles. 82 Figure 4.11 : Improve Test Assets Workflow For each test cycle, this work is focused mainly on: • Adding the minimal set of additional tests to validate the stability of subsequent Builds • Removing test assets that no longer serve a useful purpose or have become uneconomic to maintain • Conducting general maintenance of and making improvements to the maintainability of test automation assets • Assembling Test Scripts into additional appropriate Test Suites • Exploring opportunities for reuse and productivity improvements • Maintaining Test Environment Configurations and Test Data sets • Documenting lessons learned for both good and bad practices discovered during the test cycle 83 Additionally, a test cycle is a period of independent test activity that includes, among other things, the execution and evaluation of tests. Thus, each of iteration can contain multiple test cycles; with the majority of iterations contain at least one. Besides that, each test cycle starts with the assessment of a software build's stability before it's accepted by the test team for more thorough and detailed testing. Furthermore, the RUP recommends that each build be regarded as potentially requiring a new cycle of testing, but there is no strong coupling between build and test cycle. Typically, Inception iterations of new projects did not produce builds, but iterations in all other phases do. Although each build is a potential candidate for a cycle of testing, there are various reasons why no need to test for every software build. For example, in situations where a build is created daily, a useful test cycle may take longer than the available time between builds. Thus, in this case it may be appropriate to test every nth of software build. 4.3.3 Roles and Responsibilities The RUP defines not just one role specifically for the Test discipline, but four, as shown in Figure 4.12, which the activities conducted as part of the test and evaluation work grouped by responsible roles. Thus, the four roles focusing on test related activities in the RUP test discipline are: i. Test Manager ii. Test Analyst iii. Test Designer iv. Tester 84 Figure 4.12 : Roles and Test Activities Workflows 4.3.4 Test Documentations / Artifacts Figure 4.13 : Roles and Test Artifacts 85 Figure 4.13 show the artifacts developed as products of the test and evaluation activities are clearly grouped by responsible role. Meanwhile, Table 4.12 summarized the roles and responsibilities for activities and artifacts have clearly illustrated above. Table 4.12: Roles and Test Artifacts in RUP Test Discipline Roles Test Artifacts Test Manager Test Analyst Test Designer Tester • Test Evaluation Summary • Test Plan or Master Test Plan • Test Ideas, and Test-Idea List • Test Cases • Workload Analysis Model • Test Data • Test Result • Test Strategy • Test Automation Architecture • Test Interface Specification • Test Environment Configuration • Test Suites • Test Script • Test Log In performing testing activities, the decision of what artifacts to be use and how to effectively make use of them is important in order to perceived successful of software testing. Table 4.13 describes the purpose and some recommendation to make use of those artifacts that consider using in particular contexts. 86 Table 4.13 : Purpose of Test Artifacts Artifact Purpose Tailoring (Optional, Recommended) Test Summarizes the Test • Recommended for most Evaluation Results for use primarily by projects. Summary the management team and • Where the project culture is other stakeholders external relatively information, it may to the test team. be appropriate simply to record test results and not create formal evaluation summaries. • In other cases, Test Evaluation Summaries can be included as a section within other Assessment artifacts, such as the Iteration Assessment or Review Record. Test Results This artifact is the analyzed • Recommended. result determined from the • Most test teams retain some raw data in one or more Test form of reasonably detailed Logs. record of the results of testing. • Manual testing results are usually recorded directly here, and combined with the distilled Test Logs from automated tests. • In some cases, test teams will go directly from the Test Logs to producing the Test Evaluation Summary. Master Test Defines high-level testing • Optional. Plan goals, objectives, approach, • Useful for most projects. resources, A Master Test Plan is defines schedule and • deliverables that govern a the high level strategy for the phase or the entire the test effort over large parts of the lifecycle. software development lifecycle. 87 Artifact Purpose Tailoring (Optional, Recommended) • Optionally, the Test Plan can be included as a section within the Software Development Plan. • Consider whether to maintain a "Master" Test Plan in addition to the "Iteration" Test Plans. • The Master Test Plan covers mainly logistic and process enactment information that typically relates to the entire project lifecycle, therefore it is unlikely to change between iterations. Iteration Defines finer grained testing • Recommended Test Plan goals, projects. objectives, motivations, resources, approach, • schedule deliverables that A separate for Test Plan most per and iteration is recommended to govern define the specific, fine-grained iteration. test strategy. • Optionally, the Test Plan can be included as a section within the Iteration Plan. Test Ideas List This is an enumerated list of • Recommended ideas, projects. often partially for most formed, to be considered as • In some cases these lists will be useful tests to conduct. informally defined and discarded once Test Scripts or Test Cases have been defined from them. Test Script, Test Data The Test Scripts and Test • Recommended Data are the realization or projects. for most 88 Artifact Purpose Tailoring (Optional, Recommended) implementation of the test, • Where projects differ is how where formally the embodies Test the Script procedural these artifacts are these are treated. aspects, and the Test Data • In the defining characteristics. informal and transitory, and the some cases, test team is judged based on other criteria. • In other cases, especially with automated tests, the Test Scripts and associated Test Data are regarded as major deliverables of the test effort. Test Suite Used to group individual • Recommended related tests (Test Scripts) projects. together Also required to define any Test in meaningful • subsets. for most Script execution sequences that are required for tests to work correctly. Test Case Defines a specific set of test • Recommend on most projects, inputs, execution conditions, were the conditions required to and expected results. conduct a specific test are complex or extensive and where Documenting test cases they are a contractually required allows them to be reviewed for completeness and correctness, and considered before effort deliverable. • recommended to maintain the implementation is planned In most other cases, it is Test-Ideas & List Implemented expended. and Test the Scripts instead of detailed textual Test Cases. This is most useful where • Some projects will simply 89 Artifact Purpose Tailoring (Optional, Recommended) the input, conditions results execution outline Test Cases at a high expected level and defer details to the and are particularly complex. Test Scripts. • Another style commonly used is to document the Test Case information as comments within the Test Scripts. A specialized type of Test • Recommended Analysis Case. Used to define a systems, especially those where Model representative workload to system performance under load allow must be evaluated, or where Workload quality risks for most associated with the system there operating under load to be quality risks associated with assessed. system operation under load. • Not are other usually significant required for systems that will be deployed on a standalone target system. Test Classes The Design Model in the Design Implementation and • Model • Where Required. Stubs are a common category of Model Test include Test Classes and Test Components Components if the project Component. in the has to develop significant Implementat additional ion Model Classes and Test specialized behavior to accommodate and support testing. Test Log The raw data output during • Optional. test Many projects that perform execution, produced tests. by typically • automated automated testing will have some form of Test Log, where projects differ is whether the Test Logs are retained or 90 Artifact Purpose Tailoring (Optional, Recommended) discarded after Test Results have been determined. • Retain Test Logs if need to satisfy certain requirements, audit if want to perform analysis on how the raw test output data changes over time, or if uncertain at the outset of all the analysis that may be required to give. Test Provides Automation overview an architectural • of the test • Architecture automation system, using a number of Optional. Recommended on projects where the test architecture is different relatively complex, when a architectural views to depict large number of staff will be different collaborating aspects of the system. on building automated tests, or when the test automation system is expected to be maintained over a long period of time. • In some cases this might simply be a white-board diagram that is recorded centrally for interested parties to consult. Test Defines a required set of • Optional. Interface behaviors by a classifier • On many projects, there is Specification (specifically, a Class, either sufficient accessibility for Subsystem or Component) test in the visible operations on for the purposes of testing classes, user interfaces and (testability). Common types others. include test access, stubbed • Some common reasons to create 91 Artifact Purpose Tailoring (Optional, Recommended) behavior, and diagnostic logging and test oracles. Test Interface Specifications include UI extensions to allow GUI test tools to interact with the tool and diagnostic message logging routines, especially for batch processes. 4.3.5 Advantages and Disadvantages The RUP testing activities are concerning continuously providing the management and the development teams with an objective assessment of the quality of the product. The definition of the level of quality is an engineering trade-off, an optimization of highly dependent on the business context in which the software product will be deployed. The expected level of quality and the requirements may evolve during the lifecycle, and testing also should evolve with this process. Testing is not a complete, separate workflow, parallel to or appended to software development, but fully integrated in the iterative cycle of the RUP. Hence, taking advantage of iterations, testing becomes an almost continuous process that continually feeds back into the requirements, the design, and the management of the project. It is a collaborative activity and also more effectively done by automated tools. In addition, testing can start early, since iterative development produces testable code early, and can therefore provide a crucial feedback, both on the product and the process. Thus, the role of the tester or the quality engineer in the RUP is not primarily to find defects, but to provide other team members such as developers and managers with an objective assessment of the quality of the product. 92 Table 4.14 below listed several advantages and disadvantages of RUP Test Discipline [2, 3, 46, 50]. No. 1. Table 4.14: Advantages and Disadvantages of RUP Test Discipline Advantages Disadvantages RUP provides an iterative development Even RUP is an iterative process; process. Thus, testing does not start it still not considered particularly with just test plans. The tests adopting agile approach. themselves are developed early and conducted early, and a useful subset of them is accumulated in regression suites and iteration after iteration. 2. RUP provides low up-front RUP consists of a large collection documentation, where the Detailed Test of documents, role descriptions, planning is defined iteration by activities and others. This iteration, based on a governing master stresses the need for tailoring to a Test plan, to meet the needs of the team specific organization, which in and match the objectives iteration. of the most projects equals downsizing of the methodology. RUP is considered and criticized for being a heavy-weight approach. 3. RUP promotes a holistic approach in In technical perspective, RUP is a order to identify appropriate tests is not large collection of processes, strictly and solely based on deriving artifacts and roles. These sources tests from requirements. Tests in the must be scaled down for most RUP are derived from the requirements projects except for the very and from other sources. 4. largest ones. RUP also promotes automation testing. RUP is a commercial product. As testing starts early in, and continues Hence, an effort must be spent on throughout, the RUP lifecycle, it is tailoring RUP, where 93 impractical to work on many aspects of organizations need to revise their testing without appropriate tool support. cost and budget. Automated tools can help generate test data conditions, run tests, and analyze results. 5. The RUP assists verifying product RUP fails to provide any clear quality in the implementation, planning, design, implementation guidelines, in and order to access quality at early execution, evaluation stages. Quality assessment is development stage. built into the process, in all activities, involving all participants, using objective measurements and criteria, and not treated as an afterthought, or a separate activity performed by a separate group. Quality should be reviewed respect with requirements based on to the reliability, functionality, application performance and system performance. 6. The ability to manage change making RUP leaves the tailoring of its’ certain that each change is acceptable, process to the user entirely. and being able to track changes is essential in an environment in which change is inevitable. The RUP process describes how to control, track and monitor changes to enable successful iterative development. 4.4 Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP) 94 4.4.1 Testing Concepts The Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP) were first introduced in 1985 as part of the course material for the Systematic Software Testing seminar series [27]. STEP provides a model process and a step-by-step sequence of activities and tasks for performing software testing at any level from unit testing through acceptance testing and is a proprietary methodology developed by Software Quality Engineering [4]. The methodology grew from and is built upon the foundation provided by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) testing standard. STEP was unique in that it broadened the definition of test to include more than a procedure performed after the system was fully assembled. STEP expanded that original definition to include test planning, test case design, test implementation, and test execution [53]. Therefore, large organizations that have a test function have found that this approach provides significant benefits in quality and control, meanwhile smaller organizations that did not have a separate test function have also seen remarkable improvements in their testing process. Furthermore, STEP is built upon the foundation of the IEEE Std. 829-1983 Standard for Software Test Documentation and subsequently updated based on the latest version (IEEE Std. 828-1998) of this standard and the IEEE Std. 1008-1987 Standard for Software Unit Testing [27]. Hence, while retaining compatibility with these standards, this methodology has grown in scope and now stands as one of the leading models for effective software testing throughout the industry. STEP covers the broad activity of software evaluation. Evaluation is defined as that sub-discipline of software engineering concerned with determining whether software products do what they are supposed to do. Thus, the major techniques employed in evaluation are analysis, review and test. Hence, STEP’s scope and objectives are focuses on testing as the most complex of the three, but stresses overall coordination and planning of all aspects of evaluation as a key to success. Moreover, it stresses the prevention potential of testing, with defect detection and demonstration of capability as secondary goals. 95 Figure 4.14 : Different Views of Testing In addition, there is an evolution approach in views of testing as shown in Figure 4.14 above. Thus, early views saw testing as a phase that occurred after software development, or something that programmers need to get the bugs out of their programs. However, for more modern view sees testing as a process to be performed in parallel with the software development or maintenance effort, which incorporating the several activities such as: 4.4.2 • planning to determine risks and selecting strategies • analysis to set up test objectives and requirements • design to specify tests to be developed • implementation to construct or acquire the test procedures and cases • execution to run and re-run the tests • maintenance to maintain and updating the tests as the software changes Main Activities This STEP methodology breaks down the testing process into three major phases, which are Planning, Acquisition, and Measurement as shown in Figure 4.15. 96 Figure 4.15 : Major Phases in STEP In planning phase, information about the software to be tested and the project is used to develop testing objectives and an overall testing approach. The output of the phase is a test plan that serves to guide the remainder of the testing activity and coordinate the test levels. Next, in Acquisition phase, more information about the software requirements and design, along with previous testing product documentation and data, is used to specify and develop a test configuration for each level of testing performed. The output of this phase is the test set and its documentation. Finally, in Measurement phase, the test set is executed. The input to this phase is the software to be tested, and the output is test reports documenting the execution and measurement activity along with records of any failures or incidents observed. 97 Table 4.15 below shows the major testing activities in these three testing phases of STEP. Then, for each of the eight activities is further subdivided into detailed steps or tasks to be performed to complete the activity. Table 4.15 : Major Testing Activities in STEP Phases Planning Testing Activities 1. Plan the general approach 2. Determine testing objectives 3. Refine the general plan Acquisition 4. Design the tests 5. Implement the tests Measurement 6. Execute the tests 7. Check termination 8. Evaluate results 4.4.3 STEP Architecture STEP assumes that the total testing job is divided into levels during planning. A level represents a particular testing environment, such as unit testing usually refers to the level associated with program testing in a programmer's personal development library. Figure 4.16 illustrate the project testing architecture in STEP. For simple projects, such as minor enhancements, the activity timing may consist of just one or two levels of testing, such as unit testing and acceptance testing. However, for complex projects, such as a new product development, may have more levels that consist of unit test, function test, subsystem test, system test, acceptance test, alpha and beta test. 98 Figure 4.16: Project Testing Architecture in STEP 4.4.4 Timing of STEP Activities STEP specifies when the testing activities and tasks are to be performed, as well as what the tasks should be and their sequence, as shown in Figure 4.17 below. The timing emphasis is based on getting most of the test design work completed before the detailed design of the software. Figure 4.17: Activity Timing at Various Levels of Test 99 The trigger for beginning the test design work is an external, functional, or black box specification of the software component to be tested. For higher test levels, such as acceptance or system testing, the external specification is equivalent to the system requirements document. Hence, as soon as that document is available, test activity can begin on the design of the requirements-based tests. The test design process continues as the software is being designed and an additional tests based on the detailed design of the software are identified and added to the requirements-based tests. As the software design process proceeds, the detailed design documents are produced for the various software components and modules comprising the system. These documents serve as functional specifications for the component or module, and thus may be used to trigger the development of requirements-based tests at the component or module level. As the software project moves to the coding stage, a third increment of tests is designed based on the code and implementation details. The test inventory and design activities at the various levels are overlap. The goal at each level is to complete the bulk of the test design work as soon as possible. This helps to ensure that the requirements are testable and well thought out and that defects are discovered early in the process. This strategy supports an effective software review and inspection approach. Figure 4.18 shows the details of activity timing within a given test level. The test activity starts with developing plans and identifying specific test objectives. Then, the task continues with test design and the implementation of test plans and designs. Next, the activity proceeds with test execution and evaluation. Overlap of activities is possible. 100 Figure 4.18: Details Activity Timing at Various Levels of Test 4.4.5 Elements of STEP The STEP methodology consists of specified tasks, which is individual actions, work products, which is documentation and implemented tests and roles to define responsibilities associated with groups of tasks, as shown in Figure 4.19. These elements had being packaged into a system with proven effectiveness for consistently achieving quality software. Figure 4.19 : Elements of STEP 101 In addition, another aspect of the STEP process model is the set of work products produced in each phase and activity. STEP uses the word "testware" to refer to the major testing products such as test plans and test specification documents and the implemented test procedures, test cases, and test data files. The word "testware" is intentionally analogous to software and, as shown in Figure 4.20 below, is intended to reflect a parallel development process. Hence, as the software is designed, specified, and built, the testware is also designed, specified, and built. Figure 4.20 : Parallel, Mutually Supportive Development Furthermore, these two broad classes of work products support each other. Testware development, by relying on software work products, supports the prevention and detection of software faults. In other hand, software development, by reviewing testware work products, supports the prevention and detection of testware faults. 102 4.4.6 Test Documentations / Artifacts STEP uses IEEE standard document templates as a recommended guideline for document structure and content. Table 4.16 below lists the test documents for STEP methodology. Table 4.16 : Template for Test Documents from IEEE Std. 829-1998 Test Documents Descriptions Test Plan Used for the master test plan and level-specific test plans. Test Design Specification Used at each test level to specify the test set architecture and coverage traces. Test Case Specification Used as needed to describe test cases or automated scripts. Test Procedure Specification Test Log Used to specify the steps for executing a set of test cases. Used as needed to record the execution of test procedures. Test Incident Report Used to describe anomalies that occur during testing or in production. These anomalies may be in the requirements, design, code, documentation, or the test cases themselves. Incidents may later be classified as defects or enhancements. Test Summary Report Used to report completion of testing at a level or a major test objective within a level. 4.4.7 Roles and Responsibilities Additionally, STEP also defined roles and responsibilities for various testing activities. Thus, the four major roles defined in STEP are Manager, Analyst, Technician, and Reviewer, which listed in Table 4.17. 103 Table 4.17 : Roles and Responsibilities in STEP Role Manager Description of Responsibilities Communicate, plan, and coordinate. Test manager is responsible for providing overall test direction and coordination, and communicating key information to all interested parties. Analyst Plan, inventory, design, and evaluate. Test analyst is responsible for detailed planning, inventorying of test objectives and coverage areas, test designs and specifications, and test review and evaluation. Technician Implement, execute, and check. Test technician is responsible for implementation of test procedures and test sets according to the designs provided by the analyst, for test execution and checking of results for termination criteria, and for test logging and problem reporting. Reviewer Examine and evaluate. Test reviewer provides review and oversight over all steps and work products in the process. 4.4.8 Advantages and Disadvantages STEP is an example of one of the testing methodologies now in place in a number of organizations. Testing methodologies have matured and achieved proven success. It is no longer the case that testing or development team have to practice the art of testing and approach the activity from an ad hoc, disorganized, and uncontrolled perspective. Thus, testing can be systematic, and appropriate models such as STEP are available. disadvantages of STEP. Table 4.18 summarized the advantages and 104 Table 4.18: Advantages and Disadvantages of STEP No. 1. Advantages Disadvantages The overall goal of the testing activity Organization requires extra for STEP, which is prevention oriented, efforts on testing activity because with a primary focus on finding activity timing in STEP permits requirements and defects overlaps from one level to another design through early development of test level of tests. designs. Thus, major testing activities are begun early, in example planning timing and activity timing begins during requirements. 2. STEP using documents the to IEEE standard If there is any amendment or new provides full changes of the IEEE documentation, in order to define the documentation standard, STEP visibility of testing activities. test documentation also need to adopt the changes. 3. This STEP methodology is not a tool Testing can be less effective if the dependent and does not assume any requirements information of the particular test organization or staffing, product is ambiguous and not such as independent test groups. It does clearly defined. assume a development effort, where the requirements information product the and for technical the design information are comprehensible and available for use as inputs to testing. 4. STEP takes the requirements presented NA. (requirements-based inventory) and constructs test cases to validate each requirement. The creation of a group of test cases with known coverage in STEP, are mapping to the inventories of requirements, design, and code of software products. 105 No. Advantages Disadvantages STEP sets three major objectives, which NA. 5. are preventing defects, and defects, detecting demonstrating the capability of the software. In order to meet these goals, the test activity is broken up into levels of testing, which allow for focused attention toward specific system characteristics as they are delivered. 6. One of the strengths of STEP is its NA. adaptability to change. This allows much of the work that is constructed initially to be reused during the remaining life of the system. 4.5 Summary A summary of the comparison study on these three different testing methodologies is listed in Table 4.19 below. This comparison study is to define the test activities during the software development life cycle or phases. Table 4.19 : Test Methodologies Comparison based on Software Development Phases Software Systematic Test and Development Evaluation Process Process Phases (STEP) (HTP) Business • Develop Plan Requirement • Analyze Objectives Formal Specification • Design Test RUP Test Discipline • HeiTech Test None Define Evaluation Mission • Verify Test Approach • Plan Test 106 Software Systematic Test and Development Evaluation Process Process Phases (STEP) (HTP) Architecture • Design • Plan and Designs Detailed Design • Code and Implement Test RUP Test Discipline • Implementation • Validate Build • Stability Execute Test • Test and Evaluate Check Adequacy • Achieve Evaluate Acceptable Software and Mission Testing HeiTech Test • Design Test • Implement Test • Evaluate Test Improve Test Assets As a result, based on the summary, all test activities or tasks are performed started during business requirements analysis. However, from the study conducted in HeiTech, the initial testing activity such as develop test plan is started after conformation or sign off the product requirements with the stakeholder. Besides that, in HeiTech, the Test Analyst and Test Designer roles are only effective after the requirements documents such as Scope of Work and User Functional Specifications has been approved by the stakeholder and the development team. As a summary, a best approach of testing process or methodology can be comprises to have a good test planning and strategy at early stage of software development phases, where the defects and risks can be identified earlier. Hence, the initial testing activities from these testing methodologies can be summarized as represent an intensive testing for effective testing process. In addition, a good testing methodology also require best testing types and techniques based on specific functions, and also accommodate enough testing roles and responsibilities and advocate early involvement in order to performed successful testing activities. CHAPTER 5 SHARED BANKING SERVICES (SBS) SYSTEM 5.1 Introduction This chapter will discuss on the overall of Shared Banking Services (SBS) system and its characteristics. Generally, Shared Banking Services (SBS) system is one of banking application system that offers core banking services at another organization’s branches, which have business deals with the particular banks. The objectives of this shared banking services application is to accommodate an easiness of any transaction or activities from core banking services system. Therefore, the next section will describe the details of core banking services and its relation with shared banking services (SBS) system. 5.2 Core Banking Systems Core banking is another way of saying the core functions of a bank. These functions represent the essential or vital business activities of banking. The definition of core banking may have been muddied by the emergence of packaged computer solutions which combine core banking functions with other elements of a bank’s operations but at the most basic level core banking manages financial transactions and their impact on the accounts of its customers [47]. 108 A core banking systems often provided other routine maintenance activities [51]. Therefore, the essential activities of core banking are opening and closing accounts, calculating interest for both due to the customer and due from the customer and processing customers’ standing orders. Besides that, providing account statements and interfacing to outside systems for making and receiving payments are also considered to be part of the core business of banking and therefore the legitimate functions of a core banking system. Thus, some of core banking components in details should include: • Interest calculations • Processing of cash deposits and withdrawals • Processing of incoming and outgoing of remittances and cheques • Customer management • Customer account management • Definition of the bank’s products (product management) including such things as minimum balances, interest rates and number of withdrawals • Interest rate definition • Customer’s standing instructions • Maintaining records of all financial transactions In addition, a packaged retail core banking system might include functions that are closely related to core banking activities that may include functions such as: • Processing applications for loans received from branches • Branch management, often including facilities for maintaining teller cash drawers and others • Cheque book ordering • Internet banking Generally, banks can have differences in the type of business that they conduct. They may for example be in retail banking, which is the type of banking that is seen in the high street, or be in wholesale banking, which is the bank-to-bank 109 market often referred to as the inter-bank market or securities trading, which is the buying and selling of stock, shares or government debt instruments. As a result, their core businesses can be considerably different and their core banking system will therefore reflect the type of business of the bank which such as: • Retail banking • Commercial banking • Wholesale banking • Treasury banking • Private banking Consequently, a super breed of core banking systems has emerged which offer functionality in addition to core banking system which called universal banking systems. These systems can accommodate combinations of banking services such as retail, wholesale, private banking and securities trading. Therefore, an advantage of using a universal system is that data can be transferred easily between the different modules so a bank can identify customer trends or selling opportunities for example if a customer has high levels of cash balances and also performs securities trading then they may be a sales opportunity for private banking services. However, these systems still has drawbacks such as it is unlikely that a single vendor is able to offer modules that are ‘best of breed’ in each function. Hence, the alternative approach is to use a core banking system and augment its functionality by using ‘best of breed’ packages for the specific functionality needed, for example such as foreign exchange trading or portfolio management. More recently, the arrival of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has caused package vendors to redesign their core banking systems. This SOA enables broad packages to be de-constructed into their constituent parts with each part or function then offered as a service. 110 For example, a core banking activity of opening a new account could be split into multiple services, such as one for establishing a customer name and address in order to check if one already exists for that customer, one for performing a credit check, one for opening the actual account type needed, one for ordering a ‘new customer’ pack, one for ordering a plastic card for the account and others. As a result, this is allows a return to the pure core banking system component of transaction and account management. 5.3 Shared Banking Services (SBS) at R@PIC Shared Banking Services (SBS) [6] is a counter-based transaction system developed on top of a software framework (Hybrid Client) for developing a frontend, transaction based system. This system is the case study system that being develops in R@PIC. Therefore, this system offers selected banking services that can be carried out at Pos Malaysia (PMB) branches. This SBS system comprises three major modules, which are: • Transaction system • Utilities Functions • System Configuration This SBS system will be installed at PMB branches to enable offerings of Bank A’s banking services at the selected locations. The end users of this system are categorized into four, which are: • Managers • Administrator • Supervisor • Teller This system adopted smart client architecture, which this solution makes use of local PC (Personal Computer) processing power to process Bank A’s transactions. Therefore, Smart Client architecture combines the benefits of both Thin Client and 111 Rich Client. It offers rich user interface, ease of integrating to local devices and simple deployment model using ClickOnce technology. ClickOnce technology will enable centralized the deployment of SBS modules and updates. A Web Server will act as the deployment server to distribute SBS to the selected PMB branches. Besides that, the communication between PMB branches to the servers at PMB Headquarters (PMB HQ) will be done via web services and to communicate with the backend (host) system, SBS will make use of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) approach. In addition, for this services system, a generic of client/server branch delivery system usually consists of a front-end application and a back-end or “host” system. Hence, the front-end application is installed at every branch of the organization and the common roles of this application is to capture transaction data, perform field level validations, update local database, print and communicate to the back-end system. These common roles are generic to all organizations that implement a branch-delivery system. The variations are only at business rules and transaction flow, which is unique to each business requirements. Furthermore, in SBS architecture also includes this Device Service Server (DSS) that was developed to make devices integration and device sharing easier. Thus, this software provides a set of uniform APIs so that access to various devices can be done in a unified manner. One of the prominent features of this server software is its ability to enable integration with various devices for example printers, RFID readers, thumb print scanners, and MyKad readers. Moreover, this server software was designed and developed in a very modular manner so that new servers for newly supported devices can be added easily and ready to be used by applications. Besides that, another interesting feature of DSS is it enables web-based application to control local devices in a simple way via 112 Web Service and the sharing of devices activities can be done across different platforms such as Windows and Linux. 5.3.1 Transaction System This module consists of several categories, which are Open Account, Cash Activities, Remittance, Inquiry, Reversal, Passbook Maintenance, Cash Settlement Total and Others. Table 5.1 explains the transactions listed for each category in details. Table 5.1 : Transaction System Categories Category Open Account Cash Deposit and Payment Withdrawal Descriptions To open new account for different types of account: • Individual Savings Account for Passbook • Individual Savings Account for Passbookless • Joint Savings Account for Passbookless Daily transactions are: • Saving Account (SA) Cash Deposit and Reversal • Corporate Current Account (CCA) Cash Deposit • Personal Saving Account (PSV) Cash Deposit • Loan Repayment • Hire Purchase (HP) Payment • Credit Card Payment Daily withdrawal activities for account: • Remittance Saving Account (SA) Withdrawal and Reversal The list of transactions: • Foreign Telegraphic Transfer (FTT) • Foreign Worker Telegraphic Transfer (FWTT) • Inquire Membership • Inquire IC No 113 Category Passbook Maintenance Reversal Descriptions • Agent NOSTRO - Philippines • Other Countries • GIRO Funds Transfer The list of transactions: • SA Passbook Update • Change Posting Line • Change Passbook Status To New • Inquire Passbook Tagging The list of transactions: • SA Cash Deposit-Reversal • CA Cash Deposit – Reversal • PSV Cash Deposit – Reversal • Loan Cash Repayment – Reversal • HP Payment via HP A/C No or Vehicle Registration No – Reversal • Credit Card Cash Payment – Reversal • SA Cash Withdrawal – Reversal • FTT Reversal • Foreign Worker TT – Reversal • GIRO Funds Transfer – Reversal Reversal can be done by in two ways: Inquiry • Reversal - By Journal No. • Reversal - By Electronic Journal The list of transactions: • Name/IC No Inquiry • SA Last Transaction Inquiry • SA Activity Inquiry • CA Last Transaction Inquiry • CA Activity Inquiry • Credit Card Inquiry • FTT Transaction Detail Inquiry 114 Category Others Cash Settlement Totals 5.3.2 Descriptions • FWTT Transaction Reference Inquiry • FWTT Transaction Inquiry • GIRO Transaction Detail Inquiry • HP Inquiry • Loan Activity Inquiry The list of transactions: • Rounding Mechanism • GL Cash Credit and Debit The list of transactions: • Teller Total • Branch Teller Total Utilities This section describes about SBS utilities that being provided for end user of this system. Therefore, upon completion of installation, some of these utilities need to be performed so that the users of the counter system, which are Teller, Supervisor and Manager, can continue with daily system transaction. Table 5.2 shows the summary of utilities functions provided in SBS System. Table 5.2 : Utilities Functions Utilities Functions Descriptions Mandatory Utility Start of Day To performed branch start up once a day because branch cannot start any operations before Start of Day is executed. End of Day Used by teller to complete tasks after the last transaction of the day is done. Transmission Transmission is done to consolidate the branches Quality Control (QC) file at the Hybrid Server. After 115 Utilities Functions Descriptions confirmation of Branch Total is done the system will automatically transmit the branch QC file to the Hybrid Server. Upon receiving all QC files from all the PMB branches the system will generate a consolidated QC file and send the file to Bank A HQ using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Teller total Teller total function provides teller total at Bank A host. Therefore, teller could make comparison with teller total at Bank A counter system. Branch total Branch total function provides branch total at Bank A host. Therefore, the post master or the supervisor could make comparison with total at Bank A counter system. Final branch total Final branch total function provides the same function as branch total. The difference is that after performing final branch total, teller will not be able to perform any financial transaction. User Management Sign-on/off Forced User Sign Off Allow user to sign in or sign out from the system. Auto sign out of user if any Hybrid application has been idle for more than five minutes. User ID issuance Verify user ID validity for branch code and user ID not exist. Unlock ID Password maintenance Function to unlock user ID. Verification on password management, such as Password Expired, Change Password, or Password does not match. Access level Provide access level restrict on certain functions for assignment each of users. Stock Control Module Provide Passbook Control Register that can be maintained by user. Transaction Related 116 Utilities Functions Descriptions Repeat key (F9) Teller can perform a repeat function by going to the selected field and press Repeat button or F9 key, thus relieving the teller from keying in the same data. Remote override Remote override will be triggered by any transaction that needs approval from supervisor. For example, withdrawal for RM5000 and above needs an approval from a supervisor. Electronic Journal and All transactions will be updated in an Electronic Journal Viewer for tracking and recovery exercises. Teller will be able to do search on the journal and view activities and transactions posted for the day. This is really helpful to trace any abnormality if problems such as black-out or system down occur. Calculator function Enables a teller to do calculations and transferred relevant data to the respective fields. Successful and unsuccessful transaction update This is to enable the system to perform reversal of those successful as well as unsuccessful transactions. For those unsuccessful transactions that is updated at the host but the local pc get a message of ‘host timeout’ and not updated at the local pc, the system still allow the transaction to be reversed. Reversal The system enables financial transaction such as withdrawal, deposit, and remittance to be reversed after successfully updated to host by referring to the transaction’s journal number. Foreign Exchange Rate System shall download rate provided by Bank A for remittance purpose. System shall provide utility to view the downloaded rate. Passbook Control Register This utility allows supervisor/manager to control passbook stock. Reactivate Online Manager shall perform Reactivate Online Posting to Posting restart the system if a transaction needs to be performed 117 Utilities Functions Descriptions after branch has close and perform balancing. Reference Table and This utility is for the user, either Bank A administrators Devices files or PMB administrators to maintain reference tables and Maintenance devices configuration files. Reports Daily Cash Balance Report This report provides a summary of individual teller cash-in, cash-out, and cash-in-hand summary. Teller Transaction Report This report provides Deposit/Payment, a summary Remittance, and of teller Withdrawal summary. Teller Activity Report Teller report produces detail transactions done by the teller. The report can be used to make comparison against teller total at Bank A host. Activity Report This report lists detail financial and non financial of each teller. Reversal Transaction This report lists detail reversal transaction of each teller. Report Total Summary Report This report provides a summary of each teller cash-in, cash-out, and cash-in-hand summary for the branch. 5.3.3 System Configuration This module provides functions for SBS System Configuration, such as Branch Configuration, Manager Configuration, User Profile, Table Maintenance, View Archive, Administrator Configuration and others. Hence, every function provided user accessibility to add new, modify or update and delete the record. Table 5.3 below shows the summary for SBS system configuration functions. Table 5.3 : SBS System Configuration Functions Category Descriptions 118 Category Descriptions Branch Configuration Administrator can perform this configuration from Bank A HQ in order to add new branch, update or delete existing branch, and deactivate or reactivate branch. Manager Administrator can perform this configuration in order to Configuration add new manager, update or delete manager profile. For every creation or modification will be update in Electronic Journal and notification email will be sent to particular manager. User Profile / This function is for Administrator to manage his/her Administrator profile and password, such as change or reset password. Configuration For reset password, only HQ Administrator can reset password of Branch Administrator. Table Maintenance Allows Administrator to maintain the table information based on current technical specification. Administrator is allowed to Add, Update or Delete table based on current requirements. View Archive This function is provided for HQ Administrator to view Electronic Journal that is kept for two years, for certain reason. Searching options are provided, such as date, time, journal number, successful status, account number and also transaction amount. 5.4 Testing Characteristics for SBS System Banking IT systems are critical to the competitiveness of banks, owing to their sheer size, the number of transactions they facilitate, and the wide range of their product and service offerings. These banks also begin to expand rapidly and customer demands for centralized operations become louder, the need to integrate the IT systems of new branches and subsidiary banks into the main IT stream is becoming critical [52]. 119 Shared Banking Services (SBS) is about knowing customers' needs and providing them with the right banking transaction at the right time through the right channels like 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hence, the best-of-breed solutions for credit processing, document management, core banking transactions, and knowledge management are required to be clearly identified by the development team and stakeholder of the system. The banks also like to integrate a whole range of financial products covering all the foreign branches of the bank. The system is required to have external and internal interfaces to functional sub systems such as Foreign Exchange, Money Markets, Funds Transfer, Profitability Analysis and Credit. Hence, the customer was looking for better adaptability, stability and reliability of this Shared Banking Services (SBS) system. Banks and financial institutions are sensitive to the knowledge that a single error can result in loss of repeat business, revenues and reputation [53]. They realize the importance of testing and re-testing systems, processes, protocols and products. The focus acquires are more importance, when it comes to banking application domain process. Software testing is a very exacting job, making it imperative for this service to be managed by dedicated experts with the necessary domain knowledge. Banks and financial institutions today face an environment marked by rapid mergers, acquisitions, rising customer expectations, increasing regulatory requirements and fierce competition. In this dynamic scenario, creating, leveraging and retaining value from customer relationships and maintaining profitably pose crucial challenges are: • Applications are complex in nature • Carry Legacy Systems • Involves large volumes of data • Creation of business scenarios for complete test coverage • Transactions needs to be secure • Ensuring data integrity 120 Establishing right software testing processes is critical for any organization that wants to improve quality, reduce time-to-market, and manage costs [54]. Mostly, software vendors often focus on software development activities, which leave them with very little time to develop testing competencies, with lack proven processes and methodologies especially in testing for banking application domain. Therefore, to test the banking application whether for functionality or any other testing, one should have enough banking knowledge to know how the system will behave with respect to end users. Next subsection will discuss on four defined characteristics of SBS system as shown in Figure 5.1 that required comprehensive testing, which are: • Functionality test • Performance test • Security test • Automation test Figure 5.1: SBS Testing Characteristics 121 5.4.1 Functionality Testing Functional testing service aims to find how well the system executes the functions it is supposed to execute-including user commands, data manipulation, searches and business processes, user screens, and integrations. Good testing procedures need to covers the obvious surface type of functions, as well as the backend operations. The individual components and processes required to be tested before testing the entire system, where the industry standard defect tracking tools to track defects in the system and deliver detailed test metrics at the end of each test cycle can be utilized. Besides that, based on the product functionality testing cycle, regression testing can be conducted, which ensures the proper behavior of an application after fixes or modifications are made to the system or its environment. Table 5.4 lists several challenges and solutions that require the testing team to conduct the functional testing for banking application or SBS system specifically. Table 5.4: Challenges and Solutions for Functional Test Challenges Client requirements increasingly are vertical Solutions becoming An end-user focused approach focused; functional testing resulting in to an demanding strong domain expertise to optimized view of the functionality ensure quality design and optimum testing cycle. A similar approach also to coverage with minimized risk. Module, Integration, System and UAT testing. Conduct end-to-end software functional testing Module, services and Integration include and also System Testing. Greater degree of standardization / Performed User Acceptance Testing productization with shorter planned (UAT) release cycles. services for end-user organizations and system integrators, 122 including on-going regression testing of planned and maintenance releases. Use approach to test design is based on "customer experience cycle" and not on product or application flow. Solution complexities involve high Provides data migration testing to degree of integration across multiple ensure accurate and complete migration products. of data from legacy systems. Proprietary domain frameworks developed for the different sub-verticals encapsulating deep understanding of the domain as well as powerful design techniques like 'Orthogonal Arrays' resulting in improved testing coverage. 5.4.2 Performance Testing Performance testing is focus on ensuring the compliance of a system or component with specified performance requirements facilitating conformance to high service level goals and faster time to market. An effective extendable, repeatable, iterative performance testing practice is in place with well defined guidelines that are integrated into the SDLC to measure and monitor the application performance. Performance testing spanning load testing, volume and stress testing requires a comprehensive strategy to address the challenges like: • Constantly changing software applications with shorter release cycles • Ever increasing user base and access channels • Enhanced hardware capabilities resulting in more complex deployment architectures 123 • Demands a healthy mix of long-term assessment and planning coupled with the ability to address problems and bottlenecks in the short term Predicting performance capability of banking solutions is essential to succeed in this competitive market. Performance testing services help to manage risk with developing or deploying business critical systems, by clearly determining the scope, complexity and size of the load and the test architecture is used for test execution. Several performance testing services that can be performed for banking application like SBS system are: • Load Testing • Stress/Scalability/Capacity Testing • Spike and Synchronization Testing • Failover and Resilience Testing • Performance Benchmarking • Performance Diagnostics Testing • Performance Tuning • Soak and Reliability Testing • Network Bandwidth Verification • Application Performance Monitoring Besides that, several criteria or metrics of the system performance are required to record, analyze and report are as followings: • Connect Time • HTTP Request Time • Transaction Response Time • Throughput • Web Page Break Down • Database Resources • Web Server Resources 124 5.4.3 Automation Test Manual Testing requires operator input, analysis or evaluation throughout the entire test cycle with emphasis on evaluating correctness and ascertaining test status. Basically, manual testing framework gives the tester the flexibility to perform adhoc/ random tests that help detect real user bugs. Meanwhile, Automation Testing reduces the test cycle time since it involves very minimum operator input, analysis or evaluation leading to increased test development time, enhanced test coverage quality, fast defect detection and correction. Test cases for automation are prioritized based on business risk and application complexity and accentuate, in order to improve the efficiency of the testing process. Table 5.5 lists several challenges and solutions regarding to automation testing for banking application. Table 5.5: Challenges and Solutions for Automation Test Challenges Solutions Dynamic business needs requiring Provide Software Test Automation strategy, constant enhancements / upgrades automated testing tool selection and QA test to software solutions. automation framework definition. Provide Testing professionals proficient in Mercury, Rational, Segue and other leading industry standard test automation tools. Enhance experience in different test and defect management tools; including integration of the same to functional automation tools. Greater product driven solution Provide automation pack creation and focus with multiple releases in a execution; with an integrated automation year. approach that covers test planning and management, test scripting and defect management. 125 Enhance experience in product environment involving multi product suites with regional variations and multiple planned releases in a year. Ever shortening software testing QA Testing Automation pack maintenance cycle times coupled with the need with strong configuration management and for enhanced regression coverage. version control processes. Process consulting practice integration to offer end-to-end automation solutions that also address process improvement initiatives necessary to leverage QA test automation benefits. 5.4.4 Security Test Banking application customers expect quick access and tight security, and have no patience for delays or downtime of the system. A solution that could handle the testing challenges in order to deliver a secure and satisfying user experience on the system is important. To ensure that the security infrastructure is solid, the testing solution needs to evaluate overall performance, supply a high degree user and network realism, and deliver the ability to test with both normal and malicious traffic. In addition to providing comprehensive testing, it should also be easy to set up and use. Therefore, the software security testing service should involves tests targeted to break the security built into the product. Scenarios where the application fails or behaves abnormally, and can withstand the attack are identified and verified. Some various attack scenarios, which include buffer overflows, memory leaks, reverse engineering, license evasion and registry tampering (operating system specific) are required to be defined. This security tests are conducted in a state-of-the-art security 126 test room, equipped with the requisite tools and malware and comprehensive testing approach is adopted with a clearly defined methodology. The security testing cycle for software begins with the scope definition and an understanding of customer expectations, followed by multiple phases like analysis, test planning, execution and reporting. A detailed analysis is carried out on the application to identify relevant scenarios. Tests are performed simulating customer end scenarios, including testing the ability for similar applications to operate securely. For SBS system, security tests are more required to focus on sign on authentication and transaction flows with encryption approach. Getting a security test done for a banking application help improves the software quality and aids customers by reducing development and maintenance costs as the system is shipped with minimal security issues. Besides that, the security flaws created during the system’s development can be discovered earlier. 5.4.5 Advantages A focus on all technologies related to the characteristics of core banking applications or SBS system and their integration and interfaces with other banking applications is important. The SBS application required managing the technology related to checking accounts, saving and certificate of deposits, and funds transfer. Therefore, a good practical approach of software testing on this banking product lead to several advantages from business perspective, such as: • To protect from unauthorized and fraudulent users • To support multilingual, multicurrency and global operations • To ensure efficient data warehousing to support management in decision making 127 • To handle high volume of transactions from various channels such as ATM, Internet and telecommunication devices 5.5 • To leverage risk management, business continuity and disaster recovery • To meet stringent government regulations and norms • To determine the capabilities of the application when using over load SBS Testing Implementation at R@PIC Figure 5.2 below illustrate the SBS testing process that being implemented at R@PIC that comprise of four main activities, which are Plan Test, Design Test, Implement Test and Evaluate Test. This figure also shows the input and output documents that required during this testing process. Figure 5.2: SBS Testing Implementation at R@PIC 128 At system requirements phase of SBS system, a Scope of Work document is proposed to the client. This document comprises all objectives, scope and activities that need to be performed for this project. This document in general also defined the test planning and strategy that later can be carry out through the project development. Furthermore, all system requirements for SBS system have been documented in User Functional Specification (UFS) that consists of three modules, which are Transaction System, Utilities and, Installation and System Configuration. These documents are more likely as user manual, where test case design only can depends on the system functionality test approach. 5.5.1 Plan Test The first stage in SBS testing implementation is test strategy and planning. In this stage, a Test Plan is required to be produced, in order to make clear tactic on how the testing is to be performed. Generally, test planning and strategy is focused on what, how and when is the testing activities to be performed. Therefore, this test planning will defined several criteria such as test objective and scope, test approach, test duration and venue, roles and responsibilities, levels of testing and types of testing. Hence, the test planning for SBS system has followed an established HeiTech Defined Test Plan Guideline. A Master Test Plan has been prepared for this project and submitted to the stakeholders. However, due to certain reason, another Test Plan is prepared, which follow the stakeholder’s Test Plan template. All these test plans are clearly defined the testing strategy and activities to be carried out during testing implementation on this system. However, the preparation of this Test Plan is conducted after the development team and stakeholder already endorse all the requirements documents. Besides that, the test analyst and test designer roles are still not effective during this requirement 129 stage, because only project manager and software developers that involve in this requirement discussion with the stakeholder. 5.5.2 Design Test In SBS system, the test design is classified into three criteria which is software, hardware and system integration between both. Therefore, in terms of software, tests will cover for all three modules or major parts of SBS system, which are Transaction System, Utilities Functions and System Configuration. Then, for hardware and system integration, tests was design to focused on Device Service Server (DSS), which connects to Printer and Host Server and its performance towards Hybrid Client application. However, the test design for SBS system testing is only focus on functional testing approach of three modules of SBS system. Then, the real test design is drawn into specific documents, which are test cases. The test design is the most critical one, which decides the test case preparation. Hence, the test designs portable to assess the quality of testing process. Test cases are design based functional requirements that stated in UFS documents. Therefore, the test cases that being prepared covers all validation of each functions and flows of the specific modules. 5.5.3 Implement Test SBS system is currently in test execution stage, which all testing levels are carried out step by step. For SBS system, levels of testing that being defined in Test Plan consists of Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing and Acceptance Testing. Hence, the developers are responsible for the Unit Testing activities. Next, at Integration and System Testing, the developers, tester and project manager is taken 130 the responsible to perform the testing. Then, for Acceptance Testing, the developers and tester are conducting testing at the simulation environment, which similar to the production environment. 5.5.4 Evaluate Test In this SBS system, development team performed integration and system testing modules by modules, which is if bugs found, they fixed the infected modules and continue testing on another part of modules. Therefore, all bugs found is reported into Defect Logs, which follows HeiTech Defined Document. At the end of each levels of testing, a Test Report will be prepared in order to assess the effectiveness of testing implementation for this project. However, due to the time constraint for this industrial training, involvement in Test Report preparation is only performed by Tester Leader. As a result, Test Report for SBS system will not be included in this report. As SBS testing process is an iterative activities, which need to be carried out until whole parts of product is be released into the productions area. Therefore, the next stage will come in is software maintenance which comprise a lot of modifications and changes. Hence, a regression testing is the next focused for this testing process, which can be continues by R@PIC team. CHAPTER 6 CUSTOMIZED SOFTWARE TESTING PROCESS 6.1 Issues with Software Testing Implementation at R@PIC Software testing is a process of analyzing the effectiveness of software. Testing has two objectives in order to determine if the software performs as expected, which are: i. To identify the differences between existing and expected conditions, which this differences are sometimes called ‘bugs’, but it now connotes a defect in the performance of either hardware or software. ii. To enable the expected performance of software to be determined before it is used for business purposes and this type of testing is to determine whether the right mix of software, hardware and personnel can satisfy the business needs. However, testing implementation for SBS at HeiTech less effective in several aspects such as late preparation of test planning and strategy, that leads late involvement of testing team into the project. Besides that, testing approach or types that performed for SBS system only cover on functionality of the system. Based on the study conducted during testing implementation on SBS system, several important testing types or characteristics are not covered in the testing, which performance testing, security testing and also no tool are provided in order to conduct any automation testing. 132 In addition, during software development of this banking application, there are no reviews conducted with the testing team or stakeholder, in order to get fully information of this application. This practice may lead several others drawback for post-implementation if several issues, such as incorrect requirements, faults system design and other happened without early detection of these defects. 6.2 Developing Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) As software testing process is important in software development activities, and SBS system is also important for core banking application, an intensive software testing process is required to be developed and provided into this organization. Therefore, the next subsection will discuss the summary of every comparison study that being conducted previously and several testing characteristic for SBS system. Finally, a proposed Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) is clearly defined based on these comparison studies. 6.2.1 Main Phases for Testing Correspond to SDLC The Test Models that previously studied, which are V-Model, W-Model and Butterfly Model are suggested that testing activities or process must start at the early stage of software development life cycle, which is during business requirements and analysis phase. Figure 6.1 shows the summary of main phases for testing activities that correspond to software development phases. 133 Figure 6.1: Main Phases for Testing Correspond to Software Development Phases 6.2.2 Main Activities of Software Testing Methodologies This comparison study is conducted on three different testing methodologies, which are Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP), RUP Test Discipline and HeiTech Test Process and its activities summary shows in Figure 6.2. From this study, several main activities for software testing process that can be performed during the software development phases are being defined. 134 Figure 6.2: Main Activities of Software Testing Methodologies 6.2.3 Main SBS Testing Characteristics Shared Banking Services (SBS) is about providing customer with the right and secure banking transaction at the right time through the right channels. Hence, the best-of-breed solutions such as cash activities, credit processing, document management, others core banking transactions and knowledge management are required to be clearly identified by the development team and stakeholder of the system. The testing focus acquires are more importance, when it comes to banking application domain. Banks and financial institutions are sensitive to the knowledge 135 that a single error can result in loss of repeat business, revenues and reputation. They realize the importance of testing and re-testing systems, processes, protocols and products. Therefore, four of define characteristics of SBS system are shown in Figure 6.3 below. Figure 6.3: Main SBS Testing Characteristics 6.2.4 Proposed Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) for SBS In the whole development process, testing consumes highest amount of time. However, most of the developers in organization oversee this issues and therefore testing phase is generally abandoned. As a consequence, erroneous software is released. Hence, one of good approach to improved product quality is provide a good testing methodology that can be implemented at early phase of software development. Figure 6.4 shows testing methodologies comparison with the Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) that is proposed in this project. 136 Figure 6.4: Software Testing Methodologies Comparison Figure 6.5 illustrate the details of the Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) for banking application, such as Shared Banking Services (SBS) system, with regard to the software development phases. 137 Figure 6.5: The Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) Requirements Reviews 138 Normally in many organizations nowadays, developers itself take part in the requirements stage. Thus, a tester should also be involved in this stage, especially for product-based organizations, since a tester can thinks from the user side whereas a developer cannot. All the requirements should be documented properly for further use and this document is called normally known as Software Requirements Specifications or Business Requirements Specifications. For banking application testing, early involvement of testing activities such as requirement reviews can help to minimize risk. There are several common issues that can be identified in a Requirements Review, such as: o Insufficient detail in the current requirements to manage the project to a successful conclusion o Vague requirements which make it difficult to create a realistic project estimate o Critical requirements that are not captured in the current requirements o Incomplete requirements making the creation of test cases and designs difficult Requirements Reviews [55] is when a group of people read and analyze the requirements, look for problems, meet and discuss the problems and agree on actions to address these problems. Figure 6.6 show the process of Requirements Reviews and Table 6.1 describe the details of each task. 139 Figure 6.6: Requirements Reviews Process Table 6.1: Details of Requirements Reviews Process Tasks Plan review Descriptions The review team is selected and a time and place for the review meeting is chosen. Distribute documents The requirements document is distributed to the review team members. Prepare for review Individual reviewers read the requirements to find conflicts, omissions, inconsistencies, deviations from standards and other problems. Hold review meeting Individual comments and problems are discussed and a set of actions to address the problems is agreed. Follow-up actions The chair of the review checks that the agreed actions have been carried out. Revise document The requirements document is revised to reflect the agreed actions. At this stage, it may be accepted or it may be rereviewed. 140 Test Plan A successful work always contains a good plan, in terms of achieving specific goals. Hence, almost people believe that without a good plan, no work is a success. As a consequence, software testing process also requires a good plan. Test plan document is the most important document that brings in a process oriented approach. Moreover, a test plan document should be prepared earlier during the requirements stage of the project, in order to start identifying the best test strategy and approach for further testing process. Generally, the test plan document consists of the following information that can help later for performing software testing activities: • Total number of features to be tested • Testing approaches to be followed • The testing methodologies • Number of man-hours required • Resources required for the whole testing process • The testing tools that are to be used • The test cases In addition, during this testing planning, the test strategies which are blackbox testing and white-box testing need to be defined. Besides that, several test approaches such functional and non-functional testing also required to be performed for this SBS banking application system. Test Design Besides good test planning, a good test design is also one important aspect for successful software testing. Test design is done based on the requirements of the project. Test has to be designed based on whether manual or automated testing is done. Therefore, for automation testing, the different paths for testing are to be 141 identified first and an end to end checklist has to be prepared covering all the features of the project. In addition, the test design is represented pictographically of software testing activities. This test design involves various stages that can be summarized as follows: • The different modules of the software are identified first • Next, the paths connecting all the modules are identified As banking application is a risky system, which provides daily transaction and usage by many users, performance testing is one of the important types of testing that need to be considered during this test design stage. Therefore, application and network performance are the best testing strategy in order to improve the performance of SBS application. Moreover, to conduct successful performance testing, various tools that available in market today can be utilized for this testing activity. Apart from performance testing, conducting security testing for banking application system like SBS system can help to improve the reliability of the system. Most of banking application either counter-based system or online system requires login id and password management, in order to protect the data integrity. In SBS system, user authentication and transaction activities are the critical parts that need to be more secure and reliable to the customers. Design Reviews In a good practice of system development process, the need of software design review is important, in order to perceived good software quality. Nowadays, mostly software design is done in systematical manner or using the UML language. 142 Therefore, all parties involved in the project can review and understand the system design. Besides that, testing teams and quality assurance committee also can do the reviews over the design and can suggest for any ideas or the modifications that are needed. Design Review Process is a mechanism for ensuring design standards, alignment, and diligence throughout the course of the product design process. Standards are to ensure that designs meet appropriate standards for consistency, accessibility, usability, download time, and others. Alignment are to ensure that designs meet business goals, designs can be well integrated into the brands on which they will be deployed and to minimize late-stage changes to product requirements and concepts. Besides that, diligence are to realize maximum value from early-stage design methodologies, increase accountability and clarity of action plans by keeping minutes of each design review and involve people outside the design team at appropriate junctures. Hence, design reviews have several objectives such as: • Provide independent and critical assessment • Identify issues and resolve them off-line • Assure that interfaces are well understood • Promote communication among participants • Formalize and document accomplishments • Promote confidence in accomplishments • Signify that a particular accomplishment is completed • Formalize the expected date of the accomplishment Here are steps in the Design Review Process: i. Conceptual Design Preview This step is to ensure that the initial design direction maps to the business goals and user needs, and to review the design for alignment 143 with broader initiatives and possible integration with other product designs. ii. Design Standards Checkpoint This step is to confirm that the design meets required design standards. iii. User Interface Design Review This step is to review specific interaction behaviors and to provide guidance to designers on problematic issues. iv. Creative Direction Review This step is to ensure that the visual design maps to the creative direction of the project. Test Cases Preparation Designing good test cases is a complex art [56]. Generally, test cases should be prepared based on the following scenarios: • Positive scenarios • Negative scenarios • Boundary conditions and real world scenarios A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a software system meets the specifications. A test oracle is the mechanism to determine whether a software program or system has passed or failed in certain test conditions. An oracle also could be identified from the requirements or use cases. Therefore, it may take many test cases to determine that a software program or system is functioning correctly. 144 Test cases are often referred as test scripts, particularly when written. Then, these written test cases are usually collected into test suites. A test case may include the followings: • The purpose of the test. • Special hardware requirements, such as a modem. • Special software requirements, such as a tool. • Specific setup or configuration requirements. • A description of how to perform the test. • The expected results or success criteria for the test. Organizations may take a variety of approaches to documenting test cases; these range from developing detailed, recipe-like steps to writing general descriptions. In detailed test cases, the steps describe exactly how to perform the test. In descriptive test cases, the tester decides at the time of the test how to perform the test and what data to use. Hence, most organizations prefer detailed test cases because to determine pass or fail criteria is usually easier with this type of case. In addition, detailed test cases are reproducible and are easier to automate than descriptive test cases. This is particularly important if testers plan to compare the results of tests over time, such as when they are optimizing configurations. In addition, test cases should be written by a team member who understands the function or technology being tested, and each test case should be submitted for peer review. Hence, test cases preparation for SBS system can be based on various types of testing such as functional, usability, security and performance testing, which are the most important criteria for banking application testing. 145 Code Reviews Another good practice is performing code reviews. This code reviews are more similar to unit testing. Therefore, the testing team or tester should be ready to do unit testing for the code, once the code is ready for release. Tester must be ready with his own unit test cases. In current practice, a developer always do unit testing themselves. However, a tester must also performed code reviews or unit testing, in order to confirm no error or defects before the software can be released. Sometimes, the developers may oversee some of the minus mistakes in the code, which a tester may find out. Code reviews have two purposes, which are the first purpose is to make sure that the code that is being produced has sufficient quality to be released. In other words, it's it is to check whether the code should be promoted to the next step in the process, because code reviews are very effective at finding errors of all types, including those caused by poor structure, those that does not match business process, and also those have simple omissions. Therefore, code reviews is good for code quality checking. Next, the second purpose of code review is as a teaching tool to help developers learn when and how to apply techniques to improve code quality, consistency, and maintainability. The developers have the opportunity to learn different and potentially better ways of coding after went through thoughtfully evaluating code on a recurring basis. However, code reviews often start off on the wrong foot because they are perceived as an unnecessary step that has been forced upon the developers or, in some cases, evidence that management does not trust the developers. Conversely, neither of these perspectives is accurate. effective way to minimize defects. Code reviews are a proven to be an 146 Code reviews is about a time of great rejoicing, when a team of people who write code get together and constructively review each other’s work in order to share, learn, and teach better programming habits and techniques. Thus, spending time on code that is just going to change or does not work is a massive waste of time. The entrance requirements for a code reviews are: • Code should compile without errors or warnings according to coding standard. • Code should be already be integrated with its parent branch. • Code should be fully unit tested. • Code should already pass the system tests where possible. A good way of reducing the conflict in a code review is to create a checklist. The list becomes a contract between the developers on the team. If everyone agrees the items on the list then people have less ground for complaint when someone points out things that do not meet the standards in the checklist. Secondly it helps reviewers stay on track and keeps reviews short and sweet. This stops endless time being devoted to reviews when reviewers keep looking until they find something. Consequently, for SBS system, code reviews is one of effective process for identifying defects as early as possible before the application release to the production area. Most developers are assigned for different segments or modules of the application, therefore, conducting this code reviews can improve the understandability of the developers on the specific functions of this banking application. Test Execution and Bugs Reporting After tester team has designed the test cases, test execution can start begin as early as possible regarding to the available modules. When conducting tests, the 147 tester must perform each test as described in the test case, evaluate the test results, escalate problems that arise until they are resolved, and document the test results. In addition, the tester also needs to follow the written test cases carefully in order to define the accurateness of assess results. Besides that, the team members need to know exactly which steps the tester took and the exact sequence in which those steps were performed for reproducing a test to compare results over time. Next, when a test is complete, the tester must evaluate the results against the criteria in the test case to determine if the test passed or failed. Hence, not all tests fail because there is a problem with the system implementation, but, the tests can fail because there is a problem with the test itself, either the problem come from the test simulation setup, or with the proposed design. Therefore, if one of these problems causes a test to fail, the tester should take the appropriate measures to remedy it this situation. Normally, test execution is conducted based on levels of testing, which start with Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing. For regression testing, it will be conducted if the application arrives at maintenance phase, which is not covered in this report. The test reports should be documented properly and the bugs have to be reported to the developer after the testing is completed. All bugs or defects found need to be documented in Defect Logs or any similar bugs reporting. Then, a test report is prepared for further reviews between the developers and stakeholders. CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 7.1 Recap Software testing process plays an important role in standard software development phases. This process consists of a few basic activities, such as developing test plan and strategy, test design, test execution and evaluation of test result. However, for a specific domain, like banking application, that might have different characteristics from other software applications, a customized testing process is required in order to ensure the correctness and completeness of the test result. Therefore, this project is proposing a Customized Software Testing Process (CSTP) for the Shared Banking Services (SBS) system. This banking application was developed by R@PIC, HeiTech. Firstly, the study was conducted on several testing model, which are V-Model, W-Model and Butterfly Model, in order to identify some issues on initial testing activities that correspond to software development phases. From this study, all of the testing model suggest that testing tasks should be started earlier, which during business requirements gathering and analysis. Therefore, a basis software development phases is clearly identified. 149 Besides that, the study continues for three testing methodologies, which are HeiTech Testing Process, RUP Test Discipline and Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP), were compared based on criteria such as main activities, roles and responsibilities, artifacts and level of testing. From this study, a summary on main activities that correspond to software development phases that being rectify earlier are visibly acknowledged. Next, to propose a customized software testing process, a study on several aspects of SBS system is needed. Thus, the study is conducted to identify its specific modules and characteristics that different from other software applications. From the result, four main testing characteristics that required for implementing testing on SBS system are identified, which functionality test, performance test, security test and automation test. Finally, from all comparison result and summary, a proposed customized software testing process for SBS is successfully produced based on all criteria that being studied. 7.2 Project Outcome Software testing is an important technique for the improvement and measurement of a software system’s quality. Any approach to testing software faces essential and accidental difficulties. Indeed, the construction of the needed test programs is a major intellectual effort [57]. Hence, software testing is always focus on the important part of system which is on core functionality that includes the parts that are critical or popular, before looking at the other features, such as interfaces. Thus, concentration on the application’s capabilities in common usage situations before going on to unlikely situations is a proven strategy to produce good software quality. 150 In addition, software testing normally involves the stages of test case specification, test case generation, test execution, test adequacy evaluation, and regression testing. Therefore, each of these stages in the software testing process plays an important role in the production of programs that meet their intended specification. Hence, while software testing is not a silver bullet that can guarantee the production of high quality applications, theoretical and empirical investigations have shown that the rigorous, consistent, and intelligent application of testing techniques can improve software quality. As a result, the implementation of software testing process for SBS system has given a lot of knowledge and experiences about shared banking services application and also improve skills on software testing activities. Moreover, this industrial training exposed a good experience on working environment in IT-based Company like HeiTech. Furthermore, a bunch of knowledge on software testing process, methodology, organization testing framework, activities and techniques also has been gained from these five months industrial training. Therefore, a better approach of software testing process for shared banking services application has been proposed in this project. This approach is more likely suitable for testing banking application. For this reason, a better approach for software testing process of SBS system encompasses several stages such as testing start at requirements stage, comprehensive test plan and test design, conduct design reviews and code reviews, effective test cases preparation, performed test execution for each levels of testing, prepared test reports and bugs reporting, and finally reworking on patches, which requires regression testing as software then can be released to production area. 151 7.3 Future Study Software testing process identifies what the test activities to carry out and when, which what is the best time to accomplish those test activities. Hence, even though testing may differs between organizations, there is still a testing process that need to be performed has the basic phases such as test planning, test design, test execution and test evaluation. Furthermore, software testing has its own process or life cycle that intersects with every stage of the software development life cycle. Thus, the basic requirements in software testing process are to control or deal with software testing such as manual testing, automated testing and performance testing. Consequently, several recommendations over these project that can be include for further study are performed more details research on banking application testing either for testing framework, techniques or strategies. Besides that, this research project can be further carried out based on various software testing tools available and then recommend the most suitable of performance testing tools for banking application. In addition, there is also recommendation for future research on security testing for banking application as this can help to improve the reliability of the application. 7.4 Summary As a summary, from this project, many knowledge and experience in Software Engineering discipline especially in Software Testing is gained. In addition, from this industrial attachment, new experiences also gained in real working environment. Hence, some expectations from this industrial practice are to learn how to adapt with real working environment which need to follow their own guideline and standard in software development approach, and also continuously 152 improving knowledge and skills in order to be successful in this software engineering fields. Additionally, as software testing is nowadays plays as an important phase or steps in every software development project, a good practice and best approach of software testing process can helps to improve the product quality. Moreover, there are a lot of testing methodology, framework and approach with several of testing techniques and types, that can be use and streamline based on the specific project domain. Hence, in banking application domain, there are also several independent testing organizations that already establish a good testing methodology, which helps banks and any financial organizations to improve their services. Consequently, the characteristics of a good software testing process can be summarized as follows: i. Testing must be timely Any system without a tight feedback loop is a fatally flawed system. Test early, test often. Testing is that feedback loop for the software development process. Therefore, it must begin in the initial phase of the project, which is when objectives are being defined and the scope of the requirements are first drafted. In this way, testing is not perceived as a bottleneck operation. ii. Testing must be effective The approach to test-case design must have rigor to it. Testing should not rely solely on individual skills and experiences. Instead, it should be based on a repeatable test process that produces the same test cases for a given situation, regardless of 153 the tester involved. The test-case design approach must provide high functional coverage of the requirements. iii. Testing must be efficient Testing activities must be heavily automated to allow them to be executed quickly. The test-case design approach should produce the minimum number of test cases to reduce the amount of time needed to execute tests, and to reduce the amount of time needed to manage the tests. iv. Testing must be manageable The test process must provide sufficient metrics to quantitatively identify the status of testing at any time. The results of the test effort must be predictable, for example, the outcome each time a test is successfully executed must be the same. 154 REFERENCES 1. 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STAR East. 2003 159 Appendix A (Project Plan & Gantt Chart) 160 Project Plan – IA Gantt Chart 161 Project Plan – IA Gantt Chart 162 Appendix B (Industrial Attachment Progress Report) 163 Appendix C (Proposed Customized Software Testing Process) 164 Proposed Customized Software Testing Process