CALCULUS I SOLt./TltJNS PRACTICEPROBLEMS CHAPTER 2 'I ~ 1. The graph of a function f is drawn on the right. Find the following: ..1= (a) z~cc fun f(x); (b) z-+-2 Jim f(x); 0.: (c) funf(x); z~O 40 =(e) (d) z~r Jim f(x); Jimf(x); (f) -3 ;::..t.. ! -2- -J. z~2 v 1\ .,~ Jimf(x);=.d./I,e, z~r J.. :: ~ / , -f. -l. . 3 .' " . (h) What are the horizontal and vertical asymptotes? 1/: ~::::./ , L 1-==;L . ~~~ ~&~ (i) Where isf discontinuous? G) Where isf not differentiable?' ) (g) fun f(x). ::: _cc /f..::; -,) ) :2- 1- = I -;).,-/' ~-J 0 ~ } 2. Sketch the graph of an example of a single function which satisfies all of the following conditions: 4 - ~ . r---- (a)limf(x)=-2; (b)1imf(x)=l; (c)f(O)=-1; (d)limf(x)=cx:>;-- - :3. ,--z~+ z~- :C~r (e) :c~2+ funf(x) =-00; (f) z-+-cc Jimf(x)=3; (g)Z~<D Jimf(x) =4 . . 2 3. Do not use your calculator. Let f(x) . = x-2 x x+l'. ~ Find the fOllO ': (b). :C~r llin-j(x); (c) z~l+ ~f~X); (f) z~"; Jim.f(x); (g) :c-+-c:o lim f(x). (h) Sketch the graph of y = 1. I 7,I . (a) ;r~r fun/ex); . . )( (d/~J(x); z-+-r . . (e) funf(x);; . . =I(x). ~ -r . =L 4. Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to show that there eqUation 2. is a solution .:tothe ~ . e-z1= x sozmewhere in th~interval (0, 1). . U -iUi/:: e: 't.- 1L ~.h . ~ . :rvrfJ~ 'f Aba . I :tku.- ": "- IH...~o! 11. ~ e S. For the graph on the right, arrangethe following numbers in increasing order: f'(l); f'(2); f'(3); e.-'t- 'f. ~ ~ l(g) e;'¥--1- = Q. = eO:/ (O"jl)~ ~ I,(r) £(fy~~ =. I e. :~z <0 e =e. f(4)- f(2). 2 I i{ljL~) (~(1)(t{3) z.; :;; 4 ~ , , 6. 'If you take a 5 year $20,000 buy a car, the total cost (C) of the loan is a functionof (r), theannualinterestratethatyouarecharged.I.e., C = I(r) . -I (a) 'Whatdoes 1(6) =26,000 mean? Whatarethe units? (a) a. ''I..~ k Do. -;:t;:t;£.4ii:I~,~ (b) What does 1'(6)=1200 mean? V/batarethe units? Lb)~~QJ.Lc£1k<-~4 J.wat ~ (c) Us~ (a)and-(b}w approximate'-f(6:25):- 'Mc1d";("" (d) Whatis f(O)? (a) jfk ~,,-j;. .iff; + 1200(;'5'} = f!-) lee) = 1&2~ ~()() d:iDU1 ~ 0/ Ua. - ~~~ 7. The graph of a,function 0 ~£. t,~ ~ poo~ 0" J.+ f I is drawn on the right. Draw the graph of I' x . - = I(x) 8. (a) If the tangent line to the curve y (b) Make a careful sketch of the graph for I(x) ~ r(x). ...2- at the point ( 3 ,2) also goes through the = cos(x). Belowit sketcha graphfor y~ Guessa fonnuJafur r(x). ,/' 9. (a) Label, on the graph to the right, ~ ~~""'("J= -1, bl I ~~ .r -~C)(J ~t(Y.)~~ .f '/ f(x); f(x + h); f(x + h) - f(x); h . (b) Whatis f(x+h)-f(x)? h (c) Give the definition for f' (x) . (d) Use your definition in (c) to find f'(x) ~, tw;~ j ~&) ~~~~;) = 2.. point ( 4 , 4), find 1(3) and 1'(3). y X~ . -- ,'J -f-") if f(x) = .!.+x. x .1 )( 1.+"-.. 10. The table below gives C(t), the total value of U.S. currency in circulation (in billionsof dollars) as a function oftime t (years). (a) Find the average rate of change of the currency over the time interval [1980 , 2000]. (b) Givean estimatefor the valueof C'(1990). f / ) A;'-/, j ~~, := leA ewe-I~ t 1995 2 00, C(t) 409 568 I . = ::1 f, /, , . (~ .~ !HV r, ~f) 95'"()O 1)-' ,~,g-I ~ . ~Oo()-/'?'l1J . ~~t ~ () ~ ~ ~ AC- 4r :J19~i ~ :u '~ ;£'910 0 !ttgSj ,cr;b-l tf.()9-J'ifl ] == [ 1f(9,j--IIf'iS- ~~'S-Ui r