HSP-3M1 Exam Review 2009/2010

HSP-3M1 Exam Review 2009/2010
Part A – Multiple Choice-20 Marks
Topics to be familiar with:
Social controls/sanctions, historical eras, inquiry model, conditioning, symbols, values, norms,
beliefs, human origins, deviance/conformity, Freud, subfields of Anthropology, important
discoveries, cults, human communication, conflict/functionalist perspectives.
Part B-True or False-20 Marks
Cultural change, social controls/sanctions, subfields, human characteristics, evolution,
important people, Tannen, communication, conflict/functionalist, genetics, language, social
institutions, agents of socialization, reasoning, cognitive process.
Part C-21 Marks
Rites of passage, conformity/deviance, human evolution, prejudice/discrimination, cognitive
process/human brain.
Psychosocial Case Studies
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, Ego Integrity vs. Despair, Industry Vs. Inferiority, Generativity
vs. Stagnation
Part D-Short Answer
Penal system, social groups, agents of socialization, Natural Selection/Survival of the Fittest,
Part E-Essay-Answer in essay format, use information from entire course as much as possible
and try to provide evidence from three social sciences.
You should know how to answer the following questions:
Discuss what makes humans similar to and different from other species.
Using the four factors that affect conformity, discuss how someone might be influenced to