AAE 3710 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics Lecture 7 Example problems for fluid kinematics 02/06/2006 Reynolds Transport Theorem It shifts from the governing laws expressed using system concepts (consider a given mass of the fluid) to those expressed using control volume concepts (consider a given volume) Acceleration Vector Time derivative term Convective terms Because of convective terms, even the fluid is steady it still possibly has accelerations. Streamline definition Finite Control Volume Analysis Governing eqns based on system method (Normally differential form) Reynolds Transport Theorem Control volume formulas (Normally integral form) Physical laws that will be considered: 1. Conservation of Mass 1.1 fixed, nondeforming C.V. 1.2 moving, nondeforming C.V. 1.3 deforming C.V 2. Newton’s 2nd law linear momentum equation 3. First law of thermodynamics Apply conservation of mass to control volume Mass conservation law: time rate of change of the system mass = 0 DMsys/Dt = 0 Resort to Reynolds This is applied to a system of mass. We are interested not in a specific fluid but how fluid behaves in a field or control volume. Transpor t Theorem How to proceed? -Extensive property of the system: Bsys (=M mass) -Intensive property of the system: b (=1; M=M*b) -Bsys= Apply conservation of mass to control volume Sign convention zero time rate of change of the mass of the contents of the control volume net rate of mass flow through the control surface Continuity eqn with a fixed, nondeforming control volume Outflow: “+” Mass flow rate calculation: --If density and velocity are both uniform through a section of control surface (most common expression) Normal component of velocity For general nounifo replaced by average value Inflow: “-” Apply conservation of mass to control volume Volume flow rate Apply conservation of mass to control volume Continuity equation There are 3 control surface, i.e. inlet, outlet, and the pipe wall. Only first two are valid contributions to the integral while the pipe wall is parallel to the flowing direction so there is no flow penetrating it. Apply conservation of mass to control volume Different forms of continuity equations: Steady flows Steady, incompressible flows Multiple inlets and outlets