Seminar objectives As part of the strategic partnership agreement between France and Singapore signed in October 2012, AFD and Singapore Cooperation Programme agreed to co-finance co finance a training project on the theme of integrated urban development. Sustainable urban approaches draw on a wide range of competencies at different stages of a project. Financed by the FEXTE program on the French side, this t Singapore-France joint seminar aimed at building a basis of common references on the main issues of urban planning between b attendees tendees from several countries and institutions. It dealt with issues and challenges related to sustainable development, broad access to common public utilities and services, public mobility, environment (energy, water supply, waste water management and solid waste management), climate change issues as well as economics and financing. The joint seminar took place from the 3rd of November 2014 to the 12th of November 2014 at Nanayang Technological University's campus, ESSEC Asia Pacific's campus, and various sites around Singapore. It was intended for public officials from South--East Asian countries involved in city planning, city management or policymaking in national or local governmentss. Algoé and ESSEC Asia-Pacific Pacific were selected to assist French overseas development aid agency AFD and its education arm CEFEB in preparing and organizing this training programme under the French government's VIVAPOLIS export label. The programme was a forum for both Singaporean and French Fren experts from public utility boards, board national public agencies, local governments, and the private sector (both ( operators and consultants). The programme’s main objective wass to present the Singaporean and French experiences in terms of integrated and sustainable urban planning and solutions for transport, energy, housing, security, waste and water management. A mix of case studies, project visits and workshops The seminar provided a platform for government officials from Southeast Asia to gain a comprehensive understanding of the main issues of urban planning and integrated urban development. The program was based on actual experiences and proven solutions as well as innovative initiatives. Most lectures were delivered by practitioners such as project managers from local authorities or leading companies. They offered an overview of innovative solutions for developing sustainable cities and for efficient resources management. The sessions were comprised of case studies, visits of noteworthy projects and workshops, focusing on the consecutive steps of an integrated urban project. Combining skills improvement and know-how promotion within an innovative format, the program was designed to cover the complete cycle of urban planning, from design to implementation and operation of urban services, through a comparison of the Singaporean and French approaches. The seminar focused in particular on the quality of the French urban model and the relevance of French standards, including financial methods, in the areas of sustainable urban development. Overview map of site visits Seminar highlights The topics covered over the 8-day day program included: • Major Urban Issues in France, Singapore and Asia, Asia including sustainable development, modern utilities and services, public mobility, environmental onmental issues, and financing. financing • Concrete case studies of water management in Bangladesh, Bangladesh, by Veolia, a light rail transit system in Singapore and in India, by Alstom, financing and managing Singapore's Sports Hub, by Bouygues, the simulation of urban behaviors around the world, by Thales, Thale among others. • From idea to urban and architectural concept in France and Asia, by Jacques Ferrier Architecture • From feasibility to master plan, by Paris Urban Planning Agency APUR for Greater Paris, and by Surbana and URA for Singapore. • Environmental innovation in urban projects by EDF, HBD and URA based on Singapore’s Singapore experience. • Policy/regulatory y/regulatory models and business models for sustainable urban land and real estate development, by ESSEC. Urban planning •Preliminary studies •Requirements studies •Urban forecast •Urban design Integration of environmental sustainability standards Implementation of urban infrastructures •Environmental Environmental commitments •Climate Climate change plan •Design Design of innovative technical solutions •Laws and regulations •Public private partnership •Contracts Contracts with operators Jacques Ferrier Architecture's and APUR’s presentations on Greater Paris were much appreciated and helped to raise awareness among the participants of the French approach to planning. EDF, Veolia, Schneider, Bolloré, Alstom lstom or Thales had the opportunity to showcase their expertise and capacity for innovation in the field of sustainable cities. Lectures and field visits were sequenced so as to vividly mirror French and Singaporean achievements. For example, on the topics of transport and mobility, participants were able to gain many insights through the site visits and the lectures. Among the most informative and beneficial site visits were the Kim Chuan C Depot and the LTA’s Intelligent Transport Systems centre. Participants learnt a lot about how a first-class first class public transportation system is managed in Singapore, with traffic control systems by Thales, and trains by Alstom. As a result of close collaboration boration between French authorities (AFD, French Embassy, Vivapolis), Vivapolis) academic institutions (ESSEC Asia Pacific, NTU) and the private sector, the th seminar contributed to the visibility in the region of French solutions in line with the French Government's strategic emphasis on "Better living in cities", cities" as well as to strengthening the position of French expertise in the emerging economies of Southeast-Asia. Asia. Feedback from participants “I thank you very much for this wonderful seminar which really expanded my perspective and understanding of the integrated urban development and opening up further possibilities to work with AFD and other French companies.” Mr Sunaryo, Policy adviser, Government of central Java “We were able to share our knowledge with our fellow participants, we were able to get a feel for the best practices of both Singapore and France from both the public and private sector, and we were able to build up capacity on our end specifically through the lectures and site visits.” Mr Lagura Yap, Executive Director, Cebu City Gov., Philippines The ambitious seminar achieved participation of 22 officials from 8 countries with varying expertise and backgrounds, from various types of public institutions and faced with widely varying urban challenges. Participants gained insights into the successful experiences of Singapore and France in urban planning and development as well as the establishment, governance and management of successful public utilities to the public and private residential and commercial sectors. At the end of the program, many participants emphasized how it helped them achieve a better understanding of their role and responsibilities in the development of an integrated urban project from start to finish. Throughout the seminar, participants became more aware of effective levers for action by city governments: regulation-making, practical solutions for urban design, and fostering innovative projects. Attendees were required to prepare material in order to share their local issues with organizers and other attendees. They prepared short reports and slideshows to summarize their reports. Topics chosen dealt with urban and transport planning, sustainable development, risk management. Feedbacks from lecturers lectur “This seminar perfectly combined training with theoretical contributions, concrete case studies and private sector know-how.” Eric Lesueur CEO of INNOVE - VEOLIA “This AFD-SCP joint seminar has generated fruitful exchanges between speakers and participants, resulting in rich discussions.” discussions. Olivier Cornefert Architect from JACQUES FERRIER ARCHITECTURE Supported by the French Embassy in Singapore and French Economic Missions in Southeast-Asian South countries, the seminar hosted fifteen speakers from French firms and public institutions. Through theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions, our partners were given an opportunity to promote their projects and innovative approaches, such as a sustainable city simulator, the construction and financing of a complex facility through Public-Private Private Partnership, Partnership environmental services ces management, innovative inno mobility solutions, etc.. Some site visits offered ed by our Singaporean counterparts integrated French expertise and solutions. For example, the MRT system underground visit conducted by the Land Transport Authority also showcased new subway trains supplied by Alstom. nformal exchanges between participants and speakers made for rich Informal discussionss and provided French companies with a powerful channel to network and to broker their views. Participants S/N Country Full Name Designation Department Organisation 1 Brunei Ms Han Qin Yun Landscape Architect Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation Ministry of Development 2 Brunei Mrs Haji Saini Hajah Noorhadini Project Officer Assistant Grade 1 Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation Ministry of Development 3 Cambodia Mr So Platong Acting Governor Siem Reap City Siem Reap Province 4 Cambodia Mr Seng Vannak Deputy Head of Division of Urban Planning Urban Management City Hall of Phnomh Penh 5 Indonesia Mr Sunaryo Expert Staff to Governor of Central Java Governor Office The Government of Central Java 6 Indonesia Mr Tiro Muhammad Masri Secretary Local Development Planning Agency Government of Makassar City 7 Lao Ms Luza Seang Chan Technical Staff Public Works and Transport Institute Ministry of Public Works and Transport 8 Lao Mr Boun Thien Chittapone Officer Department of Housing and Urban Planning Ministry of Public Works and Transport 9 Malaysia Mr Rosli Ariff Iskandar Senior Executive Policy, Planning and Research Department Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) 10 Malaysia Ms Mohd Jaflis Nurul Atiqah Executive Policy, Planning and Research Department Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) 11 Philippines Ms Ramos Loida Technical Assistant Bureau of Local Government Supervision Department of the Interior and local Government 12 Philippines Mr Fajardo Harold Duane Local Government Operations Bureau of Local Government Supervision Officer (LGOO II) Department of the Interior and local Government 13 Philippines Mr Yap Rafael Christopher Lagura Executive Director City Traffic Operations Management Cebu City Government 14 Thailand Mr Monthon Yiampisan City Planner City Planner Department Bangkok Metropolitan Administration 15 Thailand Ms Leanganan Sirikul Town Planner Department of Public Works and Town and Ministry of Interior Country Planning 16 Thailand Mr Muentabutra Sa-nbad Director of Research and Development 17 Thailand Mr Seeda Athiwat City Planner 18 Vietnam Ms Phan Thi Hien Deputy Manager 19 Vietnam Mrs Le Kieu Thanh Vice chief Department of Science and Technical Vietnam Institute for Urban and Rural Planning 20 Vietnam Mr Pham Van Phuoc General-in-chief Planning 2 Department Urban Planning and Construction Institute 21 Vietnam Mr Pham Gia Luong Head Division of Planning and Urban Design Hanoi Urban Planning Institute 22 Vietnam Mr Ngo Trung Hai General Director Community Development Institute City Planning Department Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Danang Evironment Protection Agency Vietnam Institute for Urban and Rural Planning Program schedule Speakers