Raising a Cardinal... Page 89

a Cardinal...
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• Effective Communicator- Students will master the basic skills of reading, writing,
comprehending, listening, and speaking that are critical to daily life. They will
communicate with others in an articulate, effective, and efficient manner.
• Proficient Problem-Solver-Students will make good decisions, handle problems
and challenges, and think logically. They will interpret and process information,
assess the current and desired situations, anticipate the potential outcomes, and
solve problems.
• Independent Worker and Thinker- Students will set priorities and goals;
identify, assess, and apply available information; and create options, develop plans
of action, and monitor and evaluate their progress.
• Cooperative Team Member- Students will use effective leadership and group
skills to develop supportive and cooperative relationships with other students,
teachers, and members of the community. They will understand and respect the
contributions of diverse cultures.
• Efficient Technology-User-Students will use technology to research, develop, and
complete classroom assignments, and projects. They will demonstrate basic
knowledge of computers and software.
• Knowledgeable about Worldwide Issues-Students will have a basic knowledge
of world issues, foreign affairs, history, politics, and geography. They will be
aware of current events and be able to discuss issues affective America and the
• Responsible Citizen- Students will contribute their energy, time, and talents to
improving the welfare of themselves and others. They will have a sense of social
responsibility and participate in the democratic process.
• Culturally Aware- Students will demonstrate knowledge of cultures and regions
beyond the borders of the United States.
*Taken from the Houston A+ Challenge Program.
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HISD requires a total of 26 credits to graduate. Classification as a 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade student is
determined by the number of credits earned.
10th 6 credits
11th 12 credits
12th 18 credits
Due to recent State legislation, requirements for graduation may change.
World Geography
World History
United States History
United States Government
Physical Education
Speech Communication Application
Second Language (LOTE)
Technology Applications*
Fine Arts
9th Grade
9th Grade
*Board Policy EIF (Exhibit) states students not meeting proficiency on the grade 8 technology literacy
assessment will be required to take a technology applications course as one of their elective credits.
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Class of 2013- Recommended High School Program
9th Grade
World History
World Geography
U.S. History
U.S. Government
Physical Education
Second Language (LOTE)
Fine Arts
General Electives
Total credits
Beginning with the entering 9th graders in 2007-2008, to receive recognition as a Texas Scholar two
courses must be AP, IB, Tech Pre/Articulated or dual credit.
Distinguished/Texas Scholars Program*
Core Program
4.0 English
4.0 English
4.0 Mathematics
4.0 Mathematics
4.0 Science
4.0 Science
4.0 Social Studies
4.0 Social Studies
0.5 Speech
0.5 Speech
3.0 Foreign Language
1.0 Foreign Language
1.0 Computer
1.0 Computer
1.0 Fine Arts
1.5 Physical Education
1.5 Physical Education
0.5 Health
0.5 Health
5.5 Electives
2.5 Electives *
26.0 Credits **
26.0 Credits
*Any senior qualifying to be a Texas Scholar may be eligible to apply for a Texas Grant (funding to
cover tuition and fees to any Texas state college/university-or equivalent amount applied to private
school tuition and fees).
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** A student must also receive any combination of four of the advanced measures approved by the State
Board of Education which focuses on demonstrated student performance at the college or professional
level and which must be assessed, through an external review process.
The Office of Student Engagement has been created to focus and direct the district’s dropout prevention
and intervention programs and strategies. It facilitates a coordinated effort to improve the district’s
graduation rate, to reduce both district-wide and campus dropout rates, and to strengthen our dropout
recovery initiatives.
High schools are responsible for their dropout population and must make diligent efforts to reclaim their
dropouts by offering viable options for these students along with access to all services available to any
student on the campus. Each High School will offer a Grad Lab program to facilitate students who
qualify to retake courses or prepare for Retesting on the Encore TAKS and EOC. Bellaire’s grad lab is
run and supported by certified teachers. Each school designates a dropout coordinator to coordinate
dropout prevention and recovery efforts, with the five-member dropout team established by the
principal. Accountability and equity are priorities. High schools have several options to address their
dropout population but each school must develop a plan of action to serve this student population.
All school personnel must make every effort to identify the reasons that students leave school. At
withdrawal, parents are requested to sign indicating their intent to enroll their child in another school.
This information is coded into the student software system as a leaver record, indicating the specific
reason that student left the school. In the early fall, Technology runs a DOS Leaver Report for each
school listing all students who were coded as leaving with the intent to enroll in another HISD school
but who did not actually enroll in another HISD school. If these students’ records are not corrected, they
will be reported on PEIMS as dropouts.
School personnel should attempt to contact these students’ families to determine their student’s current
school status. After several attempts to locate these students, referrals should be made to the Dropout
Prevention Specialist assigned to work with the school. Dropout specialists advocate for students to
return to school and facilitate enrollment in alternative school, if necessary.
International Baccalaureate Program
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program is an internationally recognized curriculum that offers 11th
and 12th grade students an opportunity to earn the IB diploma, To earn the IB diploma, students
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complete and test in six IB subjects, write an extended essay of independent research guided by a faculty
mentor, complete 150 hours of creative action, and service activities (CAS) and participate in a critical
thinking course called Theory of Knowledge. This advanced, comprehensive program of study offers an
integrated approach to learning across the disciplines with an emphasis on meeting the challenges of
living and working in a global, technological society.
Advanced Placement Program
The Advanced Placement Program (AP) is a cooperative educational service provided by Bellaire High
School and participating colleges and universities. The AP curriculum enhances specific honors
coursework so that high school students can be exposed to college-level material and take advantage of
the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery by taking the AP Exam for college credit. The AP Exam is
not required, however, it is a significant aspect of the program that provides the students to learn a
subject in a greater depth, demonstrating to colleges the willingness to undertake a challenging course.
Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate-Grades
Students receive a one (1) point bonus for each grade earned in an AP/IB course; An “A” equals five (5)
grade points, a “B” equal for 4 grade points, etc. Once accepted into the AP/IB program, students must
maintain a minimum semester grade of 80 to remain enrolled in the course.
Because all students and teachers will have the same lunch break, students will be able to receive
tutoring assistance from teachers during that time. It is expected that every teacher will provide tutoring
sessions, everyday at lunch. Underlined days are the primary tutoring sessions that are linked to that
subject. Students without a specific commitment are free to go to any subject on any day. Do not setup
makeup tests on dates that are not reserved for your subject. Do not penalize a student for not coming to
a tutorial session on a date that is not reserved for your subject.
Social Studies
Foreign Languages
Fine Arts
Career and Technology
Parent/Teacher conferences offer a major advantage over most written reports. Two-way
communication generates more information that can be shared in a fifteen to thirty minute face-toface discussion. The parent can provide insights into the student’s behavior. If the student is present
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for at least part of the conference, interpretations, which are often different, can be bridged and
expectations can be communicated.
Organize for a parent conference. A parent-teacher conference will be more effective if the teacher
has spent time organizing for the meeting. Be sure that you have kept an adequate, current file of the
student’s work (tests, essays, projects) to review with the parent and student to support your
statement of academic progress or deficiency. Make sure that your grade book is up-to-date and
accurate. Make sure you have documented any disciplinary actions you have taken with the student,
as well. Do not compare or talk about other students in the class. Keep the parent focused on their
child’s strengths and weaknesses. Be considerate and optimistic. Ask yourself, “How would I want
this conference to go if we were discussing my child?” Finally, document your conference (date,
time, persons present, and topic) for future reference and accountability. Be prepared to work with
parents to solve any problems.
Students who are involved in activities do better academically and they enjoy high school more. All
Clubs have a designated faculty sponsor and must be approved by the administration as well as the
extracurricular subcommittee of the SDMC. An up to date list of clubs and student organizations can be
found on the Bellaire Website. HISD Board Policy http://pol.tasb.org/Home/Index/592 prohibits
fraternities, sororities or other secret organizations within HISD schools. Teachers should encourage
students to become actively involved in school life. All clubs, organizations and extracurricular
activities have rules and requirements.
Believing that the school community has the obligation not only to educate the student but also to foster
a high level of ethical conduct, Bellaire High School has formally adapted the following Honor System:
The HONOR SYSTEM promotes the following principles as inherent in the educational process;
• A student’s work will be his/her own.
• A student’s work can be trusted.
• The rights of each person and his/her property will be respected.
Therefore, it follows that:
1. Cheating, by any means or method, is a violation of the Honor Code.
2. Lying, forgery, and plagiarism are violations of the Honor Code.
3. Stealing and/or defacing property are violations of the Honor Code.
The Honor Pledge, to be written on appropriate assignments and signed by the student, states, “On my
honor, I have neither given nor received any help with this work.”
The HISD Board of Education believes strongly that the school environment should be safe for all
students and free of disruptions that interfere with the educational process. In response to this belief, the
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Board has developed a policy of Zero Tolerance which applies to all elementary, middle, and high
All students who unlawfully possess a firearm, illegal knife, explosive, or any other dangerous object or
weapon on school district property, school buses, and/or in attendance at district-related activities shall
be recommended for expulsion. The Board further declares that the Code of Student Conduct be strictly
In every case where students in middle or high school commit a criminal offense in violation of the
Code of Student Conduct, the Education Code, or the Texas Penal Code, the school district will pursue
charges, arrests, and removal to a juvenile detention facility or county jail.
Teachers are responsible for the discipline management in their classroom. Good discipline begins with
organized instruction. Meet your students at the door before the bell rings. Have an activity ready to go
as the bell rings. Expect your students to be on time by beginning your interesting lesson promptly. The
teacher should advise parents promptly when students persist in disruptive classroom activity. There are
usually small changes or additions made to the Student Code of Conduct every year. Be sure you
review the latest revisions.
HISD Code of Student Conduct
Each teacher establishes the rules for the classroom and for school-related activities. Behavior can be
successfully managed by the classroom teacher. The teacher may use any of the disciplinary options
listed below in maintaining classroom discipline for Level 1 Acts of misconduct:
Level 1 Behavior:
Violations of rules or procedures established by the teacher.
Refusal to participate in classroom activities.
Unexcused tardiness to class.
Failure to bring required classroom materials or assigned work to class.
General misbehavior, such as eating in class, horseplay, making excessive noise, or violating
campus dress codes.
Excessive talking or getting out of their seat without permission.
Failure to deliver or return written communications between home and school.
Disciplinary Options/Responses:
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Oral correction
Teacher-student conference
Parent contact: note or telephone call to parent
Student-counselor conference
Detention (maintained by teacher) before or after school.
Other appropriate in-class discipline actions.
A record of the offenses and disciplinary actions should be maintained by the teacher.
The teacher should discuss the misbehavior with the parent/guardian.
Level I behavior violations and Discipline Options/Responses are not limited to those provided.
Teachers who refer a student to an Assistant Principal for repeated misconduct must have made
parent contact prior to the referral. Serious misconduct must be reflected in the student’s
conduct grade, never in the academic grade.
A written discipline referral form is to be completed by the teacher and submitted to the appropriate
Assistant Principal for repeated or serious misconduct. The form must be complete with all pertinent
data before submitting to the administrator. There should be specific dates, etc. indicating the
required action the teacher has previously taken in the matter. A copy of the form will be sent home
to the parent.
All faculty/staff are responsible for enforcement of other rules/regulations established by the
principal as deemed necessary in maintaining the safety and best interest of the school.
In an emergency, a teacher may press the call button in the classroom to request assistance from the
main office.
Our campus is served daily by a uniformed HISD officer and Student Case Worker.
It is highly desirable that students cultivate a positive attitude toward good conduct. A good citizen
is one who not only tries to keep out of difficulty, but also strives to be generally helpful as a
member of the school population.
Students become truant after three (3) unexcused absence. These absences need not be concurrent.
All teachers should email Asia Duhon at Aduhon@houstonisd.org any time a student has missed 3 or
more days in their class without an excuse note. The truancy report is generated from 2nd period
absences. If the student is missing from any other class, the teacher is a vital link in communications
between the classroom and the truancy office.
Straight talk from the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department.
The Juvenile code states that even as a juvenile you are still subject to all Texas Laws, state, county
and municipal ordinances.
Houston enforces a curfew during school hours. Any student can expect to be stopped and
questioned by a police officer and could receive a ticket. The day time curfew is from 9:00 a.m.2:30 p.m.
You can be penalized for breaking the law even if you didn’t know what the law said, or that it even
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Please help your students understand that they will be ticketed and will have to go to court if they are not
in school during school hours.
TARDIES (pending review)
Tardiness is unacceptable. Set the tone. Expect students to arrive on time. Greet your students at your
door. Begin instruction promptly. Be consistent following the rule of sending a tardy student to get a
pass. In order to ensure that students are provided a full 53 minute period of instruction, the following
tardy policy is enforced. The tardy calculator is not connected to Grade Speed or Chancery. The
teacher will have to enter a tardy code in the attendance. Except for second period.
Tardy students will report to the closest Assistant Principal’s office to receive a tardy pass. . The
tardy student must use their school ID to obtain an official tardy pass from the tardy calculator.
A tardy pass will be issued for the student to gain entrance into the class.
Students have three minutes to get to class after obtaining their tardy pass.
A student who is 20 minutes or more tardy must go to their alpha Assistant Principal for a permit
even though they may be counted as absent by the teacher. The student should be accepted into
class. A discipline slip may be sent to Assistant Principal.
A detention notice will be issued on the 4th tardy.
A detention notice will be issued on the 7th tardy.
After the 10th tardy, the student will meet with the assistant principal. In-school suspension may
be assigned.
• The tardy calculator is reset each 6 weeks period.
All tardies are recorded. Any questions or concerns related to the tardy policy and/or detention must be
directed to the appropriate alpha Assistant Principal. Students who remain out of class and do not report
to their alpha Assistant Principal for a tardy after the tardy bell rings will be dealt with according to the
HISD Student Code of Conduct Policies. Bellaire will begin to issue tardy slips two weeks after school
This code establishes the minimum standard of dress. In order to maintain the proper student attire and
educational spirit, students must show proper attention to personal cleanliness, health, safety, neatness of
appearance, and suitability of clothing for school activities. Clothing may not be inappropriately
revealing or excessively tight, or excessively baggy. Students must dress in a presentable manner that is
not distracting or disruptive to their classmates or to their instructors. Be consistent helping students
follow dress code rules. Emphasize the rules in the beginning of the year to help students understand
what is expected.
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Non-prescriptive sun glasses, hats, caps, bandanas, head coverings are not allowed to be worn on
school grounds.
The length of shorts, skorts, skirts and dresses must be toward the knee. Spandex or body
hugging shorts and tights are restricted to the physical education or work out area, unless covered
by outer clothing. Hosiery, spandex or leggings are not considered outer wear. Spandex or
leggings must be opaque/non see through.
All clothing must cover entire mid-riff area when standing, walking, or sitting. Low cut revealing
tops are not allowed. Shirts without sleeves are not permitted. Tank tops, camis, transparent
clothing, and clothing designed to be worn as an undergarment are not permitted.
All clothing, including socks and accessories, must be free of profane, suggestive or provocative
language and/or symbols, advertisement or promotion of alcohol, tobacco, weapons, or drug use,
and/or reference to or association with gang activity.
Pants and shorts must be worn at the waist. Clothing must be size appropriate. All pajama tops
and bottoms or clothing that is designed for beachwear are not appropriate.
Suspenders or overall tops must be fastened and worn on the shoulders. A shirt with sleeves must
be worn under suspenders or overall tops.
Any clothing with holes above the knees is unacceptable.
Students must wear shoes. Sandals are permissible. House/bedroom slippers and shower shoes
are not permitted.
Accessories/clothing which constitutes a safety hazard is unacceptable.
Students are expected to be in dress code at all times, including testing, finals, and field trip days.
The administration reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the appropriateness of clothing
and/or accessories. Students will be asked to change clothes to comply with dress code before returning
to class. Failure to comply with the dress code will result in the following discipline measures:
1. 1st offense: Parent contact
2. 2nd offense: Detention
3. 3rd offense: Detention
4. 4th offense: possible SRC (In school suspension)
Repeated infractions may result in out of school suspension.
It is expected that teachers will dress in a professional manner appropriate for the classroom. Athletic
wear, and shorts, should be reserved for PE athletic classes.
These items are not to be ridden on the school grounds at any time, before, during or after school hours.
They must be stored in lockers/AP’s office or bike racks during the instructional day.
Headphones, headsets, IPod, computers, IPad or any other type of electronic equipment are permitted on
campus.(Omitted the sentence that was before this one) Cell phone and personal electronic use is
restricted to before and after school, texting during passing periods, and during lunchtime. ( Deleted
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sentence here) Earbuds should not be worn during passing periods. Confiscated phones will be returned
(Omitted 3 words here) in accordance with HISD policy. There is a $15.00 fee for the return of cell
Teachers and staff should keep their personal cell phones off during instructional periods
All students must return the free/reduced lunch forms. They will have access to a healthy well
balanced lunch. Please return them to Mr. Thornhill in the Library.
Remind students who qualify for free/reduced lunch that they will get:
SAT waiver
PSAT waiver
ACT waiver
AP reduced fee
IB reduced fee
Financial aid for college
Certain need based scholarships
A home lunch permit must be applied for and approved by the students’ alpha Assistant Principal. The
application forms are available online and in the Assistant Principal’s office. The forms are reserved for
juniors or seniors at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. This privilege may be suspended for
discipline, attendance and/or grade problems. Properly credentialed students should exit the campus by
the circular drive on Maple or the doors on S. Rice. Students must display their specially marked ID
when they leave the school. Parents of applicants must provide definite assurance that students will
return to classes on time. Failure to comply with the agreement will result in the privilege being
revoked. 9th and 10th grade students are not allowed to leave campus during lunch.
Encourage your students to take full advantage of the lunch hour. Lunch is a time to eat, socialize, get
tutoring, and engage in club activities. Breakfast and lunch are to be eaten only in the cafeteria, inner
courtyards, and other supervised areas as designated. At other times food and beverage are not allowed
in the building without prior permission from an administrator. Students may have water in its original
container. Students must leave their area clean and place all refuse in the proper receptacle. Students are
allowed on the main hall on the 2nd floor during lunch to visit noodle room, the library and to attend
tutorials and club meetings. Students are not allowed on the third floor except to attend tutorials or club
Commercial food deliveries/orders will not be accepted or delivered to any students at any time other
than the lunch period.
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