National Parks of Canada NATIONAL PARK NAME FILE SAVED: DESIGN A LOGO FOR THE PARK PHOTO/DRAWING THAT REPRESENTS THE PARK LOCATION LATITUDE : LONGITUDE : LOCATE THE NATIONAL PARK AND THE ECOZONE BOUNDARIES ON THE MAP OF CANADA SIZE OF THE NATIONAL PARK (KM2): LOCATE THE PARK ON ITS PROVINCIAL/ TERRITORIAL MAP DRAW A MAP OF THE NATIONAL PARK 2 NAME OF THE ECOZONE WHERE THE PARK IS LOCATED: The following information should reflect the ecozone where the park is located. LANDFORM DESCRIPTION CLIMATE VEGETATION TYPE SOIL TYPE UNIQUE/IMPORTANT LANDFORM EXAMPLES OF FLORA EXAMPLES OF FAUNA RARES OR ENDANGERED SPECIES (PLANT OR ANIMAL) FOUND IN THE PARK 3 SPECIFIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE NATIONAL PARK IMPORTANCE OF THE NATIONAL PARK: HISTORY OF THE REGION PRIOR TO THE PARK BEING ESTABLISHED: ROLE OF THE PARK TODAY IN ENSURING LONG TERM PROTECTION: SERVICES AND PROGRAMS PROVIDED BY PARKS CANADA: THREATS TO THE PARK (INTERNAL/EXTERNAL, ACTUAL/POTENTIAL): 4 GEOGRAPHIC PROCESSES National Parks and protected areas contain numerous dynamic and changing systems. Describe below the key geographic processes - physical and human - that are, or have, been present in the park. Examples of such processes may include: weathering, erosion, glaciation, climate change, pollution, urban expansion, etc.). Discuss how these processes are inter-related. 5