DSAES Assessment Plan for FY 2015-2016

DSAES Assessment Plan for FY 2015-2016
Department/Program Name:
UH Wellness
Patrick Lukingbeal
Department Assessment Contact(s)
(in addition to above):
Department Mission Statement:
Department Vision Statement:
UH Wellness seeks to empower the campus community to make healthy choices across all dimensions of wellness through
evidence-based programs and services that contribute to student success.
UH Wellness aspires to be recognized as a benchmark institution for campus prevention and education programs.
1. Facilitate student development and the student learning process through IMAGE, our workshop series, and new sexual
violence outreach efforts; Strategic Plan Initiative 1.d
2. Expand collaboration and networking within the university and surrounding community by expanding the message of who
UH Wellness is and what we offer through increased programming, campus involvement and that appeal to a wider
audience.; Strategic Plan Initiative 6.a, 6.b
Department FY16 Goals: (include all
3. Increase the use of programs that use research based, theory driven prevention models; Strategic Plan Initiative 4.c
department goals and DSAES
strategic plan mapping)
4. Promote comprehensive campus wellness by offering a variety of programs and services that seek to educate and develop
the mind, body and soul; Strategic Plan initiative 5.c
5. Promote professional and student staff progression toward advanced professional competencies by maintaining a culture
of assessment before, during and after employment; Strategic Plan Initiative 2.c
DSAES Assessment Plan for FY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #1): Marketing Campaign
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
As a result of enhanced marketing
efforts, UH Wellness will see an
increase of foot traffic in the Center,
outreach numbers, and office
Purpose of Assessment Activity
To enhance the visibility of UH Wellness,
we will seek to create a new poster and
social media campaign about the
importance of wellness, our services, and
the benefits of usage.
UH Wellness will measure daily office
contacts, presentation and outreach
numbers, consultations, and referrals
using Fusion card swipe data to capture
student access data.
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
Frequency / Timeline
Data tracked through
the entire year;
reports at the end of
each semester
FY16 Goal(s)
Goal 2, 4
DSAES Assessment Plan for FY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #2): Internal Program Assessment
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
To measure the effectiveness of all
outreach presentations and
workshops and determine if
students are changing health
behaviors as a result of what they
Purpose of Assessment Activity
Seek to find out what students learned,
and what behaviors they could possibly
change from visiting us.
Use Baseline to create an onilne
assessment to electronically send after
students have interacted with our office.
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
Frequency / Timeline
FY16 Goal(s)
After workshops and Goal 3,4
monthly incentives for
DSAES Assessment Plan for FY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #3): Student Employees, Student Interns, and Graduate Students - Self Evaluation
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
FY16 Goal(s)
Purpose of Assessment Activity
Frequency / Timeline
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
As a result of working or interning at To determine if students are learning
Students will rate their level of confidence Students will be given Goal 1, 5
UH Wellness, students will advocate transferable professional competencies
with multiple transferable competencies. an assessment at both
for themselves to improve in at least from their employment at UH Wellness. Improvement will be demonstrated by an the beginning of their
one self identified, transferable work
increased level of confidence rating from semester or year with
competency by the end of the
pre to post test (Student workers
UH Wellness (pre:
academic year. Competencies can
traditionally work the entire academic
September OR
include, but are not limited to,
year, while interns work a semester).
January) and at the
customer service, time management,
Supervisor led conversations will be held in end of their service
conflict management, etc.
conjunction with each pre and post test.
(post: December OR
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
DSAES Assessment Plan for FY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #4): Rapid Assessment for Adolescent Preventive Services (RAAPS)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
Purpose of Assessment Activity
Students who complete the Rapid
Gather individual student data and
Assessment for Adolescent
reasons why our office is utilized.
Preventative Services (RAAPS) survey
will be proactive about making
behavior changes.
Frequency / Timeline
UH Wellness will advertise the RAAPS as a All year
service campus-wide and allow students to
voluntary take it. Individual and collective
data from RAAPS will be used to examine
trends over time.
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
FY16 Goal(s)
Goal 3