lhe StocK Market: A Gase Stucly How does the stock market work and how can we understand what happened in lg4g? lmagine that a group of your friends want to form a new company to produce athletic shoes. They need to buy the materials, rent a factory, pay manufacturers, hire a sales stafi, and pay for advertising. They estimate that they need 9100, 000 to start the company. How could they raise the money? They could use all of their savings, borrow money from the bank, ask for a government loan, or raise money by selling stocks in the company. In this last case, they get people to invest in the company by buying stocks. lf they sold 10,000 siocks at $10 each, they would have the $100,000 they need to start their company. Each stock represents a share of the business. The stoikholder, therefore, owns part of the business and shares in the company's success or failure. As proof of his or her investment in the business, the stockholder is given a paper calfed a stock certificate. Suppose you decide the Athletic Shoe Company is going to be vastly successful and you decide to buy stocks in it. First, you would visit a stockbroker, whose job it is to buy and sell stocks in a kind of marketplace known as the stock exchange. (Both the act of buying and selling stocks, and the place in which this is done, are called the stock market). The stockbroker places your order and carries out the details of your transaction. Whether you buy or sell, you pay your stockbroker a smallfee for handling the business for you. The stocks represent your share in the ownership of the company. lf there are 10,000 shares in the company and you own 1 of them, you own ilto,oob of the company,s shares. lf you own 10 shares, then you own 1/1,ooo of the company's shares. People buy shares in companies to make money. Suppose you buy 100 shares in the Athletic shoe company. you pay g25 per share. youi totaiinvestment is $2s00. A few months later, the value of the stock rlses to $35 per share. Business is booming your Athletic shoes are the latest fad. At this point, you sell your 100 stocks at 3s$ per share. You paid $2500, but get back $3500. This oifference in"price is called r proiit or capital gain. Stocks can also make money for you in another way. Companies usually divide some of the-p-rofits among the shareholders. These payments to shareholders are called dividends. Since you own 1/100 of the stocks in the Athletics Snoe Comprny, yo, entitled to receive 11100 of the amount the company pays out in dividends. "ru The prices of stocks go up and down almost every day. There are many complicated reasons for this. One important reason is demand. lfpeople wish to buy a certain stock, prices will go up because they are willing to pay the price. lf nobody *untr a particular stock, or if several people wish to setl it, the price on the Markey wili probably'fall. The Stock Market: Kev Terms Term Stock Stockhof der $tock certificate Stockbroker Stock market rroilvcaprtal gain Dividends Definition lnvestment activitv Situation 1. You are a stockbroker. You hear about a new company that you want to invest in but you have no extra money. You expect to double your money if you invest in this company. What do you do? a) don't invest b) Take money out of your other investments which are doing very well c) Borrow money the from the bank an pay back the loan with a small fee Situation 2 You are looking to buy a new car. You do not have any money right now but you have a great job. What do you do? a) buy the car and pay it off one month at a time b) wait until you save enough money, then buy it outright Situation 3 You want to go on vacation with your friends but your boss won't let you. He will Iire you if you leave. However, you are a good stockbroker and can probably find an even better job the second you get back a) Go on vacation b) Keep your job Situation 4 You own a very big business. If you buy another small company, there is a very small chance that you will go broke. But there is a greater chance that you will make a lot of money. a) buy the small company b) don't buy it Situation 5 You are a stockbroker. You see all the other stockbrokers selling their stocks. You ask them why and they say. "I think these stocks are no good and I want to sell them while they are still worth something" You own the same stocks and you notice that their price has fallen during the day. You have lost money on that stock and are getting scared. What do you do? a) sell the stock now and be safe b) keep the stock and risk losing more money Situation 6 There is a stock that everybody wants to sell. No one will buy it. It's price has dropped from $100 to $65. Someone offers to sell it to you at $60. a) do you follow what everyone else is doing and reject the offer b) take a risk and buy a stock that nobody else want