*i-q'q-\9 (l 2) $&ft"-A \$ ;^ i-3 (s wtCKED wARs tTth. twentieth century was probably the most horrible ever in the hisrory of the I world. There were still wars and massacres but now they had wonderful ne,w weapons. Now the killers could kill tens of thousands with the push of a button. And people could ffavel by air to attack enemies in their homes. War wasn'r abour soidiers fighting battles on the 'front line'in some distant country. Now men, women and children could ^l stay at home and be killed by bombs and missiles. Suddenly your house could be the 'fronr line'. taining tots to terrify The most evil leaders decided children just weren't there for bomb practice. Today's boys and girls are tomorrow's soldiers. So grab them while they are young.If they are enemy children then exterminate them before rhe' grow to fight you. If they are your own children then train them to hate, kill and obey every order. Thatt what Adolf Hitler and his Nazi followers did in the Second World War. In the 1930s the'Hitler Youth' learned 1 I I rr . Ft how to be good Nazis. They marched for Hitler through the streets and terrorized the townsfolk. They learned how to fight, and they gave out leaflets for Hitler's Nazi party. They also learned ,how to cause 'trouble for other Germans who didn't 'agree with theml q: l.:Jr' / I iu I often tuent home tuith tuo blacft eyes. The Hitler youtlt HATID TI-flE \,'/IMP GROIJPS LIKL TIIE bOY SCOUTS \,ldE ) uere stronger than us and I f\' i.: t/tere were more of them. /). lsi tiu But they didn't always win. In 1931 and 1932,21 Hitler Youths died in punch-ups. counted the numbe r they killed thoughl) The Hitler Youth could even ruin adult (Ntro one meerings... ..WE_HE,4RD ,qts0UT A #,bhi+-'$^'f'[i,T'l{ER (R!PT.ir,t At"[D DR0PPED sitJi5_ ^o^fsl,Lvt !o_qr,{ PtJYA STOP TO THAT 14EEI|NCI -!iE in 1933 Hitler became leader of Germany and the Hirler Youth went from stink bombs to they had mock battles with the Hirler Youth of other villages. The Germans ,*":1t^ ?oTbs had lost the First world war (1914-1918). Mr Hitler was preparing for a Second world war and these young warriors would suppry his army with ruthre* tirt.rr." In 1938 they practised their hatred by herping ro artack Jewish people in rheir homes and burning rheir synagogues (remples). . . The l{azis had set Tlten I satu Hitler Youths tarting Jetuislt boorts and throwing them on the fire to help the blaze. fire to a synagogue next to our scltool. I uent off to see the fire. Dlo you KNow... In Bodmin School, England, a class of boys were split berween rhose who rvere for the catholic religion were ro. ,r," pro;;;'il;;.;:ro war. "ndlhor.'who une lrtboy turned a candlestick into a gun,loaded it with gunpowder and a stone (for a bullet)' He tried it out on a calf and killed the carf. Ti ,' ' bv,he 1548 at ' ;;#;;:;; ffi ;;.'.,'.;;"i;:T:il::,:lloo.o 85 ; (? \ / a( \. \\ {\ \a@, lJjJ__ --:), A R-ll I ^. - : Wir;lt=;*;*as$r;*H j!1:i;si.r€i:er€:"=r::ir?,,;+ -e[(i(@ *.!^o to .tr !U o0-F JE3"+ 4 J- =EHF H*8== e bo o h th- d l= lo o F E=€F 3r(lL-0>L 'a ad.a.ro Zd= ,o -<=0- i0l< E € 't -5Ho u.. "FrJ d tr X^* ,o N O t3 J! NLr-u^J @ (E = l;i tit- -r;6 q I= l= t_. lz SN ,i 'I t-\ o\ i T E 'tr = o $^: {FF i = 64 't xs z. ql E c"! xs s\ c6 ':i ag .\s \E OL o -l >9 Hil *n e^{ ,!i i 5 >F \R \s ss -a -84 -s.s Fh HN o cs hQ O +t o ^ss :TY 'rI d0 5t o 'tF.:sq.= ^s d *s rt\ !!t its q{ j o-: q-- * *;ft '*xN AO: { : LX\ *- -\'s o tf\ 'h\ O ^!3 d Yl x -SF. -i- 9r= :3hEj E x: Ei::.8 l^!!v !oaa cv:. !:5L \>Y; -UO> :L>U E *;i > k 9.6 / a) = 6=P.'. :s{ ^{ i 5,\ *R r'{ (|'. d r'j !i 'ir r p\ its S'e n\ S$ uo :-o ::X 3€ \ 5't ^d JFx s \ -:l E.! -- : u F //,ffifi =>q, 9ES [Lz= ou- pFl uil .= 3 38,; :!+> !!!fr caT 9: PS YH o o "fsc.((6@\ H5c d-:< v:I a o Hfr; ;91 ts :.:9 to; +s SS !rl .>:l -l {{ Lt-" r's I a ^c\ ii B:; st :vI -ol o \'i u ':t d $< $ o* :FX *s{ >a j rd S5 a9l \\. ( .os E q *s {a i* F o ^s o {i fi Fdo ,! :i t F , E lu t: tr a l\ fll { o e ' 6_ s! .'s t si: r* si t : : s!, b4 t t