NATIONALISM – people have long had a common sense of cultural identity based
on common religion, history, language etc. Nationalism though is new, a strong
patriotic feeling which came about after the French Revolution because the fate of
the individual became associated with the survival of the state. The rise of French
nationalism spread to the soldiers of the armies fighting Napoleon who found
themselves, uniting against a common cause, French defeat. Napoleon had also
created new administrative units in his conquered lands which disrupted old
loyalties and created a desire for self determination in Italy and Germany.
Congress of Vienna
- don’t weaken France – balance of power - a lesson not used at Versailles (WWI)
- defuse Liberalism and Nationalism
- Germany and Italy should remain divided, Poland partitioned, Belgium &
Holland united
- Congress system - Holy Alliance (Prussia, Russia, Austria) to repress N&L
German universities, student fraternity called the Burschenschaft started a
national rally. Metternich aroused fears of revolution in the German Diet.
Passed the Carlsbad Decrees in 1819 placing control on the press, education,
public meetings crushing movement till 1848
1820 Spanish Revolution forced Ferdinand VII to adopt liberal constitution
Spanish colonies sought independednce supported by Monroe doctrine.
French suppressed revolt in 1822 – influenced revolts in Milan and Sardinia
crushed by Holy Alliance – No British support, withdrew from Congress system
Inconsistent policy - Greeks first successful revolt – Great Britain, France,
Russia aided, crushing Turk navy preserving Greek independence
Greek victory inspired revolt in France in 1830 – Bourbon monarchy restored
by congress – Louis XVIII died in 1824, Charles X tried to reassert ancient
regime, dissolving parliament – forced to abdicate and replaced by Louis
Philippe, Duke of Orleans. Called the July Monarchy – reforms reflected
liberalism, but not a democracy, a liberal oligarchy of property owners – failed
to satisfy radicals, more revolt, severely repressed. Philippe became increasingly
conservative. Barricades went up in 1848, Louis Philippe abdicated – People
feared radicals – elect Louis Napoleon abolished the Republic – became emperor
The greatest revolutionary gains were made in the Austrian Empire where there
were many nationalities. Magyar revolts led by Louis Kosuth, resulted in the
creation of an autonomous Hungary, while in Bohemia the Slavs created an
autonomous Bohemia. In Italy rebels expelled the Austrian rulers of Milan and
Venice. Within Austria Metternich was forced into exile & Ferdinand was
driven into exile and Ferdinand was forced to promise a liberal constitution –
Russia backed Vienna, restored emperor – delayed led to German Nat. dissolve