義守大學學生服務教育施行細則 101 年 6 月 4 日校長核定公告全文 第 一 條 本細則依本校「學生服務教育實施辦法」(以下簡稱本法) 第十六條規定訂定之。 第 二 條 依本法第六條所稱服務教育課程,凡本校大學部新生及 轉學生入學第一年,每人必修「服務教育(一)」及「服務教 育(二)」各一學期,計一學年;新生由系統自動選課,轉學 生於他校已修類似課程者,予以抵免,未修此類課程之轉學 生需自行上網選課補修之。 第 三 條 本法第七條所稱服務教育課程之兩種施作類型,由學生 事務處服務教育組(以下簡稱服教組)將大學部選課學生及轉 學生隨機分為兩種施作類型,第一施作類型學生於上學期修 習「勞作教育課程」,第二施作類型學生於上學期修習「服 務學習基礎課程」;下學期則互換施作類型,以利學生多元 學習。 第 四 條 依本法第七條第一款勞作教育課程實施對象及方式如 下: 一、對象:本校大學部新生及轉學生(入學第一年),每 人必修「勞作教育課程」一學期。 二、時間:週一至週五,依排定時段,每人每週服務三 個時段,每個時段以半小時為原則,實施時段如下: (一)早晨:七時三十分至八時。 (二)中午:十二時二十分至十二時五十分。 (二)下午:十七時三十分至十八時。 三、服教組依學校環境特性規劃成若干工作區,配合勞 作教育課程班級數分成若干小組,各置小組長一 人,負責協助服務教育課程並執行服教組相關交辦 事項。 四、每學期各小組實施勞動服務區域至少至校外週邊社 1 區或道路,實施敦親睦鄰服務活動乙次。 五、服教組得於新生講習、班會、學務活動時間宣導服 務教育。 六、服務項目: (一)各大樓之清潔工作(含教室、黑板、桌椅、樓 梯、走廊、清除垃圾等) 。 (二)校園環境清潔工作(含馬路、操場、球場、排 水溝、草皮維護等) 。 (三)其他服務性工作。 第 五 條 依本法第七條第二款服務學習基礎課程實施對象及方式 如下: 一、對象:本校大學部新生及轉學生(入學第一年),每 人必修「服務學習基礎課程」一學期。 二、時間:修課學生依據服教組排定之課程內容時數, 於在學期間完成並通過三個單元項目。 三、方式: (一)基礎認知單元: 1、由服教組每學期辦理服務學習基礎認知講 座,以建立學生服務學習概念之根基。學生 至少須參加四小時講座,並至服務學習課程 網站,進行服務學習概念線上施測通過後, 方完成本項四小時單元時數。 2、修習本課程之學生,若已參加內政部規範之 「志工基礎教育訓練課程」 ,可持完成「志工 基礎教育訓練課程」證書至服教組辦理免參 與講座,惟仍須至服務學習課程網站,進行 服務學習概念線上施測,通過後方完成本項 單元。 (二)服務學習施作單元:由服教組於服務學習課程網 站下設置服務單位媒合平台,學生可自行上網查 2 詢及報名參與本校學生事務處課外活動指導組核 定成立之社團(含系學會)及本校行政單位(含教 師)辦理之校內外公共性服務,但不包含個人學 術研究活動;服務時數須達十二小時,方完成本 項十二小時單元時數。 (三)反思及回饋單元: 1、學生須於完成上述第一、二單元後,撰寫服務 學習心得至少一千字,並上傳至服務學習課程 網站,且填寫服務學習回饋問卷,方完成本項 二小時單元時數。 2、心得繳交期限,依據教務處課務組每學期公告 之行事曆,表訂學期第十七週最後一個工作日 完成。 3、若未完成上述第一、二單元,則無法進行本單 元心得撰寫。本單元由導師審閱服務學習心 得,並評定通過與否。 第 六 條 依本法第十條所稱服務教育課程成績考評指標如下: 一、 勞作教育課程: (一)每學期分為三期,每期成績評分比重如下: 1、倫理道德(佔三十五%):倫理情操、敬業、環 保與關懷社會等素養。 2、社會知能(佔三十五%) :發展生涯規劃、合作、 溝通與自我行銷等素養。 3、生活態度(佔三十%)。 (二)學期成績為三期實得成績平均分數,六十分為 及格,最高為一百分,成績不及格者,必須重 修。 二、 服務學習基礎課程: (一)採「通過」或「不通過」之考評方式。 (二)每學期期末進行結算,三個單元皆已完成並通 3 過者,於該學期成績註記「通過」字樣,若該 學期三個單元未全部完成者,則於該學期成績 註記「未通過」字樣。 (三)成績顯示「通過」為及格,成績不及格者,必 須重修。 第 七 條 本法第十二條所稱服務教育課程之請假及出缺席考核標 準如下: 一、勞作教育課程請假,應依本校學生請假規則辦理。 二、請公假須事先辦理,並檢附相關單位簽准之證明。 凡公假經核准者,得免予勞作教育補做。單一學期 公假請假次數,至多為學期應施作之總次數三分之 ㄧ,超過三分之ㄧ者以事假論。 三、直系親屬二親等以內死亡者,應檢具相關文件申請 喪假。喪假一週以內以公假論,超過一週以事假論。 四、凡完成學生請假規定程序者,須於假後五個工作日 內完成補作勞作教育活動;惟連續請假者,依下列 規範: (一) 連續請假達一週者,須於假後五個工作日內完 成補作勞作教育活動。 (二) 連續請假達兩週者,須於假後十個工作日內完 成補作勞作教育活動,得以此類推。 (三) 連續請假逾一個月者,則由服教組以專案處理。 (四) 最遲須於學期第十八週最後一個工作日完成上 述補作。 五、遲到早退者由小組長依考評標準給分,超過十五分 鐘者視同曠課。 六、請假作業流程: (一)至學校便利商店購買請假單。 (二)導師簽核。 (三)完成請假手續後假單送學生事務處生活輔導組 4 核備。 (四)服教組登錄。 七、服務學習基礎課程:總計應完成三個單元,每完成 一個單元,系統即在該單元顯示「完成」,若該單 元未完成,則系統將顯示「未完成」,以供服教組、 導師及學生本人查詢。 第 八 條 本法第十三條所稱服務教育成績表現優良者,除原獎勵 方式外,得另為以下之獎勵: 一、服務教育成績得列為學生申請工讀助學金及擔任各 種自治幹部或候選人之優先參考資料。 二、各學期服務教育課程績優學生,得請校長頒獎鼓勵。 第 九 條 本施行細則經校務會議審議通過,陳請校長核定後自公 告日實施。 5 Enforcement Rules of Student Service Education at I-Shou University Ratified and promulgated by the President on June 4, 2012 Article 1 The Enforcement Rules of Student Service Education at I-Shou University (hereinafter referred to as the “Enforcement Rules”) are enacted pursuant to Article 16 of the Regulations for Student Service Education at I-Shou University (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”). Article 2 In regard to the service education courses referred to in Article 6 of the Regulations, new undergraduate enrollees and transfer students are required to take service education courses during the first academic year of studying at the University -- Service Education (I) in the first semester and Service Education (II) in the second semester. The course registration system will automatically add service education courses to the individual course enrollment list for new enrollees. Transfer students may apply for credit transfer if they have passed such courses in another school, while those who have not taken such courses are required to apply online. Article 3 In regard to the two types of service education courses referred to in Article 7 of the Regulations, The Service Education Section of the Office of Student Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the “Section”) will randomly divide students enrolling in service education courses into two groups. The first group will take labor education courses in the first semester and basic service-learning courses in the second semester, while the second group takes basic service-learning courses in the first semester and labor education courses in the second semester in order to provide students with diverse learning opportunities. Article 4 Participants in labor education courses referred to in Subparagraph 1, Article 7 of the Regulations, and its implementation plan are as follows: 1. Participant: New undergraduate enrollees and transfer students are required to take the labor education course for one semester during the first academic year of studying at the University. 2. Time: Students shall take three different time slots per week. Each time slot lasts thirty minutes in principle, and time slots on weekdays are as follows: a. Morning: 07:30~08:00 a.m. b. Noon: 12:20~12:50 p.m. c. Evening: 05:30~06:00 p.m. 3. The Section divides the campus into several districts. After calculating the total 1 number of classes participating in service education, the Section divides these classes into several groups, and each group is headed by one group leader who will assist in service education courses and accomplish tasks assigned by the Section. 4. Every group shall offer community services to clean neighboring communities or roads at least once every semester. 5. The Section may make good use of new student orientations, class assemblies, and student-related activities to promote service education. 6. Tasks assigned to students: a. Cleaning campus buildings (including classrooms, blackboards, desks, chairs, stairs, hallways, waste disposal, etc.); b. Cleaning the campus (including roads, the athletic field, sports courts, drains, greenswards, etc.); or c. Other service-oriented tasks. Article 5 Participants in basic service-learning courses referred to in Subparagraph 2, Article 7 of the Regulations, and its implementation plan are as follows: 1. Participant: New undergraduate enrollees and transfer students are required to take the basic service-learning course for one semester during the first academic year of studying at the University. 2. Time: Students shall meet all requirements and pass the three sections as set out by the Section during the years of studying at the University. 3. Implementation: a. Fundamental Knowledge: (1) The Section will organize seminars on fundamental knowledge of service education each semester to provide students with a sound foundation for service education. Students will not be considered passing this section (a total of four hours) unless they have attended the aforesaid seminars for four hours or more and passed the online quiz about the concept of service education on the ISU Service-Learning System. (2) If any student taking the basic service-learning course has completed the volunteer orientation course offered by the Ministry of the Interior, he or she can apply to the Section for an exemption from attending the seminars by presenting a Certificate of Completion of Volunteer Orientation Training. However, such students shall still pass the online quiz about the concept of service education on the ISU 2 Service-Learning System, or they will not be considered passing this section. b. Service-Learning Practice: The Section establishes a service-learning matching platform on the ISU Service-Learning System, and students can check and sign up for public service activities at or outside the University, whether organized by student clubs (including department-level student associations) accredited by the Student Activity Section of the Office of Student Affairs or by administrative units (including faculty members), but individual academic research projects shall not be included. Students will not be considered passing this section (a total of twelve hours) unless they have undertaken public service activities for twelve hours or more. c. Reflection and Feedback: (1) Students shall write a report on personal experiences with service-learning (at least 1,000 words) after completing the aforesaid two sections. Students will not be considered passing this section (a total of two hours) unless they have uploaded the report to the ISU Service-Learning System and completed the feedback questionnaire on service-learning. (2) All reports must be uploaded to the ISU Service-Learning System by the last working day of the seventeenth week of each semester based on the academic calendar announced by the Curriculum Section of the Office of Academic Affairs. (3) Students are not allowed to submit the report if they have not completed either of the aforesaid sections. Advisors will review these reports to determine whether students can pass this section. Article 6 The scoring standard for service education referred to in Article 10 of the Regulations is as follows: 1. Labor Education Courses: a. One semester is divided into three terms, and the score of each term is calculated according to the following criteria: (1) Ethics and Morality (35%): ethics, responsibility & dedication, environmental awareness, social care, etc. (2) Social Awareness (35%): life management, teamwork, negotiation, self-promotion, etc. (3) Life Attitudes (30%) 3 b. The semester grade is the average of the three term scores. Sixty points is the lowest passing grade, and 100 points is the highest possible grade. Those who receive 59 points or below must re-take the course. 2. Basic Service-Learning Courses: a. The Section offers a Pass or Fail to indicate whether students pass or fail this course. b. The Section will check the course completion percentage at the end of every semester to see how much students have completed. Students who have completed and passed all of the three sections will receive a Pass on the academic transcript, while those who have failed any of the three sections will receive a Fail on the academic transcript. c. Students must receive a Pass on the academic transcript, or they will not be considered passing this course. Those who receive a Fail must re-take this course. Article 7 The rules of application for leave of absence and attendance evaluation referred to in Article 12 of the Regulations are as follows: 1. Students shall abide by the Rules of Application for Leave by Students at I-Shou University and apply for leave of absence from the labor education course. 2. Students who wish to take official leave shall apply beforehand and submit supporting documents issued by the authorities concerned. Those who are granted official leave are exempt from making up missed service education sessions. It is to be noted that the number of times to apply for official leave by one student during one single semester shall not exceed one-third of the total number of times of undergoing labor services by him or her during the same semester. Excess leave of absence will be considered as personal leave. 3. In case of the death of a linear relative within the second degree of kinship, students shall submit supporting documents to apply for bereavement leave. When the leave period falls within seven days, it is considered official leave; if it is more than seven days, students shall apply for an additional person leave. 4. Students who have completed the leave application procedures must make up missed service sessions within five working days of the expiry of the leave of absence. If students apply for a week of leave of absence or longer, the following rules shall be observed: a. Students who have taken up to a week of leave of absence must make up missed service sessions within five working days of the expiry of the leave of absence; 4 b. Students who have taken one to two weeks of leave of absence must make up missed service sessions within ten working days of the expiry of the leave of absence, and so on; c. If a student wishes to apply for one month of leave of absence or more, the Section shall submit a petition to the University for ratification. d. All missed services must be made up by the last working day of the eighteenth week of each semester based on the academic calendar announced by the Curriculum Section of the Office of Academic Affairs. 5. If students arrive late or leave earlier than scheduled, group leaders shall deduct points according to the scoring standards. Those who arrive fifteen minutes later than scheduled shall be considered absent from class without legitimate reasons. 6. The leave application procedures are as follows: a. The student buys a leave of absence record card at the convenience store on campus. b. The student submits the card to the advisor for approval. c. The student submits the card to the Student Campus Life Guidance Section of the Office of Student Affairs for future reference d. The Section makes entries online. 7. Basic Service-Learning Courses: Students shall complete a total of three sections. Every time a student completes one section, the word “Completed” will be shown in the section on the system; otherwise, the word ”Not completed” will be shown. The Section, advisors and students can conduct inquires into the completion percentage at any time. Article 8 Students with remarkable performance on service education referred to in Article 13 of the Regulations will not only be conferred a medal (a certificate of merit) and are eligible to apply for scholarships and grants, but they are also entitled to the following benefits: 1. Scores on service education will be an important reference when they apply for work-study jobs, scholarships and grants, a position of student cadre and the like. 2. Students with remarkable performance on services education will be awarded prizes by the President as encouragement. Article 9 The Enforcement Rules become effective on the third day of promulgation after being adopted by the University Council and ratified by the President. Note: In the event of any disputes or misunderstanding as to the interpretation of the language or terms of these Enforcement Rules, the Chinese language version shall prevail. 5