義守大學學生申訴處理辦法 83 年 06 月 28 日 82 學年度第 2 學期院務會議通過 84 年 11 月 22 日 84 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次校務會議修正通過 85 年 05 月 29 日 84 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次校務會議修正通過 88 年 07 月 28 日 87 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次校務會議修正通過 90 年 06 月 26 日 89 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次校務會議修正通過 92 年 01 月 08 日 91 學年度第 1 學期第 2 次校務會議修正通過 92 年 05 月 29 日 91 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次校務會議修正通過 95 年 06 月 14 日 94 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次校務會議修正通過 95 年 12 月 20 日 95 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次校務會議修正通過 99 年 12 月 15 日 99 學年度第 1 學期第 2 次校務會議修正通過 100 年 10 月 26 日 100 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次校務會議修正通過 101 年 03 月 28 日 100 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次校務會議修正通過 101 年 05 月 30 日 100 學年度第 2 學期第 2 次校務會議修正通過 第 一 條 義守大學(以下簡稱本校)為保障學生學習、生活及受教 權益,增進校園和諧,依大學法第三十三條及本校組織規程 第二十六條規定,訂定義守大學學生申訴處理辦法(以下簡稱 本辦法)。 第 二 條 本校設置學生申訴評議委員會(以下簡稱本會)處理學生 申訴事項。 第 三 條 本校在校學生、學生會及其他相關學生自治組織(以下簡 稱申訴人)不服學校之懲處、其他措施或決議之事件,得向本 會提出申訴。 申訴案不符前項規定或顯然應由法院審判之事件,本會 應做成不受理決定,但得建議處理方式。 第 四 條 本會委員九至十二人,均為無給職,任期一年,由校長 遴聘教師代表及學生代表擔任之。 教師代表由校長就全校專任教師中遴聘六至九人,其中 兼任有關教師評議、學生獎懲會議之人員或兼任行政工作之 1 教師者,不得為本會委員。 學生代表由學生自治會、系學會及社團幹部各推薦兩人 ,由校長就其中遴聘三人。 本會任一性別委員應佔委員總數三分之ㄧ以上。 前項委員於任期內出缺時,由校長補遴聘繼任之。繼任 委員之任期至原任期屆滿之日止。 本會依申訴案之性質,得聘請法律、教育、心理學者二 人為諮詢委員,列席會議。如諮詢委員非本校專任教職員者, 得酌支車馬費,金額另行簽請校長核准,經費由學生事務處 編列預算支應。 第 五 條 本會置主席一人,由委員互選,任期一年,連選得連任。 主席為會議召集人並主持會議,未選出主席以前(即該 任申評會第一次會議),由校長或其指定之人員召集會議, 其後會議則均由選出之主席召集之。 若主席不能主持會議時,得指定委員一人代理主席。 本會置執行秘書一人,綜理本會行政事務,執行秘書由 學生事務處諮商輔導組組長擔任。 第 六 條 本會開會應有委員三分之二以上出席始得開會。評議決 定,以出席委員三分之二以上同意為通過。其餘事項之決議, 以出席委員二分之一以上同意為通過。 委員不得委託他人代理出席會議。 第 七 條 申訴人不服本校之懲處、其他措施或決議之事件,應於 懲處、其他措施或決議送達或公布之次日起二十日內以書面 向本會提出申訴。其未經本校申訴程序而逕向教育部提出訴 願者,經教育部移送本會時,以原向教育部提出訴願日為提 起申訴日。 申訴人就同一案件向本會提起申訴,以一次為限。 本會對逾期限之申訴案,應做成不受理決定。但申訴人 因天災或其他不應歸責於己之事由,導致逾期限提出申訴 者,得於其原因消滅後十日內,以書面敘明理由向本會申請 2 受理評議。但遲誤申訴期間已逾一年者,不得為之。 第 八 條 申訴人應具親筆署名之申訴書,載明下列事項,並檢附 與申訴案有關之文件及證據: 一、申訴人姓名、出生年月日、身分證明文件號碼、系所及 年級、住居所、電話。 二、有代理人或代表人者,其姓名、出生年月日、身分證明 文件號碼、住居所、電話。 三、收受或知悉措施之年月日、申訴之事實及理由。 四、希望獲得之具體補救。 五、提起申訴之年月日。 六、載明就本申訴案有無提起訴願、訴訟。 提起申訴不合前項規定者,本會得通知申訴人於七日內 補正。其補正期間應自評議期間內扣除。屆期未補正者,本 會得逕為不受理決定。 第 九 條 本會處理申訴案時,得組成調查小組,負責申訴案之程 序審查、事實調查或實地勘驗。 調查小組成員由本會教師委員二人及學生委員一人組 成,調查小組召集人由本會主席指定之。 各項調查完竣後,調查小組應向本會提出報告,以利本 會做成評議。 第 十 條 申訴人於案件開始評議前,得申請對該案有利害關係之 委員迴避之。委員對申訴案自認有利害關係時,亦得申請迴 避。申請同意與否,由本會主席決定之。 第 十一 條 本會自收到申訴書之次日起三日內,得以書面檢附申訴 書影本及相關文件,通知做成原懲處、其他措施或決議之本 校各單位或相關人員(以下簡稱原處分單位)提出說明。 原處分單位應自前項書面通知到達之次日起七日內,擬 具說明書連同關係文件,送於本會,並應將說明書副本抄送 申訴人。但原處分單位認申訴為有理由者,得自行撤銷或變 更,並函知本會。 3 原處分單位屆期未提出說明或拒絕說明者,本會得逕為 調查評議。 第一項期間,於依第八條第二項規定補正者,自補正之 次日起算;未為補正者,自補正期限屆滿之次日起算。 第 十二 條 本會會議以不公開為原則。 本會應評議之需要,得依職權或申訴人、原處分單位之 聲請,邀請申訴人、關係人、學者專家或相關單位指派之人員 列席陳述意見。 第 十三 條 本會之評議決定,以無記名表決方式為之,其評議經過 與委員個別意見應對外嚴加保密。 第 十四 條 在申訴程序中,申訴人就申訴案或其牽連之事項,同時 或先後另行提出訴願或訴訟者,應即以書面通知本會。 本會依前項通知或依職權知有前項情形後,應以書面通 知申訴人及原處分單位,並中止申訴案之評議,俟中止評議 原因消滅後,經申訴人書面請求繼續評議。惟退學、開除學 籍或類此處分之申訴案不在此限。 本會依前項規定決定繼續評議時,應即以書面通知申訴 人及原處分單位。 第 十五 條 申訴人於本會未做成評議決定前,得撤回其申訴案。申 訴人撤回申訴後,不得就同一原因事實重提申訴。 對於申訴人之撤回聲請,本會無須評決,應即終結,並 通知申訴人及原處分單位。 第 十六 條 本會審議期間,得建議本校暫緩執行退學、開除學籍或 類此處分;於評議決定確定前,申訴人得向本校提出繼續在 校肄業之書面請求。 本校接到上述請求後,應徵詢本會意見並衡酌申訴人之 生活及學習狀況,於七日內以書面答覆,內容應載明與申訴 人學籍相關之權利與義務。 依前項申訴經本校同意在校肄業者,除不得授給畢業證 書外,其他修課、成績考核、獎懲得比照在校生處理。 4 第 十七 條 本會應於收到申訴書之次日起三十日內,做成評議決定 書並陳校長核定完成;必要時得予延長,並通知申訴人,延 長以一次為限,最長不得逾二個月。但涉及退學、開除學籍 或類此處分之申訴案,不得延長。 第 十八 條 本會評議決定後,應即做成評議決定書,陳校長核定後 ,送達申訴人。 評議決定書陳校長核定時,應知會原處分單位。原處分 單位認本會之評議決定有牴觸法規或窒礙難行者,應於評議 決定書送達後七日內,以書面敘明具體事實及理由,陳報校 長,並副知本會。校長認為原處分單位有理由者,得交付本 會再議,但以一次為限。 評議決定書經校長核定後,本校應即採行,並將評議決 定書送達申訴人及原處分單位。 第 十九 條 評議決定書應包括主文、事實及理由等內容;如有建議 處理方式,應提出具體建議。 不受理之申訴案,亦應做成評議決定書,惟其內容得不 記載事實,僅敘明主文與理由,但應依第二十二條或第二十 三條規定,記載申訴人若不服評議決定時之救濟方法。 第 二十 條 退學、開除學籍或類此處分之申訴案,經評議決定維持 原處分者,其修業證明書所載之修業截止日期以原處分日期 為準; 第二十一條 退學、開除學籍或類此處分之申訴案,經評議決定維持 原處分者,其兵役及退費依下列規定辦理: 一、役男之「離校學生緩徵原因消滅名冊」於評議決定 書核定後三十日內冊報。 二、退費基準依「專科以上學校向學生收取費用辦法第 八條」及「專科以上學校學雜費收取辦法第十五條」之規定 辦理。 第二十二條 申訴人就本校所為之行政處分,經提起申訴而不服本校 評議決定者,得自申訴評議書送達次日起三十日內,繕具訴 5 願書,檢附本校申訴評議決定書,經本校向教育部提起訴願 。 本校收到前項訴願書後,應儘速檢具答辯書,並將必要 之關係文件,一併送交教育部。 申訴人就本校所為之行政處分,未經本校申訴程序救濟 ,逕向教育部提起訴願者,教育部應將該案件移由本校依學 生申訴程序處理。 第二十三條 申訴人就本校所為行政處分以外之懲處、其他措施或決 議,經提起申訴而不服本校評議決定者,得按其性質依法提 起訴訟,請求救濟。 第二十四條 申訴人提起訴願或行政訴訟後若獲得救濟者,其輔導措 施如下: 一、訴願決定或行政訴訟判決另為處分並同意學生復學 者,其因特殊事故無法及時復學時,學校應輔導其 復學;對已入營無法復學之役男,學校應保留其學 籍,俟其退伍後,輔導優先復學;復學前之離校期 間並得補辦休學。 二、依訴願決定或行政訴訟判決另為處分並同意學生復 學者,應依本校規定完成撤銷退學處分。 第二十五條 申訴人因校園性侵害、性騷擾或性霸凌事件提起申訴, 其屬性別平等教育法第二十八條第二項申請調查之性質者, 依性別平等教育法相關規定處理。 第二十六條 本會之行政業務經費由學生事務處提報專款支應。 本會行政作業承辦單位為學生事務處諮商輔導組。 第二十七條 本辦法經行政會議及校務會議審議通過,報請教育部核 定後實施。 6 Regulations for Handling Students’ Grievances by I-Shou University Adopted on June 28, 1994 by the Institute Affairs Council in the second semester of the academic year 1993 Amendments adopted on November 22, 1995 at the first meeting of the University Council in the first semester of the academic year 1995 Amendments adopted on May 29, 1996 at the first meeting of the University Council in the second semester of the academic year 1995 Amendments adopted on July 28, 1999 at the first meeting of the University Council in the second semester of the academic year 1998 Amendments adopted on June 26, 2001 at the first meeting of the University Council in the second semester of the academic year 2000 Amendments adopted on January 8, 2003 at the second meeting of the University Council in the first semester of the academic year 2002 Amendments adopted on May 29, 2003 at the first meeting of the University Council in the second semester of the academic year 2002 Amendments adopted on June 14, 2006 at the first meeting of the University Council in the second semester of the academic year 2005 Amendments adopted on December 20, 2006 at the first meeting of the University Council in the first semester of the academic year 2006 Amendments adopted on December 15, 2010 at the second meeting of the University Council in the first semester of the academic year 2010 Amendments adopted on October 26, 2011 at the first meeting of the University Council in the first semester of the academic year 2011 Amendments adopted on March 28, 2012 at the first 1 meeting of the University Council in the second semester of the academic year 2011 Amendments adopted on May 30, 2012 at the second meeting of the University Council in the second semester of the academic year 2011 Article 1 The Regulations for Handling Students’ Grievances by I-Shou University (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) are enacted as per Article 33 of the University Act and Article 26 of the Charter of I-Shou University to safeguard students’ right to learn and to education, help students lead a satisfactory campus life, and promote campus harmony. Article 2 The University establishes the Student Appellate Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) to deal with appeals filed by students. Article 3 An appeal is filed to the Committee when enrolled students, the Students’ Union or any student self-governing organization (hereinafter collectively referred to as the complainant) raises objections to punishments meted out by the University, or to measures or resolutions adopted by the University. The Committee shall reject appeals for matters which do not satisfy the requirements referred to in the preceding paragraph or which should be judged by the court, but the Committee may suggest subsequent steps to students. Article 4 The Committee is composed of nine to twelve volunteer members, including teacher representatives and student representatives appointed by the President. Committee members serve a one-year term. The President appoints six to nine full-time teachers from the University as teacher representatives. Members to the Faculty Plea and Arbitration Committee and to the Student Reward and Disciplinary Committee as well as faculty members serving concurrently as an administrative head are not permitted to serve as members to the Committee. The Students’ Union, departmental student associations and club cadre members shall nominate two students, respectively, and the President will appoint three of the candidates as student representatives. At least one-third of the committee members shall be composed of either gender. If a committee member can no longer fulfill his or her duties before the expiration of a given term, the President shall appoint a new member, and the newly-appointed member shall serve until the expiration of the term. Depending on the nature of an appeal, the Committee may invite two experts in legal 2 affairs, education or psychology to attend as advisory members. An advisory member may receive a transportation allowance if he or she is not a full-time faculty or staff member of the University. The exact amount of a transportation allowance given to an advisory member shall be ratified by the President, and such transportation allowances shall be included in the budget of the Office of Student Affairs. Article 5 The chairperson of the Committee is elected among the committee members, and serves a one-year term and may be re-elected. The Chairperson is also the convener and presides over committee meetings. Before the chairperson is elected, the very first meeting of each term shall be presided over by the President or a person designated by the President, and subsequent meetings shall be presided over by the elected chairperson. If the Chairperson cannot preside over a committee meeting, he or she may designate a committee member as his or her deputy. The Chief of the Counseling & Guidance Section of the Office of Student Affairs shall serve as the executive secretary to cope with administrative affairs of the Committee. Article 6 A quorum of at least two-thirds of total membership is required to validate a committee meeting. A decision on an appeal shall not be made unless at least two-thirds of the members present vote in favor of the proposal, and a decision on any other issues shall not be made unless at least half of the members present vote in favor of the proposal. Committee members are barred from authorizing a third party to attend a committee meeting on their behalf. Article 7 If a complainant raises objections to punishments meted out by the University, or to measures or resolutions adopted by the University, the complainant shall file a written appeal to the Committee within twenty days from the following day of servicing or announcing the punishment, measures or resolution. If the complainant directly files an administrative appeal to the Ministry of Education instead of following due appeal procedures of the University, the date on which the administrative appeal is filed is considered as the date on which an appeal is filed after the administrative appeal is referred by the Ministry to the Committee. Complainants are allowed to file an appeal for the same issue only once. The Committee shall reject late appeals. However, a complainant who misses the prescribed deadline due to force majeure or any matter that the complainant should not be to blame for may apply to the Committee for late appeal approval by providing an explanatory statement within ten days of the date on which the reason for delay no longer exists. The aforesaid rule is not applicable when it has been more than one year 3 since the prescribed deadline. Article 8 A complainant shall complete and affix his or her signature to an appeal, and submit the signed appeal along with supporting documents and evidence. The following items shall be included in an appeal: 1. the complainant’s name, date of birth, national ID No. (Passport No.), class, registered address, mailing address and contact number; 2. the attorney/representative’s name, date of birth, national ID No. (Passport No.), registered address, mailing address and contact number, if any; 3. the date on which the complainant receives or is informed of the punishment, measures or resolution, and the facts and reasons of the appeal; 4. desired concrete remedies; 5. the date on which the complainant files the appeal; 6. an explanation of whether an administrative appeal or lawsuit is filed. The Committee will request the complainant to provide correct and/or supplementary documents within seven days in case of an incomplete appeal. The number of days required for documentation correction shall be deducted from the total days for appeal deliberation. The Committee reserves the right to reject any incomplete appeal if the complainant fails to provide correct and/or supplementary documents by the prescribed deadline. Article 9 The Committee may set up investigation panels to be responsible for reviewing the legitimacy of appeals and investigating into matters being appealed against or involved with appeals. An investigation panel is composed of two teacher representatives and one student representative of the Committee, and the convener shall be designated by the Chairperson. Upon completion of an investigation, investigation panels shall submit the investigation results to the Committee for deliberation and resolution. Article 10 Before the Committee begins to deliberate an appeal, the complainant may request the Committee to excuse any committee member involved in the matter being appealed against. On the other hand, any committee member may apply for excusing himself or herself from sitting in on the Committee should he or she believes that he or she gets involved in the matter being appealed against. Such applications shall be submitted to the Chairperson for approval. Article 11 The Committee shall forward a photocopy of the appeal and relevant documents to the unit determining the punishment, measures or resolution being appealed against or related parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “determining unit”) within 4 three days from the following day of receiving an appeal, in order to ask the determining unit for an explanation. The determining unit shall submit an explanatory statement and all necessarily relevant documents to the Committee within seven days from the following day of receiving the notification referred to in the preceding paragraph, and at the same time deliver a duplicate of the explanatory statement to the complainant concerned. However, the determining unit may directly revoke or revise the punishment, measures or resolution should it considers the appeal reasonable, and notify the Committee in writing as well. If the determining unit fails to explain by the prescribed deadline or refuse to explain, the Committee reserves the right to directly investigate matters being appealed against and deliberate the appeal. The deadline referred to in the first paragraph is calculated from the following day of documentation correction made as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of Article 8, while the same deadline is calculated from the following day of the deadline of documentation correction should the complainant fails in documentation correction. Article 12 Committee meetings are restricted to committee members in principle. The Committee may invite complainants, related parties, scholars, experts or personnel sent by relevant units to attend and give statements under the authority bestowed upon it or as requested by complainants or determining units whenever necessary. Article 13 Committee members shall vote by secret ballot. Decisions made and opinions expressed by committee members shall be kept confidential at all times. Article 14 Complainants shall notify the Committee in writing without delay after they file an administrative appeal or lawsuit against matters being appealed against or involved with the appeal before, during or after the appeal process. Once being notified or informed, the Committee shall immediately notify the complainant concerned and the determining unit in writing, and suspend the appeal arbitration in question as well. The Committee will not resume the arbitration unless the original reason for suspension no longer exists and the complainant concerned files an application for resumption in writing. However, the aforesaid rule does not apply to an appeal against a disciplinary action of expulsion, dismissal and the like. Before the Committee resumes the arbitration as per the preceding paragraph, it shall notify the complainant concerned and the determining unit in writing. Article 15 Complainants may withdraw their appeals at any time before the Committee makes a decision on the appeal. However, the complainant concerned is not allowed to file 5 another appeal for the same reason or matter after the original appeal is withdrawn. When a complainant applies for withdrawing his or her appeal, the Committee is not required to make any decision, but closes the case accordingly, and at the same time notifies the complainant concerned and the determining unit. Article 16 During the appeal arbitration, the Committee may recommend the University suspend the disciplinary action of expulsion, dismissal and the like, and complainants may apply in writing for continuing studies at the University before a decision is made. Upon receiving such an application, the University shall reply in writing within seven days after consulting the Committee and taking into consideration the complainant’s daily and academic performance. At the same time, the rights and obligations related to student enrollment status applicable to the complainant concerned shall be clearly stated along with the reply. As for complainants who are permitted to continue studies under the consent of the University, regulations and rules regulating course registration, scoring, rewards and punishments are the same as those that apply to enrolled students, except that no diploma is issued by the University. Article 17 The Committee shall make an appeal resolution statement and have the statement ratified by the President within thirty days from the following day of receiving an appeal. The Committee may extend the aforesaid period to a maximum of two months whenever necessary, but only once; at the same time, the Committee shall notify the complainant concerned of the extension. It should be noted that the aforesaid extension does not apply to an appeal against a disciplinary action of expulsion, dismissal and the like. Article 18 After a decision is made, the Committee shall immediately make an appeal resolution statement. A duplicate of the statement shall be delivered to the complainant concerned after the statement is ratified by the President. The Committee shall notify the determining unit right after the appeal resolution statement is ratified by the President. If the determining unit believes that the appeal resolution is contradictory to the law or has difficulty in implementing the appeal resolution, it shall submit facts and concrete reasons to the President within seven days of the day of receiving the statement, and at the same time deliver a duplicate to the Committee. The President will deliver the appeal resolution to the Committee for reconsideration should the President considers the reasons proposed by the determining unit adequate, but the request for reconsideration is made only once. The University shall implement an appeal resolution that is ratified by the President. A duplicate of the ratified statement shall be delivered to the complainant concerned and 6 the determining unit, respectively. Article 19 An appeal resolution statement shall include the main body, facts and reasons, and the Committee may make concrete suggestions, if any. The Committee shall also produce an appeal resolution statement for rejected appeals, but only the main body and reasons are included. The Committee shall also clearly state possible administrative relief measures on the statement as per Article 22 or 23. Article 20 If the disciplinary action of expulsion, dismissal and the like remains upheld after an appeal, the date of termination of studies stated on the Certificate of Study is the date on which the disciplinary actions is first issued. Article 21 The following rules apply to military services and tuition refund should the disciplinary action of expulsion, dismissal and the like remains upheld after an appeal: 1. preparing a name list of students whose reasons for military draft deferral no longer exist within thirty days of ratification of an appeal resolution statement and submitting the name list to the local military service authority. 2. The tuition refund is calculated as per Article 8 of the Student Fee Regulations for Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education and Article 15 of the Tuition Fee Regulations for Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education. Article 22 If a complainant raises objections to the appeal results of the administration action meted out by the University, the complainant can submit an administrative appeal statement along with the appeal resolution statement provided by the University to the Ministry of Education through the University within thirty days from the following day the appeal resolution statement is received. After receiving the administrative appeal statement mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the University shall immediately prepare and submit an explanatory statement and relevant documents to the Ministry along with documents provided by the complainant concerned. If a complainant directly files an administrative appeal to the Ministry of Education for the administration action meted out by the University instead of following the appeal procedures of the University, the Ministry shall refer such an appeal to the University to handle as per due appeal procedures. Article 23 If a complainant raises objections to the appeal results of the punishment, measures or resolution other than the administration action given by the University, the complainant can file a lawsuit to request administrative relief. Article 24 If a complainant is granted relief after filing an administrative appeal or administrative lawsuit, the following measures shall apply: 7 1. After another disciplinary action is required as per the administrative appeal decision or the judgment on the administrative lawsuit, and the complainant concerned is permitted to resume the studies, the University shall guide and assist the complainant in applying for resumption should the complainant does not manage to do so promptly due to special reasons. As for students who have already served in the army, the University shall help them retain the student enrollment status, and guide and assist them in applying for resumption right after discharge from the army. These students may apply for suspension of schooling for the period of absence before resuming studies at the University. 2. After another disciplinary action is required as per the administrative appeal decision or the judgment on the administrative lawsuit, and the complainant concerned is permitted to resume the studies, the University must revoke the disciplinary action of expulsion in accordance with the University’s regulations. Article 25 Appeals related to campus sexual assault, sexual harassment or sexual bullying filed by students shall be referred to the University’s Committee of Gender Equity Education for deliberation as per Paragraph 2, Article 28 of the Gender Equity Education Act. Article 26 The administrative funding of the Committee comes from a special budget applied by the Office of Student Affairs. The Counseling & Guidance Section of the Office of Student Affairs is responsible for administrative affairs of the Committee. Article 27 The Regulations become effective on the day of promulgation after being adopted by the University Administration Council and the University Council and ratified by the Ministry of Education. Note: In the event of any disputes or misunderstanding as to the interpretation of the language or terms of these Regulations, the Chinese language version shall prevail. 8