義守大學 96 學年度博碩士班推薦甄試招生考試試題 管理學院管理碩士班 95/11/25

義守大學 96 學年度博碩士班推薦甄試招生考試試題
※ 此為試題卷,考生請於答案卷上作答。
※ 本考科不可使用計算機、不可使用字典。
1. 心理學家發現人們喜歡將某些人格聯想在一起。如,認為工作努力的人也很誠實。像
這種知覺偏差稱為: (A) 內隱人格理論 (B) 月暈作用 (C) 刻板印象 (D) 選擇性知
2. 在學習溝通技巧中,提供正負面的回饋是很重要的,在下列方式中,負面回饋最可能
3. 依我國稅法規定,收回已沖銷之呆帳應貸記: (A) 備抵呆帳 (B) 其他收入 (C) 應
收帳款 (D) 呆帳。
4. Which of the following is an example of investment in the expenditure approach to
measuring GDP? (A) ASUS builds another assembly plant. (B) ASUS accomplishes a
planned (intended) increase in its inventories. (C) ASUS experiences an unintended
increase in its inventories, due to an unanticipated decline in sales. (D) ASUS buys
Taiwan government bonds.
5. Which of the following helps explain why the aggregate demand curve slopes down: (A)
Prices are sticky in the short run. (B) People buy more of a good when it is less expensive.
(C) A rise in the price level raises the real money supply. (D) A fall in the real money
supply requires a rise in the interest rate.
6. Which of the following could cause an increase in the natural rate of unemployment : (A) a
cut in unemployment compensation. (B) an increase in the popularity of efficiency wages
among firms. (C) increased funding for worker retraining. (D) a decrease in sectoral shifts.
7. A global industry is defined as ________. : (A) an industry in which the strategic
positions of competitors are fundamentally affected by their overall global positions. (B)
an industry that operates in more than one country and captures R&D, marketing, and
other financial advantages in its costs and reputation. (C) an industry that operates in more
than one country and has a strategic position in many countries. (D) a firm that operates in
more than one country and has a sales and marketing staff in those countries.
8. Which of the following statements about image is false? (A) Reinforcing or rejuvenating a
current image that is consistent with the view of consumers is easier to accomplish than
changing a well-established image. (B) It is relatively easy to change the images people
hold about a given company. (C) Any negative or bad press can quickly destroy an image
that took years to build. (D) The image being projected must accurately portray the firm
and coincide with its goods and services.
9. Which is not evidence of cocooning ?(A) buying an elaborate home.(B)a gourmet
kitchen area.(C)taking a pleasure cruise.(D)moving to a gated theme community.
義守大學 96 學年度博碩士班推薦甄試招生考試試題
※ 此為試題卷,考生請於答案卷上作答。
※ 本考科不可使用計算機、不可使用字典。
10. Decision rules that help employees make quick decisions regarding purchases are called
__________.: (A) heuristics. (B) satisfying. (C) methodologies. (D) role playing.
11. An important force affecting business is the ________—a movement of citizens and
government organized to strengthen the rights and powers of buyers in relation to
(A)self-rights movement. (B)consumerist movement. (C)environmental
movement.(D)ethical reform movement.
12. ________ is the greater willingness to buy more goods and services from outside
domestic or foreign vendors. :(A) Benchmarking. (B) Merging. (C) Globalizing. (D)
二、問答與計算(須詳細說明或列出算式) 52%
1. 根據《中央銀行季刊國內經濟金融情勢報告》指出,國內民間消費成長率為一.七%,
成販賣不振的現象。面對這種情況,請問企業應該如何因應?(5 分)
2. 請說明何謂平衡計分卡?為何國內部份企業界導入平衡計分卡,然而並未提昇企業的
績效?(8 分)
3. 請比較人力管理、人力資源管理與人事管理的不同。(9 分)
4. 請說明何謂 insourcing?通常適用於何種狀況?(4 分)
5. 10 years ago, you entered into a mortgage agreement to borrow $200,000, at an interest rate
of 10%, to be returned in 30 years. However, interest rates fell and the on-going mortgage
rate is just 6%. You pay a constant amount at the end of each year, partly to cover the
interest and the rest to pay back the principle. (12 分)
(a) How much are you paying the bank per year?
(b) Right now, how much principle do you still owe the bank?
(c) What is the PV of the mortgage you owe to the bank?
(d) The bank allows you to re-finance your mortgage at the current rate of 6%. However,
the bank requires you to pay the bank an additional 10% of the principle you still owe
to the bank. Will you do the re-financing?
6. 1) In performing a regression, ANOVA, or ANCOVA, what four assumptions must be
satisfied? (4 分)
2) Define what is meant by the p-value (or empirical significance level) of a test.(2 分)
7. What factors affect members of the buying center?(8 分)