Indexing Semistructured Data

Indexing Semistructured Data
Jason McHugh Jennifer Widom Serge Abiteboul Qingshan Luo Anand Rajaraman
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
This paper describes techniques for building and exploiting indexes on semistructured data:
data that may not have a xed schema and that may be irregular or incomplete. We rst present a
general framework for indexing values in the presence of automatic type coercion. Then based on
Lore, a DBMS for semistructured data, we introduce four types of indexes and illustrate how they
are used during query processing. Our techniques and indexing structures are fully implemented
and integrated into the Lore prototype.
1 Introduction
We call data that is irregular or that exhibits type and structural heterogeneity semistructured,
since it may not conform to a rigid, predened schema. Such data arises frequently on the Web,
or when integrating information from heterogeneous sources. In general, semistructured data can
be neither stored nor queried in relational or object-oriented database management systems easily
and eciently. We are developing Lore1, a database management system designed specically for
semistructured data [MAG+ 97]. Building Lore from scratch allows us to explore how semistructured
data aects each component of a database management system. In this paper we focus on indexing.
In any DBMS, the tradeo between ecient query performance versus space and update cost must
be considered. Indexing allows fast access to data by essentially replicating portions of the database
in special-purpose structures. However, these structures must be kept up to date incrementally:
each change to the base data must be reected in all applicable indexes. Despite the cost of index
maintenance, the added storage, and the added complexity in the query engine, indexes have shown
themselves to be a useful and integral part of all database systems. The considerations involving
the use of indexes are very similar in a database system for semistructured data: The administrator
may choose to build some indexes which, if exploited properly by the query processor, will decrease
query processing time. Consistency between the index structures and the data must be maintained.
Many applications of semistructured data (such as querying Web or integrated data) tend to be
This work was supported by the Air Force Rome Laboratories and DARPA under Contracts F30602-95-C-0119
and F30602-96-1-031.
1 Lore, for Lightweight Object REpository, has grown from a \lightweight" system for \lightweight" objects into a
full-featured DBMS.
read-intensive, in which case the balance falls towards maintaining extensive indexing structures to
speed up query processing. For Lore applications we often nd this to be the approach of choice.
Semistructured data does introduce some novel problems concerning the actual mechanics of
indexing. First, indexes in relational and object-oriented database systems are created over a set
of attributes for some collection where the types of the attributes are dened in advance. In Lore,
the data is essentially an arbitrary labeled directed graph [PGMW95], so it is dicult to isolate an
attribute of a collection to index, and the type of objects are not known in advance. Second, Lore
automatically performs type coercion when comparing objects of dierent types|an essential feature
when dealing with semistructured data. Traditional value indexing techniques must be modied
considerably in order to be used in the presence of coercion.
Indexing atomic values in our graph-based data model allows the query engine to quickly locate
specic leaf objects. However, since almost all queries also explore the data via labeled traversals
through the graph, we introduce additional indexes that eciently locate edges and paths through
the data. Lore also includes a simple full-text indexing system that eciently supports Information
Retrieval style predicates within Lore's query language. Finally, we describe how Lore's query
optimizer pieces together the available indexes to create ecient query plans. All structures, index
creation algorithms, index maintenance, and query plans described in this paper are implemented
and fully functional in Lore.
1.1 Related Work
A description of the Lore architecture and query execution engine can be found in [MAG+97].
Lore's cost-based query optimizer was introduced in [MW97] with a focus on how the optimizer
nds ecient query plans. Lore DataGuides [GW97], which are dynamic structural summaries of a
database, serve both as a tool for the end-user and as a simple path index. A preliminary version
of Lore's query language, Lorel, was introduced in [QRS+ 95]. Details of the current version of Lorel
appear in [AQM+ 97].
Needless to say, there has been a signicant amount of work in indexing for object-oriented
databases, e.g., [KKD89, SS94, RK95, KM92, CCY94, BG92, XH94]. All of this work depends
on the database having a xed schema based on a known, strongly-typed class hierarchy. In our
environment we must take a dierent approach to indexing, since we do not have a xed schema,
and comparable objects may take on dierent types.
Other related work includes recent research into ecient evaluation of generalized path expressions. In [CCM96], an algebraic framework and transformations are presented to optimize evaluation
of generalized path expressions, but the approach does not consider the use of indexes. In [FS98], a
notion of \state extent" is introduced for path expression evaluation that is similar in spirit to how we
use DataGuide path indexes. However, [FS98] does not consider explicit storage or maintenance of
state extents, nor how they are integrated with query plan generation, so they cannot be considered
indexes in the traditional sense.
Title Writer
Name Character
Amount Currency
Name Character
"US $"
"Star "Adventures of
Wars" the Starkiller"
Figure 1: An OEM database
1.2 Paper Outline
Section 2 provides a brief introduction to the data model and query language used in Lore and
motivates Lore's query execution strategies. A detailed foundation for indexing values in the presence
of automatic type coercion, which is instantiated in Lore, is given in Section 3. The four index types
implemented in the Lore system are described in Section 4. Query operators and plans that use the
index structures are described in Section 5.
2 Preliminaries and Motivation
To set the stage for our discussion of indexing semistructured data, we rst introduce Lore's data
model, query language, and query execution strategies. For further details see [AQM+ 97, MW97].
2.1 The Object Exchange Model
The Object Exchange Model (OEM) [PGMW95] is designed for semistructured data. Data in this
model can be thought of as a labeled directed graph. For example, the OEM graph shown in Figure 1
depicts a tiny portion of a database containing information about movies. (Although the example
database is mostly tree-structured, OEM and Lore permit arbitrary graph-structured databases.)
The vertices in the graph are objects; each object has a unique object identier (OID), such as &5.
Atomic objects have no outgoing edges and contain a value from one of the basic atomic types such
as integer, real, string, gif, java, audio, etc. All other objects may have outgoing edges and
are called complex objects. Object &4 is complex and its subobjects are &13, &14, &15, and &16.
Object &5 is atomic and has value \Blade Runner". Names are special labels that serve as aliases
for objects and as entry points into the database. In Figure 1, DB is a name that denotes object &1.
In an OEM database there is no notion of xed schema. All the schematic information is included
in the labels, which may change dynamically. Thus, an OEM database is self-describing, and there
is no regularity imposed on the data. The model is designed to handle incompleteness of data, as
well as structure and type heterogeneity as exhibited in the example database. Observe in Figure 1
that, for example: (i) movies have zero, one, or more actors; (ii) a price may be a string, a real, or
even a complex object.
For an OEM object X and a label l, the expression X:l denotes the set of all l-labeled subobjects
of X . If X is an atomic object, or if l is not an outgoing label from X , then X:l is the empty set.
Such \dot expressions" are used in Lore's query language, described next.
2.2 The Lorel Query Language
We introduce the Lorel query language with a few examples. A full specication of Lorel, which is
an extension of OQL, appears in [AQM+ 97]. Here we highlight those features of the language that
are designed specically for querying semistructured data and are relevant to our indexing scheme.
Many other features of Lorel (some inherited from OQL and others not) will not be covered.
Our rst example query introduces the basic building block of Lorel: the simple path expression,
which is a name followed by a sequence of labels. For example, DB.Movie.Actor is a simple path
expression. It denotes the set of objects that can be reached starting with the DB object, following
an edge labeled Movie, then following an edge labeled Actor. Range variables can be assigned to
path expressions, e.g., \DB.Movie X" species that X ranges over the movie subobjects of the name
Our rst example gives a simple Lorel query which, when executed over the database in Figure 1,
returns the titles of all movies that Harrison Ford acted in. In the query result, indentation is used
to represent graph structure.
Example 2.1
select DB.Movie.Title
where DB.Movie.Actor.Name = \Harrison Ford"
Title "Blade Runner"
Original "Star Wars"
AKA "Adventures of the Starkiller"
The database in Figure 1 presents a number of irregularities, even with respect to this simple query.
A guiding principle in Lorel is that to write a query one should not have to worry about such
irregularities (e.g., not all movies have actors), or know the precise structure of objects (e.g., the
structure of Titles ), nor should one have to bother with precise types. As we will show, automatic
coercion between atomic values with dierent types complicates the use of value indexes.
The Lore query processor rewrites all queries into an OQL style. Our next example gives the
translation of Example 2.1 into the equivalent OQL-like query. The user is free to enter either form
of the query. The Lore system always builds its query execution strategy based upon the translated
Example 2.2
select T
from DB.Movie M, M.Title T
where exists A in M.Actor : exists N in A.Name : N = \Harrison Ford"
Lorel, like Postquel [SK91], allows the user to omit the from clause, as we have done in Example 2.1. Notice that in the rewritten version of the query a from clause has been introduced.
Also notice that the comparison on the subpath Actor.Name has been transformed into two existential conditions. Thus, the user can write DB.Movie.Actor.Name = "Harrison Ford" regardless of
whether Actor.Name is known to be single-valued, known to be set-valued, or unknown.
Lorel oers a richer form of \declarative navigation" in OEM databases than simple path expressions, namely general path expressions. Intuitively, the user loosely species a desired pattern of
labels in the database: one can specify patterns for paths (to match sequences of labels), patterns for
labels (to match sequences of characters), and patterns for atomic values. The use of a path pattern
is shown in our next example.
Example 2.3
select DB.Movie.Price(.Amount)?
where DB.Movie.Year DB.Movie.Title
Price 19.95
A \?" indicates that a subpath (in parentheses) is optional, so the path expression in the select
clause will match both DB.Movie.Price and DB.Movie.Price.Amount. The query will return all
Price and Amount subobjects for every movie where its year of production is less than its title: i.e.,
movies whose titles refer to future events, such as the movie \1984" which was produced in 1956.
According to Lorel semantics, the comparison in the where clause returns false unless the values
being compared can be coerced into the same atomic type [AQM+ 97]. In our example database,
only &9 and &12 can be coerced into comparable types, and the comparison returns true since 1956
< 1984. Thus, object &3 satises the query and its Price subobject is returned. Further details and
a formalization of atomic type coercion as implemented in Lore are given in Section 3.
2.3 Query Execution Strategies
Now let us consider some possible query execution strategies for Example 2.2, repeated here for
select T
from DB.Movie M, M.Title T
where exists A in M.Actor : exists N in A.Name : N = \Harrison Ford"
The most straightforward approach is to rst consider the from clause, nding objects along the
path DB.Movie.Title. Then, for each Movie, we look for the existence of a path Actor.Name whose
value is \Harrison Ford". We call this a top-down execution strategy since we begin at the named
object DB (the top) and evaluate the path expressions in a forward manner. This query execution
strategy results in a depth-rst traversal of the graph and does not require any indexes.
Another way to execute the same query is to rst identify all objects satisfying the where clause
by using an index structure that locates all atomic objects with the value \Harrison Ford". Once
we have an object satisfying the predicate, we traverse backwards through the data, matching path
expressions in reverse. Since Lore's object store does not support parent (inverse) pointers, we must
use an additional index structure to locate parents of a given object. We call this query execution
strategy bottom-up since we rst identify atomic objects and then attempt to work back up to a
named object. Obviously, whether bottom-up outperforms top-down depends on the query and the
data, but we have found bottom-up to be a good strategy in practice when it is applicable.
A third strategy is to evaluate some, but not necessarily all, of the from clause in a top-down
fashion and create a set of \valid" objects. Then we directly identify those atomic objects that satisfy
the where using an indexing structure, and using another index we traverse up to the same point
as the top-down exploration. By intersecting the sets of \valid" objects and combining traversed
paths we obtain the result of the query. We call this approach a hybrid plan, since it operates both
top-down and bottom-up, meeting in the middle of a path expression.
Yet another query execution strategy works inside-out by identifying portions of the graph that
match the middle of a path expression, then traversing up through the parents and down through
the children to match the remaining portions of the path expression. Here an index is needed to
identify objects that match the middle of a path expression, as well as an additional index for the
upward traversal.
These execution strategies give the reader a avor of query processing and the use of indexes in
Lore. We will return in more detail to Lore's query plans after we cover the indexing of coercible
values and describe in more concrete terms the various indexes available in Lore.
3 Indexing Coercible Values
Automatically coercing values of dierent types for comparisons is an important feature in semistructured data, when the user may not know the types of atomic data elements, or when the types
of related atomic data may vary. In Example 2.3 it made sense to attempt to coerce the movie name
Figure 2: Partial orders among types
to an integer so it could be compared with the production year. Any query comparing the movie
prices in our database will require coercion since the prices are stored as a variety of types. Automatic type coercion makes indexing values in Lore more complicated than in traditional database
systems. Before discussing the specic \coercible indexes" we have implemented in the Lore system,
we present a general framework for indexing coercible values.
3.1 Types and Coercion
Suppose we are given a set of types T , and a partial ordering on the types in T . When t1 t2 , we
say that t1 is a more specic type than t2 . This relationship indicates that some (but not necessarily
all) values of type t2 can be coerced into a value of type t1 . In Figure 2(a), for example, we see that
integers are more specic than reals and reals are more specic than strings. We call t1 an ancestor
of t2 if t1 t2 or t1 = t2 . Note that is transitive. The least upper bound of types t1 and t2 , denoted
by lub(t1 ; t2), is the least common ancestor of t1 and t2 if one exists.
Each type has associated with it a (usually innite) set of values of that type. We denote the
set of values of type t by dom(t). Also associated with each pair of types ti ; tj such that ti tj is
a coercion function fji , which is a partial function from dom(tj ) to dom(ti ). We assume coercion
functions are transitive, i.e., for a value v , fij (fjk (v )) is dened i fik (v ) is dened, and when both
are dened the coerced values are equal. For convenience, we let fii denote the identity function for
all types ti . In the example of Figure 2(a) with types integer, real, and string, there are two
points to note:
1. The coercion functions are true partial functions; for example, not all strings can be coerced
into reals and not all reals can be coerced into integers.
2. The coercion functions are generally many-to-one and therefore not invertible; for example, the
strings "5" and "05" are coerced into the same real number and same integer.
Figure 2(b) shows an example of a nonlinear partial order: certain Postscript and certain MS Word
documents can be coerced into plain-text ASCII documents.
3.2 Flexible Comparisons
For developing the theoretical foundation, we say that an OEM database D is a collection of objects
of dierent types. An object is represented by a triple h o; t; v i where o is the OID, t 2 T is a type,
and v 2 dom(t) is a value of type t. The basic object lookup problem is to nd all atomic objects with
a given value v in the database. That is, we wish to compute the set fo j h o; t; x i 2 D and x = v g.
Obviously, object lookup can be a useful operation when executing a query, since it can directly
locate those objects satisfying an equality condition in the query predicate. (We extend to general
comparison operators below.)
Often in semistructured data, the same or similar concepts are represented using dierent types.
For example, the number 5 could be represented in some places as the integer 5 and in other places
as the string \5". When we perform object lookup for the value 5, we would like to match not only
an object with the integer value 5, but also an object with the string value \05". We formalize the
idea by dening the notion of exible equality. Suppose v1 2 dom(t1 ) and v2 2 dom(t2 ). Intuitively,
we must \promote" v1 and v2 as small a distance up the partial order as possible so that we can
compare them. It is important to limit the distance that a value is promoted since the conversion
functions are partial functions. We are guaranteed that if t3 t2 t1 and f13 (v ) is dened then
f12 (v ) is dened, but not vice versa since the type t3 is more specic than t2 .
Formally, we say that v1 is equal to v2 under exible equality, written v1 =f v2 , if one of the
following holds:
= t2 and v1 = v2 .
= lub(t1; t2 ) exists, f13(v1 ) and f23(v2 ) are both dened, and f13(v1 ) = f23(v2 ).
In the partial order shown in Figure 2(a), we have 5 =f \05", because the least upper bound of
integer and string is integer, and the coercion of \05" into type integer results in the value 5.
However, it is not the case that \5" =f \05" because the least upper bound of string and string
is string and \5" 6= \05".
We now generalize exible equality to exible comparisons. Suppose is a binary comparison
function that is dened over all types. That is, given two values u and v of the same type, u v is
either true or false. For example, could be one of the standard arithmetic comparison operators
=, <, >, , or . We dene the exible comparison operator f corresponding to as follows:
if v1 and v2 are of the same type and v1 v2 .
v2 if v1 is of type t1 , v2 is of type t2 , t3 = lub(t1 ; t2 ) exists, f13 (v1 ) and f23 (v2 ) are both
dened, and f13 (v1) f23(v2 ).
Our denition of the exible comparison operator corresponding to preserves commutativity of
but not transitivity. That is, if is commutative, f is also commutative, but if is transitive,
then f is not in general transitive. For example, \5" =f 5, 5 =f \05", but \5" 6=f \05". Not
preserving transitivity does eliminate certain optimization opportunities in query processing, however
we feel that this notion of exible comparisons is appropriate for semistructured data.
string ! real both ! real
real string ! real
int ! real
both ! real int ! real
Table 1: Coercion for integer, real, and string types
3.3 Flexible Indexes
For developing the theoretical foundation, we say that an index I for a type t contains a set of objects
h O; t; v i. It eciently supports the index lookup operation for one or more operators :
( ; v ) = fo j h o; t; x i 2 O and x v g
L I;
Our goal is thus to construct a set of indexes for a given database such that there is an algorithm to
do a \exible" object lookup of the form x f v based on index lookups.
We rst describe the set of indexes to create, and then in the next subsection the actual lookup
algorithm. Let Oi denote the set of objects of type ti in the database D . For each type tj that is an
ancestor of ti , we create an index Jij . Let:
= fh o; tj ; fij (v ) ij h o; ti; v i 2 Oi and fij (v ) is dened g
Then Jij is the index for type tj containing the objects in Oij . In other words, Jij indexes all values
of type ti that can be coerced into type tj . The coerced values are stored in the index. In the special
case where i = j all values of type ti are indexed.
Example 3.1 For the partial order given in Figure 2(a), we have the following 6 indexes, where we
denote the type string by s, real by r, and integer by i:
indexes all string values.
indexes all strings that can be coerced into reals (as reals).
indexes all strings that can be coerced into integers (as integers).
indexes all reals.
indexes all reals that can be coerced into integers (as integers).
indexes all integers.
It is easy to compute the number of indexes in a partial order such as the one in Figure 2(a).
There is one index associated with the top type, two indexes associated with the second type, and
so on. In general, if there are n types, the number of indexes is n(n2+1) . The number of indexes is
less than this number for a nonlinear partial order with n types. For example, there are 5 indexes
for Figure 2(b).
It is possible to reduce the number of indexes if certain properties hold. In particular, suppose
types t1 and t2 are such that:
; and
2. there exists a coercion function f12 from dom(t1 ) to dom(t2 ) such that for every pair of values
u; v 2 dom(t1 ), f12 (u) and f12 (v ) exist and u v i f12 (u) f12 (v ).
In this case we can \fold" the indexes for t1 into the indexes for t2 . For example, the types integer
(t1 ) and real (t2 ) satisfy the above conditions for the operators =; <; >; ; , so we can fold all
integer indexes into real indexes. This reduces the total number of indexes in Example 3.1 from six
to three, keeping items 1, 2 and 4 (where 4 now contains all integers coerced to reals as well as all
Using this optimization, the full set of coercion rules is summarized in Table 1, and this is the
approach we take to value indexing in Lore.
3.4 The Index Lookup Algorithm
Suppose we wish to look up value vi of type ti under operator f . The algorithm is displayed in
Figure 3. Recall that L(J; ; v ) is the lookup operation in index J on value v with operator . The
set S returned contains the set of objects that \match" the value vi under the exible comparison
operator f . An interesting point is that for a partial order of n types, at most n index lookups
are needed regardless of the type ti . An index lookup need not occur when two types do not have a
least upper bound.
Procedure IndexLookup(Value , Type , Operator )
:= ;
foreach Type
= lub( ).
if 6= ; and ( ) is dened then
:= ( ( )).
:= [ .
ti ; tj
fik vi
L Jjk ;
; fik vi
Figure 3: Index lookup algorithm
Example 3.2 Suppose we wish to match the
value \05" given the partial order shown
in Figure 2(a) without the optimization discussed in Section 3.3. Procedure IndexLookup would
generate the following index lookups: (i) Lookup \05" in Jss ; (ii) Lookup 5.0 in Jrr ; (iii) Lookup 5
in Jii .
Example 3.3 Suppose we wish to match the real number 5.0 given the partial order shown in
Figure 2(a) without the optimization discussed in Section 3.3. Procedure IndexLookup would generate
the following index lookups: (i) Lookup 5.0 in Jsr ; (ii) Lookup 5.0 in Jrr ; (iii) Lookup 5 in Jii .
Theorem 3.1 At the end of executing Procedure IndexLookup, the set contains all and only the
objects that match i under f . Moreover, each union in line (6) of IndexLookup is a disjoint union;
that is, j \ k = ; for =
6 .
Proof: The result of each lookup is:
= L(Jjk ; ; fik (vi ))
= fo j h o; tj ; vj i 2 Ojk and vj f fik (vi)g
The fact that the set S contains all and only the objects that match vi under f follows directly
from the denition of Sj . To see why each union is a disjoint union, suppose Sj \ Sk 6= ; for some
j 6= k . Then there must exist some o that is returned by indexes Jxy and Jwz : Recall that Jst is
the index for objects of type s that have been coerced into type t. Since an object only has a single
type then x = w. Now suppose y 6= z (if not then Sj = Sk and we are done). But this is impossible
since line (5) only uses x a single time, and y 6= z implies that there are two least upper bounds for
lub(ti ; tj ), a contradiction.
The fact that we are computing disjoint unions is signicant, because it shows that we are doing
as little work as possible: we never obtain the same matching object from two dierent index lookups.
Moreover, it also reduces the complexity of the algorithm because disjoint unions are much easier to
compute than general unions.
4 Indexes In Lore
We now describe the types of indexes that can be built over a Lore database. We will then describe
the query plan operators that use the index structures, followed by a description of the query plans
themselves. To speed up query processing in a Lore database, we can build four dierent types of
index structures. The rst two identify objects that have specic values; the next two are used to
eciently traverse the database graph.
1. A value index, or Vindex, locates atomic objects with certain values. Vindexes are based on
the coercible indexing scheme introduced in Section 3. Vindexes can be built selectively over
those objects with certain incoming labels.
2. A text index, or Tindex, locates string atomic values containing specic words or groups
of words. The text index is a simplied version of information-retrieval style inverted indexes [Sal89]. Like Vindexes, Tindexes can be built selectively over those objects with certain
incoming labels.
3. Since our current implementation of OEM does not support parent pointers, a link index, or
Lindex, locates parents of a specic object.
4. A path index, or Pindex, provides fast access to all objects reachable via a given labeled path.
As in all database systems, the choice of which indexes to build and maintain is made by the database
administrator based on expected queries and updates. We now describe each of these types of indexes
in more detail.
4.1 Value Index (Vindex)
A Vindex in Lore is built over all atomic objects of base type integer, real, or string that have
an incoming edge with a given label l.2 This Vindex allows the query engine to quickly locate all
objects reachable by an l edge and matching a comparison predicate. While we could have chosen
to support a single label-independent Vindex, a specic desired incoming label usually is known at
query processing time (see Section 5.2), so it is useful to partition the Vindex by label. This approach
also allows the administrator to build Vindexes selectively for frequently used labels. Our Vindex
query operator does allow the label to be omitted, in which case all Vindexes are searched if they
exist for all labels. Vindexes use the coercible indexing scheme described in Section 3, with the
optimization outlined in Section 3.3. Thus, if the administrator requests a Vindex for label l, we
actually create three indexes: one for reals and integers coerced to reals, one for strings, and one for
strings coerced to reals. Each index is implemented as a B+-tree to support inequality as well as
equality lookups. The lookup procedure for Vindexes is similar to the IndexLookup procedure given
in Figure 3, except we extend it slightly to accept a label.
Example 4.1 Suppose we create a Vindex for incoming label Price over the database in Figure 1.
If we perform a lookup for values 15 00 with incoming edge Price, the result is f&11 &15g.
4.2 Text Index (Tindex)
A Vindex is useful for nding values that satisfy basic comparisons such as =; <, etc. However, for
string values an information-retrieval style keyword search can be very useful, especially for strings
containing a signicant amount of text. In these situations, the Vindex is not powerful enough and
a dierent indexing structure, the Tindex, is used.
Text indexes in Lore are implemented using inverted lists, which map a given word w and label
l to a list of atomic values with incoming edge l that contain word w . Like the Vindex, Tindexes
are created by the administrator for a given label, for the reasons outlined earlier, but the label can
always be omitted for a full search. A Tindex lookup returns a list of postings, where each posting is
of the form h o; n i. A posting indicates that w appears in object o as the nth word in the value, and
o has an incoming edge labeled l . The inverted lists are stored in hash tables on disk keyed on w .
Example 4.2 Consider a Tindex lookup for all objects with an atomic string value containing the
word \Ford" and an incoming edge Name, performed over the database in Figure 1. The result is
fh &17; 2 i; h &21; 2 ig.
Lore currently does not support value indexing of \novel" types such as gif, audio, etc.
As will be seen in Section 5.1, a higher-level query plan operator above the Tindex, and a corresponding operator in the query language, support additional text search features such as AND, OR,
NEAR, etc.
4.3 Link Index (Lindex)
Since we do not support inverse pointers in OEM graphs, the Lindex provides a mechanism for
retrieving the parents of an object via a given label. A Lindex lookup takes a \child" object c and
a label l, and returns all parents p such that there is an l-labeled edge from p to c. The Lindex also
supports lookups with no label, in which case all parents and their labels are returned. In Lore,
the Lindex is implemented using extendible hashing [FNPS79] since for the Lindex we are always
doing equality lookups. Currently we do not support selective creation of Lindexes, i.e., one Lindex
is created for the entire database graph.
Example 4.3 Suppose we had located all atomic objects containing the word \Ford" via the Tindex
lookup in Example 4.2, and we now wanted to traverse up to parent subobjects connected via the
label Name. The Lindex lookup for object &17 returns parent object &6, and the lookup for object
&21 returns object &13.
As will be seen in Section 5.1, a higher-level query plan operator above the Lindex supports nding
ancestors objects that are reached by following a component of a general path expression that may
include regular expression operations.
4.4 Path Index (Pindex)
Finding all objects reachable by a given labeled path through the database is an important part
of query processing. A Pindex lookup for a path p returns the set of objects O reachable via p.
Currently in Lore we only index those paths that begin at named objects and contain no regular
expressions. By doing so, we can easily store the set of reachable objects for each path p in Lore's
DataGuide [GW97]. The DataGuide is a dynamic structural summary of all possible paths within
the database at any given point in time. In addition to providing a kind of dynamic \schema" for
the user to browse, the DataGuide also stores OIDs and statistics for those objects reachable via
each path beginning from a name. The algorithm to compute as well as incrementally maintain the
DataGuide Pindex appears in [GW97].
Example 4.4 Suppose our query is simply \select DB.Movie.Title" applied over the database in
Figure 1. Instead of exploring the graph, we can use the Pindex to directly locate all objects reachable
via DB.Movie.Title. The Pindex lookup operation returns f&5; &9; &14g.
While the Pindex may appear very attractive, we cannot use it for all queries and path expressions:
in addition to the limitations above, in some queries we also must obtain the objects along a given
path in addition to those at the end of the path. See [MW97] for details.
Exists OA[5]?
Figure 4: Object Assignment for Example 2.2
5 Query Plans Using Indexes
A query plan in the Lore system is a tree of query operators that describes the specic sequence of
steps used to answer a query. We use a recursive iterator approach in query processing, as described
in, e.g., [Gra93]. With iterators, execution begins at the top of the query plan, with each node in the
plan requesting a tuple at a time from its children and performing some operation on the tuple(s).
After a node completes its operation, it passes a resulting tuple up to its parent. The \tuples"
we operate on are Object Assignments, or OAs. An OA is a simple data structure containing slots
corresponding to range variables in the query, along with some additional slots depending on the form
of the query. Intuitively, each slot within an OA holds the OID of a node on a data path currently
being considered by the query engine. Figure 4 contains an OA that will be described in more detail
later. At a given point during query processing, not all slots of the current OA necessarily contain
a valid OID; the goal of query execution is to build complete OAs. Once a valid OA reaches the top
of the query plan, OIDs in appropriate slots are used to construct a component of the query result.
5.1 Query Operators
We briey explain some of the key query operators that can appear in our query plans, especially
those related to indexing. Each operator takes a number of arguments. If an operator produces a
result then the last argument is the OA slot that contains the result. Some operators do not produce
a result but aect the ow of control when executing the plan.
Each of the indexing structures introduced in Section 4, the Vindex, Tindex, Lindex, and Pindex,
have a corresponding query operator that supports the appropriate lookup operation during query
execution. The Vindex and Pindex operators are simple \wrappers" around the corresponding index
structures. We discuss the Lindex and Tindex operators in more detail since they add additional
capabilities beyond what the corresponding indexes support.
Like the Lindex data structure, the Lindex query plan operator can be used to nd the l-labeled
parents of an object o. In addition, the Lindex operator can also nd the ancestor objects of o that
are reached by matching some path described by a component of a general path expression. For
example, the Lindex can nd all ancestors of o that are reached by following the path (.A|.B)*,
which matches any path having zero or more A or B labeled edges. The Lindex operator keeps a
run-time stack of objects visited in order to match a sequence of zero or more edges. (Since we do
not yet support full regular expressions, a complete nite-state automaton is not required.)
The Tindex operator uses the Tindex data structure, but it adds considerable power beyond
simple single-word searches. Specically, the Tindex operator takes three arguments, a text pattern
to match, a label, and a destination OA slot that will contain the OIDs of all matching string atomic
objects with the given incoming label. The possible patterns are dened recursively:
Word or Phrase match. A string matches a word or phrase i it contains the word or phrase.
The Tindex operator supports both case-sensitive and case-insensitive match.
NEAR match. A string matches phrase1 NEAR phrase2 i it matches both phrase1 and phrase2,
and the two matching phrases in the string are within 10 words of each other.
AND operator. A string matches phrase1 AND phrase2 i it matches both phrase1 and phrase2.
OR operator. A string matches phrase1 OR phrase2 i it matches either phrase1 or phrase2.
ANDNOT operator. A string matches phrase1 ANDNOT phrase2 i it matches phrase1 but
not phrase2.
While this functionality is a simple subset of that oered by, e.g., Web search engines, we have found
it very useful in practice to speed up a large class of common queries over string or text values.
In addition to the four index operators, there are many other operators to perform the standard
tasks necessary in query processing. (For complete details see [MW97].) For example, the Scan
operator returns all OIDs that are subobjects of a given object following a specied path expression.
It accepts an object o and a component of a path p and returns the set of objects that are reachable
starting from o and matching p. Like the Lindex operator, the Scan operator may match a path
containing regular expression operators by using a simple run-time stack.
The Join, Project, and Select operators are nearly identical to their corresponding relational
operators. Like a relational nested-loop join, the Join operator coordinates its left and right children.
For each partially completed OA that the left child returns, the right child is called exhaustively until
no more new OAs are possible. Then the left child is instructed to retrieve its next (partial) OA.
The iteration continues until the left side produces no more OAs. The Project operator is used to
limit which objects should be returned by specifying a set of OA slots, while the Select operator
applies a predicate to the object identied by the OID in the specied OA slot.
The Aggregation operator implements standard aggregation operations as well as existential
quantication. At a high level, the aggregation operator calls its child exhaustively, storing the
results temporarily or computing the aggregate incrementally. When the child can produce no more
valid OAs, a new object is created whose value is the nal aggregation; this new object is identied
within the target OA slot. For the aggregation \operation" Exists the operator adds true if the
existential quantication is satised and false otherwise. Filtering of OAs whose quantication is
true occurs in a Select operator which must appear immediately above the Aggregation node.
Note that the exists aggregation operator \short circuits" when it nds the rst satisfying OA, while
other aggregation operators may need to look at all OAs.
5.2 Query Plans
We present Lore query plans through several examples. There are numerous possible plans for each
query, and Lore includes a traditional cost-based query optimizer for plan enumeration and selection
(OA6 ==TRUE)
OA5, OA[6])
(OA[5] ="Harrison Ford")
Figure 5: Top-down plan for query in Example 2.2
as detailed in [MW97]. Here we focus on describing how query plans exploit indexes. Recall the
query introduced in Example 2.2:
select T
from DB.Movie M, M.Title T
where exists A in M.Actor : exists N in A.Name : N = \Harrison Ford"
A possible OA structure for this query is shown in Figure 4. Notice that OA[6] is used for the result
of the aggregation operation. A specic OA structure is created for each query plan. The OA in
Figure 4 works with the \top-down" query plan explained next.
5.2.1 Top-Down Query Plan
A top-down strategy (as introduced in Section 2.3) for this query does not exploit indexes. It
attempts to match the path in the from clause rst by providing bindings for OA[1], then OA[2],
then OA[3]. The where clause is handled in a similar fashion, and nally the result is returned.
This execution strategy is reected in the query plan shown in Figure 5. The left subtree of the top
Join node handles the from clause by rst scanning for the named object DB. From the resulting
object of that scan the second Scan operator looks for a Movie subobject and places the result in
OA[2]. The third Scan retrieves the movie's Title subobject. The right subtree rst looks for an
Actor subobject of the current movie, then the bottom-right Scan and the Select operators nd
all Name subobjects of the object in OA[4] with value \Harrison Ford". To satisfy the existential
condition, the query plan uses the Aggregation/Select sequence, as described in Section 5.1. Note
Figure 6: Bottom-up plan for query in Example 2.2
that in this query plan it is not necessary to test the existential condition for Actor, since if no actor
subobject exists then we would never be able to satisfy the existential condition for Name.
This query plan performs poorly if there are many movies in the database that \Harrison Ford"
did not appear in, since in that case it would traverse many paths unnecessarily.
5.2.2 Bottom-Up Query Plan
We now consider a very dierent query plan for the same query, which uses some of Lore's indexing
structures through their corresponding index operators. Refer to Figure 6. In this plan the left
subtree of the top-most Join operator rst satises the where clause. The Vindex operator will
nd all atomic objects with an incoming edge Name whose value is \Harrison Ford". The Lindex
operators then attempt to match backwards the edges Name and then Actor starting from the objects
identied via the Vindex operator. The Once operator is the bottom-up equivalent of existential
quantication: it ensures that each object is passed up to the parent at most once. After the
where clause has been processed, we match a Movie edge via the third Lindex operator. It is then
necessary to conrm that the parent of the movie object is the named object DB, accomplished via
the NamedObject operator. Since the query requests all Title subobjects of a movie, we use the Scan
operator to obtain the title.
This query plan performs poorly if there are many objects with value \Harrison Ford" and
incoming edge Name, but few that are reachable via the path DB.Movie.Actor.Name.
5.2.3 Hybrid Query Plan
In certain cases, it is advantageous to combine the two techniques described so far, bottom-up and
top-down, into a single hybrid plan. For instance, it may be benecial to rst locate all objects that
satisfy the where clause via Vindex and Lindex operators and then, instead of continuing a bottom17
Figure 7: A database where the hybrid execution strategy is preferred along with a hybrid query plan
up traversal, identify all objects that satisfy the from clause in a top-down fashion. Consider the
following simple query:
select X
from A.B X
where exists Y in X.C : Y = 5
Now consider the database and query plan in Figure 7. A top-down strategy would visit all the
leaf objects, but only a single one satises the predicate. A bottom-up strategy would identify the
single object satisfying the predicate, but would then unnecessarily visit all of the nodes in the upper
right portion of the database. In this case, a hybrid plan where we use bottom-up execution to
nd the objects satisfying the where clause, then top-down execution to obtain the set of all A.B
objects, then nally intersect the sets, would be a good query execution strategy. The hybrid query
plan is shown in Figure 7. Notice the Intersect operation splits the execution of the where clause
(appearing on the left) and the from clause (appearing on the right).
5.2.4 Full Text and Path Indexing
To illustrate the use of text and path indexes, suppose we would like to nd all movies such that a
Title or Description subobject contains the word \black" near the word \sheep". This query can be
written as follows, where hasword is the Lorel query operator that exposes the functionality of our
text indexing system:
select DB.Movie
where DB.Movie(.Title|.Description) hasword \black NEAR sheep"
In Figure 8, we present a hybrid query plan that uses the Pindex and Tindex. The left subplan of
the Intersect operator identies (using the Lindex) all parents of objects that are connected via
an edge Title or Description to a child containing the word \black" near the word \sheep" (located
via the Tindex). The right child of the Intersect operator identies all objects reachable via the
("black NEAR sheep",
Figure 8: A query plan that uses both Tindex and Pindex operators
path DB.Movie, found using the Pindex operator. The intersection of the results generated by each
subplan produces the answer to the query.
6 Conclusion
This paper presented the management of indexes in Lore, a DBMS for semistructured data. We
provided a general framework for indexing values in the presence of automatic type coercion. Lore's
Vindex, Tindex, Lindex, and Pindex structures were introduced. We then described various query
plans in Lore and how they make use of indexes. All indexing structures, index maintenance, query
operators, and query plans described in this paper are fully implemented within the Lore system.
Preliminary performance results indicate that at least an order of magnitude improvement is observed
on a wide class of common databases and queries when indexes are used for query processing.3
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