John Durkee Elementary Parent Handbook 2012-2013 We believe that our Parents are our Partners! Common Decency is a core value that we believe in; treat each other with integrity and respect. WE are here to serve your child’s educational needs and goals. We strongly believe that working together will improve your child’s academic success while at Durkee Elementary. We have come up with an acronym for D.U.R.K.E.E. to exemplify what we are all about. The D.U. stands for Developing Understandings, the R.K. is for Reaching Kids, and the E.E. is for Educating Everyone. Our School Motto is “We Share! We Care! We Dare!” We share your child. We both provide for your child. WE offer a lifetime of loving to learn. WE teach your child how to think about learning. WE challenge your child to do their best. WE expect you to be our partners in educating your child. WE expect your child to read on grade level and to behave their best at all times. We expect your child to have perfect attendance all year long. Please do the following: Make sure your child goes to bed early on a daily basis at a reasonable hour. Research states that children need 10 to 12 hours of sleep every night. Make sure your child gets to school on time on a daily basis. Our school wide goal is to have 98% or better student attendance on a daily basis. School starts at 7:40 a.m. everyday. Breakfast is served from 7:45 to 8:00 in your child’s classroom. Breakfast in the classroom should be over by 8:00 a.m. The breakfast is free to all the students. Research states that children who eat breakfast have higher achievement scores than children who do not eat breakfast. Please make sure that you check your child’s backpack on a daily basis. K-2 students will have Homework Folders and 3-5 students will have academic planners. Please use these tools to communicate with your child’s teachers. Please review your child’s homework on a daily basis. The expectation is that all students will be given some type of homework and parents/guardians review their child’s work before turning it in the next day of school. Please have your child read to someone on a daily basis for at least 20 minutes. Your child should read with fluency and understanding of what he/she reads. It is going to take everyone’s help to ensure that your child is reading on grade level or above grade by the end of the school year. When a child is able to read and understand, then they are prepared to do their best. The instructional day starts at 7:40 a.m. We need your child here every day! We care about your child! Please let us know if your child has any medical conditions that we need to know about such as food allergies, medications taken, etc. We want your child to feel safe at school. If you have any concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher first. Your relationship with your child’s teacher should be one of professional trust, communication, and guidance. We have implemented a variety of school wide procedures to ensure your child’s safety while at school. These are campus procedures and policies that we must adhere to. Visitor’s Badges All persons coming into our school must report to the main office and receive a visitor’s badge to enter the classrooms. Please provide your Texas driver’s license or Texas Identification card to the office personnel. They will run your name through the Raptor system and print you a visitor badge. Please wear your visitor’s badge near your chest area. The visitor’s badge must be visible to all employees. Student ID Badges Your child will be given a student identification badge for school use. You child is responsible for taking care of his/her ID badge. He/She will use the ID badge to go through the lunch line and when checking books out of the library. If your child’s ID badge gets damaged, cut, written on, destroyed, or lost, then it will cost $3.00 to replace your child’s ID badge. The ID badge will be sent home at the end of the year. Your child should wear their ID badge while at school everyday. Your child’s teacher will collect the ID badges at the end of the instructional day and distribute them to the students in the morning. Birthday Celebrations Parents are not allowed to bring food items such as cakes or cupcakes. Food items cannot be given to students according to Federal Food of Minimal Nutritional guidelines during the instructional day. If you would like to send some treats to celebrate your child’s birthday, then you may send some treat bags for the teacher to distribute as the students are dismissed to go home. We are only allowed to have food served to students with minimal nutritional value three times a year. We usually reserve those days for winter celebrations, the International Festival, and the end of year celebrations. Drop Off In order to ensure your child’s safety please do not drop your child off at school before 7:30 a.m. No one is on duty to watch your child until 7:30 a.m. Please drop off your child in front of the cafeteria on a daily basis. Parents are not allowed to wait with their children due to space limitations in the cafeteria and main hallway areas. All K-2 students are to go to the cafeteria and sit in their designated areas in the cafeteria. All 3-5 grade students are to walk through the cafeteria or front doors to sit in the main hallways. Our teacher assistants and teachers are assigned to supervise the areas accordingly. All students are dismissed (and escorted by a teacher) by 7:45 to go to their classrooms for breakfast. All students must be in their classroom by 8:00. Early Pick Up Parents are allowed to pick up their child from school for medical purposes. Please provide the office personnel with your ID (driver’s license or identification card). Students will not be released parents after 2:30 p.m. Parents or adults picking up the child(ren) must be listed on the Emergency Contact Form. After School Pick Up Procedures All students will be dismissed at 3:15 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. We have early dismissal (1:00 p.m.) on Wednesdays. Please adhere to our school dismissal procedures. All car riders will be given color coded tags for parents to display on their windshields. All car riders must report to the cafeteria and wait to be called. Parents please teach your child to listen for their color tag and number. Please be mindful that we are working as to ensure that all our students make it home safely at the end of every school day. Please be courteous to our staff by following their instructions. All students who are walkers will be dismissed through the front doors of the school. Please wait for them outside under the covered sidewalk area. Please do not double park on Corwin Street to pick up students and then drive off. ALL students who are car riders are expected to have CAR TAGS and to go through the pick up lane in front of the school. Updating Current PHONE NUMBERS Parents it is your responsibility to keep us informed whenever you change your home or cell phone numbers. Please call us at 713-696-2835 to change your contact information on the computer system. We need to have updated phone numbers in case of an emergency. We have had many instances in the past, when we could not reach parents when their child was ill at school. Also, teach your child their phone number and address. You can also write your current phone number in your child’s agenda or homework folder. Parent Dress Code Parents please come to school dressed appropriately. Your child has to endure what other kids say about you when you are wearing your night clothes to school. Coming to school in your pajamas does not constitute appropriate attire for adults to wear to school. Student Dress Code WE require uniforms for all students. All students are to wear khaki or navy blue bottoms (shorts, skirts, skorts, or pants) with a navy, red, or white polo style shirt. School shirts are also allowed. All tops are to be tucked in. Belts are optional. No blue jeans may be worn. Free Dress Days will occur with advance notice to parents. All Free Dress Days must be pre-approved by the principal, Ms. Tanguma. Students do not have to wear school uniforms on picture days or on Awards Day at the end of the school year. We encourage the students to dress up for these special occasions but must adhere to appropriate school attire. Parent Conferences We expect all of the parents to attend parent/student/teacher conferences. All parents are expected to meet with their child’s teacher on these dates. It is important for your child to see that you care about what they are learning and how they are performing. These dates are Progress Report and Report Card dates. We have monthly Second Cup of Coffee meetings with the Principal every second Tuesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. in the cafeteria. These meetings are designed to address parent concerns and to get immediate feedback from the principal. WE strongly encourage parents to get involved with our Parent Teacher Organization. The PTO is responsible for hosting events and raising funds to benefit all of our students. The PTO meetings are held on the second Tuesday evening of the month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Please join us! Parent Volunteers Needed We expect parents to volunteer at school events. If you would like to be a Volunteer in Public Schools (VIPS) member please see Ms. Sanchez in the main office. She will assist you in getting you signed up to be a VIPS member. WE need parents to assist with cafeteria duty during lunch, traffic duty in the mornings and afternoons. Check with your child’s teacher to see how you can assist him/her in the classroom. Parent Concerns Please call 713-696-2835 to schedule an appointment with your child’s teacher. Let the office personnel know that you need to speak to your child’s teacher and they will inform you of the time the teacher is available. Please speak to the teacher first before speaking to the principal about the concern. Contact the school principal, Ms. Tanguma, if you cannot resolve the issue with the classroom teacher (Call 713-696-2835 or email at The principal should be the person that you contact after you have spoken to the teacher. All parent concerns will need to be resolved at the campus level this year. Grades Parents can log onto the GRADE SPEED system to see how their child is performing. Please contact your child’s teacher to get their student identification number. They will also assist you on showing you how to log onto the system to check on your child’s grades. You can access the link at to view daily grades, assignments, and progress reports. Simply complete the six step on line registration process. Cell Phone Usage DO NOT use your cell phones while driving in our school zone. It is against state law to use your cell phones in a school zone. Please be vigilant with our students while driving. Speaking on your cell phone and/or texting takes away from being observant and alert in a school zone. Please adhere to this new state law for the safety of all our students and staff members on duty. Pay for Meals Online Parents you can pay for your child’s lunch online by linking on the website. You can create an account and pay from home or work. Free or Reduced Lunch Applications Parents if you would like to apply for free or reduced lunch for your child(ren) please complete the application process. See Ms. Maria Sanchez in the main office if you need assistance in completing the application. The sooner your application gets processed and approved the better. You can also complete the application process on line by accessing the HISD portal at Sack Lunches Please send sack lunches with your child(ren) if your lunch applications have not been approved at the beginning of the school year. The office staff will not deliver sack lunches to students during the day. It is the parent’s responsibility to pack and send the sack lunch with the student before getting to school. Eating Lunch with your child We have designated days in which parents are invited to come and eat lunch with their child(ren). These days are the GRANDPARENT’S Day Luncheon and THANKSGIVING Day Luncheon. Students may not be released to parents after school events Students may not be released to parents after school events such as Awards Day, Thanksgiving Luncheon, Grandparent’s Day Luncheon, Field Day, etc. Students must stay at school to finish the instructional day. Textbooks & Library Books It is the parent’s responsibility to pay for lost, damaged, stolen textbooks or library books. Parents will be notified about any books missing during the school year. It is the responsibility of the student to take care of the books issued to them and to return them in good condition. If you cannot afford to pay for a book then you will need to work out an installment plan to pay for the lost, damaged, or stolen textbook or library book. The school cannot afford to lose any inventory of its textbooks or library collection. Field Trips Parents must return signed permission slips for students 3 days before the scheduled Field Lesson/ Field Trip (No Exceptions). If the monies or permission slips are not submitted prior to the third day before the Field Lesson/ Field Trip, the student will not be permitted to go (No exceptions). All student monies need to be documented on an AF104 form by the classroom teacher. The classroom teachers are responsible for submitting all of the class permission slips and monies 3 days prior to the Field Lesson/ Field Trip (NO EXCEPTIONS). T-Shirts Sales We will be selling Durkee T-Shirts for students. Please contact the main office for prices and sizes. School Pictures Parents will have the option to buy fall and spring individual pictures of their child. The students will also take class photos in the spring semester. Please contact Ms. Toni Cervantes at 713-696-2835 for more information. School Wide Fundraisers The PTO usually asks that students take a brochure home to sell items. It is the parent’s choice if they want to participate. Parent participation is strongly encouraged because this is how the PTO earns a portion of the profit from the total sells. The money is used to benefit all of the students. Grade Levels usually host fundraisers for their grade levels. Flyers of the sells and or plans will be sent home prior to the scheduled fundraiser. This may include pictures with Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc. Please check your child’s backpack on a daily basis. Communication Tools All students in K-2 will receive a take home folder on a daily basis. The folder will contain a pocket for returning items to school and a pocket for items to stay at home. The first folder is provided to the student free of charge. If the student loses his/her folder, the cost to replace the folder is $2.00. Please contact Ms. Ledbetter, in the main office, for a replacement folder. All students in 3-5 will receive a planner. The students are to record their daily homework assignments in the planner. The students are to take the planner home everyday and return it to school the next day. The first planner is given to the student at no charge. If students lose their planners, the cost to replace the planner is $10.00. The student planners are used for the teachers to write notes to the parents if needed and parents may do the same. Please contact Ms. Ledbetter to replace lost student planners. We also send home monthly calendars, newsletters, and display events on the marquee in front of the school. Please check your child’s backpack on a daily basis. At times, you will also receive phone messages from the school. Please keep your phone numbers updated. The expectation is that all parents have a good working relationship with their child’s teacher and together we will achieve. We are here for your child! We DARE! We will do whatever it takes to academically advance your child. Our school has been rated by the Texas Education Agency as a RECOGNIZED school for the last three years. We want to be an EXEMPLARY school! WE will need your parental support to get us there! We are counting on your support to get us to EXEMPLARY! We are here for your child. Learning is our main focus and we will add academic value to your child’s learning. We will increase your child’s academic rigor. WE will have all of our teaching staff Gifted and Talented trained. WE will also implement Conscious Discipline strategies school wide. WE are committed to meeting the needs of your child and doing whatever it takes to get them to learn! John Durkee Elementary Parent Acknowledgement Form I have received a copy of the Parent Handbook for Durkee Elementary. I will do my best to adhere to all of the policies and procedures listed in the Handbook. Print Parent Name ______________________________________________ Parent’s Signature ______________________________________________ Print Student’s Name _____________________________ Grade _______ Teacher ____________ Please keep the Parent Handbook at home but return this form to your child’s teacher.