Faculty Curriculum Vitae ****************************************************************** NAME: Carl P. Carlucci POSITION/TITLE: Instructional Professor WORK EMAIL: ccarlucci@uh.edu ****************************************************************** EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND/TRAINING Ph.D., New York University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Wagner School of Public Administration, 1986. M.S., W. A. Harriman College of Urban and Policy Sciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1975. B.A., Economics Major, State University of New York at Stony Brook, College of Arts and Sciences, 1971. RELEVANT TEACHING EXPERIENCE Research Associate Professor, Rockefeller College, Department of Public Administration, State University of New York at Albany, 1993 to 1999. Assistant Professor, Baruch College, City University of New York, Department of Public Administration, 1985 to 1986. Adjunct Instructor, undergraduate program, W.A. Harriman College of Urban and Policy Sciences, 1976 to 1980. ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP/RESEARCH/CREATIVE ENDEAVORS Publications 1990 "Measuring Compactness and the Role of a Compactness Standard in a Test for Partisan and Racial Gerrymandering", The Journal of Politics, , Vol. 52, No. 4,1990, 1155- 1181 (with Niemi, R.; Grofman, B., Hofeller, T.), November. Page 1 of 4 Faculty Curriculum Vitae 1990 "The Adoption of Technology by Legislatures", Regional Science Review, Volume 17. 1990 "Acquisition: The Missing Link in Implementation of Technology", in Implementation and the Policy Process: Opening Up the Black Box, D. Calista and D. Palumbo (Eds.), Greenwood Press. 1989 "The Role of The Legislative Analyst in Policymaking", Symposium Editor, Journal of Management Science and Policy Analysis, Fall 1989, Vol. 7, No. 1. 1989 "The Role of Legislative Staff", Journal of Management Science and Policy Analysis, Fall 1989, Vol. 7, No. 1. 1987 "Implementation of The Voting Rights Act: The Case of New York", The Western Political Quarterly, (with R. Hedges) Vol. 40, No. 1, March. 1986 Technical Innovations in Public Sector Organizations: A Model of Adoption and Implementation. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International. 1981 "Reapportionment/Redistricting Vendors." State Government News, Vol. 24, No. 3. 1980 The Impact of an Adjustment to the 1980 Census on Congressional and Legislative Reapportionment, Proceedings, Conference on Census Undercount, February 25-26. 1978 Higher Education: After the Baby Boom, New York Affairs, Volume 5, No. 2. Professional Papers and Panels 1997 “Leaders in Government,” The Center for Study of Executive Leadership and the Center for Regional Policy Studies at the State University of New York At Stony Brook, Panelist, December 5, 1997. Page 2 of 4 Faculty Curriculum Vitae 1995 “New Directions in State Budgeting for Higher Education,” Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Panel Moderator, Washington DC, October 13. 1993 "Fiscal Policy For Economic Growth" Eastern Technology Conference Advisory Board, State Technologies Seminar, Panel Moderator, September 22. 1993 "New York State Leadership in Science and Technology," American Society of Public Administrators, Annual Institute, Capital District Chapter, Panel Moderator, April 23. 1993 "Facing Hard Times: Systemwide Perspectives - Restructuring, Reallocation and Retrenchment", National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, Twenty-first Annual Conference, Panel Moderator, April 19. 1992 "Reinventing Government, Eastern Technology Conference '92": Budget Process and Solutions, Panel Chairman. 1989 "Adoption of New Technologies by Legislatures," Northeast Regional Science Association, 18th Annual Meeting, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, May 13, 1989. 1989 "Geographic Data in New York State Government", New Horizons in Health Information, New York State Department of Health, January 1989. 1988 "Financing Higher Education: The State's Ability to Pay", presentation prepared for the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the National Center for the Study of Collection Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions. 1986 "MPA Computer Applications at Baruch College," demonstration and computer laboratory, Ninth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Public Administration, held at John Jay College, CUNY, May 2, 1986. Page 3 of 4 Faculty Curriculum Vitae 1985 "Evaluation of the Tiger System", U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, (with J. Adams, A. Mancini, D. McOmber, S. Piepenburg, S. Witiuk). 1984 "Management Flexibility and Structure", Staff Paper for the Independent Commission on SUNY. 1983 "The Politics of Reapportionment Within the Context of the Voting Rights Act." Conference Group on Representation and Electoral Systems, American Political Science Association, with R. Hedges, September 1983. 1980 "The Impact of an Adjustment to the 1980 Census on congressional and Legislative Reapportionment". Conference on Census Undercount, Washington, DC, February, 1980. 1979 With M. Siegel and R. Leckerling, Proposal to the Legislature on the Governance and Funding of the City University of New York. 1974 Analysis of the High School Interest Survey: A Report to the Task Force Steering Committee, Long Island Regional Council on Higher Education, march 1974. Financing of Higher Education in the State of New York Students, Rational Consumers of Financial Aid?, W.A. Harriman College, State University of New York at Stony Brook, June 1974. 1974 1973 Federal Aid to Higher Education: An Examination of Alternate Student Based Funding Mechanisms, W.A. Harriman College, State University of New York at Stony Brook, November 1973. Page 4 of 4