CHW 3M1 – Culminating Task: Magazine Researching an Ancient Civilization While historical events are unique, they are often driven by similar, repeated forces. In telling the history of our world, this course has paid special attention to several significant and recurring themes. These themes have been presented to show that around the world, people are more alike then they realize. Throughout history, humans have confronted similar obstacles, have struggled to achieve similar goals, and continually have strived to better themselves and the world around them. Your Culminating Task will allow you to examine in depth another civilization that was not covered in class this semester and explore its role in the history of our world. YOUR TASK For your project, you will choose one civilization from the following list. You will then be responsible for researching your civilization and presenting your understanding it in the form of a magazine that will include several components. You may choose from the following ancient civilizations: Africa * India * China * Japan * Maya * Inca * Aztecs DETAILS Some time will be provided in class, however, it is your responsibility to conduct your research and work on your project also on your own time. Your teacher will be meeting with you on several occasions for one-on-one conferences to monitor your progress and to assist you throughout your project. Several deadlines will be posted to help you stay on task. SPECS Magazine articles must be typed in 12 point TIMES NEW ROMAN, ARIAL, or COURIER style font. Magazine must be submitted in a duotang/report cover. Include a table of contents and a magazine cover. Your title page must include the following information: o Title of Civilization o Your Name o Date Submitted o Course Code – CHW 3M1 o Teacher’s Name OVERALL DUE DATE: ___________________________________________ LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES STUDENTS NOT HANDING IN PROJECTS WILL RECEIVE A MARK OF ZERO PART I – The Magazine Articles (60 Marks) You will write a minimum of 3 properly researched and documented articles that describe some of the contributions and the enduring legacy of your chosen civilization. The articles must be approximately 400-500 words each. Some questions that your articles should answer are: What affect has your civilization had on modern society? What long term affects may they have had on the world and future generations? Your articles should be able to paint a picture of what life was like for your ancient peoples and can include various formats. You must include at least 3 of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) An article on a major news event/issue of the time. A letter to the editor. An advice column. Fashion Report. Food Review + Recipe. Political News. Life in the City. Interview with a prominent person. Miscellaneous/Other? Feel free to add to the overall aesthetics of your magazine by including cartoons/comic strips, advertisements, classified ads and various graphics and pictures to enhance your overall presentation. PART II – Magazine Supporting Materials (80 Marks) a) The Time Line (10 Marks) Application While history is the story of people, it is also the examination of when events occurred. Keeping track of the order of historical events will help you to better retain and understand material. You will be responsible for producing a graphic time line charting the development of the civilization you have chosen. Your time line should include significant events, discoveries, occurrences, etc. that happened during the history of your chosen peoples. Feel free to use graphics such as pictures or images to assist in the aesthetics of your time line. Take careful note to ensure that dates are accurate. b) The Bibliography (10 Marks) Application All resources utilized during the research of your project must be properly documented and recorded. For your report, standard APA style format should be used. Proper format will be taken up in class. The bibliography must be included at the end of your report. Make sure to cite your resources throughout your magazine. c) The Term List (10 Marks) Knowledge and Understanding You will be responsible for providing a TERM LIST made up of a minimum of 20 KEY TERMS and their definitions that are pertinent to the study of your civilization. The TERMS should be important and relevant to your research and should help to outline key ideas and concepts. TERMS should be referred to in your magazine at least once. TERMS can include key events (wars, battles, etc), scientific/cultural developments, specific items, etc. d) The Advertisements (10 Marks) Knowledge and Understanding You must complete a minimum of 2 advertisements throughout your magazine. Advertisements must demonstrate knowledge of your civilization and show some creativity and originality. It should be clearly evident what exactly the product or service it is that you are selling or trying to market. Attempt to use eye-catching images and catchy phrases and modern marketing techniques and strategies. Picture/images used can be counted as part of your Photo Album. e) Important People/Mini-Bio’s (20 Marks) Thinking and Inquiry You must also include a miniature biography of key figures from your chosen civilization (MINIMUM = 3 INDIVIDUALS). Biographical information should include that individual’s significance and importance to the development of your civilization. Important people can include political leaders, warriors, gods, scientists, artists, religious figures, inventors, etc. If possible, provide pictures along with each biography (which can go towards your photo album). Each biography should be at least half a page in length (typed, single-space) and can include items such as contributions, legacy, things they are most noted for. f) The Photo Album (20 Marks) Communication You must have a minimum of at least 20 images/pictures that can be downloaded off clipart or the internet or photocopied out of printed resources. Your pictures should be located throughout your magazine and should be used to supplement your articles and advertisements. Each picture must have a brief written explanation describing what the image/picture is of and its significance to the study of your civilization. Images/pictures can be used in articles or advertisements to help add to the visual effect of your piece. One of your images/pictures MUST be a map outlining the geography and location of your chosen civilization in relation to the world or the continent it is found on. Be creative with this section and feel free to include anything of relevance that may enhance your overall presentation. CULMINATING TASK – ANCIENT CIVILIZATION EVALUATION Name: _________________________________________________ Civilization Chosen: _________________________________ PART I – The Articles CRITERIA LEVEL 0 (60 Marks) LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 Accurate for the most part’ some important information is not accurate. Adequate recognition of historical significance; Some evidence to support purpose of article. All information historically accurate’ most is relevant to the topic. Very good recognition of historical significance; solid evidence to support purpose of article. All information is historically accurate and relevant. Thorough and perceptive recognition, significance; Excellent support of purpose of article. 10.5 11 11.5 12 13 14 15 TOTAL KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Using historically accurate information -Historical Analysis -Evidence to support article purpose or argument being made Use of historical information not passable. Demonstrated analysis skill not passable; Support demonstrated is not passable. Limited use of accurate information. Little evidence used to support article purpose 0-7 7.5 8 8.5 MARKS 9 9.5 10 /15 THINKING AND INQUIRY Articles contain clear purpose, and successfully summarizes research findings. No thesis statement in introduction and conclusion not present/consistent with facts presented Thesis statement of limited clarity and conclusion has limited connection to facts presented. 0-7 7.5 8 8.5 Overall aesthetics not passable; Articles not written in correct format. Overall aesthetics of magazine is limited; Articles not written in present tense; Articles not written using magazine/ newspaper style 0-7 7.5 8 8.5 Not interesting or convincing; Sources not evident or properly credited Evidence of research not passable; use of language not passable Limited interest and persuasiveness; Limited use of footnotes and bibliography to credit sources. Quality and quantity of evidence limited; sequence is weak; limited use of proper spelling grammar and sentence structure 0-7 7.5 8 8.5 MARKS Thesis statement mostly clear and adequate conclusion; consistent with some key facts 9 9.5 10 Introduction establishes thesis clearly and good conclusion; consistent with most key facts. Introduction clearly states a strong thesis and sound conclusion; fully supportable. 10.5 11 11.5 12 13 14 15 Overall aesthetics of magazine effective; Articles are written in present tense; Articles are written using magazine/ newspaper style Overall aesthetics of magazine is extremely effective; Articles are extremely convincing and always written in present tense; This looks like a real magazine/ newspaper 10.5 11 11.5 12 13 14 15 Persuasive and interesting in all key parts; Adequate sources used; all sources well credited. Good quantity and quality of evidence used; sequence mostly logical; spelling and grammar used well; sentence structure awkward at times Totally interesting and persuasive; Excellent sources used; all sources well credited. Quality and quantity are sound; sequence logical; spelling grammar and sentence structure all used effectively. 10.5 11 11.5 12 13 14 15 /15 COMMUNICATION Overall aesthetics of magazine; Articles written in present tense and magazine/ newspaper style MARKS Overall aesthetics of magazine is somewhat effective; Articles are somewhat written in present tense; Articles are somewhat written using magazine/ newspaper style 9 9.5 10 /15 APPLICATION Persuasiveness and interest; use of footnotes and bibliography to credit sources All Articles present research findings; Effective use of language. MARKS Persuasiveness and interesting in some key parts; Footnotes and bibliography used; sources adequate. Good quantity; quality and sequence of evidence is adequate; adequate use of spelling, grammar and sentence structure weak at times 9 9.5 10 /15 PART II – Supporting Materials K T C A (80 Marks) SECTION – Criteria Description The Term List Mark (10 Marks) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _ (10 Marks) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - minimum of 20 terms presented, evidence of research, relevance/significance of terms listed, definitions accurate, proper spelling used, knowledge of topic evident, understanding of terms usage in relation to civilization is clear. The Advertisements - advertisements demonstrate knowledge of specific civilization, content is accurate and plausible, ad shows evidence of creativity and originality, ad is eye-catching and uses effective marketing strategies, clearly evident what product/service is being sold/marketed Important People/Mini-Bio’s (20 Marks) - minimum of 3 biographies completed, picture of individual provided, evidence of research, relevance/significance of individual chosen evident, biographical information listed, importance of individual to development of civilization is clear, half page minimum each met. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Photo Album (20 Marks) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Time Line (10 Marks) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The Bibliography (10 Marks) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - minimum of 20 pictures/images included, MAP included as one of the images, descriptions/explanations beside each picture/image included, Pictures/images convey message/information and enhance overall presentation, relevance/significance of each picture/image evident, authenticity and accuracy of picture/image, pictures/images neatly secured to page, aesthetics, quality of pictures/images chosen. - dates are accurate, events presented in chronological order, graphics used to assist in aesthetics, evidence of research, proper format used, sufficient number of events/occurrences listed, relevance/significance of events shown. - all sources listed, proper APA bibliographic style used, typed and included at back of magazine, sources used in report (no padding). Comments: Application Time Line (10) + Bibliography (10) Knowledge and Understanding Term List (10) + Advertisements (10) /20 /20 Thinking and Inquiry Important People/ Mini-Bio’s (20) Communication Photo Album (20) /20 /20