CHA 3U – The Patriot Research & Movie Review Assignment Assignment Description Hollywood has created countless motion pictures following historical themes. Although many have won Oscars for their costumes and stunning settings, others have been criticized for inaccuracies and perpetuating unfound myths. Using your notes, along with the handouts given in class, your task will be to review the movie The Patriot (directed by Roland Emmerich and starring Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger). It is your responsibility to get the movie and watch it on your own time. Most major movie rental chains (Blockbuster/Rogers) have it in stock in both DVD and VHS or it can be purchased for a relatively low price from most retail DVD stores (Walmart, HMV, Futureshop). Arrange with other classmates to watch it together to lower rental costs. The aim of your review is to assess the film for entertainment value, but more importantly, for historical accuracy based upon the research you have gathered. Your review will contain a cover page that has a chart that compares historical fact and what was depicted in the Hollywood film version. Your review will be three pages long minimum typed using double space (4 pages, including chart). Your review must assess the historical accuracy of the movie, and also the entertainment aspects (acting, costumes, music, cinematography, etc). However, most of your report should be based on comparing the historical accuracy of the film. At the end of your review, make a suggestion for how the film can be revised in order to improve the movie and/or suggest current actors that you would cast in the major roles if the film were doing a remake. Your rough notes from the text and the handout must be handed in with your final report. Your report must be written in proper paragraph format using full and complete sentences. DUE DATE: _____________________________________________ CHA3U – The Patriot Movie Review Rubric Name: _________________________________________ Criteria THINKING - Information reflects a high degree of clarity, conciseness and accuracy. - Not missing any facts. - Clear evidence of research. - Demonstrates insightful understanding of relationships between concepts (fact and fiction) KNOWLEDGE - Makes appropriate conclusions based on relevance to topic, reliability, variety of perspectives, degree of bias. - Creative thinking skills have been utilized with a high degree of effectiveness COMMUNICATION - Use of language conventions is accurate, effective and error free. - Demonstrates a sophisticated awareness of purpose for which an audience to whom, research results will be communicated. APPLICATION - Layout/organization of review is extremely effective and follows proper format. - Review follows assignment requirements. - Chart clearly demonstrates accuracies and inaccuracies of film. - Review successfully transfers information from chart to movie review. COMMENTS: Mark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10