6 - ,f '::':.;;-;:,,i',',:;ii,:"i'r: '1.': "i:' rr'rl r'ii '.1' ' I Eight 0ames,that,Gripped the Nation .,. .. * -:r{ ,,rl# -,r^:. .. .1 , ii::j.. .r ... ::.. I ^r. L>/L VAnAd.2j,/:':Dla1IerS-. n"J4i*t,'il{iii.,r. .bssn tleries' thJ ':' uying, c,''r " i o* !o.," ,"id: upset phit "o r:s." believe people are booing storyll: :fl of the Before moving on to play il MoscJw, T.am .mencieri,.r.; L,lli ,/ii cenhrry. :, r : - . l-: i.. Canada spenr a weEk in Scockholm practising orr rh. ,1/,.,'- ICs easF !o see' - larger European ice surface. The Europe* pro, ,t why. Hockey is more criticized Team Canada's sqyle.of hockey, ."lling ir dran Canada's favourite .. rough and ungendemanly. Back- home, Canadi"aos _{r;''cnnr+-ir Ft: f^--l a.big part ,,': recognized Team Canada's grit and deterr.rinacion as !1r' ,!:i' of-our. national iai""lryr,l; d.fiitg' qualides of rh! Canadian g.^-.. -L, Esposito. '1 Canada's national;,,geams,.-;"',Moscow's Luzh-aiki Arena, a' group of. 2700 however, have 'alwajii' been' ] . Canadians displayed a noisy, mfitant spirit as Game [, composed of amateur. playerq,.,,:, 5 unfoided, but the Soviets won, 54. The three to comply with internarional i'" remarkable hockey g"mes that followed roused the mles. Since the 1950s, .Canada' - Canadianpopulationandunited rhenation. often lost in . international' ieriest . In Game 6, Paul Henderson scored drree and at the winter oiympics. stilI, straight goals to win the game. In Game. 7 of the Canadians knew in-tireii trearts ',:,: seri.s, Henderson r.or.d *ith 2:06 left to play, . that our top players, the,'proi inl',i:.: leading'the Canadians to yet another "i.tory. ii the NIIL, could beat airytearn .a' seemed nothing short of a rniracle. The last game in the-worid i , . took place on september 28, 1972. The series was Wid the 1972 Canada-' n;:.tied.3=3 and Canada's national pride was at stalce. us!+ hockey series, the':-., The game was 5s imporrar.t thag in schools across i, y::fdJ*r:j{ to call our ,., the counrrf, snrdens were led to gymnasiums ro biuff- The NHLs top playerS '": witness theoutcome on TV Wid: th!'score tied and Team Cana4?,, and,.i . ti-e n:nning oug Canad.ians held their breath. -foryre{ faced off ag"airst et ppT:{qi i.. Fort.r Hewitt, the legendary broadcaster, called the Joyl.et Soviet Eeern. ter-. There Ingfe would WOUld. be. be.;., nla-r_hrr_ ^ ; ... --no rtr excuses. lne Lord. lre w?r...:..,t. w4{,,.i,r, He shoots! He scores! Paul Henderson has scored "^"T,?: -\.?lc. 'was r.1u : *^--- 1""sul'l on. uo,., iec.;Eany.r,:: l :'r!'an'y.:.'. for Cenedel-" TerTham canada Crnqde had hrd won *^. the rlc series. co.ioo It Tt for canada!', 'nC ? Lanaolans saw the $flre as . _, . a mome'r many canadians would never forget. bigger than hockey_ii,* "|,,.,i,*rr contest between democr-acy and '.:l' What Do You Think? communism. The series opdner was a biow to Canada's aonfi- ":' 1. Different peoples and regions of Canada often bitterly dence: the Soviets won, 7-3. But Ter* Canada won Game 2 il' , .' ' ences were put aside. Why do you think that national Toronto, *i, and ued the third unrty seemed spontaneous in this instance, when it is so game, in Winnipeg, 4.4. At difficult to achieve on other issues? :;+. rr""*?t;'3lj:t::H:::jt":i:::: # '4: ':f.r' Figure 11-6 Paul ,Henderson scores fie winning goal in the Canada-USSR hockey series. Uving in Trudeau's Canada 295