- AMERICA TO THE RESCUE StoP Communism at anY Price of sure that the Soviet Union stopped its splad The United states took it upon it-serf to.make of communism free in various forms to keep the West communism over *r"e-j"tJ it Jteogeo and push capitalism's boundaries ahead' The Truman Doctrine on the nation to his declaration of Cold War' He called On March 12, 1947,Truman delivered for an world. His speech was designed to garner support resist cornmunism throughout the in of dollars to prevent the spread of communism American pledge oi nunit"os of mrllions Europe. (i.e. Greece $400 million) Doctrine' ln the world became known as the Truman The policy of fighting communism around right-wing including aio was extended to a host of regimes' the years that foltowlo, nt"ric"n -The United States committed itself to dictatorships in an effort to block "ottJnitii4""*:: in the world' to halt the growth of communism anywhere .sacrificing money "nJtiu". The PolicY of Containment GeorgeKenan,aprominentAmericandiplomatandexpertonSovietaffairs'warned ,the traditionar and instinctive Russian sense of of washington in 1946 that the combination would inevitably create an secretiveness, and conspiracy insecurity"with communist ideology, explosivesituation,possiblyarmed.onrri"i'asitcat|edforRevolutioninordertooverthrow CaPitalist Governments' KenanbelievedihatiftheU.S.cou|dcontainthespreadofcommunism,theSovietSystem;'-. his was He did not advocate mi|itary confrontation; whish was weaK' wou|d eventually c,.*ut". policy of tormeO the basis for the new American strictly a defensive .ir"t"gy. nis iOeai containment. ..get tough,, po|icy, lost ..firm,, containment,.*l9n incorp_orated with Truman,s of strategy Kenan,s policy that called for with an aggressive anti-communist its defensive character. rt was repraced t"O*i"g soviet influence rather than contain it' Bylg4T,andforthenext25years'Americanforeignpo|icywasfoundedonthefearof stjtes itserf. rntervention in the affairs not onry abroad out atso within the uniteo communism, presented if the forces of communism courd be or of Indepenoent Nati6ni *", consioeieJ rurtiti"o challenge any as borders' and outside the American punished' as a threat. Suspicion prevailed insiol and sympathy pransivlll';;"rd;J intervention in anti-communist "...or-rnist The Marshall Plan lacked the of a postwar depressio.n' Governments ln 1947, Western Europe was in the midst social and Widespread unemployment caoital resources to revive tneir war-to'n "tono*ies' unrest caused concern in Washington' concerns" , ^L^L^-..,arn ln ram t of the soviet 1.|fWesternEuropeanstatesweretoremainoutsidetheorbi Union,theywouldnavetoregaintheireconomicandpolitica|strength. z. American financial aid was the key' depended_on a prosperous Europe As an exporting natiln, tne United States that if the European li."proo,].ir. in"* was widespread concern into Depression' t;il;;; sink also might economies did not |.""tu"r quickly, the U.S. new of State 91?tg" Marshall announced the On June 5'n, 1947 United States Secretary aid to tn" Marshall Plan' it offered American economic European recovery program: Known ", however' was not even Soviet bloc states' American aid' all countries devastated by the war without conditions. conditions'Htries records to American scrutiny, seeking aid had to open their economic and present a plan for the allocation of fund' make their financiat neeo, p"6ii" Minister' created a recovery - To counterbalance the Marshall plan, Molotov, the Soviet Foreign interest in Hungary, and PolJnd' which had shown Czechoslovakia, s*i"ioro". the scheme for the funding of the iiin?."iut of ihaMorotov pran. Lacking within the U.s. pran, were obriged to reject the Soviei wasfounded on biraterar trade agreemenis bloc' Marsha* pran, Morotov,Jscheme soui"t bloc nations was among the Bloc. Eventualty,'70;u. Litn" trade of ine Between1948and1952,$l3BillionwasallocatedtotheMarsha|lPlantofightcommunism economicallY.