P.".. A PrinfJ

A PrinfJ P."..
Ansu'er the following questions bascd on the clip from Canada: A People's Hislory.
1. The mood after the
war was shown by:
a) people kissing. Iaughing. crying. dancing
b) people holding grudges and fighting
c) people staying home and mouming the loss of loved ones
2. The Spanish Influenza killed more than
people worldwide and
Canada, the tlu killed
a) 2 rnillion, twice as many lives as the Great War
b) 20 million, not nearly as many lives as the Great War.
c) 20 million. almost as manv lives as the Great War.
3. Soldiers returning home to Canada
a) were not affected by the flu because they had vaccines
b) were greatly affected by the flu because many of their lamily members w-ere
c) werc able to save their families by using face masks.
4. Since so many soldicrs'families were touched by the Spanish Influenza. some soldiers
leh that
a) thcy $'ere empty and that they *,ould have rather died on the front with a bullet
b) they were lucky to still bc alive alier the rvar
c) they could save their fanrilies becausc thev had survived the rvar
5. When soldiers returned to Canada. many \\,ere
a) employed and happy
b) Luremployed and unemplovable
c) unemplol,ed and taken care of
6. After the q'ar" Canada was largely in debt because
a) the government had to keep sending food and supplies overseas
b) 1hc gor.ernment had to find jobs lor r.var rvidows
c) the gor,crnment had to re_settlc solcliers and pror,ide pcnsions 1br r.r,ar u
7. N4anl.soldirrs that retumcd to Clanada alier thc First World War uantccl:
a).jol,s aird a n,:w lioinc
b) tr-', bl c::lntpi lioii: t.,ii ligirtint in arrrih,_'; ,rrtr
c).job:r. lroil-ls ltit\ it-:.'lts ar:rl rccolnitiitit
8. Canada established and providcd one ofthe most generous pension plans for vcterans
in the World. This pcnsion plan, however. rvas not available 1br:
a) Japanese Canadians
b) Nativc Canadians
c) Canadian Nurses
9. Many women, such as Nellic McClung. felt that their sons who had fought in the First
World War would never be the same because:
a) they had a wound in their hearts because ofwhat they were asked to do at rvar
b) they had lost their common sense and sanity
c) they had to be forced to join the u'ar
10. As a result
olthe Trcaty of Versailles, Canada was rewarded
a) land conquered by Germany during the war
b) a Victoria Medal
c) her ou'n place in tl,e League of Nations.
followingfll in the blanks will be completed after theflm clip is fini.rhed;
Spanish Flu
-the flu killed more people than
-in Canada alone
were killed
-it was called the Spanish Flu because
-Canadians took prccautions to protect themselves from the flu by
-the people most aflectcd by thc flu rvore
flu was able to spread quickly
flu added to the discontent