Inf,snflGRATION Following confederction in 1867 the governmenf of conodc, lecd by Frime MEnister Wilfred Lsurier wonted to encouroge people to immigrcte to Conodc, especiolly to the West (Proiries). Why the West? 1). To protect ihe lond from the Americons. 2). To increqse troffic on the roilroods thot were being built. The job of recruiting immigronts wos ossigned to clifford sifton. At first, Sifton tried to 'keep Conodo British' by only recruiting people from Britcrin. Conodo's climote wos too horsh for them. Sifton then qdopted an OPEN DOOR policy. He recruited people from centrql, ecstern, qnd Norltrern Europe-countries like Germony, Ukroine, Russio... These people were better suited for the conditions in Cancdo. Ecch fomily wos promised free lond-l60 acres. New immigronts suffered iniolerqnce beccuse they did noi speok English ond hod different cultures. Non-white immigronts like Blocks, Asions, ond Indions were exposed to open rocism. People wonted to keep Conodo noi only British but also White. Sifton wos reploced by Frqnk oliver. Oliver put in ploce a CIO$ED DOOR policy. Restriciions v/ere ploced on 'undesiroble' immigrcnts to either prevent them or discourage them from coming to Ccnodo. Ex. Head tox of $500 dollars on Chinese immiorqnts. ffiekHffiffi @ ffiew tuHffe ffim €amade hrcc Did we do the right thing small village leaving? Just when I thought we could \/crr( *D" A9., mv "J husband and I lived in a in Russia. not survive another day, land appeared on the horizon. We We rented land from the powerf ul landowners. We are Doukhobours and our religion tells ^-+ *^-t ',. us -^+ nor +^ ro ear to Snare our meal, +^ possessions, and to live peaceful lives. My husband and his friends refused to join the army. The continued down a long wide river called the St. Lawrence. After 12 days, our ship docked at a large port. Officiah came on board and spol<e in an unfamiliar language that later I realized was French. This was Qu6bec City. These medical officials examined us to make sure Russian cnvcrnment often persecuted us because of our faith and unwillingness to fight. Often soldiers raided our villages and we were well and not damaged our homes and fields. One day my husband returned to move given this poster by a man who said that the government would give us land, help us travel to the assigned I--r ,.- o^ -I^... our rqr ru, vv uJ 4IU LU ^.actise Hl religion, and excuse us from serving in the military. lt sounded almost too good to be truel My joy was I learned that Canada was an entire ocean awaY. Could we survive in this new land? My mind was made up when checked on my five I sleeping children and realized that if we stayed their lives wbuld be one of persecution and poverty. For their sake, my husband and I agreed to tal<e the risk. My husband was able to arrange steerage passage for us on ,e shin Stepragc mpant that we nl:eed in thc hottom deCk along with many other families. You can imaeine the noise and rnrprc smell. We quickly became sea sicl<. The children became sick from the poor food and dirty water, bringing diseases, then said we were all from a trip to town, carrying a poster that advertised free land in Canada. My husband had been short-lived when bY and many suffered with high fevers. We were allowed on the top decl< for a short time only once or twice a daY. right After a day's travel we were shown our new land. Our first task was to construct shelters and begin to build our new village with the other families. our first homes were made with the only readily available resource: sod. The sod houses were easy to build and well insulated. Next we began planting, which was very hard work. The cntirc familv helned. Since we did not have any animals, we women hitched ourselves up to the ploughs. Thai firsf vear. we harvested a small crop, then prepared ourselves for winter. We had experienced winter in Russia but we never on. endured such conditions as during Sfid we do the nHght tffaEmg by leavFreg? that first winter in Canada. Luckily our sod houses kept us warm and our neighbours made life bearable in our little village. Next thing we lcnew we were on a train heading west. After four days, the train stopped, and we joined the other families preparing to find our land in a territory that would become the Province of Sasl<atchewan. Soon a man speaking Russian told us that the government had set aside 64 ha of land for each of us and that we would be given tools, seed, and food to help us start our new life. We boarded a wagon for the last part of our voyage. Some of our neighbours moved west to settle in British Columbia. My husband and decided to remain and continue to work the land with our children. I I am still convinced that this country is much better than the land we left and as lonc as our culture is respected, we have nothing to fear. 4 t. Why did this family leave their 2. home to come to Canada? What problems did they face nnna fharr arriveAl Hoyal Mail Steamships s f E E=rFi I iH lEE c fiEt ** if* qEEE€EfiBIg ff, f,F:€$ iE€ le Egg$i aF fgE.*i AI# 3E E g$EEgFiEEfl If, fr:f Hi F' + cH ffiiEs ti$ E: tq i ? as$gEfr Eair Etrq AiigHe Ffr gf sE F AE€i5* $ic ili5 TEEE i gc *E esFi EEIE o i #* u e..^^ H€ ;igE :*cetc € s q;t r HE EE ! 'a? a; ,ius= e+tF'EE€ :$EtE $F ESE;6 ;:;EEE€ *EgEi €$EEEEi$ifiEfiE*EFESAEFEEFiIFiEE -:6€i ;EgAtlrs H!;Fg +Erii:€ iiEs? rEF$. E€HiIei! IEEEig ;E;fiEg r€gitE iF;asFiflErit* ?iEsts;te$*EH a;iti$ E€ HR '$ gEF E €E€E# FgE,ESF€F EEE.i$E gpEgit;, $Ei€flig €iiEEE etsr' trr€F i?E$;tE: ic*i3E E!€i€t= E $ iqlia ,:EEEl:r€r €€gEi{ ffiFE'tsE EFEU* :;{tBgEEE !*:A;sE[$$;FFt ;F:t9fr E;i-nt E;€eits* itt:sii*E EEEt$$ EE E €;inE s E€ F E *ri$' altB$i€E€ i!$FiE ltEEsgEi iFEE€E : ?": s€ i : E3 [ , i E* E E Etlgg lEgeE;siE EEIaE! ESSEFtI; E.gEt€E Canada: A Land of Imntigrants - Worksheet A. Define a Push B. Define a Factor: Pull Factor: C. List the large groups of people who came to Canada and the years when they came. After each group's name, note the PUSH or PLiLL factor which made it willing to come Group to Canada. Years Thev Came Push Factors -'' Pull Factor Intnigration Case Sludy: Class Sunte! Course Code: My Name: Circttlate around the roont atzdinterviev, the appropriate boxes. Student's Name From vthal country did thry emigrate? I0 differentpeople in class. Whlt difl 11r* immigrate? State il it is a Push or PuU Factor? Date: Fillin theirresponses H4zen did their famihes immigrate to Canada? 1) z) 4) in Hkat languages are spoken at home? Case Studv: C/ass Survey ImmiQration "t^thr? Cova4ty Push ,ry.?,tt-€z+hrc trolrer2