- ENGLISH 1950

1950 - PRESENT
"La Suruiuance" - the suruiual of Quebec's cultural identity, Ianguage
and religion.
From 7944 - 1969, Maurice Duplessis and the Unione Nationale
dominated Quebec. Duplessis tried to create French Canadian
Nationalism by challenging all the federal governments' involvement
in Quebec's affairs. Duplessis was seen as the protector of Quebec
against Communism.
Duplessis maintained power by allying with the Catholic Church and
a push for a more agrarian society. He allowed English and foreign
investment to promote Quebec industry while educating French
Canadians to mistrust technology and value rural life. Moreover,
Quebec's education system promoted humanities instead of science,
business or technology.
Duplessis ruled Quebec with an "iron fist" and discouraged all
In 1959, Duplessis dies and ayear later the Unione Nationale is
overthrown by the Liberals under the leadership of Jean Lesage. The
Quiet Revolution begins.
The Quiet Revolution was a reformation of education, hospitals,
labour code, legal status of women, voting age lowered,
modernization of the economy, pension plan, nationalization of
The goal of the Quiet Revolution was to ensure the Quebecois were
to be the "Masters of their own House". Among students, this goal led
to an ideology that Quebec was not only a province but a nationality.
Lesage desired change for Quebec in the framework of Confederation
while there was a growing movement for separation.
In 1963, the Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ) was created to
achieve independence by any means necessary. They promptly
began to plant bombs in mailboxes in English sections of Montreal
and in government buildings.
In 1966,, Rene Levesque aided in creating the Parti Quebecois. They
promoted separation through peaceful negotiation as Quebec's
destiny. Their plan was based on souereiqntlt association. which
create an independent Quebec with strong ties to Canada.
Federally,Piene Trudeau was elected PM in 1968. He promptly
passes the Official Languages Act making Canada a bilingual nation.
He also began to invest in Quebec as a means to undermine the
separatist movement.
' In 1970, the FLQ continue bombing (killing 6) and kidnap the British
Trade Commissioner named James Cross. They demanded gold,
safe passage to Cuba and the release of "political prisoners"(FlQ
members who participated in bombings). The federal government
became involved because Cross was a foreign diplomat. Five days
later, the FLQ kidnap Piene l-aporte, a Quebec cabinet minister, from
the front lawn of his Montreal home.
Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa and his cabinet go into hiding to
prevent any more kidnapping. As the crisis continued, the FLQ
realize that they will not be dealt with they killed Piene Laporte and
sfuffed the body in the trunk of a car. Bourassa asks Ottawa to send
troops into Montreal to maintain order.
Trudeau invokes the War Measures AcL which suspends all civil
liberties and gives the police the right to search or arrest without due
process of law. This Act has only been invoked twice before (WWI
and WWII).
I few months later, the murderers are found and cross is found alive
in an apartment. The October Crisis was over.
The imposition of the War Measures Act in peacetime was
controversial. Many opponents saw it as excessive and an
unnecessary display of government power. Trudeau justified its use
by stating that the FLQ was attempting to violently overthrow the
Many Quebecois are still upset that separatists were arrested and held
even though they had no connection to the FLQ or the kidnappers.
After the Crisis, the terrorism stopped however separatism became
more determined.
. In 7974, the Bourassa government makes French Quebec's sole
official language. He also limits the access to English schools to only
those born in Quebec from English families. All others, including
immigrants, had to attend French schools. English lessons were
greatly reduced or phased out of French schools.
In 1976, Levesque is elected Premier of Quebec. He declared that
the Parti Quebecois would soon call a referendum vote to allow
citizens to decide Quebec's future.
Before calling a ref.erendum, the PQ managed government and the
economy very well by improving labour laws, raised minimum wages,
introduced matemity benefits and no fault insurance. They also
passed Bill 101 declaring that French would be dominant language in
Quebec in all areas of life. All signs, public and private, had to be in
French and all but a minority would be forced to learn french.
The referendum was called in 1980 to allow Quebecois to vote for a
sovereignp association with Canada. PM Joe Clark chose not to
interfere with the process. Clark was voted out on a vote of
nonconfidence and Trudeau was once again the PM. Trudeau took a
more active role on the federalist side of the campaign. He made 3
speeches that turned the tide of the campaign.
On May 20,7980,607" of Quebecois voted no to sovereignty
association. This was a major setback for the PQ.
After the federalist win in the 1980 referendum, Trudeau started the
process of renewing Canada's constitution. He petitioned the British
parliament to patriate the BNA Act and add in an Amending Formula
and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Trudeau met with the first ministers to strike a compromise and
receive support for the new Constitution. They were having great
difficulty reaching a consensus. The ministers were woken up after
midnight to reach a last minute compromise. Levesque was left out
and did not find out about the agreement until the morning.
Quebec felt betrayed. The constitution was supposed to be a way to
meet Quebec's needs now the rest of the country was forcing this
constitution on them. When the Queen and the first ministers signed
the Constitution, Quebec was not present. Flags were lowered to
half-mast in Quebec and protest was held in Montreal.
In 7987 , PM Brian Mulroney attempted to reconcile Quebec with the
rest of Canada during a retreat a Meech Lake. The provinces
reached an agreement that would have allowed Quebec to be a
distinct society and allow Quebec to have greater powers over their
own affairs than the other provinces. The House of Commons
passed the Accord but it had to be passed by each province's
legislature to be placed in the Constitution. Aboriginal people and
the newly elected governments of Newfoundland, Manitoba and New
Brunswick scuttled the deal.
Negotiations continued months later at Charlottetown in an attempt
to deal with the criticisms of the Meech Lake Accord. They decided
on a "Canada Clause" which set out the principles and values that the
country was founded on including a distinct Quebec. Ottawa
proposed a ref.ercndum on the new Charlottetown Accord and it
faced a resounding defeat at the hands of the Canadian electorate.
The failure to ratify the Accords sent the message to Quebec that
Canada did not want them. Quebec decided the only alternative was
separation. The Bloc Quebecois was formed to push the separation
agenda on the federal level. In the 7993 election, they won 54 seats
and become the Official Opposition.
In 1994, the Parti Quebecois regained power in Quebec ensuring that
would be another rcf.erendum. The PQ and Jacques Parizeau felt
that Quebec would vote for sovereignty. The separatists argued that
Quebec would benefit greatly by separating from Canada but
maintaining Canadian currency. Federalists and Aboriginals argued
that they did not want to go and they would suffer economically. The
question was a confusing one which led to a close 49.47" of.
Quebecois voting for sovereignty.