Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 1. Effective Teaacher in Every Classroom C What we will do W o O district emp Our ploys about 12,7 700 teachers in almost a 300 diffeerent schools. We W are putting in nto place a thougghtful, bold, sysstemic, and c comprehensive plan p of action th hat will dramatically transform the district’s hu uman capital sysstems and ensurre that a highly effective e teacherr i in place in eveery one HISD’ss classrooms. is Why we will do it W W are committted to improving We g student achiev vement across ou ur district, and research r tells uss that teachers arre by far the mo ost powerful s school-based facctor in a child’s academic succeess or failure. Specifically, S stud dies have shown n that students w who had very efffective teacherss f three years in for n a row were ab ble to improve th heir performancce on standardizzed tests by moree than 50 percennt in comparison n to students wh ho h three ineffecctive teachers in had n a row (Sanders and Rivers, 19 996). What we will rep W port T following Strategic The S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in th he strategic plan n w fidelity? It measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for f each Key Sttrategies in supp port of the overaall Core Initiativ ve. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced quarrterly. Color ind dicators are used d to as an idicatioon of whether administration a iss o track to accomplish a Key Strategy’s quarteerly goals. A “G on Green” indicator means the diistrict has made acceptable prog gress with respeect t budget, scopee and timeliness. A “Yellow” in to ndicator means the district has identified risk k with respect too one or more aspects. a A “Red d” i inidcator means progress has stopped or hass a significant deficiency. As th he Strategic Direection builds a ffoundation towaards achieveing t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 1. Effective Teaacher in Every Classroom C 1 Strengthen recruiting and 1.1 d staffing policies and practicees to attract top p talent Main Element Prrogress 1 1.1.1 Refine reccruitment and staaffing practices 1 1.1.2 Implementt improved teaccher recruitment and staffing praactices 1 1.1.3 Build awareness and supp port among interrnal and externaal stakeholders 1 1.1.4 Implementt a “Talent Acqu uisition System” Accomplishmen A nts I this period, we In w have continueed to focus our efforts on recru uiting and selectting highly effecctive teachers. A Although we aree in the midst off b budget challeng ges, we know thaat we will still have h a need to hire externally in n our critical sho ortage areas inclluding secondarry math, s secondary scien nce, bilingual ed ducation, and lan nguages. To sup pport our projeccted need we hav ve targeted our rremaining recru uitment efforts on o s schools includin ng Michigan Staate, Ohio Univerrsity, Harvard, Cornell C and Tex xas A&M. At th he same time wee are recruiting from f these s schools, we are also continuing g to look for experienced teacheers. Our efforts have also been focused on suppporting our emp ployees who will b impacted by budget cuts and be d assisting them m in finding oppo ortunities within n HISD. Our work on im O mplementing the Talent Acquisittion system has been strong thiss period. We haave been workinng with teams accross the o organization to identify i all of ou ur current proceesses that will neeed changes as we w implement a system that alllows us to stream mline our p processes. We are a in the midst of redefining ou ur recruitment and a selection pro ocesses based on the efficienciees we will gain with w this system m. Lastly, we have been redesignin L ng our back-end d processes to en nsure that our reecruits have a more m streamlinedd hiring experieence than what p people have exp perienced in the past. P Planned for nex xt period Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Over the next th O hree months, wee will be working hard to work with w our displacced teachers and d staff to assist tthem in finding the right o opportunities bo oth inside and ou utside the districct. We are cond ducting training sessions every other Wednesdaay to work with h our displaced s staff on resume writing, intervieewing tips and social s Media. We W have also dev veloped a website that will alloow us to providee information for t these employeess. We will conduct four placemen W nt events over th he next few mon nths for principaals to meet displlaced staff and consider them for f current o openings. All of o these efforts will w help to ensu ure that we are finding f new opp portunities for th hose people whoo fit our needs for f vacancies. As A m mentioned abov ve, since we kno ow that not all off our projected vacancies v will be b filled with dissplaced staff, wee will continue our recruitment e efforts for critical shortage areaas. We will also be holding a three day offsite meeeting to gather various W v members of the HISD community to heelp design a new w system for thee r recruitment and selection proceess. We know this t will be increedibly valuable in shaping the design d of the tallent acquisition system and h helping to ensurre that we hire effective e teacherrs. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 1. Effective Teaacher in Every Classroom C 1 Establish a rigorous and fair 1.2 f teacher app praisal system to t inform key decisions d Main Element Progress 1 1.2.1 Develop and a implement a districtwide staaff review proceess for all teacheers in every scho ool 1 1.2.2 In-depth reeview of the facculty in nine of HISD’s H lowest-p performing scho ools 1 1.2.3 Design a model m of teacherr competency an nd behavior 1 1.2.4 Develop measures m of stud dent learning 1 1.2.5 Define thee teacher perform mance appraisall process 1 1.2.6 Incorporatte performance appraisal a data in nto key decision ns 1 1.2.7 Gather staakeholder input Accomplishmen A nts W are continuiing to leverage funding We f resourcees from private foundations, su uch as the Arnold d Foundation annd Bill & Melin nda Gates F Foundation, and d competitive pu ublic grants, Teaacher Incentive Fund (TIF) for example, to sup pport the design and implementation of this w work. Through the t completion of the fall 2010 and spring 2011 Staff Review process, princip pals have been aable to have meaaningful c conversations with w their Schooll Improvement Officer O (SIO) on n the performan nce of teachers at a their schools aand discuss speccific strategies w their HR an with nd Professional Development Services S (PDS) teams t to retain and a develop theiir teachers. Throough this period d we also have a actively engaged d stakeholders across a the districct to discuss a draft d proposal off the new teacheer appraisal and development sy ystem. This e entailed meeting gs of 250+ Sharred Decision-Maaking Committeees (SDMC), thee District Advisory Committee (DAC), five wo orking groups, n teacher and nine d principal focuss groups, and th he participation of o nearly 3,000 community mem mbers in a seriees of public foru ums and online Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q ssurveys. Cycle 4 recommendattions from the SDMC, S based on n feedback colleected during the public commennt period, have recently r been t s submitted to thee DAC for review w. The DAC wiill submit its fin nal recommendaations to the superintendent for Board approvall at the April 14th r regular Board off Education meeeting. Planned for nex P xt period F Following Board approval of th he final proposall for the new ap ppraisal and deveelopment system m for teachers, w we will finalize the i implementation plan, which willl include trainin ng of trainers, appraisers, ap and teeachers, alignm ment of the measuures of student learning l by major p prep, and support for the sustain nability of the appraisal a processs going forward d. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 1. Effective Teaacher in Every Classroom C 1 Provide ind 1.3 dividualized tea acher support and a development Main Element Progress 1 1.3.1 Identify and a track centrallized TSD needss via Staff Revieew and appraisaal ratings 1 1.3.2 Develop a long-term centtralized TSD strrategy 1 1.3.3 Implemen nt a long-term ceentralized TSD strategy 1 1.3.4 Establish PD clearinghou use 1 1.3.5 Identify and a track school-based TSD neeeds via Staff Rev view and appraiisal ratings 1 1.3.6 Develop a strategy for school-based TSD D 1 1.3.7 Establish metrics for meaasuring the effecctiveness of school-based TSD 1 1.3.8 Identify and a execute train ning for principaals to identify an nd respond to teeacher developm ment needs Accomplishmen A nts D During the sprin ng 2011 Staff Reeview process, Professional P Deevelopment (PDS) team membeers worked with principals to id dentify and m monitor progresss on planned teaacher developm ment activities fo or the school yeaar. Continuing the t work startedd last fall, PDS provided p c coaching to prin ncipals on schoo ol-based professional developm ment by request. Additionally, the district has tak A ken action to resstructure the PD DS organization to become moree effective at prroviding the righ ht support to s schools in aligniing high quality y, meaningful deevelopment opportunities for teachers to do theeir best work in the classroom. Under U the new s structure, two teeams will essenttially provide bo oth centralized coordination c and d scalability for districtwide toools and training,, and Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q iindividualized support to teacheers in specific grades and conteent areas. This reepresents a new vision for profeessional develop pment that will m move the districct away from a ‘one-size-fits-alll’ workshop app proach to a systeem that is more individualized aand provides thee appropriate s support to hold principals p accou untable for helping all teachers grow profession nally. Planned for nex P xt period I the future, wee will be workin In ng to identify daata sources that can c be used to create c the metriccs by which all ccampus-based and a centralized p professional dev velopment will be b evaluated. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 1. Effective Teaacher in Every Classroom C 1 Offer mean 1.4 ningful career pathways p and differentiated d compensation to o retain and lev verage the mosst-effective teacchers Main Element Progress 1 1.4.1 Implemen nt the ASPIRE Award A program 1 1.4.2 Establish career pathways 1 1.4.3 Implemen nt a new compen nsation model Accomplishmen A nts T ASPIRE Aw The wards for 2009--10 were paid ou ut successfully in i January. Chan nges to the ASP PIRE Award moodel for 2010-11 1 were proposed d a adopted by the School Boarrd in March. In addition, as an initial step into building career pathways for teeachers, we havee developed a and t teacher leader ro ole, for full-timee classroom teacchers with addittional compensaation, to supportt professional deevelopment in schools. Planned for nex P xt period C Changes to the ASPIRE A Award d model for 2011 1-12 will be dev veloped and presented at a futurre board meeting. In addition, th he district will i issue a Request for Proposal (R RFP) to support changes c to the compensation c sttructure for teach hers that are aliggned with differrentiated roles a career pathw and ways. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 2. Effective Prin ncipal in Every School What we will do W o W are going to We o make sure that we have a high hly effective prin ncipal at the heaad of every scho ool. To do that, w we will improvee our recruiting s system to be mo ore aggressive in n recruiting talen nted individualss into principal positions, p startin ng with our ownn internal pipelin ne of best p performing teachers and assistaant principals an nd supplemented d by strong exterrnal candidates.. We will also prrovide all of ourr principals with h t ongoing sup the pports, careful ev valuations, and individualized professional p dev velopment they need while alsoo placing all the necessary tools at t their disposal to o lead their schools into becomin ng the best in th he nation. Why we will do it W T There is a broad d consensus amo ong educational experts that hav ving an effective principal at th he head of everyy school is of utm most importancee t ensure studen to nt success. The more challengin ng and/or underrprivileged the student s populatio on in the schooll, the more this is i true. In HISD D, w have ample evidence we e of thiss, as there is broad variation in the t on-track-to college-readines c ss rates of our ellementary, midd dle and high s school students,, even among scchools with very y similar poverty y levels. What we will rep W port T following Strategic The S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in th he strategic plan n w fidelity? It measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for f each Key Sttrategies in supp port of the overaall Core Initiativ ve. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color ind dicators are used d to as an idicatiion of whether administration a iss o track to accomplish a Key Strategy’s quarteerly goals. A “G on Green” indicator means the diistrict has made acceptable prog gress with respeect t budget, scopee and timeliness. A “Yellow” in to ndicator mean ns the district haas identified risk k with respect too one or more aspects. a A “Red d” i inidcator means progress has stopped or hass a significant deficiency. As th he Strategic Direection builds a ffoundation towaards achieveing t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 2. Effective Prin ncipal in Every School 2 Establish a comprehensivee instructional leadership pro 2.4 ogram to develo op and retain top talent Main Element Progress 2.4.1 Define leaadership pathway 2 ys/ladders for HISD H staff and administrators a to o become princiipals, and for priincipals to a advance into hig gher leadership roles 2 2.4.2 Assess thee strengths and weaknesses w of HISD’s H current supports s to princcipals 2.4.3 Provide on 2 ngoing professio onal development to principals who are already y working in HIISD, tailored to individual n need while also addressing key topics in princiipal developmen nt 2 2.4.4 Provide neew principals wiith a high-qualitty, three-year mentorship m progrram Accomplishmen A nts O Over this period d we identified and a continue to refine developm ment strategies th hat will result in n a comprehensiive leadership development d f framework that provides five po ossible pathway ys for entry into principalship in n HISD. The patthways are: Teaacher Leader, Asssistant P Principal/Dean, , Intern, Externa al Candidate an nd Initial Years. The framework k provides for th hree years of deddicated support for new a administrators. Additionally, A th he support modeel is expanded to o include consulltant support bey yond mentoringg. The work we have done o outlines the entrry and screening g requirements, program design n components, an nd curriculum strands. s The pathhway frameworrk was shared w two focus groups with g compriseed of Chiefs, Scchool Improvem ment Officers and d Human Resou urces personnel. We launched thee district’s first Readiness Coho W ort. This cohort consists of 56 administrators a w are deemed “ready” for thee principalship. who O work with the Our t cohort involv ves helping the cohort memberrs define and hon ne their leadersh hip style, providde interview skills and strategiees, a complete th and he district’s man ndatory managem ment training su uch as budgeting g, safety, data an nalysis, HR proccesses and Peop pleSoft as e examples. The Readiness R semin nar is facilitated d by the Leadership Developmen nt team with oth her Central Offiice Departmentss also playing keey r roles in the prep paration of our future f school leaaders. We are in ntentional in ourr efforts to have Central Office sstaff see themseelves as having a d direct service reelationship with schools, thus haaving an impactt on student achiievement. Centtral Office partnners include Bud dget and Financee, Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Procurement, PeeopleSoft, Hum P man Resources, HISD H Police Dep partment, Curriculum Instructio on and Assessm ment, School Sup pport Services a Special Edu and ucation to name a few. We have also met W m with two univ versity partners; Rice Universitty and The Univ versity of Texas. In our meetingg with these univ versities we s sought to enhan nce our leadershiip preparations strategies s by inv volving the univ versities in the co-construction c oof our program model. Althoug gh w have not reached a final agrreement, the univ we versities have su ubmitted a prop posal outlining how h we might w work together in building HISD’’s g grow-our-own leadership devellopment model. Ultimately, these proposed disttrict-university partnerships will help us substaantially redefinee t scope of lead the dership and prov vide quality traiining opportunitties for principaals at all levels in n their careers. Last, training on L n the new princiipal appraisal sy ystem began in late l March. A piilot group of Sch hool Improvement Officers, priincipals, assistan nt p principals, Lead dership Develop pment Staff mem mbers will particcipate in the inittial training. P Planned for nex xt period O plans for th Our he next period in nclude: 1. 2. 3. 4. Train ning all principals, assistant prin ncipals and otheer appraisers on the McREL app praisal tool in Juuly and August, 2011 Launching the Teach her Leader Acad demy Launching the first in nternship cohortt Launching AP2 (seco ond year develo opment for assisstant principals and a deans) Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 3. Rigorous In nstructional Stan ndards and Supp ports What we will do W o R Redesign the co ourse offerings, curriculum, c asseessment tests, an nd social/emotio onal supports prrovided in schoools throughout HISD, H with a p particular emphasis on giving all a students the same s access to educational e prog grams and opporrtunities, regarddless of which scchool they atten nd, a well as impro as oving instruction n for students att all levels. We will also implem ment a set of tarrgeted reforms iin order to turn around a HISD’s l lowest-performi ing schools. Why we will do it W H HISD has a num mber of outstand ding academic programs and sup pports across th he district, but on n the whole doees not prepare sttudents for c college and careeer readiness. Our O scores show that, depending g on the grade, only o about 40 to o 70% of our stuudents are readin ng or doing math a grade level. In at I addition, stud dent EVAAS gro owth data show w a slowing of grrowth in mathem matics progress from the fifth to o sixth grades, r resulting in only y 18% of HISD eighth-grade stu udents successfu ully completing g Algebra I. The end result is thaat the majority of o HISD studentts w enroll in co who ommunity colleg ge require remed dial courses in their t first year. What we will rep W port T following Strategic The S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in th he strategic plan n w fidelity? It measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for f each Key Sttrategies in supp port of the overaall Core Initiativ ve. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color ind dicators are used d to as an idicatiion of whether administration a iss o track to accomplish a Key Strategy’s quarteerly goals. A “G on Green” indicator means the diistrict has made acceptable prog gress with respeect t budget, scopee and timeliness. A “Yellow” in to ndicator mean ns the district haas identified risk k with respect too one or more aspects. a A “Red d” i inidcator means progress has stopped or hass a significant deficiency. As th he Strategic Direection builds a ffoundation towaards achieveing t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 3. Rigorous Insttructional Stand dards and Suppo orts 3 3.1 Equity in i access to edu ucational progrrams Main Element Progress 3 3.1.1 Ensure that all schools haave high quality y programs to meet the diverse needs n of studentts 3.1.2 Broaden access 3 a to dual crredit, Advanced d Placement (A), and Internation nal Baccalaureaate (IB) and impprove exam s success rates 3 3.1.3 Increase consistency c of Magnet M Schools 3.1.4 Provide sp 3 pecialized instru uctional opportu unities througho out the district fo or students seek king alternative i instructional pro ograms 3 3.1.5 Launch a post-secondary y access effort A Accomplishmen nts The Advanced Placement T P (AP)) and Pre-AP Prrogram continuees focusing on in ncreasing the prrovision of proffessional develo opment services to n new Pre-AP and d new AP teach hers. Spring AP A Mentor meettings occurred throughout t the month of Februuary. The Mich hael & Susan Dell F Foundation (MS SDF) awarded HISD H a $1.4 miillion grant speccifically designeed to help impro ove the district’’s Advanced Plaacement (AP) an nd P Pre-AP program ms for middle scchools and high h schools. A rep presentative from m each campus attended an infformation sessio on held during the t S Secondary G/T coordinators meeting m in Febru uary to learn thee specific requirred activities asssociated with thhe MSDF grant funds. Secondaary A Administrators received a copy y of their indiviidual MSDF Grrant Goals durin ng the February y’s Principal M Meeting and disccussed these goaals d during the AP Leadership Insttitute. The AP Leadership Insstitute was a meeting m designed d to bring secondary administrrators together to d discuss the goaals of the MSDF F Grant and strrategies on how w to achieve tho ose goals held in February wiith 80 Secondarry Administrato ors a attending. AP Celebration Saturday broug A ght HISD AP teachers together in February at HSPVA. AP teeachers were ledd through a professional learnin ng m meeting by fello ow HISD AP teeachers. They then t participated d in a celebratio on recognizing the most effecttive high schooll AP programs as Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q well as the stron w ngest AP teacheers in our districct. The special keynote k speakerr for this event was Trevor Paccker, Vice President of Advanced P Placement with College Board. He is the higheest ranking AP official o with Colllege Board. The administration presented th T he Board of Edu ucation with a pllan for retooling g magnet prograams in a way thaat encourages faair competition, a allowing our top p magnet prograams to continue and replacing our o ineffective programs p with on nes that hold reaal promise. Theese new options w would meet stud dents' interests while w rejuvenatiing neighborhoo ods. The proposaal was the resultt of months of sstudying, listenin ng, and working g t was started last fall. that P Planned for nex xt period Over the next period, we will continue O c our wo ork related to Advanced A Placem ment. In May, we w anticipate thaat over 19,800 AP A exams will be a administered. This T will be an in ncrease of 19% over last year’ss 16, 556 AP exaams administereed. The AP Verticaal Teams in Eng T glish, Math and d Science are pllanning to meett in June at Ricce University to continue their work on Verticcal T Team Guides th hat will be utilizeed by secondary y schools to prov vide Pre-AP insstruction to HISD D students. Also, we will co A ontinue the prep paration for the annual a Summer Institute at Ricee University and d other participaating universitiees in our region. T AP Leadersship Institute wiill be offered Jun The ne 6-9, 2011 wiith 16 course offferings on Pre-A AP topics. We will continu W ue the work to im mprove the distrrict’s Advanced Placement (AP P) and Pre-AP prrograms for midddle schools and d high schools f funded by The Michael M & Susaan Dell Foundatiion (MSDF) I Issues/Concern ns/Requests Last fall, the imp L plications of thee current fiscal crisis c were unclear. As the distrrict faces unpreccedented budgett cuts with poten ntially d devastating conssequences acrosss the entire disttrict, the HISD preliminary p reco ommendations on o the magnet programs were held h in abeyancee t quarter and it was decided that this t few changees be made to the magnet prograams for 2011–2012. The recom mmendation was that all current m magnet program ms continue to reeceive funding and a transportatio on next year allo owing our staff and stakeholderrs the opportuniity to focus theirr t time and energy y on making tough spending deccisions. Additionally, there is concern th A hat the number of teachers that will attend the summer Pre-AP P workshops willl be less than an nticipated. To m mitigate this risk k, the district is taking steps to increase commu unication and pu ublication. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 3. Rigorous Insttructional Stand dards and Suppo orts 3 3.2 Develop p and implemen nt an aligned sttandards-based d curriculum an nd assessment plan Main Element Progress 3 3.2.1 Communiccate high expecttations for instru uctional deliverry and establish district-manageed curriculum guuidelines 3.2.2 Arrange an 3 n independent external e analysiss of the district’ss curriculum in order to establissh a well-craftedd, focused, v valid, and comp prehensive curricculum 3 3.2.3 Promote academic a rigor for fo all students by b updating the current c curriculu um to meet stan ndards for collegge and c career readinesss (CCR) 3 3.2.4 Train teach hers on implementing the align ned/updated currriculum, and train principals on n supporting teacchers in a achieving campu us and district goals g 3 3.2.5 Identify a robust assessmeent system that will w provide cusstomized predictive and diagnostic assessmentss that are a aligned to the diistrict curriculum m’s scope and sequence 3 3.2.6 Establish a clearinghouse that identifies high-quality, h ressearch-based insstructional materials aligned to the d district’s curricu ulum 3 3.2.7 Pursue an online platform m for curriculum management an nd access A Accomplishmen nts IIn an effort to in ncrease the rigorr of the district’s curriculum, an n RFP was deveeloped to solicit interest in buildding a robust asssessment system m. T unsolicited Two d proposals weree received to pro ovide a curriculu um audit. I Issues/Concern ns/Requests The decentralizaation of curricullum authority is impacting the ability T a to build a monitored currriculum. An aliigned curriculum m throughout th he d district will assist in rigorous an nd clear expectaations of learnin ng for all childreen. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q The building of a robust assessm T ment system is in i progress, with h an RFP having g been written to t align with thee data-driven deccision making p process. This efffort is dependent upon clear ex xpectations of what w is to be taug ght and allocatio on of resoruces. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 3. Rigorous Insttructional Stand dards and Suppo orts 3 3.3 Implement Response to Intervention model districtw wide to providee early, effectiv ve assistance too children Main Element Progress 3 3.3.1 Train teach hers and princip pals on how to diagnose d studentts’ needs and differentiate supp port within the classroom 3.3.2 Implementt a school-level approach to dessigning holistic intervention strrategies for helping Tier II studeents and 3 a accurately referrring Tier III stud dents 3 3.3.3 Improve district-level d solu utions for Tier III I students 3.3.4 Provide taactile materials and 3 a supports to assist a all teacherrs in determinin ng strategies to meet m student a academic/social l emotional need ds and challengees 3 3.3.5 Improve th he instructional climate by offering technology y-based applicattions to identify research-based strategies a solutions to meet the sociall/emotional need and ds of students 3 3.3.6 Articulate the Intervention n Assistance Teeam/Response to o Intervention prrocess for paren nts A Accomplishmen nts Academic and behavioral A b teamss meet to develo op the Online Py yramid of Interv vention. These two teams will m merge and their total product wiill b vetted in antiicipation of an online be o applicatio on. A meeting was w held with CEP and internall staff members to develop a strrategy to promotte b behavior modifiication during placement, enhan nce communicattion with schoolls, and monitoriing the student oonce the studentt has returned to o t regular educcational setting. All core academ the mic teachers hav ve received an IA AT/RTI flipchaart. The Safe Scchools Departmeent has secured p personnel to asssist with loading g IAT/RTI inform mation for paren nts onto the web bsite. P Planned for nex xt period • District leaders l continuee to meet to disccuss next steps to t continue the implementation i . Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q • A grade//Chancery/PEIM MS report has beeen pulled for alll students in thee Transformatio on Schools. Thiss data will be utiilized to make r recommendation ns and work witth campus-based d IAT for interv ventions. • A moodlle-based training g for IAT is und der developmen nt through the Offfice of Professiional Developm ment utilizing infformation d developed/suppl lied by Safe Sch hools. A blog fo or posting questiions and concern ns was created and a will continuue to provide sup pport as part off t training proccess. the I Issues/Concern ns/Requests • Budget and a personnel cu uts have significcantly affected the t ability to pro ogress in a timelly manner. • Currently, funding is un navailable for the development of o an online IAT T/RTI model an nd other supportting materials. • There is a continuing neeed for human and a financial cap pital to ensure th hat this initiativee be delivered inn a timely mann ner. It is r recommended th hat the online py yramid be moveed to year two or o three of the Sttrategic Directio on and a level III moodle training take place to t train on the usag ge of this system m. R Risks • We mustt ensure that thee Transformation n Turnaround scchools receive support s in impleementing IAT/R RTI in order to be b successful. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 3. Rigorous Insttructional Stand dards and Suppo orts 3 3.4 School Transformation T n Turnaround Plan Main Element Progress 3 3.4.1 Build Tran nsformation Corre Team 3 3.4.2 Research and a identify pro oven approachess for low-perform ming schools 3 3.4.3 Implementt a school-wide transformation intervention mo odel that would begin with the 2010–2011 2 schoool year A Accomplishmen nts Elementary scho E ools were selectted and approveed by the board for f the district’ss transformation n program expannsion. The focuss has shifted t towards implem mentation in the 2011-2012 2 scho ool year. The disstrict has received numerous do onations from ouur external partn ners. To date, th he H HISD foundatio on has received almost a $2,500,0 000 in support of our transformaation turnaround d model. The district receeived and dissem T minated the Mid d-Year Network Education Report. The prelimiinary secondaryy data is encouraaging as we notee: • High Sch hools decreased d the cohort drop p out rate for 20 010, on an averaage, by 8%. • 263 stud dent (19%) had greater g than 2.0 years of typicall growth. • 327 stud dents (23%) had between 1.0 an nd 2.0 years of ty ypical growth. • 204 stud dents (14%) had between 0.5 an nd 1.0 years of ty ypical growth. • Out of scchool suspensio ons have decreassed by over 50% % on average in our transformattion schools. • Math tuttoring has seen 15% - 29% in growth from diag gnostics in the beginning b of thee year for 6th & 9th grade tutorin ng. • Overall schools s systemss and proceduress have improved d to establish a safer environmeent focused on learning. • Schools have implemen nted stricter discipline policies and a uniform policies. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q • Schools have implemen nted PLCs that are a looking at 3 week w district assessment data to o monitor masteery and using in ndividual studentt t trackers to track k mastery. • Implemeenting Classroom m Management and Professionaal Developmentt plans based on n principal prioriities for 100% engagement, e d differentiation, assessing a for leaarning, and mov ving towards mo ore student centeered learning. Schools S still neeed growth in theese areas, but c coaching and deevelopment is beeing provided to o schools. • Schools continue receiv ving monthly feeedback around strengths s and priiority areas for growth g once a m month. I Issues/Concern ns/Requests The district conttinues to commu T unicate with all stakeholders arround the missio on & vision of th he program andd success. Secon ndary students b benefit from a lo onger school yeear, longer days, intensive 2-on--1 math tutoring g and a double dose d of class tim me for the subjeccts in which they y a struggling th are he most. Elemen ntary schools wiill not have an extended e school year or longer school s days, butt they will offerr high dosage m tutoring fo math or fourth-graderss and Saturday school s for studeents who need th he most help in math m and/or reaading. Funding the t effort is a c concern and therefore the district continues to seek s additional private donation ns. This year ou ur transformationn effort initiativ ve earned the e endorsement of the Greater Hou uston Partnershiip, which is the city’s largest bu usiness advocaccy organization. We expect this to increase our a ability to raise funds. fu Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 3. Rigorous Insttructional Stand dards and Suppo orts 3 3.5 Implement a compreheensive literacy (reading) prog gram in grades pre-k through h 12 Main Element Progress 3.5.1 Develop a comprehensivee PK-12 Literacy 3 y Plan to ensuree all students hav ve the necessary y literacy skills to be c college and careeer ready 3.5.2 Establish PK-12 3 P reading standards s acrosss the district to be b used in the id dentification of above-, a on- and belowg grade level read ders 3 3.5.3 Develop and a implement an a aligned districctwide student literacy l pathway y to meet the needs of individuaal students a each grade lev at vel 3 3.5.4 Implementt PK-12 standarrd districtwide screening and prrogress monitoriing reading asseessments to ensuure students r read on- or abov ve-grade level 3 3.5.5 Provide diifferentiated and d ongoing trainin ng to teachers, campus c leadersh hip teams and diistrict administrrators on h to implemeent, monitor and how d support literacy y framework A Accomplishmen nts Completed Phasse 1 of our Literracy Plan work. The feedback received was possitive. Stakehold C ders included Elementary SIOss, Principal Ad H committee,, elementary and Hoc d secondary literracy coaches, an nd Central Officce academic dep partments. Readding documents were developed d f parents that describe what sttudents should know for k and be able to do by the end e of the each grade g level, in ggrades K-12. An n ongoing trainin ng i initiative was laaunched to faciliitate quality imp plementation of new reading adoption including g coaching and mentoring, mod del lessons, and c classroom suppo ort. The training g is to be provid ded by instructio onal specialists and a curriculum specialists. s A ddistrictwide textb book selection c committee deveeloped a process for Pre-K, lang guage arts, and ESL E adoptions. We plan to imp plement the texttbook selection process p in the faall 2 2011. P Planned for nex xt period T activities we The w will be underttaking in the nex xt reporting periiod will includee: Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q • • • • “Literacy y” will be the um mbrella that all other disciplinees will integrate as reading is the threshold skilll for success forr all others. Develop p action steps forr literacy plan frramework throu ugh committee work. w Develop p implementation n plan for literaccy work. Develop p a training plan to support scho ool staff in the im mplementation. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 3. Rigorous Insttructional Stand dards and Suppo orts 3 3.6 Implement a compreheensive Numera acy/mathematiccs program in grades g pre-k th hrough 12 Progress Main Element 3.6.1 Provide eq 3 quitable instructtion by establish hing districtwidee Numeracy targ gets to ensure th hat all students aare c college/career reeady 3.6.2 Develop an 3 a aligned, distriictwide Numeraacy Coaching Model, M targeted to o meet the need ds of teachers annd students a each grade lev at vel 3 3.6.3 Provide diifferentiated and d ongoing trainin ng to teachers, principals, p Scho ool Improvemen nt Officers, and oother s stakeholders on how to implem ment, monitor, an nd support Num meracy instructio on 3 3.6.4 Develop and a implement districtwide d form mative assessmeents and providee guidelines and standards of practice for t targeted interven ntion, based on assessment dataa A Accomplishmen nts Launched in thee fall, the Housto L on ISD Math Sttars program is an a experimentall fifth grade matthematics incenttive program deeveloped in p partnership with h Harvard’s Edu ucation Innovation Laboratory and a funded by a private foundattion. Student annd parent particiipation in the H HISD Math Starrs program remaains strong. At the end of four pay periods, 98 8 percent of Matth Stars studentss in 25 treatmen nt schools have e earned incentivee pay through deemonstrating mastery of mathem matics objectivees. More than 85 8 percent of Maath Stars parentts have attended d c conferences with h their children’s mathematics teachers. Studeents in Math Staars treatment sch hools have masttered twice as many m objectives as a c control group sttudents over the course of the prrogram thus far. Students’ hard d work appears to be paying off ff. Preliminary data d suggest a p positive correlattion between Acccelerated Math h objective masteery and student performance on n the middle-of--year assessmen nts. P Planned for nex xt period The activities we T w will be underttaking in the nex xt reporting periiod will includee continuing the work with num meracy through an a integrated l literacy umbrellla. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 4. Ensure data-d driven accountaability What we will do W o B Build robust sysstems and proceesses that enablee easy access to and use of key data d to inform decisions d and manage high leveels of performan nce d districtwide. Why we will do it W C Currently, relev vant data on stu udents, teacherrs, and achievem ment are difficcult to access, often o not up-too-date, and not always accurate. F Furthermore, maany people acro oss the district laack the expertisee to use data to make m decisions.. This creates an opportunity T o to arm a HISD leadeership with accessible, timely an nd accurate dataa and provide thhem with the traiining necessary to u understand how w to translate datta into action. By B doing so, wee will get betterr at making the key decisions tthat affect the peerformance of the t d district. Fundin ng for this initiattive is focused on o Phase 1, whiich includes min nimal training and a will providee initial reports. Training beyon nd P Phase 1 is a mullti-year program m of training and d learning throug gh use. What we will rep W port T following Strategic The S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in th he strategic plan n w fidelity? It measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for f each Key Sttrategies in supp port of the overaall Core Initiativ ve. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color ind dicators are used d to as an idicatiion of whether administration a iss o track to accomplish a Key Strategy’s quarteerly goals. A “G on Green” indicator means the diistrict has made acceptable prog gress with respeect t budget, scopee and timeliness. A “Yellow” in to ndicator mean ns the district haas identified risk k with respect too one or more aspects. a A “Red d” i inidcator means progress has stopped or hass a significant deficiency. As th he Strategic Direection builds a ffoundation towaards achieveing t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 4. Ensure data-d driven accountaability 4 Build easily 4.1 y accessible and d accurate data a architecture, warehouse, w and d technology in nfrastructure Main Element Progress 4 4.1.1 Create a data warehouse with w business in ntelligence interfface 4 4.1.2 Implementt a data quality and data stewarrdship program 4 4.1.3 Re-skill an nd implement IT T infrastructure that supports th he District Accomplishmen A nts A new Chief Teechnology Inform mation Officer (CTO), ( Arnold Viramontes, V waas hired and willl report directly to the superinteendent. He will o oversee both thee Technology an nd Research, and Accountabilitty divisions. (( The iniitial phase of thee Information Security S Program m is in progress, with $2MM in initial funding secured. IBM Security S Servicees c consulting engagement is underrway. Penetration Test is comp plete and a reporrt has been deliv vered for accepttance by HISD. An interim CIS SO ( (Chief Information Security Offficer) from IBM M was brought in n to lead the seccurity program. Substantial addiitional investmeent ($10- 15 m million) will lik kely be required for this effort. ISS engagemen nt also involves a data security assessment a and strategy program m. Workshops a underway with are w key district stakeholders s to catalog the dataa elements of HIISD, drive owneership, develop standards and policy, p and i implement them m. (( The RF FP requirementss were finalized d for a Student Assessment A tool as part of Instru uctional Applicaations Architectu ure. It is awaitin ng a approval by cab binet prior to mo oving forward. Goal G is to have Pilot in 4Q11 an nd tool rollout in i 1Q12. Formattive Assessmentt was a key areaa m mentioned by th he CGCS audit recommendation r ns. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Initiative 4.1.3 3 consists of sevveral independen nt efforts. Acco omplishments forr these independ dent workstream ms are below: ((4.1.1) Currently y, critical data on o student and teeacher performaance is housed in various locations, requiring eextensive manuaal effort and tim me t pull together relevant and useeful reports to in to nform decision making by lead dership across th he district. To remedy this, HISD D will create a c central repositorry where all crittical data will bee stored. The iniitial bids for thiss effort were recceived and are rready for presentation to the B Board for appro oval in 3Q10. ((4.1.2) Initial an nalysis of emplo oyee and studentt subject data arreas indicates that a 1-2 year efffort to clean andd structure data is i required before a sustainable daata repository caan be built. For instance, i historiccal student reco ords are not in co onsistent formatts throughout th he district. Data s such as course, teacher, t transcriipt and state cod ding data elemen nts are not consistently represen nted, preventingg effective data analysis. Each s school can havee different class period structurees. Estimated co ost of the effort is $7MM in thee first year, $3.44MM in the seco ond and third y years, and $1.8 MM M per year on n an ongoing baasis. (( In supp port of a 21st cen ntury learning environment, e HIISD needs to dev velop a special type t of instructiional application n called a c collaborative en nvironment, whiich will allow sttudents, teacherss, and administrrators to work on nline more prodductively across a common p platform. A succcessful collaborrative system pillot was conductted at Lamar HS S. This solution is ready for scalling to the wholle High School as a a expanded pilot test. an (( In ordeer to support thee transition to neew IT architectu ures, HISD mustt revamp its exissting IT architeccture in areas su uch as network c connectivity and d information seecurity to ensuree that the supporrting infrastructture in place is safe, s secure, andd easy to access.. A high-level n network design and architecturee for a new netw work was complleted, an RFP reeleased, and ven ndors finalized. W Work continuess to secure federral f funding in suppo ort this effort. Some S funding fo or past eRate yeears has been approved. eRate Year Y 14 470s weere finalized on 3/22. The d district is interviiewing Project Managers M and Sr. S Network Eng gineers for the network n implemeentation projectt. Matching fund ds for E-rate s schools is aroun nd $10MM. Thee funds required d to upgrade sch hools not funded d through E-Ratee are estimated at $12MM-$20M MM. Planned for Neext Period P T new CTO will The w start in early y April. The disstrict will contin nue the work in support of the Information Secuurity Program such as c conducting dataa security and go overnance workshops. Work wiill be done to secure additional funding. T administration will be askeed to approve the Student Assesssment requirem The ments. We will also a continue to work to acquiree eRate funds f from past years.. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Needed to move Red to Yellow N w T majority off the efforts requ The uire funding to secure s qualified resources and im mplement projeects. The districct needs to initiaate a data quality y p program in supp port of creating a central data reepository that will be used to pu ull together relev vant and useful reports to inform m decision m making by leadeership across thee district. The district d needs to determine d prioriity of IT infrastrructure projects and feasibility given current r resources and fu unding. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q S Strategic Direcction Managem ment Report C Core Initiative: 4. Ensure Data – Driven Accou untability 4 Develop and 4.2 d implement peerformance ma anagement toolls and practicess for decision-m making Main Element Progress 4.2.1 Adapt Boaard Monitoring System to createe a dashboard th 4 hat provides a sn napshot of the most m important ddistrict p performance meeasures 4 4.2.2 – 4.2.6 Creeate a dashboard d that summarizzes important peerformance metrrics for key distrrict leadership 4 4.2.7 End User Training T Accomplishmen A nts T Board Mon The nitoring System metrics were discussed and rev viewed at the ann nual Board retreeat in January. A MSDF Found dation grant to s support perform mance managemeent in the districct concluded sm moothly with work transitioned to t HISD staff gooing forward. For those central o office employeees participating in i ePerformancee Phase II, midy year conversatio ons occurred and d work continuees in aligning theeir individual g goals with thosee of their departm ment and the disstrict. Planned for nex P xt period W Work on the Bo oard Monitoring System will co ontinue. In additiion, end-of-yearr performance reeviews through the ePerforman nce pilot are s scheduled for th he spring/summeer 2011. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 4. Ensure Dataa – Driven Accou untability 4 Design Effeective and Efficcient Business Processes 4.3 P and Procedures P for Optimization of o Resources an nd Results Main Element Progress 4.3.1 Design and 4 d implement efffective and efficcient processes for f selecting, ob btaining, and evaaluating instructtional s services and maaterials 4 4.3.2 Design pro ocesses for scho ools to evaluate and share experriences about veendors 4 4.3.3 Define a business b processs for the procureement of servicees and materials off the recomm mended vendor liist Accomplishmen A nts I this period we finalized all su In ubject program questionnaires for f acquiring In nstructional Prod ducts and Servicces. We also dessigned and agreeed t link the Instru to uctional Productts & Services Questionnaires Q to o the Supplier Registration R proccess. Finally, wee developed an Instructional I P Products & Serv vices on-line app plication so thatt Suppliers are able a to completee these questionn naires and subm mit them electron nically to the c corresponding specialist in the Curriculum C Dep partment for theeir vetting and teesting. IIn addition, we developed d the District’s D ScoreC Card application n, which can be found on the Prrocurement Servvices website. This application w designed fo was or schools to ratee and comment on the success or o disappointmeent in the produccts and services they have acqu uired and e experienced. SccoreCards will also a have the preeviously rated Suppliers S so thatt other campuses can view the S Suppliers’ rating gs prior to their a acquisitions of the t same produccts and services.. Finally, we desiigned the Instrucctional Productss & Services Ev F valuation Busineess Process. Thiss illustrates the Curriculum Dep partment’s e evaluation proceess once they reeceive the complleted questionnaaires. P Plans for Next Period Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q IIn the next perio od, we plan to update u the Produ uct Spend Categories so they match m the study programs p on thee Instructional Products P & S Services Questio onnaires, thus th hese costs can be b tracked and ev ventually linked d with performaance. Finally, we are making F m plans fo or ongoing Supp plier Fairs that will w provide supp pliers with a forrum to showcasee their products and services, w while providing g the District witth a learning lab boratory to test and a interact with h the various sup pplier offerings. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Dire ection Managgement Report Core Initiative: 5. Culture of Trust Through Action C W What we will do We will put in place W p structures, processes, and methods to ensu ure that we havee effective two-way communication to engage both internal an nd e external stakeho olders, including g staff, parents, and community y members. W we will do Why d it A powerful sensse of community y and a shared direction d among g all stakeholderrs is crucial to th he successful traansformation of HISD. Yet, wee k know that curren nt communicatiion structures in n place are insuff fficient to foster authentic engag gement. During the process of developin D ng the Strategic Direction, we have h attempted to t begin the mov vement toward a communicatio ons approach thaat i more interactiive and transparrent. Throughou is ut dozens of meeetings, commun nication emerged as a clear areaa for improvemeent. Thousands o stakeholders shared concernss, ideas, and sug of ggestions on how w we can impro ove. Taking all th his valuable feeedback into acco ount, we designeed t strategies th two hat will enable us u to revamp ourr communicatio on so we can eng gage internal an nd external audieences in meanin ngful ways and e ensure we have authentic two-w way communicaation. By doing so, s we will prov ve our commitm ment to change, rre-build trust an nd confidence, an nd s start a new era in our communiccation and relatiionship with HIISD’s broad com mmunity. W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in th he strategic plan n w fidelity? It measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for f each Key Sttrategies in supp port of the overaall Core Initiativ ve. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color ind dicators are used d to as an idicatiion of whether administration a iss o track to accomplish a Key Strategy’s quarteerly goals. A “G on Green” indicator means the diistrict has made acceptable prog gress with respeect t budget, scopee and timeliness. A “Yellow” in to ndicator mean ns the district haas identified risk k with respect too one or more aspects. A “Red d” i inidcator mea ans progress hass stopped or hass a significant deeficiency. As th he Strategic Direection builds a ffoundation towaards achieveing t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Dire ection Managgement Report Core Initiative: 5. Culture of Trust Through Action C 5 5.1 Develop p effective, timeely, two-way co ommunication for f internal sta akeholders Main Element Progress 5.1.1 Esstablish structures and protocolss for disseminatting information n to and from intternal stakeholdders 5.1.2 Usse a variety of methods m to comm municate with in nternal stakehollders 5.1.3 Bu uild capacity to ensure implemeentation of timely, effective, tw wo-way commun nication 5.1.4 Deefine and implem ment methods to o evaluate effecctiveness of internal communicaations Accomplishmen A nts D During this perio od, work continu ued on the redessign of the HISD D website. New pages were creaated for the buddget crisis, goverrnment relationss, an nd State of the Schools S event. In I addition to the print version, an enhanced, on nline version off the 2010 Annuual Report was created c that in ncluded live link ks to relevant web pages and videos. Eighty sch hools are in the first cohort thatt is implementinng Schoolwires, web hosting an nd co ontent managem ment system, and d as of March 31, 26 schools haave participated d in training. Additional videos hhighlighting sch hools and prrograms have been produced an nd posted on thee district’s webssite. A Legislativ ve 101 worksho op was cablecastt and streamed on o the web. A live, call-in TV show s on the bud dget crisis also was w held. The reevamped HISD TV T News Updaate has been inteegrated into the employee e eNew ws an nd promoted on n the main page of the district website. w ded with regularr updates on critical issues and initiatives, i inclu uding the budgett crisis, effectivee teacher Staff members haave been provid nitiative, and maagnet review. Prrincipals were provided p with co omprehensive materials m in multiple languages— —including talkiing points, fact in sh heets, Connect Ed E scripts, and sample s letters— —to support theirr communication ns efforts aroun nd critical issuess. These resources and more aree av vailable to princcipals on the new wly established Principal Resou urce page on thee employee porttal. In addition, all principals arre being provideed Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q with a weekly Co w ommunications Update summarrizing helpful in nformation and resources r that th hey can share w with their school communities. T Three training seessions were held for principals on developing and maintaining g community paartnerships. To ffurther build cap pacity, trainingss on n writing and efffective commun nications have been b conducted with a cohort of assistant princcipals. Thirteen Commu T unity Conversatiion meetings weere held to keep staff, parents, and a community members updatted on the budgeet crisis. Multiplle seessions were sch heduled to be co onvenient for em mployees. A seriies of meetings focusing on thee magnet review w also were held. Monthly m meeting with all principals and the t principal ad hoc group havee provided additiional opportunitties for face-to-fface, two-way communication. c Planned for nex P xt period W Work is progresssing on the district strategic com mmunications pllan; it will be co ompleted in spriing 2011. Effortts will continue to strengthen th he em mployee electro onic newsletter and a the employeee portal. Planniing has begun fo or development of a toolkit for senior staff thatt outlines sttandard commun nications protoccols and processses and providess useful resourcees. A webinar fo or principals on building comm munity partnerships is neearing completio on and will be available a next qu uarter. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Strategic Dire ection Managgement Report C Core Initiative: 5. Culture of Trustt Through Action n 5 Develop efffective, timely, two-way 5.2 t comm munication for external e stakeh holders Main Element Progress 5 5.2.1 Establish structures s and prrotocols for dissseminating inforrmation to and from f external stakeholders 5 5.2.2 Use a varieety of methods to t communicatee with external stakeholders s 5 5.2.3 Build capaacity to ensure im mplementation of timely, effecttive, two-way communication 5 5.2.4 Define and d implement meethods to evaluatte effectiveness of external com mmunications Accomplishmen A nts D During this perio od, work continu ued on the redessign of the HISD D website. Efforrts related to thee website redesiggn positively im mpact both in nternal as well as a external stakeeholders by increeasing transpareency while ensu uring all stakeho olders receive thhe same timely and a accurate in nformation. New w pages were created for the bu udget crisis, government relation ns, and State off the Schools eveent. In addition to t the print version, an enhan nced, online verrsion of the 2010 0 Annual Reporrt was created th hat included livee links to relevannt web pages an nd videos. Eightty scchools are in thee first cohort thaat is implementiing the Schoolw wires web hostin ng and content management m systtem; as of Marcch 31st, 26 schoo ols have participated d in training. Ad dditional videos highlighting sch hools and progrrams have been produced p and posted on the disstrict’s website. A L Legislative 101 workshop w was cablecast and strreamed on the web. w A live, call--in TV show on the budget crisiis also was held d. The revamped d H HISD TV News Update has been n integrated into o the community y eNews and prromoted on the main m page of thee district websitte. Multimedia reesources in multtiple languages, including a bro ochure, fact sheeet, and video, were developed to o inform and enngage parents at the 11 Apollo ellementary schoo ols. Thirteen Commu T unity Conversatiion meetings weere held to keep parents, commu unity members, and staff updatted on the budgeet crisis. Multiplle seessions were sch heduled with wo orking parents’ schedules in miind. A series of meetings m focusiing on the magnnet review also were w held. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 3rd January ‐‐ March 2011 Q Ongoing meeting O gs have been helld with strategicc partners, inclu uding civic, business, and faith-b based organizattions to keep theem apprised of diistrict initiativess. Twenty-two Parent P Prep Acaademy workshop ps were held Jan nuary through March. M Several initiativees were launched d to that providee targeted outreaach to HISD’s Latino L and Africcan American coommunities. A weekly w 30m minute segment on o KCOH radio o began in Octob ber 2010; to date, 18 segments have h aired. Sincce January 2011, the Office of Communication C ns has been providin ng a weekly artiicle to African American A News and Issues for the t print and onlline editions. Thhe district has en ntered into a da 1010AM wheereby HISD will be participatin ng in a bimonthlly, 30-minute tim me slot hosted by b partnership with Univision Radio’s La Tremend R Renzo Heredia to o discuss topics of interest. In addition, a Univisiion TV airs weeekly news segmeents titled Educaate: Es el Momeento that are w written and produ uced by HISD. An A HISD Twittter feed in Spaniish was launcheed, and a Spanish h weekly newsccast will premierre in April 2011 1. T biannual parrent and commu The unity survey wass finalized and will w be administered by phone; this year, a webb version also will be available. Planned for nex P xt period W Work is progresssing on the district strategic com mmunications pllan; it will be co ompleted in spriing 2011. An edducation summitt for faith-based d grroups across thee city is being pllanned for later in the spring. The T parent newslletter will be lau unched in May w with a special en nd-of-year ed dition. In additio on, work is conttinuing on development of a pillot “neighbor-to o-neighbor” cam mpaign to dissem minate informatiion about issuess afffecting the disttrict. Green indicates ac G cceptable progress Yellow indicates a concern with timeline, budget and scope Reed indicates a deficciency in time, bud dget or scope