Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 Strategic Dire ection Managgement Report Core Initiative: 1. Effective Teacheer in Every Classro C oom W What we will do Our district emp O ploys about 12,7 700 teachers in almost a 300 diffeerent schools, an nd we are puttin ng into place a thhoughtful, bold,, systemic, and c comprehensive plan p of action th hat will dramatically transform the district’s hu uman capital sysstems and ensurre that a highly effective e teacherr i in place in eveery one HISD’ss classrooms. Th is his includes a grrassroots, aggreessive recruitment plan, with a ffour-phase selecction process. W we will do Why d it We are committted to improving W g student achiev vement across ou ur district, and research r tells uss that teachers arre by far the mo ost powerful s school-based facctor in a child’s academic succeess or failure. Specifically, S stud dies have shown n that students w who had very efffective teacherss f three years in for n a row were ab ble to improve th heir performancce on standardizzed tests by moree than 50 percennt in comparison n to students wh ho h three ineffecctive teachers in had n a row (Sanders and Rivers, 19 996). W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in the t strategic plaan w fidelity? Itt measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for each Key Strategy in suppo ort of the overalll Core Initiativee. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color indicators are useed as an idicationn of whether adm ministration is on o t track to accomp plish a Key Strattegy’s quarterly goals. A “Greeen” indicator means the distrrict has made accceptable progreess with respect to b budget, scope an nd timeliness. A “Yellow” indiccator means the district has identified risk with w respect to oone or more aspeects. A “Red” i indicator means progress has stopped or hass a significant deficiency. As th he Strategic Direection builds a ffoundation towaards achieving th he d district’s goals over o a multi-yeaar period, not alll Key Strategiess will have inforrmation to comm municate in a givven period. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 Strategic Dire ection Managgement Report C Core Initiativee: 1. Effectivee Teacher in Every E Classro oom Key Strattegies Progress 1 Strengthen 1.1 n recruiting an nd staffing po olicies and praactices to attraact top talent 1 Establish a rigorous and 1.2 d fair teacher appraisal system 1 Provide efffective, indiv 1.3 vidualized sup pport 1 Offer careeer pathways and 1.4 a differentiiated compenssation A Accomplishmen nts In n this period, Teeacher Recruitm ment and Selectio on focused theirr efforts on recru uiting and selecting talent for m midyear vacancies, as well as en ngaging potential talent for the 2012-2013 scho ool year. Recru uiters worked dirrectly with principals to ensuree that top candid dates were m matched by princcipal preferencee to increase effiiciency and effectiveness in the hiring process. As of Friday D December 9, 201 11, we have hosted 56 teacherr recruitment ev vents (both publlic and on colleg ge campuses), an nd have selected d 153 teacher foor the pool. Teaaching positions accross the districct are 99% staffeed with only 80 vacant teaching g positions. The Associate Teeachers departm T ment and has speent a significant amount of timee redesigning thee selection criteria for these roles. Because asssociate teacherrs represent 10% % of our teaching g force on any given g day, it is essential e that wee uphold an unparallel level of quality q for thesee th em mployees. In th his quarter, we have h added 263 Associate Teach hers, as fill rates continue to bee in 80 percentiile. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 C Core Initiativee: 1. Effective Teacher in Every E Classroo om (cont’d) P Planned for Nex xt Period For next period, in Teacher Recrruitment and Seelection, we willl aggressively reecruit teacher caandidates to movve towards our goal g of creating a h qualified d teacher candidaates for principaals’ teacher staff ffing needs. pool over 1,000 highly The Associate Teeacher team willl continue to scrreen and hire asssociate teacherss to better meet the needs of schhools. In order to seek above a T 95% fill rate, we will need appro oximately 2,600 0 teachers in the Associate Teaccher pool. We currently c have 1,916 Associate Teachers in the th n an 80 percenttile fill rate. Both teams will work aggressively y by hosting sev veral recruitmennt and screening g events to work k pool, resulting in to owards our goalls. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort C Core Initiative: 2. 2 Effective Princcipal in Every Sch hool W What we will do We are going to W o make sure that we have a high hly effective prin ncipal at the heaad of every scho ool. To do that, we will improv ve our recruiting g s system to be mo ore aggressive in n recruiting talen nted individualss into principal positions, p startin ng with our ownn internal pipelin ne of best p performing teachers and assistaant principals, an nd supplemented by strong exteernal candidatess. We will also pprovide all of ou ur principals wiith t ongoing sup the pports, careful ev valuations, and individualized professional p dev velopment they need while alsoo placing all the necessary tools at t their disposal to o lead their schools into becomin ng the best in th he nation. W we will do Why d it There is a broad T d consensus amo ong educational experts that hav ving an effective principal at th he head of everyy school is of utm most importancee t assuring studeent success. Th to he more challeng ging and/or und derprivileged thee student populaation in the schoool, the more this is true. In H HISD, we have ample evidencee of this, as theree is broad variattion in the on-traack-to-college-rreadiness rates oof our elementarry, middle, and h high school stud dents, even among schools with h very similar po overty levels. W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in the t strategic plaan w fidelity? Itt measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for each Key Strategy in suppo ort of the overalll Core Initiativee. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color ind dicators are used d as an idicationn of whether adm ministration is on o t track to accomp plish a Key Strattegy’s quarterly goals. A “Green” indicator means the district has made accceptable progress with respect to t b budget, scope an nd timeliness. A “Yellow” indiccator means the district has identified risk with w respect to oone or more aspeects. A “Red” i indicator meeans progress haas stopped or hass a significant deficiency. d As th he Strategic Dirrection builds a foundation towaards achieveing t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort C Core Initiativee: 2. Effectivee Principal in Every School Key Strattegies Progress 2.1 Design n and implemeent a rigorouss, fair principaal appraisal sy ystem 2.2 Develo op clear standaards and recom mmended praactices to guid de decision -m making 2.3 Strengtthen principall recruiting prractices 2.4 Establiish a compreh hensive instrucctional leaderrship program m to develop an nd retain top ttalent Acccomplishmentts Ov ver this period we w have re-starteed an advisory group g of school leaders to drivee the remaining decisions regardding their new appraisal a system m, inccluding the meaasures of studentt learning and th he appraisal process. We have also updated thee timeline to refflect January traaining on the new w rub bric and a full ro ollout of the new w appraisal systtem this summerr. Also, over th his period, we worked to improvve systems for providing p support forr school leaders such as the creation of four additional coursess that are design ned to assist with h strategic decission-making relaated to teacher rettention and deveelopment such as a Lessons Learn ned from File Review, R Pitfalls of o Documentatio on, Investigationns (II), and Con ntracts (II). We haave recruited ano other cohort of principals p who will w participate in i the popular Strategic S Marketting Program wiith Rice Universsity which equip ps priincipals with criitical skills and strategies to maarket their schoo ols and commun nities. Ov ver this period, we w began inducction support forr the district’s 42 2 new principalss, and 57 new assistant principaals and deans. We W also launcheed thee first ever Teaccher Leadership Academy desig gned to provide training and sup pport for teacheers who desire too become first tiime assistant priincipals. The co ohort consists of 26 teachers. To T date, two teacchers have been hired as assistaant principals. W We also received d 93 application ns forr the UST MBE EA program; 15 potential admin nistrators will beegin the program m in January 2011. Attendees w will earn a Mastters in Business & Ed ducation Administration as welll as principal ceertification. Partticipants are exp pected to apply for positions as principals or asssistant principaals. W also launched We d a districtwide internship i progrram for aspiring principals; 24 elementary, e mid ddle and secondaary interns are receiving r intensee, peersonalized deveelopment which will prepare theem to apply for principal positio ons in the spring g. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 C Core Initiativee: 2. Effective Principal in Every E School (cont’d) Last, in this perio L od we added 6 principals p and 3 assistant princip pals (AP) into th he pool of which, 33% are bilinngual. There weere 43 principal ap pplicants and 14 41 AP/dean app plicants during th he October - Deecember 2011 tim me period. P Planned for Nex xt Period Over the next perriod, we will wo O ork to finalize th he design of the new system forr board of educaation review andd adoption targeeted for this sp pring, continue to work on align ning practices and a policies with h strategic decision-making, con ntinue our recruuitment and screeening efforts to in ncrease the num mber of candidatees including biliingual candidatees in the pool an nd collaborate with w McREL as w well as the Rew wards & A Accountability Department D to offfer school leadeer appraisal train ning over six daays in January 2012. 2 Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 3 3. Rigorous Instru uctional Standard ds and Supports W What we will do Redesign the co R ourse offerings, curriculum, c asseessment tests, an nd social/emotio onal supports prrovided in schoools throughout HISD, H with a p particular emphasis on giving all a students the same s access to educational e prog grams and opporrtunities, regarddless of which scchool they atten nd, a well as impro as oving instruction n for students att all levels. We will also implem ment a set of tarrgeted reforms iin order to turn around a HISD’s l lowest-performi ing schools. W we will do Why d it HISD has a num H mber of outstand ding academic programs and sup pports across th he district, but on n the whole doees not prepare sttudents for c college and careeer readiness. Our O scores show that, depending g on the grade, only o about 40 to o 70% of our stuudents are readin ng or doing math a grade level. In at I addition, stud dent EVAAS gro owth data show w a slowing of grrowth in mathem matics progress from the fifth to o sixth grades, r resulting in only y 18% of HISD eighth-grade stu udents successfu ully completing g Algebra I. The end result is thaat the majority of o HISD studentts w enroll in co who ommunity colleg ge require remed dial courses in their t first year. W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in th he strategic plan n w fidelity? It measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for f each Key Sttrategy in support of the overalll Core Initiative. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color ind dicators are used d as an indicatioon of whether ad dministration is o track to accomplish a Key Strategy’s quarteerly goals. A “G on Green” indicator means the diistrict has made acceptable prog gress with respeect t budget, scopee and timeliness. A “Yellow” in to ndicator mean ns the district haas identified risk k with respect too one or more aspects. a A “Red d” i indicator mea ans progress hass stopped or hass a significant deeficiency. As th he Strategic Direection builds a fo foundation towarrds achieveing t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiativee: 3. Rigorou us Instructionaal Standards and a Supports Key Stra ategy Progress 3 3.1 Provide equity in acceess to education nal programs 3 3.2 Develop p and implemeent an aligned standards-base s d curriculum and a assessmentt plan 3 3.3 Implem ment Response to t Intervention n model districtt-wide to proviide early, effecctive assistancee to children n 3 3.4 Transfo ormation Plan 3 3.5 Implem ment a compreh hensive literacy y (reading) prog gram in gradess pre-K through h 12 3 3.6 Implem ment a compreh hensive Numeraacy/mathematiics program in grades pre-K through t 12 Accomplishmen A nts T fall has seen This n a serge in interrest from our schools in both IB B and AP with many m new schoo ols at all levels llining up to partticipate. Many orrientations and workshops w havee launched this fall f with strong participation fro om HISD teacheers as reported iin the last Manaagement Report.. In n the spring, we are planning to o offer AP Semin nars at Rice Uniiversity to 250 Pre-AP/AP P teachers. In n this period we worked with alll secondary mag gnet schools to create a commo on magnet entran nce criteria by ttheme and by level. We are im mplementing new online data sy ystem (Program m Manager) in ou ur Student Inforrmation System to document annd track applicattions received as w as student magnet well m enrollment. Outreached continued throu ugh this period in the development of a revised Magent policy.. The employmentt of a Duputy Ch T hief Academic Officer O and addiitional Curriculu um & Instructio on staffmemberss has created a new n way forward d w the literacy programs of thee district. High expectations forr instructional delivery with d and imp plementation of the curriculum have been co ommunicated diistrictwide. In collaboration witth Teacher Deveelopment Speciaalists, assessmen nts and associatted blueprints th hat are aligned to o th he district curricculum’s scope an nd sequence hav ve been created and shared with h campuses. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 C Core Initiative: 3. Rigorouss Instructionall Standards an nd Supports (ccont’d) Curriculum docu C uments have beeen updated to incclude alignmentt to the Texas College & Careerr Readiness Stanndards and to th he Texas English h L Language Proficiiency Standardss. The Curriculu um & Instruction department is working with teams of HISD tteachers to deveelop a curriculum m th hat is standards-based and form med by the work of Margaret Killgo and Dr. Erviin Knezek. The Curriculum & IInstruction depaartment has addeed Sp pecial Education content speciaalists to the depaartment to faciliitate the collabo oration between the two departm ments and to asssist content areass in n creating curricculum that suppo orts inclusion cllassrooms. Sttrategies for diffferentiating insttruction and acccommodating div verse learners have h been added d to the curriculuum documents. After diisaggregating th he Fall District-L Level Assessmeent, data trend do ocuments were created and shaared to assist teaachers to interpreet data trends in n sttudent performaance on the assesssed standards and a to implemen nt strategies for intervention. Curriculum C & Innstruction person nnel are being hiired to filled vaccancies and prov vide additional support. The Response to Intervention teaam has changed T d departments an nd is now houseed within the Cu urriculum & Insttruction departm ment. In nterventions are in the process of o being aligned d and a module within w the Studeent Information Systems was deeveloped by a collaborative teaam co onsisting of reprresentatives from m Curriculum & Instruction, Sttudent Support Services S and Sp pecial Educationn departments. Training T on the H HISD Response to t Intervention model, m use of th he new Chancery y module and acction guideliness for Interventioon Assistance Teeam members will w taake place in Feb bruary 2012. Traainings on how to t differentiate instruction i for Teir T II and III reeaders, special education studen nts and ELL sttudents have beeen scheduled forr spring 2012 an nd participants are a currently reg gistering for the sessions The district has employed T e a Literacy Director to o focus on literaccy. We have lau unched ongoing training initiatiives to facilitate quality im mplementation of o new reading adoption a includiing coaching an nd mentoring, model m lessons, an nd classroom suupport. A districct textbook seelection committtee has begun th he process for Pre-K, P language arts, and ESL adoptions. a The district d has comm mitted funds to continue the prrogram and expand to include General G Educatiion and Special Education studeents. Additionaally, Phase 1 of tthe numeracy pllan has been co ompleted. The numeracy n targets have been com mmunicated in the form of “Blue Prints;” docu uments aligned tto all state, natio onal, and in nternational stan ndards, including g Texas Collegee and Career Reeadiness Standarrds, for use by parents p forunderrstanding studen nt expectations. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 C Core Initiative: 3. Rigorouss Instructionall Standards an nd Supports (ccont’d) P Planned for Nex xt Period In n the next period d we plan to ideentify magnet scchools in need of assistance and d develop a plan of action. We w will also develo op vertical allignment betweeen thematic elem mentary and seccondary program ms, develop currriculum alignmeent of "like proggrams" districtw wide, as well as heelp school admiinistrators and Magnet M Coordin nators develop th heir expertise in n their program through t the deveelopment of parrtnerships beetween thematiccally similar sch hools. Addition nally, we are collaborating with the Elementary y School Office tto develop the program p design of th he newly Board approved Mand darin Chinese Language Immerrsion School. Plans for an instrructional materiaals clearinghousse are in the inittial testing phasee with the next step s to present rresults for extern nal review. Literacy will con L ntinue to be the umbrella u that alll other disciplin nes become an in ntegrated. The professional p devvelopment plan schedule will be reeviewed by the district d leadersh hip in January 20 012. Using the recommendation r ns from the lead dership team, thee Director of Litteracy will recru uit prrofessional deveelopment trainerrs and negotiatee contracts, overrsee facility arraangements, and work w in collabooration with Proffessional Servicces an nd Developmen nt and Leadershiip Developmentt teams to coord dinate dates for the t trainings. Th he district made application for a pivitol state grrant and expectss to receive addiitional informattion in the next period p driving additional a workiin gin this area. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort C Core Initiative: 4. Ensure Data-driiven Accountabiliity W What we will do Build robust sysstems and proceesses that enablee easy access to and use of key data B d to inform decisions d and manage high leveels of performan nce d districtwide. W we will do Why d it Currently, relev C vant data on stu udents, teacherrs, and achievem ment are difficcult to access, often o not up-too-date, and not always accurate. F Furthermore, maany people acro oss the district laack the expertisee to use data to make m decisions.. This creates an opportunity T o to arm a HISD leadeership with accessible, timely an nd accurate dataa and provide thhem with the traiining necessary to u understand how w to translate datta into action. By B doing so, wee will get betterr at making the key decisions tthat affect the peerformance of the t d district. Fundin ng for this initiaative is focused on Phase 1 whiich includes min nimal training and a will providee initial reports. Training beyon nd P Phase 1 is a mullti-year program m of training and d learning throug gh use. W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in th he strategic plan n w fidelity? It measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for f each Key Sttrategy in support of the overalll Core Initiative. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color ind dicators are used d as an indicatioon of whether ad dministration is o track to accomplish a Key Strategy’s quarteerly goals. A “G on Green” indicator means the diistrict has madee acceptable prog gress with respeect t budget, scopee and timeliness. A “Yellow” in to ndicator meaans the district has h identified rissk with respect tto one or more aspects. a A “Red d” iindicator meeans progress haas stopped or hass a significant deficiency. d As th he Strategic Dirrection builds a foundation towaards achieveing t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort Core Initiativ ve: 4. Ensure Data-driven Accountability A y Key Strattegies Progress 4 Build easily accessible 4.1 a and accurate a data arcchitecture, wareehouse, and tech hnology infrastru ucture 4 Develop and implement perfformance manag 4.2 gement tools an nd practices for decision-making d g 4 Design Effecctive and Efficieent Business Pro 4.3 ocesses and Proccedures for Optiimization of Resources and Ressults Acccomplishmentts Mu uch of the activities in this repo orting period hav ve been focused d on completing g the district procurement process in acquiring the t business inttelligence and data d warehouse tools, t related con nsulting servicees and E-rate fun nded network an nd system hardw ware for schoolss. At its Seeptember 2011 meeting, m the Boaard of Education n approved $5.5 5M for the creatiion, acquisition and implementtation of a data warehouse, w bu usiness intelligen nce tool, data in ntegration tool an nd related consu ulting services. In conjunction with this, the diistrict was awarded approximately $70 0 million in Fed deral E-rate fund ds to help with the t upgrade of physical p network k and system haardware for 204 schools. In collaboration with h the new Inform mation Security Officer, hired in n November 2011, a plan for in nstituting a Dataa Governance Co ouncil has been draafted along with h a proposed listt of participants from across thee district. Th hrough early December, the Perrformance Manaagement team haas been working g with departmeents to shore up the processes arround data an nalysis and the development d of performance p goals. These perfo ormance goals will w translate to the t individual em mployee appraisal. The district haas facilitated oveer 40 meetings with w senior leadeers and managerrs to discuss perrformance objecctives, data meaasures and targett goals for the year as well as con nducted four Peerformance Man nagement trainin ng sessions for managers m to pro ovide an overvieew of the perform mance w the district. maanagement cyclee of activities within Fo or Key Strategy y 4.3, business processes and programs p have been defined and a all system components aree in place, how wever a change in leaadership in both h the Procuremen nt and Curriculu um areas has im mpacted our abiliity to move forw ward as plannedd. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 C Core Initiativee: 4. Ensure Data-driven D A Accountability y (cont’d) IIn the coming weeks w and mon nths, the team will w reconvene with w the new leeaders to validatte and verify thhe progress and status of what is a already complette. It is imperative that all decisions, processess, systems and procedures p are re-evaluated r andd that all parties have buy-in priior t rolling out to the schools and to d departments th hat are impacted d by Instructionaal Products and Services. P Planned for Neext Period IIn mid-to-late Jaanuary, the nextt period, we plan n to initiate the Phase P 1 data waarehouse and bu usiness intelligennce tool implem mentation a activities. We will w continue thee HISD Network k Re-design Pro oject and begin deployment d of E-rate E network eequipment in sch hools. In a addition, we willl deploy 51 mob bile carts to the transformation schools for insttructional use. Last, L we will inttegrate the techn nology roadmap p f dashboard deevelopment in order for o to summarrize performance metrics for disstrict leadership p such as departm ment heads, prin ncipals, SIOs, an nd d district administtrators. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort C Core Initiative: 5. Culture of Trustt Through Action n W What we will do We will put in place W p structures, processes, and methods to ensu ure that we havee effective two-way communication to engage both internal an nd e external stakeho olders, including g staff, parents, and community y members. W we will do Why d it A powerful sensse of community y and a shared direction d among g all stakeholderrs is crucial to th he successful traansformation of HISD. Yet, wee k know that curren nt communicatiion structures in n place are insuff fficient to foster authentic engag gement. During the process of developin D ng the Strategic Direction, we have h attempted to t begin the mov vement toward a communicatio ons approach thaat i more interactiive and transparrent. Throughou is ut dozens of meeetings, commun nication emerged as a clear areaa for improvemeent. Thousands o stakeholders shared concernss, ideas, and sug of ggestions on how w we can impro ove. Taking all this t valuable feeedback into acco ount, we d designed two strrategies that willl enable us to reevamp our comm munication so we w can engage in nternal and exteernal audiences in i meaningful w ways and ensuree we have autheentic two-way co ommunication. By doing so, we w will prove ourr commitment to change, re-bu uild trust and c confidence, and d start a new era in our commun nication and relaationship with HISD’s H broad co ommunity. W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in th he strategic plan n w fidelity? It measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for f each Key Sttrategy in support of the overalll Core Initiative. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color ind dicators are used d as an indicatioon of whether ad dministration is o track to accomplish a Key Strategy’s quarteerly goals. A “G on Green” indicator means the diistrict has made acceptable prog gress with respeect t budget, scopee and timeliness. A “Yellow” in to ndicator mean ns the district haas identified risk k with respect too one or more aspects. a A “Red d” i indicator meaans progress hass stopped or hass a significant deeficiency. As th he Strategic Direction builds a ffoundation towaards achieveing t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort C Core Initiativee: 5. Culture of o Trust Throu ugh Action Key Strattegies Progress 5.1 Develop D effecttive, timely, tw wo-way comm munication fo or internal stak keholders 5.2 Develop D effecttive, timely, two-way t comm munication fo or external staakeholders Acccomplishmentts W launched a cro We oss-functional workgroup w to meeet monthly witth communicatio ons representativ ves from variouus departments to t help integratee ou ur efforts to com mmunicate the Sttrategic Directio on and other inittiatives in a coh hesive, consisten nt way and ensurre that limited communications c s ressources are used d most effectiveely. We migrated 43 school websites to SchoolWires, which providees a more focuseed place for pareents, students, annd the local com W mmunity to find d infformation and communicate wiith the individuaal schools. The school s website provides p faster access a to the schhool-specific infformation, en nabling us to buiild community at a the local levell where people are a more involved and feel they y can make a diffference. We analyzed the final W f statistics fo or the Back to School S Fest held d in August throu ugh a partnershiip with the City of Houston at the t George R. Brrown Conventio on Center that seerved approximaately 45,000 stu udents, providing g free backpack ks, school suppliies, uniforms, im mmunizations, freesh produce, and d other resourcees. Approximateely $1.5 million n in-kind donatio ons and $158,00 00 in corporate ssponsorships weere raised with plaans already under way for next year’s event. We launched a co W ontent-rich multiimedia commun nications strateg gy around the ST TAAR test. We created a comm munications kit for f principals – wiith video, a Pow werPoint presenttation, talking po oints and handouts – to both ease the communiications processs and ensure a co omplete and co onsistent messag ge is shared with h internal and ex xternal audiencees. Principals aree currently utilizzing those resouurces during meetings with paarents. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope Quarter: 2nd Octt – Dec 2011 C Core Initiativee: 5. Culture of o Trust Throu ugh Action (co ont’d) We also provided W d simplified, com mmunity-focuseed presentationss for use by the Parent Engagem ment departmentt – along with a STAAR ov verview video containing c an ex xplanation of cu umulative scoress. All resources, along with sam mple questions, were posted to our o STAAR reesources websitee and, to ensuree access to all, an n updated STAA AR brochure waas mailed out to all families in O October. We organized an W nd covered six Community C Con nversations forum ms, where Dr. Grier G heard from m hundreds of paarents, students, employees, and d co oncerned citizen ns about what th hey’d like to seee for their childrren and for theirr schools. Turno out varied, but oon average, abou ut 150 people atttended each event and dozens engaged with Dr. D Grier on a mu ultitude of topiccs, which ranged d from school poolicy to food alllergies. The op pportunity for tw wo-way converssation was also an opportunity for immediate action a - participaants were directted to school offficials who weree on n site and ready y to help them. The T Communications Office traacked the issuess and reported on o the status of tthem. Planned for nex P xt period W are drafting a social media policy, We p which wiill be communiccated to all emplloyees, and a so ocial media impllementation plan n that will in ntegrate those to ools into our daiily workflow. We are in the pro W ocess of building g a prototype fo or the “Time to Talk” T toolkit, which w help paren nts set up meetinngs with other paarents to share in nformation and district-produceed resources. Th he content has been b written, and d the kit will bee ready for beta ttesting in Januarry 2012. We are in the pro W ocess of redesign ning the Friday eNews publicattion. We will esstablish a clear identity and ediitorial focus for the community an nd employee veersions. We will incorporate a video v player in the t design of thee newsletter to increase i visibility of our multim media projects, an nd shift toward more links and less text. We are a also evaluatin ng processes thaat will enable beetter metrics so we can maximizze the use of thiis vehicle. Green indicates accceptable progress Yellow indiccates a concern witth timeline, budgett and scope R Red indicates a deficiency in time, bud dget or scope